Should my ex have to help with school supplies?

In a perfect co parenting relationship he would be willing to help, but I think we all know there’s no such thing as perfect. Be grateful for the help you do receive and see where you can make adjustments in order to provide for your babes.

She needs to mind her business. Yes he should help


Absolutely he helped make then he ca support them

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Theyre called section 7 expenses where im from. Yes, he should. Depending on your court order… you should check. If you don’t have a court order, you should


She needs to stay out. He can help with school stuff.

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Not all step moms are like this and I’m sorry you got a fucked up one!
My husbands baby mama came to us a few weeks ago and told us she is having money problems and wouldn’t be able to get a lot of stuff for our girl and My husband and I told her do not worry at all, send us a list of everything she needs and we will grab it all!
Dad should have been the one to say something but he should also have split the cost

Send the kids with a list and have them tell him this is what they need. Maybe it not coming from you would help?

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I’m so glad both my daughters dads help out with school supplies an clothes when the weather changes my youngest dad just bought her over 300 in school clothes an her shoes I got her clothes her book bag an all her school supplies my big one I got some of her supplies her an clothes her dad is buying her shoes some clothes as well as her book bag


He should be helping. It is none of her business.


First off you should have asked her if she could live on $300.00 a mouth with a kid in school and tell her it’s none of her business to get involved she has no say in anything between your ex and kids I can’t stand greedy ppl take him back to court smdh :triumph:


She should not be voicing her opinion directly to you, it’s not her place. You and him have kids not you and her. However he already gives you money for the kids and it should go towards their school supplies. You having your hours cut is not his problem. Check your local churches and organizations that donate free supplies.

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He’s ordered to pay what he’s ordered to pay. He doesn’t have to pay more

I’ll let stimulus money that went around. All of that unemployment COVID-19 money $2400 a month plus the unemployment. I said women with children this was your come up.

I def don’t think it’s wrong you asked. I do however totally disagree with his new thang responding. Child support or not, those are his kids too. If it’s an every month type thing of asking I can understand. I have 4 kids and get no support. I’m really struggling to get the 3 of them theirs. He should understand that. She, should know it’s not her place.

Yes he needs to help he helped make the child

He should help. That $300 went to bills easily! You’ve just got a bitter girlfriend on your hands that’s it. I would totally help if I were him. He should WANT to help.

You get child support and that’s what is for as well so yes you are wrong for asking to have help with school supplies


None of her business and yes he should be . Send the child/ren with a list of what they need and maybe ask that way instead of asking for money? So his nosey Parker of a new missus shuts her cake hole and he can help provide for his kids school supplies, it’s not like your asking for money and spending it on narcotics and alcohol :woman_facepalming:


Well, she does have a point. Manage your money better…
If your kids need it that bad, instead of asking for more money, ask dad to shop, pay and deliver the school supplies to your house.


I know in my papers it lists school supplies and clothes and extra curricular activities as above and beyond child support. Check your paperwork. And if they say he gives child support plus half of school costs, he should pony up.


$300 a month isn’t any money! I literally am in the same boat except my ex stopped paying support almost a year ago!! Not to mention I’ve been taking care of all the responsibilities for 12yrs ! It has nothing to do with u planning better! Let’s see how much it would cost him to take care of 2 kids full time! We’re talking food, lights, shelter, clothing, etc!! $300 doesn’t even cover it! I’m so tired of guys thinking bc u get child support that it actually supports the child’s/childrens full on needs! Good luck mama bc he should def help


I feel like he should have been the one to talk to you, not her. But she is right, my son’s dad will help me if I need something which is very few and far between that I even ask him, it has to be pretty important or an emergency. But the child support is just that, it’s to support the child, it goes to bills and other needs. I do feel like it wasn’t wrong of you to ask though and I don’t see why he couldn’t help out. Done people are saying he is ordered to pay that and doesnt have to give more. No he doesn’t have to, but that’s we that a decent father would do if his children need something and mom is struggling, it’s not for you, it’s for them. I know I’m my area there are places that will help with school supplies just call your local job and family or ask around on Facebook pages that are for your area.

Chelsie Fenton nick vibes :rofl:

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I’m sorry I’m not being mean but that’s what child support is for what the child needs :heart:

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In a perfect world co parenting would be equal in all aspects. But unless you can have financials agreed on or altered, id say you’ll just need to make it work. Talk to the school and see what kind of arrangements you can

He should be helping and not have his girlfriend answering your text messages. $300 does not go far at all. I remember spending $99 for school supplies 8-9 years ago $99 x 2 kids? Those of you who think $300 a month child support for two kids are ridiculous and have your heads deep in the sand.


He pays child support and I’m guessing takes the kids he has done his part u shouldn’t be expecting more and honestly should be thankful he actually pays support


Lmao that’s a lot more then I get :joy: I get $0 for child support. I also hardly ask for help and get shit done on my own without complaining. I go without things and do me :woman_shrugging:t2:

Maybe you should revisit child support. Take him back to court


My ex is in penn and I get no help

Yes he should help you! That’s a added expense on your part that you wouldn’t normally have (outside child support). There is no reason why he can’t other than he dont want to.

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Tell him that he can provide half of the cost… shoes cost $50, he can pitch in $25, clothes/back pack ect he should help pay for half. Or he buys the shoes you buy the backpack/supplies, and each buy a couple outfits each.

Ask for a review on raising his child support! $300 mo is nothing for 2 young children and she damn sure shouldn’t be involving herself

I get $75. He doesn’t help with anything else, not extracurricular activities, not school supplies.

Unfortunately he doesn’t have to give you any more money legally. You can take him back to court and ask for more if need be. In a perfect world he would help, until then you can also speak to the school, they have programs etc.

He should be helping out. Those are his kids and he should lend a hand to help out when needed.

I would tell her that your not contacting her your talking to the parent of your kids and he can speak for himself.

Some of y’all must not buy school supplies for multiple kids because I promise it’s well over $300 in supplies, backpacks, new school clothes and shoes etc… I’m thankful my daughters step mom offered to buy her some school supplies and clothes to help out because she knows it’s a lot!


Child support is FOOD IN BELLIES & A ROOF OVER HEADS. Absolutely he should be paying half of school supplies, extracurriculars, etc.


You can either argue with people that don’t want to help, or just pick and choose your battles.

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Does your divorce state that all school, sports, ect… expenses are to be shared? If so and he’s not I’d take him to court to enforce it.

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I get $360 a month for my son. He doesn’t help with anything extra. Even to the point when he gets his weekend visitation I have to send him clothes, shoes, soap, and a toothbrush. He doesn’t help pay for any extracurricular activities or anything and I don’t ask. I agree that the other parent should help out even if they are paying child support because at the end of the day it’s whatever the kids need but some people don’t think like that. I’ll never ask him for anything extra because with or without him I’ll make it happen. Also I might add that I think my sons father would be a much better parent if it wasn’t for his wife who doesn’t work or do anything to help contribute to their family so it’s all left on him.

I understand child support but you want to know what his God damn kid too you should help with the school supplies I should not just say the father also the mother it rolls for reverse$300 does not cut it and today world today

Oklahoma goes by what both parents make. Most of the time the father is also responsible for insurance for the child.

U should be getting 300 a month per kid or atleast 250 each I would go back to court and ask for adjustment unless he works at taco bell or something

We pay 800 a month for one child, we do not give extra for school supplies. Besides we pay for everything she needs when she is with us. We have her 50% of the time.

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Fact is if he was a man he would want to make sure his kids had the things they need for school
Since you had to ask That tells me everything about him

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That’s disgusting that he thinks it’s okay for HER to respond and to tell you you won’t be getting anything else.
My boyfriend up until work schedules changed, had about 50/50 custody of his son and pays support. he and his ex wife split things mostly down the middle but if she doesn’t have the money for something their son needs, my boyfriend gets it bc at the end of the day, it’s not about the parents -it’s about the kids and what they need. They didn’t ask to be here or for their parents to not be together. As someone in the girlfriends place, she needs to mind her business. I’d never tell my bf he can’t buy something for his kid that he needs


Hell yes he should be helping you have two babies he should buy at least half. But I say all. The girl should not talk for him wait till someone does that to her, she is not going to like it. Those are yours and his children she needs to but out.


Y’all are missing the point. It’s not what you or your ex does or doesn’t do … the short answer is yes. He should be helping his children outside of payment when needed.

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I would text her ass back and tell her “that’s ok im going back to court for an increase cause this isn’t enough” betcha his ass get back on the phone then

School supplies, extra curricular activities, school fees, dental, etc are all extra on top of child support. At least that’s what I was told when I went to mediation in Canada.

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And Amazon has back to school school supplies and they are now on afterpay if thats an option

He should WANT to help and to be honest thats none of her business!


Don’t waste your time on the girlfriend. Call him.


My ex does school supplies. I do school clothes. Not included in child support. Supposed to be half extra curricular activities and have medical expenses

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You guys have two kids together if you need the help why not ask him?

New baby momma need to mind her business. $300 for 2 kids ain’t shit. He should help.

I’d be taking his ass back to court for more supports

No, thats what his child support is for so you need to budget for that. He legally doesn’t have to give you anything else. Like alot of women don’t seem to get the concept that men need to be able to support themselves and his other kids as well…too many women use their kids fathers as an ATM


Okay one that’s his partner not his baby momma you are his baby mama. Two he pays child support it may not be a lot but he pays it he is not obligated to pay anything extra, should he be willing to help out yes but he doesn’t have to.


I have 5 kids. Our oldest is my SO’s child from a previous relationship. He pays 600$ a month in child support for one child. We also have 50/50 and pay for all her needs when she’s at our house as well. But we still ask her if she needs our help with school clothes or supplies etc. if she needs a haircut we take her. Shoes we get them. Because at the end of the day it’s about our daughter. Not about her mom. Making sure she has what she needs and that she’s happy and thriving. I hope it gets better for you when it comes to communication and coparenting. It’s not her place to be replying to your messages about your daughter. I’ve always stayed out of it & kept my opinions to myself unless I spoke with my SO about my thoughts.


You should have had that put in your order. Many have where you split the costs of school supplies every year. Of course he should help. You may not be able to force him unless you go back and try to modify.

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Should’ve planned better :woman_shrugging:


He should step up because he loves his children. New baby mama should stay out of it.

My child support goes to what they need. Need socks? bookbag? sports registration? cleats? notebook? pencils . . . I pull out the child support card. If he happens to quit yet another job then oh well, yea I pay that stuff too. Everything else - bills, lights, car payment, gas, food, etc. is all me bcuz I’d be paying for those bills anyways if I were by myself - maybe not as much for food and on the electric bill but still. and afterschool care is also all me bcuz they’re there bcuz I’m still at work. I n.e.v.e.r. count on child support as things happen and he could be in an accident and that money would be gone in the blink of an eye :woman_shrugging:t2:

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First of all it’s not her business. It’s between you and your child’s father. He should help. It takes a lot to take care of children and he should help. It takes both parents and the kids needs to be put first. I would be upset too.


My ex pays $300 a month and I didn’t ask for help with her stuff. Her supplies are only $25 total for the 1st grade.


Uh yeah, she should not be texting you. Are his balls in her purse?

I get nothing from my kids dad. He doesn’t even call to talk to them. I buy everything. That is why you get child support.

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Why only 300? He doesn’t make make good money obviously, he has a family to take care already on top of the 300 he gives y’all’s kids. He probably can’t afford it.


All parents should help pay for school supplies and clothes. How it’s divided is up to the parents. I am on disability so I buy the actual supplies, her dad and step mom buy the bookbag and lunch box and her grandmother’s always buy the clothes. Child support is for what you already spent on the child the previous month INCLUDING anything to do with housing. 300 is better than nothing BUT it’s also nothing in this economy🤷‍♀️

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if your hours cut back and you need additional money because of that, go back to court.


All you saying she should have planned better grow up school supplies aren’t cheap and living is ridiculous atm and she lost some hours can’t exactly plan for that


You’re right on all accounts she needs to mind her damn business

I don’t know the whole situation, however I pay child support. If I choose to get my kids extra things they need at their father’s house that’s my choice, if he were to ask me to do something…No. He chose to take me to court for child support instead of working it out amicably like we had for 13 years, so that’s what he gets. Again, I don’t know your situation, but end of the day if the gf/ wife texted me like that… there’d be a major problem. I didn’t f*ck get to make those kids, I won’t be dealing with her about those kids.

300 probably barely covers the cost of the kids eating groceries all month long. I think it’s a reasonable request to have him help with the cost of school supplies. Even half the cost of their list of things would be something these children need and if he was still with her and not an ex he would be getting his children the school supplies they need so why shouldn’t he be expected to cover some of the cost of them since they split up.


I only have one daughter with my ex and he pays 388 a month (that’s based on minimum wage, he makes a lot more now but I won’t bring him back to raise) because A. He always provides health insurance and B. I can count on him to split stuff like that with me, anything for school, sports, etc like book fairs, school pics, extra curriculars, and field trips. And that’s with 1 child. He knows her child support helps me pay to keep the lights and house cool/warm, car insurance to keep her going to and from, gas. THATS what child support is for, to SUPPORT the child. Not to buy them toys and shit.

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It’s not really her business, but I don’t really blame her either. Where does the $300 he gives you for THEM go if you can handle your own?


Ok maybe unpopular opinion here but she is right. That is literally the point of child support. Just because your hours get cut at work doesn’t make him automatically responsible for picking up the slack. Sure, you can ask him if he’s kind enough to do it but if he says no then the answer is no. And if you feel like the expenses are increasing for the child and that he could do more then take it back in front of a judge and let him decide but if his hours got cut at work and he couldn’t afford his portion of child support there would be no sympathy for him. He is helping, he’s paying child support. Find a different job.


Yikes . Tell her to stay in her lane and she will soon be in your shoes but only getting much much less lol
Maybe request that he takes them half the time . So he is forced to do this . Make sure he has kids during school start up so he knows how hard it is .


I was told this same thing when my son’s dad paid 159$ a month in child support we had 50/50 custody and it states that everything else has to be split 50/50 Heath care extra curricular activities and other expenses I asked for help and was told the same thing I pay child support your not getting anything else and I didn’t even ask for money just for him to grab it if they want to be that way just keep everything don’t delete messages so if it gets to a point to go back to court at least you tried and can prove it


He shld be helping you with whatever he can not like your asking for a lot and to raise kids each month costs alot more then 600$ a month which wld be half his half 300$ a month I wld argue it it’s sad if he cldnt afford it to help with anything extra I get it but if he can he shld good luck momma

He should help but obviously isn’t required to. Nobody else but him should be responding when you are texting him about your child. If he wants her opinion he can consult her on his own time and respond when he makes his decision. I would go back to mediation or court or whatever is needed to re-evaluate what he pays in child support. Some people only know how to look out for their own best interest and not for their child.

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As the judge told my ex husband CS is his portion of providing mth 2 mth. That does not include back 2 school, bdays or any holidays observed. The petty me “Unless I procreated with you or text your phone you don’t exist to me so neither does this reply”:woman_shrugging:t5:


Take him back to court then and have the child support reevaluated/recalculated. I bet they’d up it and he’s be paying extra every month. That’s pretty ridiculous. You both had a child and are responsible for expenses. 300$ a month doesn’t cover shit and definitely isn’t half of what it costs to support a child. He could buy his child some clothes or shoes for school and you could probably swing the actual supplies needed for class. There should be no reason that is a problem.

Yes he should help why can’t people just co parent without all the b.s. its so sad. We actually split what we need to get.


There’s affordable ways to get school clothes and supplies. They don’t need $300 in supplies and clothes I’m sure. We get to choose one new outfit, shoes if needed and supplies. Shouldn’t be that much…and 300 every month, you could have saved up, as school starts each year. Have a separate account just for school expenses…or use the child support for the children ???


He should be helping. $300 in child support doesn’t even begin to cover half of the expenses related to making sure kids have what they need. I mean one shouldn’t have to chase anyone to do what is right by their kids. Unfortunately this scenario you put on here is very very common. IF this gal (new baby mama) was a decent human being that actually cared for the kids (besides her own blood) she wouldn’t have had such a reply. I mean she shouldn’t reply anything in the first place, that is a conversation that belongs between you and their dad. She can give him a piece of her mind in private and they gotta work out what their boundaries are going to be about these types of issues. It’s his job to put that baby momma in her place. I suspect he is the kinda of dude that likes to let the gal do his bidding for him. He doesn’t want to deal with it or be an adult and communicate with you about it. You probably won’t see an extra dime from him so reach out to local organizations in your community that may have back to school assistance for the school supplies, and buy what you can as far as clothes and shoes spread out over the next few weeks. Hugs. It’s hard being a single parent.


$300 for 2 kids??? First of all, I’d be taking him back to court, because that’s pocket change in this economy… Secondly, what kind of father or “step mom” would want their kids to go without just because they already pay support? I have a deadbeat baby daddy who dodges child support like nobody’s business & luckily my husband & I make due for all of the kids no matter the situation… But this bro & his lady need a wake up call. Take him back to court, be sure & include ALL school expenses, lunch fees, extra curricular activities, childcare fees, ect. & see how he likes paying way more a month. If he has even a half decent job, you’ll get more than $300 a month.

Adding for those saying “you should’ve planned better”- those are HIS kids too. Just because he chose to have another child with someone else, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be taking responsibility FINANCIALLY for the ones he already has. If he can’t afford to support more kids, the new lady should’ve been on birth control or dude should’ve wrapped it :woman_shrugging:


It would all depend on if he has any custody and the situation but child support is supposed to be for everything but it doesn’t hurt to ask for extra help it’s not like your in the wrong but like I said it depends if he sees her he should help a little on the side

300 for two kids doesn’t even cover their food never mind extra cost for housing, medical, clothing, sports, school supplies. He should be paying wayyyy more


He should definitely be helping and she should not be the one replying to your requests. Go back to court.


A change in income would be a reason to go to court for a modification in child support. Maybe ask the courts to put in that he pays for half of school supplies/fees, half of extracurricular activities ect. A lot of people don’t think about those things when making a parenting plan and figuring out support.

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He is supposed to pay half of everything. Child support is for basic living needs like shelter and food.

My daughters dad pays child support and ALWAYS helps with anything she needs. Even if its helping me put gas in the car to get her to school on my weeks with her. I also have two chdren and a husband. Her dad STILL helps with anything i need for her. He has never told me “that’s why i pay you child support”. It costs us about $350 per kid every year to get them everything they need for school. The monthly child support barely covers her basic monthly necessities. So he GLADLY helps pay for anything extra she needs. I think that’s how it should be.


Sooo much more to raising a child than $300/mo


Maybe you should have your child support raised. There needs goes up each year because they get a year older not younger.


This is crap. I hate when men think because they pay the bare minimum it costs to raise a child they are somehow off the hook from the extra expenses it costs. If a mother refused to buy something their children needed because she only spends a certain amount a month on her kids, people would be screaming neglect and calling her selfish. This is no different.


First off it’s not his new baby momma place to say a dang word. You need to go file again. $300 isn’t much to support 2 kids with.


My ex pays $200 a month just for 1. Plus if I ask for help and he can, he does. He knows it takes more than $200 a month to provide for a single child.