No he shouldn’t have to because he will need to feed them this week not you. Your bills are your responsibility not his.
Get a court order. The you don’t have to worry about him not paying enough/or too much.
Yes, it to go towards your child’s home life . Towards % food, bills, clothes, activities. That’s what child support is for Vacation is a luxury not a Necessity
But this is his kids… I don’t know why we wouldn’t pay because during these times. It’s good you have a bit extra saved. You never knoe what ca happen. I don’t get why people wouldn’t pay for their kids just cuz they have issue with the mum or dad.
Parents should do right by their kids. Maybe what you earn is not enough for them. Do you then starve them or do you and your spouse work harder?! Doing bare minimum for your kids is not okay. That is not what you should be thinking about when it comes to yor kids. Parents should want the best for their kids and so work harder. Even make personal sacrifices. There is no onus on your kids to have to live thru that struggle. We all strugfle when we become adults. At least try to let kids have a good and decent life before life fucks them over.
I think if its this much of an issue for you then you should go to court and have them decide what to do. My daughters dad and I have an agreement outside of court and he still pays child support even when he has her. He is the one that decided that because I have her for the majority of the year. She’s been with him since she got out of school and he has continued to pay child support.
My ex pays me the 1st of every month, it’s automatically taken from his paycheck. I send the money back to him when our daughters visit him. Also, his first ex wife pays him child support but when she has the kids for break, he doesn’t have her pay.
So your child support is a weekly agreement? He pays you weekly? But you won’t have them for the 7 days he will have them, if this is the case then no he shouldn’t, regardless of where he is staying he will have his own expenses for the children that you won’t have
It’s a ridiculous agreement for him to pay weekly. Why on earth is it not monthly? This would really help avoid issues like this in the future.
No he will have them why should he have to pay you when he has the kids doesn’t make sense to me
If you’re expecting money every week, you need a court order. But no I would not expect my kids dad to give child support that week, I’d rather him keep the child support and use it for the kids, which he’d have that week and would need the money for
I can’t believe the amount of women on here who don’t know that support is for any of the child’s needs, including rent and utilities. Please educate yourselves, you make yourselves look silly. Child support factors rent and bills into support payments because your child is a part of your household. Housing and bills are divided by the number of family members in the home, that take up space. If you didn’t have the child at all, you would have a smaller living space, home etc. They divide by the number of people in your home, then allow for half of that figured into the support. Example: if there are 4 people in your household and rent is 800.00. They divide the amount by 4, so 200 per person, if one of those are the child in question, they divide that child’s portion in half, making the other parents support expected for housing 100.00. They do this for utilities too. And food costs. All the rest is based on basic needs and childcare or medical for the child if needed. It is expected that the other parent provide half of the total costs related to raising the child. And that includes rent and utilities.
I personally wouldn’t pay for a week that I had the children and was paying for their care for that week. That money is for the kids, and he’s already paying for them. No sense paying twice.
get an order:sparkles:
Yes he should still have to pay. The house they live in with the lights and gas and water and whatever else is still there just because they’re not. Child support isn’t specifically for the food they eat or clothes they wear. It’s for anything you have to pay that keeps the house running.
If he has the kids for the week shouldn’t he use that money for the KIDS
In my opinion, no, he shouldn’t have to pay you for the time he has them. You may have ongoing bills, but so does he. And his cost of living will be higher when he has the kids with him, especially if he is taking them on vacation. It would be more important to me if it were my ex for him to have the extra funds to be able to give them a great vacation! I don’t understand why this concept is so hard to understand. I do agree that the noncustodial parent should pay to help support their kids if they don’t have them an equal amount of time, but if they are having the kids for an entire week, then no, he shouldn’t pay you for that week.
No of course he shouldn’t the expense of that week is in him al ready
U deff need court ( I tried ur way as well it never works bc there’s always something) bc regardless if u have them almost always u wld still get child support.
Nope he shouldn’t pay you. An if you took him to court. He wouldn’t have pay you while the days he is in their cares.
He shouldn’t. Your bills are your bills the child support goes to the children. So no he shouldn’t because while they are with him he will be taking care of them.
I can’t believe the responses from some of these people. Yes the father should be obligated to pay every week just like if it was court ordered. Child support is to help support the child food, clothing, shelter, education, doctors visits and that list goes on and on. Just because you don’t have to buy groceries that week for your children doesn’t mean there might not be a bill that needs taken care of. If it through the court and the child stays with the other parent for the summer does child support stop? No it doesn’t. Half these people commenting probably rely on child support, but going to treat you like that’s what you are doing. My suggestion would be take it all through the courts that way spontaneous changes can’t be made that could effect your children.
Least he pays it…id be happy not to get the money for a whole week with no kids…I wish sometimes
I think you should pay support that week.
I wouldn’t worry about it. You to are on a weeks vacation being childless. He should be spending that money on traveling expenses, food, activities, souvenir s, etc. Let the kids enjoy their time with dad. The expenses you have will still be there, but food, etc will not be
I pay for what my son needs while I have him and my ex pays for what he needs while he has him
Everyone is talking about she still has ongoing expenses like rent, utilities, etc. but she would be paying for that REGARDLESS if she had children or not. Child support is to support the CHILD’S expenses. Extra circulars, food, clothing, diapers, and so on.
It is not to pay your rent and utilities. You would ALREADY be paying for those things whether or not you had children.
You’re lucky you have a father that pays and sees his children. If he doesn’t want to pay for a week, give him a break. You will be saving money because you won’t be feeding them, and he will be picking up that expense. Maybe he will use the extra money to do something fun with the kids🤷♀️ what’s one week anyway? Not a big deal.
I think you are being really petty.
Honestly i wouldn’t worry about it this time but if he tries to pull this again then take him to court and have the judge decide on the child support
Be thankful you have a man that pays, and on his own, no courts telling him too… I have two orders and get nothing and they don’t see their dads, stop being money hungry and petty
No he should not pay you. That is so ungrateful. You’re lucky to get CS
I would let it go honestly because when it comes down to it, the kids are probably super excited to go if you’re shocked he’s doing this in the first place. If you’re struggling with bills because he doesn’t contribute that week, maybe you should have a talk about him paying a little more overall but I’d wait to bring it up so they get to enjoy their time n
The kids are with him for that week so you guys should write up an agreement that any money spent on them receipts are to be shown so you know it was spent on them since they aren’t in your care at that time.
Does he pay you weekly? If weekly then no he should have to pay. If he only pays you monthly then yes he should pay. Kids are not cheap so he still needs to do his part. It’s good you can do this without the court, but sometimes the courts can resolve this issue for you and you both are held accountable. Sounds like to me your co parenting is working, why mess it up?
If you’re even having to ask this then it’s time to go to court and let them deal with it so you guys can focus on parenting your kid instead squabbling over money.
I don’t think he should—child support is for the kids and he’s spending that money on the kids for that week as he should
If you had a court order then regardless if he takes them on vacation or not he would still have to pay. But, since that isn’t the case here the kids needs are being paid for.
Damn right he should have to pay!! That’s his responsibility!!! He didn’t want that then he shouldn’t have had kids.
Yes he should still have to pay. If it was court ordered he would. And you should have just taken him to court. They don’t over charge the men . My dad who was never in a wheel chair rolled in in one for court and pleaded with them . He ended up paying my mom 60 a month the whole time I grew up. That’s it. That’s not even enough to pay for diapers for a month.
I think she should ask other father’s that pay child support to see if they still pay when they have the kids. I’m almost sure they do.
If she took vacation it would be on top of her expenses for the kids. Bills dont stop because of vacation. His support for them shouldnt be taking HIM on vacation. His children home expenses dont stop when other parents get their weekends or summer breaks or their nights. What he agreed yo oay weekly for their support to the mother is just that. Weekly support.
Thats more money he could spend on them. Whether hes sees them frequently or not, if hes paying you consistently, let him off for the week. You get a break and hes does too, just in different ways. Pick your battles
You will theoretically have less to pay because your kids aren’t home you aren’t running them places, cooking less, less lights/TV on, etc. I’d let him take the week off and have the extra money to take care of them on the trip.
No he should not pay you child support for the week he has them. Yes he needs to pay child support when they are with you. Your bet bet would be get a court order in place to eleviate any further problems
As an outsider, I don’t think he should have to pay.
Of course. Just because he takes them for on vacation doesn’t mean your expenses stop.
If he was on state/court order child support, he would still have to pay. There are ongoing expenses, such as daycare. You have to continue to pay to hold their spot. Being on vacation doesn’t negate certain things.
He should pay. You make sure the kids are kept w clothes and a home w power and water. He’s taking them on vacation for 1 week somewhere his family already owns.
If you were to get a court order, he would have to pay a set monthly amount every month, no matter what… wouldn’t matter how many days he had them during the month. So yes, I’d say he should still pay the regular amount.
It’s for the kids. He has the kids that week. As mothers, we have a responsibility to provide for our kids outside of child support.
No! He has them that week. He needs to use his money for vacation with the kids and you use your money to pay your bills. If you went on vacation can you honestly say that none of his support money would be used??
Child support is designed to keep a child living the life they were living before parents split… atleast that’s how it was explained to me in Florida for my children…rent, utilities etc
I think yes. Even if he has them those days, you’re still primary caregiver and don’t get 7 days subtracted from your monthly bills.
If the dad has the children for a week
Paying for their meals, entertainment
Movies, Zoo, etc. Than no he’s taking care of them for a week. He will be paying for there need’s. Not U. After the Children return home than he can go back to paying U Child Support.
If Ur arrangement isn’t working out for the benefit of the children than take him to Court & get a Legal Document.
Always get a legal agreement. If you had one he would have to pay because child support is actually suppose to cover the half of expenses, u wld pay together if u hadn’t separated, that it takes to raise children.
So child support is actually suppose to HELP pay rent, electricity, gas, groceries, etc. )I don’t care what the Facebook lawyers say, this is a fact). So if your agreement was legal he would be required to pay 365 days a year unless you both agreed otherwise. Unfortunately, your agreement is not legally binding so you can’t force him to do anything.
I don’t see why he should pay the week that he has them. He’s paying for their expenses while they’re with him.
So does he pay weekly or monthly because if it’s monthly then yea he still needs to pay and if it’s weekly then thats a bit iffy
If it was court ordered he would still have to pay, so to answer your question, yes he should still pay.
Just because the kid isn’t living under your roof for those 7 days, doesn’t mean bills/rent stops… the exact same bills and rent that need paid to help keep a roof over your child’s head.
Uses for Child Support
Money paid as child support is intended to be used for the care of the children involved. It is not for the custodial parent to use for their own expenses. This is where things can get confusing and conflicts may potentially arise.
In general, child support is designed to maintain a child’s living standard and ensure all their basic needs are covered. The money can be used to pay for necessities like:
Shelter, including the rent or mortgage and utilities of the child’s primary home to ensure they’re living in a safe environment.
Food, clothing, toys, books, and furnishings that the child will use.
Medical expenses, including doctor’s visits, medications, eyeglasses, dental care, and similar services that keep a child healthy. One parent may also choose to cover the child under their health insurance plan.
School expenses, including books, supplies, clothing, and other associated costs like field trips.
Extracurricular activity expenses, including sports activities, summer camps, and similar activities the child is involved in.
While the custodial parent often receives the child support payment, it should not be used for their personal expenses that are unrelated to their children. Misuse of funds includes things like clothing, salon services, or entertainment and vacations that don’t involve the child. Even if money is left over in any given month, it should be saved for future expenses related to the children.
If her children are in daycare, she likely still has to pay the full price even with them being on vacation. Some of these comments are disgusting.
No, he shouldn’t pay. He can use the money to pay for the kids needs during the vacation. If you do t have a court order it will be like this for life.
What would he be giving you money for ? If the children went away with grandparents you would still have to pay your bills , dad is paying for the children’s needs whilst he has them , expecting money is being petty IMO
He should absolutely not be paying child support for a week he has them. Child support is to support the children, not you.
You give moms a bad name pay your own bills just be glad he wants to take the kids on vacation that’s more than a lot of fathers
The money is for your kids. Not. You. If he has the kids that whole week then the money should stay with him for the kids.
Why not give him a week off. I mean, I don’t know your situation but that would be a nice thing to do. Maybe he’ll take them or give you more money more often just because you helped him out for that week.
No I don’t think he should have to. If you want that money. Get it court ordered.
Then go get a court ordered one if you can’t do without one week of whatever you have agreed on.
You’re insinuating that because he will be at his mothers beach house, I assume for free, you think he should pay you??? For??? How is his location during vacation even relevant otherwise??
If it was court ordered he’d have no choice but since it’s voluntary you with get it and there’s not much you can do about it unfortunately
Just be glad he’s taking your children for a whole week. Baffles me how some parents are all about the money… be happy your children will enjoy a week away.
My Husband’s child support comes straight out of his check. So even if we keep the kids 2-3 weeks straight in the summer, it’s still getting paid every week. Maybe you need to get a court order. Then you won’t have to deal with him choosing when he should and shouldn’t have to pay you.
Far as i know at least in Ohio they don’t dissect payments…its a standard monthly amount regardless of visitation etc
Ummm YESSSSS!!! His 7 days? Does he pay for y’all’s vacation when you take them on vacation?? Hmmmm
geeeeeezus…I bet he doesn’t!! So why should you have to pay for his!!! NOPE…it still stays the same!
Do NOT agree to that. You still have bills. They don’t just stop for 7 days. That’s totally ridiculous! Don’t you dare even go on that road! Don’t make me come over there!!
If it was court ordered he would still pay regardless of vacation unless you two agree to let him keep it for the week. No one knows your dynamic. Don’t listen to anyone, do what you feel is best.
No. Take his ass to court honey. I have one of these as an ex too. They don’t care. Mine is only showing off for his new gf
Yes, he should pay. Expenses don’t stop. Put the money in the bank.
He has every right not to pay child support is for the children and if they are not there you don’t need it
Absolutely. Bills aren’t cheaper bc the kid is gone for a week. They don’t credit you for rent when your on vacation for a week, do they? This sounds SO petty to me that people think it’s the dad losing out when mom cares for kid full time and he pays child support, which is for needs not to be reimbursed for fun times bc dad visits for a week. In court they absolutely would not agree to give dad a child support discount when he has kid for a week bc it’s absolutely stupid.
Let me edit to the ladies talking about “he doesn’t have to pay your bills”… child support is to cover half the child’s portion of living expenses. Use your brain and realize dad is responsible for child too! Kids suffer otherwise and it’s not moms job solely to care child. Children deserve the higher standard of living and mom shouldn’t have to cover the sole cost of the child or be expected to live in poverty level just bc dad pays child support. That ideology is plain ignorant and stupid!
My legal binding decree states that he gets our daughter for the month of July. Child support is to continue during this time.
They are in his care why should he pay for a week that he has them? Your on going expenses are not his responsibility
I don’t think vacation should stop his child support but if you want to be nice and let him have extra money for the kids and him just let him get away with that week and have fun with the kids.
I pay my bills with my child support
It keeps a roof over my daughters head, water for her to shower, electric and groceries and im not ashamed of that! Yes she also gets whatever she wants but I pay bills with it so she can have all of that also!
My opinion is damn straight he still has to pay. When BOTH of y’all laid down to make those children that was a binding agreement to financially support those children. When my kids’ dad has them I still need to pack clothes, sippy cups, & toothbrushes. I make him pay for diapers and wipes so those I don’t need to pack but if I were to ever trust him taking our kids for a week vacation sure as heck I’d have to make sure they had a weeks worth of clothes, towels, soap, medicine just in case, thermometer, bug & SPF spray and STILL have to wash their clothes from that vacation. It would probably cost more for the mom for this dad to take their kids on vacation.
I just told my kids’ dad last week that there’s many expenses he doesn’t even realize besides rent, gas bill, electric bill, phone bill like parking for doctors appts, laundry money, laundry soap, body wash, lotion, clothes, medicine, shoes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bedding, jackets, gas for doctor appointments, food, carpet cleaner When kids decide to color your rug with marker, magic erasers when they decide to write on your walls, Shout for when your child’s clothes get stained, therapy toys because they’re special needs, Ipad chargers because they eventually stop working, new sippy cups every 6 months, butt cream, and a whole bunch more.
Just because this dad is taking the children for one week doesn’t mean their expenses at the full time parent’s home stops. If the dad doesn’t want to pay child support for said week, I’d tell him that’s fine but tell him he needs to make sure he gets every single thing they need for the week because you’re not financially supplying anything for the vacation. Then see if he realizes it’s going to cost a lot more than paying his regular child support.
I will be filing for child support very soon but I see many comments saying it’s not the dad’s job to pay your bills. If I didn’t have my 2 children I would be in a 1 bedroom or maybe loft not a 3 bedroom apartment. If I didn’t have my kids I wouldn’t need a bedroom light on to which my children are playing in. If I didn’t have my children I wouldn’t need to pay for 3 extra days of bath water or extra water in general washing their dishes and clothes. If I didn’t have my 2 kids I would only need to purchase 3 meals a day not 9. Granted my kids’ father doesn’t give me money for our kids but I will never excuse him of his financial duties.
Before there was an order, My ex husband always forgot to call or see our kid. He only wanted to see the little bug when he was going to be around a bunch or friends or going to parties. He even dragged the kid who had a cold with fever, watery eyes, and runny nose to a hot ass cookout around all that smoke. When I offered to let him see the little one the next day when he’d be at home where it’s cool so the baby could rest. He got upset and took the kid to the cookout. Finally when we got to court, he made all these demands in court for our preliminary temporary custody order. He couldn’t follow ONE demand. He then proceeded to miss the finalization hearing so the judge reset it, he missed that one. He missed again and Judge took away visitation, and all legal rights from him. The judge further ordered that current and future employers garnish his wages because he was always running away. That was three years ago, he hasn’t tried to get visitation and the judge said no when I asked to allow him to keep visitation. Far as child support, You know what he does every time child support catches up with him? I get a payment then two months later it stops. He only has to pay $292 in support and he’s $5200 behind… So what does that tell you?. I wish he’d see his kid, the child needs their father… Be happy that he willingly offers child support, and then be further happy he gives you money weekly! Be joyful that it seems like he sees them often and it doesn’t sound like he’s trying to be an Instagram Dad of The Year… not a lot of mom’s have what you have!
If the children aren’t there in the house with you, what ongoing expenses are you going to have for that week? You won’t have to buy food for them, you won’t have as much electricity on the go, you won’t use as much hot water - so you want him to pay for your upkeep while he has the children as well as paying for the food he’ll need to provide for them, any days out they’ll have, the general expenses of having children on holiday? You’re definitely in the wrong here, he shouldn’t have to pay while he has them and if you need his weekly maintenance that badly then I’m sorry, but you need to look at some better budgeting or getting an official court order in place
No he shouldn’t pay you for that week; he had the kid’s in his care so why would u want his money for those day’s smh
Sounds like you need to go to court and have it in writing that way they take it out of his check weekly regardless vaca or not you should still have to pay sorry that’s how the court system works
He should pay just like any other week. I just got back from vacation and i can assure you i still had to pay all my other bills like i normally do. His child support dont stop or any of his other bills just because he is on vacation.
Your expenses are not his responsibility. He has the kids for a week he shouldn’t have to pay you.
You need to stop it. You’ll have those expenses anyway even if the child(ren) is/are at dad’s. Child support is for the CHILD not the bitter ex.
Nope, same amount. They live with you, your mortgage or rent HAS to be paid, or else they’ll be homeless. It’s about meeting their ongoing needs. If you took them on vacation you’d still have to pay those things for them too!!
Yes. The support is for cost of raising children. Rent, clothes, utilities, school supplies, etc. Those things don’t take a vacation. In court ordered support the amount is set per
Month and doesn’t change based on things like vacations. If it did, a whole lot of custodial parents would get more when the other parent didn’t show up for kids when they were scheduled🤨. GET A COURT ORDER. Child support is only one piece- there are also things like cost of childcare or after school care, medical costs and college expenses that need to be planned for. Believe me, it’s the only way to ensure things don’t change when the other parent gets mad.
You sounds greedy you want child support… for a week that you have no children… makes sense… greed comes in all sorts… and this may be one of them
Just because he takes them for a week doesn’t mean he’s not responsible for the whole months CS.
Girl go get yourself a court order for CS & custody!
And I’m okay with people not agreeing with me and my opinion on a question looking for advice but I won’t argue with anyone on this.
Why are you so concerned about money for one freaking week?!?!? Grow up!!! He’s still taking care of his kids while on vacation!! Do you just want HIS money to take care of your ass???
our c/o only stops child support if non custodial has the child for 20 consecutive days I believe.
IMO no he shouldn’t because he will be spending time with them. He pays support for his kids not on going bills you accrue.
In my opinion . I’d be asking myself if he pays u the money is he then also going to have less money to spend on the kids on vacation ??? Ask yourself that
I mean we have my bonus girls for 6 weeks straight and three days a week and my fiancé still pays over 800$ a month even in our care… soooooooo if we still paying when we have them the whole time what makes it ok for him to bypass a week just bc they’re with him for those FEW days