Should my ex still have to pay child support for the 7 days he takes my kids on vacation?

Maybe he should split the amount for that week among the kids so they can spend it on themselves

If you can’t go a week without child support maybe he’s not the problem… that just sounds petty and ridiculous.

Be grateful he is able and willing to take the children away with him. Be happy for them to have that opportunity. Give them some money to take with them. He pays for them. Not you.

No he shouldn’t, if hes got the kids for that week then why does he need to pay you if hes also going to be paying expenses ect whilst hes away with them?:thinking:

Absolutely! Your rent and utilities don’t stop because they are gone! They are wearing clothes and shoes that you bought with that money. Gosh, he needs to grow up and learn how the real men folk do.

He pays the money to support the children. Not you.

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He shouldn’t. You just sound like a bitter woman. They aren’t in your care. He has to live and pay rent just as much as you. If he should be paying child support when you have them then YOU need to pay child support when he has them.

Don’t send clothes or anything except what they are wearing. Let him take care of all expenses and see how he likes it.

Um, this is why I tell everyone that you should have a court a support order that is collected by child support enforcement because the other parent can decide to voluntarily not pay when they see fit. Stop feeling bad for him. Call the court get a support order and a visitation schedule in place immediately. Most courts will set up a standard or what ever you two agree on for visitation. Support is a calculation and he pays. There’s no agreeing to less and tell him since this is the way he wants it since he thinks he can can just do what he wants … you don’t have less expenses such as medical, clothes, schooling costs and daycare because he takes them for a week. He should has thought about things before he tried to skirt his parental responsibilities

My husband has to pay child support when we have his daughter for a month for the summer, and all the other holidays we have her. It’s the Texas law

Personally I wouldn’t ask for payment if hes taking them away for them weeks soon as hes back tho back to normal

Girl no. He has them. Hes not supporting you . Its for the kids.

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I don’t agree with everyone else saying that he shouldn’t have to pay. I personally believe you should go through the courts and have it court-ordered. Guess what? They’re not gonna let him skip when he wants to skip. You’re doing EVERYTHING on your own & that’s tough as hell. I know how you feel. The bills don’t stop coming just because he’s on vacation, or if you were to go on vacation, for that matter.

If there’s no agreement set in stone, count yourself fortunate he pays you anything. It’s one week: let him treat the kids to a fun time.

I mean he does have bills too just as much as you do. And probably spends just as much on them sometimes too when he has them. So no why not allow him to spoil them even more on that week vacation. It’d only be fair and nice.

If my kids go on vacation I still have Childcare to pay for to hold their spot. I still have medical expenses that will need paid. So yes, he should pay as it says in your agreement. Support is more than just things for the child. If he doesn’t pay I guess taking him to court to get a court order is the next step. Mind you I only get 89 a month for two kids. So it dont do much but it adds up and I use it for whatever I want.

My hubby pays 80 dollars every week even when we have them for a weeks time in the summer every other week. Do I agree with it no. Do I try to stop it no. Do I know she don’t use to on the kids yes she most definitely spends it on herself. Can anything be done nope not really. Point I’m making is if the other parent has the children for a weeks time then that other parent that pays support shouldn’t have to.

What no one is saying is that YOU agreed to this. That’s why court ordered child support is necessary; for the best interest of the child/children.

No he doesn’t have to provide for them in that week if he has them.

Well… I have my daughter for 2 weeks out of every month during the summer at least and still have to pay so, technically yes. But morally, no he shouldn’t have to.

Not like you can have a week off utilities, rent , etc if you want a holiday , Cs is on going!

I think you should let him slide. Him wanting to spend time with them is more important than a little money. I wouldn’t want to make it bad experience and him not want the time again. Yeah, I know it’s his kids and all that so he shouldn’t do that, but a lot of grown ups do. None of my ex’s pay me support. I ask to split cost when they need something. I’m not worried about shelter, utilities, gas, that’s all crazy to me lol. As a grow up I would still have these bills coming out. I know I’m a rare kind, but I also have a dead child, and my priorities are different. I want them to have the relationship. Hope it all works out though!!

The primary house holds still needs to function!! When my daughter used to go to her dads for the summer he still needed to pay support because the household still has bills even if she is not here.

I mean personally I would rather have the dad keep the money for that week to make sure he is all set on vacation and your kids are fed and having fun. It’s just one week…or maybe see if he could split it in half so you both feel ok about it? It’s easier to reason with people who feel like your respecting them

No he should not.Child support is a crock of :poop: anyways.If you take a child out of the equation, you would have to pay bills regardless.Rent, electric, food, car ins, car payment ect. CS is to OFFSET the cost of whatever extra the kids do.

Basically what i would do is only pay bills you would have if you didnt have kids that week because the kids will be supported fully by him that week.

No I don’t think he should :woman_shrugging: I strongly feel like money for child support should be for kids needs, not for rent and gas that you could have a job and get yourself but that’s my opinion I basically have split custody with my 1st two kids and neither of us pay child support I take care of my household and he takes care of his. Even with my 2nd two kids I’m with the father but I still work and pay half the bills and needs for the kids …

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Umm so why pay for the week that u don’t have them🤨especially taking them on a vacation that cost money I’m sure…

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This is why you let the courts decide less hassle and judge says not him

Let it go & go to court & get it all done properly. Does he contribute if kids need items for after school sports? What about other items? Best get it all in writing

No the father should not pay for the week he has the kids.

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Damn girl money greedy much he got the kids for a week and on vacation. And any other time you get money right ,have some self respect and be independent get your own work extra that week what if there wasn’t a father how would u manage sorry i got to much pride for this shit .

Well you don’t have them so why would you need the support I’m all for fathers taking care of their children but you don’t have them that week so why should he have to pay??? Serious question. If you had them sure he should have to but he’s paying for them on vacation and I’m sure isn’t asking you for anything

Yes he should. You still have to pay bills that cover the children’s basic needs while he is on “vacation.”

My children’s father doesn’t provide a damn thing for any of our 4…think yourself lucky maybe :thinking:

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No he shouldn’t have to pay if he will be providing for the child that week my opinion

Glad you felt bad because he has to “pay rent and live too” :roll_eyes: did you expect he didn’t have to? That without you he wouldn’t also have life expenses? Yea, he needs to help support the kids but you lost me there with that comment. I’ve seen child support put many men in studio or one bedroom apartments or back with family while mom stays in the house with the kids and dad still pays the mortgage and half the bills in child support. And mom doesn’t care the kids go to some :poop: apartment sleeping on an air mattess when they’re with their dad because they still got that nice three bed two bath house and spout off on how the kids are better off with her. YA THINK. Ugh.

No if he’s with them that week no I don’t feel he should bc he’s paying for their expenses that week already!

Unpopular opinion butttttt ir’s one week, does it really matter? Let him have the extra money to put towards your kids trip. They’re gonna have to eat and stuff.
You shouldn’t budget your expenses to rely on child support, that should be extra to put towards your kids needs/savings bx you never know if that money will stop coming in.

Let him spend the money on the kids on the vacation, whatever the amount was supposed to be sent to you

Get a court order and you wouldn’t be asking this question! Protect your children’s interests

Really? How tf is he going to do anything with or for them if you have the money and not your kids? The money is for their food and needs not yours. Seems rather selfish…

What I don’t understand is what your going to do with everyone elses opinion.
You already know what you want to do.
Are you looking for validation because you feel some type of way over a choice you want to make?
Are you going to show him the thread of what everyone else is saying to back up your choice?
We each have our opinion, experience or thoughts.
This stuff bugs me. And to throw in he already pays less because he guilted me…
You sit on the fence too long your as$ will get sore.
If your raising those kids full time then make a choice that serves THIER best interest and let that be the end of it.

He is still legally responsible to pay for that week.
If he refuses you can apply to put him on the child support automatic payment schedule
They take the money then give to you. Any issues with non payment they deal with it, not you.

If it was court ordered he would have to pay the same amount no matter if he had the kids or not so I say yes he should still pay.

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Why dont u try… Okay he not pay you buuuut the money that would go to you he should spend on getting the kids stuff especially keep sake stuff? Idk just a thought

And… hes not doing nowhere near his part! Its not 50/50 its 70/30 make his butt pay!

I think it depends on the financial picture of all parties, if he really needs it to feed the children and maybe have a little extra so they can have fun. That’s cool that you would let him to talk to seven days, if you were absolutely destitute and can’t make it, then talk with him, who got all these child stimulus packages who’s getting the $300 per month payment to government is giving? All of that were coming into account during This time that the government is giving extra money

No? Wtheck
You have expenses??? He isn’t your paycheck- he is providing for the children, the children that aren’t even going to be in YOUR care that week


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well it is a two edged sword he takes them for a week he is paying for everything that the kids will be eating, shopping , recreation etc. You will not be incurring any expenses for your kids while they are gone… he is paying for the kids needs not yours so my answer would have to side with him. If you wanted a different answer then you should have gone through the courts… my opinion only and opinions are like assholes everyone has them

You are probably “shook” for a reason.
He prob. Planned on this not paying and his momma is prob watching them… while he takes his vacation with his extra $$ :yawning_face:

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This is childish. If he doesn’t have them for a week at a time normally child support shouldn’t be brought up for that 1 week. Not proper co-parenting. Be civil and that means not being petty

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Is there a guarantee the courts would make it more? I know a few people who thought that and the courts actually lowered what the non agreement amount was, total backfired. I’d say let it go while they’re on vacation, let him have the extra money for the kids on vacation. He’s responsible for them that week, he can pay for them and resume as normal afterwards

He shouldn’t have to pay you when he has the kids for a week just because you have ongoing expenses.

If it was court ordered if would be paying.

Unless it’s court ordered for him to not pay, he has to

This is funny… So when you go on vacation do you tell your landlord that you’re not paying for the days you won’t be in the house? :rofl:

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Honestly he’s taking them on vacation. He is going to need that money for anything including food, hotel/a place to stay, what if one of them get sick, now medicine. Hustle mama! Let him get a week off while he takes care of the kids.

If it was court ordered, he would have to pay it id you had 51/49. So yes, he should still pay.

Yes you should still get the weeks payment of child support whether he has them on vacation or not because if he was court ordered to pay he would still have to pay anything he does outside of child support he does because he wants to not because he is supposed to :woman_shrugging:t5: if he is supposed to pay you and he don’t because he thinks taking them on vacation should stop his payment then I would tell him either you pay like we agreed or you can be court ordered to pay from here on out so we won’t have any issues :woman_facepalming:t5:

Child support is for the children. Not you. He dosent owe you anything if he’s supporting them for that week

If someone else were taking your kids on vacation for a week, would you offer to send them money to help with and cover a portion of their expenses? If so, then give the other parent a week reprieve on the support.

This shouldn’t be a post bc clearly you depend on his income. You need to be able to provide a whole household and his $ is just an addition. Sad

No he shouldn’t. The children are now in his care for a week.

Nope, if he has them then he will provide for them that week. Not give you the money

How about people who actually know the rules and live the situation respond. Everyone else should zip it. Yes he should pay. My daughter spends a month in the summer with her dad and I still get full amount.

you have ongoing “expenses”. sounds to me like the child support hes giving, is going towards YOU, and not the child(ren). why should he have to pay you the week that the kids will be with him?! if its not “court ordered”, then legally theres nothing you can do. let the man have his kids and enjoy his time with them! stop being greedy

If he has the kids, why should he have to pay you their expenses when he is paying for them to be on vacation with him?

No he shouldnt. U are in no way supporting the children that week. Yes u have on going bills. As everyone does. But hey you will be saving money that week also.

Your ongoing expenses are just that YOURS. He has the kids so he shouldn’t pay you anything. While he has the kids are you paying his expenses for food, and extras?
I hope he takes this to court cause this seems like some pettiness shitshow

He’s feeding them and providing what they need for that week, so what does he need to pay you for, for that week?

I’d say he should pay. Rent and utilities still have to paid.

Does he pay double when you keep them for a week straight? No? Make his ass pay :moneybag:

Honestly I think she’s being nice enough by letting him get away with lowering the money than what to usually is that being said for him not taking the kids much or doing anything with them much I think she has fully right to make him still pay

I see child support as a bonus. I don’t count/depend on it. In case he ever lost his job & child support was to stop then what would I do? I’m just happy my daughter & her dad spend time together & he sees her. Most times he doesn’t pay & I rather him have money to take care of our daughter when he takes her on the weekends. If anything, I give my daughters father money when he takes her so they can have family days as well. It’s about the kids being happy && healthy, not money. If anything that gives him more money for the week he has them to spend on the child/children. Which benefits your kids. Too many people get stuck on the dollar signs of it.

Sounds like you can’t afford Your bills without the Child’s money… So… In reality you are charging Your child rent???.

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My ex husband used to get his 2 boys the entire Summer June 1-Aug 30…and had a court order of 1500/month and his support continued to be paid even though we had the boys those 3 months…

My ex doesnt take c.s. I just put money in his account every week. We live on separate side of the country so the month of so I have him he just gets him money here if he wants it. The money i send doesnt go to him living, just like extra clothes he wants but the last year or so hes been getting into bmx so hes been spending money on that stuff he wants

No if no court order then he shouldn’t have to pay for the weeks he has the child

He does have to pay rent and live too. Usually child support is a percentage of a persons wages, compared to their cost of living.
It’s entirely selfish, considering you do not have to feed or care for those children during that week.

You chose to have the children in your care.

You also would be the one recieving child tax benefits because you are the primary caregiver.

I think if you have to ask random strangers you should just go to court

Dang I hope this women follows all your advice and goes to court.

Cause then the dads visitation rights would be safe from this nutball.

Why don’t you think about your children and the money that their father is saving not giving you child support that week taking them on vacation and let him spend the support money on your children that week :woman_shrugging:

Seriously… if he has the kids for the week… why should he give you money when he is supporting them for that week? Kids aren’t a paycheck…

Depending on their age, if they are in daycare- daycare still has to be paid that week even if they are not there to hold their spot.

It’s funny because half the people commenting don’t have kids or aren’t single parents, so they don’t even understand how child support works… smh :woman_facepalming:

If he is paying for the kids that week then I don’t thinknhe should pay you for that week.

He should have to pay. Bills don’t stop. Go to court to avoid this in the future.

You care for them he should pay. You’re not a daycare center.

That money is for your kids, not for you. If your kids are on vacation then they need money to eat, play, etc. Are you sending CS money with the kids for those things??

I don’t think he should pay beach trips are expensive for 7 day’s activities food and you will not be having to do for them the 7 days they are gone child support is for the kids not your ongoing bills for the 7 days they are gone you won’t have to by groceries for the week for the children so i think he should keep the money he pays for the week spend on children while at the beach!

It really depends on how much he is paying. If he’s paying like 50 dollars a week vs 300 a week. If it’s a large amount then I think it’s different but it’s honestly up to you and him.

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Why not have a set monthly amount instead of weekly so you don’t run into these issues ??

If he’s not buying extra BS for himself beer steak dinners things like that maybe not but if he is he needs a third job and start eating bologna

If it were done by the court… yes he would have to pay still… you still have the home they live in to maintain for them for when they return…

He should definitely still have to pay. With court ordered support payments don’t stop just because he has the kids with him! Heck my kids dad has them all summer and he still has to pay during that time. Tell him if he doesn’t step up You’ll just file for support through the court. Bet that’ll get him back on track real quick lol

Yes, because you aren’t supporting the child during that week.

So I have the same agreement with my ex and generally I offer for him to not pay me, but that is just because I prefer he use that money for them to do fun things together when they go on a vacation or something. I think if under normal circumstances you still need it to keep up expenses then he should still pay.

Child support is for the children. Although with a court order, your payment wouldn’t change.

If your kids are with you more than 180 days yes he should pay you.