I think u should stop being greedy. As a mother who never not once asked her baby daddy for money regardless of him not paying any child related costs even when my daughter is with him (I pack food, clothes. Diapers wipes etc) if you can afford to live without it then do it. U chose not to go thru the courts. Hes taking the kids for an entire week, unless u pack everything for them including the food and water and everything else they need i personally don’t think u have a right to ask for his money that week. He’s right, he does have to live and pay rent too. U don’t have the kids that week, find a side job to earn the extra money, lyft. Uber, Doordash and instacart all pay out weekly/daily. Make it work.
Why on the hell did you NOT go thru the courts?! He is supposed to pay 50% during that time.
Maybe an unpopular opinion here, but I’d just be happy that he’s taking the kids on vacation. I’d say let him off support for the week.
I don’t know what state you live in, but per the parenting time guidelines in Indiana, anything over two weeks changes child support. One week, does not. If you are truly that concerned about it, you need to modify your current order. Get rid of the stipulation, and go by the state guidelines.
I think thats something you and him should talk about openly, honestly. Like If you are going to need to go grocery shopping cuz kids eat everything, or one of those little humans outgrew clothes or shoes. Any necessity you may need to buy for them basically. Child support is about the children, so if you guys do have this discussion, and he says no. Just keep in mind that the child support he would’ve paid you would go for the children’s vacation spending like going out to lunch, or an amusement park etc.
I mean it depends. I broke down equally what it cost my child to live and told my spouse to pay half of that if he didn’t want court ordered child support.
Also, just cuz you go on vacation doesn’t mean the bills go away.
We pay monthly here so unless dad has them 50% it stays the same.
No he shouldn’t he will already be sending his weekly with the kids. Just my opinion though.
If missing a week worth of
Child support and
The kids are in his care the week upset your household
Then you have a bigger problem. It’s called
Support not mama support
Respectfully, he’s a punk bitch to even ask this of you & put you in this position. There’s no sugarcoating it. The Men of our generation are a fraction of the Men are Dads & Grandfathers are/were. So frickin’ whiny/needy but always acting like ballers. Tell him to take his 7 days and go scratch. If you give into this, it won’t be the first time.
No I don’t think he should have ro pay! When we have our other kids over the summer we don’t pay support for the 32 days we have them and its through the courts.
If it’s court ordered, he would still have to pay that weeks support payment.
No. If there is no court order your expenses are not his. He has his kids. Be grateful.
HAHAHA WOW, everyone on here talking about “nO hE ShoUldNt cAuSe hE HaS TheM thOsE SevEn DaYs” are y’all fucking dumb? So y’all really live in a world where you think child support is solely the money taking care of the kids? Y’all know full time mothers with their own home have a lot more to pay for BECAUSE they have children (I.e. more food, bigger home, higher utility bills, etc.) and y’all think that goes out the window because he chose to take them on a vacation for one week? While she’s telling you otherwise he only sees them once a week? So break the week down, if he took them 2 times a week and spread out those seven days, he wouldn’t have to pay? If he was on court ordered CS, would they tell him he didn’t have to pay that week because he went on vacation? Hahaha corny. Your expenses typically double when you’re the 24/7 parent, and it’s FOR/BECAUSE you have children… I’m confused where anyone would consider this woman petty or childish or greedy for expecting him to pay. Y’all know a lot of single mothers plan their finances w set child support payments, right? Idek why I’m writing this comment besides to say get a fucking grip if you think he shouldn’t have to pay
You don’t have the kids for that week… which is what his money is for… not for paying your bills or putting food in your mouth… his money is for the kids…
Isn’t the child support supposed to be for helping the children so for example wouldnt bills for the house etc count? The food for the week, new school clothes, etc all for when they come back? I believe 100% he should still pay.
He has to provide for the kids. He should have the money that week
IF there were a court order he would STILL have to pay. He’s probably paying less then what would be ordered through the court! So my answer is yes.
If this is ordered thru court usually they put all the time hes with and without them into the mix when coming up with the number so it doesnt actually stop when theyre gone
Yes I think he should have to. Especially if he isn’t even paying the minimum he should be paying.
Are you really that petty?
You’re selfish! And sounds like you want him to pay your bills
Don’t be an asshole. It’s 1 week, give him a break dude.
Uhhh no, he shouldn’t pay while he has them
Uh… if he has them for the week and pays you weekly, I personally would tell him to just make sure the kids have a great time. Lol
Get a court order. Otherwise, no.
Nope he should use that weeks check on his child(ren)
I would let it slide…
He’s caring for them that week you know… don’t get greedy
Cheap very cheap… stupid question
You need a court order not a bunch of strangers opinions
Hahaha! No, he shouldn’t have to pay. What on going expenses?? Your bills? Your nails? Hair?? Umm…
I say no. It’s fair.
It’s called get a job !!! LAZY
No I don’t think he should
Are you giving him a weekly allowance for the holiday?
The money is for the kids not your bills and lifestyle cunt. Any sane woman would be glad to forego that weeks “support” to see her kids get a vacation with their father for a whole week
Boy u sure r greedy why should he pay u for that week!!! You say yoy have expenses well don’t u work to support ur self!!!
Listen, my son pays child support to his ex wife for my 8 year old granddaughter. She’s with us for the summer, guess what, money still gets taken out of his check every week for child support. 100.00 a week. Even wile she’s here for 2 months. So yes he should pay you. Just because shes with him for a week,doesn’t mean you still don’t have to make sure she has new clothes food for when she comes home clean sheets when she goes to bed. Ect.
Was he supposed to pay child support or mama support? If it’s child support, he is doing it to them when he’s with them that whole week… He will ensure that thaey have eaten, bathed, and pampered in many different ways. What will he use if he sends you the money? And what will you do with it when kids are away bcoz the following week he will return them and pays u again
Yes. Does your cable company give you a 7 day discount because you were not home? You have to maintain the home when the child is not there.
Getting any child support at all plus a whole week away from the kids sounds like a dream come true to me.
You won’t have them so no. It’s child support not mom support. Sorry not sorry.
Im married with a baby and while I know the op is single and its about child support,I also know that were one one income my husband make 21$ a hour every 2 weeks and after taxes it doesn’t pay but 3 bills which is why were overdrawn 187$ from our bank for paying a bill. im looking for a job and everyone is hiring but doesn’t want to hire anyone with no experiences whatsoever other than one caregiving job which the guy moved and im applying everywhere and have been but till I do get hired,if it wasnt for my husbands mom living with us or my family being 10 minutes down the road or my bestfriend wed be without. my point is stuff is so high and expensive that 120$ use to get plenty of groceries and now it doesn’t get but a couple of things. I’d say let him have the money for that week as its just a week and its both parents jobs to work to provide which is why I’m applying everywhere we had our first child 4 months ago but I’ve help raise my neices and nephews. Let the man have the money for that week and work a second job if needed.
I give my daughters dad the child support card when she’s with him. That money is for her. My mom did the same with my dad.
Go .
Order .
He got his babies for a week.
Let him be great
Ladies, please come and join the new Mummy group my friend and I set up. We’d love to have you as a member alongside this wonderful group
Damn straight he should!!!
Be happy to get child support move forward it’s only one week
be lucky he gives you anything without a court order. I would tell ya you’re burnt
Wow people are so freaking judgemental and freaking rudeeeeee !
Hope this momma doesn’t read all this because its terrible comments!
Chin up momma
Pick your battles momma. Get some rest if you can. This is a mini vacation for you
He doesn’t have to help you lol just the kids
Wow you are brutal lady….
Don’t make it about $$$
Just do it thru the courts. Problem solved.
No, let them have fun and create memories and bond with their father. Let all that money go to their vacation.
I feel like you should just be happy with what youre already getting and call it good!
Jesus!!! Both parents are responsible for the care of their kids! Dammit you fucking idiots!
When my daycare lady goes on vacation, even for w a whole week, I still have to pay her for the week.
Unfollowing for this. Tf.
It’s a freaking week …
No if the kids are gone all week.
Take his ass to court!!!
This is the only exception.
As i finished reading the poster, you really think because he has living expenses he manipulated you? Like do you think you are entitled to ALL of his money? No.
You should be paying HIM for the week!
Stab him in the cheek, ruthless but not attempted murder
my did Its still weekly and I believe yes
My husband and I have his kids a whole month in the summer and he still has to pay it
You actually seem like a right wanker haha.
My husband pays child support the same amount if we have the child extra time in the summer. He gets my bonus son way more in the summer and over Christmas break and he still pays the same amount every month
Then go through court…
That money ain’t for you to live on! So if he is taking care of the kids that week then nope, don’t owe you anything!
Be happy your kids dad does stuff with them.
We don’t pay cs when we have my step baby for the summer. Her mom says to put it towards the child while we have her. Idk, depends on the situation I guess. The money is kind of meant to help support the child, so I’m not sure what kind of situation y’all are in, but we don’t pay when we have the her.
Girl let him spend that money on making memories with the kiddos! Vacation is expensive and it’s awesome that he included the kids
Manipulated seriously
Just go to court n be done with it
Yeah I get 1640 a month for 4 kids when he only takes one every other weekend from sat at 9 to sun at 5. Trust and believe 1640 a month sounds like a lot but 3 teen boys and 1 teen girl it’s not anything special. He took them on vacation once he still paid that week
He sounds petty and selfish af
Chocolate chip from pizza buffet
The CHILD SUPPORT money goes where ever the CHILDREN are…
Maybe if you need the money that bad then maybe you don’t need kids
Yes definitely still pay. My sons dad still pays when my son goes to him for a few weeks in the summer holidays.
Janice Wilson Odesha Dinham
Take his ass to court and get what’s yours
He should be on a court order then you wouldn’t have this problem
Some of you are very bitter single moms my lord
My dear I will clear this up for you. My kids go bi-weekly in the summer and every other weekend during school. He is still required to pay weekly regardless.
Me reading these comments-
My brain-
YOU should be paying him. Since you think he has to pay YOU while they are in your care. I swear woman are azz backwards somtimes…
Wow lol. Some of you women sound like fucking monsters and I feel sorry for whoever had a baby w such a sorry ass woman
be happy kids are having a holiday
enjoy your time
No … Damn I’m a solo mom… I get nothing… don’t fight over petty …
Two words for people like you… Greedy bitch.
Honestly it sounds like you owe him child support for that week
He shouldn’t have too
Lmao yes. Tf. Child support is to support the children’s needs lmao tell him to shut up
This mom sounds kinda selfish honestly
Greedy ass woman. Be thankful you are getting anything
I’m team dad. You are the primary caregiver. Child support isn’t meant to pay all your bills. It’s meant to help with things SPECIFICALLY for the child. Clothes, activities, food, etc. If you feel he’s not paying enough go talk to a judge or a lawyer about it. There’s a good chance, based on located and what judge hears the case that they will still not have the dad pay during times he has the kids or will have him pay less when he has them for extended periods. Like for a week. While you have continued expenses, his expenses will increase during the time he has the children.