If he’s going to have them then no he doesn’t need to pay you for that week. Be thankful they have a dad who pays weekly as it is and enjoy your free time for the week. 🤦🏻♀
If you feel you need more child support because you’ve been manipulated then you should get a support order to have all this negotiated and set without compromise. As far as the vacation it makes sense that your ex is saying he will have all the costs during that week the kids are with him. And I wouldn’t create a huge argument because it’s only a week and it’s not that much money. But I would go ahead and let him know after the vacation is over that you want to discuss the child support and your costs and let him know you think it’s too low. If he won’t increase it, go to court.
Not sure what your situation financial on your own is, but remember child support is to HELP with support not to pay all the bills alone. Otherwise someone who expects childsupport to completely cover house hold bills is wrong.
Some people are just money grubbing arises!
Your kids aren’t your meal ticket.
What a bunch of bitches … if you don’t receive support … take your comments to the trash!
Hell no why would he not pay u just cuz he has them for a wk…b.s. men think they can get away with dumb sad excuses…thats what happens whn a couple decides to marry +kids
Child support in my state is a simple math equation based on incomes of both parents, ages and number of kids. Get a court order to solve the issue in the future and let this go. He’s taking the kids on a fun vacation for a week—let them all enjoy that time together! And yes, he does have to pay rent and bills for himself, too. I get that you pay more in rent than you would if you didn’t have kids (I’m a single mom of three), but he is not solely responsible to pay for two households.
If you went through support then yea he would have to. But since it’s between you then you probably won’t get it.
When you are a full time parent, you have to forego certain things because of the kids. Whether that’s going out to have a personal day, working over time, or what, your world revolves around your kids and everything they need. You come 2nd to them.
If you’re going to make a child and then dump all the responsibility on one parent, the least you can do is pay child support.
Everyone in these comments acting like this woman is asking for too much for wanting him to pay the agreed upon amount is stupid as fuck.
Child support is for a child’s needs. Whether that’s groceries, rent, other bills, new clothes, school supplies, or even just presents for the child, it’s the child’s needs.
Just because the child isn’t there for 7 days, doesn’t mean those expenses just disappear.
On top of that, when you have your kids full time, you spend way more of your personal money on them than child support even is. (Especially if in this case, they agreed to an amount lesser than what would be court ordered)
Y’all are acting like just bc this man wants to step up once a week, he shouldn’t have to maintain their parental agreement with the parent who has them 95% of the time:woman_facepalming:t2:
No you have to prove you will be ok when he’s gone regardless… for the children
If your kids are not there using soaps or water or washing their clothes or need anything or if you don’t have them
Wow a lot of you money hungry women on this thread smh. Sounds like a stand up dad doing what he’s supposed to do and y’all are screaming to take him to court. Y’all are the real pos
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should my ex still have to pay child support for the 7 days he takes my kids on vacation?
Uummm no? You mean to tell me he’s gettin his kids regularly being an active part of their life and being a father!? The only thing you can think to complain about is money?? It’s always only about money.
No. He’s taking them on vacation for the week and providing for them. I’d offer him money honestly to ensure my kids had a great week
No he should not have to pay you for that week.he has bills to pay also.be thankful he’s in their life even tho he should be.some dad’s are not.
Child support is for the children not for you. Even if you didn’t have children you would still have rent and utilities.
The money is for the kids so I’d say let it go for the vacation week. I’d much rather the quality time with their father over money.
If it’s truly to support the children and he is paying the bills for them that week no, your not entitled to money for sending your kids on vacation with dad.
Your childcare overhead does not stop for that week the children are not with you. Whether it’s the size of your home or life/income restrictions imposed on you because of being the main carer in my opinion it applies. Sounds as though he already gets it easy and he knows it, I’d still expect the payment as my circumstances would not change for that rare week he wants to play house
The cost of caring for children does not go down because he is going on vacation. Yes, he should pay. But you need to go to DCSE and set up child support that they will garnish out of his checks so there will be no questions about it. Do not use the courts for child support bc if he decides to change jobs and not update you will be the one hunting him down. DCSE does the hunting for you if you go through them. At most you just call and say hey, child support has stopped, please look into this and see where he is. And they do it.
My ex and I always stopped support when he had her for a week or a month in the summer and if he had her for a month I paid the support. See it wasn’t about him or me it was about our child having fun and being taken care of while she was there. We never had anything Court ordered because we were always making sure she was taken care of. We told the judge at the Divorce hearing our plans he agreed and said if you ever need to We can help. We never did go back to court.
Remember your kids see and hear things even if you think they don’t always put their well being before yours.
Whenever my ex has the kids He doesn’t pay child support. That money is for the kids so i want him to have it to spend on them.
There’s a difference between child support and alimony. It’s not his responsibility to pay your bills. It’s his responsibility to take care of your kids needs. And he’s obviously doing that. If the kids are going to be with him he should not have to pay you. To be honest you sound a little jealous. If you’re hell bent on always getting his money even when the kids are with him then take him to court…
Stuff like this kills me. No one knows the situation and only what you post.
He’s going to have your kids for a week of vacation. Doesn’t matter where the vacation is. Let them use the money for the trip. You’ll have that whole week kid free to yourself. Spend your time wisely. I know I would. He’ll be taking care of the kids and making the time memorable with them.
If he is paying all the other weeks what difference does it makes if he skips a week because he has them for that week.
My best friends ex used to take the 2 children to California every year for the month of July. My friend still got child support through wage garnishment. Take him to court and let the attorneys and court work everything out for u. Good luck.
No he should not have to pay it! They are with him that week and will be taken care of by him.
He does have expenses too. That’s not a manipulation. He pays you weekly and he doesn’t even get to use it as a deduction on his taxes. He is taking his kids for a week and you are not supporting them that week. Child support is for his children not you. Pay your own bills for the week and if you can’t you’re living beyond your means.
He shouldn’t have to pay, you dont have the kids that week.
Child support is for the child… you should still be supporting yourself and the kids. So saying you still have rent, gas, and other bills… well you would still have to pay them even if you didn’t have children… child support should go to food, clothing, and other items for the kids… not the parents
Definately he should pay . Child support usually isn’t weekly think of it as if court ordered you pay for the month it doesn’t matter the circumstances unless it was pre agreed too . He should pay .
Girl I’d go to court, so this way here it gets taken from his check and u will never hear an excuse of why he can’t pay it! You are taking care of those kids 90% of the time and he should pay weekly regardless if he decides to take them for a week to do something fun. Bills where your children reside don’t stop because he takes them for a week. And for anyone who sits here and says your bills aren’t his responsibility, I agree. But it’s also none of anyone’s business what she spends it on as long as her children are taken care of! A judge told my ex it doesn’t matter if I went shopping for myself with his child support because how does he know that I haven’t already taken care of the children’s needs with my money, and we look at his money sent in as support as backup. So if he doesn’t pay or loses his job, kids are still taken care of by me!! But our extra needs we just won’t have if it doesn’t get paid! Sounds like he’s still manipulating you to feel bad. I’m sorry, why does he get to go have fun for a week with them and not continue to pay support while you count on that $ for bills. If he needs more money to survive or to spend on his kids when he has them then he should pick up more hrs or a part time job! He has no restrictions like can’t work nights…cause you have his kids!! He doesn’t! He has wayyyy more time on his hands to pick up more work to accommodate his extra needs while maintaining a weekly amount sent to their mom!
Get a court order so you don’t have to deal with this . It will be taken out of his check then there is no hassle.
No he should still have to pay. The support goes towards keeping a roof over their head clothed etc.
I believe he should pay, you still need to run a house and pay the bills for you child to come home to .
No he should not be paying you while he has them, if anything he cud ask you to pay him for the week he will have them
He should still be paying. You still have to provide the home they come home to. They are on vacation not living with him. You still have expenses to support them despite them not being there. I wish my ex would say something like this.
I see both sides. I think he should because you still need to cover groceries to feed them etc but at the same time no because you won’t be caring for them the week that he doesn’t want to pay. I would definitely lean towards the fact that he should still pay
No I dont think he should have to pay for that week. He’s paying for everything they need that week so why should he pay you for it?
Go back to court. You accepted the settlement with everything that comes with it. So now go back to court.
Does he pay you extra money when you have them on school breaks? He sounds like a petty jerk! I would not give him a break on anything!
Child support is meant to bear a portion of the expenses. They are with him, therefore no expenses that week. It is unreasonable to expect it for that week. It is to care for the kids, not you. When you retain custody of children, you are also taking on the expense of doing so. He may or may not pay support, you should find a way to provide for your kids regardless.
If it were a court order he would still have to pay. If he didnt pay then it would go into arrears and interest added. And if he still doesnt pay, eventually a warrant for his arrest is issued.
Child support is to support the kids
Not you
My son graduated high school
This week
I gave him his savings book from the bank
10 years at $50 a week
A little under 30k
Don’t get me wrong I used some along the way when he needed something that wasn’t a necessity
But it’s not my money
Not a lot of info. You say u have them full time? So he gets no visitation??? If that’s the case one week of no support isn’t gonna hurt u unless you don’t work. I never got support I had an agreement he would pay for things the kids needed or any extra expenses plus on his insurance. It’s a two way street and maybe work out a 50/50 arrangement to take a little of the expense off of you
I dont make my youngest one dad pay when he has him for the summer. I would never take money out of my child mouth. If he pays weekly then the week he has them u are not providing for them by just ur self there for u would be taking money from your kids mouth so to speak
Since you dont have an actual order i dont think he should. Child support is based off monthly. Yall decided to do weekly. So of he has the kids the entire week then no he should not pay
No he’s going to have them!
No because that’s a week that he would be paying you to support them for that week and when he has them he will be supporting them that week (feeding them along with other vacation expenses)in the long run, it’s just a week and he has them, there’s no sense in arguing about it.
Must be nice to get to complain about child support. I raise 2 kids myself with no support/contact from their dad, no vacation time(except for when my mom takes them for a night) no nothing. She shouldn’t be complaining that she’s not getting money for the one week she doesn’t friggin have them, but rather be grateful they have a father who WANTS to be there for them, support them(and her) majority of the time plus take them on vacays
Yes he should still pay.
Child support is child support. You don’t deduct $$ for his parenting time smh
No because that child support goes to more than just their weekly needs. It should be put to a roof over their heads, clothes that go on their backs, shoes that go in their feet etc etc. If you’re the full time parent then his payments shouldn’t stop just because he has them for a week.
I have 50/50 custody with my ex husband but he still pays child support (mutual agreement because he makes alil more than I do) When he has them for a week on his vacation, twice a year, I decide to not take child support that week.
It takes that money just to feed them
I’m not all that worried about it. Whatever we can do to be civil and fair works for us. I don’t have them that week, so in my eyes, I don’t need it.
(He privately pays me weekly, not monthly and its not court ordered, we’ve done this for 3 years now)
It’s one week. Why make a huge deal out of it. Ecspecially when he has them. Don’t ruin it for your kids. I let Alot of shit go cuz it isn’t worth it. My oldest got $30 a month in support becuz asking for more made my kids life hard…his dad would take it out on him. So I took the loss.
No he shouldn’t pay. He’s paying for the kids the whole week. Your expenses that don’t involve your children, are not his problem. Let him enjoy the vacation with his kids and don’t be bitter.
In my opinion, I think he should not pay. He is caring for them that week, so the money he would give you to care for them is not needed by you. It use to drive me crazy when my hubby had to pay his ex child support during the summer when we had the kids full time. Child support is to take care of the kids, if you don’t have them then you shouldn’t receive a payment.
I think he should still be paying it. Every other month you have them all the time, you’re supporting them, putting the roof over their heads and the food in their bellies.
Are your continuing expenses child related? If not then I don’t think it’s fair to expect him to pay you while they’re under his care.
What about a compromise? He pays half the amount he would pay. This way you still get some support for the kids and he doesn’t have to pay the full amount.
I see both sides. However, if he’s going to pay support for that week, it means towards the bills. Not Mom using it for her (enter _____). I’m just curious, are you not able to cover the week with your income separate from whatever support he gives?
I think it gets to be “messy” when there is no court order in place. If you guys can make it work, kudos to you. But it seems like it is easier to just have a written out, court ordered custody arrangement and child support order.
A typical court ordered child support order would still have him pay regardless if he has them on vacation or not.
To me, it would honestly depend. If he’s ALWAYS been faithfully helpful to you for the kids’ sake, if he’s always contributed, stepped in, etc then I’d probably just let him skip that week so he can make sure he has enough money for the kids while he’s on vacation with them. If he’s NEVER helped and been the complete opposite, I probably would just have the support continue to avoid any gray area or arguments.
Child support was created to ensure a child has the same standard of living in both houses. My son spends 1.5 months with his father in the summer and he doesn’t pay child support when he is with him.
Yes he should pay for that week my kids dad did.
I don’t think he needs to pay. Yes, I get that money can help pay housing and utilities for the kids, but you would have to pay that anyways even without them. he has them that week, which means no extra food, care items, electricity/water being used by them. No daycare costs. Plus, it could mean happier kids spending time with their dad and having fun.
I do also feel you should go to court for support if this is an issue for you. It may not be the last time a situation like this arises. And you can usually mediate the amount monthly so things are more agreeable between the two of you instead of going with just their figure.
Yes and no I see both sides. Both my girls dads are on child support and have never payed one penny. One is 6 and other is 8. They did it 50/50 so both have to pay only $237 a month. I wouldn’t make a big deal of it since he is taking the kids for a week but I would just ask hey I know there with you but I still have some bills coming up is there anyway you could help out. Or bring him to court if you think you would get more.
Yes. When I went to court about 5 years ago, my ex tried the same thing and the judge laughed at him and said “Nobody gets a break from bills that are due for the week the kids are away on vacation!”
I get the whole she still has electricity/rent, etc. But she won’t have to feed them that week. Maybe have him pay a smaller amount for that week. Like half the amount he normally pays or something.
If the mom is the primary home of the children then yes, because the support is for the home, upkeep, food, clothes, school supplies, etc. All the things that go into keeping a home for children. If your children go away for a week, with anyone, all their expenses are still there… with the exception of food I suppose.
No I don’t think he should have to, if you make him pay then that’s taking the money away from your children on their holiday. Dad will be worse of meaning in turn it’s the children who lose out.
Your not caring for the children that week, therefor he shouldn’t be expected to pay you money for his children that he has?
I wouodnt ask him to pay, the money should be used on the children for food clothing etc. For that week you won’t be paying food and I’m damn sure they won’t need emergency clothing from you.
I would honestly get something in writing through the courts on child support so this issue don’t keep coming up through the years
Hold up here, he has the kids for a week… which means he’s paying all expenses for the KIDS that week while your kidless & doing your OWN thing. No he should have to pay for that week he has them.
Child support = financial support TOWARDS the kids.
Depending on the circumstances…and the battle you want /don’t want to fight. Yes he should as he would be court ordered to anyway legally speaking. If he is truly struggling then maybe try to negotiate? Just because it’s his mom’s beach house doesn’t mean he is better off. All up to you.
Yes he does still need to pay and tell him if he doesn’t you will involve child support enforcement for future payments. They have to pay through the state even if they have them physically for a week.
How is him saying he has to pay rent and live too manipulating you?
Since he has the kids and will be taking care of them out of his own pocket that entire week I don’t think its fair to also make him pay you that week.
Yes. You will still have the same expenses except for a little food while they are with him.
If you were garnishing his wages he’s have to pay no matter what. But since you aren’t … I guess fair is fair.
You still have to pay rent and utilities to keep their home. Court order would in force the payment. I advice you 2 to go to a family advocate and get a legal agreement. They can help by figuring all expenses and what support he can afford depending on income and his living style. Doing this yourselves will only lead to trouble and it looks like it’s already starting. Once it’s set by the courts it can be changed legally if life circumstances change.
Be grateful you get anything without a court order. Seriously. I have a court order in place and still don’t get shit. They started garnishing his wages and guess what? He quit his job. It has now been well over a year since I have gotten anything. So I would gladly go a week without support if that meant I would get it every other week of the year, but that’s just me.
I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just trying to explain this in a direct and blunt way. Imagine yourself asking a vendor to do a job for you. You end up doing it yourself but still pay the vendor for the work you completed. Not fair right?
Your ongoing expenses aren’t his problems. Expenses associated with your children is the only responsibility he has. He has 0 responsibility to help pay for your clothing, utility bills, rent, etc…. You lost that financial benefit when you divorced or separated.
Court ordered child support is still paid to the primary parent of residence even when the other parent had half the month or the whole month, it’s paid in full. So yes, he should still pay.
Personally I say no, they are with him for the week and he is paying for there expenses that way.
I don’t think he should pay. Unless they are having to miss days at a summer school or camp where there was money spent or already paid. Other then that I feel for that week no for payment. But you can always go to court and get an order set in place if you’re not happy with the amount etc.
I have 2 kids. My oldest daughter’s father has never paid me and she’s 18. I never wanted anything from him other then him being a father when he was able to. I paid and cared for her for the past 18 year’s because she’s mine. Not just his and I took on that responsibility in full. With my youngest we split custody & bills like school, classes, activities and parties. It’s worked great.
Every situation is different.
I think the real question here is are you going to be able to survive without that week of payment from him? Because your kids will be gone for a week, meaning a weeks worth of food you normally spend on them will be saved and electricity, water, gas, clothes and other bills will not be used because they won’t be there, saving you that money as well. Now of course, unless they have like dental or medical bills your still paying for then that’s a different story. But him taking them for a week and paying their expenses is just like praying child support. I’m sure if it was the other way around and he was the one taking care of the kids 90% of the time and you were paying child support off of an agreement you would see it from his perspective.
child support is for the child not the parent, if your child is away for the week then no. that money shouldbe spent on his food ect for that week
Nope. You won’t have them that week. It’s not his responsibility to pay for you. If you go by weeks and he has them a whole week he doesn’t need to give you anything. Child support is to support the child NOT you.
Everyone saying she’s still bills even when he’s on vacation well so does the father that’s a week’s food she won’t have to buy for kids, a week’s hot water and electric she won’t have to pay such a high amount as will only be her using it, so u will be saving money and u are making out he hardly pays u much as it is so surely u will be saving enough to make up what he’s not giving u? I know I would rather my child’s father keep the money for the sake of a week and use it to spend on the kids holiday to make it extra special for them some parents see a kid as a cheque book and it’s vile!
He is taking his kids on vacation for that week. Leave that man alone and let him use that money on the kids. Your ongoing expenses are not his responsibility, ony the kids are.
You’re kind of using the same manipulation you said he did. Child support, from what I understand, is to maintain the child & expenses incurred, not for your use…any extra should go in a savings acct for the child. Do you work?? Maybe that week’s worth is going towards giving the child a time to remember.
If he pays weekly for you to take care of the kids and they’re gone for the entire week, it’s only fair that he doesn’t give you the money when he’ll need it to support the kids that week.
I would say no, he’s still going to pay for everything they need that week that they are with him.
Child support is a reimbursement for the expenses YOU pay (rent, gas, bills, food, etc) so yes, he needs to pay ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Just go through the Court system and have Child Support done through them & this will not be an issue
He’s taking all kids on a trip that’s expensive, I don’t think he should have to pay for a week of child support when he has them and he just forked out airfare.
You should have gone through the courts to get this all situated on paper. Next time get proper documentation
No. He has the kids he’s already paying for them while he has them. Child support is for food and clothes and any emergency expenses not to pay your way of life so you can have it easier. If you can’t afford your bills without child support look for somewhere you can afford or look for a better job. Everyone wants to say their baby daddy ain’t shit and don’t take the kids but if he’s paying your bills and his bills cause you don’t wanna fully support yourself and your kids YOU are the dead beat not your baby daddy. Child support should ONLY be for parents that literally have nothing to do with their children not so lazy hoes can be vindictive about the relationship falling apart.
I would let it slide for the week unless you still had childcare to pay for then I would just make him pay half of that and let him slide on the rest of the money.
I see where you’re coming from but if you’re not having to feed, clothe and bath your children for the week, he should use that money for the kids whilst he’s away as he’ll be doing that for that week
I would’ve told my ex to keep the support for that week before he even asked. Use the money to do fun stuff with our kid.
Honestly, I kind of see both sides but, I do think that since he’ll have the kids that week and you won’t be paying to feed them and whatnot for those 7-days that he shouldn’t have to pay. Why would he pay you that money, when he’s the one who has the kids and will be paying to feed/clothe and whatever activities that they’re doing together?
If you need that money to pay YOUR own expenses (separate from the kids for the week you will not have them) then that’s not child support. It’s spousal support.
Let him have the kids, and let him spend the money on them like it’s supposed to be.
If anything is paid to you, it should be less than the typical payment due to the fact that you will not be paying for their groceries or food costs during the time that the children are not with you.