Some don’t have to pay a penny…hidden pay and wife has to
Pay support…is that a fair court system?
I see both sides. Honestly am leaning towards his. But, could you meet in the middle and him pay half of his normal weekly amount? May not be worth the fight or rift.
No it’s for the child not you so if he’s got the child for that week he should keep hold of it and spend it on the child while they’re with him maybe that’s just me though I can’t believe people actually think he should when they child’s with him that whole week he’d be giving you money for nothing when he could actually be using it for what it’s for
Correct me if I’m wrong but Child support is for the kids not to pay your bills and look after the home so therefore he should keep that weeks money and spend it on the kids uno what the money is actually for
Well- to be honest I cant really lay judgement without knowing how much hes paying in the first place.
And yeah- court ordered is BS. No one should ever be able to live off having kids and have everything payed for.
Child support, should the other parent want to be present- should be half of what the kids basic costs are- so say you rent a 2 bedroom- well you would still need the one bedroom for yourself to begin with- so calculate the difference between a one bedroom and a two- then cutt that in half. Around here it’s about 80 bucks difference- so 40 bucks a month for kids rent from each parent. Still need food- so only half of what estimated extra you spend on kids.
Current court child support is often way to much.
So what I would do is itemize a list- and then see what the difference is. That week he needs the food and gas portion- but the rent part is still something needed cause they need a home to go back to.
never have I have seen such a misunderstanding of what child support is about as on thiscthread.
You still have to pay rent/mortgage- where the child lives most time, you still have to pay medical insurance for that time, other expenses etc. He should still have to pay.
Mine was court appointed and he took my son for 4 weeks every summer. He still had to pay all support
You should have taken him to court in the first place so you didn’t have to ask questions like these.
No he shouldn’t have to pay since he has your guys children he can use that money for the kids
Alot of dads wouldn’t even take their kids on holiday nevermind do so and still pay maintenance. I don’t understand people saying oh but the gas the electric. Well you would need all that if you weren’t with the kids anyway and one week less money when the kids are getting to make these memories with their dad shouldn’t be a big deal. Maybe he can’t afford to pay his own rent, part of yours plus a holiday? Too much stress on dad’s these days sorry unpopular opinion but I see things from the guys side aswell from having a guy with a VERY toxic ex xx
Tell him … you know what, we can go to court and see what the judge says…. May be the best anyway to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future
If child support was set up through court, he would still be required to pay it.
Why not take him to court for a set amount he needs to pay? Then questions like that are moot. Mom still has living expenses RELATED TO THE CHILDREN, just because they’re not there one week? He’s not been paying the AGREED amount already, so until he’s caught up, yes he owes.
Easiest way to not have to deal with these situations is have the state calculate what he should pay.
BTW, as a separate note, visitation and support are separate issues, and iirc you can’t not let him have his kids even though he’s behind
I think of it like this, if your kids are in daycare, and you take them out for that 7 days, you still have to pay for the days they aren’t there. He should too.
I think it all depends on how you are doing financially. If he is going to put that money towards the kids for vacation then I would say…. Give him a free week….
If he isn’t then I would make him pay.
Best just to make this through the state so no questions asked.
Yes he should pay full amount ?up the steps with him pulling a fast1 part time fathers full time mothers:sweat:
Get a court order and you’ll have monthly support wether he takes her on a trip or not. The kid lives with you at the end of the day. He thinks he’s slick using the child support he’s suppose to give you to go on vacay with your kid.
No he should still pay. I would remind him he’s still paying less that what courts would order.
The single best thing you can do is get a court order. For both of you. I tried doing it voluntary. It didn’t work . stupid shit like what you’re talking about . its so much easier for EVERYONE when it on paper
When my husband pays child supports from his first marriage, he gets his daughter 4 non consecutive weeks in the summer, and child support does not stop.
Support I’m assuming is to cover the kids food/expenses… if he has your kids why should he pay you if they aren’t physically with you?
i have my son full time and he goes to his dad 1 week every 2 months he still pays even when my son is with him, i still have to pay daycare bills when he’s with his dad so that helps cover that
Sounds like he is being petty towards you personally…YOU have full time care of the children
Just because he has taken the children for 7 days…doesn’t excuse the fact that the money he pays goes towards feeding his children when they return to you🤷♀️
I understand he probably doesn’t want to give you money to spend on yourself
But what some parents don’t understand is…it doesn’t matter as long as you’re children have everything they need RIGHT?
I would go to court regarding support payments and he will figure out pay doesn’t stop.
If it’s not court ordered then he doesn’t have to pay period. I been told no court order then the dad doesn’t have to pay.
If the roles were reversed and you had to pay him for the week, then also had to pay for their needs during that week, how would you feel having to pay twice for something?
Go to court. Get a court order. 50/50 custody does not mean shit, parenting time is what they count down to the minutes. Go to court get it done and don’t worry about it. Child support is for everything you need to take care of of children. Hell if all their needs are paid for and the added support can buy YOU new clothes or whatever then that’s what you can do. But just to avoid all that, get a court ordered amount and let child support deal with getting the money handled
If it’s isn’t court order. I’d give a week off
Go to court and put him on child support. Show him how nice you were being in the beginning and make him shut up. And this is coming from someone who is basically on a voluntary child support agreement. My daughters father is a trucker, me are him are no longer together. He pays the rent, me and my fiancé take care of everything else and everything my daughter needs. I likely get more than I would get from child support with him paying the rent. But guess what, it still isn’t enough. We still struggle. So yes he needs to pay, or he needs to be put on actual child support.
I think that he should pay you. It is a set amount regardless if if he has them for two days or a week if they are with you for full-time and he’s taking them for one week out of all that time yes indeed he should still pay
I don’t think he should as that money is for the kids and if the kids are with him that week then the money would still be spent on them.
Why would he pay you when he has them and is taking care of them?
Usually during the summertime when they take them it’s cut in half or no order to pay for that month
He does have to pay rent and food live duh. No ma’am he does not pay child support that week. Child support is for the kids not you. You sound very selfish lady. Your a bit picky sad lady, who must be extremely selfish.
Don’t let him get off that easy. Does cleaning up after the kids stop when they go away? No, cause you’re pulling dirty clothes out of the hamper, out from under the bed they hid there. Does the laundry stop? Nope, cause now its a chance to catch up, get it all done. Do the dishes stop? Nope, cause you know you gona find that secret snack they took, and the dishes they hid to hide the snack. You also gotta pick up all the toys they left out, put the clean clothes away. This isn’t a vacation for you, its just a kid free week to get the chores all done before they come home. PAY UP MAN!! YOU GOT IT EASY!!
Why would he pay if he had them?
Sock it to them I paid cs for 21 years and still paying for a nother 4 years till I’m 70
If the expenses are for the kids then yes. Like daycare bills etc…because u still have to pay daycare during vacation…If its for your personal bills then no.
How is pointing out he’s not made of money and is wanting to treat the kids manipulation??
That money is for the kids an he’s using it to pay for their vacation and the things they want to do so I don’t think he has to give it to you this time around.
Take him to court, he is just using your goodness for his own personal gain…
I mean it’s one week of no support does that really matter???
If you’re agreement is for a set amount weekly then why do you need the payment for a week you don’t have them?
Definitely shouldn’t have to pay YOUR bills. It’s for the kids
It’s absolutely fair. He’s paying for their vacation
He should definitely still pay
You have to pay rent too
It’s equal … or just have him pay the bills that week
Good luck mama
Stay strong and firm
Let him use the money on your kids that week, that’s what it’s for
Child support would make him pay.
If he pays weekly and has them that whole week then no.
In a court order CHILD SUPPORT DOESN’T STOP for the days kids are with other parent…some of these comments are so uneducated and immature
Yes he should still pay… It’s about ongoing expenses, not the weeks specific expenses. It’s about long term care of the children …and with them being with you full time as stated, it’s more about an all over expense, not one week he buys a couple happy meals. Js, in my opinion!
No their his kids too
First a couple of question for you… do you have full custody of children (court ordered).
Do you pay for health insurance for the children ? If no, you really need to get a lawyer and go to court for that plus child support.
Otherwise he can pretty much do as he pleases, and that includes keeping the children.
Why would he pay if they are with him. That just sounds like you’re using their support for your expenses.
A guy I work with still has to
1st, you can take him to court for child support at any time. 2nd… if it was court ordered they would base it on the amount of time he was spending with the children. He is only obligated to help support them during the time he is not with them. And that’s factored into the child support obligated.
So no, he shouldn’t have to pay.
Nope you have 50% responsible. It’s not his place to pay for you
Sounds like he’s involved, so why are you receiving “child” support at all? I just can’t with the entitlement.
I wouldn’t fuss about a weeks worth of CS, given this situation. Good grief.
No stop being greedy that money is for the kids not you
Fuck him. You still have to pay rent for them the week he has them.
If it was court ordered he would still have to pay it whether he has them or not.
Just let it slide honestly its one week. Pick your battles.
What is wrong with you people saying he shouldn’t pay? Bills that benefit those kids are not on pause just because the kids are away for a week. Should he get to deduct the time they’re asleep at their moms since they won’t be eating or drinking and blankets help keep them warm? Some of you women have ZERO idea what child support is for and why the non custodial parent pays. If you think it’s a favor they do for their kids mom, you should have your kids taken away from you. It is a payment to guarantee that the kids lifestyle will be taken care of as if the parents were cohabitating. They should not suffer because the parents split. And that money should absolutely help with bills around the house. I’m disgusted how many women would cut their kids short to look cool to the guy who got them pregnant. If your entire family goes on vacation, do the parents get to call the electric company and say hey we’re not using it for a week we’re not gonna pay? No. So why should it be any different if the parents are split up?
You’re not incurring any extra expenses while the kids are gone. In fact you should be using less water, electricity and food. Doesn’t matter that he is staying at his mom’s place. He still has to buy food for them and whatever activities they participate in will be on him. Not to mention if you work and pay a babysitter, you won’t have to pay for that for the week. You should just enjoy your week without the responsibility and consider it a vacation for yourself.
I never made my child’s father pay if he had our son for a long period of time. I split his money between 4 weeks of the month and just take 3/4 if he has him for the week I tell him to spend it on our son whilst away it either being presents or towards his meals etc x
No he shouldn’t, he has the kids , that money is not for you , it’s for the kids, at least he’s paying , let him have them anytime , he can, there his kids too
I’d tell him that he can either pay his expected amount of support regardless of vacation or not because at the end of the day that money is to support our child and just because it wouldn’t be used during that week that shes not with me doesnt mean it wont be put toward larger expenses later such as back to school clothes etc. but if not I’d be getting a court order and at that point it’s in the judges hands, including the amount he pays.
The support is for the children… he has them for a week… so no… he shouldn’t be paying you child support for the week he has them as that money can be spent on the kids while in his care.
He shouldn’t have to pay, he’s taking them on vacation. Don’t be selfish, child support is for the kids not your own personal expenses. I would be happy the kids get to go on vacation at all.
I’d say he’s obligated to financially support his children but not to pay your rent and utilities. He has his own rent and utilities. If you feel you need more then take it up with the court.
Of they are with you full time and he is just taking them for a visit, yes, he should, they still have to have a home to come back to, with food and creature comforts. You are doing your part. For once he is doing his. Don’t let that guilt you into making steps towards an outcome that will eventually allow you to be mistreated and walked on. You have full time/custody, he pays support. Period. For him to Not have to pay you he would have to take them All the 50/50, no exceptions, if he gives scraps of time, a day here or there a week? That’s not parenting, that’s visiting. He needs be responsible for his end and help pay for them. Jmo.
He should still pay. That child support goes toward a roof over children’s heads, clothes on their bodies and food in their bellies. And if it were court ordered, he would be required to pay for that week and probably more than he pays now.
Stop being petty and ridiculous. Your ongoing expenses are your responsibility not his, child support is for the children not for you to live on or pay bills and if he has the kids that week you have no expenses for your kids. Grow up
I don’t think he should have to pay, but you should have gotten a major heads up about it. Because like you and others have said in the comments, you have expenses that don’t just go away so that’s completely understandable. He should have given you a huge timeframe to be able to make other arrangements for bills and necessities that week. Bills have payment arrangements, and you could have been more prepared in other ways had he given you a proper notice. Because of that I almost feel like he should pay this time, and make sure to give a notice next time.
Take him to court to avoid all of this in the future. Having everything set in stone makes for much easier co parenting.
No he shouldn’t have to pay! The kids won’t be there to eat or use extra utilities etc. count your blessings I’ve never gotten support never fought for it. Always been living with family until now bc I couldn’t get ahead. He has every right justified to not have to pay for that week as he is supporting the kids while he has them the money is for the kids
Personally if y’all are paying week by week, he shouldn’t have to pay for the one week he does have the kid(s). I wouldn’t thank him or glorify him and I’d be on his ass for the next week but not for the week he actually had the kiddo(s).
Now as far as him underpaying you; does it cover the CHILDS expenses(food/diapers/meds/clothes etc) for the week/month? If so your doing fine if not take pics of recipes for what you pay and tell him to pay up weekly like your SUPPOSED to or you’ll be taking the birth certificate and allllll the info on him as a dad & child’s expenses and job info and filing for child support to be taken mandatory out of his check if he can’t get w it.
Yes . You still have to hold the fort and keep things stocked etc for when they return .
Wow there are so many petty little girls on here. Come on ladies let’s do better than making men miserable over money especially for a freaking week. Remember ladies if you feel the need to demand child support it’s called CHILD support not baby mama support. I’d hate to be the poor guy that knocks most of you up.
I am so thankful to have a MAN that doesn’t think Child Support would stop simply because he took my daughter for a week.
Yes he should still pay, wtf? It’s Child Support, taking them for a week means nothing….
He is having the kids for a week. He shouldn’t have to provide YOU with a weekly allowance. You shouldn’t need his money this week you don’t have the kids
He’s taking care of them so no
He’s lucky he’s your ex. You’re super selfish.
Yes if given order by Judge
You still have the same monthly bills. Lol. No.
Moniqua Ami-lee totally agree with you.
That cheap ass! Fuck him.
Do you pay for your child when he’s w him?
Pretty sure your electric & water will still be on that week lol! Do you get a break off rent for the week the kiddos are gone? He def still needs to pay that week!
You did this to yourself, so…
Child support enforcement would make him pay🤷🏻♀️
Hes caring for the children for the week. Not you.
He shouldn’t have to pay you CHILD SUPPORT when you’re not currently SUPPORTING THE CHILDREN, he is.
Lmaooooo wow you can’t let it go for one week?
This is weird. I’m assuming be pays you child support that isn’t regulated through a court system, because my husband and I pay child support to his ex girlfriend and it’s automatically withdrawn from his pay checks by the state of Indiana. We never see or touch that money and have zero control over it, so yes, we pay child support even when my stepson is on vacation with us.
I think it should be a set amount of $ per month and whether they’re on vacation or not, that’s the amount you get. Vacations shouldn’t alter the child support.
How about pay HIM for the week they will be gone and see how it feels. You sound selfish and money hungry. You should have told him no instead of asking for money while they are gone.