If he had extra money for the week he would be able to make it extra special for the kids.
I wouldn’t fight it, but I would just go get court ordered child support
Especially since you said you have them most of the time. It takes a lot of headache away just to have it court ordered, so there’s no argument.
When it’s court ordered he doesn’t get to choose when or how much is paid. Doesn’t matter if he has them or not.
Let him have his week off
You are so lucky that he is a good day and pays sorry without government involvement. Count your blessings
Let him keep it and use it to help buy the little things that are going to make the kids vacation more enjoyable
Yes. If my child missed a week of preschool, I still have to pay as if he were there, I rely on them to be my full time childcare provider while I work. They rely on x amount of income to make ends meet, pay bills, etc. Same principle.
I think that if you CAN, be reasonable & settle for maybe half of the normal amount. I’d personally try to make sure all parties involved felt it was fair & are happy. Don’t take his money just because he owes it.
Soooo… he pays you, every week, without any Court “forcing” him to do so. He’s spending time, making memories with his children, for a week (also gives you a little break during their week away)… and you want him to pay you for that week? Consider yourself VERY fortunate, be happy your children have what sounds like a responsible father and know that a Judge would likely deny your request… better yet, the out of pocket expense to take legal action to recoup a week of child support would definitely outweigh what your ex pays you… and could possibly reduce what the court feels he should pay all around. Not sure why you think he’s paying less than the Court would order if it’s never gone to Court, but there are PLENTY of parents that never see a dime. You accepted the agreement… you weren’t forced to agree. Baffled by this mindset
That man needs to get a court order before you end up screw!ng him. Because that verbal agreement you have means nothing in my state and when you take him to court he’ll still have to pay from the day the child was conceived.
So you depend on his money regardless of the child. Don’t put yourself in a position to depend on a mans financial support.
I don’t think he should pay he can use that money towards the kids vacation time with him for whatever they need.
Shouldn’t you be happy he is spending more time with the children than worrying about who is paying what? Plenty of kids don’t get enough time with their dad due to mums blocking the time, or their own selfishness in not wanting more time with their kids.
Rent, electric, insurance, internet, gas… These things don’t stop just because of vacation.
I have 50/50 and court ordered child support for my two kids. 55 biweekly. Which is minimal and it upset my ex he has to pay it. But it helps!! You still have to maintain a household even if the kids are gone.
Child support, at its simplest, is meant to help with the “normal” expenses associated with raising a child. These normal expenses include food, shelter, transportation, clothing, and certain educational costs.
Basically bills don’t stop. Get it court ordered be done with the voluntary.
Honestly the best way is the courts… That was the only way for me and my ex…
Turn his words on him. Tell him he needs to pay the support because you have to pay rent and live too (also make sure you have everything you need when your babies come home)
Being a single mom myself I say yes, he should pay. You still have bills to pay that take care of those kids. What I do with my ex when my kids are with him, he still pays BUT if he needs a little help moneywise I’ll help where I can bc they’re my kids also and I want to make sure they have what they need no matter where they are. Maybe you could do something like that. Maybe only half for that week or something. Remember the kids are what matter in the end.
Im a single mom who’s ex is court ordered to pay CS but is over $10000 behind! Be thankful he pays and spends time with his kids! He doesn’t need to pay you anything that week but spend that $ on his kids for Vac.
Wait just one minute now -
You mean to tell me that you have your child’s father who is not ONLY there for them, but gives you money towards their care WITHOUT a court order AND is taking your babies on VACATION- meanwhile there are moms out here (like myself) who don’t get ONE RED CENT towards ANYTHING for their children - who have to supply their child’s every need (without an issue) AND have to watch their child be bored this summer because their “FATHER” won’t spend time with them (Bc other things are more important) AND YOU ARE SERIOUSLY BITCHING ABOUT ONE WEEKEND WITHOUT SUPPORT?!??
Do like the rest of us moms and PAY YOUR OWN BILLS! Stop depending on your child’s father.
You’re actually kidding me? You’re expenses are your own and you should budget for them. Child support is for the CHILD. Your ex needs to take you to court otherwise you’ll end up f***ing him over
This is crazy to me… that people are suggesting he doesn’t have to pay child support just because he takes his child on ONE vacation… what about all the days and weeks he doesn’t?! My only question would be whose decision is that, yours or his? If he wants to be CONSISTENTLY involved and do what it takes as a father and be there for his baby then forego it HOWEVER she still has to pay for daycare, diapers, wipes, clothes, toys, etc every other day of the week. Not to mention the mental toll it takes to be a “single parent”.
And a court order doesn’t mean squat some of the time!
I wouldn’t worry and let him keep it to spend extra on The kid’s.
He does need rent and money to live too. If you dont have the kids then you shouldnt be worried about it. If you dont have the kids, why should he give you money…
Whew… Y’all. It’s NOT your child’s father’s job to pay y’all bills. What in the…?? Who? Who raised y’all to think that your BD is responsible for your household bills? I just can’t.
Girl take the L for this week since he has the kids all week
You would have to maintain your own household even if there weren’t children
Imagine being this self centred.
In this situation I’d see if he could at least help with half. Maybe he wants to spend some money on the kiddos out there. I totally understand struggling tho so I’d get something through the courts if you need consistency
If he pays weekly… then he shouldn’t pay if the child is not there. I’d go to court and get a traditional order and then you don’t have to worry about this.
Child support goes towards food, shelter, utilities, clothing, activities ect. You have to pay it, you do not get to pick and choose when you pay it. Sometimes trying to be amicable and working outside the court system does not work.
This one is EASY! If there is no court order in place then he isnt really obligated to pay a dime… so be lucky you got a good man who is helping you without the court telling him he has too NO he shouldnt have to pay you for the week he has them. He is paying all their expenses for that week… it’s not his responsibility to pay your Bill’s too!! The nerve I swear! Child support is for the childs needs not your bills anyways! Some people see kids as incomes I dont get it smh! Just my opinion so no one get all bent out of shape over it!!!
Is 1 week really going to make or break you??
I can honestly say if he’s paying regular, the start of Florida allows 120 days to be behind before any action is done by child support.
Sooo unless you can’t support a week by yourself, then I wouldn’t complain if I were you.
He should pay you whatever he always does whether he’s on vacation or not. The house your kids live in doesn’t stop need being paid for because he is away one week. Besides anyone who has their kids full time knows darn well they are spending way more than the parent that doesn’t have the kids full time. WAY MORE. He should pay.
He should NOT be paying child support for that week. Nor should he be paying for when he has the children. It’s not his job to pay your bills. Your ongoing expenses are YOUR responsibility, not his.
I would get a court order. I would never do a verbal agreement with any man over child support.
Petty on his part but i mean, id be like okay have fun
He’s lost his mind!!! You are still maintaining their dwelling
He sounds like … a good dad taking his kids on vacation and on weekends! … if you guys have a set weekly agreement then no he shouldn’t have to pay you the week his kid is with him!!! …. I get it me and my sons dad do not go to court or any of that and I do not make him pay a lot either but if you want more go through court or stop complaining at least he’s a good decent dad who cares plenty who don’t!
You are getting a kid free week, take it and zip it
I think you really shouldn’t make a big deal about this. That whole week he will feed the kids and hopefully be taking them to do things, which would be limited if he still has to pay you. That affects your kids vacation fun. Now if you pay for their health insurance or have to go buy stuff for them to take on vacation, sure. But otherwise, I’d let it slide. No sense in causing an argument over 1 week.
Yes he still has to pay
You’re lucky he even pays you anything. Js. Count yourself lucky and don’t complain about the week.
I would maybe agree to half for the week so he has a little extra to spend on the kids but I would explain that I was only willing to accept half to help him out while he has them and that you’re doing him a favor. You need to understand tho, that child support is not to cover your monthly bills. It’s to cover the expenses of your CHILDREN. You would still have rent and a water bill or an electric bill even if you didn’t have kids so what he is paying shouldn’t be going to those types of things anyway. Now if the kids have braces or medical expenses or sports expenses and such those all still need paid so half is fair since you won’t be feeding them and providing for them during that week.
Yes he should still have to pay…daycare still costs money…they still charge when you’re on vacation. T he things the kids will need while they are on vacation.soap tooth brush clothes shoes whatever else…if he’s paying all of that and everything included then no but let’s face it most other parents don’t we have to supply it to the kids for them to have fun time
Sounds like you think child support is for for you and your comfort. If he has the kids and is paying for everything that week maybe you should pay him
Jacinta Parmenter omg what a gold digger
No he shouldn’t. You don’t have the kids so you shouldn’t get his money for the kids. Plain and simple. Asking for it is selfish and makes you look more money hungry then acting caring about the kids
You are a greedy lady
Yeah he definitely doesn’t have to pay you the week he is going to have the kids. You should NEVER rely on someone else’s money for your expenses. Child support is for supporting your children, not you. As a mom who never receives the child support for my kid, I understand you still have bills and your kids bathe and eat and all that jazz, but the only thing he should potentially need to pay for for the week is daycare if they don’t have “vacation days”
Cs isnt meant for your “ongoing expenses”. be grateful that hes at least involved and pays you without a court order🙄 yes i agree if he was on paper hed still have to pay but still…not everyone pays weekly cs sometimes its only once or twice a month for some ppl.
No he shouldn’t have to pay
Technically he should still pay however if you want to let it slide so your kid(s) have a little extra spending money then there is no harm in that either. My son is with his dad for the summer and I told his dad he didn’t have to pay me while he’s there so my son has that money while he’s there.
My x pays same every month even if he takes a week vacation .
Well why should he have to pay? Holidays aren’t cheap, I would rather my kids had an awesome time and not have me be selfish and take away their holiday money.
This is ridiculous, he works with you and pays you cs, quit being greedy. Most men run from it
Um he’s going to have the kids… whats he paying to support you gor?!. He shouldn’t have to support YOU. America is so weird with their support system lol pay your own bills girl Wtf
Pleas stop worrying about one weeks of money. The time your children get to spend with him is priceless. Give him a break. He’s paying without a court order and that says a lot. Let him has his moment with his kids and spend that money on them having fun together.
I’m just gonna copy paste a reply I sent to another person thinking that this mom is being “greedy”. Y’all no need to be mean. She’s just a mom trying to make sure her kids are provided for.
Kali Anne Im gonna respectfully disagree with you saying it shouldn’t go towards bills. Yes she would have bills even if it were just her BUT she would pay a lot less. Kids use a lot of water (showers baths more laundry etc) also more electricity, ie needing more rooms therefore using more lights fans etc, as well as devices and more tv usage. She may need more bedrooms therefore higher rent or mortgage. The list goes on honestly. So yes I think child support SHOULD go towards bills or groceries etc because she’s paying for not just medical expenses or school stuff but the extra expenses to have a decent roof over their heads, running water, electricity, gas for heat or the stove that their meals are cooked on. In conclusion, Yes as an adult you’ll have bills such as rent, power, gas water etc. but add children and those expenses can skyrocket.
Child support is defined as financial support for caring for the children. Isn’t that making sure y’all aren’t cramped in one bedroom and giving them their own rooms, or having heat or ac to deal with the seasons? Or maybe the refrigerator that gets opened a million times a day because the kids are hungry? Or the lights needed in each room so they can do homework or just be in their rooms and not have to sit in the dark?
No he shouldn’t be paying for that week cos you don’t have the kids that week
I am shocked by some of these answers.
Of course he should pay, she still has the expense 9f rent and utilities regardless if the children are physically there or not.
Child support. Say it again CHILD SUPPORT. Lets spell it! C-H-I-L-D S-U-P-P-O-R-T.
To SUPPORT one’s minor children. Not to support MOM when the children are away. You’re lucky he’s willingly paying child support without a court order, most mothers don’t have that luxury. Money seems to be you’re only and main concern. Not the fact you’re children’s father is actually make an effort for his children unlike a TON of others who don’t do shit.
Yes he should pay, living expenses may be a few dollars less that week but it also seems like he doesn’t pay enough anyways!
No he shouldn’t have to pay. Be glad your children actually have a participating father and that he actually helps you by paying support.
No if he’s paying you otherwise give him a break he’s taking them on vacation and spending that weeks money on them. He’s being a good dad. And it’s only one week I’m sure you can survive.
No. Especially if it isn’t court ordered.
Nothing is stopping you from taking him to court now if it’s that much of an issue
Just be grateful that he does. This is all my child gets.
Having been thru this…time to threaten court order. You will win. He will either pay for the vacation week, or see you in court. Either way, you will come out the winner…guaranteed
Support is support! You still have to maintain the household with the same expenses. The only difference I would see would be the grocery bill.
Honest if your shocked he’s taking them for a week I would consider that week fully paid…I can’t get my kids dad to take them for an hour or two let alone a whole week and he pays for nothing
I don’t understand any of these comments saying that he needs to pay. The kids literally aren’t gonna be home for the whole week. So what do you need the money for if they are not gonna be there? Even if you planned on using it towards bills, I’m sorry but household bills are YOUR responsibility. It is not his job to pay your bills.
If it’s detrimental to your budget or you being able to pay your bills, like rent or mortgage then make him pay. If it’s not, then just enjoy your week child free! I can guarantee you it would cost you more to have your kids watched for the week, than the amount of support you’re missing.
I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying it’s probably worth it.
Yes if you have them full time then you shouldn’t be able to stop paying… now if he had them for a month or a summer or something them yeah he shouldn’t pay but a week… don’t listen to these people saying mean things your not selfish your just trying to keep your home running so when they are back in a week you are not behind
I have 3 kiddos by a man, I don’t have their dad pay support, he can have the kids when he wants normally every weekend and if I say I need $100 for the sitter for the week or im broke and need to get a few items he has no problem helping out. Do you think you can manage a week without the payment? Would you be spending it on the kids anyways if you had them? Just things to think about every situation Is different
You’re being selfish. The kids are with him for a week. Than why should he have to pay you for that week.
Give the dad a break. He’s already going to be spending money on that week vacation…
some people just want checks
Child support is for expenses towards the kids. He has the kids that week therfore he shouldn’t pay.
You should pay him for that week
Honestly the way child support goes (at least where I am) my kids dad doesn’t have to stop paying if he has them for a week. They set an amount each month and it doesn’t change during the months he takes his summer weeks (4 weeks total). Now I understand if he has them for a week then you are not supporting them that week but the rent doesn’t change etc. maybe try to come to some agreement that the week he has them he pays less but still pays something. Up to you though.
A lot of these opinions are not legally accurate. He should still be paying support regardless.
Child’s support is to maintain the home the children live in full time. Check your state but I would no longer be on voluntary. I would file with child support enforcement the week he has the kids and them tell him what he pays and have it taken from his check. Just because he gets them a week, the home still has rent, mortgage, lights, water, etc. Child support is not just to be given to the children. Even if ordered by a judge, 90% of the time, child support does not stop because non-custodial parent has the child for a week or so.
Nope! He is supposed to write the courts the days he has them and they credit the amount !
He’s supposed to be supporting those kids with that money weekly not you , let him have it for the kids why wouldn’t u want him to have it for them while their with him
Yes they should pay child support because you have her expenses going on
The kids are going to be with him for the week then hell no he shouldn’t have to pay you.
Yes he does have his own rent and bills to pay to survive.
Stop being a greedy gold digging khunt mate
Child support is also to provide a home. A homes expenses does not stop if they are gone for a week. A lot of people act like a dad taking their kids for a week deserves a prize. Thats parenting.
Yes he needs to pay. If not tell you will take him to court and he can pay you what is legal. In my opinion you should anyway. If you have extra money put in an account for your kids for when they older. I wish I had been smarter
One thing i got out of your comment wad u have on going expenses !are u living inside your means ,not having to feed kids gor week shojld give u extra $$,
Remember he still has to pay his rent plus holiday expenses ,
Be grateful for the effort hes putting in ,& enjoy the break
What would the money be for if the kids arent even home? Surely hes not responsible for any of your bills?
No why should he pay?? He has them for that week. I know your bills add up but you should be on top of that
Amount doesnt change.
Same amount from month to month, no matter what!
Absolutely not
He has the kids, child support is for CHILD expenses.
I also believe that men shouldn’t have to pay child support for the summer months that they have their child/children
According to the child support court in New York they do a set weekly or monthly amount that the non-custodial parent has to pay regardless of vacations or anything like that. Even if it takes the kid for a week he still has to pay that weekly support I suggest you go through the court system if that’s how he wants to play
He does have bills and expenses to live, so no he shouldn’t have to pay for that week.
My ex would have my kids for a few weeks and still paid support. Even when i had my daughter for the summer I still paid my support for her.
If there’s no support order then no that’s not fair
I see support as money paid towards children that the other parent isn’t helping raise. I don’t hound my ex for support when he has our kids in the summer because he has to support them full time during that time. During the school year I have them full time so he sends money towards things they need or sends boxes of clothes and necessities they may need to help out.
How about a compromise of half the support? He will be feeding them and you still have ongoing expenses such as rent. Personally, if he really is getting off cheap paying on the down low like you say, I’d take him to court and make him pay what he should be paying. All these people name calling and making assumptions
Just go get it court-ordered, and then you’ll get it every month without stipulation.
He DOES have to pay his own bills and live too? It’s not manipulation. Your ‘ongoing’ expenses aren’t his responsibility, your expenses related specifically to your kids are his shared responsibility. He’s supporting them for the entire week which should leave you having extra money in general. If it was a monthly situation it would be different even but since he pays week by week and an entire week you won’t even have the kids. Why should he pay to help with children you won’t have, when he’ll be covering their expenses for the week while they’re with him?
Just because he has them for a week doesn’t mean you dont have to pay rent, electric, gas for that week.