Should my ex still have to pay child support for the 7 days he takes my kids on vacation?

In the courts eyes its a set weekly amount regardless of if I have my kids every day of the week or not. (now granted my kid’s father hasn’t seen them since Feb of 2014 by his own choice) being he has the money to go on vacation he should have that agreed upon amount to give to you. The money is for their regular everyday needs not to go on vacation with. If he doesn’t like it just file for court ordered child support. You can still keep your agreed amount by seeing a mediator and entering your own agreement before the court. It’s not uncommon. That way if further issues like this happen you can take it to court and just let them decide and not have the bickering over it.


He should still pay for the week. If he doesn’t normally have the kids and this is a rare occasion you still have monthly bills that you use to cover bills to pay for you children to have a roof over their heads. Expenses are not just weekly.

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He’s going on vkay with the kids . Let him skip a week so he can have more money with them .


Just take him to court, get a lawyer, and get everything, full amount for child support, half the cost of child care, half the cost of any and every extracurricular activities your kids take, half of every doctor and medication needed, and dental work, anything. Just because he wants to be a dad for a week, doesn’t entitle him to not pay child support.


Usually they have to have the kid for a month straight to get it reduced

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Go to court. Problem solved.

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No. Why??? Unless you’re greedy.


Whether you had kids or not you would have expenses such as rent, lights, food, etc. The costs is slightly more when you have the kids. If hes taking them for a week I would let him use that weeks money he would pay you and split it for the kids to spend on what they wanted while on vacation (gifts, souvenirs, stuff for them to do). If you are using support that you are receiving to pay your Bill’s then your way too dependant on that money anyways and/or living beyond YOUR means bc that eventually stops and reduces anyways


You need to get an attorney and have the court mandate support. The fact that you did not do this in the beginning was irresponsible on your part.


I think you probably have to dish out twice as much to keep the kids the rest of the time compared to what most have to pay in court. Especially when it comes to rent and utilities for them.

He is taking them for the week including food, toiletries etc. Its only fair he use the support money for when he has them he still has to pay if you take them on “vacation” so there shouldn’t be an issue

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Honestly, you two should be able to have a grown up conversation and come to an agreement. While he understands that the internet bill is due, you too should be cool with letting him keep a lil extra to show the kids an extra fun time. Y’all both win, everybody’s happy, and co parenting is proven effective.

I don’t think a parent should. You have to pay your own damn rent, electric, etc., Even if you didn’t have a child. You shouldn’t rely or be dependent on someone else to pay your bills.

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You have your own job I’m assuming? Stop depending on CHILD SUPPORT to pay your bills. That money is for the kids. Stop being a mooch

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You honestly sound fucking horrid

YOU need to pay him for keeping them the whole week.


CHILD support, not your EXPENSES support.
I’m sure he’ll be financially supporting the kids while they are on vacation, it’s one week you don’t get extra money.

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No he shouldnt have to


Sorry he shouldn’t have to pay for the week he has his kids. And FYI your ongoing expenses aren’t his and you shouldn’t rely on support for your expenses that’s your problem not his. The money he gives u should b towards food for the kids clothes for kids school supplies for kids etc but nothing to do with u. If it’s towards rent that’s your problem if it’s towards for food for yourself not his problem if it’s for anything else that doesn’t pertain towards his children then that’s your problem not his


No, he should not pay you for any time he has them.

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My court order doesn’t let him skip child support when he has them for a month in the summer.


If you support the child full time and the father is already under the bare minimum of court ordered child support because you all have a verbal agreement he should continue to pay you child support especially if you are the primary custodial parent. I’m sure it isn’t enough anyway…

Child support supports the child and all that entails including the primary supporter of that child as well and the continual added expenses because of that child whether the child is always with the FT custodial parent or not.


It’s no wonder child support is in the rears trillions of dollars. Aren’t we smart :expressionless:

He should have chosen better, smdh


If it was court ordered, he would still have to pay you child support for the week he takes them on vacation!


Cynthia Smile come read this stupidity. No wonder w stay doomed. Smh

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You still get your paycheck while on vacation right? Same concept. She is still the everyday, working primary parent and her expenses which are higher because of said child doesn’t stop. Everyone understands getting their money’s worth until it comes to a mother and her well earned and deserving child support. Boy, I tell you women, women’s own worse enemy…!

And I’d bet my bottom dollar what she’s getting isn’t shit although it takes over 380,000 to raise a child until 18…SMDH

Why are you paying your bills with child support. It is up to the parents to pay their own bills. Child support should be put in a separate account and used only on child…formula, diapers, clothes, school and school sports, and any left set aside for maybe college? If you didn’t have kids you’d still have your own bills and would have to live. Heat, Lights, internet, cable, phone are bills every adult pays with or without kids. Its child supoort…not adult support…smfh


Hes fully supporting them the ENTIRE week. Very selfish if you want support the entire week he has them. It’s not your money it’s the kids money.


Yes. My stepson used to come for a month every summer. My hubs still had to pay .

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Why should he have to pay you to have his kids for a whole week? Technically you’re not having to provide for them during said time which is what that money is for, whereas he is having to provide for them so I don’t see why he would pay you :person_shrugging:


As a Mom who received child support for my two kids it is money used towards their housing, which does include electricity, water, food etc. Their housing!!! Ignorance at it’s best, it’s to contribute to the care of the kids.


As a father who pays child support and my kid is at my mother’s house during the week almost all summer I still pay 160 a week. Doesn’t matter where he is. I still pay it. The child still needs a home to go to, so yes he should still pay. Bring him to court so it’s not an option.


The support is supposed to be for the kids. He will be supporting the kids on the vacation. I think its fair for him to not pay for the week if he has them.

I would never depend on child support to pay my rent, water, electric…


Spousal support to help pay your bills or weekly to help pay for his kids for that week? Obviously you said CHILD support, not SPOUSAL support. He doesn’t have to support you, he’s supporting his kids. They aren’t with you for that week so no need to pay for them. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Yes. The courts would require it.

Like you are kidding me lady??


The foot print of difference during the time they are not in your home is insignificant to the greater of your bills… I doubt you will see much of a difference in your electric and water bill… yes maybe your grocery bill will be smaller but budget wise it will be hardly detectable. Support should continue as it has when he has not had them for a entire week. A week out of the entire year(plus?) y’all give me a break!!!

If you had a court order he would probably be ordered to pay WEEKLY whether he had visitation or not, unless it was joint custody split 50/50.

I understand that you may count on that to keep a roof over their head so I can see why you would expect it. I also can see his point of view that he is supporting them for one week. Maybe you could come to an agreement that he would just pay half of what he normally pays, that would cover their housing, but not food, gas and things not used by them for that one week.

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Wow. Just wow. So he pays weekly and he’s going to have them for that whole week and you think that he should still pay you even though you don’t have the kids?? I just can’t anymore.


You have your kids full time! Take him to court & get your support for your children. Stop letting him manipulate you.


Ummmm he has the kids that money would hopefully go towards food, games and fun for the kids.
The money he pays is for the kids not your bills. You should be able to live without his funding for a week.


Yes he should still pay! You still have to pay a mortgage/rent that puts a roof over their heads. You don’t get to not pay household bills for that week. Bills that would likely be less if you weren’t providing them a home. You likely buy the clothes they’re going to be wearing. Contact your local Child Support Enforcement office.


My sisters daughters dad paid for a week when had her court ordered but for the full month a year he got her he didn’t pay by the court order.

No bc he’s gonna need that extra to feed and house the kids while he has them


Honestly if you can go without it and stretch your money this month, I’d say leave it alone. Why cause problems over 1 week of money. You need a plan b. Also, being that you aren’t going through the court, I assume you have a pretty respectful co-parenting relationship, don’t mess that up as your kids will suffer. You won’t be feeding them for a whole week and that should save some $. Good luck. Remember kids first!

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If the situation was reversed,would you still pay ??


Yes, he should. You provide for the kids 90% the time. You are the main care giver. They live with you… You have bills to pay that keeps a roof over there heads. You feed them 90% of the time . And make sure they have what they need. If he has a problem with that you should take him to court. And I wouldn’t think he would that because he wouldn’t have a so say. He would be paying it. Even if he had the kids for a week. It wouldn’t stop the support.


Yes he should pay unlike my wife ex who don’t have to pay a dime for his kid the court said but that ok with me that is y my wife with me because I step up and do it all for her like any real man should do

Why should he have to pay you during his time with the children? They aren’t home so no need for the payment. Thats extra money he can use for them while on vacation.


You’re trippin. Ridiculous entitlement.


All the more reason he shouldn’t pay for that week. He’s taking them on vacation, which costs money. He will be buying food, paying for gas, paying for activities, maybe toys.


I don’t think he should have to.

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No he shouldn’t have to pay you while he is taking care of them feeding and providing for them for that week stop being stingy.


You sound stingy honestly. I have kids without dads without child support. Be thankful and stop being stingy. Your aren’t entitled to child support when their dad is taking care of them. Is this a troll post?


Child support is for the child’s food and clothes and objects needed for that week but he’s providing that so no

Yes in my opion you are entiled to the weeks worth of child support

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This is why you can’t do out of court support orders.


I stayed in an awful marriage for years because I didn’t think I’d get child support I’m telling you when I left I did better without him. He lived alone and to this day any 20 years later he still can’t make it on his own. He lives on government assistance. I paid a $700 a month in rent had a car payment. I worked a full time job and a 2nd job after I got off my full time job. I learned I was better off without him and even had extra money for myself. I helped my children financially. I ask myself why did I stay all those years being miserable.


No he shouldnt have to pay for the week he has them. Get a job for your expenses smh


It’s not fair, he needs to pay his child support. Take him back to court and make sure he pays no matter if he sees them or not.


Tell him cough it up…tell him if he wants to argue there is always family court…


He has the child that week and will be paying for that child that week to survive, so no I don’t think he should pay you for that week.


If you went to court he’d have to pay. He needs to stop being a whiner.


Absolutely not. You’re not supporting them for that week. You want to support you for that week on his dime.


If you’re so concerned about it then file a formal petition for child support.

If he has the children and providing for them for.a.week no he shouldnt have to pay because he was providing for them. The one who has custody gets child support to provide for the childs needs, if thatmpersin doesnt have the child for that week then why should he pay her support to lrivide for his children. He isnt supporting the mother.

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I think he should pay you…he is a tight ars…good luck love …


When you pay support monthly it doesn’t get lowered if you have the child for uninterrupted time so why should it if done weekly?


she still has her rent to pay…plus everything else.


I don’t understand why you people want child support so bad and then once you get child support, you allow the father to see the kids and then once he stops paying you… you threaten not to let him see the kids. y’all are Petty🤦
Yeah i have 3 kiddos and 2 jobs. If you have a job maybe ask him if he can watch your kids while you work.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. This is just the beginning of financial troubles to come and I would strongly recommend you get a court Order to determine child support and details. The primary residential parent is always responsible for more than half of the financial responsibilities and always puts in more time than the non custodial parent - they’re just weekend fun parents that really don’t have the tremendous responsibility of raising their children. So, does he pay for your tank of gas :fuelpump: driving them picking up to school every day? Does he pick them up or take them to school and share that responsibility? Drive them and pay for extra curricular activities? School supplies? New clothes all the time? Hair cuts? Outside meals and entertainment? Doctors copayments? The extra bedroom you need to pay rent on so his children have their own required room? Furniture for that room? After reading your post mentioning you have ongoing expenses to raise his children by yourself and he gets them when it’s fun, doesn’t sound like he pays you anywhere near enough!! So, yes he should pay you for the week. There’s nothing 50/50 about the situation and costs are going up - so he should consider that you need to “live too” while raising his children by yourself. If he doesn’t pay, file for child support with your local state attorney - it’s free legal services for most households, but a longer waiting period than hiring a private attorney. The usually garnish wages and there’s never any issues except pissed off parent being forced to pay!! You will be glad you started your case sooner than later. I bet he don’t complain about money he has to spend on some new female!! Good luck!


Is parenting about money or about being there for you kids? Think about that. As a co parent and mother who has her child “full time” I’m honestly ashamed at how so many women act about child support.
You ever think he might not have it so easy financially right now but has an opportunity to borrow a family beach house and wants to spend time with his kids and use that extra money on THEM?
All my life it’s been just me, I ain’t had it easy, and I ain’t ever had a support system. But I don’t count on child support to pay my bills. Never have never will. But you bet ur ass I count on my kids dad to be there when his kids need him and to be a consistent part of their lives and a positive figure for them.
Why you might ask?
Because again, it’s NOT about money, your kids don’t care one bit about that money, they care about seeing their dad.

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If it was court ordered it would be monthly payments not weekly. But since you guys have a mutual agreement and he will be having them all week I agree that he shouldn’t pay you for that week. Since he will be having them and feeding them all week. The money he has is for the kids not for your personal expenses.


The child support agency take of money for each over night stay with other parent for each child sk no if he taking them away n providing for them for that week then no he shouldn’t be paying you for them n the child support agency would be the same u can’t have ur cake and eat it love


If it’s voluntary and he has the kids the whole week, absolutely he shouldn’t have to pay. The child support is for the kids and not for you to live off of. My advice is to formally file for child support if 1 week of no money from him is so much of a big deal when he has the kids the whole week.


The custodial parent DOES have to pay for all the on going expesnse & child support only helps a little unless u get a huge amount! Which most people don’t. I have sole custody, he has his weekend access, & I let him take them when ever he can extra ( out to dinner, movie, bowling, etc. B4 covid, when he had time off work) I allow this because it’s about my boys. Not me. BUT, I have them EVERYDAY, ALL THE TIME outside of that. They cost a lot of money in clothes, food, gas to get them everywhere, etc. Always needing something. But HOS child support costs dont change. MY bills/expenses with my boys change by the day!! He rarely pays for extras. So YES he should have to pay the week he has them. U still have to pay ur rent/mortgage to keep that roo. For them, car to get them around, etc. Etc. It doesn’t change if there was a court order support cause of that one week.
Take his to court!! This will only get worse

Child support is to help with his children… Not your expenses. If he is taking them away for a holiday where he will be feeding cleaning and clothing them then why should he be giving you money for that week??? I’d actually be over the moon for my kids if they had a week away at the beach perhaps you shouldn’t rely on the support to pay your bills


He has the kids so no he doesn’t have to pay


The child support is for the child to live on not to keep you. So for the time he has the children then he’s supporting them with it himself :woman_shrugging: it’d 1 week, your expenses will be less as there are less people in the house. Less electricity, less heating needed, less water being used, less items to be washed, less food to be bought and consumed… he’s supposed to pay to help keep them not you, I mean how selfish can some mothers be!!@


You will save money that week on food and other expenses if the kids are away. Be thankful they are getting a holiday, choose your battles because this isn’t one


i don’t understand why some of you have to be rude or sarcastic. she is asking a question answer the question and leave the rest of your remarks for yourself. Some other woman or maybe man might be ready all this rudeness and might have a serious question but would rather not cause of someone’s rude and sarcastic comments that was made on another question ask. This is clearly one of the rules of this page so we need to give advise where it is needed and keep the remarks for ourselves.

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Has everyone lost their minds??? Child support is to help provide housing, water, electricity, gas. Whatever is needed. That does not stop because they spend a week with dad or mom depending on who has custody. If dad wants the extra money to take them on a trip then HE needs to get a better job.


You need to file custody/support. What are you going to do when he keeps the kids? He already pays less than he would have to. They still require a home after that week, clothes, shoes, medicine, insurance etc. guarantee mom is paying the bulk of everything.

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Some women make me sick seriously


Take him to court for custody agreement and support.

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Child support is based off the amount of time the child spends with each parent…If the kids will be with him for an entire week he should have to pay
Rent can be paid out of the other 3 weeks and whatever mom’s income is

This is why ill stay with my kids mother all yall females care about is money and yall selfs kids don’t = money kids = love cuz the dad still takes kids on weekend buys cloths takes them out for food pays his own bills while ur getting money out of his check to get yall :nail_care: done or ur hair or buy ur new man stuff so the man still taking care of u like before yall broke up an taking care of him self an his kids


Kids are expensive…that being said, my husband and I have been separated for awhile, he takes our girls every weekend. I don’t make him pay support. They are my kids to, I participated just as much in creating them. Think how many kids out there go without support or the other parent because one thinks they are entitled to support. Be grateful he is choosing to be a dad, many don’t. I work 3 jobs and go to school full time, women can make it without support. It’s called living. Does it make it harder not getting financial support from dad, hell yes. I would rather our kids spend quality time with him, than fight with him over money and seeing them.
No, you should not get support from him the week they are gone. His expenses will increase keeping them and traveling with him. Enjoy the break, pick up another shift at work, find a part time assignment for while they are gone. It is not your ex responsibility to pay your expenses. Live within your means.


No. It. Should be cut in half during the time he has them.he is being a father and deserves a break if he supporting them for time he is spending with them. My court order state that…

Don’t you have a job to support your bills? Why must you depend on child support? What would happen if he passed away and you no longer have that support. You have to be able to support yourself and your kids regardless of support!
It just amazing to me how money hungry mothers are. I can say this My child is in a situation, difference is I work and support my child - I don’t get child support and I have my child full time. As long as she is taken care of on her fathers time I am good with that. I don’t need to use my child for money from her father! He needs to live and provide a healthy home for her too and when I’m taking money from his home that takes away from her when she is there. Do you women think about that?
What about all the extra money from government stimulus’s- but still you complain about a weeks child support.


These people done lost their minds. Child support is for the ongoing expenses in raising your shared children… which include the lights, heat, water, mortgage, car payment and insurance, dental insurance, health insurance, daycare bills… all things that won’t change/decrease during a week vacation. The bills are still there, people! He was well aware of his financial responsibility to his children when planning this vacation. He sees his kids once-twice a week, maybe. How can you all feel so bad for him? How can you say that his child support payment should be withheld from the parent taking on all of the expenses of raising THEIR children, not just hers, can’t make a child on your own, just so he can shower them with extra toys and fun? What a ridiculous concept


He should have to pay for the week, and yes you guys should sit down and figure out details. He cannot spring this on you right before he decides to take them, he would have needed to give you enough notice so that you can adjust. You definitely need a mediator and paperwork drawn up. Also, get an order for child support, have him pay what he is supposed to by law. If you don’t have these things in place, he can use the kids to try to hurt you financially…a real parent wouldn’t want to make their kids do without anything. Child Support is to maintain a level of living for your children… his children… it is to maintain a custodial home for them, even in their absence. Don’t listen to these people trying to bash you, this is about your kids and you have to do what’s right for them.


He is giving you a break, you should give him a break also :slightly_smiling_face:

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should my ex still have to pay child support for the 7 days he takes my kids on vacation?

Absolutely fucking not :sob::sob:


Tough one to be honest, in my eyes I would say no because no matter where he is staying he is still having them all week, feeding them taking them out etc etc and like you say you chose to do a voluntary arrangement which actually must mean he willingly pays for his children. I on the other hand with my partner have to pay the highest amount allowed at the minute for his child whom we have every week from after school on a Friday to going back to school on a Monday because his mother is a lying money grabber and had lied to the CSA for years saying my partner doesn’t have him.

If you’re using the money he sends honestly then you wouldn’t expect him to pay child maintenance to you that week. In my opinion that money is there for you to help feed your kids and keep the clothed. Maybe even down to washing detergents for their clothes etc, but seen as you won’t need to be doing those things then no, he shouldn’t pay you… you should be thankful that he wants to spend time with his kids, and pays towards them… alot of people don’t have that privilege.
There is a severe issue with child maintenance in England.


He’s spending money on the kids not on you for a change get over it! Just because you budget his money into other things other than your kids isn’t his problem!


think you’d be great full hes wanting to take his kods away are involved not all kids are that lucky