Should my ex still have to pay child support for the 7 days he takes my kids on vacation?

First of all stop saying “my” its our


Personally, if my sons dad had our child for a week to take him away, I wouldn’t expect maintenance for that week, I’d more than likely offer spending money for him to take too. I’m the same when in the past I have told our sons dad that maintenance goes towards the cost of food, gas/electric, rent etc but if I was to take our son on holiday for a week, it wouldn’t mean I get a week rent free for the house I live in, it still needs paying even if our son isn’t there, I would need extra money towards taking him away though which in your situation, the child’s dad will need extra money to take the kids away and you still need to pay your household bills regardless if your children are at home with you or away with their dad. Maintenance/child support usually does go towards the cost of my bills but I would never ever rely on it for them

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No he shouldn’t be paying for the week with the child.

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The house they live in still needs paying. Any clubs they do still need paying. And if he’s paying less than he should then yes he should.


No it’s not fair for him not to pay the support. the bills for the items the children use still come in, you still have to pay for their use of electricity and water etc from before, just because he has them away for a week doesn’t mean you don’t yet the money. You definitely should look into support for his payments to assist you providing for the children that he helped create.

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He has the kids so no I don’t think he should still pay for the week

In the uk if the other parent has a child or children 2-3 days a week then the child support is less or none depending on wages or benefits as they are classed as and expected to pay for the child them self whilst in their care so if he has them a full week then no he shouldn’t be giving you it or atleast child support would say that in the uk. I’ve just been on the phone to them on Tuesday. For example my ex had the kids 3 nights a week and didn’t have to pay anything but now he has no contact he does have to pay. He’s on benefits so only has to pay £7 a week for two kids :roll_eyes:


No he shouldn’t pay. Also is our kids… not my kids.

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My ex and I had the same kind of agreement and the short answer is no… he shouldn’t have to pay you a weeks worth of child support. They are with him 24 hours a day for 7 days where he will be covering all costs.


Hes got them for the week, so you don’t need that maintenance really. He’ll be spending on them instead of giving it to u. Which is fair


If you can’t afford your rent for a week then you can’t afford kids.
He’s paying child support for his children. Not for the other parent to not have to worry about working ever again


If he’s taking the kids for the week why should he pay child support for that week when you won’t have them? Have a bit of common sense

I was always told not rely on csa for bills etc by csa themselves as its not classed as income as such. Surly 1 weeks worth won’t be missed that much? At the end of the day it’s for feeding clothing child aswell as putting roof over there head. For 1 whole week your kids won’t be there which meens you won’t have as much food etc to buy. Wouldn’t it make more sense to say keep it this week and use it on the kids?


If me and my husband were ever to split, and this happened - I think I would allow one week of non payments. Why? How many weeks have you gone on holiday supported by his assistance… probably a few. And everyone knows it’s not cheap to takes kids on holidays as they want to play all the games. One week won’t kill you and you get a week to yourself.

And sometimes the child support you get court ordered could be less then your offered. I had a mate offer his ex partner a $ figure a week and she refused. Took him to court and was entitled a small Big Mac meal a week. She should have taken the agreement

HE needs to feed them, provide for them that week? Why should he pay money to you that week when you don’t even have them? I don’t understand the logic behind this question


Jesus fuck you can tell a lot of the people commenting here dont have children or know a thing about paying for a child regardless where the child is that week! So 51 wks of the year the mum pays rent food clothes lunches dinner uniform heat broadband for tablets electric etc etc etc I despair :woman_facepalming:


Hes got the kids so no I don’t think he should pay for that week that he has them as its ‘child’ support, therefore that weeks cash should be going on what the children need for that week such as food and activities etc. Its not called ‘rent’ support so I don’t see why the father has to be guilt tripped into helping out the week hes got the children. He will need that money to go towards his children throughout that week, not for rent for a house he doesn’t live in


If he has the kids for a week then no he shouldn’t pay for that week. Because you don’t have them that week. Plus it’s extra money he could be spending on the kids. And its for when you have them in your care.

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The money is for the children to provide what they need so what would you need the money for

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should my ex still have to pay child support for the 7 days he takes my kids on vacation?


Yes, he should still pay that week’s support… Support is for supporting the child’s needs (house, utilities, food, clothing, etc) and is not play money (vacation)… if you wanted to go on vacation you’d have to have more than your normal expenses correct? So why should he be able to play with bill money? Especially when it’s coming outta the kid’s pocket basically


Why dont u pay him support for the 7 days they’re with him? Cause hes paying everything for them while theyre with him…just a thought. And if ur being petty over 1 week then maybe ur the problem.


That’s actually the law, and you should get a court order for support. It leads to less arguing.


Take him to court. The court system would never allow him to skip a week


Why should he pay YOU when it would be a time when your children are in his care?? DON’T get me wrong, I absolutely agree that he needs to step up and pay up when your children are with you and in your care. BUT …its not his job to pay your bills .I’m sorry but this just sounds super petty to me. I’m sure that people will disagree with me on my opinion and that’s totally fine/okay with me .


No he shouldn’t he has the kids that week. He’s paying for their expenses. That money is for the kids, ( school supplies, clothes, toys, treats, activities, amusement parks maybe gas) with your job ( I’m assume your employed) you should have utilities, rent, and food any bill possible covered because you would have those with kids or without kids. If 1 week without his child support means you can’t pay your bills. You don’t have their basic needs met.


Get a court order then you don’t have to worry about these things he will have to pay regardless. However in your situation I would say unless you are hurting for money, let it go and let him spend that extra money on your kids on vacation.


NO! I don’t think he should have to pay you for the week he has them… they are with him and he his supporting them.


No he shouldn’t. You don’t have your kids, you don’t need money specifically for them. During those 7 days you just have to pay your OWN living expenses, which is why you have a job (hopefully)


Your ongoing expenses are not your exs responsibility, all funds in CS should go to supporting the kids, food, clothing, sports…not to pay for your expenses. He has them for the week meaning he is covering their care and expenses for the week.


You have the kids full time… coming from someone who never gets child support and HAS a court order: if he feels he can’t pay you for the week he has them, maybe he shouldn’t be taking them and live within his means… Bc that’s exactly what the court is going to say if you all do an actual support order… I don’t like the idea of child support being an “option” he helped make them, he should help the mother financially with them. Period. I mean, seriously it’s the absolute LEAST he should be doing. If a woman can’t care for her kids, it’s called neglect… the other parent should be held just as accountable!


No, I don’t think he should have to pay child support. If he has them for the week, then you’re not spending money on them.


You have ongoing expenses ? Sounds like you want him to pay YOUR bills lmfao. He’s got the kids, that’s an expense anyway you look at it . At least he’s taking the kids on vacation too. The nerve of some of you woman :rofl:


I don’t collect child support when my son goes to his dads. Why should his dad have to pay me AND support our child for that time? Makes no sense.


Yes he should still pay, the rent, bills, Creche fees,medical bills you pay for your children doesn’t stop just because the children are on vacation with him. He should always have to provide for his children


Let it go, he’s paying voluntarily already. He’s got the kids that whole week, so he can use the funds on them and then resume his payments again when they’re with you again. Just like you, he has on going expenses too


First thank god he’s your Ex. Second get all this done in court. Of course he still has to pay you. You have rent and bills that aren’t broken down weekly .


I agree with everyone else. No, he shouldn’t. While yes, you have to continue to maintain the home - he has the direct expense of caring for them for the 7 days and that money should go to them.


Yes… 7 days doesn’t stop the ongoing things you pay for for the children, even if they’re not in your physical care those 7 days. If it becomes an issue, take him to court so it isn’t an issue anymore!


I understand your side 100%. I would want him to still pay.
With that being said, you need to go to court to get a court ordered child support order. You are doing yourself a disservice by not making your agreement legally binding. You can go to the local child support office to get all of this started, and it doesn’t cost you anything. It will allow him to have a specific monthly amount he is obligated to pay, and allow you to know exactly how much you are getting each month, regardless of random things like vacations.
Based on the situation (paying weekly) I get why he doesn’t feel like he should have to pay. I don’t agree though.
I would just caution you that he may start coming up with other reasons not to consistently pay the agreed upon amount: “I spent money on them for their birthday/Christmas”, “they came to my house 2 days this week”, and so on.


Why should he have to support his kids on his week plus give you support ? At least he helps you .


Yes he has to pay for that week it’s not gonna change the bills you pay for


For some women “supporting the child” includes paying the electric, rent etc. so I guess it depends on whether she can’t pay her bills If she doesn’t receive the expected payment.


No he should not have to pay you child support for the week he has them. You are spending nothing on them that week.


How would you feel if he asked you to pay support for the week he has the children? My guess is it’s pretty similar to how he feels about paying you while they’re in his care.


If he has the kids for the entire week then I don’t think he should pay you that week. He’s literally going to be taking care of them that entire week not you.


Well he does have to pay rent & live too.
If he is an active father he shouldn’t have to pay you anything. If anything he should split big bills with you (daycare, braces, sports etc)
He’s taking them for the whole week on vacation.
If you’re that worried about support maybe you should help him pay to take the kids on vacation & if you wouldn’t be okay with that don’t be petty over it.
Like others have said be happy he’s helping you by choice. Because in my opinion child support isn’t for active parents.


If he pays you the rest of the time voluntarily, I’d let it go.


Does the roof over their head and electric bill, clothes, food disappear because of 7 days :rofl::roll_eyes:. 7 days out of a year or even a month is called visitation. No judge will say hey let’s pro rate your child support if he takes the kids an extra couple days.


Okay, I am going to attempt to be as nice as I can here. You chose to not have a court order, he sees his kids and he pays for his kids…1 week, seriously…try going 6 years without any financial support, every other weekend , or even a call to your child. Suck it up.


If you’re in a situation where child support contributes to maintaining a home for your children, you should take him to court, especially if he’s paying less based on a verbal agreement. Don’t worry about what others think or feel. You’re raising his children. you have a right to consistent assistance from the father.


If you can’t support your child for 1 week without child support. Especially when you don’t even have the child for that week. That’s pathetic


Regular orders make the non custodial parent pay the same amount even when the kids are with them during vacation periods. Child support includes, like it says, support on all areas of their lives, meaning mortgage, bills, food and everything that is necessary to support them and that’s the reason why they have to keep paying the same amount.


It’s fair if you have the means to not take his support. He chooses to give you set amount without a order so he can’t be to terrible.


I don’t think he has to pay for that week. Just think that money will be spent on the children to eat and have fun that week. I would rather it go on them having a good time with their dad


He isn’t giving you “support” for your on going expenses. He’s giving you it for yalls children… if he has the kids, he shouldn’t have to pay you. It’s not his responsibility to make sure your expenses are paid anymore. :woman_shrugging:t2:


You would be paying rent…electricity… food…ECT if you did not have the kids. Why should he pay your bills???


No he will be feeding them all 7 days . I would give him a pass for the vacation week. He can spent it on kids that week.


Absolutely not he shouldn’t have to pay you for that week. He’ll have them not you that money can be used towards the vacation he’s taking with the kids


I think it’s fair because they are in his care for that week making sure they are fed and have all their needs covered for the week


No I don’t think that week he should have to it it’s not court ordered and he already pays voluntarily


I think you’re extremely lucky to have an ex that voluntarily pays child support. Just saying.


Not when hes got them for that week
Because what would you be using it for ?? Not food or heating for them etc ?? Dont wanna sound harsh at all btw


That’s like saying ok well I’m not paying my mortgage payment this month because I’m going out of town and I won’t be there. The support of the kids having a home,car,food etc don’t stop just because he has them on vacation! The bills still roll in for the kids with or without them there!


If he is stepping up and paying without problems then no he shouldn’t pay when he has them. He isn’t paying for your bills he is paying to take care of his kids which for that week he is doing. Kids are not a paycheck they are the responsibility of 2 parents.


My ex pays child support. But in June & July when he has them 75% of the time, he doesn’t pay anything. Because I’m not paying for food, childcare, transportation, activities, etc. It’s only fair. Child support is for the child, not for you.
But we are also on great terms and I know lots of coparents aren’t.


If he has the kids then he shouldnt pay. If your that concerned it should be taken to the courts. He could tske them and run. and there is nothing you can do because there isnt a court order. Cant rely on child support for bills. They even tell you that. Ive gone months without seeing a dime. And yet he still has my son every other weekend


Really…stop using the kid as a way of getting money. You being really bitter about this.


That’s why you get it through the court…it takes the personal out of it


He shouldn’t if there’s no order & he has the kids for a whole week … Be grateful he even gets them & wanted to spend time with them , ongoing expenses meaning you still want him to pay YOUR bills , that’s what a JOB is for :roll_eyes: can’t depend on child support when you don’t even HAVE the children with NO order :person_facepalming:


7 days doesnt stop the stuff u have to pay for.
Ask him if he gets a discount in his rent when he goes away for a week.


Since part of your ongoing expenses are most likely rent, electricity, water, car ins, maybe car loan…ALL which are on set providing for the kids then yes, he should. The courts dont take vacations into consideration. Why should you? And I’m sure his CS doesnt cover what it actually cost to raise kids full time


Its CHILD support not your ongoing expenses support…if he has them that week hes supporting them …feeding them …caring for them etc…so no he shouldn’t pay that week


Don’t let the opinions of everyone here make you bitter towards him and end up taking him to court. You are lucky to have a man that actually wants to take his kids on vacation tbh. Just let it go this time, look at it as ur giving ur kids money to have fun. Let em keep it and keep the peace


If it’s court ordered he has to pay every month no matter what. If it’s a vocal agreement between the two of you he could skip the week because he is supporting the kiddos for a week.


I guess I’m the oddball… mama is paying the rent/mortgage and all the bills because she has them full time… he wants one week out of the entire year and she should what? Get another job to cover rent for one week because he’s decided to play dad? I’m honestly shocked by the laugh responses and negativity.


He shouldn’t have to pay double for them. You want to put him for their expenses when they’re with him?? When he has them he will be paying for everything. Don’t be greedy.


First of all you should get a court order cause then you wouldn’t be having to ask us.

That being said. This dad has to live just like you. He wants the money to do things or feed his kids while he has them.

My question is if he hasn’t really been around why would he have them for seven days straight eapically since it’s not court ordered.

I get you have the kids most the time and you have bills to pay…but can’t you cut this man even a.little slack so he can do what you do for his kids when you all take vacation?


The thing is it is a VOLUNTARY agreement you had. However nothing in writing saying he would pay so much a week/month etc. Due to this he could pull his support at any time. The simple fact that you rely on this money to live your life is crazy. I understand it is there to help, but it should be backup after your paycheck covers everything you need to live day to day.


If you had taken him to court he wouldn’t have to pay you for that week so no you shouldn’t be getting paid for it he’s taking care of them and paying for food and whatever they need right now!

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No I don’t think e should, the agreement you opted for and usually if someone takes kids on holiday you give then money maybe you should give him money for the week.

I don’t think this post was worded very well tbh. You seem more bothered on a personal level than a child support for the kids because as it says he doesn’t lay as much as he would court ordered.hmmm


Work together. Not everything has to be a fight. He’s got the kids for the week then give him a break. People need to grow up :roll_eyes:


There should always be a court order in effect just for these purposes. The court ordered my ex to pay a certain amount but was way more than what we had agreed upon. So the judge granted what we had agreed on. But it’s all in writing which is what really matters. But technically if no court order and he has them for that week then I personally wouldn’t make my ex pay.


Let me just put this out there…

My oldest 2 daughters are from a previous marriage. My ex husband pays me child support every week that is court ordered. I get $400 per child per month. Now, they each have cell phones, they are also mixed so they each get their hair braided every 8 weeks, they were both in braces at the same time that were paid for monthly, and they are both involved heavily in dance, cheer and softball.

Now let me break down JUST those few things I mentioned and the price tag for them…

Cell phones: $100/month each
Hair braiding: $180 every 8 weeks each
Braces: $200 per month each

JUST for those 3 things that is pretty much all of the child support that I get. That doesn’t include food, activities like the $130 a month for dance or the $100 a month for cheer or the costs for softball and equipment, clothes, toothpaste, feminine products, hair products, shoes, school supplies…the list goes on and on. Child support should not stop just because the non custodial parent gets the children for one week. The monthly bills for that child do not stop because they go on vacation. I wouldn’t be able to tell my cell phone provider that they aren’t with me that week so I don’t want to pay their part of the bill, or tell their orthodontist that I don’t want to pay that week.


Nope he shouldn’t have to pay you that week. End of story! You don’t have your kids that week, he does. Be grateful he’s even taking them, some parents don’t get that kind of break.


Compromise…what’s the harm if he doesn’t pay?! Give him a break he has them that week


through a court order, they would not adjust it because he is taking them on vacation. it says he pays X amount a month. they wouldn’t say, “oh since you’re taking them on vacation we will lower your child support!”. we have a set amount that is paid monthly, even during the summer when my kids dad has them half the time.

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Isn’t he already paying for the children if he takes them on vacation why would he pay you while he has them that money is for the kids not you


My husband pays child support when we get his daughter for the ENTIRE summer. Yes he should pay. It costs a lot of money to raise children. We pay support, school clothes, doctor bills etc. In the summer we get her until school starts. Her mother gets support and uses it for whatever expenses need to be taken care of we dont question it because it is a cost that is a fraction of what it costs to raise children. So I have to say he should pay.


Absolutely not! Why does he need to pay you for a week he’s with them and providing for them? Smh. Too many woman seeing $$$ signs vs. what’s truly the right thing to do…
Vacations are expensive enough without the added stress of someone being petty

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My spouse wanted me to do the same exact thing… Demand more money for taking my child on vacation for a week.
Honestly my opinion on it is this, we agreed on our own terms on what he should pay bi weekly. If he wants to see his child MORE than our original agreement than so be it! That’s GREAT! BUT I want my daughter to have a relationship with her father WITHOUT her feeling like she’s JUST a paycheck to and for me!
I’m personally not asking for more money because he could use that extra money to spend on her having a great vacation with her father!
I am just glad her dad wanted extra time outside of our agreement. Why should he have to pay me more if our child is going to be within his care for that week? I feel like it’d be me taking money AWAY from my babies vacation!

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The child support he pays - whether court ordered or mutually agreed upon - is supposed to do just that…support your children. Your expenses aren’t his responsibility. If he pays weekly and he’s keeping the kids for a week then no, he doesn’t owe you for that week.


Nope the support is for the kids, why should he pay you ,if the kids are with him for that week


Ummmm… a court order to pay CS doesn’t take a time out if the paying parent takes the kids on vacation. Neither should a hand-shake agreement. It is what it is.

However, since you have no way to enforce it you’re unlikely to convince him. Save yourself the stress and let it go for one week.
And with that in mind if this weekly amount being withheld once will make or break your budget there may be other issues here as well.

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I don’t think he should have to pay it if he has the kids and is providing everything for that week.


I think so to a point… car insurance policy covers the kids, other insurance covers the kids, car notes (within reason) covers the kids, hell even phone bills cover the kids, etc. these are all things that provide care and coverage to his children full time… again all within reason. If the mother is affording the kids with over and beyond what both parents can provide then that’s an issue. For example, parents like to keep brand name and designer things for their kids but is that affordable to maintain. If there’s a problem with maintaining CS in order to vacay then budget for vacay needs to be adjusted. If there is a problem with mom “maintaining” while kids are gone for 7 days that’s a problem

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The amount of woman saying NO he shouldn’t have to pay amazes me. Just because he “voluntarily” pays a set amount each week doesn’t mean it touches the amount this mother pays on her own. Good for him, for taking his child/ren an extra 3 days for vacation. It doesn’t mean her rent/mortgage doesn’t have to be paid. Or, payment on their dental work/ doctor visits isn’t expected. She could be barely getting by, and his payments WEEKLY mean the difference. I guarantee, if it was court ordered… he would be paying triple. Which is how he can afford a vacation in the first place.

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No, one shouldn’t get support while the other has the children. I’d be so grateful that he’s spending time with the children, bonding, building memories, focusing on the children.


I personally think that he should still pay atleast a portion of the agreed amount….expenses of having a larger house because of having the kids fulltime etc don’t simply stop because they aren’t home for a week.
I would perhaps compromise and let him keep some of it due to the fact food costs won’t be as large for you that week since they won’t be there and you’ll only have to feed yourself, but that would be my only compromise.

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Their expenses don’t stop for you regarding them because he has them for a week of fun in the sun. And he isn’t paying rent for the week. He is just spending what he wants to on them for a few days not what he should be everyday. HE NEEDS TO STILL PAY YOU THE SUPPORT

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