Should my ex still have to pay child support for the 7 days he takes my kids on vacation?

Court orders usually have them pay regardless of having them in his care for a week so I don’t see why he shouldn’t. You still have to pay for everything they need even if they aren’t there. A week of not getting paid could easily mean not being able to buy necessities and alot of people don’t seem to understand that.
My man and I are still together but even a couple missed days of work one paycheck can mean we can’t buy food for the week so.

Dude just stop already. Child support isn’t for your ongoing expenses. It’s for the kids. Their part of the food, their part of using utilities if y’all wanna be petty. So therefore he has them for a whole damn week, no expenses being used by the kids. Be grateful you get child support. I don’t and I have 4 kids and I pay for all our bills and expenses my damn self. Even if I was getting child support that would go towards my kids needs and saving for them. I’d never use that to pay my own bills that I have to pay anyway. GTF outta here with all that.

I say… go to court, get him to pay what your state says is appropriate. If it were court ordered, it would come out of his check regardless.

Uh no I don’t think he personally should. You shouldn’t get to a point where your relying off child support and that’s it. If he has the kids for a week and paying for everything for them for a week then no. Bc that’s what child support is for, for the kids.

You use child support to take care of the kids, if the kids aren’t with you then No, he shouldn’t have to pay that week. You would still have to pay rent, electric, cable, water with or without your kids. Let him use that week of child support and make sure they have food and having a good time on vacation.

I might be the unpopular opinion but yes because a court wouldn’t care if he was going on vacation. And it’s not like you asked him to watch them for 7 days so you could go on vacation.

No, the child support is for the kids you don’t have them so there’s no reason why the money should go to you.

He covering all their expenses and whatever you have to pay outside of supporting the kids isn’t his fault not his business and if you can’t afford rent etc give them to the dad it’s not his job to pay your rent or car note or whatever the case is.

Child support to support the child, not your expenses… If there were a court order, there would be no question about it. But there isnt. And quite honestly, if you wanted this money to benefit the kid, why wouldn’t you want the dad to keep it that week. It’s for the kid, not you.

Your lucky he pays child support at all. I wouldn’t fight the week your children will be in his care to be honest. Be happy he’s making a voluntary contribution knowing his obligations

If you went through the court he wouldn’t have to pay for any overnights. At least in Michigan that’s how it works.

I feel like if they aren’t there that week he could skip it. Bc your agreed to the lesser amount doesn’t mean it should still be owed when the children aren’t there. But if it’s already an issue go to court before more issues arise

We do child support privately too. It’s not much, $100 for 3 kids. But it helps with school lunches and stuff. When he has the kids for a week (his usual one day) then I pay him the $100. It’s money to ensure the kids have food and whatever incidentals, medicines and activities etc they need.

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No. He shouldnt pay you. The money goes towards the child. Which is what a lot of people get wrong. Not the light bill. Not the house. Or your insurance. It goes for the child. If he has the child he is paying for whatever they need.

The courts set the amount based on time the child is with the parent who has custody. More time with The noncustodial parent the less the child support amount. Let him step up and take his kids for the week and not worry about the money.

Idk. Child support is calculated by income and how much time the child spends with each parent. You two have come to a mutual agreement without court so you don’t technically have to play by those rules but I would say he shouldn’t have to pay if the children are in his care that week. But, you did say he doesn’t pay enough. I feel like court might be the best option for you, you can have child support set to a more sustainable amount and the courts could probably answer on the whole vacation for a week question, my step son gets 2 non consecutive weeks vacation with both parents so im sure its a common question amung the court (we don’t currently get child support). And if it turns out he doesn’t have to pay, it shouldn’t be an issue if the future because he would have been paying a higher amount which should sustain you for the week he doesn’t pay.

Okay well first he does have to pay rent and live. Court would also take away the nights he has them from your “full time”. I too have shared custody so o can confirm it.
Since you guys don’t have court ordered anything, he doesn’t have to pay you for those 7 days.
He doesn’t have to pay you at all.

Yes he should pay. In my experience when there is a court order for example an dad takes the child for the whole summer he’s still ordered to pay child support even for the summer months he has her. Only way he doesn’t is to go back to court and get a temporary order stating otherwise. So yes he should have to pay. It may be a week that the children are in his care but that money probably goes towards bills and food to keep a roof over the kids an food in their tummys and when you rely on that money to help with those expenses then it can be challenging. If he doesn’t pay It then it could be effecting the other 3 weeks out the month the children aren’t in his Care.

Depends how it was calculated. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s money for that week. It could be money for the year divided into weekly payments. So you should consider talking to an attorney.

It’s not to late to go to court, but yes he should pay the child support

Is it volunteered from him thru the courts or between you to .
I’m asking cause mine is set up thru child support office volunterly him saying he would pay this for this amount . Because before hand with out child support office he would pay what ever and called it a gift .

I’m sorry, but if your Bill’s are disrupted by him not paying for a week there’s a problem. You should never count on child supportto help pay your bill’s, because anything can happen and you may not have that money. I never counted on child support to pay my Bill’s or take care of my children, I did what I had to, to make it, if I got child support, it was a bonus(but never added into my bill’s) I used that money strictly for my kids. Clothes, sports, school stuff and fun stuff.

If your kids aren’t with you then he shouldn’t have to pay you . If you’re worried about bills you’d have to pay whether or not you have children then those bills should solely be your responsibility . I have two kids & I get NO child support ( & I’m perfectly fine with that) . Their dad supports them 100% when he has them on his weekends & I get help with child care . Other than that I don’t ask for anything because as a mother I do what I have to do to make sure my kids’ are well taken care of while in my care :woman_shrugging:t2:

I mean if you did have court ordered child support they wouldn’t fucking skip it.

I would hope if I were to ever be in this situation…he would just pay it. Yes, the child isn’t home for that week so that means less expenses, BUT if I have my son 350 days a week, do ALL appointments and taxi service…etc etc…which I DO…I think it evens out. It’s not his responsibility to pay your bills, true, but…it’s also basic needs.

Yep, if there’s a court order he would have to. Just bc he’s on vacation doesn’t change the cost for their
activities or clothes costs. Etc…

If they live with you and you are the one that shops for them then I think it would be immature for him to ask not to pay because one he could just be using taking his kids as an excuse to keep some money ( unless he truly wants to spend time with them and is broke and needs money for food or meds)and actually not buy them food or anything.Also if he is a good man he will hand u the money and you being mature spend it on the kids necessity’s ,he also shouldn’t say well I’m not going to buy anything for the kids because I pay her.The focus shouldn’t be the money the focus should be the children and people should also be a compassionate parent team and help each other out if they need it because the children need both parents in their life,setting a good example for them :slight_smile:

I certainly don’t get a choice to not pay for the two weeks that I have my son a month! It is court ordered and there is no delay in payment…yet, I still pay for the extracurricular activities, cellphone, etc on top of the child support I pay, all the while being the one that is penalized for having a college education so I pay him😬

No you should not be expecting him to cover everything anyways and as he will have the kids that weekend he will be financially responsible for them so you shouldn’t expect support for that week. You should have a job too so you should be able to pay your expenses that week.

No he shouldn’t and you should feel damn lucky you have a father who is willing to pay child support to you weekly


No, he should not, since he will have them for a week. You should not be counting child support to pay bills unless those bills are for food/housing for the kids.

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I have a court order and the few times my sons father has taken him for the week child support doesn’t mark him exempt, my s/o pays cs through per court order, we take him on multiple vacations a year, never have we been exempt from paying his bm child support because we have him. Imo it’s silly and petty for anyone to not pay because they’re going to have them this week…:woman_shrugging: also you should go get a court order so next time you won’t have to worry about this.

I think that even though you have expenses the week he has them on vacation he’s paying for their what they need and you’re saving what you would have to spend if they were home your also able to work more hours while they are away if your job allows it. As long as you’re not having to send him money for anything he’s doing with them he’s taking care of the majority of their needs and I think he should not have to pay. I wish my kids dad took them anywhere without causing a problem with me let alone on a week vacation

Reading all these comments are very entertaining. A lot I do agree with. If you cannot afford your "ongoing expenses " from not getting support for 1 week, then you need to rethink your expenses. A lot of people have said housing, utilities, ect are CS… Not really. You would have those same expenses without children… Don’t use an ex for a paycheck. Get a better paying job. I don’t want to hear anything about covid. There are hiring signs everywhere and tons of incentives. I raised 2 children on my own. No CS. It was hard at times but definitely can be done. You just have to put in the effort.

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Yes, you’re letting him get away with paying you less than you deserve as it is already.

I mean if it’s court ordered, he really wouldn’t have a choice. But if it’s just a mutual understanding between you two, I’d say no and I’d never accept it. Lots of men do not even pay court ordered child support, so the fact that he’s helping even without it being mandated, I have a lot of respect for that! Just tell him to use that extra cash making those memories with his kids. Life is too short to be so petty. Sounds like your kids have a good dad, and that’s priceless

If he has them for the entire week, I think it’s fair he doesn’t pay you what he normally would. That amount would be used on the kids whilst on vacation with him, That’s what Childsupport is for, the children’s everyday needs. Don’t be selfish or petty, it just makes you bitter. You should never rely on his payment to maintain your home, that’s not his responsibility. I’m a single mum of 4, and I have the same agreement, when he took my kids on a 2weeks vacation he paid for all travel expenses as well as 70% of what went into their suitcases. I only sent my children extra pocket money for “just incase” mums think they’re entitled to everything. We’re not, I’m not trying to be rude or nasty, but that’s my truth. But it works for me and out kids are happy, and when they’re are happy both dad and I are happy.

Yes he should. It’s weird that he thinks he shouldn’t! You gave in a little and now he’s gonna think he entitled to not paying what he NEEDS to pay.

If there was a court order, he’d still have to pay you that week. It’s a set amount per year split up between the 52wks of the yr.

I have the same type of thi g going on with my daughter’s father. A set amount we agreed to because he made me feel bad…he tried to get away with paying half for the 4 weeks he had her this summer. I pay for her health insurance and service for her iPad and every other expense. I told him these things just don’t stop because he has her.

If missing one week of child support throws off your finances, then you need reevaluate your finances. He volunteered to take his kids for a full week. Especially if he doesn’t usually take the kids often, let him his use that money to spoil his babies this week. They deserve memories with both parents. Not just parents fighting over child support.

My dad used to pull this one back in the day, I think legally & morally they should keep paying considering the rate their calculated to pay when worked out by the agency is averaged out over the entirety of the weeks of the years it makes sense in my opinion. It’s not in that calculation that they stop paying randomly when they choose to kids with him or not. That’s the bottom line right there

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Boy it’s crazy how so many stingy ass women really rely on the government for child support an shit. HELL TO THE NO he shouldn’t have to pay you for that week. That money goes to THE KIDS for that week. you should only get that when they are in your care. Why do you think you really deserve that??? Lol Man my personal opinion get a better paying job then you wouldn’t need to stress over said money. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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For all of you saying no because he’s taking care of everything they need for the week, you do realize that medical insurance costs still come out of her check even if they are with him? You do realize that with a court order, child support doesn’t change in the summer when the non-custodial parent has the child for 6 weeks. You do realize that most private child care centers still charge you for the week, even if the child doesn’t attend? This mama still has to make sure there’s food in her home for her kids to come home to. She still has to make sure they have clean clothes to come home to. She still has to make sure she gets to work for the week to continue to care for her children. Just because they are not in the home for the week, doesn’t mean she isn’t still taking care of their needs.

This is exactly why you go to court it makes it fair for both sides and you should be happy he’s stepping up and doing more with his children don’t be an obstacle between him and his children. Stay on the positive it will make life easier

If you go through the courts it is set based on time spent with the kids and how much he makes. If he only has them on the weekends or for vacation, it does not change that amount. When my ex has our kids, I’m pretty understanding about it and don’t expect him to give me the $, but thats just me. I do understand alot more goes into that though…so that would be between yall.

Imo: your kids are not using electricity, water or groceries for that week and support is meant to HELP not cover ALL the bills. Actually you should have to pay him child support this week. :person_shrugging:

To much information is missing here. Does he only have them one night a week because that’s all you allow him to have? I find it hard to believe he’d all the sudden want them for a week if he’s chosen to be the absent parent. Also, If he is so unreliable, why would you agree to voluntary support to begin with? Just isn’t adding up here… there are 2 sides to every story and I’ve seen multiple cases where the dad isn’t the one in the wrong.

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Everyone saying he shouldn’t have to pay, that’s not how children support works… if they had a court order, the payments wouldn’t stop because he has the kids a week or two. She needs to get court ordered child support that way she doesn’t have these issues. The monet he gives her probably doesn’t begin to cover the time and expenses she has for those kids. As stated he’s already paying less than what he’d be required to…

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If he “never” takes them and takes them for the week on vacation, and you’re paid weekly, why would ONE WEEK of child support put you so far out?
If him missing ONE week of paying you (to take his kids to do some thing and spend money on them while they are with him as well) causes that much damage in your finances, you have WAAAYYYYY bigger issues and need to learn to budget better for rainy days…

It sounds like you’re being selfish

Also - you can’t say he is for sure paying less than what a court order would order because my gf Brittany gets $50/mo for her twins, $50 TOTAL not each… court ordered.

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I mean what is he supposed to be paying support on if the kids will be with him? Your bottle of wine should be your issue not his! If he’s feeding bathing clothing them and all that while they are with him then I don’t believe he rightfully should pay you for that week! I think if anything you could pay him that week for taking them and giving you some alone time! Greedy much?!

If you would have had it Court ordered, he would have vacation time credited to his account for no child support the week(s) he takes them on vacation. That’s how it works in Michigan, because I know from when I was married to my ex-husband who paid child support for his daughter. When we had her two weeks in the summer, and 2 weeks in the winter, he did not have to pay child support for that time.

Nope. He has them for the week, therefore you aren’t paying for food or childcare or anything for them which is what child support is for. I would never ask my BD to pay if he took my kid for the week. He will be using that money he pays you to provide for the kids. Why would he provide for his household and yours when the kids aren’t there :woman_shrugging:t3:


No he doesn’t when the children are in his care he takes care of the financial situation visa versa

So child support is support for the child. Clothes, food, hygiene, etc. Not your car payment, car insurance, nails, phone bill or “ongoing expenses.” He is taking the kids on vacation meaning he will be providing them with the financial support they need that week himself. So absolutely not

Let it go. You’ve allowed him to pay what he wants all along anyway. At least you get a break and he’s taking the kids on vacation. Get your money up sis!

He’s providing for them during the time he has them, therefore you wouldn’t need his weekly payments that are meant to take care of the children, regardless of if it includes rent or anything like that. That money is money he could be spending providing for them while he has them.

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We have my step daughter every other week in the summer and child support doesn’t change for my fiance! Absolutely he should pay every week no matter what!

Personally, you should go through the courts for child support - it just wraps everything up in a bow nicely….

Since you both just a verbal agreement, he should not have to pay CS if he has them for that week.

If support was court ordered he will still owe during that time. Technically courts will say if there is no court order then he doesn’t have to pay anything. I still have to pay for the time I have my child during the summer(longer than a week).

If you don’t have a court order you’re digging your own grave. If you do he will be financially eventually

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No, he shouldn’t… even in a court ordered plan when the non custodial parent takes the child for their summer arrangements they can ask the child support office to have it amended to not pay during those weeks in my experience anyway

Court ordered he’d still have to pay. Maybe it’s time to take it to court…go to support collections and they will take care of it.

Child support does not change if a parent has a vacation with the child. If my husband’s ex takes them on for vacation for 2 weeks leaving us with less time the child support amount does not increase or decrease. If we take the kids for longer time on vacation our amount of CS does not change because we have them longer than normal and our expenses went up since they are with us longer. Your ex still needs to pay. -Melissa

If you can’t go a week without his “support” maybe you should re-evaluate your financial situation. He’s going to have the kids for the week therefore he shouldn’t have to pay. If you’re that worried about him not paying or paying, take him to court and make it official. Good luck

Are you paying for the vacation? If not, then no. He’s spending time with his children. You should have a job that pays your bills, and not rely on his money. It should be 100% for the children.

Under a court order, even if he took the kids for a month, he would have to pay support… but honestly, since it is not court ordered, I wouldn’t demand him paying a week he has them, he will have expenses also, keeping things fun for the kids.
Maybe compromise, and deduct what he normally pays you a week and spread it over a month so he pays a little less but keeps paying weekly?

And to the hot air comments, there’s a better way to come at someone without constantly bashing people on the interwebs.

Talk to him. Say he pays 100 a week, he continues to pay but pays 75.00 a week for a month, you both win.
And let the kids enjoy their time dad without dad worrying about things.
Negotiate and compromise.

Depending on situation, I might quit the voluntary child support …and get the court order so these surprises don’t happen. While many are saying he shouldn’t have to pay you for his time, you have full custody of them. Medical insurance and related expenses don’t stop because he went on vacation. Having said this, there is also a risk to this…if you do go through the courts, don’t be surprised if he asks the courts for some custody in order not to pay full child support. I think I’d just carefully assess the situation and choose my battles wisely.

I have a friend who was paying his ex voluntary child support and would give her a huge amount of money monthly. She acted foolishly and decided to take him to court…they ended up cutting his child support in half because he was giving her way more than necessary…because he is a good dad and cared for the well being of his child when she was with mom. So…I’d just play it reasonably and fairly. If he gives you more support than necessary…I would work with him…if not, I would do what I needed to do.

Child support is calculated by the amount per year and split into weeks/months, whatever it may be. That is why child support does not stop when noncustodial gets the kids for summer, for example. So, yes, child support should still be paid.

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Yes he should still have to pay, if you paid a childcare setting and went away for a week you’d still have to pay for that week! Child maintenance in the UK is for the daily living which includes electricity and bills to run a household. If you had to stay in hospital or whatever as a example do you still not need to pay your electricity bills? X

My opinion. He should still pay. Just because your kids aren’t there while their on vacation, doesn’t mean your not still paying for things they need or bills to keep your house running while they are gone. If they live with you full time and only visit him. Every bill you pay is for your kids.

Yes he should still pay because if u was getting court support it would equal 4 weeks of payment so he need to pay

Well I still have to pay rent if I go away and the same should apply for absent fathers. Would you seriously tell your landlord or mortgage provider that your not paying the rent because your having a weeks vacation- he should still pay end of.

Did you send money with the kids for spending cash, trinkets, or some of their expenses? Cover half of vacation? Pick up any vacation clothes? Seriously. Some of you guys count CS as Income and it shows.

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He should use that week pay to do special things with the kids… I understand it’s an agreement but you won’t have them and he shouldn’t have to pay for your life, but only help with theirs.

Great example where the mother sees the father as an income he has the kids for the 7 days he will be providing for them how can you Evan ask for money lol he’s not there to cover your expenses that money is for his children, the mother will have no expenses for the children when they are in his care.

Dang some women just cant let their kids fathers be Happy and do good. If a week of no pay from him is going to affect your living expenses that much, then maybe he needs to care for them full time… you’re depending on his weekly payments to keep your head above water, while he has his head above water and is paying you, then yeah, you are the problem. You cant support your own household without his help, that’s a problem… he shouldn’t have to pay you for a week where he has the kids. You even asking for advice like that just makes you look very not so awesome :joy: atleast he can take them on a little vacation, even if it’s his mother’s beach house. Shoot be Happy you get some time to yourself without the kids and enjoy it… shoot if someone could take my husbands and i’s kids for a week, we’d be happy and even pay someone for taking them! You’re very ungrateful

If it was court ordered he would still have to pay. He us paying to support the kids. Just because he takes them for 1 week don’t mean the bills at their home they need over their heads goes away.

This is a prime example of a Disneyland Dad… He’s staying in a free beach house while you still have a home to maintain and the kids to come back to… if he can’t afford child support, then maybe he shouldn’t be going on vacation. Also, get wise and get a support order or don’t complain when he makes the rules up as he goes.

I pay child support, I have my kids 50% of the time and he has left for vacation with them and been gone for 2 or 3 weeks and I still pay child support. I still pay 50% of all extra curricular activities and school fees. So I would not exclude him for that week cause a court sure as hell wouldn’t

No man or woman should be expected to pay for the other ones bills/expenses. Child support is only for the child, not the Ex. Either parent would have to pay for a roof over their head. It’s not the Ex’s responsibility.

Your the crazy one for agreeing with him. Take him back to court if he doesn’t pay you for the week. Let him figure out how he is going to live.

I am honestly shocked at the answers here. I’m even more shocked this is a question. You are more worried about money than you are about your children having time with their father. You sound bitter that he is having more time with them because that means less money in your pockets. What would you do if he wasn’t in the picture at all? Or you never seen a penny from him while he wasn’t in the picture? You can court order it all day long but that doesn’t mean they will pay it. You have to pay these bills regardless of him being present. You need to be able to financially cover standard bills. Rent, utilities, etc. child support is for your children. Food, clothes, school supplies, etc. it’s not meant to pay your bills. He has to pay rent and utilities etc just like you do. So how is he suppose to be present in his kids life if he’s having to work more than usual to keep up his house hold and your financial demands? That’s only benefiting you, and no one else. It does not benefit your kids to be that way. I suggest you should look for higher wages for work instead of thinking he is to keep you up. Yes they need a roof over their heads, but it’s not his place to provide that for you. He has to provide a roof over his head, and pay for it. You need to pay for the roof over your own head. Your kids would much rather have two happy homes. I have 3 kids. Never asked for a dime. Their dads take care of expenses at their house while they’re there, I do the same at my home. And the kids are as happy as can be. I’d rather them have their dads time than “child support” but obviously not everyone believes the same. Fathers are a already at a disadvantage when it comes to court, and you claim he’s manipulated you. But I see that instead you’re manipulating him and not putting anyone first but yourself and your demands. Let him have his pay checks to live and do things with your kids. You don’t have to fork over your checks to him to keep him up, so why do you expect him to do that for you? If they’re happy and taken care of at dads house, then you need to provide for your own home.

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You have to continue maintaining your own household when the kids are gone. It’s one week.

If one week of support is really make or break it then take that week and go get a job. So many places are desperate and willing to pay daily or have higher wages.
There is a solution for your problem.

In my opinion he shouldn’t pay, your children aren’t in your care for the week… he will be caring for them, paying for food, supplies etc so no he shouldn’t need to pay you for that week too. Yes you still have to pay for your bills, utilities etc but he doesn’t pay your bills he pays child support, he will be supporting the children himself for the week.
Just my opinion :roll_eyes:

I’d use that time to go get some child support on the books. You can totally report what he’s paid so far, but let them handle it.

If it was court ordered he would be paying the same amount regardless if he was taking them on vacation or not. :woman_shrugging:t2: I think you should go through court for child support. Just so he can’t manipulate you.

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I think you need to just put him on regulated child support that way you don’t have to worry about any of this.

He had the kids them days n took care of them so no you shouldn’t get support if it’s voluntary. You want weekly or monthly amount take him to court and do it by law.

Well…technically speaking, if he doesn’t take them 50% of the time, and has a higher income, he pays a full month, every month. A judge doesn’t give them a week off for vacation on a child support order. :laughing:

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Personally I don’t believe he should pay you if you don’t have the children that week, if the money has usually gives u is being spent on the children then surely that’s better than it going into your pocket and it not being spent on the children… It’s their money so they should receive it when they’re with their dad and he can spend it on them

It’s whatever y’all need but if you want opinions, mine is no. He has them and as your know- kids cost money to feed and entertain. They are getting a vacation and time with their dad… let him use that money to make memories with him! Child support is for the kids- this week, he is taking them on a trip so he should have the money to make the most out of it. It’s all about the kids, ma’am.

it’s not court ordered. he doesn’t have to pay you shit to be honest. if it’s voluntary, no he should not have to pay child support while he has his children just so you can pay your expenses lmao

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Depending on the state the other parent has to have the children for a certain amount of weeks before the child support stops. Just because he has them for a week bills do not stop at home. When I kids go to their dads we make an agreement. He pays half only…why because although the kids aren’t with me I still have to pay childcare to hold a spot and bills. Get an order makes things a lot easier.

He manipulated you into this “I’ll help and be a dad whenever I feel like it so tough shit” scenario you are in and is trying to manipulate you further. So I mean, it’s your call.

I’d let him skip then take his part-time parent ass to court.

No. I don’t think he should have to pay that week. He has the kids. It’s child support. Your expenses are your problem unfortunately.

Well if honestly if there is not a leagal signed agreement then no that why you should always have everything legal

Personally dont think his money is solely for you to survive. You should probably get stable financially on your own so this doesnt happen. Thats kind of insane.

I dont understand how some consider child support as a form of income. Its not. Its to support your child not you.

If he has them for the week, why does he need to pay you? If you can’t pay your bills or whatever other expenses you for a week without him helping you then you should probably get a different job. :woozy_face::woman_shrugging:t2: it’s not court order and it seems kinda greedy to ask him to pay you when he’s going have the kids.

No he shouldn’t and this is coming from a single mom of 3. Yes I get child support for my oldest she has a dead beat dad. My other kids dad helps support the other kids when I have them. But I help support them when he has them. They are with him for the summer right now and i buy the food for his house, help with clothing and everything else. He also takes care of my oldest has since the day she was born and I handed him my child support card for her. He shouldn’t have to give you money to support the kids when he has them. It could be used for the kids while they are on vacation. Idk if its just me or what but I use the child support I get on the KIDS not for anything else.

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