Let dad sleep. Put the toddler in his own room and bed. If he wakes during the night change his diaper and give him a bottle with warm milk. I think the baby wakes up because two adults turning in the bed is waking him up. Stop whining!
You child needs his own room and don’t need to be sleeping with you. Yes he should help out with bottle feeding but he also needs his sleep at night. He can bottle feed the child’s night bottle before he goes to bed. The child is a toddler, he doesn’t need neither breast or bottle, my Pediatrician would have a fit.
PLEASE for the love of god do NOT listen to these crazy people. They have been brainwashed by society to fall down at their husbands feet and do whatever he wants them to do. That is NOT how it is done. You tell that man that he can lose an hour or two of sleep and help raise the child you BOTH made or he can pay child support and get every other weekend If I can go to work on 3 hours of sleep for MONTHS, then he can miss out on a few hours of sleep and be just fine. Let me be perfectly clear, any “man” who is not willing to step up and help take care of his child is NOT a man. Period.
And remember, you are doing an amazing job. Being a full time mom is a lot of work and adding in breastfeeding, I mean yikes! You deserve a partner that is willing to help you, not a child that you have to tip toe around. You’re married, you’re partners, start seeing that you DESERVE a break too!
Time to wean off of breast feeding and get your child out of your bed. I’m sticking up for your husband.
I was a stay at home mom & my husband & I raised four kids. We shared whatever need came up in raising them. Remember this, they don’t stay babies & toddlers forever & will soon be sleeping 8 to 10 hours themselves! You WILL survive those few years.
This isn’t my child nor my marriage, so I won’t give advice on what I would do, which is what the majority of these responses contain. Fact is, in your marriage and in raising your child the way you are raising him (which is strictly YOUR business), you want help. That is normal and you shouldn’t need a spreadsheet or a grand list of “he does she does” to feel justified in asking for help. We all work at different paces and this is a topic that should be brought up and compromised on… just like anything else. I hope the best for your little family
I think it’s unanimous, toddler needs his own bed and room, including no TV except during the regular day time.
It may be hard to get him used to it. So even if you have to watch some Super Nanny You -Tube videos on the subject to get the right direction and ideas; DO IT.
Show your husband your serious about it by not giving in to temptation, form that united front for the transition and he’ll probably be more understanding toward the outcome of it even if he does lose a few hours of sleep at 1st making that change.
My toddler did not start sleeping through the night until she was weaned; So I understand the waking up. BUT TV is way to stimulating to offer to your child in the middle of the night. I personally am a stay at home mom, so anything at night, I take care of. It’s so so hard, but we do get more breaks and rest time during the day. Can you try a different room to sleep in for a few days? My girls weaned around 20 months and it sucked for a week for the first. With my second, she went to aunties house for a weekend and that weaned her! Lucky I had that option. They will eventually catch on. Good Luck.
Yes just like he should have helped with feeding him/her, you can do it on your own but you shouldn’t have too!!! You as well as your child deserve his help, the fact you need to ask this saddens me honestly
I know it’s not the 1950’s anymore but I feel like if dad is getting up to go to work everyday and I am lucky to be able to stay home with baby I would feel obligated to deal with the baby during night.
As a stay at home mom we can set the tempo of our day so if baby had a tough night maybe you skip a couple house chores, or run less errands or whatever your day consists of. He is working outside the home and has to be awake, dressed for work, drive, showered etc and not yawning all day
Have dad do more of the evening time with baby and try to take some time for yourself then.
Or have dad do nights when he doesn’t go to work the next day.
It would be different if you both worked outside the home.
In no way am I saying that staying at home is not hard work because I know firsthand it is but you probably have more opportunities to relax a bit then if your at a job.
Just my opinion and good luck.
Give the baby a bottle or pacify and let your husband sleep. I stayed home for 10 years till my kids were 8& 10. I weaned them myself. Problem may be that the child doesn’t sleep alone in their own bed
Thats where I would start.
Toddlerhood is way too old for those middle of the night shenanigans. If he wakes up, tell him to lay down and keep the lights off.
I didn’t read the entire thing …but I’m thinking maybe taking the child back to their bed and laying there till they fall asleep… helps the hubby not to be a wake …and the child to be comfortable in their bed !!
When my daughter decided to wean from breastfeeding she left for the weekend. He had no choice but to feed at night (she had some breast milk available for him). He realized he didn’t wake up as much when mom wasn’t right there. It didn’t take long to switch to milk and was weaned. They had him in their room too. Now he is fully in his room.
I’m sorry to disagree with you but if he is a toddler he should be sleeping in his own bed. If you want to wean him do not give in and breast-feed. Depending how old he is give him a sippy cup or a bottle preferably with water so he will not get up to drink milk. Being a stay at home mom does not mean you don’t work staying home is a lot of work and taking care of a child is also a lot of work. I am very fortunate my husband was a real hands-on dad and sometimes he would tell me stay in bed and he would get up during the night although he worked a 12 hour day.
You need to let your husband sleep at night. Your toddler needs to sleep in their own bed in their own room. You need to sleep in bed with your husband. Letting your toddler watch tv in the middle of the night only stimulates him or her more. You’ve created a nightmare situation.
I would have never put my child in the bed with me and my husband. Let your husband sleep since he helps you with everything else.
You have a job too. You are responsible for keeping another human alive. You need your sleep just as much as he needs his.
In my opinion if he don’t want to help he should sleep on the couch. I dont understand why men think because we stay home we are not tired! When my twins and 2 year old nap I don’t take a nap I do laundry, tidy up or get the food ready for when my older kids get home from school. I was less tired when I actually had a job. When my twins got home my husband would be bothered when they would cry for a feed but he wouldn’t get up and then be bothered the next day. He spent 6 months sleeping on the couch. Now they are 11 months and he’s back in the room cause they sleep through the night.
I think you are a little selfish. If you are staying at home to raise your child and Dad is working to support you, you need to do your job. Your responsible for the babies needs, that means no matter what hour your the main caregiver. In order to do his job, dad needs sleep, so let him. Remove the child from the bedroom and give him his sippy cup and put on a video. Don’t punish yourself and your husband by sleeping on the sofa.
I breast feed all 4 of my kids they were always in bed with us till 2yrs then put them in a bed of their own you and dad both need rest
I’m not sure screen time is the best choice for putting baby back to sleep. Take care of baby’s needs in the least stimulating manner possible and get back to sleep. Be loving — but no playfulness. All business then back to bed. You’ve got two separate issues here. The baby waking in the night and the husband who feels his need to rest is suffering. I wouldn’t get into an argument about who needs sleep more—it’s pointless. You both need sleep. Lovingly say “shhhhh” to hubby. No talking. No nighttime arguing. Just “shhhhh, go back to sleep”. This too shall pass. It is what it is for the moment. No sense making it worse! We know his perception of your day is wrong, you most likely cannot just “catch up” on your sleep. But discuss this during waking hours as calmly as you can. Use “I” statements. “ I find it very difficult to catch up on lost sleep.” Thank your husband for any help that he does provide. Maybe he would be willing to keep baby entertained after work while you rest for a bit.
Toddler bed, You on couch, Dad sleeping. Toddler in own bed and weaned at the same time. Breast feeding is between you and the child. Dad should be neutral in the breast feeding. Doesn’t mix signals.
You should do what it takes to insure the breadwinner gets his sleep. He is providing fir your family so you can be a stay at home parent. Cosleeping is never a good idea either. A baby should ALWAYS start out in their own bed. It can be in your room but their own bed.
Well… I breast fed and weaned 5 children as an off and on start at home mom while my ex husband was the breadwinner and we so slept… that being said, if the baby woke up at night, I would give them a sippy cup and would take them to another room. I wouldn’t hold them the same way I did when I nursed them, and I was in a dark, quiet room. Turning on TVs is the opposite of getting them to go back to sleep. Yes they’ll cry, but you’ll assure them milk is “all gone”. Eventually they’ll get the point. It’s honestly a battle of the wills, but I don’t necessarily agree with letting them sleep with dad because they’ll still look to you for milk, they just have to learn it’s all gone.
So by weaning you mean that the child is not getting that super late feeding? Or that you want to ease away from the breast to bottle? I only know that when a child is bottle fed most of the time they sleep thru the night as long as they get the amt of food they need before bed even if that feeding occurs at 9 or 10 at night… And tv is a stimulus that makes it harder to fall back to sleep in a good time frame… Maybe have a bottle at the ready so when they do wake up you can give the child nutrition / sustinance while keeping the environment calm enough to fall back asleep???
I’m not a parent and I’m not married, first of all, so if you wanna disregard my opinion that’s understandable.
You said he helps out with everything you ask him when he’s not working and it sounds like all he asks for is uninterrupted sleep. I think it’s reasonable, honestly. I know how hard it is for you, the full-time Mommy to not get sleep but your child won’t fire you for sub-par performance, either and he’s your only source of income so his job is very important. Yours is, too, but your ability to be a stay-at-home Mommy is fully dependent on his ability to make his income. So, I think I would just move out to the living room. If he then decides he doesn’t want that separation from you, then you can explain the alternatives as you see them, although I would be extremely careful to do so at a time when I could be completely sure of not sounding angry or frustrated and make sure I express my appreciation for his dedication to providing for his family.
My sig other worked and woke up in the middle of the night to help…
Omg these comments! My 2 children sleep with my and my husband and I’m a stay at home mom and he gets up and helps with the youngest. If he’s bothered he sleeps on the sofa. And you can breastfeed as long as you want… Really🙄 I told my husband if he wants the kids to sleep in their own bed then he has to help me keep them in there. I’m not the only parent
Child, toddler, definitely needs to be in their own bed! Co-sleeping with a child isn’t a good idea, unless they’re sick. Start giving toddler regular milk in a sippy cup throughout the day, and before bed if needed.
I got out of the military right before I had my twins. We started off them in a crib but it was difficult with a c section and them getting up every two hours. Hubby was still active duty with early rises in the mornings so I kicked him out of the bed and placed both babies horizontally next to me so he wouldn’t be disturbed by them or myself during the night. He helped when he came home. I knew it was most important for him to get his rest. Yes it’s hard taking care of a baby but the household needs to be maintained and he needs to be alert and safe going to work and not be tired on the job. It’s not going to be forever.
Get the child into his own bed. Should have been in his own bed from the get go. I speak from experience. A great book to read is Mom’s on Call.
Past time for child to be in his own room if toddler. The child should be sleeping all thru the night b4 becoming a toddler. Husband sleep, and wife take care of baby even thru night. When the father comes home he can help feed, play, and bath the baby b4 he goes to bed. On days he does not work he can then help the mom. This is the way we did with our 4 kids, and the last were twins. I went grocery shopping by myself while my husband was at work. 2 kids in 1 basket, 1 kid in other basket, and the 4th walking with me.
The husband should help when he isn’t working the next day but to turn on TV and light in the bedroom? I wouldn’t do that to the only person working in the house. How often does the 2 year old wake up? Watching TV in the middle of the night may reinforce the baby getting up. Nothing wrong with a drink of water but the TV wouldn’t turn on. As for him saying you can nap any time you want signals to me he doesn’t have a clue what you do during the day.
He needs to sleep in his own bed, because if you don’t do this right now, you won’t break him from it. I know, because my grandson is having problems sleeping in his own bed and he is going to be 7 in August. My daughter and her husband is having a big problem with that.
Put the child in his own bed in his own room!!! Feed him solid food before bed so he feels full and will sleep
my son was on a sippy cup at 11 months even at night, no bottle, if he woke up I would give him a sip and he would go right back down. sometimes I never knew when he woke up he would get his cup on his own, I would prop it up in corner of his crib and he knew it was there and yes another room for sure. make sure it is a no drip sippy cup my son is 50 years old now and he did just fine.
First of all why the kid still sleeping in your bedroom anyway start taking control of this problem now or give him a bottle with milk take him into his own room yes if you need to be up at night then go to another room and turn the television on I worked outside of home also and raised two children
Most has already been said, both my husband and I worked full time, but I still got up with my babies when they were nursing or being weined.
The reason you need to get the little one in there own bed is because the longer you wait the harder it is as they get older.
I’ve never been a co-sleeper, but had a sleeping area in my room when they were infant’s. Once they started to get a bit bigger (about 6 months?) They went into there own room.
In the long run, it will be easier for all of you and less of a upset for the little one.
I’m sure you’re husband can find things to help you out and build bonds with the baby when he comes home from work. I think him being involved is very reasonable, but disruptive sleep will cause frustration.
Just have a nice talk and work out a routine that works for all 3 of you.
*Baby out of bedroom and best of luck to you’re family.
If possible your son should be put in his own room he’s a baby and doesn’t understand disturbing his dad he shouldn’t be in your bed you need privacy in your bedroom
Not good for either of you to miss sleep. Train your child to sleep in his own bed or he will be sleeping with you for years
Weaning can be hard in many ways. I can kind of see where you and your husband are coming from. First, please talk to your pediatrician about weaning. He or she might be able to give you some good suggestions. It was recommended to me that we give our son whole milk if I wasn’t going to breastfeed anymore because toddlers still need the fats found in milk for their development until the age of two. Also, if you don’t have one already, look into purchasing a crib. After your little one falls asleep, pick them up and place them in the crib. It will be hard because they are so used to sleeping with you, but it sounds it might be a good idea. Our toddler often falls asleep in our bed, and we transport him to the crib. Three, as I said, weaning can be hard. Your husband isn’t obligated to help with it, but it’s nice that he helps in so many other ways. Be patient with each other. My son wakes up sometimes. (He’s almost two). I hold him and give him his sippy cup and he falls back asleep in my arms within minutes. Sometimes, I just give him the sippy cup, and he’s satisfied with that and falls back asleep on his own. (Kids do get thirsty at night. I know I do). He was nursed during those moments up until a couple of months ago. We created a new, quiet pattern. (I hate noise). Turning on the TV isn’t a good idea because it will create an expectation of TV every time. Also, the light and screen will keep your child up longer in the long run. I know that you are exhausted in the middle of the night, but it’s part of being a parent. You can do this, dear. Finally, don’t let this issue become a constant fight between the two of you.
Your husband has every right to be pissed. put that kid in his own room and call it a day. Regardless of anything, your husband is literally the bread winner for the family and he needs his sleep. Just because it’s “easier” for you to stay up doesn’t mean you should. You have an opportunity to nap. Never in a million years would I do that to my husband.
I myself used to take the kids to the living room if they woke up in the middle of the night. Just so we didn’t wake my husband up. It was just easier than arguing with him because he didn’t get enough sleep for work. But he should be understanding because you both made the child together.
Your job is to take care of the baby so you need to go to a different room when the baby is restless and let your husband sleep. U make time to lay down when ur baby does during the day. That’s what stay at home mothers do.
Nope! Please put your toddler in his own bed and give him a cup of water, turn on his tv…Dad shouldn’t have to ween the baby or toddler off your breast… Thirdly he is right to be angry if you are disturbing him while he needs to sleep to get up for work…You are able to go back to sleep anytime being a stay at home mom if you have your kid’s or kid trained to nap…it is up too you make up a schedule for your kid’s and your husband so your house hold runs smooth so your not stressed!!!
So he thinks he works harder than you do because she stays home with baby. Good luck him trying to accomplish what she does in a day.
Child should be in their own room
From one house wife to another. If he’s bringing home the paycheck AND helping with chores when he gets home then you might be pushing the limits. And listen. I know how tough it can be but this phase is only temporary and you will get through it.
First of all child should not be in your bed if there isn’t a 2nd bedroom get a toddler bed or toddler cot get that baby out of your bed second husband does need sleep to work to support family but on days off he can help out third no more boob plain and simple give cup ect and just say done I know it’s hard but will survive
He needs to be in his own bed first of all. I never believed children to sleep in parents beds.
If the child wakes rock him to sleep breast feed and what ever you need to do in the child room.
Your spouse can get the sleep needed.
The parent trains the child, never the other way around. I had a method, I started around 7pm. I would bath my baby, then I would spend around 15mins massaging them. I would put the bottle as warm as possible, around 8pm. My baby would sleep all night, I mean all night long. This schedule lasted up until they were 10-11yrs old.
Not the massaging lol. My point is I had them on a schedule. They used to sleep through anything.
I started as young as a week old. I kid you not and it still work with my daughter. Her husband massages her today, but a hot shower/bath and a hot meal and she good to go. Oh and a nap,
Because I made them take naps. My son is deceased, but my daughter still take naps. This is all because, I put them on a schedule at a very early age. The child is not suppose to train you. NEVER!!!
And it worked out fine. Oh and by the way when the baby wakes up at any time, out of respect go into another room. So you won’t disturb your husbands sleep, if he is the bread winner.
It is your job to make it work for you, as you are with the baby all day. It is your responsibility to train that baby to allow you to get your rest just as well. Stop fussing and fighting over something that can be managed.
Let the man get his sleep, handle the weaning and you’ll both be happier
I never had to wean my child becuz i wasny able to breast feed but my bf and i did have a similar issue when my son would cry and wake him up in the middle of the night or early in the morning so I ended up on the couch cuz he worked and i stayed home to watch my son and didnt wanna bother him (he was still kind of an ass about it tho) the only advice i can give u is yes ur husband works and thats amazing that he helps after a long day at work and is supportive but parents tend to lose sleep the first few years of a childs life its hard to avoid so he may just have to deal with being a bit tired for work for awhile…the weaning process wont last forever just hang in there and keep ur head up and you guys im sure can figure out something that works for both of u. Remember youve got to take care of yourself ( mentally pyshically and emotionally) as well so you can be the best mommy to your little one. Hang in there hun i hope u guys figure out a solution
First, congratulations on being able to be a stay at home mom! That is also some hard work! Second, since you didn’t mention why you’re co-sleeping, everyone needs to quit telling you what to do on that. You’re the parent, you do what YOU think is best. Third, dad does need his sleep, but so do you! He could have got up the one time to help out. It’s not unheard of that both parents help out during the night.
Finally, I wish you the best of luck, this time of child rearing doesn’t last forever, and take what advice is helpful and leave the condescending, judgey advice behind. Many hugs to ya mama. You’re doing great!!
Children learn habits & routines very quickly. The longer this goes on, the harder it will be to stop. Don’t know that there is really a right or wrong. Just saying, you better decide your long term plans very quickly.
I don’t have any children yet (currently suffer from infertility) but if I’m a stay at home mom and dad needs to be up early for work then to be considerate of course I will move myself and baby to the living room or other room. My husband is sensitive to light when he sleeps. And he can’t be productive and make money to support us if he is sleep deprived if he’s helping out in other ways it’s the least you can do to help him out as well. If he has a day off then that’s another story. That’s just my opinion.
I feel you should respect the mans wishes and when your child wakes up in the middle of the night go to the other room. If that’s a problem then I’d say get a job get your child on a schedule with daycare and get him/her to sleep in their own room. If this man is paying all the bills and supporting you and that child so you don’t have to work consider yourself blessed!!! Let that man sleep. Please don’t come at me I am a mother of 3!!!
Please, please stop the co sleeping! Safer for everyone! Then you can deal with your toddler in their room.
My dear, I think you are letting a child rule the home. I also breast fed my children. When the child bit my breast I would squeeze the child’s nose. They will leave go quickly. First of all I believe the child needs love and kindness, but so does your husband and so do you .He loves you so much. He is being the breadwinner so you can to be home with your child and believe me that is a blessing! Not an easy job. Your husband has many responsibilities at his job that he must be ready to address and he needs proper rest. It is crucial. I think you and your husband need to set some rules & responsibility for your family. Life can be hard. No matter what you choose it will be hard. My choice would be to work together so everyone will benefit. Communication is a great tool.
Set some family rules. Get organized . Set up some systems to make life easer for all. Lack of sleep can make anyone cranky. I just want you as a family not to suffer. Make your home a place that everyone wants to come home to. I feel quilt and anger are ruling your home right now. I could go on and on so my last suggestion is to pray for guidance to get your home in order. It doesn’t excuse anyone from responsibilities but it does make it easier. Remember life is hard, Best wishes to you and your family. Love one another
Dad has to help. No question. He helped make said toddler, so gets to help wean toddler. It’s a joint effort, no matter who works or stays home. Let a man stay home and be a full time dad while mom works. 90% will fail.
#1 this sleeping in the same bed with you needs to go. That’s just not healthy & potentially dangerous (more with a infant vs a toddler). #2 my son is now 29 yrs old but I have never gotten a 8 hr night of sleep EVER since I had him. In fact, the most ever has been 4 hrs. & YES I have worked FT jobs when he was little #3 husband needs to join the century. Men do need to help with the weaning.
I would buy a toddler bed and make his room…get him excited about it. hopefully this will help him wean off. Highly suggest no tv after bath. I do. Agree you can take a nap during the day when baby naps. I have totally done that before.
Your husband is correct! It’s common courtesy and respect for you to take YO ASS to the livingroom like he said! If the child was sleeping in its own bed, it wouldn’t smell the milk!You want that pedicure and manicure, then you BEST let him have his sleep!
You should not sleep with your baby at any age ! Your husband needs his rest but , why don’t you try to take a nap when he gets home from work ? Have supper/dinner cooked or cooking in a crockpot or the oven . That way he can spend time with the little one while you rest . I was a stay at home mom with two teenagers and a 14 month old and a new born .
Can’t blame your husband, he needs his sleep to function at work, he’s the bread winner. You have the privilege to stay home you could rest anytime.
Your husband deserves his sleep at night so he can provide for you and the baby. Would it really hurt you that much to take the baby into another room until he calms down. You should be ashamed for even griping about this. Also he is too old to be in bed with you and your husband. Get a bed for that boy before he still in there when he’s 16…
I always went in the living room , so my husband could sleep. I did not need to ask anybody if I should , the Mann had to get up a 6 in the morning and go to work and work long hours , so I could stay home with the kids l could take a nap in the afternoon , never bothered me , why is he not in his own bed , and weened , a toddler should sleep all night, sounds to me like you need a parenting class above all
First of all, he should be sleeping through the night and not be waking up to nurse…he’s not hungry. Figure out a way to keep him in his bed and his room…be positive, but firm…you’re a big boy now and you get to sleep in your own bed (make a big positive deal out of being a big boy). Give him a little snack and a sip of water before bed, brush his teeth, read him a story, maybe sing a bedtime song while rubbing his back or even rocking him and then tell him it’s time for bed. If you want, tell him when daddy goes to work, he can come in and get some morning snuggles. Bottom line, he needs to sleep in his bed. Exceptions can be made for nightmares, etc…but work on and reward him for being a big boy.
Don’t think he can help with weaning but he can be more understanding.
Well you’re not gonna like my answer…but wether your a stay at home mom or work outside the home your child should not be in bed with you !! That is a very hard habit to break once the child gets custom to it!! He should have his own room and own bed ! You say toddler…so how old is your child !!? They should be sleeping through the night !! You might have to do some tough love and let them cry it out until he understands … Your husband has every right to be upset !! His rest should be your priority ! If your worried about your child being alone or not hearing them then get a baby monitor !
Let the child self wean. Makes life easier on everyone. Don’t worry, they won’t come home from college wanting your boob. All of my kids quit on their own around 2.
He is unjust…/sleep with your child …let him nurse …how old…it took my youngest 6 months to wean due to fathers behavior…take him to bed …he gets fussy go to couch…give your child time…daddy don’t matter at this point…
I had one just like…my youngest nursed till 2.5even though daddy called him a clingon…
It sounded like you answered your own question. If you feel like he needs to help and understand more then that’s what he needs to do.
Your baby needs his own bed and own room. He should be sleeping through the night at 6 months. It’s not safe to keep him in the bed with you and your husband for many reasons.
He is working and you are not . I agree with him take the child out of the room. And you should have him sleeping in a crib any ways then the whole him smelling breast milk would not be a issue. Also it never a good idea to turn on t.v. to distract a child when you want him to go back to bed . It awakens the brain to much . Just give him a drink from a sippy cup and put him back to bed in a crib .
Child should of been in own room since beginning get out of bed to breast feed him and when done lay him back down to sleep so both parents can sleep. Not good for child to sleep with parents . And yes husband needs his sleep if he is only one working
Toddler shouldn’t be co-sleeping. No small child should. Dangerous. Put him in his own bed. Wont wake up as much if hes alone.
I never woke my husband with the children, I got up and took them to the front room, but they had their own rooms. He would help with the children in the evening when returning home from work. Someone said they won’t bond with them unless they help with them at nights, I totally disagree. Both parents share a different type of bonding with their children.
A toddler should NOT still be sleeping with you. IF he can BITE he no linger NEEDS breast milk. Learn how to teach NO. Finally YES if hubby is supporring you and child then you NEED to help him get his propper rest.
I have weaned two babies (other one weaned himself), by placing bandages on boobies. Than look at them sad and say they are broken. Takes one day. All they want is moms love and don’t want to hurt you. Since weaning can be painful. As for husband
I have been in both of your places. I didn’t hold a job outside of the house for one, and then I was a single mom later on to two, and holding down a full time job along with raising two sons on my own. I have to say though, that I feel you should of taken your son out of the room to turn the TV on. For me anyways, holding down a job out of the house was harder than being a stay at home mom.
I have 3 kids each situation was different. This is the first time Ive had a real man to be the father of my child. First 2 I did everything alone or had help.with family they didn’t do anything didnt live with me one claimed the child wasn’t theirs at all till test showed otherwise. My husband is a trucker so he is hardly ever home. I can call him in the middle of his rest to talk with any of the children who need him and yeah he gets upset but he’s like if you need me call me back and I’ll handle it. Sometimes a child just need their dad or dad figure. I stay at home too so I try not to call unless it gets really bad. But the baby doesn’t understand why daddy is sleeping while she’s awake playing and sometimes turns red in the face crying cuz she wants him 5 mins talking to him and shes okay to play until he’s awake again.
Tell him you need a full 8 hours of sleep to do your job of raising baby all day. No his “job” isn’t more important than yours. He can help at night for as long as you both need. Its not fair, right or normal for him to expect that of you.
Let me tell you something. A stay at home parent gets just as exhausted, if not more than, as a parent who works outside the home. Stay home parents dont get time off or time for rest. We CANNOT “sleep whenever” as some people think. Why do people automatically assume a stay home parent’s job is not hard and they can rest whenever they feel like it? I have told my husband before, just because you get to clock out doesn’t mean you are done for the day. A stay home parent doesn’t get to clock and be done, EVER! Both parents should be involved in raising the child and if one parent has to miss out on sleep then there’s no reason the parent shouldn’t have to share in that ordeal. It took two to make the baby. It takes to raise the baby. And if this is a small amount of time in this child’s life that dad has to lose some sleep, so be it. You have lost sleep since before baby was born I’m sure. Especially at the end of the pregnancy when it gets uncomfortable and certainly after the birth when you’re getting up every couple hours to feed the baby. So YES, absolutely, dad should participate in the weaning process. Then both parents can go back to getting sufficient sleep.
Should never have started the family bed thing. You hubby and child need space.
Take the kid and go to the living. The man has to work since u get to stay home. My husband would wake up and I would send him back to bed! imagine going to work on three hours of sleep.
My husband and I work opposite shifts, so my daughter was bottle fed(breast milk) since she was 3 months, with Dad feeding her during the day while I was at work. I think he should help out some, even if it means him going to bed a bit earlier so he’s not exhausted. It’s easier when both parents are in the same page, and might make the transition period shorter. My daughter sleeps through the night now, on her own. She dies get a cup of milk before bed though, but she rarely wakes up now(she’s almost 2). As long as you aren’t pregnant or have a younger one, they tend to lose interest once your milk dries up. Mine did.
Since he is really helpful with other things, I feel you should let him have his required sleep.
There are many different opinions on sleeping and breastfeeding, but here is a good resource that may be helpful The Baby Book | Ask Dr Sears
Do you all a favor and wean the baby by the signs. It works! Go to almanacs best days it will tell you when the best time to wean
Child should be in his/her own room and if a toddler, not breastfeeding. You and your husband should be getting him comfortable in his own room everyday by doing activities in their room and especially nap time. Do games, bedtime stories, etc until he’s comfortable, but he stays in his room and bed, even if one of you stay with him until he falls asleep. Our son slept in our room in his own crib for the first 6 months, and then on to his room. Nap time always in his crib.
Even as a newborn your baby should have been sleeping alone in it’s own Bassett or crib nearby then in it’s own bed in it’s own room. It’s gonna be harder for you now since you’ve allowed your baby to sleep with you as your baby is accustomed to hearing your breathing and your scents…once placed in it’s own room and bed those familiar scents and sounds will be gone so your baby may have difficulties staying asleep so be prepared.
As for turning on the TV…no your hubby needs his sleep in order to have a productive work day…just try to nap when your baby naps and should the baby start crying and you’ve checked in and all is well continue with your chores as your baby begins to understand that you’re not gonna hold and nurse him constantly…let the weaning begin.
I personally let dad sleep when he works. But, I would not try to ween with the TV bc the child isn’t going to learn to sleep thru the night.
No Dad s don’t breastfeed so he should not help with weaning I think maybe you should continue breastfeeding at night your toddler is old enough to be taught not to bite so teach them & continue to breastfeed & enjoy until your toddler weans theirselves
When dad gets home leave child with dad and go take a 3hr nap, tell him no disturbing so he can have his 8 hr beauty rest.
All I had was a Dad. My mom passed away when I was very young. My Dad was always there when I needed him.
Child should have his or her own bed in his or her own room .take the fussy child to the living room and close the bedroom door
If he doesn’t work he will be unable to provide for the family. I say figure it out without involving him while he is sleeping and has to work the next day.
I might be in the minority but I don’t think you were all the way right. I believe both parents should be responsible at night but sounds like you didnt establish that from gate because you breastfeed. But now that the child is not breastfeeding your establishing new rules. That deserves a talk and understanding that talk can’t be in the middle of the night. I also think if your already up with the baby walking him up by turning the tv on is rude. The next room would be fine. But your right the baby is in a new stage dad should do new things. But I wouldn’t ask unless he was off the next day. Working and driving tired is dangerous and my mom said sleep when the baby sleeps so nap when they nap. Go to bed early let dad put the baby to sleep so you get more rest. Lastly co sleeping is great when your breast feeding it makes life easy for a short time but getting that baby out your bed is a nightmare. So I don’t recommend it get that baby a toddler bed or another room. A gate and a tv. Sounds like they need it. Good luck