Should you buy someone beer if you are pregnant?

Lol. Who cares ? It’s no one’s business. You are an adult. You wanna grab beer for your husband you go crazy. What’s someone gonna say or do? Nothing


IMO, you’re overreacting. But if you don’t feel comfortable buying it, don’t. But make sure you keep this same energy if you ever need him to buy some of your feminine products. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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I wouldn’t care tbh :joy:


I have zero shame going in the liquor store. None. I don’t care what other people think :woman_shrugging:t2:


I would’ve but I also don’t care what people think :woman_shrugging: I know I’m not gonna drink it so that’s all that matters lol


:rofl::rofl::rofl: I mean, it’s up to you really. I bought my mom a carton of cigarettes recently at 8 months pregnant and boy the looks I gotttt​:rofl::rofl::rofl::skull: but I just laughed it off cause I know I’m not the one smoking them and fuck what other people think sooo​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

I bought my husband’s beer all the time when pregnant :person_shrugging: i dont care what people think but if ur not comfortable with it then dont do it.


I’ve bought beer and cigarettes for people while pregnant. I didn’t think anything of it lol

I dont like buying cigarettes for people lol. thats jst me.

You’re overreacting like crazy lol

Lol i have and id do it again cause id rather drive and them be safe :woman_shrugging:t2: plus i take my sweet time and get me a snicky snack :joy:


I’m the only one with a car. So I always buy bf his alcohol while I’m pregnant. Through 2 pregnancies now.

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I did instacart and other shopping apps while pregnant. No one looks at you funny. Heck you could be buying it to cook with. Plus I would go buy our two liters of soda from the liquor store next door because they kept them cold and no need to wait or get more ice to chill them lol


When guys buy feminine products… I’m sure the cashiers know it’s not for them…


I probably wouldn’t have either. :woman_shrugging:


You worry bout other ppls opinion more than you should darl…but if you don’t feel comfortable doing something…you don’t have to do it… and is there a reason Ur partner can’t get his own beer??


I used to do it all the time for my husband when I was pregnant. And they would always make jokes to me and stuff but nobody was ever rude about it to me.

One time me and my ex’s gramma went to the liquor store while I was very visibly pregnant and I was giggling thinking about how funny we must look an old woman and a pregnant girl browsing booze lmfao

You’re over reacting… I’m sure you’d want him to pick up sanitary items if he was out and you were desperate… people know it’s not for you…


Definitely overreacting

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You’re a grown up right ? Of legal age to buy alcohol ? No one else’s business !! Personally I think you’re over reacting … If I asked my man to buy tampons & he gave some silly reason about feeling funny I’d be telling him to grow TF up & go get my tampons *especially if he was going to the store anyways :woman_shrugging:t3::tipping_hand_woman:t3:


Ya you are overreacting

Yes you are overreacting!

Lorddd… I went to a Bachelorette party at a bar at 7 months pregnant (obviously didn’t do anything besides eat on appetizers and drank tea) because she was my best friend and asked me to be there and I chose to let my friends have a great time while i was the dd.
Its apparent this is your first child because honestly who cares. Do people who judge you pay your bills? No; then who cares.


Buy the beer. Don’t worry about other people.

Wow… Definitely overreacting.

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I won’t do it. Alcohol or cigs I won’t buy for anyone idc who it is. And I’m not pregnant :woman_shrugging:t2::face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:

Buy your husband beer! It’s time to not care what others think and be your own lady for that baby.
It’s really nobodys business. Guess you judge other moms, just from this line of thinking, I would hope not ?


Yeah your over reacting. Just because your pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t buy beer, and who cares if someone looks at you funny. As long as you know your not drinking it

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Eh I get it. It made me uncomfortable too the couple of times I did it. Tell him to stop being a big baby n grab it himself for now.

I bought mine beer throughout my pregnancy…ain’t nobody’s business.

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Yeah, it’s out there. I’ve bought beer plenty of times for my spouse, most know me here. but people eye ball and im like I’m not drinking it…

Overreacting. I bought alcohol when pregnant for my husband all the time.

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Overreacting and worrying way too much about what other people think.


I am with you - if your husband wants beer - let him pick it up for himself - people are so nosey they may report you for harming your unborn child - I don’t think you need that headache :face_with_head_bandage:- DCFS - :-1: (I know you wouldn’t hurt your baby :heart::+1::heart:)

It seems like you care what people think which I totally understand! Your feelings are valid regardless but I think it should be because of how you feel about it not because of how you think other people will see it. They don’t matter.

I wouldn’t say you’re overreacting… but don’t worry about what people think love. Most of the gifts at my baby shower were like wine or cute “baby making potion” with shooters with a chaser attached to it. (Also there were other prizes that weren’t alcohol related for people who didn’t drink) I was huge and pregnant and went in and bought it myself at like 9 in the morning. I know what it looked like on the outside but I knew it wasn’t for me and you’ll be judged for EVERYTHING you do as a mother so learning to not care what people think sooner rather than later will help your mental health. But if you aren’t comfortable you aren’t comfortable end of story. Your husband needs to respect that as well

Overreacting 100%. Who cares what others think :woman_shrugging:t3: and of anyone has the audacity to ask you then say you plan on only drinking a 6 pack tonight but Friday nights another story :upside_down_face: just have fun with it. Someone’s gonna judge you for something no matter what you’re doing but it’s not something to fight w your husband about.

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If anyone looks at you funny,tell them it’s for your husband.

Breathe. Relax. Most of us are out here just trying to survive parenthood to care what you buy. Plus, for your own sanity, don’t worry what people think.

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Yes you’re over reacting. Buy the man his beer, he probably deserves it and if anyone asks just tell them it’s for him because you don’t drink whilst pregnant


Um yes, do you think he should get you tampons if he was at the store and you asked him too?


You’re definitely overreacting.

I would buy some regular beer and some N/A beer or wine so that it looks like the N/A is for you and the alcoholic kind is for someone else

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I would do it and wouldn’t care what people think but you do, so don’t do it.

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I heard a pregnant woman talking to someone on the phone at a store once having the same concern. She got close to the checkout where the cashier could clearly hear her and said, “I got your jack daniels, almost my turn to check out” and hung up lol


I would do it. Who cares what others think. My husband never really thought to ask when I was pregnant but if he did I wouldn’t have minded. I mean he does buy tampons for me all the time :woman_shrugging:t2:


Really if any one says anything I’d just rudely response with yeah but my husband isn’t pregnant :roll_eyes:!!! This wouldn’t be a issue if or a thought if people would learn to mine their own business. It’s sad we now feel like we have to explain to complete strangers why we’re doing something like it’s any of their concern.


Reasonable people probably wouldn’t notice. Some people would probably assume it’s for someone else. Maybe very few people would silently judge you. In all honesty other people’s opinions mean absolutely nothing because you know the truth.
With that being said if it makes you uncomfortable then he needs to respect that and get his own beer.

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I bought liquor for a party when I was pregnant. Who cares what people think. I knew I wasn’t drinking it obviously so that’s all that matters

Overreacting. You shouldn’t care what other people think

Lol. I was big pregnant walking out the store with two cases if beer for a party.

If you’re uncomfortable - don’t do it.
Strangers aren’t you having to walk in to buy the beer so just do what you’re comfortable with.
Make him get his own damn beer - you’re pregnant, what’s his excuse?

Heck I dont even want to be seen there cause I ain’t really a drinker…an I ain’t even pregnant…lol.
Don’t blame you…lol.

Go to a drive through

Buy his his damn beer for crying out loud!

My sister is pregnant and she recently bought her boyfriend beer, she was having a conversation with the cashier about how she is excited, it’s her 2nd baby and then she looked at me and was like I hope I got him the right beer. I wouldn’t say you are overreacting, if something doesn’t make you feel comfortable then don’t do it. But I don’t see anything wrong with picking up beer or alcohol for someone. No matter what people are always judging others :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Nope I wouldn’t buy beer for a spouse it’s a bad look get him to pick up his own bad habit

I felt the same way when I was pregnant but then I got over it quick. I ended up not caring what anyone thought :woman_shrugging:

I was pregnant and going to the beer store every week buying two cases of 30 packs of beer for my dad but everyone knows me there and knew that I go in and buy my dad beer for him

It’s not really anyone else’s business what you’re doing. Don’t think to much about what others may think of you. You know you’re not drinking it so fuck everyone else’s opinion.

I mean I think it’s fine. You know you’re not drinking it so I dont see an issue. I bought wine for my husband when I went to the grocery and cigarettes

Who cares ? YOU know your not drinking it :woman_shrugging:t3: and if someone says something kindly say it’s not for me DUH lol I dunno I did it my whole pregnancy with no cares because it was for my husband and I don’t care what someone I will never see again MAY come up with in their …. :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

I would just buy it! It’s no big deal! You aren’t drinking it and who cares what everyone else thinks… and if you do get a funny look just say it’s for my husband, we all know their legs don’t work! Lol

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To me that’s like saying men shouldn’t buy tampons because they’re not on their periods and are afraid someone’s going to assume the tampons are for them. I’m sure most people will figure the beer isn’t for you but for someone else and if they think otherwise…who cares?


Felt the same but have still done it for my husband, they probably assume its for the dad lol

Buy that damn man some beer :rofl::person_facepalming:
Who cares what folks think, :roll_eyes::person_shrugging:

Oh mama the hormones!

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If I saw a pregnant person buying alcohol, I would just assume it’s for other people. So maybe because it’s common sense and so known now, I don’t think I would see it as it’s you buying it for yourself lol

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Nope, not drinking it not buying it and yes people will probably judge you :+1:


I would have and did… buying isn’t drinking it

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I did when I was pregnant. I bought ice cream and beer. I just made a joke about it

I went to the bar full term pregnant with my husband for his birthday I drank soda and danced with my husband and was the DD back home don’t stop living your life because you are having a child. Motherhood is lonely and hard especially if you no longer feel like you.


Way overreacting. I did multiple times

OMG - - - why do you care how it looks??? people’s opinions speak more about them than you!!! Get a backbone, woman!!!


If this is your biggest worry then you’re having a good life! :slightly_smiling_face: some men might give up booze in solidarity i suppose.

I hate it here…this group is ridiculous


Buy the beer, I do not see any problem

I wouldn’t mind buying it for my husband as long as I’m not drinking it I don’t see the issue :woman_shrugging:t2:

I assume the woman is picking up for hubby…why not grab it while your at the store :+1:

I would not buy it .

Damn for real. Get that man his beer.

Definitely overreacting !!

i bought case of beer when i was pregnant :rofl::woman_shrugging:t2: if they make a comment tell them to mind there business

If that’s the only thing your buying at the time then yes some people would be judging. But if its with the whole grocery list don’t worry about it :slight_smile:

I did it for my husband. I didn’t care

I work in a liquor store pregnant people buy liquor all the time. Doesn’t mean they’re drinking ig. I’m only judging if I see you crack it open and chug

I did all the time for my husband when pregnant. Just because you’re buying it doesn’t mean you’re drinking it. I’ve even been to a bar pregnant (for an event) still wasn’t drinking alcohol so who cares

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Lol :rofl:! Why wouldn’t your man be able to drink if you’re pregnant? As long as he’s home drinking it & not slumming :woman_shrugging:

I’m 32 weeks pregnant and I’d do it … I did it for my bf when I was 25 weeks … It’s really not a big deal

Honestly… It sounds to me like you are too worried about what people think of you. If you know you aren’t drinking the alcohol or harming your baby, then why does it matter if you are seen purchasing alcohol for your man?? Who cares what people on the outside think.


Ive gone while pregnant and also ive sold liquor to pregnant women. We litterally dont think twice about it!

YOU ARE OVERREACTING! That is silly, you aren’t drinking it who cares what anyone thinks!


Girllllllll grab his beer and a bottle of tequila for when you drop that baby! :joy::joy::pregnant_woman:t5: I’m 37 weeks and don’t care :joy::joy:

I picked up beer for my husband and his buddies consistently throughout my pregnancy lol nobody thought twice.

It’s personal choice
I would buy it because at the end of the day I know that I’m not drinking it and that’s all that matters. And if I saw a pregnant woman purchasing beer or alcohol I wouldn’t assume it’s for her.

Omg. I cant believe this is even a question. What are you, a child? You can’t make yoir own decisions then don’t be a mom.


You’re over reacting lol


Do what makes you feel good. Honestly people judge all the time if your worried about others it’ll cause you a headache. Buy it don’t buy it its up to you. Never worry about other people they will be doing the same when your kid has a melt down in a store. But I didn’t buy any while I was pregnant but we aren’t big drinkers so wasn’t something we usually get.

No different than buy cigarettes for them, doesn’t mean there for you! Besides what business is it whoever! With gas prices so high why not just pick it up while you’re out? I don’t use either one but when asked I’ll get them for them! So stop :stop_sign: worrying about what other’s think you don’t owe them an explanation!