Should you buy someone beer if you are pregnant?

:rofl::rofl: not like your gonna drink it?

I felt uncomfortable but still did it lol

I definitely don’t want my husband driving anywhere drunk I’d rather feel uncomfortable lol

My husband buys me tampons haha


Yes, you’re over reacting :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:


Seriously? It won’t permeate through the packaging and into your bloodstream. You will survive.


I mean I did :woman_shrugging:t2: it don’t bother me which then again I didn’t care what anyone said & if someone said something I’d just tell them it’s not for me it was for my husband :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:

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overreacting… youre not popping it open & drinking it

Question? Why can’t he go buy it himself? Why is he wanting you to? If he wants it bad enough he should respect that you feel uncomfortable doing this and go get it himself! Then I would quit doing other things for him as well until he can respect my feelings!


I thought you mentioned a pg woman yes of course rather have him home then he min at bar yes

Yes you are overreacting and being completely ridiculous. This must be a joke.

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Who cares? I got beer or liquor for people all the time when I was pregnant.

Do what tf you want to. I would think he would be man enough to listen/respect.

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I bought my SO cigarettes while pregnant. I did smoke before but had quit. I got some looks from randoms but not locals who knew me.

Just say you are buying it for your husband

Who cares what people think

Yes you are lol does he pick up tampons?


Since I was pregnant on my 21st birthday, I bought beer for my friends. Lol

I bought my husband beer while pregnant. I was already out and about, he was home. Why not?

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I totally understand how u feel. If it makes u uncomfortable then don’t do it.


I swear some of these posts are made up by admin on a ‘slow post’ day… :roll_eyes:


Yes you’re definitely over reacting no one’s going to just think you’re drinking bc you’re buying beer. :woman_facepalming:t2: why people care so much is beyond me. You go out to dinner and your boyfriend/ friends are drinking you not going to drink anything at all bc people might question what’s in your cup? No. You’ll still drink whatever soda water tea and not pay any mind.

Yes I have for my husband and friends. Even taken my kid in With me.

I used to pick up beer, vodka and even cigarettes with all of my pregnancies. No shame because it definitely wasn’t for me. Let people talk- people judge no matter what you do! Lol plus when your pregnant your the only sober one at most events! Drunk people are more entertaining than cable :joy:

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I bought alcohol for my husband when I was pregnant…I wasn’t drinking it so it wasn’t a big deal.

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If you care this much about what strangers think of you just wait until you’re farting uncontrollably with every step


Yes who the f%ck cares

My sister wanted me to buy her a smoking piece and I was like girl I’m pregnant :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Definitely an over react. And screw what other ppl may think. You know. That’s all that matters.


Lol giiiiirl get that man his drank!!


Oh I hated doing that with my kids’ dad eventually he quit asking bc it was a huge fight

girl if you dnt go buy that man some damn beer and stop bein over dramatic! sheesh some of these posts :woman_facepalming:t3:

If you’re uncomfortable with it then don’t do it ! I don’t drink alcohol for religious purposes and I wouldn’t buy anyone alcohol because it makes me uncomfortable


Lol, ya over reacting.
Wear a sign
“Buying beer for hubby”

Definitely over reacting. Who do you owe an explanation to?


If you are both of legal age, its not a big deal. “Its for my husband. He asked me to grab some on my way home.”

I buy ciggs & beer still :joy:
Wtf are they gonna do? Look at me funny?:skull_and_crossbones:


You are over reacting alittle bit but that’s okay. Everyone’s has there own feelings let alone you got a bunch of strangers making you feeling like crap. :smiling_face:

Lol :laughing::rofl::joy: I’ve been 8 months along planning a party and walked out of sams with cases of beer and liquor

If it makes u feel uncomfortable, don’t do it!!! And that’s okay too.

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Lol I wouldn’t second guess it tbh.

I wouldn’t if I’m uncomfortable with it but just cause your buying it doesn’t mean your going to drink it could be for your baby shower a birthday or just for someone everyone is going to judge someone else it don’t matter for what

I was buying cigarettes and beer for my husband when I was pregnant, all the way up to giving birth. It doesn’t matter what other people think

I have done it…i think you are over reacting a bit, lots of women buy alcohol for their partner…however if you dont feel comfortable doing it then dont do it

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What others think of you is none of your business PERIOD…learn that and it will save you lots of heartache and NOR do you owe an explanation to anyone especially Karen or Richard…j/s

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I bought all the alcohol for a bbq we held. :woman_shrugging:
Who cares what someone thinks. I got one weird look but they didn’t dare say anything. Lol

I bought my fiance and his brother alcohol and cigarettes when I was pregnant. If you’re not comfortable doing it then that’s your decision but I don’t see the problem. If someone were to say something just put them in their place and tell them to mind their business but I don’t think anyone would even say anything honestly

Hell I used to go to bars while pregnant with my husband and our friends :joy: to play pool and drink soda and dance

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? No one is going to look twice at you. With that being said yes. I did.

Eh, I would probably still do it.

When I was pregnant, I went to the bar with my husband. I just didn’t drink alcohol. The tab was on me as a treat to my husband. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to do it. But most people would put it together. And so what if they don’t? Make them squirm! You do you, love!

Are you overreacting? Yes a little bit. Nobody knows your home life, and its none of their damn business anyways.

Is he being inconsiderate? Yes a little bit. If you are truly uncomfortable with it, regardless of reason, he should respect that.

Definitely overreacting :woman_facepalming: Some of the questions people ask in this group are starting to worry me as a human :woman_facepalming:


Honey those people do not know you and people make assumptions about you anyways , you got to not care anyone with a brain knows you either getting it for someone else or thinks you just gonna have a little glass of something at the end of the day which is fine , stop and ask yourself what harm is BUYING alcohol doing ? Ive felt a little weird buying cigarettes for my bf when I was pregnant but I don’t know those people they can make any assumptions they want , they don’t know me and idk them so it made zero difference in my life what they thought of me a pregnant woman buying tobacco

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I feel weird doing it even energy drinks for my husband

I’ve gone into the liquor store for my husband while pregnant :woman_shrugging:

I would :woman_shrugging: most who are pregnant have a S/O so I’d assume it was for them (they gotta deal with the mood swings :rofl:) and even if someone thought you were drinking while pregnant, it’s not their business anyway. I have a health issue and my Dr actually advised drinking 1-2 glasses of red wine a day, I don’t but I can if needed

I did …. You’re overreacting

I mean people might look at you funny but I definitely bought vodka to bring to a party while 8 months pregnant and :person_shrugging:t2:

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I wouldn’t, but then I never drank and felt uncomfortable buying wine, Drs’ orders, for my aging mom

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Don’t drink it, but you can buy it.

You are overreacting. I would do it.


I bought my husband beer when I was pregnant. I don’t see any harm in it. People are gonna have their own thoughts anyway. If they ask you can just say it’s for your hubby. Not that it’s any of their business anyways. Hugs :revolving_hearts:

I don’t see a problem with getting it. You know it’s not for you…To those giving the look I’d probable even make a comment like “Man, it’s been a rough week”, and be acting so serious, just to see the look on their faces. Then roll my eyes at them and walk away shaking my head like what an idiot!! Lol :woman_shrugging::grin:

If u wanna get weird looks go and buy condoms !! :joy:


what in the brain damage even is this question?

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I would feel weird and wouldn’t but that’s because I overthink everything lol

Uh yes? They can judge away. It is awkward though I won’t lie lol.

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No. If you are not comfortable doing it that’s all that matters.

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Why not :woman_shrugging: but if you aren’t comfortable doing it then dont

Don’t spend your life worrying about what other people think! Your husband is much more important than a strangers thoughts!

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Literally not a big deal to me. Idc what anyone thinks cuz I know I’m not the one consuming it

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Yes…yes u r overreacting

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I think you are a little they have no right too judge you anyway I always brought my partner beer whilst pregnant l would say this should keep hubby happy or most the time l honestly didn’t care when are you going too see most off the people again anyway

I have anxiety, I don’t like doing anything I feel would attract any attention to me, so I probably wouldn’t :rofl: but I mean as long as you’re not drinking it, or buying it for someone else who also shouldn’t have it, there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just some people might make assumptions :woman_shrugging:


What an interesting question.
All I would say, if anything at all, is I’m buying it for my husband. Easy peasy!!!

I buy cigs and alcohol. They have no idea why or who it’s for. And it’s frankly none of their business.


No, don’t buy him beer. You are enabling him.


I’m petty AF if I can’t have alcohol my partner can’t have alcohol, I’m suffering you gotta too!:joy::joy::joy: No way I’m buying him beer

People will judge automatically, when I was pregnant I had to buy my partner’s cigarettes for a little bit because he had lost his I.D and I won’t lie it felt so awkward and my anxiety was going through the roof but if anyone asked me I just said what had happened

Put some humor in the situation.

They might not sell it to you or will give you a hard time.

It made me very uncomfortable at first but after a while I didn’t care if people judged me because I know I’m doing the right thing and not consuming it myself, same with buying my bf cigarettes

Yeah, sure why not. I helped him buy beer at a GnR concert. He bought 4 of them and needed a second body to legally carry them to his seat. Beats him getting up every half hour and missing the show. I got one weird stare, but idc I wasn’t drinking it

I would. I don’t care what people think.

Fuck what people think :+1:t4:

Yeah, you’re ridiculous. It’s other people’s opinions. Why care about those?


I used to buy it all the time when I pregnant not for me or my husband but I make cakes and either needed it to infuse the cake or to put on top of the cake, you would be surprised how unbothered people are by a pregnant person buying booze


Lady people will judge if you buy 2 large fries and 2 big macs to satisfy your cravings and you’re worried about buying beer for your husband…


Buy the man some beer…


Yeah your overreacting. I buy it for mine (I’m 7mo :pregnant_woman:t3:) not that big a deal. Who cares what others think


A lot of places I know will refuse the sale if they know you’re pregnant.

Nope. Never have never will … I watched someone preggers get refused once and omg how embarrassing for her :woman_facepalming:t3: call me vain but I simply refuse after seeing that.

I just don’t care what people think. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Wow think you’re being petty

No you’re not overreacting i would have never done that while pregnant.

Yeah you’re over reacting

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Whatever you do is nobody’s business!!

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Lmao I turned 21 when I was like almost 5 mos pregnant…made myself picture if Virgin margs and had a party. I bought liquor and booze for those coming to my party…

I wouldn’t buy it either I don’t think you’re overreacting at all girl!

bottom line, if you feel uncomfortable then who is anyone to judge you for that and tell you that you are overreacting? That’s unfair. You’re pregnant and if you don’t want to look like a loser pregnant woman who drinks then there’s nothing at all wrong with that. That doesn’t mean that you care too much about what people think, etc. You care about yourself and how you look and there is nothing wrong with that. Your husband needs to respect this.