Signs of pregnancy?

What were your first signs of pregnancy? I am currently having some strange symptoms that are pointing to pregnancy. I am unable to pick up a test until this weekend so I’m just looking for some advice. I have been on the Nuvaring for about two years. I removed it last week to start my cycle… and just realized yesterday that I haven’t started yet, even though it should have came the second or third day after removing the ring. I haven’t been intimate with a man in over a year, but about six weeks ago had relations with a guy I met on tinder who seemed very nice and genuine. After a couple dates, we did the deed… then the next day his WIFE was messaging me calling me terrible names. I did not know he was married. I have not talked to this guy since, and now that my period is late I’m very concerned. The thing that has me most concerned though, is that the last week or so, I’ve been getting these random waves of extreme nausea and dizziness. I’ve only vomited from one of these “episodes” once, but I’ve been experiencing them multiple times per day. I’m used to having an unhappy stomach, but something about this feels different. It’s so random and goes away about as quickly as it comes on. I just had the realization it’s been six weeks since having intercourse and my mind has been all over the place. Any kind of advice would be appreciated. I’ve always wanted to be a mother but now is definitely not the right time. Thanks for your help!!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Signs of pregnancy?

Breast pain and yeast infections. I know TMI.

Sore boobs… Sick…peeing alot

Take a test? Theres always a chance. But likely it sounds like your body is just adjusting to the birth control removal. My first symptoms were my emotions and charlie horses in my legs

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I couldn’t drink alcohol. Even one drink made me sick. First sign before any others


Dollar store test work!


Sore breast and urinating a lot late period like for me being late is a big Sign I get mine every month

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Altogether possible you’re pregnant. Take a test. Also check with a doctor. Whatever you do… have the baby. Being a single mother can be a challenge sometimes, but it’s worth it.


I couldnt handle smells

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Make sure you get the red dye test the blue ones are more likely to show a false positive from time to time. But some first signs breast tenderness nausea headache pee more often uti for some people I always get them when pregnant unsure WHy but take a test with first morning pee it has more of the hormone in it but going on and off birth control can cause a later period too and stomach cramps like your going to get a period can also be a sign best of luck to you

The smell of eggs cooking made me heave for 45 minutes.

I was on the ring. It took my body forever to get on a cycle. I ended up putting it in on my period cause it was late. You may not even end up with a period, and you can just move on to the next ring in a few days. Definitely take a test just to be sure tho, you really never know. (Dollar tree sells reliable tests)


Buy a $1 twst from Walmart or dollar general. That’s what showed soonest for me.

Nausea & tender breasts …

Best to just take a test and find out.could be your pregnant could have acid reflux.

I was EXHAUSTED! if I sat still too long, i fell asleep. Plus super sensitive to smells and insanely thirsty


Boobs got big and hurt

I had a stuffy/congested nose. My sinuses were all out of wack lol

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My first sign was dizziness

I couldn’t stomach alcohol.
Also, the sharp sporadic pains in my lower abdomen (uterus stretching).

All 3 pregnancies, those were my first signs.

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Strong smelling urine and tender breasts

Excessive mucus in my nose/throat

Heartburn, smells and pregnancy rhinitis happened from the word go for all of my pregnancies.

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First signs of pregnancy is questions like this😂 jk but it’s better to just get a pregnancy test and find out yourself, everyone has different symptoms.


My boobs were killing me. Like…more than my period. I just knew. I took a test to confirm.

I can send you enough for a test. You got a 50% chance of being pregnant or your body adjusting to being off the birth control


Horrible period like cramps and lower back pain


Mine was extreme tiredness, like I never day nap. But I just HAD to day nap or I couldn’t move. And sore breasts.

In saying this, could it just be your body readjusting ? 2 years is a long time on contraceptive. Your body could be just trying to find your happy medium again. Wait till you can get a test, if negative just look after yourself and you will come good.

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I was really tired, my breasts hurt really bad, darkening nipples, vomiting

I was 11 days late for my period and I craved cheezels and hot salsa together

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You had sexual relations 6 week’s ago with a man and you removed your nuvaring a week ago? Your nuvaring would of been working at that time…


Nauseous, tender breasts, certain foods made me sick, smells made me sick, tired. Just felt bleh… Oh hear burn. Get tested… even dollar store ones lol.

If I even sat down on the couch, I’d basically pass out I was so tired. Random nausea like that with the dizziness (I compare it similar to motion sickness where even turning your head can make you throw up) thankfully it does get better after first trimester though I’m still nauseous randomly just not as often or as bad

Give it another week
Then do a test
It could just be your body hasn’t re adjusted to no contraceptives
Then if it come up positive
Then you will need to prepare yourself for the fall out that will come

Hate to say it but if he cheats on his wife
He is probably just telling you
What he thinks you want to hear

I guarantee you he is telling his wife something different
Chances are your not the only chic
He is cheating with

Reguardles of if you are
Up the duff or not
I don’t see this ending well for you

Every one needs to start being cautious of online hook ups and online dating
Even going on dates with someone you met on line can be worrisome
As you never really know who that person, really is , who they say they are

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Literally, get 4 quarters, and like, 20 cents and you’ll have enough for a dollar store pregnancy test, which are accurate.


You had unprotected sex with someone from tinder? Girl, what were you thinking?

Planned Parenthood still offer free pregnancy tests, call and schedule one.

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This is your body just adapting to not being on birth control. If it were 6 weeks ago and you took out your birth control 2 weeks ago, I wouldn’t waste money on a pregnancy test. There is almost no chance you are pregnant.


Go take a test pronto, if nothing but to calm your nerves!!


Honestly it sounds like you’re reaching and wanting to be pregnant with this dudes baby. 99.999% its just your body readjusting.


Sore boobs, heartburn, acne and massive fatigue

But also, when removing a birth control it can take several months to start your cycle. The symptoms that you are experiencing is probably your body adjusting to not receiving those hormones any longer. Some people can get pregnant a few months after removal but in a lot of cases it can take upwards of a year or more. I believe your symptoms are from the discontinued use of birth control


It’s prob stress from every thing going on


Tender breasts
Nipple colour change

These are some symptoms I get.

It’s only been a week since you stopped contraception so this is most likely just your body going back to how it use to be prior but you should be able to go to the drs and request a urine test to see if you are or not. That’s what I have done myself once.


I was on NuvaRing for 6 years. My periods shortened to only 3 days, and some months I wouldn’t have a period at all. NuvaRing is one of the highest successful birth controls if used properly. That’s why it’s so expensive. There is a 98% chance you are not pregnant. Keep testing every few days, and after another week if you still get a negative, I would put a new ring in and continue birth control. I wouldn’t have sex until a week after you put in a new ring at the least.

I think you are not too smart and mature for trusting and going out and having sex with someone you met online. Yes get a kit asap. Then be more responsible. And be careful not knowing someone well!

You removed the nuvoring last week… but had sex 6 weeks ago? So you should be protected from the nuvoring. But nothing is 100% i get that … personally my first symptoms were period pain for 2 weeks straight but no period. Itchy nipples tmi but yeah. Took my tests around 6 weeks

It’s different for everyone and no pregnancy is the same. I wouldn’t base it off what someone else experienced. Go see your dr


I know nothing about being pregnant. But I have been on the nuvaring for years and this is very common for me. I have not had a period in YEARS. I have spoken to my OB and she advises it is very common not to have a period even the week that the ring is removed.


The only symptom I ever had with all 3 of my kids was sore boobs & bad fatigue, that’s it

When I got pregnant with my 8 year old, while on the pill, the first thing that caught my attention was smell. I worked at a truck stop at the time. People would come in to take showers and clean themselves up plus we had a lot of homeless people coming in. I could smell the dirtiness to the point it made me nauseous.

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I had itchy boobs and underarms :sweat_smile: I went to go chemist in my dream for the itchiness and the pharmacist told me to get a pregnancy test (still in dream) tested next day and pregnant :sweat_smile:

If you’ve been worrying about it, your body will play tricks on you. But nausea, drinking a lot of water, sleeping and snacking a lot were first signs for me. Tests were negative at first but I knew something was up when I was sooo tired.

This is a bit TMI but… For me the very first signs were darkened nipples and tender larger breasts. Discharge (if any) was different as well. I get morning sickness like no other at the beginning so nausea and vomiting comes next, then the weight loss… that one always sucked for me being small already. I would go to your dr if possible and get a blood test. Right now your hormones may still be out of wack. I don’t know though since I don’t have experience with that type of contraception. Blood test would be your best bet if you can.

It sounds likely that you are experiencing changes in your hormone levels, consistent with known side effects to the NuvaRing but since it has been removed it does sound like you have signs of pregnancy. There is generally a phone number you can call to speak to a nurse at manufacturer sites like Organon but I’ll be darned if I could find it. If you are not pregnant, you should report negative side effects to the FDA. Visit MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program | FDA or call 1-800-FDA-1088. If you did get pregnant while using the ring, you might do a search online to see if there are any law firms that advertise handling claims/lawsuits involving the NuvaRing.

Besides the pregnancy test, do get checked for sexually transmitted diseases. If you are pregnant, you have some planning to do. Do get early prenatal care. Do go for genetic testing. You will have to decide whether or not to let him know if it is confirmed that you are pregnant. You may never hear from this guy again and you probably did not discuss his family history. Are you going to keep and raise the baby? Is adoption an option for you? Do you have family nearby? Do you have savings set aside for something like this? Are you able to start saving and planning now? If you are working, you will need to take time off after the baby arrives. Do not count on assistance from him during the pregnancy. He likely has a history of this type of cheating. You may have to go to court to get him to take a paternity test and child support, if you decide to raise the baby yourself. You will want to look for a support group for single moms, if your test is positive.

Good luck with your test and with any decisions you find you will need to make.

You is pregnant gurrrrl!

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I never had the nuvaring, but years ago I was on the depo shot, I stopped it to go on the pill, they told me it would take 10 to 18 months before my fertility would return, the next month I never got my period to start my pills, I was indeed pregnant, she’s going to be 21 in July on the 18th, best thing to do would be go to your Dr. I birthed 4 daughters and lost two pregnancies, every one of my pregnancies were totally different all 6 of them… Make an appointment and go see your obgyn…

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If you’re so worried, take a pregnancy test??? That’ll give you answers! Lol


Milk on the Weetabix everytime

The exhaustion is what always got me! I’d be ready to just die because I was tired down into my bones.

I had cramping and my boobs hurt… i was two weeks late for my period and chalked it up to in finally getting ready to menstrate as my periods have always been regularly irregular

I have no clue about birth control anymore I had a hysterectomy, but you’re telling me that doctors just remove this thing without doing any testing or anything. They just take it out and throw in the trash? Even doctors know birth control in any form is not 100%, they should at least ask if there is q possibility of pregnancy and do a test. Or something. My first signs with all 3 of mine were tender breasts. With my girls I was sick before I knew I was pregnant with my boy I just knew. And a little piece of advice. I know it’s 2022 and it’s very common and acceptable to do online dating, hell I even met my husband on fb. But do your research, wait months before you do the deed. Actually know the person before you give it all up. If you need it that bad get a buddy. But don’t just be sleeping with men from the internet. Because then you get into situations like this. Birth control or not.

I hope your not pregnant . You should have used a condom. But I’m sorry you found out he was no good …You should be talking to him if you find out you are. Go for the child support for sure.


My signs were my boobs hurt bad and I had stomach pains and the nausea

“I haven’t been intimate with a man in over a year” then “I had sex with a man 6 weeks ago” :joy::skull::woman_facepalming:t3:

“I haven’t been intimate with a man in over a year”
“But I was intimate with a man six weeks ago”


For me I was just super super sick

l get paid over $165 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18517 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.


for me it was damn i’m putting on weight /i’m eating more than i should be/ i’m getting food cravings that i never got before / i feel sick to my stomach most of the time / i;m a little dizzy, my boobs are sore/ there r so many little things / i cry a the most stupidest things now and list goes on and on

Get tested. I don’t know how reliable Dollar Tree tests are… but it couldn’t hurt ?? Or go to Planned Parenthood… I think they’re free ??


I confirmed two pregnancies on those dollar tree tests they work great. If you ask any dr that’s what they use in office and they’ll tell you all tests are the same and the expensive ones are totally unnecessary. Prime or DoorDash one if necessary. Why remove your birth control and not use a condom with someone you’d just started dating especially a tinder date? And I’d be cautious going after child support as someone else suggested when there’s a wife involved they usually push the husband to fight for custody rights just fyi

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So you slept with a guy on tinder with no protection :woman_facepalming:t2:


Peeing constantly. Boobs that are little sore and get more so as time goes on. I am just over the newest covid and one of the Herald symptoms was the bouts of nausea u talking about no vomiting.

Slept with a guy you barely knew after you quit taking birth control? Um sounds like that was your plan.


Honestly, I’d wait it out. I had every pregnancy symptom I usually have just recently, no period, and had a few very faint positive tests, but then had very negative ones and after 3 weeks late just finally got my period today. A few friends I’ve talked to said that their periods this month were also very wonky and either came early or late and their flow was different too.

Why in the world did u quit birth control and then have unprotected sex?!?

I had terrible nausea,and tender breasts ,missed period !If I ever missed a period I was Def pregnant cause I was always every 28 days !I hope you’re not stress can cause periods to be late too I thought I was tho but with ny husband I was stressed went in had a blood test I wasn’t PG but the stress of thinking I was made me late !What a punk married man huh ?:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I had a mood swing. Felt irrational kinda deal and my breasts hurt

Don’t freak out just yet. Do the pg test first, you could be just messed up from the removal of the ring. Hormones do weird things.


Six weeks ago for sex with nuvaring in if I read correctly, I would say probably not pregnant but get a test to be sure.

tender breast, nausea, kind of moody. Hope you aren’t but when my birth control was remover the witch didn

tender breast, nausea, kind of moody. Hope you aren’t but when my birth control was remover the witch didn’t show up until the baby did.

The amount of people commenting shitty things because they don’t understand how this type of birth control works is pretty ridiculous. Don’t assume she was being irresponsible just because you are uneducated.

“NuvaRing is used in a 4-week cycle. Keep NuvaRing in your vagina for 3 weeks (21 days) and then remove it for a 1-week (7-day) break. Regularly check that NuvaRing is in your vagina (for example, before and after intercourse) to ensure that you are protected from pregnancy.”

Jesus Christ… Go buy a pregnancy test. That’s the only way you’re going to know for sure.

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You slept with a stranger from Tinder and now you don’t feel well? :thinking: and your only fear is pregnancy?:roll_eyes:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Signs of pregnancy?

The time it took to write this you could have just done a test and got your answer


Pee on a stick and find out


Only one way to find out- take a test- also hormones mess with ur body and have u craving sweets and random things not always points to pregnancy it’s just ur hormones

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i’ve heard of tube tying failing. but i’d like to think no. really only way to know if take a test

I would take a test… its very unlikely though.I had a bi-lateral tubal ligation almost 3yrs ago and my cycles have never been the same and I crave weird things all the time… especially before and after my cycle. I’ve experienced hair loss and hormonal imbalances as well. There is such a thing called surgical menopause. Definitely talk to your OBGYN.

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Do you have access to a dollar tree? Can we talk you through how to take a pregnancy test?

Take a test for pregnancy and also if that is negative it is possible for pre menopause so speak with doctor

Just take a test Lord


You can still get a negative test if you are pregnant. Go to a Dr and get a blood test. They can test your blood and figure out what it is


Your tubes can sometimes reopen. Nothing is 100 % effective.

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You seem too young for menopause. But anything is possible I guess. There is a few things your period could trigger that can cause emotions. Pmdd for example. And could be where you are older now that your menstrual can most definitely cause you some emotions. Take a test and if you aren’t pregnant, which is also possible even with your tubal, and this keeps happening I would make an appointment and talk to your Dr. Many deficiencies can cause weird cravings also.

Get yourself several pregnancy tests from dollar tree and test. Yes, the dollar tree tests are highly accurate. You don’t have to spend a fortune on a pregnancy test.


I’ve never been the same since I started when I was a teen … suffered all my life with endometriosis, eventually had a hysterectomy 8 years ago and I still never feel good ….so who knows …… lol …

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