I had cramping and my boobs hurt… i was two weeks late for my period and chalked it up to in finally getting ready to menstrate as my periods have always been regularly irregular
I have no clue about birth control anymore I had a hysterectomy, but you’re telling me that doctors just remove this thing without doing any testing or anything. They just take it out and throw in the trash? Even doctors know birth control in any form is not 100%, they should at least ask if there is q possibility of pregnancy and do a test. Or something. My first signs with all 3 of mine were tender breasts. With my girls I was sick before I knew I was pregnant with my boy I just knew. And a little piece of advice. I know it’s 2022 and it’s very common and acceptable to do online dating, hell I even met my husband on fb. But do your research, wait months before you do the deed. Actually know the person before you give it all up. If you need it that bad get a buddy. But don’t just be sleeping with men from the internet. Because then you get into situations like this. Birth control or not.
I hope your not pregnant . You should have used a condom. But I’m sorry you found out he was no good …You should be talking to him if you find out you are. Go for the child support for sure.
My signs were my boobs hurt bad and I had stomach pains and the nausea
“I haven’t been intimate with a man in over a year” then “I had sex with a man 6 weeks ago”
“I haven’t been intimate with a man in over a year”
“But I was intimate with a man six weeks ago”
For me I was just super super sick
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for me it was damn i’m putting on weight /i’m eating more than i should be/ i’m getting food cravings that i never got before / i feel sick to my stomach most of the time / i;m a little dizzy, my boobs are sore/ there r so many little things / i cry a the most stupidest things now and list goes on and on
Get tested. I don’t know how reliable Dollar Tree tests are… but it couldn’t hurt ?? Or go to Planned Parenthood… I think they’re free ??
I confirmed two pregnancies on those dollar tree tests they work great. If you ask any dr that’s what they use in office and they’ll tell you all tests are the same and the expensive ones are totally unnecessary. Prime or DoorDash one if necessary. Why remove your birth control and not use a condom with someone you’d just started dating especially a tinder date? And I’d be cautious going after child support as someone else suggested when there’s a wife involved they usually push the husband to fight for custody rights just fyi
So you slept with a guy on tinder with no protection
Peeing constantly. Boobs that are little sore and get more so as time goes on. I am just over the newest covid and one of the Herald symptoms was the bouts of nausea u talking about no vomiting.
Slept with a guy you barely knew after you quit taking birth control? Um sounds like that was your plan.
Honestly, I’d wait it out. I had every pregnancy symptom I usually have just recently, no period, and had a few very faint positive tests, but then had very negative ones and after 3 weeks late just finally got my period today. A few friends I’ve talked to said that their periods this month were also very wonky and either came early or late and their flow was different too.
Why in the world did u quit birth control and then have unprotected sex?!?
I had terrible nausea,and tender breasts ,missed period !If I ever missed a period I was Def pregnant cause I was always every 28 days !I hope you’re not stress can cause periods to be late too I thought I was tho but with ny husband I was stressed went in had a blood test I wasn’t PG but the stress of thinking I was made me late !What a punk married man huh ?
I had a mood swing. Felt irrational kinda deal and my breasts hurt
Don’t freak out just yet. Do the pg test first, you could be just messed up from the removal of the ring. Hormones do weird things.
Six weeks ago for sex with nuvaring in if I read correctly, I would say probably not pregnant but get a test to be sure.
tender breast, nausea, kind of moody. Hope you aren’t but when my birth control was remover the witch didn
tender breast, nausea, kind of moody. Hope you aren’t but when my birth control was remover the witch didn’t show up until the baby did.
The amount of people commenting shitty things because they don’t understand how this type of birth control works is pretty ridiculous. Don’t assume she was being irresponsible just because you are uneducated.
“NuvaRing is used in a 4-week cycle. Keep NuvaRing in your vagina for 3 weeks (21 days) and then remove it for a 1-week (7-day) break. Regularly check that NuvaRing is in your vagina (for example, before and after intercourse) to ensure that you are protected from pregnancy.”
Jesus Christ… Go buy a pregnancy test. That’s the only way you’re going to know for sure.
You slept with a stranger from Tinder and now you don’t feel well? and your only fear is pregnancy?
The time it took to write this you could have just done a test and got your answer
Pee on a stick and find out
Only one way to find out- take a test- also hormones mess with ur body and have u craving sweets and random things not always points to pregnancy it’s just ur hormones
i’ve heard of tube tying failing. but i’d like to think no. really only way to know if take a test
I would take a test… its very unlikely though.I had a bi-lateral tubal ligation almost 3yrs ago and my cycles have never been the same and I crave weird things all the time… especially before and after my cycle. I’ve experienced hair loss and hormonal imbalances as well. There is such a thing called surgical menopause. Definitely talk to your OBGYN.
Do you have access to a dollar tree? Can we talk you through how to take a pregnancy test?
Take a test for pregnancy and also if that is negative it is possible for pre menopause so speak with doctor
Just take a test Lord
You can still get a negative test if you are pregnant. Go to a Dr and get a blood test. They can test your blood and figure out what it is
Your tubes can sometimes reopen. Nothing is 100 % effective.
You seem too young for menopause. But anything is possible I guess. There is a few things your period could trigger that can cause emotions. Pmdd for example. And could be where you are older now that your menstrual can most definitely cause you some emotions. Take a test and if you aren’t pregnant, which is also possible even with your tubal, and this keeps happening I would make an appointment and talk to your Dr. Many deficiencies can cause weird cravings also.
Get yourself several pregnancy tests from dollar tree and test. Yes, the dollar tree tests are highly accurate. You don’t have to spend a fortune on a pregnancy test.
I’ve never been the same since I started when I was a teen … suffered all my life with endometriosis, eventually had a hysterectomy 8 years ago and I still never feel good ….so who knows …… lol …
My daughter got pregnant 3 years after having a tubal. They told her it can happen to 1 in 300
If you haven’t had a contraception failure it’s unlikely you are pregnant. Sometimes your body has the odd moment. Take a pregnancy test to put your mind at rest . Hope you get the result you’re looking for x
First, tubal ligations sometimes fail. Second, I think you’re pretty young for pre-menopause. Third, stress will throw your schedule off. If you get any more symptoms, take a test or see your doctor.
Best way to know is a blood test
If you are starting peri menopause (I did at 33) its a hormonal Rollercoaster.
This sounds like my normal period lol.
But I think the longer the years go the more of a chance to getting pregnant after a tubal you have is what I read.
I pray it ends up however your hoping for!
Go to your dr and get tested for pregnancy to set your mind at ease. I had periods for 4 mos with my twins - last pregnancy. Didn’t know I was pregnant until I went to the doc when I was sick with Hong Kong flu. Doc told me my flu was gone and I was having morning sickness too!
l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 19522 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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Well, I’m done with menopause yrs ago and I still get cravings for chocolate every month and had tunes tied.
U could be pregnant, I had my tubal 20 years ago and I have a 15 yr old
Stress can really mess things up. You’re a little young for menopause. I would take a pregnancy test to put your mind at ease. If it’s negative, it might be worth your while to have a check up. Besides stress there are things that can throw your cycle off. Might as well see if there’s a problem.
Stress or your tubal didn’t work and you preggers
Too much information???
It really could be pregnancy, period hormones or menopause. The best bet is to see your doc and get tested for all of the above. I wouldn’t blow it off, ectopic pregnancies are more common after having any reproduction surgery, and can be very dangerous as well.
Oh I get random cravings. Just odd ball things. Like eating grapes, pickles, and chips for lunch because that sounded good.
I had a hysterectomy and still get them around the time of cycle.
I get random cravings all the time. If you feel there’s an issue call your dr.
Sounds like peri-menopause or just intense PMS.
You need to check it out because if it is pregnancy it could be a tubal 1.
I have no uterus and still crave stuff. Lately has been pickles
I would think that is normal when you start menopause. You would be pretty well through when you haven’t had a period for a whole year nor spotting.
I had my tibes tied for 11 mos. I now have a 3rd boy who is 7! My mil was cut burned and tied for 7 yrs and had my husband. It does happen.
l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 21383 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This. https://DollarBenefits966.pages.dev/
Could be the start of peri-menopause. Check with your doctor for a blood test if you continue to get symptoms. Maybe get a blood test to rule out the pregnancy question.
After my tubal my periods shortened to four days first day light 2nd and third heavy 4th light . I crave before and after .Mood-swings emotional a week before
Take a pregnancy test???
I had a total hysterectomy in 12/20, and I still get cravings.
Take a pregnancy test
You know they make tests to check for pregnancy right?
Stress is a possibility, but there have been women who have gone through their whole pregnancy having their period every month. I would take a pregnancy test.
Tied tubes are not always permanent. If you are active, on occasion, they will ‘untie’.
l get paid over $ 190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17952 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This. https://dollarearningjob793.pages.dev/
Why don’t you just take a test and figure it out right quick?
Signs of pregnancy… Unprotected sex
As I got older my periods were less and less and cravings are an absolute yes you get them most women like chocolate but we’re all unique in our own way I wouldn’t stress over this too much sounds fairly normal to me
l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 19160 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This. https://DollarBenefits989.pages.dev/
Take a.pregancy test
I sometimes still have cravings 3 yrs after my hysterectomy. For things I don’t really like.
Pickles,Milk,PBnJ sandwich,and pancakes with maple syrup. None of which I like. The body wants what the body wants I guess
Every pregnancy is different, and everyone has different symptoms. Go to your dr if you’re concerned.
I crave things one week before and one week after. I feel like I’m eating the house outa food
Yes I crave things after my period.
I get cravings too like I’m pre go when I’m in my monthly plus my hormones get all wacky too it’s normal in my opinion lol
Everyone is telling you to take a test because the first 3 words of your post are “signs if pregnancy?”
Just take a damn test. We are in a medically advanced society now.
You can still get pregnant after a tubal. Very rare but it happens. Thats how I got my 5th…just sayin
Was told by my doctor last year I am starting going through menopause. My mood swings are awful. I think they are worse now than when I was pregnant. I always want chocolate!! Few other cravings here and there hot dogs and French fries from a country store grill. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Didn’t have that many cravings when I was pregnant
l get paid over $170 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19628 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This. https://AmazingWorking625.pages.dev/
Why trll social media about your period ? Just why ? Thats used to be a personal private thing.
Tubal litigation means they were completely removed so no chances of pregnancy
A positive pregnancy test would be the best sign😂
Well it’s called go to the store and get a test. Not ask social media if your pregnant.
For Godsake go to the Doctor geez.
It could be your period. Mine were weird after getting my tubes tied. It also could be pre-menopause. All of these would be best discussed with your doctor.
Get checked for ectopic pregnancy.
First step take a pregnancy test and see what it says. Second step. Call the doctor.
Have you taken a test ???
I have a great, great niece that was conceived a few years after her Mom had her tubes tied.
Not a single sign of menopause, also you’re pregnant and should be seen due to the tubal ligation.
My fingers are tied and my period is 3 days… Yay. But sometimes those weird cravings happen
I had very similar symptoms & I swore up & down I could feel something in my stomach , boobs ached, hungry,smells bothered me, boobs looked bigger plus no period . Mine has to do with my hormonal imbalance my period is 4 months late. I’ve only had once since feb. And that was last week for a week straight . I went to the doc cuz I had got 2 postivds at home but he confirmed I wasn’t I even did a sono which did show my uterus is trying to prepare for pregnancy , pee test. My hormones were so low it was basically impossible And yes I’ve seen the doc.