Stepmom Advice: What Role Should I Be Playing in My Boyfriend's Son's Life?


What role should I be playing with my boyfriend’s son?

Hello! I’m messaging as someone who isn’t a mom… but I sure feel like one! My boyfriend has full custody of his 1.5-year-old son and has basically since birth.

The mother sees him once a week for a few hours, and she leaves early most of the time or falls asleep. (It’s a supervised visit that her mother supervises.) The mother is, of course, on the side of my boyfriend and tells him everything…

I’m moving in, and it’s a big struggle trying to I guess, learn my place… in my eyes, that’s my kid, ya know? I’m the one that changes his diapers. Fixes his lunches… holds him when he cries, gives him baths, and reads him stories.

I almost feel guilty, like I shouldn’t love him so much… I kind of feel alone. He’s started crying much more recently when we leave the room for even a second. Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much."

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“He’s still your child. My kids have a stepmom. I however have custody of them. So kind of a different situation. But nonetheless, she’s very much in their lives. Even they’re at their dad’s house, she’s the mom figure. She loves them just like they’re her own children. Which means, I feel perfectly safe knowing if their father isn’t there, they’ll be completely safe and taken well care of. Because she treats then like her own. Her place? Is being their stepmom. Even if they’re not legally married, that’s what she is. My oldest has cancer, and she’ll contact me herself to check up on him and see how he’s doing. And when she comes by to pick my youngest up, she’ll come in and see him too. Instead of just going through my ex. She’ll ask me directly about him. I love that they have so many people that love them. And they’ll proudly state they have 4 parents. 2 moms and 2 dads lol when they’re dad’s been out of town working, she’s taken them for a night still. Or come over to my place with her son and their daughter to visit them. Your place is in that little boy’s heart. Doesn’t mean to take his mom’s place. But be his second mom. Because he doesn’t wanna be around. That isn’t on you. All you can do is show him the love and care he so much deserves.”

“Keeping loving that baby… You already know the answer. It’s ok to be his mom just respect his birth mother also.”

“You play whatever role you, your boyfriend, and that baby are comfortable with. A child can NEVER have too many people loving them.”

“Sounds like you know your place. As long as the child is happy healthy and cared for I don’t see what the issue is. Your boyfriend is obviously okay and grateful for you stepping into that motherly role, giving his son that love he needs. Good for you for stepping in and being that mom figure for the child.”

“I was in the same situation but we got married pretty quickly. I guess it depends what his intentions are but yeah, definitely figure that out before moving in. Becoming a stepmom to my stepson was one of the best things in my life!”

“Be his parent but also don’t put his biological mother down and encourage the relationship as much as possible for his sake, not hers. Only because kids grow up and can see themselves negatively if what they see as half of them is (bad). Other than that, love him and care for him as a mother would.”

“Love him as you are. Let yourself feel that love. I had a true love from a stepfather and it was the best thing ever. If no one is stopping you from loving the child, I’d say do it.”

“Do not feel guilty. That child deserves all the love he is receiving from you. I raised a child that was not my own since she was 2, her father has full custody, and her father and I separated when she was 8. She is still my daughter as much as my own biological children are mine.”

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Keeping loving that baby… You already know the answer. It’s ok to be his mom just respect his birth mother also. :heart:


Sounds like you know your place. As long as the child is happy healthy and cared for I don’t see what the issue is. Your boyfriend is obviously okay and grateful for you stepping into that motherly role, giving his son that love he needs. Good for you for stepping in and being that mom figure for the child.


Keep loving that boy! :heart:

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U will have to step up u willl be a family I have of my two steps sons I’m their mom as well I have them most of the time I do it all for them doctors dentist eye doc emergency rooms I do it all no complaint only complaint it the mom has primary residence and I’m doing her job I do it cause I want to but make me sad she can’t step up


You play whatever role you, your boyfriend and that baby is comfortable with. A child can NEVER have too many people loving them.


Be his parent but also don’t put his biological mother down and encourage the relationship as much as possible for his sake, not hers. Only because kids grow up and can see themselves negatively if what they see as half of them is (bad)
Other than that, love him and care for him like a mother would.


Act like you are. Don’t feel guilty for loving him. My husband came into my daughters life at 14 months. She affectionately calls him stinky and has since she could say it. Shes 9 now. I dont recommend you have him call you mom maybe a nick name or something. Don’t ever feel bad for giving him the love he deserves though you are a very important part of this babies life <3


You treat the child like he’s your own no matter what. That’s the best advice I can give you. If you can’t treat the child like he’s your own then I would question it but from what you’ve said you already treat him good


Keep doing what you’re doing

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Just keep loving the kid like he’s yours! That is basically your child. She may not always want to visit so just be there for him!

Love the baby while understanding he will never be yours. You’re daddy’s live in girlfriend and as such you should take goid care if him and stay out of daddy and mommy’s business.


Keep doing what your doing. Love him like he’s your own but respect his birth mom and live life yo the fullest.


Dont ever feel guilty loving a child feel proud that you can your a special person babies go through different stages and hes trying to see what he can and cant do by crying whether you pick him up and cuddle him or if you let him cry ,he knows you will pick him up lol so he cries until you do ,i hope your relation ship with your boyfriend is strong because getting over a man hurts but losing a child would break your heart , i hope you have a good life raising that little boy and one day have more babies you are already a good mum

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Im afraid youre going to end up getting hurt. You love that baby and do for him. I think you should be married if you want this family or move on. I wouldnt feel secure. Good luck.


You love that baby like your own if your heart is telling you to! My dad is my “stepdad” and came into my life when I was 2. I’m so so grateful to have him as a father figure as mine never showed up. You sound like a wonderful mom! It takes someone with an extra big heart to love someone who’s not biologically theirs like their own :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Dont put a label on it girl, just love that baby like you are and let your partner know you’re all in (he probably knows that already though)

Talk to your boyfriend about it. If you feel like mom and you act like mom, then there isn’t any reason you can’t be a mother figure role. You’re potentially going to be a step mom to this child. If you and boyfriend are comfortable with it, then you could be that role now.


As a bio mom and having been a step mom, I know navigating those waters are tricky… however, this doesn’t sound like it’s gonna be a typical step parent kinda roll…
if your boyfriend and his son are comfortable with you jumping in and being mama, don’t feel one bit of guilt. If anyone should, it’s his mother.
Keep doing what you’re doing!

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My mom married my step dad when I was almost 2 and I’m 39 now. My step dad raised me and never treated me like a step child and I called him dad after all he was my dad. Just because he wasn’t my blood don’t make him any less of my dad. My point is I’m forever grateful for him coming into my life and not only raising me as his own but loving me as well. I was never referred to as his step daughter. So continue to do what you are doing with loving that little boy. When he is older he will forever be great full . Your love will make a difference.

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Don’t hold ur breath for appreciation. Love the child as it is not their fault. I admire u for wanting to be a mother to him. Think of the child first and ur time will come.

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you will di the right thing. just by questioning yourself shows that you have what it takes.

I raised my son as I call since he was 8. He is almost 28 now. His mom recently got fully in the picture. She was in a abusive relationship and forbidden to be a part of his life. We say he has 2 moms and she has even thanked for standing by him all these yrs. We were all at the dinner table last night. We are dysfunctional but we make it work for the kids. He has twin sons now and they are spoiled to me

Your role is Mom. That is quite apparent :heart:
I’m in the same boat sort of but I also have biological children.
My step children I have had full time since they were 4 and 6. They are now 11 and 13.
Our thirteen year old recently moved back in with his mother to try it out and our 11 year old still lives with us.
He has shared custody but she didn’t always exercise it.
Long story short… I’m their Mom but they just also have their bio Mom. Do everything you would normally do. Love him fiercely, he needs it. Try to support her relationship with her son too. Sometimes that is easier said then done but the end goal is to provide a lot of love and be everything he needs you to be when he is with you and to just be a really good role model :heart:
Just because he didn’t come out of you doesn’t mean he isnt yours. She is lucky that you are there and that you have opened your heart and stepped up for him. She should respect that. If you have any concerns with her just always speak up for the little guy to your husband and make informed decisions together. Xo


You sound like a mama to me :heart: It takes more than blood to make a person a parent. You’re doing great. Never stop loving on that little one :heart:


Definitely do not feel guilty! When I moved in with my fiance his kids were 5 and 6 and he had them 50% of the time. Now we have an 18 month old of our own and another on the way. I totally understand the feeling of not knowing your place, but it is more than okay to love him like your own! You’re raising him too and partially responsible. You’re going to be a mom figure in that little boys life and you are definitely already doing a great job! Just keep it up!

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Firstly,thank you for taking care of him.Hel need a mama figure so be there like you are.Only the real mom can know her full reasons why she’s where she is.So just take care of him cos you are a major part of his life.Children are a blessing and to have a step parent love n have their heart is even more of a blessing.


Keep loving that baby!!! You can never love a baby too much! Thats my opinion.

Love him like his your own :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Don’t stop loving him or loving him less because you don’t feel it’s your place. No kid can have too many people who look out for him and make him feel loved. Keep doing you and give him as much love you can.

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Love him and talk with your boyfriend and see how he feels don’t force the I’m momma, attitude but love that kid like your own❤️

Sit down with boyfriend and talk to him with your concern about what your roll should be but sounds like he needs a mother figure not a mother but someone who would love him like a mother without taking her place

There is no such thing as too much love for kids. The more people that love and care for them, the better they will become. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My boyfriend and I met when my son was 1 1/2 and my daughter was 12. He fell in love with them right away and now son is 8 and daughter 19 they are still very close. He takes care of them like they are his own and has since he met them. They have visitation with their father every other weekend and doesn’t do anything for them. Just love that baby like your own don’t feel guilty ever for loving that baby kids need love.

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You should discuss your role with your boyfriend, BEFORE you move in. Also discuss expectations. Who cooks, feeds, bathes the baby?

Just remember, your not mommy. Baby has a mommy. You should support an help nourish the relationships in his life.


my kids will end up with a step mom one-day and I hope she cares for them as much as you seem to care for him,…


Just love that precious baby like he was your own but respect his mother and the unspoken maybe unseen love between the 2 of them. Babies know who soothes them and shows them attention it makes them comfortable and happy. Just as he grows and gets older know your place is not mom but as an added bonus mom who will love him and care for him no questions asked. :heart: you got this momma!

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Don’t feel guilty! You are MOM in that baby’s eyes. I have 5bio and 4 bonus and I’m all they know as momma. They don’t even remember their bio and it’s sad in a way but i dont ever regret coming into the role of their momma. :heartpulse::heartpulse: hold that baby and love him like you are


If he loves you great, and if you love him, also great. He finds comfort and love from you something he did not get from his own mother

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their father and mother are co-parenting and we are actually good friends (it was a rocky start not knowing how to find my little place but now that I have it it’s an amazing relationship and those are my babies from another mother :heart_eyes:


Do not feel guilty. That child deserves all the love he is receiving from you.

I raised a child that was not my own since she was 2, her father has fully custody, and her father and I separated when she was 8. She is still my daughter as much as my own biological children are mine.


When you date someone with a kid… you are there for two not just one. Its an honor and a privilege and even if thing weren’t to work out between you two (and I hope they do work out long term) but even if… this little boy’s affect on you as a person and your experience will impact your whole life. Congratulations you’re a Mom :heart:

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You were put in that babies life for a reason. He doesnt have to call you momma if he dont want to but he deserves to have you. Love that baby as much as you can and never stop😍


You are investing in a you man’s future in a very positive loving way. What a wonderful lady you are!!!


I’m in the same boat except my fiancés son is 8. We have been together for 2 years lived with each other since December. He has had full custody since he was 18 months old mom is barely in the picture at all. Its a daily struggle for all of us in the house hold. But I look at him as my stepson. I make him dinner I help with his homework I discipline when need be. He tells me he hates me and he doesn’t like me. But then apologizes later on when we talk about why I push him to do better and do the right thing. Its a hard role to take on raising someone else’s child but never feel guilty for stepping up and helping! I tell him also that i know I’m not his mom and I do not want to take her place. I let him know his mom is not a bad person she just makes bad choices and let him know I love him and I’m there for him.

Def love that baby! Make sure your boyfriend helps and doesn’t depend on you to do it all. It’s a lot to take on in a new relationship and sometimes we take on too much and set a tone that will always be expected. But hopefully always appreciated. That baby is lucky to have you.

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Just love him. As long as his dad is okay with you doing all that you are. Love that little boy. Nothing wrong with having another mama. The more love the better. Good job !!

I’d say you’re already doing it.

He’s still your child. My kids have a step mom. I however, have custody of them. So kind of a different situation. But nonetheless, she’s very much in their lives. Even they’re at their dads house, she’s the mom figure. She loves them just like they’re her own children. Which means, I feel perfectly safe knowing if their father isn’t there, they’ll be completely safe and taken well care of. Because she treats then like her own. Her place? Is being their step mom. Even if they’re not legally married, that’s what she is. My oldest has cancer, and she’ll contact me herself to check up on him and see how he’s doing. And when she comes by to pick my youngest up, she’ll come in and see him too. Instead of just going through my ex. She’ll ask me directly about him. I love that they have so many people that love them. And they’ll proudly state they have 4 parents. 2 mom’s and 2 dad’s lol when they’re dads been out of town working, she’s taken them for a night still. Or came over to my place with her son and their daughter to visit them. Your place, is in that little boys heart. Doesn’t mean to take his mom’s place. But be his second mom. Because his doesn’t wanna be around. That isn’t on you. All you can do, is show him the love and care he so much deserves.


the more people who love your child the better


why are you doing it all

I was in the same situation but we got married pretty quickly. I guess it depends what his intentions are but yeah, definitely figure that out before moving in. Becoming a step mom to my step son was one of the best things in my life!


Your doing an amazing job… it’s hard to take a kid on when he is not yours but treat that boy like he is your own and you will rake the rewards it sounds like he loves you anyway… but please take everything you are concerned about up with your partner before you move in because if you do not… it will have problems later on… good luck having a child whether it’s yours or not is a blessing in disguise. :blush:


Awww, toddlers are so clingy! Be patient and thank you for loving that child :heart:

You may do all that but he still has his own mom. And personally the dad should be doing it. I wouldnt want someone trying to mother my kid if they weren’t the mama and should wait at LEAST 6 months or more to move in


Love that little boy like he’s yours but let him be the one that decides to call you mom. Don’t never force a child to call you mom and vise versa.

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Love him as you are. Let yourself feel that love. I had a true love from a step father and it was the best thing ever. If no one is stopping you from loving the child, I’d say do it :slightly_smiling_face:


You play the exact role you’re in. A mother figure but not mom. Because of his age he could start calling you mom due to your role and that’s something you don’t want right now. It will only cause problems at his age. I would have this same discussion with your boyfriend. See what his input is. Just continue to be you and love and nurture him. He will grow up and may look at you as his mom because you treated him as a son. Kudos to you for stepping up. This is coming from an expectant first time mom with stepkids.

NOOO youre perfection
That boy is so so lucky to have that figure in his life and the fact that you’re willing and wanting to do so is so amazing. I dont blame you for loving him as much as you do

He is lucky to have you

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Keep loving him as u arem my step daughter had that relationship with me and her mom hates me cuz i get more time with her child but thats not my decision it wss court and ministry. Just love him and make sure when hes older he knows he has 2 mommies and that’s ok just means more love. My step kids once odler were told if they think of me as a mom then call me mom but even if they don’t im still gonna make sure they fed. Have clothes that and are healthy and have somewhere to go to if need be. Keep doing what ur doing and never speak bad about his mom (not saying u do)

I think its great! My only concern is i hope you bith are in it for the long haul. If it doesn’t work out, that baby will be heartbroken and you have no rights. Nit being negative, i’ve seen this happen. Its terrible.

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I consider both of my step-parents my parents. They have always loved and cared for me like I am their own. It’s been one of the greatest blessings in my life to have that.

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I have a bonus child and 2 of my own my boy will be 14 tomorrow and I have been raising him since he was 3 and half years old he knows his mom but lives with me and my husband full time and he has since he was 3 and half I love this boy like I gave birth to him and he is my child having a step child is a blessing and it’s rewarding knowing that they appreciate and love you just like you are their real mother. In my eyes I have 3 children and that will never change :heart::heart::heart: it’s never wrong to love a child you didn’t give birth to when you are the one raising them​:heart::heart::heart:

Being a step parent is very hard. But you can never love a child too much. Care for him and protect him like your own

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You’re his mama!! Dont ever feel bad for loving him! He obviously needs the lovins!! You keep doing what is best for that little boy and the rest will take care of itself! Good job mama!!!

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Stand in as a mom . sounds to me he needs a mom to love him and care for him . Plus you are already playing the rollbas his mom .

A child is going to bond with who gives him attention and shows him love. My question is what are your and your boyfriends future plans. Moving in together is no guarantee of anything. Think about the position you are putting yourself in. You are already attached to the child and you don’t live there. Why are you moving in, for you, for the child, or for your boyfriend. You are taking on many roles that require many sacrifices. And technically, you are single.


A caregiver is a caregiver, a parent is a parent.
Doesn’t matter of you pushed him out or not. Meet his needs, be his soft place to land and don’t worry about the rest.

As an Adoptive mother I can SOOO appreciate the love you have for this child, with that being stated it sounds as if YOU are being handed the role of being a MOTHER, before you have been made a WIFE. As I DO NOT believe BOYFRIENDS get husband PRIVILEGES, I don’t believe GIRLFRIENDS should be behaving or fulfilling Wifley Duties before becoming a Wife. If he is willing to let YOU commit to being a F/T PARENT to His child, sharing a home, finances, bed, your body I would be Expecting to share his LAST NAME before I made that commitment.


Love him like he’s biologically yours. Nothing wrong with that. Just try not to replace his biological mother cause she still is in the picture whether she sees him once a week or more than that. She’s still his mom. Its ok for you to step up and be a bonus/step mom.


That’s your baby now too. Especially if he sees you as a momma role. Just don’t start with the bonus or step kid bullshit. If you see him as your child, call him as such.

Don’t feel bad for loving or taking care of a child even if you didn’t birth them. You are important and that is all that matters!! Step parents can be the biggest blessing!! You didn’t give him life but life gave you him :heart:


I consider my step mom my MOM❤️
My bio mom fucked up.

You are the stability he needs❤️

My bbf was in this situation since her " daughter" was born… Her real mom was not very stable and so she lived with my friend and her dad for 10 yrs. She called my friend by her first name for many years and ended up calling her mom all on her own even tho she knew her real mom and seen her once a week… My friend and her husband separated after 11 yrs together after he cheated on her and when she left him her " daughter" left too cuz she wanted to be with my friend… So long story short even tho she was not her bio mom she is raising and loving this little girl like her own child

Love that baby and don’t turn back💖

He’s so lucky to have a strong and caring woman figure in his life. You are in a mother’s role and I wouldn’t feel shame if he decides to call you mommy. Just be a loving woman simple as that. How would you treat a kid your babysitting yaknow. Like that but you don’t leave lol and there’s more love factor involved

I’m sorry but not to sound rude. But im not sure why you would need to “learn your place”? It sounds like you know exactly where your place is! And it sounds like your doing a great job with it too!! Is someone telling you to stop doing what your doing? Because i don’t see a problem with anything your doing he is lucky to have you!!


Coming from an ex wife - my ex husband and I share a son. He has had 2 children prior and i helped take care of them. We’ve been divorced for a little over 4 years and if those 2 ever needed anything, I’d help in a heartbeat still. 1 of the other moms and I still talk and help coordinate together for the kids on top of then spending time with dad. I’m also engaged and have another child, he also has a son prior to me and I love him just the same. :heart:

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This is exactly my son and I! I’ve been with his dad since he was almost 2 years old but been in both their lives since he was practically born.
Hes 4 now and I’ve been his live in mom for almost 2 years and we have full custody and she only sees him on special occasions a few hours a day.
So basically you’re his mom​:heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:
Dont feel guilty and keep loving him.
Hell grow and see everything and form his own opinion eventually :blush:
My baby is my best friend and I love being the one taking care of him all the time, I don’t feel guilty a bit! And you shouldn’t either💜
Good luck and I wish yall continued happiness :blush:


Not a step parent but my fiancé is to my oldest son. That’s his kid, he’s helped me raise him for 3 years. My advice is sit and talk with your boyfriend, talk about what you want your role to be and what he wants your role to be.

Well since you do all of that you are his mom too in situations like this no matter how much his mother sees him kids can have two moms so you are his mom too and there is no reason to feel guilty for loving a child you take care of but do not try to replace his mother you did not birth him so you are not his mother and you can’t take her place but the way I see this situation is he has two moms and that’s completely okay that’s just more love for the little one :heart:


Talk to your boyfriend and tell home how you feel. The best thing to do is be on the same page on how you feel and what part you can and can not play.

Thats on the mom if she doesn’t want to see her child. Just keep doing what your doing. Especially if he has full custody and you don’t see your relationship ending. He needs someone to step up to plate and be his mother. Doesnt matter whose womb he came out of.

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You’re doing what you should!!

Just do it.
That child needs consistency and love, the more people providing the better.

Keep doing what you do. Sounds like the father doesnt do much so someone needs to take care of that child :rofl:


Explain all of that to your boyfriend. Talk about it.

I’ve always told my step daughter, I know I’m not your mom, but I’m the mom here. Call me whatever you’d like. I’ve raised her 13 years so I’ve been the only mom she’s known. Hers may call once a year. I’ve hugged, fixed boo boos, been there for all the important talks. She’s mine. Do what makes you comfortable, but that baby needs love, whether you do so as a mother figure or a special friend.

A child can have more than one parent . It’s ok for you to love him and him to love you back . It sounds like maybe he doesn’t have the best relationship with his bio mom . He’s gonna need you . Just keep doing what you’re doing . That my opinion . I haven’t been in your shoes but my two daughters didn’t have much of a dad until my husband stepped in and I can’t tell you how much we all appreciate him .

Keep loving that baby and be the mother he needs you to be. Don’t feel guilty for loving him🥰


If you and your boyfriend are long term and moving towards a future together then his child will be your child. Continue doing what you are, caring and loving his child as your own. You will have doubts at times at what lines you are able to cross for example disapline techniques. What are you and the father comfortable with? Also as the child grows what wil you be refered as for example will you be called Mommy or your name? These are subjects that you and your boyfriend need to discuss. Also. You as an adult and parent how will you refer this child as, is this child just you boyfriends child, a step child to you or Your Child? Choose carefully because how you look at this child effects how the child may perceive how you feel about them.
For example, i met my husband now of 17 yrs after my divorce. I had a baby at that time , my son was 1 yr and 3 mos. I made my husband whom i was dating that we are a package deal and my son is my Life. My husband replied he wouldnt have it any other way. He accepted my son from day one And he Always refered to my son as His son. He never labled my son as My wifes son or my stepson he always said my son was his son. Its hard being in a premade family but always consider the child and how things you do and say will effect him. And be open and honest with questions to your boyfriend, remember a child is involved and questions are good. Good luck❤

Keep on doing what your doing… sounds like a very lucky little boy…

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If you’re doing the part of a Mom you ARE the Mom. Keep doing what you’re doing.

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Seems like he already sees you as mom so continue what youre doing girl.

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Roll you play is mom :person_shrugging::person_shrugging: a mom isn’t always blood

What matters most is his health and happiness you shouldnt feel bad for providing for his needs . Its great he has someone watching over him and caring for him .

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My parents split when I was 18 months old. My father was with his new girlfriend from age 2-26 I still consider her my bonus mom. (Shared custody, mom was my main caregiver). I never knew the difference, I thought everything was normal. Talk with your boyfriend and ensure your on the same page with your boundaries and his for the kid. I’m sure you’ll be a great bonus mom as it sounds like you already are! :heart_eyes:


My ex had custody of his 3 out of 6 of his kids when we were together. I was there mom, I did everything since she wasn’t around. Regardless of her being in the picture or not. You are doing everything a mother should be doing. Don’t ever ever ever feel guilty at all for feeling the way you do. Your a good women for stepping in when she stepped out (basically)

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Babies can never have too much love💜 just make sure to take care of you too. In the end it is his kid and you don’t have rights. The first thing that comes to mind is healthy boundaries. Big hug and best of luck

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