Since you couldn’t follow through with abortion, and it seems like you don’t want the child either, especially without his help… Adoption is a very good option for you. There are so many couples that want that baby so bad, and could give that child a good life.
Didn’t want to use a condom and you’re not on birth control… Why TF did you have sex then???
Walk away plain and simple. I’m a single mother without any help from the “dad” and we are just fine. Find yourself a real man because he is trash. He’s a screw him and trash him afterward and will never be good for anything else beyond that.
You can’t force someone to be a parent, he stated he wants nothing to do with the baby
So much could have been done on both parts to prevent this from happening!! You’re BOTH responsible! He may not want it, but he played just as much a role as you! Sadly you cannot force him to be a father! You have a few choices to make, either take him for child support and raise this child without him physically being there, or give this child up for adoption. You play, you pay! You both knew the consequences of no birth control.
Just make sure those child support checks clear. Men don’t get to tell women to abort after they’ve ejaculated inside you.
Throw the entire dude away. He gave you the answer when he told you to have an abortion. I would file for full custody and child support and never speak to dude again. I’d literally never feel safe with that person around my child or myself. Ever.
Cut ties and raise the baby on your own or put it up for adoption. You can’t force someone to want to be a parent and honestly why would you want someone around you kid that didn’t even want it?
Tell him your having the baby if he chooses to be involved that is up yo Jim, but tell him to not be involved unless he’s going to stick by the child’s side consistently through his or her life. If he doesn’t want to be involved than, I’d be going to a lawyer and see if I could get Jim to sign his rights away. Worse to have a parent in and pit than to just do it on your own. You can’t force him, so accept what he decides. Than plan how you will support your child, and see if there’s a family member or friend you can rely on for support when needed.
You can’t expect him to want something to do with it when he’s already stressed he don’t want it and has pressured you into abortion.
Serve him with child support papers.
It’s not his responsibility to be there and support you through this pregnancy you chose to keep. He will be responsible for the child once it’s born, but you can’t force him to be a parent and be in this child’s life.
He’s made it clear to you that he will not be involved. You’re gonna have to deal with the consequences of the choices you make, aka raising this baby alone because you made the decision to keep it alone.
Y’all were both irresponsible. You can’t make him be a dad. Although I would have chose to keep my child as well. You have to 100% understand that you will be doing this solo. You can not make him be involved if he doesn’t want to. If he didn’t want to use protection he is just as much responsible for the creation of this child. Any “money” would support his child, not you. That is simply a risk when having unprotected sex.
If he didn’t want the baby but you made that decision for him that should be on you. You both were stupid but you can’t force him to be a parent & support you when you didn’t support his decision either.
SMH 5 year old a 8 month old n 4 months pregnant I would question if it was mine also… all bloodline calls home so he will come around eventually
Why get pregnant to a man you hardly know ?
You ultimately have to make your own decisions about your future …
WOW! plan b is for preventing pregnancy not to be taken when you’re already pregnant. You probably caused harm to the fetus taking it 6 hours after you found out you are pregnant. SMH! Just because you can procreate doesn’t mean you should!
Why are some people able to procreate??? I mean come on. These poor poor babies
I’m very sorry about your situation and that people here are laughing about a very real stressful time in your life. I admin a parenting resource page if you need to find assistance.
You need some serious self reflection. You are looking for a knight to save you. He ain’t it. Weather y’all like it or not. YAll are both bonded for life. This child is the bond. The responsibility of financially supporting is both of y’all. The courts will make him.
Just cut him off. He made it clear he doesn’t give a fuck about the baby or you. Fuck him. Trust me I know from experience. And I’m not ever gonna force someone to be in my child’s life who doesn’t want to. Hell. No.
1st point… re-read the first line you wrote.
2nd point. Pressuring you to abort.
3rd point- not 100% your fault you got pregnant - he didn’t wear a condom
4th point - Re-read what you have written and think what you would say if your daughter came to you with this.
Good luck darling, I fear that he won’t be involved and you are going to have to do this all alone.
Wave bye bye to him - he is not into this. (Sorry) x
You are choosing to keep that baby, YOU. He made his choice and you made yours. You kept that baby knowing you would be doing it on your own. Men deserve that choice, just as we as women do.
I’d have the baby, get a DNA test through social services and put his ass on child support with his immature ass.
I would place the baby for adoption
Plan B don’t work if your already knocked up. U only have 72 to use it I think. I also would just leave him alone he’s showing his true colors! U are better off with out him n the stress. it will be hard but it’ll be worth it u are strong u got this!
This dude should had pulled out if he didn’t want to use protection. I don’t think it’s your fault. He’s stupid
Feel so sorry for this baby.
Really should of taken contraception if you didn’t want another baby.
This baby will have to live it’s life with your choices . The dad should have involvement but if he doesn’t what can you do . Poor baby
Idiots. No protection AND no birth control. Good one .
Cut him off and find someone else to rub your belly.
You can’t force someone to be involved. No Dad is better than having a bad one. Just tell him that you’ll see him in court then.
First, it’s not just your fault that you got pregnant. It takes two, & he could have wore a condom.
That being said, he has expressed how he feels, & that he doesn’t want another baby. If you decided to keep the baby (which it’s completely your decision to do so ), I would inform him of your intent, but I wouldn’t require him to be a part of your babies life.
If you want to bring this baby into the world that’s your decision, but don’t force someone to be a parent. It never works out well for the kiddo.
Ok hear me out…if you’re financially able to keep the baby, that’s an option. If not, there’s adoption. Since you said you wouldn’t go after him for child support, I’d move on and let him go. With child support comes his rights too. Rights to see the baby, rights to try to get full custody, rights to many aspects of your and the child’s life. If he wants nothing to do with you or the baby, I wouldn’t complicate matters by forcing the issue. And it does get complicated. Walk away.
Keep your distance from him. Don’t stress. Enjoy your pregnancy. Everything is going to be ok. Who knows maybe he just needs time to think too. Doesn’t make it fair of him being douchie to you. But sometimes when people are under stress they turn pretty sh!tty. Either way, if he’s stressing you out keep your distance and focus on yourself bc you already have 2 kids who need their mom. And if you don’t take care of you, you’re gonna be no good for them either.
I think you’re gonna do great. Find support in your area. This isn’t anybodys fault. Life just happens. I mean there are things that lower your chances of getting pregnant but it’s too late to worry about those right now. Worry about that after. Now is the time to focus on you and your kids. Theyre gonna have a new baby sibling soon! I hope you can find peace soon.
He’s at fault too. He could have used a condom. And whether he’s involved or not is on him not you. If he wants nothing to do with the baby then don’t out him down as the father
Cut him off you will be ok. He should’ve used protection if he didn’t want more kids it’s not ya fault
He probably feels like you’re trapped him he’s gone the boat has sailed
People are allowed to want nothing to do with babies they didn’t want. However he fucked himself when he didn’t want to use protection so the only way out for him may be to give up his rights but you need to assume you will be doing this alone you gotta deal with the choices you make for yourself
Im shocked ppl willingly bring a child into the world like this, already unwanted into a broken family/set up. And create a toxic environment before the baby is even born, i feel sorry for your unborn baby. He has a right to walk away, sign his rights away and not ever speak to you again or pay a cent to you. You already have 2 kids and neither of you are very educated on plan b or precautions but now you want to have his baby. Not to mention your post was terribly hard to read. I wish people had to pass some form of test to have children
How is this even a question?
How is this even a post?
How are you even a Mom?
You did the right thing for you and the baby. Any so called man that don’t want to be involved in his child’s life ain’t worth shit to begin with
You’re not hearing him. He said he doesn’t want the baby, even went so far as accusing you of sleeping with someone else to shed his responsibility. No matter what you decide, he doesn’t want a baby with you.
Too many women these days think a baby will keep a man. He didn’t want a child. But on the other hand, contraception is the responsibility of both. It takes two to tango. Is the 8 month old his child too? If not I’d say you need to start loving yourself before even thinking about loving another. Focus on you and your children because it’s those that ultimately suffer
He’s already made it clear, he doesn’t want the baby. The question is, do you want the baby and are you prepared to raise this child on your own. If the answer is no, you can place your child up for adoption. There are so many people who would love to have a baby but can’t.
He blantly said he doesn’t want a baby you wanted to keep it this is your problem now. You can’t get mad at him for not wanting the baby after he literally said he does not want one. Although both y’all stupid you guys could’ve used condoms and decided not to do so. At this point you either keep the baby and stop wasting your e every on this dummy and avert that energy to
Keeping your child or give it up for adoption.
Don’t keep forcing it. It only cause resentment and possibly harm to the baby. I’d say leave him be and just be great for the baby.
Go after h for child support…
That is the game after all
A man who accepts the entire picture will come along. Don’t force yourself onto someone who doesn’t want the biggest part of you. How could you respect or want him in your life if he doesn’t want the children in your life. Complete no brainer.
Three words can sum this up well. FUCK THAT DUDE.
Ok fuck him he sounds like a total jerk. His baby or not he should be supportive if he really cares for u. He obviously doesn’t u sound like just a piece of ass to him. Lose him. No point in staying with a guy that doesn’t really give a shit about u.
Is this a true story??? He’s probably married… You can’t force a grown ass person to do something they are clearly showing you they don’t wanna do… Your already 4 months, it’s too late to do anything so suck it up buttercup prepare to be a single mother of 3… Build a bridge and get over, you have to live with the choices you made, your an adult
You got a get away easy card that’s no type of guy to be begging to be around block him and go about your life
Move on…he made hisself clear. If you don’t want the baby let a loving family adopt!
Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean he has to be there for you . Having his child does not mean he has to have feelings for you either . In the post you say you aren’t using the baby as leverage, although you already are . Sounds like you trapped him or tried to but he didn’t budge . You knew how fertile you were . Now unfortunately it’s up to you . He doesn’t have to see or have a single to do with the kid if he choses . Damn , I know a couple girls that did guys like that … Shame . I feel bad for the baby man
If he didn’t want a baby he should have wrapped it up.
He said he didn’t want a child so unfortunately your going to be doing it alone or have to take him to court
Baby be prepared to face the fact that you are going to raise that baby on your own…i raised two on my own you can do it…oh and girl go get on the pill or something…
He doesn’t want the baby… don’t force the baby on him.
You decided to keep the baby…alone
Not sure why this even a question. You know the answer or it wouldn’t be. It’s just hard. Follow your gut and get rid of the guy
Umm… from a mans point of view if he dont want to step up and told you straight he don’t want that baby, your better off being a single mom of 3, or give the baby up for adoption.
This is a whole ridiculous situation. I’d definitely cut ties and move on he’s making it very clear where he stands and it’s not gonna get better with pressure. This is on both of you. Period. Neither used common sense and now an entire life, that nobody wants, is being brought into this world. Seriously grow up. Think about adoption if you can’t do it. Good luck.
He told you from the start he wants nothing to do with that child. You chose to keep it meaning you chose to do it alone. Forcing him will do that baby no good!
Well, first things first…you didn’t want a baby, but you weren’t doing anything to prevent it, nor was he, so both were acting irresponsibly. I would stop contacting him, are you receiving state aid of any kind? Most states will require DNA from anyone you have been intimate with in a specific period, do their own DNA tests, and then the state goes in for the money. Let the state help you, he needs to pay child support, even if he doesn’t want to be involved. While that sucks, it will be better in the end on the baby as he/she grows up if there was no contact instead of sporadic or contact b/c he was forced to or if he does it simply b/c he’s paying child support. Move on, don’t sleep around, get your tubes tied or get on some kind of birth control. Right now you should be focused on your 8 month old and your pregnancy. Nothing else…
Just prepare to be a single mom🤷🏽♀️ if he decides to come around you can give him that chance . But until then you’re on your own . Sorry
I got pregnant on birth control and taking the plan b pill… it happens **for the record I took the plan b pill because the Nuva ring came out and I was paranoid.
A few things to keep in mind:
You can’t force someone to be an involved father. Trust me.
Also, if you don’t need the child support… don’t go for it.
Leave him off the birth certificate.
And get on birth control.
ETA: What idiot refuses to wear protection and is then surprised or upset that someone got pregnant
Let me get this straight. You didn’t want anymore kids, he didn’t want anymore kids yet you two fools thought it would be cool to bump uglies without any protection againt pregnancy in the first place? You’re complaining about how it’s turned out since you got pregnant? You’re both stupid and deserve absolutely no sympathy for the situation you put yourselves in. You both did that and can’t take it back now can you? Work it tf out and raise a decent kid and for f**k sake… Get smart!
Move on from that sperm donor ! He doesn’t care and he told you that when he told you to get an abortion ! Take care of yourself and your babies!
He didn’t “want” to use birth control, but thinks abortion is birth control. Smh
Every baby is a gift and a blessing. Dump the guy!! Cherish your baby.
Some of these comments….
It is in no way just your fault unless you repeatedly fell onto his erect ya know……
Nothing will make a man stay . Even if it is his. He has to want to stay just blows he can walk away…. SMH the mom doesn’t walk away
First of all why is there laughing reacts? This shit is not funny… anyways I’m sorry you’re dealing w this girl. I hope you’re able to see this answer and some of the good ones up here. It’s your choice if you want to keep the baby. He has no say. Plan b, birth control, condoms, pull out method, hell even a vasectomy- all that shit still has a chance of you guys getting pregnant. He has NO right to be forcing you to get an abortion. I hope you stop sleeping w that POS cuz he sounds disgusting. It doesn’t matter how many kids he got, if he wanted to sexually be intimate w someone without protection that’s what’s going to happen. First things first, if he truly doesn’t want to be involved, you can sign your rights over to you because being a single mom (or dad) taking care of your child on your own you can have lots of support! Take as much as you can with that. And in court if he decides to change his mind for whatever reason, well he better step up to be an adult and be responsible for his actions and support his child- he’s entitled to. He’s acting like a whole boy. Also I hope you tell friends and family, someone you trust about this who will be there for you. You’re gonna need all the support you can get from your loved ones. It’s hard but it’s possible. If you decide, you just don’t want to go through abortion but want to put them through adoption you can but think it through. Some times people regret it during the decision, some don’t. Get support, if you’re able to still work, work or even at home, so you can aid your kids. Next time if you’re going to be doing something w someone just use a condom, and get on birth control as well.
He’s made it clear that he wants nothing to do with that baby. You chose to keep it, so you’re gonna be on your own doing it.
With that said, he’s grown, with kids. He knows how babies are made and chose to engage in baby making activities. The best you’ll be able to do is have the court order him to pay child support, but that’s it. You can’t force someone to be a parent.
If he didnt want kids he should of used protection for himself!! He has said he is not interested so leave him be for now. And thinking off an abortion for someone else is poor judgement!! Think of yourself and your baby and make your life as happy as you can. When the baby is born do a dna test and let him decide from the results and if he still not interested then its his loss x i would advise proof reading before sending another long message though in the future
Cut him off completely and thank your lucky stars
You’ve got a tough decision to make but it’s your decision and no one else’s. It seems by what you wrote, he’s made it abundantly clear he doesn’t want the child.
You know how hard it is to raise a child since you’ve got two already and by assumption you’re doing your previous children alone as a single mom.
I would go asap to OBGYN and make sure the fetus isn’t harmed from the plan B you took.
If you feel you can’t provide for this baby, there are many options besides abortion such as adoption or providing an infertile couple the opportunity of having a baby. Abortion is a choice only you can make, as is the choice to have another child to raise, possibly alone w/ no bio-fathers help. He may not want the child, but family court will force him to pay child support, so you’ll have to decide if that’s something you want to pursue. You can’t force a person to be involved w/ a pregnancy or child once it’s born. Search your soul for what you feel and you know in your heart is the right choice for the child. Best of luck.
Seriously??? Gtfo there. He doesn’t deserve your time.
He’s made it clear he wants nothing to do with you or this baby.
It always takes two to make a baby. Maybe he needs lessons, videos, books on what causes women to make babies. He should not be having sex if he cant take the responsibities that come with it. A real jerk. Walk away & i would not let him off the hook either. Abortion should never be the solution. Unless its rape, incest or the health of the mother period. If you dont want babies, stop doing the deed. Period.
He’s responsible for 50 percent. He owes his child.
Birth control starts in the bedroom. No sex period. Not a morning after pill. Ask girls who got raped. Pill did not work. Why trust that pill. He wants no protection. He is using you for fun. Army says this is my rifle this my gun. One is for killing one for fun. Keep both holster unless you plan on killing some one. Penis is a murder weapon. When not used properly. World war 2 saying.
It’s his choice not to be involved with the baby he helped to create, it’s not his choice to not provide aid to you for it. That’s what courts for.
Never beg someone to be apart of your child’s life. If they don’t want to be apart of their own child’s life it shows you the type of person they are.
Honestly, love. A man pressuring you for an abortion is not going to be emotionally supportive during your pregnancy. I’m not entirely sure why he didn’t pull out, but that coupled with the fact he didn’t want to use protection fully makes him just as responsible as you. The only difference is you tried to prevent pregnancy by taking plan b 6 hours after you all slept together. So please try not to take what these people are saying to heart. If you don’t want to put yourself through an abortion, YOU don’t have to. It is YOUR body. Adoption is an option if you can’t keep your baby, but you can’t force him to be involved with a child that he doesn’t want. happens. I think a lot of the holier than thou people in this comment section seem to forget that part. Know if you want to keep your baby and you have a DNA test done, it WILL give him rights to your child. Some men are petty enough to use this as a tool to get back at the mom. Who cares how he feels? He made the choice to not wrap it before he tapped it:woman_shrugging:t4:
Uhh… I haven’t read through all the comments but anyone else pick up I the fact she only been sleeping with this guy a couple of months, but yet she’s 4 months pregnant?! No wonder he wants nothing to do with it,
It isn’t just your fault. It takes two. You can’t force him to be a dad but, do the dna test and get a lawyer
No baby , no me is what you should say
Imma need you to hold a quarter between your knees and NEVER drop it!!!
Whose is the 8 month old?
Between ya both … have four children…been sleeping together 3 months…Guess YOU both just realized how the first four got here…Women and Men …have rights…EVER think about the rights of the four children and the new baby…THEY all five going to depend on you both for many years…GROW UP…you are raising children…quit acting like one…
Walk away. Forcing a man to be involved is never good. Walk away. Raise your child. Don’t admit he’s the dad, if you get aide tell them you have no idea.
Stop contacting him. If he doesn’t want to be involved, don’t make him. It won’t go well.
You will need to see a lawyer & get custody orders & such handled anyway. In case he shows up in 5 years.
Sign up for assistance & figure out how to raise 2 kids, on your own. It’s doable but you’ll need to be smarter abt messing with some random guy with zero interest in committment.
You are both equally responsible for you becoming pregnant and you are both making your own decision. Why would you want him to be around when he’s accusing you of lying. Just let him go, have the baby and then go on birth control.
Just cut it off he’s already gave his answer by not responding
Cut him off. He made it clear that he doesn’t want this so leave him alone
You’re not listening to him. He told you he does not want this. Just as you don’t want an abortion he doesn’t want a baby. He feels as strongly about NOT having a baby as you do having this baby. I’m sorry your choices led you here. If I were you I would probably start getting my life ready for another baby and not rely on him for anything. I would go to therapy, make sure I had a good job to be able to financially support myself and soon to be 3 kids, find emotional support in other places and not him. Friends or family. I would also highly encourage you to take your birth control seriously. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t want to wear a condom. Either he wears one or you don’t have sex with him. Good luck to you!
How are eu 4 months pregnant but only been sleeping with him a couple of months??
Girl. You have your answer. Move on. Focus on you, your kids, and the new life you are bringing into the world
where was your part, besides droppen your drawers. your at fault also
He, a grown man, didn’t want to use protection and is now shocked that you got pregnant? Yeah okay
Unpopular opinion, if woman get a choice so should men. He’s made it clear he doesn’t want this baby. Move on forcing a father will only hurt the child.
You can’t force someone to be involved with their child. However the law will force them to pay child support.
Don’t let him guilt you about anything. It was also his responsibility for contraception.