first of all he has taken your kids and , it is hard to find someone to support or want to be involved with children that are not his. He must care for you deeply , and I think you should stay with him and support this man and his child . Sometimes kids are caught up in situations that are not their fault but it is unfair to ignore or neglect this baby. I’m sure you would not want him to treat your children any different. He sounds like a great guy . You just need to support him .Everything will turn out for the best . God be with you both.
Sounds to me like u are the kind of woman who got with a man in a relationship Nd sweetie if she’s 5 months pregnant how are u so in love … either u were the other woman in which case u deserve to be hurting as well as look forward to a future where he will walk right away from u for the next… I mean cmon he had a whole house nd business with this woman but no children that’s love honey if he told u other wise he’s full of it … men don’t buy homes nd build businesses with women they don’t love… if they aren’t in love they don’t invest… on another note in 5 months he shouldn’t even be that involved with your children they should be barely meeting not already him playing daddy… sweetheart your worries are silly … u already have kids but you’re upset a woman he was with before I is having his first baby … sorry but he should love that child more than anything Nd if u don’t like that oh well… smh I feel like you are too immature for the situation in the first place
Be happy he loves you so much that he left everything he worked for his home his business and chose you. He can start all over with you. You already have two children be grateful some people have none. You will have to not be jealous of him going to see his child lots of people co parent it will be alright. It will work out have faith in your relationship with him.
Since you asked…this time line seems off. You are crazy committed to each other and he is raising your kids and you have only been together for 5 months? Since he left her for you and THEN she found out that she was pregnant? Just seems a bit wonky, I would definitely get a paternity test!
First and foremost can you accept his child as one of yours? Without being jealous… If you cannot remove yourself from the situation
For the love of God… GROW UP!!
You were clearly the other woman as his ex is only 5 months along, and yet you are madly in love with eachother, so hunny you have no right to complain. Also you said yourself he has “taken on your kids as his own” yet when the shoe is on the other foot you take to fb to ask this!? By doing so you answered your own question… leave him and let him have a healthy relationship with his child before your jealousy and resentment ruins not just theirs, but your relationship too!
Thought u said you’ve been together a while?
so… you get to bring kids into this relationship, but he can’t?
Its life man. if you love him like you say, this shouldn’t even be posted…
Is 5 months a while now? Give it take a few weeks considering that’s how pregnant she is.
He isn’t giving you your 1st child either so stop being selfish. Unfortunately things happen in life. Grow up and deal with it… he didn’t cheat and has sacrificed things for you
Any woman who wants a man to choose them over their own child is toxic… maybe he should be wondering if he should stay with you or not.
I am usually a lurker and never respond to posts…Im stoned but I don’t even know where to begin with this post. My gawd, I hope (or maybe not) that this is satrical rather than to believe that someone can be this naive. Toxic af! 5 months? Really? And you want to give this man a baby ‘so bad’. He had a house with her? A business? And didn’t ‘love’ her? Come on, now! One thing I detest more than cheaters is the people that know someone is married or taken and still allow themselves to interfere and help bring a home down. Sure the dude is a scumbag too but …can people really be this narcissistic and delusional ? And that is putting it nicely. I swear I am not even trying to be mean.
Sounds more like you were the side chick in the love triangle. Good luck sweetie!
I would recommend sterilizing yourself and him as well… babies turn into kids that turn into you…
I would stand by him & get a deal test when baby is here .he has given up a lot for you so try & help him through this .x
Are you kidding…? So it’s completely ok for him to love and accept your children as his own but you won’t be able to do that for him? You want him to abandon his child for yours or what? If you love him like you say you do, you’ll want to try to get her through this and support him as he has supported you.
She’s not supposed to have children ?? It’s not fair Wtf grow up
I’m not reading all that but I’m happy for you or sorry that happened
Why did she wait this long to tell him if she had no feelings for him? Sounds like there is a chance it’s not his. Also, he has done everything to tell and show you that you’re the one he wants so why have second doubts. If you can’t love his baby and treat it as well as he treats yours, then you let that man go to someone better
This sounds so close to what my situation was except my ex cheated on me with my now ex best friends/now ex sister in law. She had 2 kids with my brother and keepsxtrying to shut him out so they can be one happy family… I found out I was pregnant later on, after he left me for her. I had been on BC and didn’t find out until later in the pregnancy… i thought I was just being paranoid lol… But it’s been two years since that all happened.
Their still together too so maybe they really do like each other… we were together for 10 years though so who knows what will happen.
All I can say is if you love each other then be together. Life is to short to nit pick. Hopefully his ex is cool and willing to work with you both. Not all exs are nice.
Red flag red flag….he left her to be with you? Now you’re upset because, even though you have 2 kids that are not his, you want to have his child first. It’s all ridiculous, not even sure that this post is real. You sound selfish and immature. so here’s my advice if this is real. Grow the hell up! And if you have to even ask, then leave and let him get on with his life.
If you are asking random people on Facebook if you should stay I’d say no that wouldn’t even be a thought if you were as “in love” as you say you are if a woman came tomorrow and said years ago she had my husband’s child I would want him in that child’s life I’d love that child as I love my own to even question it is crazy and 5months??? So you guys are still a super fresh relationship and he’s living with you and you guys are madly in love!?! Idk it seems like alot of red flags…
You are insanely ‘In Love’ but are thinking of leaving because the long term partner he was with, got pregnant at the end?
Yet you are a Mother yourself?
Yep, leave him !!!
I mean honestly
Read what’s written again and see how silly it sounds from the outside.
Are we missing the word WIFE. Or am i crazy.
I agree with the people saying you are kinda being selfish. If he left her for you and she was madly in love with him, then maybe it’s karma…. If you love him as much as you’re claiming, maybe you should first find out what he wants to do and then if he wants to pursue the relationship with you, you should overlook the fact that he has a baby on the way. And like the majority of people are saying in the comments, he accepts your kids, right? You should accept his. Either way, it will work out one way or another. Whether he decides to go back to her or stay with you….
If he left her for you, what’s to say he won’t leave you for someone else? And what if you are pregnant at the time? Just saying…
Stupid! Stop stealing other women’s men… home wrecker
He doesn’t know what he wants he’s just bed hopping…hobosexual!
So im guessing you have been with him less than 5 months.
You need to work out if you can live with this situation happily.
Im going to suggest 1. Dont get pregnant. 2. The other womans child may not be his.
Dont be blinded by being in love.
What ever he has done to people in the past, he likely will end up doing to you. Men lie to get what they want and tell you what you want to hear.
I you have to ask than you’re having doubts yourself…
What the hell he is raring your 2 kids that are not his yet the min u hear his x is pregnant u throw all ur toys out of pram really sounds very selfish considering u have 2 kids that are not his
I truly understand you on the “insecurity” part for not having his first biological baby because my partner had 2 kids before we got together.
But go back to the time when you didn’t know about his baby and he’s taking care of yours from another man. How would you feel if he was the one writing to a virtual community that he’s contemplating on leaving his partner because he’s deeply hurt that he did not have his first biological child with her? Fair?
You can’t crazy love someone this soon. You don’t even know him yet.
So basically you are okay with the fact that he helps you raise your kids but don’t want to do the same for him! Huh! That would be a deal breaker for me! I would not be with a person like you!
Thats crazy as all hell. So you’re his mistress and his wife is pregnant? Is this what I am reading? In a nutshell is that what you said?
If your truly insanely i"n love" with him then why are you even questioning what advice to take?!. If this guy decides to pursue his unborn child then that child of his becomes yours also no if and or buts about it! He’s taking care of you and your children and treating them like his own them you should do the same… this is such a selfish post to even make!! How do you think men feel now a days finding someone they are madly in love with and has kids of her own. I’m sure they feel the same way. " I wanted her to only have my kids"… men are compromising what they feel because they love the women he’s willing to step up and the a role model/ parent. You need to do the same.
I’m confused u been together a while but this other chic is 5 months pregnant so u odviously haven’t been together that long he was properly cheating on his wife to be with u if he even had a house and business with her says a lot about both ur characters so I would stay with him you both sound the perfect couple lol
Your two kids should be your priority right now.
If use are not long together my dear it’s puppy love everyone feels like that in the start of relationships…if he cheated on her with u u shouldn’t know chances are he will do it to u too so be very sure if u two will work together if so then accept that baby love it as it’s his and u can still have more one day…
Wow , you have a lot of growing up to do ! You have known this guy who leaves his girlfriend for you , for 5 months ! He’s helping raise your children , but it not ok for him to help raise his own child … you’ve got some issues !
Where are you guys reading “wife”? The guy was not married to the other woman, he was just dating her.
Anyway, sounds like you & him have only been together for a few months. Def too early to say you want to spend the rest of your lives together. It’s early enough to leave and I think you should. The longer you wait, the harder it will be and the more excuses you’ll have. Def need to be careful and make sure you also don’t get pregnant as that would be a very messy & complicated situation for all of you.
I need more information and follow up!! This sounds juicy
Reading that gave me a headache. if he can help you raise your kids why can’t you help him raise his??? Also sounds like you might’ve been the other women??? Honestly I think you need to take a step back and worry about your two kids. Let him sort this out with his baby mama, being jealous of him going to his child’s appointments is really immature and petty. He should definitely be there for his child. If you cant handle that early on then that’s your answer that he isn’t for you. And honestly what kind of a man gives up his whole life for someone???business home ??? How irresponsible. He sounds like a mess and it sounds like he cheated on her with you, how you get him is how you loose him. Sadly he will probably do the same to you sis. Cut your losses and run, sounds more like toxic infatuation and not love.
He left her to be with you because they were both unhappy ? The fact that she’s five months pregnant shows that they were getting on a lot better than you have been led to believe ! You say you have been together a while , but you don’t say how long , so either it’s more than the five months , or less than it , either way it’s a brand new relationship and you have been very irresponsible to bring a new parent figure into your own two kids lives so soon , and now you are questioning if you should kick him back out again ? Please stop thinking about how all of this is affecting you and think of your children !
Also , you mention that it’s a huge shock that she is pregnant because they believed she couldn’t get pregnant , is it a possibility that the reason he was so ‘unhappy’ with her is that he wanted to be a father and didn’t want to stay together knowing that he would never have a baby with her ? Having this baby might bring back all the feelings that he thought were gone , I get that you are in love with him , but I think that you are possibly more swept away with what he gave up for you and that he took on your children , if you actually take that out of the equation and step back you will be able to see that this is a brand new relationship that the children shouldn’t be involved in yet and you should give him the choice , does he want to be with her and raise the child with her or be with you and raise the child with her ? But raising the child with her is going to be the most important part ! If you can’t accept that then you have to let him go and please if you get into any more relationships , keep your kids out of it
As someone from the outside, I see a lot of on his part. Please remember that how he left her, is the same way he will more than likely leave you if you he meets someone new. But you know him better than anyone on here does, so spend some time alone and deeply weigh the pros and cons. Then follow your heart.
Would you like somebody do the same to you?
There’s a lot of info missing here, and that’s fine, because you don’t need to put your life out on the internet–although you already did. You have been with this man for less than six months, as illustrated by the other woman being five months pregnant. If he will do it WITH you–he will do it TO you.For your kids’ sake, keep that in mind as you think over what REALLY happened and when.
What the fuck did I just read
So he got her pregnant 5 months ago but you’re so in love, he’s involved with your kids etc, in that short space of time?
You have some serious issues in the way you tell a story. You made it sound like he’d been with you for years and her just a short time. Clearly it’s the other way around if he left her everything.
And he left her for you… do you really think he isn’t gonna do the same to you?
Boohoo ya not having his first baby. Honestly, sick of reading immature crap like this. Grow up.
Newsflash people - your children don’t need to meet every man whose penis enters your vagina
Ps. You’re selfish asf too, kids come before ANYONE.
I meannnnnnn your children aren’t his, but you say he’s still there for them and loves them like his own? Sounds pretty self absorbed that you cant do the same for his. And he left his WIFE for you? Talk about ungrateful you already got the man all to yourself, what else do you want?
Is it really his baby? Why did she wait so long to tell him? He definitely needs to request a DNA test just to be one hundred percent certain. If they weren’t happy in the relationship it’s definitely a possibility that he may not be the father
This reads like a bad teenage romance . I’m still shocked that you have basically a stranger helping you raise your kids. 5 months is a blink of an eye honestly. You’re in the honey moon stage and it sounds like he’s love bombing you.
“I can’t leave you.” Is also concerning language to be honest. Please take a step back and breathe. It also sounds like you will resent this baby so you have absolutely no business being around them when they are born.
Damn girl, I’d just cut my losses now and let them handle their business.
Being with someone 5 months is not long enough to have them around your children and to depend on them to help you raise your kids, you barely even know eachother let alone committing to living together and being a blended family.
The bloke really shouldn’t even be living with you yet, It seems like you legit just got with him and moved him in, like sheesh. How are your children coping never mind you…!?
What in the Jerry Springer?! Girl you’ve been with this man for 6 months. You don’t love him. You’re infatuated by him. You barely know him. Also sound like he’s using you for a cushy place to stay. “He let her have the house” I have a feeling it was her house to have and not his in the first place. Run for your life. And start putting your own children ahead of yourself and this man. You moved him into your house with your children after only a few months together?? You need to make better choices for yourself and your kids. Be careful out there girl.
I’m not so sure I understand the whole story here and I feel there are a lot of missing pieces. The heart wants what it wants and you are not going to take any advice that does not support the decision you already made and you are primarily looking for justification not advice.
However, my advice to you is to be careful and keep you eyes open if not for you then for your children.
5-6m and he’s playing step daddy to ur kids already? I don’t even let someone I’m dating meet my kids till 6-8m in much less play stepdad by that time… as for wanting to be “the one” he had his first bio kid with sometimes life doesn’t always work out the way you want it too. To me when a man leaves his wife for what is essentially his side chick (sorry but I don’t believe he met you and decided on the spot of meeting you he was going to leave his wife), your side chick spot just became open…. If a man is cheating when he meets you he’s going to be cheating when he’s with you. You’re a fool to think otherwise. Sorry for the harsh reality check but you needed it.
Someone make it make sense. 1st you questioning whether to stay with a man or not because he has a baby otw with someone he was with before you. Just because YOU WANTED to be his 1st baby mama. While you yourself has 2 kids. 5 months and oh so deeply in love? Raising your kids. Man how old are you? You are childish spoiled and extremely selfish. It aint all about you. You cant be torn for something that happened BEFORE you. And if you are questioning it leave now. He aint the one for you sis.
Short answer - yes, stay with him. But get over the fact that you won’t have his first, because he isn’t your first either. And treat his baby well.
Nope. Thats a hard no. Move on
He needs to be there for that child. Is he planning on doing that? If not… I would lose all respect for him. If yes, I don’t see the problem
Honey he loves you, if you truly love him voice your feelings but love and support him through it. This baby didn’t ask for this. If you are both in love them you will get through this. I just ask you don’t let your bitterness towards the situation reflect on the child . Good luck
This seems messy and complicated. And doesn’t seem like it’s going to get any better…. I’d bet its going to get even messier. You’ll end up feeling insecure and jealous and end up focusing all of your attention on this situation which will bleed toxicity into your family dynamic. And you’re children will be placed on the back burner or on the sidelines when they should be the stars of the show.
First off, 5 months of being with someone “isn’t a while”. You’re still in your honeymoon stage.
Secondly, you have kids from another relationship, what’s the issue with him?
If you’re already thinking of bailing, you obviously aren’t head over heels in love with him. Leaving him wouldn’t be a thought in your mind. Maybe you should leave him, just because it seems like he is going to end up being the one hurt.
It sounds to me like you have a good man there and in my opinion the first thing he needs to do is a DNA analysis hang in there hunny he loves you very much don’t throw that away talk more you will both get through this
I don’t understand how some of y’all females be falling deeply in love with a man after just a few months and having them raising your kids.
stay with him if you’re happy
you have kids and now he has a kid you can love too
5 months is pretty quick though to know someone
and it glad he’s good with your kids
i personally wouldn’t let someone be around my kids that quick but if you are good and he’s good
just love that new baby
I’m sorry but there is much more here to be concerned about… you’ve known him 5 months and moved him in with you and your kids?!? Girl you better watch that!
If you could lay down & create a child with someone else for the first time
then why would you be upset about him doing the same? Are your kids more valuable than his child? Do your children mean more? You should be happy that you get to love a newborn baby.
Him having a kid should mean less for you
it should mean more for the baby
It’s been 5 months at best.
5 months.
While I completely understand time doesn’t mean much when it comes to falling in love, it certainly does mean a lot when it comes to messy situations like this.
All three of you need to sit down and have an adult conversation. Also, moving in with a man and having him raise your children after a few months is horrifying. Please be cautious.
If you love him, you love all of him, including his child. He didn’t have a hang-up knowing you had kids before you both got together. You said he told you “you have my heart”. That is HUGE! A hang up over not having his first child, shouldn’t be an issue for you. Knowing you can have children and he is there for you and your children is what you should be looking at. If you can drop him because he is having a baby with someone else prior to your relationship, what does that say? I am just, bringing out points you stated. If you love him support him. Blended families can be hard because his child will be going back and forth with his mom. Make an effort to communicate with her. Trust! It will make your life easy. If not there will be rough roads ahead. It can work BUT your heart has to be in it. Will your uneasy destroy what you have now? Only you can figure out stay or go. I say STAY. Just my thoughts. Good luck. Blessings your way.
Sorry to say this but you’re being selfish without a doubt. Just because he got a girl pregnant before you. Come on dude. Seriously?! If he’s changed everything to be with you, loves your kids as his own, you got a great man right there. Why throw it away just because he knocked someone else up before you.
I’m jus confused if u guys have been together for awhile and are deeply inlove and hes been taking care of your kids how is his ex 5months pregnant. So he cheated on you??? Or you’ve only been with him a few months:thinking:
If u been together for a while,being the side chick. Umm apparently he was still sexing her up while w u!U and him get to experience a baby together. You are part of the babies life. Like hes part of ur babies lives.
He’s accepting of your kids so you should be accepting of his. But also he should definitely do paternity test.
Y’all been together a whole 5 months. You done let this man move in your house, with your kids, and you ready to have his children??? All within 5 months??!! That’s scary and dangerous for your kids. I do hope you are not leaving this man alone with your kids. Look I ain’t saying you can’t fall in love with someone fast but give it sometime. You already have 2 children that you are raising on your own. I would wait and see how this situation plays out before getting married or having anymore babies. Because trust me some baby moma drama is coming your way.
If you have to ask then you need to do do some self searching. You said he loved your kids. You’d be standing by him just like he’s stood by you & yours, right? I mean he didn’t cheat on you. You’ve got kids. But if you can’t find it in your heart to accept that baby like it’s yours too then you do need to let him go now.
Sounds like he had more history with her, than you. A home and a business takes time to attain. Sounds fishy that he gave it up.
And moved in with you, a tiny apartment. 5 or 6 months is too soon to be so deeply in love. And wanting to give him a baby is immature.
Welcome to my life, we’ve been together 24 years. We have mine, his and 3 of ours. It was hard for sure. But 100% worth it. We were only together 3 months when I found out about the pregnancy… he wanted a paternity test, and she told him she had a hard time getting pregnant and it was almost impossible as well. Whatever you decide to do, stand by it and don’t go back n forth in your head.
BIG happy blend family - only TV show - never how really is.
He should see where this women head is - prob scaried give birth alone - " it hard - ’ if she dose not put on the birth cerif - he had No rights -
He should ask for a paternity test - legal its up to mother to even allow it. -
Hows new women feel about sharing her newborn with you?
You find living fast lane. In 5 months - meet ’ fell in love - let around your children - that 3 red flag right there-
Its a baby - lifetime of baby momma drama - / I not type believe he not hit that on the side -
So you were the other women - he left his preg gf for you - my mom like that role too -
If leave them for you. He leave you for the next - wisdom. - girl .
Run away -
Stop let children meet / living with every person you sleep with -
It if no abuse - still F up in the head -
Almost 40 - stil in theapy -
He’s been great with your kids so step up and be great with his. Don’t be selfish and only care about your kiddos.
If he’s playing step dad you can play step mom. He didn’t give you your first baby either. Don’t get hung up on who was first. What’s matters who he stays with last.
So you have a deep connection, he helps to raise your kids and his ex before you is 5 months pregnant which means you two have been together 4.5 ? You aren’t even out of the honeymoon period yet and he is helping you raise your kids? You barely even know each other little less involving your kids so quickly.
Well if you love this man so much then there should not be a problem. His obligation is his child your feelings come second. Knowing he was in a relationship before you having unprotected sex unless you personally know her health issues there is always that chance she could have become pregnant. So you have been together only 5months so you were the other woman is that where your insecurities come into play? You have children already I do not understand why women who hardly knows a man gets their children involved in their relationships.
You already have two kids and you know that you don’t love one more than the other. It’s going to be the same with him yes he’ll love this baby but he’s going to love y’all’s baby too just the same don’t be hung up on the fact that you’re not the first because that doesn’t mean anything that was just how time happened you both will still have a baby. I do agree that he should get a paternity test, and from the sounds of it this woman kind of sounds like a hot mess and this baby may need a stepmother who can step up
Uh oh. Pardon me for being skeptical. Seems the partnership haven’t had much thinking time in between.
How long have y’all been together?? I take it he eathier cheated on you, or y’all just got together if she’s 5 months pregnant, also he stepped up and took your kids in and is raising them with you, why can’t you do the same for him? By all means I’m not trying to be rude but it seems your being a little selfish, over something that you asking you should leave that is wrong
If its before you got together then its in the past. All it means is that he has other kids that will be apart of ur lives too!
All that going on in 5 months…to much pettiness, cheating on her to be with you? It’s a doomed relationship to start…I mean let his home and business go…seems odd to me
I guess his first relationship wasn’t all that bad if they were having sex right up until he left her for you. I’m suspicious about the whole thing but that’s just me. One if you’ve only known him 4-5 months then I for one would not let him move in with my children that fast. Ask someone who was molested as a child how charming their stepdad was around their mom. Not saying it’s the case but I for one wouldn’t take any chances. You don’t know him that well. Second if it were me I would be reaching out to his ex. Two sides to every story. We’re they really not in love or was there more to their story. Did he leave her everything because he wanted to or because he had to because of things he did. Too many questions for me to be trying to have a baby with him after 4 months and also trusting him completely around my children. Better to find out the truth now before you make any more decisions
He left the one chick for her… meaning she was the other woman at some point. I would say no matter what, at some point she will be hurt. But, also, if he has taken on her kids as his own, she should do the same for his… right after the results from the DNA test come back and he is the babies father
That’s your karma for being with a man who had a girlfriend lol I don’t feel bad
Sounds to me like you were cheating with him when he was with her!
Sounds to me like you stole another girls, guy?
Sounds to me like they were more serious than he is leading you to believe?
You have no idea if he loved her or not. You are asking for reassurance that no one can give you.
This guy got a girl pregnant, if he is the father of the baby, and you love him so much…do the right thing let him go to take care of his family. At least that child will have a mother and father raising them.
You have children that deserve better than bringing someone in their life (you knew him for 5 months REALLY!) that could be a revolving door. For God’s sake rather than worry about this loser, worry about your precious children! They deserve stability, not someone moving in and “helping” with them every time you meet a nice guy!
You sound so immature…grow up
If you love someone, you stand by them. He didn’t cheat on you and make the baby, I get it hurts, but that’s life sometimes.
If you love him, you’d stick by him. He hasn’t done anything wrong. If you’re insecurities are in the way, leave now, before the baby become involved in your life.
You already have 2 children and he made this women pregnant before he met you …so it’s not like he cheated on you …it sounds like he has given up a lot to be with you so i would stick with it and see in time how it goes …altho if he left her then straight to you do that mean you had met or chatting while they was together ???
You had kids from a previous relationship also. This situation is the same and I FEEL that if you truly love him and want to be with him then move through whatever your hang up is and enjoy life with your blended family.
He has accepted you and your kids,try to do the same.Now I don’t know how she will react with you in his life a not.I will pray for you to make right decision,him too,cause that is his baby too.He has given up a lot for you,try to be patient and understanding.Does he know definitely this baby is his ?
1st of all i would not have moved some man into my home in that short amount of time. U were not thinking about ur kids. But kudos to him for loving ur kids but way to soon
2nd u all have what’s called puppy love. U have no idea if u truly love him or not and vise versa. It’s all new. Souds like he needed an escape route and u happen to be that
3rd getting pregnant right now would be a huge mistake. Kids are not the solutions.
4th it sounds like to me that u were the side chick at 1 point in time and ur upset cause he got someone else pregnant first? That’s childish
Seems like both of u have a lot of going up to do. he will 10-1 probably find someone else as soon as he is bored with u and needs someone else to play house with. For him to give up his home and business that quick sounds a little sus. Alot of things are just not adding up.
Well I haven’t read it all got a bit bored but read up to the point of the other girl is 5 months pregnant and he wants to do the right thing and be there for the baby so it would be very selfish if u not to let him do the right thing by his baby it’s just one of those things you will have to learn to live with I’m afraid or get out of the relationship if u can’t except it or deal with it