The man I am seeing got someone pregnant before we got together: Should I stay with him?

If your willing to be a step mom give er if your not keep going the child didn’t ask for none if this so if your not up for that don’t do it

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Wait… so she’s 5 months along… And so that means you have been with him 5 months… Or less…
And he’s raising your children already?? I’m not trying to be judgy… but damn you move fast…

This sounds like a real “side chick turned main chick” situation.
I hope it’s not but suuuuure sounds like it.
Also, the baby isn’t here yet. His feelings could change entirely once it is born. :woman_shrugging:


Soooo… he can help you raise yours but as soon as someone pops up with his you run?? Sounds a little selfish and self entitled to me… :person_shrugging:


If you love him the way you say you do, than stay with him and try to make it work. It’s going to be difficult, but if the love is real everything else will follow.

You were probably having dreams about babies because this girl was pregnant lol, you have pervious kids with someone else smdh why would you be a hypocrit when the same is happening for him?


I read this story and firstly a lot of pieces missing,this more sounds like he was cheating and got caught,his baby mama who you claimed he now knows is pregnant put his ass out and more than likely it’s her house and her business,so he had nowhere else to go but by you,ofc he’ll show you love to the moon and back,but he more than likely loved this woman and still do,but had to play the role of loving you to have somewhere to rest his head,anyway i can go on and on,moral of the story is if the baby mama decides to take him back he’ll leave with flying colours,and if he cheated on the lady just how you got him you’ll loose him eventually because karma is a big big bitch and if he stays you’ll be a stressful step mom,it would be unhealthy for that child to even spend a day with you,because you wanted to have his first baby,so you’re showing signs of being ah bit pycho already and that poor innocent kid is gonna feel the brunt eventually,you never know both of you probably deserves each other lol

U took him from her. Perhaps karma took somethin from u yo show u how that feels :woman_shrugging:


Personally i think it sounds like you stole another womans man. But I’m only looking from the outside so I don’t know the full story and I wont judge but you should definitely get out of your feeling and support him and your soon to be step child.


Well if hes ok with u having kids by someone else then u should be too since it happened before he was with u


All I hear is me not us in the conversation. You need to be an us first. You need tovquit thinking everything revolves around you. Something seems fishy to me why would he have to leave his a job he loved? Wouldn’t he stay there to help pay the bills. I am sure you live near his job, since he was working when he met you. Why did they not sell the house he had with her? If he didn’t love her Why buy a house with her, if never loved her? If he really loved like you say Why did you buy a house together, instead of living in your small apartment?


I don’t know where you got the audacity but you need to put it back. You broke up his home and then you have the nerve to say this. Dude…get over yourself. You’re not that great. Seriously.


That baby may not even be his

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People are being incredibly critical of your situation, and I am so sorry. I think exploring with a therapist to better understand why you are specifically so upset about not giving birth to the first child.

The whole situation is of course upsetting to all parties, but to be hung up on a detail as such has its reasons.

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It sounds like you are parroting what he told you, “we aren’t in love.” But they have a home and a business. You’re blind. He cheated with you, from the sounds of it, gave you a bunch of lines and justified it, telling you how his now ex feels the same. And then you moved him in. Question, how long after the split up did he move in with you? You’ve been together 4.5 months… the split 5 months ago… bet he moved in immediately and was right around your kids. You both sound like trash. He needs to help momma out but I’m glad she has a fresh start bc he sucks

Y is it a shock when the women that say “ I can’t get pregnant no need for protection” get pregnant? Like cmon common sense right there u cannot always trust a woman saying that. And if you truly loved this Man U wouldn’t be questioning if you should leave him cause he got someone pregnant before he ever met you.


You sound like you’re not mature enough to be having children, period.


I dont understand how you can say you wanted to have his first baby yet you have 2 kids of your own …? So he didn’t have your first babies. So what’s the big deal :thinking: kinda hypocritical…


Should he leave you because your two kids aren’t biologically his. Get over yourself. Do the guy a favor and leave.


Wait … :raised_hand:
Don’t you have kids from a previous relationship that aren’t his? Gotta be a 2 way street babe …


I’m so confused you can have kids from a previous relationship but not him?


So he left a PREGNANT woman to be with you and you think hes wonderful?? Y’all obviously havent been together for very long if the last person he was with is pregnant. You can say hes great all you want, hes trash.

Also sounds like you were the side chick and she was the real main girlfriend and he thought grass was greener on the other side when in reality he might’ve left the best thing that happened to him cause they had a home together a business together even and he left all that for you? Umm sounds like y’all going thru this honeymoon phase and in the end it’s not going to be the best life for y’all cause seems like one of y’all is putting on a facade in the end. Red flags everywhere in your post


I’m still stuck on how u fell in love & moved someone into the home u share with ur kids in five months :exploding_head::flushed:. Sounds like u were sleeping with him while he was still with the previous woman


Realistically speaking, How do you fall so deeply in love with someone so quickly. Did you know him from before? Were you seeing him while he was still living with her? How long have you been together? Obviously he was with her less than 5 months ago. Maybe he was still “with her” while wooing you. Honestly, it’s his choice. You’ll just have to step back and let him figure it out.


Why is this even a question if u love him and he u then u stay. Otherwise a pointless question if you were to break up with him for this u would be the biggest piece of shit this side of the galaxy. Gave up his entire life for u grow up and sacrifice a little u didnt save ur first crotch goblin to have with him now ur even. Actually he’s still owed one maybe its twins!!!

If she is 5 months pregnant. You have not been together long enough to really know this man. Unless you were with him when he was still seeing her. Did you find a cheater on his way out? Of course he is good to you and your kids he needs a place to live. There is so much information missing here. You seem to be dreaming more into this relationship then it is in reality.


Um first of all you cant just trust anyone. Even if you do think you are madly in love with him. Second, is it even his baby? And if he left someone for you, he will leave you for someone. Third, watch your kids!, he seems so involved with them, yet yall have only been together a short while? I will never understand how women just let men around their kids, 5 months is no where near long enough to get to actually know someone. Do you really know this man or are you just wanting to trust him because you are actually just in love with the idea of him, because hes good with your kids?


You have kids with one man who isn’t there and want another one with a man you only been with 5mths? Who has a baby on the way with his ex? Sounds like you need to slow the hell down…


I understand wanting to have his first child but it’s kinda hypocritical if you think about it because you already have children from another man
If you love him then stay with him and love his child too
It doesn’t matter who has the first child with someone or not
He’s helping you raise another man’s children, why should you turn away his child?
Your feelings are valid but you need to genuinely think about every aspect of this
How he’s viewing the situation, how the child would, how you would, then how it is altogether
It’s hypocritical to be ok with him helping raise another man’s kids with you but be upset by having to raise another woman’s kid with him
If he wasn’t unfaithful then he’s done no wrong and you honestly can’t be upset with him
Things happen and he’s not wrong for it and neither is the child
You’ll feel better about it after thinking about the situation as a whole from the outside instead of from the inside with your heart
Your feelings are valid but there are certain ways to react to things that aren’t valid


Really you need help…first off you broke up his relationship. You say you are so in love that’s why he left her bc they didn’t have that love… who you trying to convince me or yourself… seriously if he can be baby daddy to your kids…wtf makes you even ask if you can be baby momma to his. So it was ok for him to love u and accept your past but you to good to accept his? I hope that man runs far away from you!!! You are not a good person


If you truly love him, start with him. He didn’t cheat. Yes, it will be difficult at times, but life isn’t always easy.

I’m not understanding u clearly. He didn’t cheat on u… the girl he got pregnant was before y’all hooked up… but u now wanna leave and he has been there for ur 2 kids that aren’t biologically his… wow… dats unfair… u wanted his first child to be ur 3rd… I’m not u so I don’t know what exactly ur feeling since we all deal with things differently… try saying how u feel to him and see how it goes… but I’d stay wit him… if he is such a great man as u say… we must leave the past in the past… When the child is there… love it like ur very own… I think u maybe a but insecure in the relationship… talk to ur man… get some counseling… all the best to u


Oh Lord have Mercy !!! She is 5 months pregnant, so that tells us he hasn’t been with you that long, And he was with her when you guys met, but he decided to leave her for you, If this is his baby, he has the right to be a father to this baby, And you have to allow him that, I think you really need to reread what you just wrote, And reread it again & again until you get it


I hope this was a troll writing in. This can’t be real. So much stupid in one post.


That’s called calling the kettle black i believe.


“He basically left her to be with me.” No, he didn’t. She threw his manipulative cheating narcissistic ass out… and you’ve just inherited her problems. You’ve probably just done her a big favor to be honest.

Omg if you truly love this man you would not be asking this question he wasn’t with you when she got pregnant so he didn’t cheat or do anything wrong so grow up and stand by the man you claim to love

Ok so you want opinions, and I just wanna warn you I’m blunt
Is this even real?? You are upset hes having a baby with someone else. Yall weren’t together when it happened. This one hurts my head. To sum it up. Get over it. You love him?? Support him. You have two kids he supports and they aren’t his. You said he gave up everything to be with you??? And you can’t do this one thing of being an adult and support him!! You said she wasn’t suppose to have kids??? Get over it, take the higher road and say congrats and see if you can be a part of it. I feel like you seem like a person that isn’t happy unless she gets what she wants…Get over it. Im sure you can make one sacrifice if you are truly " in love". Have a good day yall.


I didn’t know this was a Hallmark movie special wtf how is there so much petty and stupid in one post :woozy_face:


This whole post is messy. First of all, five months pregnant. Which tells me that you have not been with him for very long, so this is the infatuation phase. Not love. And he is already around your kids?
He left a home and business? There is a lot more to this story and I think your first mistake was allowing this man around your children. Second mistake is believing he actually left his whole ass life behind and will not hesitate to do this to you.

This has to be a troll.

So YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN TOGETHER LESS THAN A YEAR…YOU SOUND LIKE AN OBSESSED CRAZY …he was apparently serious enough to buy a house and business with her…i dont know who is more of an ass YOU or Romeo…he needs to ho on back home and take care of them and you find a hobby that doesnt involve attached men

It’s been my experience a lot of men find somewhere else to go after getting someone pregnant. Blaming the ex for getting pregnant is just a bs way of saying I was too lazy etc to wear a rubber. Dump him before he does the same to you.


This is the most selfish post I’ve ever read. You’re jealous because you didn’t give him his first child so you don’t know if you want to be with him? The rest of the post just sounds like obsession on your part. I don’t know how old you are, but you sound immature nonetheless. There’s a difference between loving someone to the ends of the earth and then sounding like a psycho.


If you lovehim and want to be with him…hell yeah stay. Work through your personal hurt and be a part of that kids life💕
Definitely have him do a paternity test tho!!!

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Its bugging me that you moved some man you hardly know in with your kids. This is how bad things happen to kids right here. The thing about predatory men is they are capable of playing any part to get around someone’s kids. I hope for your children’s sake he is as good of a man as you claim he is, because if a man was getting close like that to my kids after that short amount of time it would set off red flags in my head🤷‍♀️. But I don’t trust anyone with my kids.


Feel your feelings. Acknowledge them and understand the reasons behind them. Then leave them behind. It will hurt. That’s ok. If that kid is his…a baby is always a blessing and brings such joy. A year from now you won’t be able to imagine life any other way.

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Lady you are nuts! Sometimes when I read these kind of stories it’s laughable. I’ll just continue reading the other comments :popcorn:


How long have you two really been together? You said he left her for you bc he was no longer happy which means you were together for a while. You need to get over yourself. Stop being selfish. If it is his kid, then you need to suck it up buttercup. I don’t think your insecure about him having the baby, I think your insecure that he’s going to leave you for her. If he goes back to her, then so be it. Yeah, it will be heart breaking, but you have to live with it. You have to think of your kids first. They should be your number 1 priority, not the guy who left you for his SO.

It’s too early for teenage Jerry Springer drama.


Y’all telling her it’s wrong to be upset are wrong. Our feelings are never wrong. It’s what we do with them that makes it tricky💕


I’m sorry he left her his 5month pregnant ex (which i seriously doubt he didnt know but whatever.) For YOU. You do realize that he cheated on her then correct and you are falling right for his plot too? You have known this man for 5months and you trust him around your 2 children and are so worried about the fact hes having a baby by another woman that came before you? Wtf dude. If you are so madly in love with him you’d love his child also regardless of whom it came from. Yall both need to slow tf down and actually get to know one another.
If he can cheat on her he’ll cheat on you, you are no different than that woman other than the fact you are trying to act like this child somehow changes anything.
You need to kick this mf out because he shouldn’t be around ur kids and from the sounds of it hes a pos anyways. Im hoping he never brings harm to those kids.


Your just going to have to get over it if you want to be with him to me it’s a stupid thing to get cought up on. It happened it can’t be fixed why fixate on that . It will be hard at time but if you truly love him it shouldn’t matter

Wait. You’re upset because you’re not the one having his first bio child that was conceived before you two became a couple. But he didn’t get to be the first one to have children with you? Very selfish mindset! It’s not like he cheated! It happened before you two were a thing. If he accepts yours, you need to accept and love his just the same!


Ok sugar. Grow up. Woman up. And be there for your man. You sound like a jealous teenaged girl. Shit happens, shuggy. If you truly loved him, you wouldn’t be asking if you should stay.:woman_facepalming:

Far out… why should his first have to be with you when you cant have that with him? You have 2 kids already so that’s pretty selfish to want to be the first to give him a baby (you already gave that to someone)… I can understand loving someone and wanting to give them a kid… how old are you guys? You said he left a business THEY had and a home THEY had… so that tells me he was committed to this pregnant woman before he met you so there was love there because you don’t start a whole life with someone you’re not committed to… I feel like theres alot you’re not saying and are looking for some type of sympathy… I have zero sympathy for people who mess with people in relationships… you’ve been together 5 months and you think that’s a long enough to determine him loving you enough to stay? Look what he did to his baby momma


He helps your with your kid that isn’t his. So help him out :slightly_smiling_face: this happened before you we’re together.
Would you have gotten with him if he had a kid or he knew she was pregnant?

If she’s five months pregnant how long have you been with him


Honestly I wouldn’t be able to deal with my partner having a child with someone else either just because I’d find it difficult to have to be constantly involved with the ex. I’d move on just so my feelings and negativity towards the situation wouldn’t get in the way of him being a great dad to his child

Wow! Just wow!! So you busted up that woman’s home and are now upset that she’s having his child?! Smh…piece of work.


…. And he isn’t giving you your first baby. Grow the fuck up. This is childish as fuck and you should go apologize to your man and stop acting like a spoiled ass brat. Period.

You need therapy! :woman_shrugging: And Focus on YOUR KIDS! (it’s only been a few months, and its already toxic):woman_facepalming: He is not “the one”!


Knowing your boyfriend has a woman pregnant RIGHT NOW is an okay limit to set. Regardless of how and when it happened, what information you had access to, whatever, you do not need to accept that in a relationship. If someone else’s pregnancy threatens your intimacy-and it absolutely will- you can yeet the whole thing.

The blah-dee-blah about the significance of a relationship presumably less than 5 months long is a bit much. This is why it is so important to wait to introduce a new partner.

You need to just leave him. Not because he’s expecting a child with a woman he was with before you but bc you’re NEVER going to accept his child. You sound like such a selfish person that you will always hold a grudge against his child.
You have been with this man 5 months at most and already have him moved in around your kids playing house. Smfh. No ma’am you need to focus on yourself and grow up.


If you love him as much as you say you do, then make it work. Feelings are only temporary. Don’t be selfish.


Everyone has a life before their current relationship. If you love him and he’s stepping up to do the right thing wouldn’t that make you love him even more?

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You mean his wife is pregnant right?? Like seriously you dont know this guy for real at all!! You moved him in with your babies!!! They own a home and business together!!! Shes pregnant with his child and everything else. Seriously you sound so selfish you dont even consider your Childrens safety or feelings at all. You been around someone 5 months and already have them involved and living with them. If i was your baby daddy id take those babies and run


Girl, come on now. It’s either you wanna be with him or don’t. Plus you have kids too. This whole post is just weird. Lol


Also ever think maybe he’s upset that you have kids by someone else first also and won’t have his first biological child? Doesn’t make any sense at all especially because you already have kids also!

5 months pregnant? Is this woman in addition to the one he built a business and owned a home with? Seems like he’s easily distracted by the next best thing. 5 months? So you guys have been together for 5 months or less? Or did he step out on you too? If I’m understanding this right, he needs kicked to the curb. Your kids don’t have to be left when he gets bored or distracted, and he will. Once a cheater always a cheater.


So you’re a home wrecker who feels like you’re also the victim? This page’s questions test my sanity every day :rofl::rofl::rofl:


So his life before y’all’s together never existed and because he’s trying to be a good daddy you’re frustrated because the baby isn’t yours. Oh please get over yourself and please stop calling madly in love 6-10 months in you’re still in the honeymoon phases where you think he’s the best thing in gods green earth and that you’re entitled to him 100000%


You’ve been together maybe 6 months and he’s “raising” your kids? Hardly. He’s a boyfriend. Is this baggage you can accept or not?


You need mental help, like yesterday. Hope this is fake!


Define “were together and have been for a while” the other woman is only 5 mo pregnant! Sooo you been together 4 months and already moved his ass in with your children?? I think youre focusing on the wrong problem here…
Its been 5 years and i still learn new things about my partner everyday! You dont know that man from Adam and his love bombing and rushing into this is a RED FLAG. Toxic men and Narcissist use love bombing as a tactic to reel you in get you hooked like a drug only to months and years later flip the script and start the abuse. Think about the rest of your life raising his child dealing with his ex. Children are life long commitments. You will see this lady at the kids wedding someday. You down with that? Kinda sounds like you stole the man away, can your conscious handle that?

Ha get rid of him please

Key words BEFORE WE WERE TOGETHER. If you can’t accept that who he was with before you and that you aren’t the first person he got pregnant then don’t be with him. You expect him to accept your children from previous relationship this is no different. He left HER for YOU. you are literally the other woman. And this is what you are upset about ?! You need help lady


This doesn’t seem right?? Do you love him, or not?? If you truly are so in love with him, you’d stay, but you HAVE to treat this new child like your own. You’d be one hell of a bitch of you didn’t.

Just give us a update on this situation in 6 months!!! Plz!!!


If you loved him like you say. You wouldn’t be questioning if you should stay or go because he has a kid on the way. That happen before y’all started dating.

He went from living with her to living with you!

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I think you need to let go of the idea of wanting him to have his first child with you. As you already have two children that aren’t his. He wasn’t your first either so now it’s kinda even. Also the fact that they had a house together and business together. Once he starts spending more time with her going to appointments it will be very easy for him to go back. Especially as he came into your home it’s pretty much the clothes on his back and he’s gone. So unless he’s prepared to marry you and make that commmitment to you. Then your taking a gamble being with him and don’t be surprised if he leaves. Or you can cut your losses now and remain friends but tell him you understand that that’s his priority now and that he needs to go do that. Unless he’s willing to solely commit to you.


You had kids before the relationship… now he has a kid before the relationship. Either be happy and deal with it since he wants to stay with you or let him go

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Is this a joke post?? Seriously! It’s okay that your “first biological baby” isn’t with him, but it’s not okay that his “first biological baby” isn’t with you?!? This whole situation is just out there. The man had a life before you, just like you had a life before him. Get over it.


Are you dating my ex?


You wanted to give him his first child but you already have 2? I’m sorry but I am going to be blunt. The way he walked out on her for another woman could very well be you soon. Secondly what man gives up his lively hood and moves in with another woman with children so soon? There are so many red flags here.


Wait, you’re deeply in love that fast? :flushed: let’s get into reality here. lol… move on. You’ll be alright I promise. Let the dude be a dad and stay with homegirl and raise that kid. Obviously you’re both nuts in the head or you’re just naive and he’s just stringing you along anyways.


If you love him the way you say you do you will have no problem loving his child as well but I would definitely encourage a paternity test once baby is born

Get a DNA TEST on baby. Something fishy

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From reading that, you sound like a big bag of crazy.


This is a joke right?
There’s a few things wrong here. Number one, you have kids already but you’re upset that he’s going to have one from before you and you don’t get to have his first biological child with him? Get over it. This is his responsibility now. And if you’re even thinking about walking away because of that then just do it already. The baby in the situation deserves better than someone who may resent them. They didn’t ask for this.

Furthermore, I can bet you anything that there’s more to this story with him than you’re getting. A grown man left all of his responsibility for you? Sounds super unhealthy. He sounds super unstable. And truth be told there is almost always another side to the story and I can bet you this other woman would tell it completely different than what you’re getting from him.

It’s so soon in your relationship with him from the looks of it. If I were you I’d take a step or ten back and reevaluate this. You have children, is this really what you want them in the middle of?


If you have such a deep connection and love him … You should not even have to ask. This Question…


You will probably be jealous after the baby is born.


So you expect him to be their for your kids but your considering leaving him because he got someone else pregnant before he met you . My advise is run not to you but too the guy.


Wow he should leave you to be honest. Honestly sounds selfish to me.


So it’s ok for you to have kids from a previous relationship but it’s not ok for him to?


He needs to get a DNA test . And yes stay with him it was before you and you have children should he leave you

So yall have been together less than 5 months apparently but now he’s having a baby and he needs to take care of that baby. Step aside and let him be responsible for his child.


First of all, you’ve only been dating for a max of five months and you moved him in with you and your children!? That is a crazy move to begin with. You need to be more guarded as a mother than that! You need to be more protective of your children than that…bringing men in and out of their lives will not be any good for them at all. With how selfish, childish and delusional you sound, you need to step back and work on yourself so you become a better role model for those babies. I’m pretty sure we’ve only got a small sliver of the real story here. You say he left her for you…so he was obviously with this other lady for some time and he perceived you as a grass is greener on the other side kind of situation. He left everything behind though…please? He didn’t leave that behind for you, it was either never his to begin with or he’s a big fat liar to make you feel like he’s willing to give up everything just for you…“the love of his life”, more like at least until something better comes along. If you had such a deep connection with him, you’d do anything to be with him…including not being a baby because you don’t get to be the first to have his baby. By being supportive of his want to be in that babies life, that would show that you love him. You questioning staying with him because of this baby is just selfish, pathetic and childish. Grow up.


Imagine judging someone else for having a kid when you have 2.


You have like four months. Together…,