Things feel different

This is a " I can dish it but can’t take it" moment. You’re mad he had a better “joke” than you


Get over yourself… Don’t call names unless you’re prepared to be called names back!!! :rofl::woman_facepalming:t3:


Umm… I just… huh? I had to double check the name of this group.

My marriage was great, then I called my husband a name so he called me one back and now I think we are doomed. Like what?


This has got to be a joke right??? Time to put your big girl panties on and be able to take what you dish out.


I bet you’re fun to be married to :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Maybe she meant b***h not bike … idk because why would that upset you when she “name called” first


You seem to have forgotten the golden rule - don’t dish out what you can’t take back-


Name calling is not ok you started it so I don’t feel you should be mad at him for calling you that… he has feelings too


Why are people on here so mean with the comments…it is Christmas time yall dang…clearly she is just realizing more serious deep rooted issues like the part she said about “he is always tired” which obviously means he never wants to have sex and perhaps she said it to him in a joking manner and he said it in a hateful cruel manner. I thought this was a support group.

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What are you? 5? Maybe aunt flow? Or pre menopause. Super bad reaction to a fight - you started.

Girl you need some thicker skin for real you started it I mean …my husband of 30 years and I joke all the time but we know it’s just that we laugh alot !!! Don’t be so sensitive.


You called him a miserable old fart. :woman_facepalming: He just fired something back.


Wow! Seriously, take a step back and consider how he felt when you insulted him! I’m with him here….don’t dish out what you can’t take in return.
However, maybe things are different, maybe you both need some space and/or need an adult conversation to see where your relationship is right now and if and how you could improve it. Good luck xx

Sounds like something my sone would say lol. My son called me ‘old knuckles’ no idea what that is supposed to mean😂

I’m confused cause you called him and old fart first… an old bike??? Doesn’t sound that rude he definitely could’ve been wayyy more rude.

Ma’am, This was ALOT of words to say “I can dish it but not take it back “:joy::joy:


After filtering through a lot of bike restoration and advertisements… I have managed to find the meaning (I think :sweat_smile:). “A woman is supposed to have curves like an old Bentley, not like an old bike”.

To poster: Yes, this is hurtful…but if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen :sweat_smile:


I think people are being kinda mean over this. I think the biggest part of this is how he acted when he knew your feelings were hurt. I get it.

And for anyone wondering, old bike means slut or whore, which to me is a far stretch from miserable old fart

Forgive me…but what does it mean to call someone an old bike?


If you can’t take the heat, get out the kitchen. You can’t call him names, then get upset when he calls you a name :roll_eyes: it’s a two way street, my dear. Didn’t your mama tell you about the golden rule? Do to others as you want done to you? Eye for an eye. Tit for tat. Etc etc. You’ll be alright.


I’m going to take a guess & assume there must be something else underlining your feelings here. It struck a nerve because there’s something else bothering you. Maybe take a step back & reflect on that. Maybe you’re just stressed out. I know I am this time of year. Me & my fiancé fire back at each other all the time. :woman_shrugging:


I think this goes way deeper that being butt hurt about the name he called you. Sounds like you two need to find your spark again. And in the future… don’t call him names if you don’t like it in return. End of story.

If you can’t take it don’t deal it. You could’ve hurt his feelings too and that was his response to it.


You reduced him down to a bodily function… I would have called you the same thing…and the fact that you can’t she your own behavior… he probably damn meant it.

YOU LEFT AN OPEN INVITATION BY CALLING HIM AN OLD FART! I hope you held those tears back and get some aspirin for your case of butthurt because YOU STARTED IT :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: There is no one more unattractive and aggravating to deal with than someone who starts a fight and plays victim!!! Seek out therapy for your husband’s sake!


My kids roast each other all the time. When one starts I yell out really loud “I don’t want to hear you guys crying when you get your feelings hurt.”


Also, I’m sure he was just as upset as you were. Are his feelings not valid? Were you concerned that he was upset, or were you just concerned that your feelings got hurt and he didn’t make you feel better?


My husband calls me an old lady old bitch but we just mess around alot and we have been married 23 yrs in two weeks

In the immortal words of Lil John “don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit.” You literally opened the door by calling HIM a miserable old fart. Hypocrite much??

So you can jokingly insult him but after 8.5 years you can’t handle one joking diss back at you. If you are that sensitive don’t dish out something you can’t handle. I wouldn’t have been bothered by you being a crybaby either. :roll_eyes:


Did you not expect him to respond back when you called him a miserable old fart? Why is it ok if you said something that can hurt his feelings, but when he says something it isn’t ok for him to respond with something that could hurt your feelings? You literally started it


Sooo you can make a joke about him but he can’t return one back? Interesting.


Call him a wimp dick :joy:

You will get your answer from talking to him… Since you know him better than we do.

Talk to him, not the internet. That’s the problem, you confide in strangers and not the person you married.

You called him a “miserable old fart”, and he had a come back. Maybe you hurt his feelings with your words


Ask him what he meant, maybe it was nothing more than the first thing that came to his mind as a come back for your comment. Or you could ask him to prove that romance is like riding a bike…that you never forget and it comes back once you try.

Don’t dish out what you can’t handle. Maybe he didn’t appreciate what you said either.:roll_eyes:


You most likely hurt his feelings with your comment joking or not, so he returned the gesture. You where up set with what he said and that he didn’t seen to care that he hurt you, but did you stop and wonder if he was up set and hurt too?


The fact that you called him an Old Fart, it’s clear your suppressing what really bothers you about him. If he doesn’t want to do things together, then do the things yourself with a friend or family member. Leave the old fart home

Maybe he is cheating

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Hey, at least he didn’t call you a miserable old bike. Just old bike.


Don’t ever dish out what you can’t take in. Me and my husband joke like this and I never take what he says seriously. And vide Versa. If the rare occasion one of us take it to far we make it known. Apologize and move on.


Wait wait wait… you can give a joke but can’t take one? NEXT!!!


Don’t dish it out if you can’t take what you get back …old saying goes Can’t take the heat stay your ass out of the kitchen . My hubby and I roast each other’s asses all the time been together 20 years

So wait…you called him an old fart and hes not supposed to be bothered but you get called an old bike and you’re bothered? Well, air up those tires are ride off some where. Is this real life?


This post is confusing


I never heard that expression what’s an old bike?

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Well are you an old bike ? :rofl: no but he was just matching your energy. Get over it. You literally started it …… :full_moon_with_face::joy:


Sorry Mama but you’re being extremely sensitive! You called him a name joking around and he responded with a name joking around. An old bike is definitely not the worst he could have said. He could have said you are a crazy old bat or bat shit crazy and it sounds like you would have been upset either way. To me it does sound like you have an unresolved issue or reason that you felt so triggered by what he said. Thats something you would have to deal with. Personally i dont see anything wrong with what he said or a reason for you to be so hurt. If after 8.5 yrs you should know each other better than that. You are literally upset over something you started. If you’re that soft maybe you shouldn’t play like that anymore!

You started it, so he gave you a joke back. What’s the problem? At least an old bike still gets used from time to time. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Bike…like slut? I’m a bit confused.

I must be missing the meaning of old bike. So what? You called him a name, he commented back. Blow your nose and move on. If you can’t take a little teasing don’t dish it out. Simple as that.


I mean, you started it and it was a small joking name. Not an actual nasty remark


What? You call him a name then get offended when he calls you one back? Please stop… this can’t be real :woman_facepalming:t4:


I mean you called him names first, don’t dish it if you can’t take it dude :woman_shrugging:

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An old bike he could’ve said something a lot worse. Stop saying stupid things to him and not expect it back.

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LMFAO GROW THE FUCK UP :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: YOU OLD BIKE… DF :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: people got REAL problems in their life’s… simple keep your mouth shut if you can’t take the heat!!! You would cry a fucking ocean in my house with as much shit talking we do here!!! :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy: I’m so done with the internet today!!!

Well if you can’t take an insult back at ya, maybe you shouldn’t say it.


My husband always tells me not to joke with him if I can’t take it back :rofl:


“Today I called my husband a funny name and he called me one back so I got upset”


I don’t get what you’re upset about… you were joking around first?

He just meant he will never forget how to ride it! Lol

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I thought this was a joke until I read the rest of it! He was just teasing you back trying to flirt I don’t understand where you would find offense in that?

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The older you get, your life changes, your tired physically , mentally and emotionally, you have to try harder at every thing you do.

Don’t want him to call you an old bike don’t call him an old fart…


Erm well if you can’t take it, don’t dish it out love :rofl::rofl: it’s called banter.


Holy shit…you should hear the stuff my husband and I tease and banter each other about. I honestly think the joking and fun playfulness is what keeps our spark alive.

What the hell does “old bike” insinuate because at first I thought the word bike was typoed🤣


Lol. It’s crap like this that people get offended about, that really get me thinking about the state society is in now.

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Leave…just kidding. Seriously you can’t call him something and then get upset when he does it back. You just look silly.


So its ok for you to call him an old fart but your upset that he dished it back? Seriously if your not a bike then why are u upset? He was probs joking like you were


Maybe he has found a younger bike somewhere else


Sorry mama but if you are going to joke and call him a name you can’t get hurt if he calls you one back. If you are going to take it seriously don’t do it in the first place. I think your being a bit too sensitive IMO


You want to call names then cry when you are called something. Get over it you started it. Also he could of called you something alot worse.


You literally called him a name in a joking manner he snapped back with a comment …now your upset at him? If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen my mom always said!
Maybe tonight compliment him or call me a sweet name if he then calls you and old bike then come back and tell us!


Really-:weary: this post sounds ridiculous-grow up lady.


Why would you have called him a miserable old fart? That certainly isn’t something I would ever consider calling my husband :flushed:


Treat other people the way you want to be treated. :smile:


You literally started it, don’t act like a child.


You called him names so he called you names back, you did it jokingly, but may have upset him, so he said something back, talk about it, sit down, apologise and let him know it was a joke and that you are sorry if you hurt his feelings and you won’t call him names again, and he should do the same.

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Grow up! You can call him a miserable old fart but want to play victim when he returns the banter and jokes? I’m sure you’re alot of fun at family gatherings :upside_down_face:


You started and now your feelings are hurt, go sit yo a** down somewhere.


Don’t dish it if you can’t take it :woman_shrugging:t3:


Don’t start no shit won’t be no shit :rofl: put your big girl panties on

What??? You called him old fart but he can’t reply back ? Like someone else said., grow up !!!


Petty much… I think your being ridiculous.

Me and my ex would roast each other hard lol… my comebacks were wayyyy better :joy:


Soooo, it’s ok to caller him a miserable old fart, ?? And he can’t say anything back?? Come on now !!!

I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. My husband and I do and say things like that all the time. Take it with a grain of salt!!

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You are the problem. You started it and now you’re upset about his returned comment. Grow up.


Wooooo! Poor bloke!
My husband gets roasted hard and I get it back just as hard :joy::joy::joy: somethings he says absolutely kills me!
If he reacted like you I’d be divorcing his miserable ass!

Sounds like you need to grow up abit/find a sense of humour!

Roasting eachother is the key to a good funny relationship :joy::clap: don’t give it if u can’t take it x


Like i tell my children when they start with teasing eachother “if you can dish it out you better be able to take it too”. You cant call someone a name then get butthurt when they do it back.


If you can’t take a joke then don’t dish them out.


So you can call him a name but when he does it jokingly back you get offended? Seriously!:person_facepalming:


Lmao so you call him names and he can’t return the favor? You can’t handle it then don’t dish it out. Suck it up butter cup.

You teased him first? He can’t tease you back? What kind of bassackwards expectation is that?


It’s just a joke. You started it first. No reason to be upset. You know what they say … If you can’t take the heat, stay outta the kitchen! … No, wait. Don’t do that. He’s probably too tired to cook too :joy:

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