Things feel different

Did you put “bike” on purpose, or did it autocorrect from b!tch? Cuz I’m not seeing the insult here :thinking:

Dear, if you can’t take it, don’t dish it…


Wow that’s nothing. I get called a c@nt , bitch .

I’d say it came from your initial insensitive comment and that it’s more than ironic to play victim right after you tell everyone exactly how you screwed up.


Interesting that you want to call someone names but when they retaliate you catch feelings. Don’t play games you can’t win.


You cant name call and expect nothing😂 lmfao its a joke you are taking it too serious


We have an old bike in the garage its worth more than a couple of our new bikes…perhaps he was complimenting you.


No one ever forgets their old bikes. “you remind me of an old bike, I could never forget how to ride it” idk. I’m not sure why that is offensive.

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So you talked shit to him and then he did it back and now you’re mad???

i mean u cant get insultwd when u insult someone first lol get over it


Didn’t u call him a rude comment first? What did u expect ?

And this is where you see that people never see their mistakes, but are well aware of other’s, look deep inside you first, do you honestly think YOU didn’t do ANYTHING that could’ve caused him to say that?


Ok so, ….don’t talk sh!t if you don’t like to be sh!t talked back? He probably retaliated with “old bike” because it was the first thing that came to mind with the word “old” in it in an attempt to match your “old” comment. I doubt he meant it seriously. Everyone has a sore spot though, you and your husband should discuss this and let him know that comments like that are too far for you and then see what type of remarks are too far for him as well. I talk sh!t all the time but I know which subjects not to say in regards to my husband and other family and they know mine. It’s all fun and games until someone hits a sore spot but you need to communicate in order for each of you to understand what the other one finds “too far”. It sounds like you guys need to communicate better. Discuss your feelings about the comment, things feeling different and ways to work around his 6 day work schedule and being tired. Just because you work equally as hard, doesn’t mean his energy level is as high as yours. Don’t use yourself as an example of why he shouldn’t be “too tired”, you don’t want to assume how tired he physically and mentally is based on what YOU think he feels. Communicate calmly and rationally and you both need to listen and respect what is said to one another :slightly_smiling_face:

So you can call him miserable and old and it’s fine but you can handle him giving it right back? Ridiculous


Ok lemme get this right you called him a miserable old fart and he called you a bike a fuckin bike :upside_down_face: dude are you kidding me like is that the worst thing you’ve ever been called if you were really joking around then you should’ve told him to grab onto your handle bars and make that bell ring :person_shrugging::clown_face:

Forgive one another and start all over. Never bring it up again. :heart:


You’ve crossed that line now, you can never go back. Never change lovers in the middle of the night. That’s free advice

If you dish it out then you should learn to handle it when it’s dish back to you!!

Imagine how he felt when you called him and old fart??

Joke or not, if you going to name call / be over dramatic etc then expect the same to be done to you!


I say to mine all the time, don’t start nothing won’t be nothing.
Basically means don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. If someone insults me, I will fire back with both barrels. Even if you only shot me with one. It’s called a one up. So you might have been joking, but it will be hard to get support when you started.


I don’t see the problem. You called him a name , he responded. That’s normal.

Gotta take what you dish out! Ive been with my man for 10 years and i call him a cranky old man child :joy:

I’m assuming it was old bitch… ? Not old bike? If being called an old bitch bothers you tell him!! Anything but the B word I don’t appreciate you calling me a bitch period!! Some words trigger people worse than other words do. My hubby knows that after 32 years you can call me something but never that . I don’t do the B word. We don’t call each other hateful stuff anymore anyway. But I hate that word. :unamused:

Are you a water sign :sweat_smile: I’m getting some Pisces vibes for real

Can dish out, can not take. Gotcha.


It was a joke - get over it!

Talk to him about it

Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it… you were rude in the first place

You called him a name first I am sure he didn’t like that either


Uh… you asked for it.


I would apologize for your words, then let him know how his words hurt, and agree to try not to ever do that again. Forgive, learn, try to move on.

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Don’t start none won’t be none.


Exhaust yourself asking why did it cause such a stir within yourself? Find your words for your emotions, the statement itself is just as harmless as yours, look deeper into you and remember treat others how you want to be treated. Its only different for you im sure he’s oblivious to how your feeling and thinking how was he supposed to know that you would feel like that, good luck.

Cause you called him miserable… smh… you can dish out but cant take. Hmm…


You started it by calling him miserable and an old fart…what did you expect? Him to just laugh it off and say nothing? Wrong. Don’t dish out what you can’t eat.


I mean there’s a big difference between her calling him an old fart and him calling her a whoe. An old bike implies that everybody has taken a ride on her. Me and my husband bust each other’s chops all the time… and we prank each other to no end. But that man better not ever call me a whor or a slu* and he knows better. That’s taking it too far to me. But also it seems as though he can’t take a joke either about his age so maybe be careful when joking there. This is all just a misunderstanding hun. Y’all talk it out and kiss and make up. You’ll both know what each other’s triggers are from here on out. Both of you stop being silly lol and talk it out. Hugs to you hun!!

So it’s okay for you to call him old but not okay for him to do the same? Girl. Come on. What’s that old adage, don’t dish it if you can’t take it? You old bike :roll_eyes:

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Welp looks like you didn’t get the response you were expecting from anyone.
Perfect example of “you think your shit don’t stink”

Although I get if you can give you can take, yes 100% definitely, all for it if you don’t like it don’t do it that’s what I say!
BUT a big difference from you misriable old fart to you old bike, I find that quite offensive… the word bike makes me feel like someone who gets around rather then a compliment :thinking: you don’t really say that to someone as a joke and quite clearly he said that to cause offence, doesn’t really seam a joke, seams just a tad oTT in my opinion, I wouldn’t be very happy either really, just a random asf thing to say back when can be so many other things you could’ve come out with :thinking:


Wait you called him a miserable old fart and he retaliated and you’re…Mad? You probably hurt his feeling first and only give a shit that he hurt yours?

My husband and I call each other fucking stupid allllllll the time and laugh our asses off doing so. Weren’t you joking?

Old bike or old bat…?? Maybe a type o…eather way a drank man tells the truth and a joke spoken out of turn in reality was not a roke at all…but a thought that crossed your mind many times…that you finally had the nerve to voice…as a ( joke ) one should never believe the joker when they cut you down in a joke…then claim (I was just joking) in reality…it was their true feelings of an other… coming out.


Omg you literally started it and he was joking just like you were. Chill out.


Wtf… you literally started it🤷🏾‍♀️


But you can call him a “miserable old fart??” :rofl::rofl::rofl: trust and believe I’d have called you a lot worse than an old bike I can’t say it on here cuz I’ll get banned for 30 days but message me if you wanna know


Marriage is not for Sissy’s. Suck it up Buttercup!! If you call someone a name and they call you a name back. At least you are communicating! Go give Him or her a Big kiss and move on! It ain’t easy making a marriage work! Love covers a multitude of name-calling!! Holy Bible Clara’s version Corinthians Chapter 7! Have a Great day!

Being very sensitive

Lol…you started it. Dont dish out what u cant take. If he was too tired to go out,then you should have cooked or ordered delivery and made it special if wanted that.


You started it and do you honestly think after calling him a miserable old fart that he’d want to be close to you? I wldnt have wanted you anywhere near me or in my view, nevermind touch you. Think before you speak


Don’t dish out what you cannot take. Pot meet kettle. Think he likes being called miserable? Communication goes a long way vs social media. Voice your concerns and maybe he may open up and let you know why he’s been miserable.


You started it. Why didn’t yall just laugh about it and carry on?

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Lmao. You insult him but get hurt when he literally insults you right back?! :smile::smile: If that’s your thought process, I’m surprised yall lasted this long!


So…you start it…and then when he retaliated you get butthurt? Grow up and dont dish it out if you cant take it.


Ffs if you think you got it bad you should hear me and my hubby,take it as a joke,you did say something first after all.
In my house its called banta,you would be appalled and proberbly call it abuse if you heard name calling in my home​:rofl::rofl:


Calling someone an old fart lots of people say that jokingly it’s far different than somebody calling you an old bike with the meaning behind it that you were a who*e… that’s not ok

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Girl… if you can’t take it don’t dish it. I’m sure he was just playing back. I’m sure he didn’t appreciate being called an old fart either lol :joy: him not doing the deed on your anniversary is what is concerning me tho…


So u can joke around but he can’t . Now if he said nothing u would have been mad he didn’t respond and “ignored” you :expressionless: sounds like u like to dish it out but can’t take it back


I would have asked him where that came from. Most likely he heard it from a show or buddy. Count your blessings :raised_hands::pray:

Jesus lol laugh at little.

So you like to dish out INSULTS but can’t handle it back??? Aaaaaaaand looking for sympathy??? :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:


Ummm am I missing something…what’s an old bike​:thinking::thinking::thinking:


Um I call myself a bitch bc I know I’m a bitch at times. So in this act if he were to say like an old dog. I think id laugh. Sorry. But you asked for it.

Don’t call yourself something your not willing for someone else to admit or joke.

Sorry to say but you can’t go around dishing out and expect silence, me and my husband jokes around sometimes and he calls me names and I retaliate and call him names back but we don’t take it up too serious


The only person that would be hurt by his comment is an old bike. :confused:


Maybe he didn’t think it was very funny. Just because you said it jokingly doesn’t mean he has to take it as a joke… and just because he’s a man doesn’t mean he just has to take it.


To be fair you started it and couldn’t take the slap back! Let it go if that’s the only bump in the road y’all doing good


So you can dish it out, you just can’t take it back. :joy::joy: Girl, bye.


You started it doe you should have watched your mouth why would you say that to your husband :sob::sob:I see you ain’t like his comment see god don’t. Like ugly

You started it. Obviously you can dish it out but not take it. Grow up!


You sound like a old bike in this post. Clap back or you should have never started it …as the old saying goes “if u can’t take heat stay tf out the kitchen”…


Go be what he called ya :woozy_face: nahhh if you can’t take a joke don’t joke around with him?


Why are you offended by it is my question :thinking:
If you cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not. Don’t call people names if you can’t take someone calling you a name.


Oh my goodness. You started it. If youre gonna joke you better handle it too. Wtf! I can insult you but you cant? Hell no. Its a joke not a dick! Chill.

Wait, YOU called him a miserable old fart AND THEN got upset because he called you an old bike?? Come on man, you can’t be serious with this nonsense.


Maybe he didnt apreciated yiur joke and insulted you the same way.


Sounds like you started it.


Your man should be the one who get Offended by your comment, don’t start a fight that you can’t handle


You have been okay for 8 years and you’re upset over being called an old bike after calling him something??? Lol I’d die to have that. Some ppl aren’t so lucky.


Questioning your entire marriage over a joke??? People’s marriages change all the time and if you thought it was going to be lollipops and flowers all the time then you joked yourself into believing something that’s not true. If you don’t understand you’re into the comfortableness of your marriage and you either learn to spice it up or communicate with your own spouse then apparently you don’t have communication in your marriage since you’re asking a page for answers.

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He was nasty to call you that… he went in for the jugular straight away. He could have just called you an old fanny :roll_eyes: instead. He chose to start sexualising the little banter that you started. He should have also apologised when he saw you crying. You could have then maybe had a deeper conversation about how you both felt. Maybe suggest some counselling for you both to talk about those issues. Good luck. X

I think you should just call it a case of your emotions or hormones and move on. He was joking.


That seems to fall into the category of don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. You may have hurt his feelings just as much as he hurt yours and just like you disregarded his feelings and stress level, he showed you he can do the same.


I don’t understand the old bike comment. What does that mean? And wow people are harsh to this woman.


It was a joke it’s equal to what you called him I wouldn’t think that much into it

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So it’s ok for you to call him names but not him to call u names? GET OVER URSELF


Omg u called him a name first. This is making u upset??


Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it


Wow…if u can’t take it then don’t dish it. My ol man calls me a bitch and I call him an asshole. We are sarcastic with each other but we both know when the other is serious.

Maybe you hurt his feelings… pay backs suck

I understand it does seem like an oddly specific comment, one which I have never heard before… especially w the intimacy thing. You ride bikes…

Girllll😭 I wish that was the worst I’ve heard from my husband! It was a joke sweetie.
My husband and I have a best friend/ marriage kind of relationship so i have thick skin with him and his jokes. So I hope I’m not sounding too insensitive about it.
Just chill, he made a come back, a joke. I’m sure that doesnt change the love and feelings he has for you. Be a smart a$$ and have a better come back next time! And dont take it to heart or personal. It’s just teasing around.

Joking aside that kind of remark from either of you shows a huge lack of respect from both of you. Take a step back and figure out what’s really bothering you and then have a discussion with him without the “joking”. Where your feelings were hurt by what he said, what did he feel? Or did you ask? If things feel different to you there’s a good bet they feel different to him too. The only way you will find out is to ask. Then talk to figure out what the next step is.


You called her n an old fart. Guess he didn’t find it funny. Ask for a big hug and compliment him. Every day

Tit for tat you called a name. He called you one back :woman_shrugging:t3:


I don’t understand this…

“I don’t understand where that comment came from”…. You literally the moment before he said this called him a “miserable old fart”… like where do you think it came from lol


You called him a miserable old fart, I’m sure he didn’t like that either


Maybe not joke around if u can’t take a joke :roll_eyes:


Maybe he said bike because he didn’t want to say ‘ya ol bitch’ :rofl::rofl: … you did call him an old fart first whatcha expect lol

Man the amount of insults I get from my man and the amount I tell to him, if you can’t have fun in the relationship then don’t be in it. Almost 9 years you 2 have been together, quite frank id come back with the same thing :woman_shrugging:t2: I mean you did call him a miserable OLD fart.


huh?? am i reading this right?? i’m super confused with what you’re asking babe :joy: if you took offense to what he said, you should hear what me and my husband say to each other…
i feel like if you’re the type that can serve jokes but can’t take them in return, maybe you shouldn’t start it in the first place. don’t say or do something that you wouldn’t like being said or done to you!