This girl has been hitting on my boyfriend at the gym: Advice?

Trust is the main part of a relationship trust your gut

He didn’t have to tell u at all


Drama lama, this right here is why he didn’t tell you. Good luck getting him to open up again


If he’s telling you then why don’t you trust him. If he had something to hid he wouldn’t have told you. Maybe instead of a fight he needed advice on how to handle the situation. If you like him then find out before you make a fool of yourself.


I wouldn’t be upset thst he goes at a time he feels comfortable. However, I would be curious as to why it’s been going on for weeks.

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Join the gym and go together. Ask him to go to another location to work out


Maybe ypur reaction was the reason he didn’t sY anything sooner? He was honest, and that should count for something :slight_smile: good luck with it all :slight_smile:


He tells you the truth… and you go the f*ck off… :roll_eyes:

Be thankful he even told you. You can’t stop someone from flirting with your partner. Its how your partner handles it , him coming to you was the right thing. Maybe he just realized it was over the top flirting and he wanted your advice.


You’re creating problems for yourself that arent there. He could have literally not told you and you’d have had no idea.

He should not have to alter his schedule because of someone else. If he doesn’t like it, tell him to ask her to stop.


Anyone can switch on you anytime, trust no one!


Well if he entertains the idea then he can fuck off. And if he keeps his nose clean keep him around. Find a friend who goes to the same gym to spy that he doesn’t know.

i would also be upset that this has been happening for weeks knowing it would upset you and he still neglected to tell you and let this random girl continue to hit on him


You dont trust him because he told you a girl was hitting on him? I’d say ur lucky he told you and be grateful he’s honest? And let’s all be honest here… who can be bothered to go to the gym AFTER work…


He told you about it so you can trust him.

He freakin told you. Let it go.

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If he didnt think anything of it but chose to tell u anyway then thats an honest man. He prob didnt wana cause an arguement or get u worried over something he couldnt care less about. Some men would take this further n lie but he didnt. U gotta trust his actions n not hers. Ask him to put her straight, he shouldnt have a prob with this. And no one wants to go gym after wrk!!!


If he wasn’t to be trusted, you wouldn’t even know about this girl. The fact that he told you is proof enough that he’s a trustworthy guy. I think you need to realize that before you push him away. I also think you must have some issues with insecurities to be causing a huge argument over this situation.


If he was going to cheat on you he wouldn’t have told you about her … trust your bf


I think what some of these people are missing is yes he told you, butttttt… if you’re dating a person with narcissistic tendencies they will use other people to make you jealous. Sometimes they will tell you things like this just because they want a reaction from you. Something non of us can tell from speculating is his intention and none of us can really say for sure what that is especially without communicating face to face with him. Body language will tell you a lot, tone will tell you a lot. And we are missing those things to even be able to determine if he’s using it to manipulate.
So it’s hard to say, if he respects you he will be clear in setting a boundary with her. If he doesn’t then he doesn’t have as much respect for you as he should.

pick your battles… not every battle is worth the fight…


He should just say “Look I have a gf piss of” :joy: no but seriously some people will carry on if there giving them a pass to carry on. You shouldn’t have to spy or argue with him or even go to the gym. If he’s willing to let that happen then he’s giving the free pass and if he cheats he cheats you deserve better :blush:

It’s becoming an issue for him so he let you know. You’re making the situation worse. He shouldn’t have let it go this long but it’s good he told you. He should be mature enough to tell the lady to piss off. He doesn’t need to change when he works out.


You cannot control other women being attracted to him . If you don’t trust him - move on and find someone you can trust .


He told you about it so nothing in it for you to worry about. If anything was going to come of it he wouldn’t have told you. Now if it were my man I would go to the gym with him one morning in matching outfits lol… footy shorts and singlets the way to go… suss her out.

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Go to the gym with him. You be his gym buddy instead of her


Poor bloke! Hope he doesn’t leave his socks on the floor…

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He literally told you about it. Let it go or show up with him a few times but don’t say anything just show your presence


Honestly the real problem isn’t with the girl flirting with your husband. It’s that your husband waited two weeks to tell you & you blew up on him.
Ask yourself & him (if you’re ready for some honesty & want to work on your relationship), why he waited two weeks to tell you? Did he not think it was a big deal because the girl just makes comments as she’s passing by, so he didn’t think much of it until today? Or is it because he knew you’d react like this & he’s scared to tell you anything?
Ultimately you can’t control how other people act, but you can control your reactions.

Do you make your husband feel special? I know we like to feel special, & be told that we’re beautiful, or we mean something. Guys are the same way, they deserve to feel special, especially by their significant other.
Sometimes it’s as simple as that.

Communication is key, & not getting upset over how he feels.
I wish you luck. :black_heart:


His entertaining her as much as she’s entertaining him and supposedly coming on to him


The fact that you expect him to go after a hard day at work just to avoid this girl that’s obviously irrelevant to him shows that your the problem, he knew you were gonna react like this that’s why it took him so long to tell you :raised_back_of_hand:t4:


Maybee he was scared to tell you

Go to gym with him and tell her to piss off.

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Many people get hit on or asked out in a gym. Very common esp for ones there everyday. Sounds like "if he didnt mention " it for a few wks he really hasnt thought about this person which is good. If your angry over it and he hasnt done anything you will push him away. Honestly make a joke of it and ask how the flirty girl is lol. Then calmly ask him if hes told her he is on a relationship. Dont get mad take control of the situation #growth


Sit down ma’am. You can’t expect another human being to never have an interaction with the opposite sex ever again just because they are seeing you. He didn’t say “hey I’m thinking about boinking this girl at the gym.” He told you about it when it became a problem. Calm down. Trust your man… Or leave. Instead of being so damn insecure.

l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18289 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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At least he told you,go to the gym with him,she obviously thinks he’s single if she keeps doing it


Go with him next time or pay him an unexpected visit there, You can then see for yourself if you have anything to be worried about


Lots of girls in high school like you would agree.

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Steups, big fight over that? Did a 15 Yr old write this one? He has a tongue in his mouth right? He can simply ask her to stop flirting with him. Or because you have time to waste, you can get up on mornings and go to the gym with him :unamused::neutral_face:.


If you don’t trust him…why are you with him?


Go with him. Watch him tell her to back off

  1. Why hasn’t he told her to back tf off?
  2. Go with him and do it yourself if need be.

Let him have her he’s probably already hit it

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Actually… You caused the fight… He was trying to be legit honest with you …


Go with him or show up when he is almost done and scream babe and hug him and ask if he is done and ready to grab a quick breakfast before work. Done deal. Message sent received by the lady. Unless she doesn’t care :rofl::rofl::rofl: also note if a man isn’t interested in a woman it would take the said woman alot for him to actually notice whatever she has been doing is for him. So he probably just soaked it in now and realized her joke was serious. Happens to us women too


At least he told you about it it would be shady if he didn’t


He’s a poss… period.

He needs to tell her hes in a relationship and not intetested.


Go with him he’s not hiding it he told u

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Honestly I would trust him because he told you! You don’t trust him cuz it hit ur ego! You should say thank you for telling me, and ask him how he feels about it! If I were him I wouldn’t wanna tell you anything after he was being honest with u and confined in you… stop making drama where there’s none to be had… he was honest your jealous… get off your high horse and say thank you for being honest with me. You need to say sorry for getting nasty about it!


Oh I’m sorry but he definitely is doing something he isn’t supposed to - it happens daily but he doesn’t think of it? Yeah right. And like you said he can go after work, but just HAS to go in the morning and hasnt told her to stop?


Well he’s being honest with you I’d go with him to show her he has someone maybe she’ll stop if not jack slap that biotch

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Is she actually flirting or is she polite? I get accused of flirting alot, but I’m from the south and live in the north. I’m overly polite and it’s seen as flirting.


If you don’t feel you can trust him, get out of the relationship. Jealousy and lack of trust aren’t good in a relationship.


l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18289 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

At least he told you. I don’t think you have to worry. I’d be at the gym with him to set her straight


Well, he may have worried your reaction would be exactly how u acted… he told you. That was a big step i feel. You could go and start workin out wit him every mornin like a couple so ppl see that. It looks so insecure though


He was honest with you and you had a hard time receiving this information. I would have a conversation and if you feel sorry about the way you handled this, apologize. The fact is, he was honest with you. Lay some ground rules together. Tell him this makes you feel uncomfortable and that he can tell her he’s in a relationship and not interested and that if it doesn’t stop he can consider going to a different gym if he prefers mornings.

Ewwwww… no wonder he didn’t tell you from the jump. Now you don’t trust him? :joy: he never had to tell you anyways. Bet he regrets even saying anything now lol. Poor guy.


Bro SHE is hitting on HIM. Not the other way around. Y’all can’t control other people’s actions. And tbh, there’s a chance she isn’t even hitting on him, he’s just perceiving it that way. He told you so idk why you wouldn’t be able to trust him, he literally didn’t do anything. And just because you feel like he can go after work doesn’t mean he would want to. A lot of people prefer to start out their day with a work out. I genuinely feel like you’re blowing this out of proportion. If you’re that worried then start going to the gym with him and work out as well (don’t go just to be some creepy stalker).


He told you….it wasn’t on your timeframe but he told you. He could have chose to say nothing. I bet he is regretting that decision now. Reactions like this is exactly why I wouldn’t have said a word and just handled it myself. Smh.


All he has to do is say “I am happily taken, sorry” and then IGNORE her. He is a big boy right with a mouth that can speak clearly and efficiently? Also, why are you upset and having trust issues lmfao. That man came to you and told you. Yes he waited weeks but maybe he thought it was nothing major and the chic would stop after awhile. This post screams I’m a teenager. If a man can’t speak up and tell someone he’s taken and not interested though then you’re dating the wrong man, and if you can’t trust him after he spoke up and told you then that’s some insecurity issues, IMO !!!

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Trust me if he was sneaking around he wouldn’t have told u anything…. I think you found a keeper


He didn’t do anything but yet u don’t trust him? This is what makes men keep secrets. Stupid crap like this

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At least he told you :person_shrugging: he could have not said anything but if you don’t have trust in a relationship you don’t have anything :100:

He wouldn’t tell u if he had something to hide.
Also he probably won’t tell you again now.


Ya’ll must be young… I really could give two shiiittzzz less if a female hits on my man, let them… if they can take him they can have him aint no man worth that kinda stress, if he was looking to sneak around with that girl he wouldnt have told you about it, sounds like your being petty as fugg…


I would just tell him I would like to go with you to the gym and wrk out and just wear matching shirts or something let her know you’re there and maybe just tell her she needs to leave him alone .


Good grief give him a break maybe he didn’t tell you cause he new you would act like this .he told you poor bloke can’t win .if you keep acting like this and don’t trust him he will think that’s it had enough and finish with you .


And they wonder why guys don’t open up….


If you don’t trust your man because he didn’t tell you immediately that some girl was hitting on him, I think you need to look at yourself.

Someone is always going to find him attractive. You should be looking at how he reacts and what he does. Not anyone else.


Yikes. The minute he opens up and tells you something, you don’t trust him? Yes it took awhile for him to tell you but maybe he didn’t think she was flirting until then. Or she isn’t even doing anything and he is perceiving it as such. Have you ever worked out After work? It’s not fun depending on your line of work. I wouldn’t want to work out after a full 8 hrs working. If you are that worried maybe go to the gym with him, but enjoy your time together rather than worrying about some chick that goes there.

Trust me if he was stepping out of the relationship he wouldn’t have said a word and would have let you believe everything was okay, since it seems like everything was okay before he confided in you.


I’d tell him to switch gyms.

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Do you tell him everytime a guy says something to you? He didn’t have to say anything and it may not even be that she is hitting on him just how he sees it. Your reaction is probably the reason he didn’t tell you. How are you going to blame him?


You need to apologize to him for overreacting. He told you and you get mad? Just explain to him you got jealous and wish he would have told you sooner but with the way you acted I can see why he waited to tell you and try to see if he could handle it himself.
Heck, he probably wasn’t even sure she was hitting on him at first and didn’t want to make a big deal if she wasn’t. No one likes to assume and look dumb.


That’s exactly why he didn’t tell you?


Men seem to keep these things to themselves when with insecure women. Less stress.


You made this all about you!!! A gym is where people work out and yes there is a social connection. He told you he didn’t notice and when he did, he told you. What more do you want?


Omg. It only causes a huge fight unless YOU are allowing it which sounds to me and prob everyone else that you are bc he don’t want to fight otherwise he wouldn’t have told you at all!!!
The devil works hard at destroying couples. Have some faith in your boyfriend, especially considering the fact he even told you! Which clearly sounds to me he’s not trying to hide it and as far as him just telling you, that’s normal for guys. They brush it off and ignore it but it seems he’s tired of it and maybe wanted you to know. Sure you can assume he could go after work but maybe he doesn’t want to and maybe he wants to come straight home after work to rest, eat dinner and be with you. He shouldn’t have to change his schedule of that works best for him. I would simply tell him to continue ignoring her, and he should politely tell her he’s not interested.
But Christ ole mighty the boy did not give you any freakin reason to NOT trust him but every reason to believe and have faith otherwise he didn’t have to say anything at all. I mean now I see why guys DONT tell their girls friends when another girl flirts with him. You should be flattered but if she’s bothering him to the point he’s telling you, maybe he needs to learn how to grow a set and put her in her place or maybe you should go with him in the mornings when he likes to go and meet this chick.

Since you can’t trust him break up with him.

You are being very insecure. I am sure with this reaction he will not be telling you about anything else. This is a you problem!

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Take it as a compliment and get over it. Just because someone is hitting on him doesn’t mean he’s going to do anything about it. Obviously he cares about you and opened up to you about it all, if he was planning on doing anything, he wouldn’t have told you. :woman_shrugging: You over reacted and owe him an apology.


If your man has been letting it continue to happen with no shut down “i have a woman i am with leave me be” than that is an invitation to let it keep happening…than you go wait at the gym for this girl to leavee and tell her yourself!

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Get a grip. He told you about it. Having time to go to the gym and having energy and motivation are two different things. Maybe morning is when he has those things.

So what if someone hits on him. You can’t prevent that. Not trusting him because of someone else’s actions, I think you should not be in a relationship for a while and learn to have better confidence and fix yourself before trying again.
You being upset at the actions of someone you have no control over isn’t healthy for a relationship.
You only have control over you. Be the best person you can be and if he wants to be in a relationship with you he will no matter who hits on him.

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Apologize! for overreacting tell him how it made you feel and makes you comfortable but go to gym with him in the morning if you can

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l G­e­t p­a­id over $ 135 per h0ur working f­r­o­m h­o­me. l ­n­ever ­th­o­ught ­I­’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19699 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
More Inf0>>>

this is too funny, He didn’t’ tell you because it was no big deal & when he finally does tell you, you make it out as a big deal, Maybe he knows you better than you think, & that is probably why he never told you & because he doesn’t care what this woman is doing, he is with you & that is all what matters, But will say, you just might have ruin all that & it is & will be all of your fault


He probably didn’t tell you because it caused a huge fight. Maybe he wanted a jealous reaction. Who knows.

Some people just need to find drama where there is none. If someone else hitting on your man causes you to lose trust in your man-your not mature enough for a serious relationship. He is not responsible for other peoples actions.


maybe he never noticed her advances until someone pointed it out or maybe at first it was cute and he was flattered and now its too much. If he hasnt given you a solid reason to distrust him, I would go to the gym with him and let it be known he is taken by sgowing up and working out with him. also a cute PDA will set her straight but nothing inapprpriate.

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l get paid over $ 196 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 16245 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

First, grow up. Second, YOU caused a big fight by your reaction, and it’s probably why he took so long to tell you.
Third, do him a favor and end the relationship if he’s not going to be able to be honest with you without this kind of reaction.


You don’t trust him because of what someone else said… Like he can control other people. Girl, the reason he did not tell you is because if this… You caused a huge fight and now you don’t trust him… Wwwhhhyyyy??? Grow up. Seriously, your projecting you insecurities onto him and no one would put up with this nonsense.

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Go to the gym with him.


If you trust him, then there should be no issue. If you can’t trust him, then the girl at the gym is not the issue…


You can’t control what other people do. You just have to either trust what he’ll do or don’t be with him.
Anyone who has the energy for all this extra shit, how does it feel to sleep at night and wake up with energy to spare? Must be nice…

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So what! You sound crazy psycho. Try self worth and then you will see that it really doesn’t matter if someone hits on your significant other.

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l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18289 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

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At least he told you. most guys wouldn’t. But also at the same time I’m sure he would get upset if it were the other way around.

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