I really like that name. Not naming your child a name you love because of a movie that offends others is ridiculous. I would not only name her Annabelle, but I’d get a raggedy Ann doll for her just to make things interesting when family visits.
Truth is there are thousands of good amazing people with a name and thousands of people with the same name on the death row, top security prisons. There’s no avoiding 2 completely different types of people could have the same name.
I have no idea what movie you mean but I love the name!
Then watch and See what they think of Damiana:joy: your baby and if it feels good to YOU, then go on and don’t give a Rats a** about what other people may or may not think^^
Screw them. It’s cute af! And it is your baby, not theirs. What you like matters, not them
I love the name!! I wanted to name my daughter that way before the movies came out. But ended up choosing a different name when I finally had a girl haha
Try Anna then Belle for the middle
What does your husband feel about it? It’s a joint decision the two of you need to make together… My youngest is named Benjin… after Benjen from game of thrones. So that’s how I feel about others opinions
I am so sick of hearing about how people associate names with movie characters and think it’ll make the baby a certain way.
Currently struggling to get my family to be okay with the name Sybil. They’re all freaking out about it because of a character played in a movie. When it is a much much older name than Hollywood and movies.
It annoys me to death and pisses me off.
So I 100% feel your pain and annoyance.
Fuck em. They’ll get over it. If a name makes them love your kid less then BYE.
That’s where I’m at with it lol.
I knew a girl named Annabelle and people teased and called her Bananabelle but no matter what name you pick someone will end up coming up with something.
Its ur baby not theirs
My 10yr olds middle name is Annabella.
It’s a make believe movie…tell them to mind their own business!!! My kid, my choices
My daughter chose Damien for her sons name. Everyone said it was a demon name. Guess what? His name is Damien and he isn’t a demon.
Tell them your only other option is Reagan lol
I’d be worried about ppl referencing the movie to her the rest of her life lol
Good thing it’s your baby & not theirs.
Its a beautiful name.
Tell them to take their judgmental arses to the feet of Jesus.
Your child, your choice
Because of a movie smh. Name your baby what you like.
I’d do it because of the horror movie.
Tell em Hail Satan
that’s a stupid reason to not use a name.
Nowt to do with anyone else
The (church) people obviously do not know their bible.
Be careful she will turn into a demon later on. Annabelle is a true story
I personally wouldn’t select it, but she’s your child and you should pick a name you love! Chances are that she will be given some form of it as a nickname anyway.
Every name is in a movie somewhere. They don’t get to decide anyways. Annabelle is a beautiful name.
I would name her Annabelle even harder knowing that little fact it’s your baby, a demon doll isn’t the owner of the name
Personally I’d name her that if it feels right to u and ur husband and as far as the movie id find multiple names even theirs and show them movie references showing how names are names and its silly to do something cuz of a movie
I like it. Decent choice with cute nickname options. Wouldn’t worry too much about the association.
I say if you ain’t all up in the bag helping make the baby or pushing it out, you don’t get a say in anything about the baby.
My brother named his cat Annabelle. It’s a beautiful name
It’s up to you and you alone. Who cares what they think?
Ithink its a beautiful name
Your baby your choice
Those are my thoughts. It’s a beautiful name though
Name her Annabella…
Alexahndria Vilcsek Nate Purnell-Ratleff
Well who cares what they think
You could do anabellla!
Isabelle pretty name
Annabelle is a beautiful name,plus it was a cow before it was a haunted doll, what about reagen,Emily Rose, Tiffany,lol
I mean… My sons name is Damien lol I’ve always loved the name but I get so much grief for it because of the movie the Omen when he was born and I told my grandma his name she was like “oh no” but she said it grew on her. I have no regrets on his name. It suits him very well The decision is ultimately up to you.
Name your baby any name you feel is beautiful to you. Everybody always has an opinion.
I love the name Annabelle, and always will. Movie or no movie. My great aunt was named Annabelle.
I love horror films and the Annabelle sequences are one of my favourites, it’s a beautiful name, my daughter first scan actually came out looking like the Annabelle doll but we had chosen a different name before. Go with what you like shes gonna be your daughter for all your life so say her name as you love her
I’m THAT person, I had my daughters name picked out since I was 5 months pregnant I was IN LOVE with her name, Lilly Annabella, and she was born in October when that movie was in theaters. I almost cried trying to decide of I wanted to change her name 'cause I HATE scary movies, they stick with me, I’m a . In the end, her name is Lilly Annabella. I love it and I dont think about the movie unless it’s brought up in convo. Shes YOUR daughter, if you love the name, choose it.
When I was little, I had a baby doll named Annabelle. I think it’s pretty. I think people will connect it to the movie because it’s relatively recent. Do what you want! (With that being said, I’m a teacher and there are names I’d never pick for my children because of student personalities I’ve had, lol)
Annabelle is a haunted doll in a few movies. I’m sure as time goes on, the franchise will be largely forgotten.
Funny story: I LOVED the name Annalynne. That is, until someone shouted “eww! It sounds like anal!”
A creepy doll is better than “anal-lynn”, I guess
I named my Daughter Annabella a little different have never had anyone make any connections to the horror movie ps she was born the year it came out and I’m a horror buff too but the name is just so beautiful
Its your Baby…Others including family should respect your choice and decision…
Annabelle is a Beautiful Name and so will your Baby be Beautiful. She is one of Gods Angels being sent to one of Gods beautiful sensitive and obviously Caring person…
Listen to your own intuition and gut feel feeling and you wont go wrong…
Good luck and enjoy being a Mum
I think about the little cow movie from the late 80s. I like it. And parden my input, but who’s child is it? Yours or theirs? You name your child what you want. I named my youngest Michael, and not once since I was 8 did I pick up the Bible and think “oh, it’s a religion themed name” he’s named after an amazing man that I hold dear to me. My oldest is named after my dad, brothers and uncle.
My daughters name is Annabelle and her birthday is on Halloween we call her our little “boo baby” name YOUR baby what YOU want! When we picked the name Annabelle it was because I was reading edgar allan Poe’s annabel lee and felt her first kick. So that’s what we went with Annabelle Marie
Just keep in mind that she should not be bullied in school for her name.
There have been instances where kids are bullied for such names.
Name her Annabelle! Beautiful name and the inlaws can get over it! Once they see that beautiful baby they will love the name! Go for it! Don’t spend your life wishing you named her Annabelle! Just do it! Get suggestions from them for middle name.
I love the name Annabelle. Who cares what others think.
That’s exactly why we haven’t told anyone the names for our babies until they are born, then their unwanted opinions can’t get in your way of doing what you want
It’s a beautiful name and if God placed it on your heart to name your child that, then that’s what you should do. I have a Anna Jean named after my late mom
If people can’t name their child because of an evil movie, person, someone who committed a crime ect. you would be very limited. Do what you both want or you’ll regret it. This is exactly why many keep the baby names secret until they are born or written for birth certificate.
My first babies name was going to be Annabelle from Annabelles wish. Buuuuttt tables got turned when in fact I gave birth to a boy. Tech was wrong
Name her Annabelle!! It’s a pretty name. However the first Halloween she has, after she’s walking… you know what to do. Ohhhh grandma… trick or treat
I personally always think of Edgar Allen Poe, I loved with a love that was more than love, me and my annabel lee
Also don’t worry about what anyone else thinks, my daughters name is clementine from the walking dead tell tale series and when I told people before she was born I’m pretty sure 99% of people hated it but now almost 4 years later everyone loves the name. So fudge what people think, you do you boo
My grand is Annabeth…I love it, ive heard people call her Annabelle. Both are.pretty and we call her AB
Do it!
Add some extra horror elements to the name and name her
Annabelle Lee
In reference to the Edgar Allan Poe poem!
If your husband also loves it then Annabella it should be. However, if he doesn’t love it, I think it is really important for you to find a name that you both love.
I’m sure people thought that of the name Carrie back in the day and no noone would even think about that movie. It’s just a silly movie that people will have forgotten about in a few years. Annabelle is a beautiful name.
You should name your child whatever you want, but if you want to play with it Arabella is a beautiful name.
My daughter’s name is Annabelle and a lot of people just think it is such a beautiful name…while others think that we named her after the movie (which we didn’t) As the mother and father of the baby, it is your decision on what name you like and no one else’s!
I do not watch horror movies so I do not associate the name with that. I think it is a beautiful name. I knew 2 lovely women with that name.
I named my daughter that in Feb 2020. People made comments and it ticked me off. People will forget about the movie. I loved the name and only thought of what the name stands for… beauty and grace, everything my daughter will be. If you like the name, I would do what you want and forget about everyone else!!!
My granddaughter is named Annabelle and we all call her Annie.
Name your child what YOU want! You carried her for this whole time and it’s your body that goes thru it…screw what they think!
I didn’t even think about the movie until you mentioned it! And honestly I don’t think church people should judge based on that (coming from a church goer myself!)
Your baby your choice!
That being said, I did change my girls name from Anastasia to Annelise because of 50 shades of grey but that was my and my husbands decision, we hadn’t revealed the name until we were 100%.
That will all change when they look at that face and see those angel eyes staring back. Congrats. Blessing to you all. God bless.
My daughter is an Annabelle. She’s 17 now. We call her Belle.
I always liked the name Gage from pet semetary. My son is Gage
When I think of that name the first thought isn’t the movie, it’s that it’s a pretty name.
Clementine is named after a cow with a bell around its neck. That was when I was younger
I think of the Christmas cartoon “Annabelle” the sweet little calf who wanted to be a reindeer for Santa. Guess the perspective comes from what you watch/expose yourself to.
My grandmother was named Annabelle. Not everyone knows about the movies, so I would tell his family to stuff it
Isn’t that a fictional movie? Who cares what others think… she’s your daughter… you get to name her whatever name you like … but then again make sure your husband is OK with it too. Lol.
It’s your baby your preference. Personally & unfortunately I do think of the movie.
I think of the original Freaky Friday, not the horror movie lol. My niece is named Annabelle.
There’s a movie called " Debbie Does Dallas " ( porn ) I don’t do porn. And I love my name
You name her what you want to, if you like the name but they r worried about it, just change the spelling
I continue to remind my parents that me and my man will choose the name thank you.
Every name has a down side if you think long enough about it. I think it’s beautiful.
There’s the sweetest ever Christmas movie called annabelles wish.
I research my family tree. My daughter in law has an ancestor named Arabella. It is a close option?
Fuck em its your childs name no one else. U love the name then you go with it if none of them do not your promblem they can go kick rocks.
What about Annabella? I’ve known 2 in my lifetime. I like that name alot
Every name has an attachment. I love the name, or Annabella could be another option?
Lol I wouldn’t worry about the movie. My sons name is Damian and he hasn’t starting floating in the house yet:rofl:
I love the name. I have a friend who named her daughter Annabelle. She’s your child.
Thats ridiculous. Lol that name existed before that sorry excuse for a horror movie.
BTW annabells wish came out before rhe horror movie annabell
If you and your husband like the name and agree on the name no one else should have an opinion
Maybe annabella? Close but a little different
What about Annabella? Or Anna Bella ?
I could see their POV. Maybe change it just a bit? But ultimately, it’s your choice.
Or maybe Annabella? Someone below suggested Arabella. That’s a beautiful name
What about putting an A on end? Annabella!