Sorry for your loss. It’s not easy and its absolutely normal to feel confused. I know I didnt want to tell anyone and I kept it to myself for a while before feeling comfortable opening up. When I was able to talk about it, I was able to heal and move forward. Take your time to mourn. But it really does help when you are able to share and have support from family and friends.
I had the same thing told to me at 15 weeks and I couldn’t stop crying and had a 1 year old at home so tried to be strong but was very hard don’t let people tell you you shouldn’t grieve it is how we heal mine was 29 years ago and I still have moments I feel sad and wonder what he would be like
I went through the same thing last year (9 weeks along) I started bleeding and cramping a few days later. We had a planned family beach vacation that week and my doctor encouraged me to go and relax and spend time with family as best as I could. I openly grieved with the family but also tried to have fun moments for my toddler. When we got back I went to the doctor and found out I still needed a D&C because I hadn’t passed everything. Take time to grieve and talk to those you find comforting. I’m so sorry for your loss
2 x for me / 1 worse than the other but I do have 4 beautiful children so that helps but it still is a really tough time ! Prayers for you ! And yours
So sorry for your loss, we all grieve differently. I do think the hormones change you cry more. I lost 2 early then a tubular pregnancy which was hardest. Women are strong! Takes time.
Its honestly such a hard thing to contemplate I recently just went thru the same thing and I was that way for a while it does get a bit easier but itll always have its imprints on you. All I say is talk to your partner because it’s a tough time for both of you to go thru. And if visiting relatives helps do that too but dont keep it all bottled up itll only make the healing process much more painful and longer
My heart is breaking for you! Though I have never been where you are oh, I Can Only Imagine that there is no one way right or wrong, to grieve this loss. So if you are conflicted go ahead and be conflicted hey, if you need to cry go ahead and cry. But please try and surround yourself with people who love you and we’ll be there to support you and your emotional time of need
You are grieving do what feels best for you and your husband, there is no “normal” you grieve you try and heal and know it will get better, but you won’t forget so part of me wants to say tell your families for the support you will need but again you know your circumstances better. Prayers momma
So sorry honey, same thing happened to me but I’d already told folks and made it to 13 weeks, baby quit growing at 8. My body just didn’t acknowledge the baby died… my daughter was turning 2 in days and I was an absolute mess. Give urself time to grieve, this is a loss and don’t let anyone downplay that to u (my ex-hubs didn’t know what to do so he just left me alone)
I miscarried at 14 weeks back in April of 2016, it still hurts!! You all cry all that you need!! Before my D&C, I had them do one more ultrasound (my d&c was 2 days after they found no heartbeat) the morning of my D&C just to make sure. I had to to make myself OK with the procedure. You will cry, you will get busy, then remember, and cry again. You will be sad, angry, confused and feel empty. I still want to know why. I wish you and your family the absolutely best! I hope you try again and get your rainbow baby. My rainbow baby just turned 2 in June, he has healed a lot of me.
I know how you feel. I had the same exact thing happen at 11 weeks. It’s heartbreaking. I had a D&C done as quickly as I could and felt so empty after. All I wanted to do is get pregnant again as fast as I could. Take time mama. Let your body and your heart heal. Love your husband and let him love you back. Take care. You will be in my prayers.
I have been through this, two miscarriages and two babies at six months, one lived one day in 1963 and one baby that lived 13 days in 1973. There are no words that can help. Time and my faith have been good for me but it never goes away, I am 77 years old. Some have to talk some do not, take your time.
I’ve dealt with this no heartbeat 8 wks and i was devastated. Take your time and feel the emotions as they come and release them when its time. It’ll get better in time. So sorry for your loss but know that isn’t the end. I had that happen 4 yrs ago and I’m currently expecting a girl in 5 wks. Great things can come after a storm like this
I had a miscarriage. I was 9.5 weeks along. It hit pretty hard. But i was told it was just indigestion. But i kept telling my family something was wrong. I finally convinced them i needed to go in. 4 hours in the ER and still no heartbeat. It struck me very hard. I cried it out. Had a D&C. I moved on. 4 months to the day i found out i was expecting again.
There is no right way to feel or to mourn.
I went through the same thing. It was so horrible. I had two other kids before and they helped me through it. Hugs!!!
I had EXACTLY this happen at 10 weeks. We had seen the heartbeat on the first ultrasound and then a couple of weeks later no heartbeat. It is a loss anyway you look at it take time to grieve the loss of your child and move forward because that is the only option that we have in life is to keep moving forward. Every passing year on my due date with that baby I think about how old he or she would’ve been. I feel sad for a little bit but I have been blessed with a rainbow baby and he is now seven months old. I hope you will be too
So sorry to hear. It is never easy to loose a child but there may have been something wrong with the fetus that didn’t make it viable. It’s not your fault in anyway and it is normal to grieve. I don’t think you need to tell anyone unless you want to and you don’t have to do it right now either. I
Sorry for your loss. I have had that happen. My OBGYN was wonderful and let me sit and just cry in the office. And called and had my husband come out when I found out. The support of him and his staff and my family helped me get thru. The D & C was very emotional for me but because of it we learned what happened. The way I eventually came to terms with it. It is devastating. If you need to seek help don’t be afraid to ask your doc for help. All your feelings and emotions are very normal. Know your not alone. Your husband can ask the doc for help too.
I had 4 pregnancies these past 4 years, went in with bad pain was told no heartbeat, no viable sac and that they believed I was having a miscarriage, come to find out I was pregnant each time got heartbeats a week to 2 later and now I have 4 beautiful little girls. Dont lose hope!
Everything you are feeling is completely normal. Dont be hard on yourself. Allow yourself to grieve. I had a miscarriage after trying to get pregnant for years. Then i got pregnant a year after only to bleed it was too early for a heartbeat. After what was the longest week of my life it turns out i was having twins but one didn’t make it. Its rough just allow yourself to grieve and take care of yourself. You are on a rollercoaster of emotions but you will get through it.
It is totally normal for you to go through the emotions you are having. Allow your self to grieve all you want. At the same time talk to people to don’t shut anyone out. I am so sorry for your loss.
I went through the very same thing, except I was just at the beginning of my third trimester. It was devastating. Your feeling are valid and quite normal. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I pray for your emotional healing.
I’ve been in your shoes, twice. I lost my last baby at 13 weeks on my son’s 4th birthday. It’s so hard, I still cry sometimes. The pain will never go away, but you will be ok. It takes time…just remember to take the time to grieve…grieving is an important part of moving on. You have ever right to be heartbroken, it’s a terrible thing to go through. I hope you find peace.
There is no right or wrong way to get through this. Each person will handle it differently. I have had three miscarriages and it never gets easier. Allow yourself to mourn if that is what you want. Wanting a distraction is fine, but be careful not to bottle things up. It will hit you when you least expect it.
The same thing happened to me at 10 weeks. No heartbeat. I was devastated. I had a d&c done, which felt so wrong to abort but I knew it was necessary. A year later my baby girl was born. The pain will slowly go away. I truly believe things happen for a reason. I didn’t know then but after my girl was born, I knew why.
WAIT please wait with pregnancy they told me the same thing they said there would even be problems if I didn’t D&C but I was so upset my hormones didn’t go up they told me baby wouldn’t last but guess what she is 14 years old today things happen have faith the heart can come later at 12 weeks give your baby some time
I’ve had 2 and it’s very hard. I’d get another ultrasound just to make sure, and to ease your mind. Back when I was expecting there weren’t any ultrasounds. Also talk about it. Holding it in makes it worse.
I had nobody when I had my miscarriage it broke me and the baby’s father up it was horrible i kept it bottled up for years which was a mistake because it caused more problems im just now able to talk about it and its been 10 yrs almost 11 so take it from me talk to your mom sister or whoever you and your husband both need to talk to somebody you never know they could be what you need
I’m sorry for your loss. I experienced a loss in March 2019. Me and my boyfriend waited to tell our friends and family we lost our baby. Let ourselves grieve the loss first. It’s hard, and there is no right or wrong way to feel or deal with it. Its okay to cry, its okay to smile and laugh at something funny, and its okay to cry again after that. Your mind and heart need time to process what happened and heal.
This happened to me twice now. Last September was the most recent time. I am very sorry. You are feeling everything exactly as you should be. I’d like to say the pain goes away, but you’ll always remember. I’m so very sorry this has happened to you. You grieve in any way that you feel that you need to. If telling people makes you uncomfortable, then don’t tell, but if you’re not telling anyone, to spare their own feelings, then that’s not the right reason. You need support from anyone willing to give it to you. You should definitely try to carry on with normal life, as much as possible, just for your own mental well being. But you have to do only what you’re comfortable with at the time. Don’t let anyone or anything else, other than your own feelings and emotions, determine how you deal with this. No one understand what you’re going through like you do. Again, I am so very this has happened to you and I’m sending lots of love and healing your way. If you feel that you just need someone to listen to you and your feelings, please don’t hesitate, I’ve been there. Thinking of you
You should feel just like you feel. This is a very sad thing. Born or not, this is your baby. God had a reason, that I know. Cry when you feel like. Don’t hold back for anyone. You have lost a child. Greave as you need to. I will ask Christ to give you comfort as only He can. My heart is broken also.
I’m so sorry. I lost my first baby(after 10 yrs of trying) at 8wks. Found out there was no heartbeat as you did. I tried to carry on, and did for a couple of months. Then it hit me. I was off work for about a month because I was finally grieving. When you feel the tears coming, let them. It’ll happen. You may be feeling you need to be strong for your husband and little one, but please don’t bottle it up like I did. Arrange the D+C, then it’s done + you can start to move on. You won’t forget that there was once a heartbeat, but it will get easier. Lots of love x
I just went through this a few months ago. Lost at 9 weeks. Had heard heartbeat, ultrasound, etc. Months of fertility treatments, all while in quarantine and found out as gusband deployed and lost as he was coming home. Extremely difficult. It is hard, you are not alone.
There are no rules in your situation, your feelings are valid, but sharing burdens make them easier to bear, even if it makes other people sad too, they love you and want to be there for you
There is no right way to feel. Grief is different for everyone. Nothing you feel is weird. And you do not have to tell anyone if you don’t want to. I am so very sorry for your loss. If you feel your trip will help, definitely go. Hugs.
I too lost one at 22 weeks… that was my first pregnancy and we were all so excited for our first baby but god had some other plans… i know it’s really tough to overcome that pain… i have a 14 month baby now but whenever I remember about my first one i still cry… there can never be a replacement…but i had too had to act strong that moment as my mum dad are very sensitive too and they cried even more than me… but when they saw me act strong they were relieved…
I had 2 miscarriages one of whom would have been a senior in high school this coming school year I think of them alot but I now have 3 boys
I am so very sorry for your loss. I know the pain. Hang in there. You will grieve the way you need to. Talk to people about your baby. He or she is a real part if you, but do get some counseling. This pain will not go away, but a counselor can help you to deal with it.
The same thing happened to me at 12 weeks. Any feelings you have are normal. I felt like I wanted to tell someone, then I felt like I wanted to ignore it and go back to work right away. I cried, I was angry and depressed. My 2 year old son was the only person who kept me going. I won’t say it gets easier, you just learn how to handle it. My heart hurts for you and I’m praying for you.
Honey, hugs to you first! And I’ve been there. So many of us have. Try again… I’m so sorry for your loss. I read a book called Heaven is for real.
I kid you not, that pulled me out of the dark depression I was in. I had 3 early miscarriages in a row before I had my son, who I also almost lost at 11 weeks. I have a blood clotting disorder while pregnant and also had a huge hematoma… on bedrest and all. I was so depressed and longed for a baby. That book helps me.
So very sorry…but u should feel however u r feeling dear lady…we all respond to heartache differently & whatever comes from u is the appropriate way to be…let yourself grieve this loss however u need & I understand ur mom may be very sensitive/easily upset but I really think she will be good to talk to as this effects all even though they did not know…u may find she is the strength u need…hold tight to ur hubby this is one of the hardest things a couple can go thru & it can break a relationship if allowed…draw on each other to get thru & find a way for u both to find a comfortable spot to fall in together…i will keep u all in my prayers…
I lost my first son at 5 1/2 months I was over seas and then come home and got notice that my husband was missing in action so I know how you feel but God needed you baby for some reason and the baby will be in really great hands so sorry will pray for your family
It is ok to be sad and to cry there is no certain way to act . I had the same thing happen to me. I was 11 weeks pregnant but the baby was only 9 weeks and no heartbeat. This happened 16 years ago and I still cry.
I’m so sorry. I had an ectopic a few years back and it was hard. Actually, it literally almost killed me because it ruptured. It gets easier. Talking about it is healthy. Talk to the people who support you the most. Take your time to grieve, love on your other baby, and seek counseling if necessary. You and your husband. It’s incredibly hard to miscarry but you still have people who love you and are depending on you. I will keep you and your family in my prayers during this difficult time.
Feel what you feel. Honor it. Talk with your husband. Grieve together. At least he is open about it. Mine didn’t want to talk about it but I knew he was grieving when he started looking for puppies non-stop. I realized he wanted to fill the void he was feeling even though he couldn’t articulate the pain he was feeling. Miscarriage is hard. Take time to process the grief so you don’t carry it to the next pregnancy. There will be another and rainbow babies definitely help the healing. Get another ultrasound before you have the D&C to put your mind at ease that you are doing the right thing.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve been there. Allow yourself to grieve. Allow yourself to grieve. Allow yourself to grieve…and repeat. IT DOES GET EASIER. Consider seeing a counselor/therapist at least short-term to assist you through the grieving process if needed so you don’t get “stuck” and become depressed.
So sorry for your loss. No one can really tell you what is normal. Everyone grieves differently. As far as family knowing, that is at your discretion. When I lost one at 10 weeks none of my family knew and my doctor wanted to wait on the D&C to see if my body would, for lack of a better word, expell the baby naturally. We told people once we lost the baby, but that was our decision. Shock, confusion, sorrow, all of those things happen when someone losses a child. Talking about it helps and maybe some counseling for you and your husband. Some people focus on the mom with a loss like this but Dad’s have that same loss. So much love and prayers to you and your family.
I’m sorry, how you’re feeling is normal. I remember like it was yesterday when this happened to me. You’ll be in my prayers every day!
Hugs, love and peace sweetheart!
My sweet daughter has been through so many. But the last one was 6 months into her pregnancy it broke her. She has a 11 yr old he is her world. So God Bless you and your husband I am so sorry for you. With my daughter it broke my heart.
Tell everyone you want to!! You have lost a child. Allow yourself to be sad,and draw strength from those that support you. I had a miscarriage and didn’t tell anyone and held the guilt, anger and sadness inside. Also dont be afraid to get therapeutic help, or find a FB support group.
It’s a horrible feeling but this was your child you and your Husband need to grieve lean on eachother be sad together you will help the other one myiscarriages broke me but it does get easier it never leaves you but it gets easier just remember you are allowed to grieve for what you have lost xx
I’m so sorry… This happen to me at 8 weeks I was the same way, it’s more common than people think but that doesn’t take away the pain. It’s ok to feel. I had my rainbow baby this past April, just keep on trucking it’ll get better
You are grieving, it is 100% normal. You will have good days and bad days. Try to remember #1, it is NO ONES FAULT #2 you are not alone. You will find peace one day, lean on those who are willing to give you support. It is something you and your husband went through together. It has been 22 years since I had mine, and I remember it, but know I have a little guardian angel waiting for us. Virtual hugs your way.
I’m so sorry for your loss. You will always feel that loss , the sadness will come and go it’s been 5 years since my first loss and 4 years since my 2nd. I always remember when they would’ve been born, but I no longer cry. Everybody is different. You will heal in your own way. I say go visit your sibling and if you feel right you will let them know or you won’t. But they will see the sadness in both your eyes. Much love for you both.
Your grief is real and maybe telling your family will make this even more real. However you handle this, is your way, your recovery, your love for the child that you never got to lay your eyes on. Know that he/she is in the arms of Jesus and you will be reunited one day. Let God bring you peace as you rest in His arms!!! Prayers for comfort during this difficult time!!!
How you feel is how you feel. There is no right or wrong feeling. It’s not for anyone else to tell you what you’re supposed to feel. Work through your emotions the way you know is best for you. I’m sorry this happened and God Bless you.
I went threw this in November…i still have problems with this because I was due around this time… so lately I’m feeling the pain of this… im still mending my broken heart…
I’ve miscarried twice. One was from an accident and one just happened. It’s not easy. It’s never easy. I know some people can’t or won’t talk about it but I told everyone. If it comes up in conversation, I talk about it. It’s so stigmatized. That you feel like you can’t talk about it. You can be sad and still be strong. You will heal eventually. I have 2 rainbow babies. You will heal someday.
Just went through the same thing. We tried for 7 months for our last baby and then there was no heartbeat. Found out close to 9 weeks. Baby stoped growing at 8… I have 3 full time kids at home and 2 part time kids… it’s hard. Cry on and off and every morning was the worst for me bc I woke up excited to be pregnant so that obviously turned into tearful mornings for a while…
Cry, cry your heart out its ok. Mourn and get mad all you want. Do not hold back. Do not worry other people feelings. Its nice to know that you have someone and know that you are not alone. I rather cry with other people than cry by myself. Call your mom she will understand you better. Then pray. Talk to your baby. Write a letter. Its not east but you will survive this. Hugs and prayers for you and your baby and your hubby and family.
Through my moms entire pregnancy with me, they told her I didn’t have a heartbeat. They also said I was supposed to be a boy. If you feel like there is still hope, hold on to it. My mom said she knew I was still alive and because of it, I’m here today.
I went through the same thing. What helped was that is was early in pregnancy. I got pregnant again three months later. My husband was also more upset than me. If no one new there is no need to bring it up.
I believe every life has purpose. Not every pregnancy will go to term. Even so I believe the pregnancy had purpose. It is okay to grieve the loss. It is healthy. Sounds like you are breaking out of the isolation phase and ready to talk. That’s good. Talking about it helps the grieving process. I am sure your Mom would understand. Miscarriage happens. Life is a miracle. It is important to process this info so you can heal both physically and emotionally so you can be the best Mom to the child who is here. Do whatever it takes to heal.
I’m so sorry. I’ve been there and it’s hard. If you want to visit family then go. It will help. You’re emotions are yours. Allow yourself whatever you need. Grieving is a process. Praying for you.
I’m so sorry dear. You are going through one of the worst things a parent can go through. Biggest hugs. Are there any support groups you and husband can go to in your area. It might be beneficial for you to meet up with families that are going through the same thing.
Be gentle with yourself. You still have hormones running throughout your body which will cause havoc. You do what will help you !!
I did not have a chance for a D&C i miscarried before the appointment. I am thinking g of you with all my heart. You need to be good to yourself and do what you feel comfortable with
I’ve had 4 kids and 5 miscarriages, all around 6 or 7 weeks. Never easy . I’m blessed to have my 4 babies. I know how hard it is. I just told myself god has a plan. Good luck
I would get a second opinion machine and dr can be wrong if my daughter in law had listen to her doctor and not her heart and feeling I would not my beautiful 6year old Grandson so please get another opinion
What you’re feeling is normal. I miscarried at 6 weeks and i didn’t tell anyone either. 5 years later, i had my rainbow baby. Theres no right or wrong when it comes to grief.
There is no “how you should feel.” I lost an unexpected pregnancy at about that point. I did have a D&C, but my body had already started the process of delivering the baby. Don’t feel like you have to go through this alone.
So sorry for your loss. Peace will come but you will always miss and remember your little one. It will take time but you will be okay. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to share about it or not. You make the choice you’re comfortable with and allow yourself to heal.
I’ve been there. I still remember the gut wrenching feeling when they said “your baby just stopped growing” Make sure you get a second opinion and have them check if your blood levels are doubling. They have been wrong.
It definitely gets easier with time. Its been 7 years and I still think about that baby but smile knowing I believe I will see him/her again one day.
It’s so hard to be strong all the time please Cry it out, explain to little brother why you’re sad and if he needs to cry as well please comfort each other, all three of you need to process this, I’m so sorry for your loss!
All of those feelings are valid. My heart goes out to you, Mama… Your little family did not deserve this. Healing will be a journey, but you will find your way. Sending so much love to you
Samething happened to me I had lost my baby the doctor gave me a pill cause he didn’t want to do a D&C. Well I bleed figure I passed my baby I ended up hemorrhaging two days before my wedding had to have an emergency D&C. It was the worst. Year later around the same time I found out I was pregnant again. I was scared but I made it through on July 5th I welcome my rainbow baby my sweet little boy. I almost lost during labor the cord was wrapped in a knot. They had to do an emergency C-section but they save my baby life and they saved mine cause I was hemorrhaging during the surgery. When they said we’re losing her I thought I would die alone an never get to see my son or kiss my husband or hug my daughter who was waiting for me at home. ended up getting five bags of blood transfusion. So thank you to those who donate blood you save this momma life and gave me the joy of getting to be home with my family.
I had the same thing around the same age.
It was hard but I look at it like it’s God’s decision. Something wasn’t right.
I had my D&C quickly to move on and to try again.
The D &C was terrible but better than waiting imo.
I went on to have two perfect boys.
This happened to me 18 years ago. It was our first and absolutely heartbreaking. If you’d like to go for a second opinion then go ahead but it’s your decision. Any way you handle is correct. There’s no wrong way. Take it moment by moment. Day by day. I’m so sorry for your loss.
I feel u on this 100% I made my d&c the next day and the crying I still do that however I’m expecting my rainbow baby any week now but the heartache of the last didn’t go away and I didn’t tell anyone either we were devastated u find a way to cope but it always there
I went throught the same thing about 15 years ago. I still think about it from time to time. I do have 3 kids now. I know right now its difficult to process. When they say time heals all wounds ,in this case i found it to be true. It took some time for me to grieve. i was about the same amount of weeks as you. It will get better
Sometimes crying is the strongest thing you can do. It’s cleansing. You will make it through this. It’s devastating. I’m so sorry for your loss. Cry. Be upset. Talk to someone you trust. hugs your way
Hun I had 4 miscarriages between my 6 year old and my now 2 month old. I felted so defeated for so long as to why I couldn’t conceive again. Let me tell you it is a very emotional time and heartbreak is unbearable but now I realize that my body was rejecting abnormalities in those babys. I was told that due to cysts I would most likely not conceive ever again due to their location and size. After I came to the realization that it just wasn’t meant to be for me to conceive again I started concentrating on being healthy for the child I did have and started working out and taking supplements. I now have a 2 month old and am a believer in the supplements because when I had my first sonogram with my 2 month old my cysts were gone. God puts information in front of you for a reason. Do some research you’d be surprised. This to shall pass.
Please dont let them do any d&c until they have done 2 sets of bloodwork for hcg levels and another ultrasound in a week of you have not started to bleed. My levels went down and I was told my baby didnt have a heartbeat at 11 weeks. My hcg levels actually went down and they said I was miscarrying. I scheduled surgery for 6 days later and bc I work in xray at the same hospital they did another scan the morning of my surgery because I was still feeling breast tenderness and somewhat nauseated. Well, there she was! My baby was alive! She is now 6 years old and it makes me sick to think of what may have been had I not had that scan the morning of my surgery. Only because I went through thinking my baby was gone and know the pain, anyone who is in a similar situation I always suggest checking again
I’m so sorry! I’d watch going anywhere because if you get exposed to COVID right now or even go to the wrong area they may put the D & C off which will prolong healing. Talking will help. I had a miscarriage and only my husband knew and now my kids know. Prayers coming
You should feel all your feelings. And tell your family. This babe deserves to be mourned, whether anyone else knew or not. You and your husband knew, and you deserve to mourn as well, and to be comforted and loved by your families. I am so sorry for your loss. Make the appointment when your ready, as long as it doesn’t affect your health, take care of each other💔
My daughter was 14 weeks when they lost the baby’s heartbeat . It is totally different than a regular miscarriage .But the sense of lost is the same . Talk with someone about it both of you .Prayers sent.
I am so sorry, the same happened to me 14 years ago, I dont think you ever truly get over it as there are always what would have been. It took me a long time to not blame myself and had counselling. You have to do whatever feels right for you, the right people will be there for you
What you’re feeling is very normal!! You should tell people only if you want to talk about it. It takes time but you will get through it. I had a miscarriage at 19wks. I walked around in a fog for about a year. I would leave the house & forget where I was going so would just go back home. I mostly sat on the couch watching movies & never left the house. I cried, out of the blue, all the time too. I had 4 other children but found it hard to be present with them most of the time. Slowly but surely you begin to move on & you get back to a normal routine, though you never forget! Each year, on the day … I think about the loss of that baby!! My children even bring it up now & then. It happened 20yrs ago and though I can talk about and not cry, I will never forget the loss of one of my kids!
I’m so sorry that this happened to you!! Take all the time you need to to recover!! There is no right or wrong method for something like this. Everyone is different. Be kind to yourself & patient too!! It will get better!
You are mourning yhe death of a child. I was in same boat. I lost my first pregnancy at 9 weeks. I cried and cried. I had a D & C. I still miss my baby. I later found it was twins. I got my records and it was recorded they found the loss came right after the babies split to their own sacs. I feel for you and your husband. Its been 15 years and every June i think about how old they would have been. You spend 24 hours a day witha baby when pregnant. A mom gets attached to a baby quickly. God bless you.
Leave everything to the universe Momma🙏. Our bodies aren’t perfect. We are creators. Love yourself unconditional and be easy on yourself. I pray you are able to have peace knowing that as long as we live we can create❤ loving thoughts to you💗
I had a stillborn at 7 months . Baby boy was fully developed. I felt that he wasn’t moving . Called the doc & went in . She couldn’t find a heart beat . I have two healthy kids now . The way I look at it now is it was meant to be
I am so very sorry. I agree with getting a second opinion. I had a 3 week overdue stillborn baby girl for no apparent reason. We didn’t find out until years later that I have a blood disorder that most likely caused her death. My prayers are with you and your husband. I had a healthy rainbow baby a year later, he’s 35 and the joy of my heart. Allow yourself to grieve in whatever way you need to.
I am so sorry, my friend had a miscarriage and was heartbroken, my husband told her something that made her never forget, apparently my husband’s mother had a miscarriage before him and he said if she didn’t miscarry he would not be here today, and to think, I wouldn’t have my husband or my kids , if he was never born, everything happens for a reason, I know it’s hard now, I would go, it will probably make you feel better
How you feel is normal and how your husband feels is normal. You a grieving the loss of a child. I lost a baby at five months and it was hard . My husband did not take it as hard. The dr told me God though that baby was better off with him cause it was not forming properly or would have had horrible medical problems or something you just don’t Know. But you do know it was gods plan. Hugs to you!!! You will get through this.
I have been where you are. Any feelings you have are yours and they are okay to have. There is nothing you can do about it and beating yourself up over your feelings won’t help. I am sorry for your loss. For me, carrying the baby was super hard, I wanted that D&C right away but I was not in the middle of a pandemic. That is the hard part. I also did not want to have the baby taken from me either. I know, its hard to be one one side or the other. I am so sorry for your loss and this pandemic makes it even more difficult.
All your emotions are out of whack right now. It’s perfectly normal to have mixed, confused feelings. It may help to talk to a psychiatrist for both you and your husband. If you want to try again, talk to your doc and see what they say. Most tell you to wait a few months and have a few normal cycles before you try again.
You are allowed to feel HOWEVER you feel right now! Let NO ONE tell you how to grieve! This is your way of grieving and that is JUST FINE!
I am so sorry to hear this for you, your husband and family. I think everyone if different and it would be normal to your to grieve for your baby. Just try to take it a day and at time and try to talk with your husband so you can both try and heal - he is suffering too, like you said. Lean on each other. I’ll pray for you.
No gun it is not weird. I had a stillborn at 6 months along. & was confused & still went to visit my mom. I still breakdown 23 years later wondering what she would be doing now. Hugs mama . So sorry for your loss.
I’ve been right where you are now, it sucks. So many emotions going on in your head. You have to do what’s right for you, don’t listen to the people that say hurtful comments as most have never been through a miscarriage. I loved my baby from the time I found out I was pregnant. My heart hurts for you momma
Oh my dear , your normal for the situation its good to talk about it an when yer ready , like bringing yourself here to the group anonamously is great, and doing what is right for you at all times and taking into consideration close family may not be very helpful in the very moment but maybe you’ll be ready to talk later … feeling forced to tell family or anybody kinda sucks and doesnt offer the very real support you need in this moment of time.
Crying it out, journaling it out,
I experienced a spontaneous miscarriage at 13 weeks when I was 20 and the pain is excruciating and I was so young and immature and alone in it , I didnt bother to tell family, I went to the hospital for help. If you have loving supportive family by all means take what you need and leave the rest when they talk too much …lol
You’ll be in my prayers to be well