Trying to decide if I should have another child: Thoughts?

I myself am 12 years older than my brother and it’s a weird dynamic and I think it’s sucks we didn’t “ grow up” together. My kids are two years apart and I can’t believe I did that to myself lol but my kids love each other and have such a close bond :blush:

I have 4 and it wasn’t always easy but is was awesome. I wouldn’t worry so much about how hard it will be on you but on the them. It is a crazy hard world we are living in. I worry for my grandchildren. In fact I am scared for them.
Having said that , children are blessings from God and if it is mean to be it will be. He knows the past the present and the future. Trust in him .

We had our 2 and they are 10 years apart! We didn’t plan it, but I told my ex that if I didn’t get pregnant by the time I was 30, he could forget it. I was 19 with our 1st and 29 with our 2nd. They are my blessings. :purple_heart::blue_heart:

Life will always be crazy! Siblings are the best! I have 3 kids, twins first and a single. Yes there were sleepless nights and awful days of sick kids, but they are the best decisions I ever made!

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I have 3. My first 2 are 3.5 years apart. It wasnt a big deal for me personally going from 1 kid to 2. As long as you’re financially stable and really feel another child would complete your family go for it!

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After the first one everything just falls into place you get a routine you set times for everything i have 4 now ages 9 to 6months and my family was always like what are you going to do with so many kids and i never knew wat to say i love them i love watching them play i love hearing laughter in my house

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I have 2 children- I always wanted 2-i was lucky, they were close in age and I had always told my son that this was his baby too so therewas never any jealousy and he always helped looking after his sister! they got on well and played together throughout theirchildhood.

My husband and I had 5. 1 mine, 2 his, and 2 together. 2 boys and 3 girls. Our oldest is 27 and the youngest just turned 21. They all love each other and would do anything for one another. I can’t imagine life without them all. I look back and don’t know how I managed and then I remember I was young and energetic! We always had enough people for tag and hide and seek and if my brothers 4 kids came over it was a party! Follow your heart because it’s gone so fast…

I have one son and it’s a perfect situation. After having 2 miscarriages ( one before him and one after) I told him he was my miracle child. He’s now 17 and all of his friends love being here. I feel like I have 6 kids at any given day and I love it!

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Grew up in a family of nine kids. I have 4 of my own. My daughter married an only child and they are now expecting their second daughter…he was adamant about not having just one. My daughter is thrilled, but they will likely stop at two. I can’t imagine what it would be like to not have my siblings and my kids are so close to their own siblings and cousins.

I had just my one daughter and have never regretted. We were able to provide without a second thought. We paid for her college education no loans to pay back had her dream wedding. She now has two kids both college age. Keeping the family small we can afford to also help our grandkids with college. And we are middle class. My daughter still to this day states she would not change any thing about her life.

Two is way harder but also way worth it. My second made my family complete. He is a doll and I would never want to be without him. I didn’t know I had so much love to give until I had him♡

Think about the future too. When you and your husband age and need assistance. Having siblings to help with taking care of elderly parents was a God Send.

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having 2 can be easier in the long run, they will play together and have secrets and keep each other entertained, the older one will learn to help with the younger one.

I have 2 boys 17 months apart. Age 5 and 4 next week. There are pros and cons. Having close in age can be nice but potty training 2 at basically the same time is hard. Also having 2 in diapers is hard. Your constantly changing diapers I swear I was always always changing a diaper. My boys fight alot. My boys wear basically the same size witch can be nice but yet again I’m paying double for everything instead of hand-me-downs. I wish my oldest would have been out of potty training when my youngest would have been born. Would be alot easier. Plus finding a good baby sitter that you trust with 2 little ones is, in my opinion one of the hardest things. If I were u I’d wait. I’m also financially a single parent my youngest sometimes I get child support my oldest I don’t get child support so if you’re a single parent with two kids it’s really hard if you have a two-parent home it would be a lot easier. It’s up to you but as a single parent I would have waited.

Mine are 4 years apart and they fight sometime but most of the time they are best friends and play together a lot. I would say a second one for sure.

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One of the best gifts a parent can give their child is a sibling. Sibling relationships are one of the few relationships that do not change their status/position for a lifetime (except cousins). Your relationship with your mate will change as you age, same with your parents/grandparents, however siblings remain peers. When going through life sibling/peers are so helpful even during times of strife because they can relate on the same level. Hope this helps. I come from a family of 3, my husband 6 and we are raising 7. This is not for everyone, but has been a blessing to us.

Just had one. My opinion is it’s better to have at least two because if and when something happens to Mom and Dad they have each other. If just one they are all alone

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My oldest and middle boys are 17 months apart and I love it. My youngest is 4 years younger than my oldest, and I honestly wish he was closer in age to his brothers but it just didn’t happen that way. I honestly feel like going from 1 to 2 wasnt that bad. Of course its an adjustment but they are good friends, and entertain each other. Yes they fight but they also play well most of the time and always have each others back. My boys are 10,9,and 6🙂

I’m an only child. I wished I had a sibling. My cousins didn’t live near us. So for major holidays I was the only child with the rest were adults. I had twins and my son and daughter are close.

My kids are now in their 30s but I found it was easier once I had the 2nd one. My kids are all 3 years apart and were able to help keep the younger one occupied no matter the age.

It depends on your age. I’m in my 40s and adopted a son. My husband and I don’t want anymore kids right now. Also depends your budget as well. My older brother was terrible to me. He was 10 years older than me. Hope that helps. Good luck and God speed.

I never thought i would have a second child. My.son was born 3\31/2020 and i dont know how I ever lived without him. My 1st is 14 so there a huge age gap but i wouldn’t change it for anything. Kinda have a built in babysitter :joy:

having raised one child and now raising my grandchild I know this. they either are super independent or super needy. I would have had a second and a third…if I could have.

I didn’t want my child to be lonely, so I had another. My babies were easy, but they fight like cats and dogs at 11 and 14, now. They love each other, though.

Having children should be a choice based on love! If its about money then you dont need another one but know this while an only child can be focused on more, they also become spoiled and needy 50% of the time. I was an only child and I had the loneliest existence ever. No one to share with, no one to turn to when I needed a real sib friend to talk with. In my case my parents were dysfunctional and life was horrid for me growing up. I know its not like that for others but most only children develop faster and then are unable to relate to those around them in their own age group. They have been exposed to adults more than other children. Its your choice and frankly if you need social media to help you make up your own mind you shouldn’t. This is an answer that should only come from the heart!

As I am older I wish I would have had more children. I have two daughters And love my grandchildren. But when you grow older the joy of having more surrounding you is comforting. You’ll have more chances of someone helping to take care of you when you get old.

I am the mother of eleven children. Way out of the scope of this question, but my opinion is to go for the second child! My hardest number was three.

We had our daughter and when it was okay started trying for the second one. They are 20 months apart. I was on bed rest with both. I could have been paralyzed with the second one (I have a broken back).Best decision! Everyone is healthy. She loves her little brother. Always tries to play with him (he is almost 4 months and she just turned 2). She worries when he cries, smothers him in hugs and kisses, and loves him more than her parents :joy:. I always wanted 2 or 4 but 2 is enough (due to age and health issues). I grew up with a brother and it was the best. It’s a lot of work but very doable. I have 2 little kids in diapers, a big garden that I tend to every day, a household (cleaning cooking, laundry, etc.), we just got a puppy (another child), and I’m going back to school (I was going to med school when found out I was pregnant and needed to postpone). Anything is possible, you just have to want it bad enough! Good luck to you in either decision! :sparkling_heart:

Going from one to two children is great and is necessary for your first child needs a playmate and a sibling to grow, play and commiserate with. There’s nothing like sibling rivalry and sibling bond. Besides, it will give you a break from always having to entertain one child because the second one will create the companionship for the first. You’ll see.

I have two one of each. It is really good to have at least two if you can. The one child will not be by there self they will have someone to play with and not always feel alone.

Yes yes yes have 1⁄2 child your 1st child and you will love the 3rd 1It will be not bad but it’s not going to be easy either you will love them both I know I did my 1st to my second to my 3rd 2 hey I’m 70 this year and I still have a child it’s not bad I guess I’ll always be daddy bye.

My first child was a girl. I decided to have another one so my first would have company and I wished I would have stuck with one .They didn’t get along and still halfway do but they love each other. Your circumstance might be different. Two for me spelled trouble.

I have 2, 2 years apart. One of each. They are still close and both are in their 40’s.

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I am an only child and wish I had a sibling especially as my mom ages and gets needier. Someone to help with things and to be there for each other. That’s why I was adamant to have at least two and am currently 23 weeks with my second boy. I’m oddly not against 3 at this point if we can get a bigger house or addition. I’m worried itll be overwhelming with 2 also, but to me the benefits for my children far outweigh the few years of insanity lol

I would never have an only child by choice. Too hard on them later. But going from one to two was a big change but after that it was just another cup of water in the soup. I have 4 that are all grown now and wouldn’t change a thing.

It no harder with one then with two I had mine 7 years apart but then there is 4 years between my second and third I wish they were a little closer in age but other than that I love all my babies and couldn’t imagine my life any different

One to two is pretty uneventful. Prayed about having three and so glad I did because she is my best friend. So glad I had more than one and now I have six precious grands.

I have 3 girls and 1 boy they are the best of friends.and i’m one of 8 and love having all these sibling.Yes times were trying sometimes but you do what you have to do and i would of had it no other way.

my kids are almost 7 years apart, at frist, my daughter loved her little brother, but, around 2 years old, and he was getting into her room and she was not happy about this, and locks didn’t keep him out. he would always find a way in. there was alot of fighting sometimes, but, when my son got into his teen years. it was all good again, there best friends now, I’m glad them have each other . there now 35 and 27. them years fly by so fast. but, all kids have there good and bad days, just like us all. I would say go for it, have the 2nd one

When you are older and need care, it is good for both children to share the care. Hard for an only child to shoulder the burden alone.

I have 2 Children and sometimes wish I had had more. I have been blessed with really great kids! Weigh the pros and cons. Personally I’m glad for the two I have as I ended up being a single sole support parent. I wouldn’t want just one child, I think it’s better if they have at least one sibling so they can support one another.

Are you financially ready for another child? Did you talk it over with your husband? I have 3 daughters, sometimes I didn’t know how I was going to get through it, but it all turned out good. I would of liked to have atleast 7, couldn’t afford them. But if you have good family support & you’re ready for double the work, God Bless You.

I have just the one child. She is 17 next month. My husband has a very busy job and travels so two kids would have been a nightmare. I will always wonder i guess but too late now.

I found that the biggest change was going from 1 to 2. I have a total of 5 and once I got past 2 it didn’t seem to make any difference. Ages were 11 years from youngest to oldest and 4 were boys. # 2 was a daughter.

Had 1 son wanted 2 kids lots of problems 12 years later had my 2nd son wish they had been closer together because oldest went to college when youngest started kindergarten :joy: They are both adults now and getting closer​:heart:

Speaking as an only child I have to say I would not wish that on anyone. You get a lit of attention and dont have to share but there is no one to talk to sometimes and no one to share that tidbit of news with you dont want Mom or Dad to know. The worst part is when they are both gone and you have no one to share memories with. That really hurts.

Okay so if it’s hard enough with one, fast-forward five or six years when they’re both in sports when they both have school schedules when they both have daycare and see if you can handle that picture before having another child. Also do you have a support system in place? Do you have the money to raise a second child? If you and your husband split up for whatever reason are you able to do single parent hood on your own? Do you have the finances to pay for two children in daycare if you have to work? Is your child an easy child or is your child a hard one? How does your partner or husband feel about having another child in the house? Will it benefit you or hinder you? When you can write down that list of questions and answer them there’s your answer

I have 2 children and 2 grandsons and they are a joy I love my siblings there are 3 of us .they are my rocks knew me as a child and we always stand up for each other If you can give your child a sib they will thank you

I had 5 pregnancies but lost two babies. I now have 3 adult daughters and many grandchildren. In my old age I look back with regrets I didn’t have at least one or two more. Crazy…sure! It is a lot of work but you manage. The love I have today with my large family is a blessing. My girls are always there for me. I am not worried about growing old or lonely. I was an only child…now all my family is gone except for my daughters and grandchildren. Have at least one more or two. Children are a blessing!!

I was an only child for 14 years and then my sister surprised us. We were never close and it really felt like I was an only child. I always wanted a close brother or sister.

The greatest blessing God could ever give you it’s more than one child one child or more you need to decide if giving your life to your children is more important then doing things without them I guess each person is different

I always knew that I wanted two kids. I had two because I wanted my first to have a sibling, to have someone to play with. Mine are 3 years apart.

Athens second is a hundred times harder when u would think it would only be twice as hard
If ur not sure now is not the time u need to be 100 percent sure. You have one perfect blessing already One child is a perfect number

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If you have any doubts stay with the one, I did and don’t regret it.


I don’t regret having just one. I have plenty of nieces and nephews, plus one grandchild and one great-grandchild to fill the void.


I have a daughter 38 coming a son 32 and another son 31 and I loved every moment of them growing Up, today they are adults and we have 5 grandsons that bring so much joy, bless them.

I had 4 in 4 years and 2 months to the day. I enjoyed every day of it. They are all married and have 1 to 6 each. We are a big happy family and get together once a month.

My wife and I each have a grow child my son was 17 and my stepdaughter was 13 when we found out she was pregnant and got married. We discussed did we want to raise basically another only child in the house. We decided to have another child because we didn’t want to have the loneliness and spioling that comes with being an only child
So now our children are 31 and 26. 14 and 13 and we can tell a world of difference in them. The 2 youngest are very close and completely different attitudes from the older 2. Now im sure most of the difference was that my wife and I were older amd could look back and see some of the mistakes we made with the older kids, but a good portion of it is the younger 2 growing up together.

Mine are 45 41 38 24 twin 23 they are all so very close. Thankfull for all 6 and so far my 12 gtandkids meny more to come. Love a big family the only down fall im always broke god bless

I have 13 and 15. First was planned second was a gift. Didnt want a second because my oldest had many health issues and i was worried i wouldnt have enough time or energy for another. But you find the time and energy.

My second daughter was a complete surprise my oldest was planned using ovulation test kits my son was planned because we both wanted a son and willing to give it one more try. . If my 3rdvwouls have been a girl I still would have stopped there

I had two girls 21 months apart…Husband traveled a lot for work. At first it was hard… as they grew they had each other to play with… I had a brother and it was great to have a sibling… I don’t know how old your child is now. That makes a difference. It will be hard at first with a newborn but it isn’t like the first when you were not sure what you were in for! I thought I’d be at home, relaxing and eating bon bon’s with the first… You know how that goes!

I have six and wouldn’t change my life for anything!

I was only able to conceive one child. Divorced my ex when he was 2. Now he is 21 and has no siblings. When I am gone he will have no one. Have more kids. Also I am only child and have to take care of my disabled mother. It sucks to be an only child!

I had only one and I totally regret not having another, my hubby was an alcoholic and never helped me and I was afraid he would not help with the 2nd bit now so wish I had had another

I have 5 and I am so thankful for all of them. My oldest is going to be 18 in December and my youngest is 4 weeks old.

No matter how many kids you have , it doesn’t mean they will be close…

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It’s rarely too late. My kids are 18 years apart amd both were planned for.

I’m an only child and our son is an only child. We both have loved being an only. No option for me about having a second because I found out I was pregnant on my 41st birthday!

Even though I’m second oldest of 13 I had hard time going from one to two.going from two to three was easy and three to four was easy.basically it depends on the kids personality

Honest opinion…2nd one was easier than the 1st …they fought like cats and dogs at one point but now they are grown they always have someone who will be there for them!!

Surprise, my girls are 18 years apart. Love them both the same. But they are different, oldest had her grandma to watch her girl owing up. Youngest didn’t believe sleep was necessary.

Two is easy. We had three. Going from 2 to 3 for felt like having ten. But that’s just me.

I had five and wouldn’t change it for the world!

I was raised an only chilkd. An only child is a lonely child so I had four. Think about if your one child was taken away how lonely would be your old age.

Oh, honey, your child needs a sibling. My mom & dad are gone but, I have a sister. She’s the only person who shares all my history.

As a mother of four, I recommend staying with even numbers…after the third there’s always an odd man out, or third wheel… Even numbers gives everyone a friend to play with. :wink::two_hearts:

I think 2 is good not 1 they grow up and wish they had a sibling. My husband had only 1 and he died in a skiing :skier: accident now he has no children.

I have one son and I do wish I could have had a second one just because we are out in the country and he would have a play mate

I was an only child. Hated it. Always alone no one to talk to.

One child gets lonely even when you think they aren’t.

I was an only child and I hated it very much so
I wanted at least 2 I had them 2 and a half years apart

I am blessed with three. No accidents. No one should be able to decide for you and your husband.

My mom had 10 in 15 years 9 months. Last 4 were born in 1957,twins in 59 and last one 1960. How she did it I don’t know. No help and dad drove truck.

It’s your decision. You do not add to your family because people think you should you add a new member because you or God makes that decision. If you want one add one, but be sure you want one or if God decides make sure you can care for the child either way you and your husband raise it. Once here no turning back.

You will never regret having children, but you will regret the ones you didn’t have

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Only children really miss out on a lot and if Mom and Dad are gone there is not one else to be close to.

I had two beautiful children. 2 and a half years apart. Wanted 2 more but wasn’t able to. They grew up sooo fast. Wish i could turn back time. I was both Mom and Dad and wouldn’t change a thing.

If you have to think about it you are not ready for another child

I’m an only child, a lot of time I wish I had a sibling to confide in.

One is enough. It is getting more expensive to raise a child.

If you got a good man and you both want a child go for it.

I say just let nature and God take their course if it is meant to happen it will.

2 is so much better . I had 1 thin twins after loved it so much
And no one should have 1 child.

I was an only child and I hated it.

If you have to ask that question on social media then no you shouldn’t. You are not mature enough for 1 never mind 2

In this day and time with all the unrest in the country I would not want any children.

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Go for it!!! They grow up so fast. I have 3… being a mom is so much fun!!!

One child would not be good when they grow up. , They will have no family when their parents pass.