Was I in the wrong to eat take out in front of my bonus kids?

Nope. Every once in awhile you’re allowed to have something they dont get in front of them. Now if you threw them a poptart for dinner and then ordered $50 of food for you, that’d be a problem

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You are not wrong!!! You made the kids a home cooked meal before you even decided to order your food. Once the kids are feed whatever you decide to eat is your right as the adult a pregnant one at they. DO NOT LET THEM MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY


Hell yes that is selfish and wrong as hell you don’t do that to no kids period !!!


No, you were wrong for putting it on fb for clot. I said what I said


No. They were fed. I don’t see the issue.


I didn’t have enough for me once so I ordered subway I did give them some of mine tho. You are pregnant tho and you need to eat too. I probably would’ve asked if they wanted something tho or got them something small after already eating

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I would of ordered them a treat or snack from wherever I ordered food from yesterday I ordered breakfast for myself after I fed my kids but I ordered them doughnuts still


I would never do that in front of any kids. I would ask them if they least wanted dessert or something from the take out place.


Just like that poor man and the McDonald’s lol
Nah, you’re not wrong. They ate, pretty damn good too.

Who gives a crap momma…you fed them and yourself let people judge after all I’m sure they are perfect…you fed the kids a good home cooked meal what a terrible person you are :woozy_face::skull_and_crossbones::woman_facepalming::face_with_spiral_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: people are ridiculous


You’re not in the wrong. My fiancé and I do this. We feed the kids first then order food for ourselves. Ordering food is so expensive these days and we have 3 kids so we just can’t afford take out or delivery for the 5 of us. Sometimes my fiancé and his son eat food at home and when my boys are with their dad I order take out (I’m also pregnant). My fiancé doesn’t care :woman_shrugging:

Nope. I have even done this with my own. Not often, but we both work and are exhausted with 4 kids, sometimes it’s something to look forward to. And take out for 4 is easily 60+. Yes we buy them take out, they get fast food at least once a week too, but we don’t need to always buy them what we eat. Doesn’t make you a shitty person. Being pregnant too, with cravings, why should you have to cook a meal again. And what if you didn’t have enough money to get them anything? And if they ate why buy food again? Tell him to use that saved money for a pack of diapers or next time you’ll use his debit card.

No they were fed. If it bothers your husband so much he can start making dinner for his kids and you can leave the house and go to dinner alone.

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I would just run now

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Not wrong but you could of eaten it in another room. I would of went off too.


Yes and no. I wouldn’t go to McDonald’s and eat it in front of my kids because they love McDonalds. But I will make them something and then go get sushi. They won’t eat sushi so it’s not like they would want it anyway. My daughter loves Ramen for some reason so if I want sushi I’ll make her ramen.
But if it’s a situation where we aren’t getting for them because of the expense, we arent getting for ourselves either. If we can’t afford to get them a meal, we can’t afford it for ourselves either.


You’re not in the wrong, you made sure the kids bellies were full before your own. If there wasn’t enough and tour were having a pregnancy craving then you have every right to order something for yourself. You husvand made a huge deal out of nothing


He shouldn’t have gotten so angry. Grilled chicken and shrimp Alfredo is a lot better than take out. A lot of men will go get their pregnant wife the food she’s craving. You didn’t do anything wrong. He was very much overreacting

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Hmm depends… what did the husband eat? Takeout or home cooked meal? I can understand if you didn’t ask what he wanted and you ordered food for only yourself and expected your husband to eat the home cook meal along with the children… I think that would make me upset too. I cook for the children (my stepchildren and my own that we have together) then order takeout for me and my boyfriend frequently but I would always ask him what he wanted too. I wouldn’t order just myself food but I do understand you are pregnant and craving certain things.

Umm no.
You’re obligated to feed the kids a healthy meal.
You’re not obligated to feed them whatever they want. Now if you fed them chicken nuggets and you went and ate a whole full corse meal then that would be a little upsetting.


You are not wrong. You are pregnant and craving. You prepared healthy and delicious meals for the kids, just so happened you are craving something else! Your husband is overreactivng.


Sorry but you are wrong. Have you thought how these kids felt watching you eat take away while they just had a normal meal. You don’t eat take away in front of kids unless they are eating it to


When I was pregnant I could only eat foods I craved and would make my boyfriend and kids dinner and order me something else. My boyfriend would even leave and go get me something else while I cooked them all something and never once did he get upset. My kids sometimes asked for some of my food and I would share it but they didn’t get upset either. I don’t think your in the wrong.


If they were both of your kids would he have been just as livid? :thinking:


That’s selfish right up not good. Eat ceral with them and when there in bed get your take out . But never do that I would of bitch slap you

His kids, his problem if that’s how he wants to look at it then Lol


Ew sounds like my ex when it came to his kids. Everything had to be equal between my kids and his and yes even my own adult self… and GOD FORBID it wasn’t :roll_eyes: he’d literally have a hissy fit. Nah f*%k him he can go cry to someone else. Enjoy your food girl, those kids still ate good. I order take out for myself all the time while i cook meals at home for my kids. They have actually said they prefer my homemade ‘happy meals’ with frozen nuggets and home fries over any take out meal! So sometimes i make that for them and order myself some sushi or something that they don’t even like and we’re all happy with full tummies!

Your not in the wrong. You’re pregnant and need to eat, regardless if what it was. It’s not like you ate happy meals in front of them. I think he’s too over protective of his kids. He also might think that they will be treated differently when the new baby comes. Don’t feel bad. Would he rather you not eat? And I know you were too tired to cook after already cooking a big meal. 6pu deserve a break and what you crave. Also it’s not like you were rubbing it in the kids face that you got take out and they didn’t.

Pffft… no gurl. Ur fine. I hope u enjoyed ur meal

I have done this many times being pregnant and not pregnant. if I didn’t want what they had I will send my husband out for whatever I’m craving lol kids are alot easier to please than a pregnant woman. So he overreacted hardcore. You didn’t let them starve and they ate before you did​:heart::heart:


I would of gotten upset too. The kids don’t understand they wanna eat out also. It depends how old the kids are and if they even understand what pregnancy cravings are or if this is something that already added fuel to an already burning fire. It sounds like maybe he feels you don’t treat his kids fairly in general


Yes and no. I wouldn’t get something for myself take out that my kids love. … but I I wanted Japanese after my kids ate, that’s a diff story cause 2 of my 3 kids wouldn’t eat that (1 would and I would offer).

To me, it seems like a huge deal was made by your hubby out of nothing, unless these kids were sitting there saying wow i wish I could have XYZ like you had …

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Messed up, who wouldn’t rather have take out at that age, you even wanted take out.


No they had food they’re fine.

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So you don’t feel bad I’ll make my own kids dinner and then eat out it’s had nothing to do with them being your step kids don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it

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Think about how you would have treated your own blood. I would have fed my own birthed kids and ordered myself takeout if I wanted. I’m an adult and if the kids are fed that is what is important. Now had you had one child you gave takeout to and not the other now that would have been wrong. Your husband sounds like the pregnant one

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Your husband sounds like a dick! You took care of the kids and now you need to take care of yourself and your unborn child! Tell him to take a hike! You don’t need this pressure when you are pregnant! Not a nice guy!!!

Bonus kids?

If it where your own children I doubt that you would have done that ?

Once you lose words like bonus and adjusting your mind that you are a unit, u will behave differently and do things differently.

Anyways which children wouldn’t want take out over a cooked meal ? If takeout was an option, then get it for everybody and save the little portion that you made for the next day.

You were wrong ! When you have your baby you will go back in time to see how wrong this was.


I’m kinda appalled at all these comments. Um absolutely yes your pretty terrible for doing that. What you eat they should be able to eat and if there’s not enough money or food for what your getting you should find something different. It doesn’t matter if your pregnant or not. Wrong move imo


How about disgusting ur issues with ur husband instead of strangers? That’s what’s wrong with today, ppl run to strangers about their problems instead of problem solving issues between the two of u! This is part of the reason marriages don’t work, they involve social media instead of the person they r suppose to love and grow closer together. Talk to ur husband and maybe the two of u can come to common ground and maybe the two of u will understand each other a bit better.


He sounds like a dick, I make me family dinner and if I don’t want what I make I’ll get something I actually like… No problem at all!! Plus your pregnant eat what you want

I must be disgusting as hell too because there are plenty of times I have made my kids a full course meal and I have ordered me some McDonald’s after I had treated them numerous time of the week. But I don’t eat in front of their face though…


Are you going to eat the baby next for your own pleasure of being full?? I would go days without eating for my children to be healthy and full, including “bonus children”… he needs to keep the child and boot your narcissistic ass to the curb…

You’re not horrible for ordering your pregnancy craving and the kids had a great dinner. Maybe next time just order then a dessert and everyone will be happy


No way! It’s not like you were all hungry and you only got it for you. Or you ordered food better than their meal on purpose and wouldn’t share.
They already ate.you didn’t.


Sorry but you are in the wrong if that was the case and you knew there wasn’t enough food for you and the kids you should’ve just put it to the side and ordered everyone take out that’s really really unfair just imagine how they feel watching you eat it and then watching you and dad fight in front of them about who’s right and who is wrong 😞


Yes you’re in the wrong. The day I married my husband I added another son to my family. I never buy takeout for just myself. Even after they’ve had a home cooked meal I get them something small. Because kids prefer takeout over home cooked meals. That’s what kids do. It would be selfish and cold for me to think it’s ok to do that. It says alot about the kind of person you are. And please stop referring to them as your BONUS KIDS. The day you married their Dad, you made a commitment. Hes a complete package. My step son and I have a special bond because I don’t treat him any different than my own children. Kids will remember everything you do, but especially how they were made felt. Hope you don’t make them feel like shit after the baby is born. Shame on you.

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I don’t really think it’s a big deal, especially if the kids didn’t care. If the kids were upset about it then I wouldn’t do it. In my house take away is a treat for everyone.

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I think you’re in the wrong.


Not only do you feel bad about it, you are coming online to defend yourself. You’re explaining you’re pregnant and needed the take out in hopes for people to validate your actions. This confirms you know and understand this was wrong.

Unless you are okay with being the “bonus mom” who only orders take out for herself while the kids eat a frozen bag of shrimp alfredo you try to say you cooked yourself, you might want to do some “bonus thinking” and fix this.


You were not but atleast you could have gave them each little bit of what you ordered,the dady is also out of line,you are pregnant and thats what you crave for,sometimes its not even easy to share your cravings even with your own child

I wouldn’t say she was a disgusting human like some people have said but in our home a take away is seen as a treat and for that reason I know my kids would be upset if I made them a cooked meal then I had a treat if they wasn’t enough for me if either cook something else or I’d say we all have take away together


Ur not wrong for getting what u wanted, u are wrong for eating in front of them


The kids ATE you prioritized them first feeding them making sure they good knowing you are carrying a baby. I don’t think you’re wrong for eating what you want. The take out may have not been what them kids even liked to eat. At the end everybody got fed. As long as the kids have been fed so what if the parents eat something different


If you were going to do this you should have waited until they were in bed or otherwise occupied. Eating it in front of them is the issue


Yes!!! That’s terrible and not okay.


Yeah you were wrong kids don’t think “I already ate” they see you with special food and wonder why they didn’t get any special food.


Why do you need reassurance from strangers if you feel you did nothing wrong? Don’t use pregnancy cravings as an excuse when you knew there would not be enough food for everyone. You order the family something, not just yourself. Just my opinion without judgement.


Some of y’all are dramatic. Kids were fed mom is allowed to feed herself. If she just said they were her kids and not bonus kids I can guarantee these comments would be different. There is no difference ordering takeout vs. if she just made different food at home if there wasn’t enough after the kids ate. Life isn’t always fair and it’s not like she rubbed it in the kids faces. Everyone ate I don’t see no problem🤦


This is why we have a generation of screaming kids because even tho they were fed and well fed I may add and there wasn’t anything left for her to eat she should still order them take out that they more and likely being kids who just ate will either barely eat or pick at smh idk how many times Iv done this with my kids we serve them first and I wait till they get their fill there has been times where there wasn’t anything left for me so I ordered out I mean idk what you guys wanted from her to starve and not eat being pregnant :woman_facepalming:


Those kids should be grateful you made them dinner. What you did was okay, u fed those kids HIS kids I take it? You’re pregnant order whatever ur craving those kids will understand one day


This pisses me off. You literally put them before you. A good home cooked meal is better and healthier then damn take out. You made them food. Prioritized them and made sure their little bellies were full. If you didn’t have energy or much to work with after for yourself damn rights I would order myself something to eat. You’re an adult. If you’re craving something you buy it and eat it and don’t have to answer to no one. If you ordered ice cream or something and didn’t think to get the kids one I can see an issue but even then who gives a shit. Not enough to make a stink over it. I have 3 kids. There’s been many times we’ve made supper and decided we were still hungry and ordered take out. My kids dont even care or ask for any. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Girl those kids were fed. Let whoever wanna be mad stay mad :woman_shrugging:t4:


You’re not in the wrong at all.


I hope u at least ASKED if they wanted something


Since this is a blended family, you will have several more obstacles than this. Lessen learned. You will have more battles and this is one of the smallest. Anyways, you need to stop looking at them as bonus kids. There is no such thing. They are either your kid or not your kid and if you are married to this man, then its YOUR KID TOO. Love them like your own and you will see your actions more clearly not only on this matter but many more to the future.


This is a perfect lesson that kids don’t need to have everything they see. They were fed dinner, something she made sure of before anything else. She didn’t eat that because there wasn’t enough. She shouldn’t have to wait til they go to bed , they had dinner. They don’t need “special food!” As long as they ate a filling meal, that’s all that matters.


I can remember several times that my parents got take out and my sis and I had to fend fir ourselves once we were old enuff to cook…my dad had his own business which was at home and always ate take out for lunch instead of coming inside and eating…so I dnt really see the issue since the kids were well fed. Hubby can get over it


You did nothing wrong…you made them a good dinner and you got yourself something…your the adult and dont need to answer to kids over it.


So did the kids have a problem with it? Or just your husband?


Yes you should have ordered for them too


Order another take out babe and desert !!! X2 let him feed the kids ! Xx

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Next time order some pie or other dessert for the kids since they’ve already had dinner.


Doesn’t seem like a big deal

The fact you have to ask this :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Even tho you made food and baught take away you should of got some for them. They are kids at the end of it. Bonus kid. Thats where the problem starts as you dont see them ads your own. I think you need to look at your self first before complaining on how you act and see the kid. It obviously shows in your actions. Yes take away for us adults is a small thing but for kids its a big thing. And would feel like they are recented. Your the adult and need to think beyond especially for tje BONUS kid you say. For you might not be a big problem but small things add up and question is if it was your own would you have done the same thing and ate it infront of them. Put your hand on your heart.

I have to say I would be angry, you really can just sit and eat in front a kids. Doesn’t matter if your pregnant or not. That’s not an excuse. Who cares you made dinner after you ate. Kids should come firsts always ! Her let me get dinner, oh kids watch me eat while your mouth waters. Oh I’ll make you dinner you can wait an hour or so until it is done. I’m pregnant so I eat.

Yeah. Eating out is a treat for everyone. Would you do that to your own kid? Can’t even imagine how you will treat them once your bio kid is born.


Seriously? And we wonder why kids act the eay they do… because they get everything
and feel they are entitled to everything…
It don’t matter who is mad about what.
Your a grown woman creating another life…
You do you!
The kids didn’t die. As long as your not all rubbing it in their faces “Nana boboo… I got take out and you didnt”.
You don’t torture them and do it all the time or make them feel like crap…

Don’t listen to all these judge Judy’s tell you your gonna be a crap mother…

The kids didn’t care so eff it. Get over himself. Why didn’t he run out an get them take out.

What were u supposed to throw it away because there was not enough for you? So everyone had to get take out.

It is ridiculous that our children think they are entitle to take out… they don’t have jobs to pay for this… They ate happy healthy and know you give a rats a$$ your good. Again YOUR PREGNANT do uou

My opinion is you were wrong. You should have ordered take out for everyone as in our house it is a treat . In a blended family you have to treat everyone the same or you will be constantly arguing with your partner and it will destroy your relationship xx

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There was not enough for YOU because YOU didn’t make enough, because YOU wanted take out, because YOU had a craving. It’s all about YOU! You didn’t have take out because there wasn’t enough for you, you intentionally didn’t make enough because you wanted take out! Instead of treating his kids with kindness & decency, and creating a family environment where they feel accepted & worthy, you flaunt in front of them that you got take out & they had to eat what wasn’t good enough for you to eat! And then try to manipulate it into a “poor me, I had no choice” thing. Your husband has every right to be pissed off. You got caught showing your true colors!


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guessing ur first pregnancy and in relationship with kids :flushed: think of it as what u expect if they were ur child in ur tummy

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I think you were wrong. Everyone should have the option for take out. I have had 4 babies and I would never eat something if there wasn’t none for them.

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Y’all are some mean a&& people


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Wow you are all crazy as hellllllll lmfao. Girl you are fine. You made the kids dinner. As long as they ate it and are fed you did nothing wrong. Hell I am guilty of getting take out in front of my kid and im not even pregnant. And you know what? Mine does not care. He is like oh did you have a craving for something mommy? Yup. Absolutely did.
Now with that being said if he came to me and politely asked for something specific that I couldn’t make at home I would order it for him. But that’s just it he is gonna have to ask because I am not a mind reader. I don’t think you did anything wrong. Don’t let these crazy people stress you out. (P.s. take out is not aa big a deal to kids as y’all make it sound. Unless you are ordering pizza or something, kids generally don’t get that worked up.)


Why would you want your kids eating out versus home cooked??? Isn’t it better to not give kids fast food or eating out? If the kids fed and the momma needed food since the dinner was all gone what was she supposed to do?! Lick the napkins or Take from the kids dinner ?!
Now if they asked for food and you denied them or knew they were starving but ate in front of them that’s a no no but you made sure they were okay! HOW CAN PEOPLE SAY SHE INTENTIONALLY DIDNT MAKE ENOUGH?! I’d give my baby all the food to fill them up and eat something else or maybe since she’s pregnant didn’t have energy to make more or make something different…
PLUS WHAT ABOUT WHEN PARENTS GO OUT TO EAT ON DATES & SHIT WHEN BABY IS AT SITTERS & COULD HAVE LEFTOVERS… eating it in front of the kids is a bad thing if they are already fed?
HONESTLY EVERYBODY ATE so everything is okay!
She fed the babies first sounds like a good momma to me :heartpulse::heartpulse:

No. You’re grown they ate. So as adults we aren’t allowed to treat ourselves because of kids? I think not. Enjoy ur takeout girl! Kids already think they’re entitled enough. Sometimes you don’t get what mommy has.


Always treat your partners kids how you would want your child treated! If everyone in my blended family wanted take out but we couldn’t afford to order take out for everyone, we wouldn’t leave one out it’s not fair we would all go without take out and have home cooked food you just wouldn’t sit there eating it in-front of them.

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The kids were fed a decent dinner , your an adult you get to eat what you want and shouldn’t be made to feel bad by your partner . Treat the kids a different way . I’ve had loads of food my kids haven’t and vice versa


She asked if she was wrong not to be attacked with rude comments. Each house hold is different, if I were in that situation I would of asked if they would like something else besides the meal that was already prepared. No one is perfect

All these people complaining yet again :roll_eyes: I eat takeout without my kids all the time, tbh your doing those kids a favour because what you Cooked them was probably a lot healthier than giving them takeout, and everyone making out like she wouldn’t do it if it was her own kids how do you know she wouldn’t :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:


You made them a really good dinner. You said there wasn’t enough for you … you don’t owe anyone an explanation as to how and when you nourish your pregnant body.


Silly man for knocking you up.


If I were having a take out I’d always get it for the family not just me but to be fair with 2youngs kids I don’t get anything to myself anyway they help themselves so if you managed to have a take away with the kids helping themselves your lucky :rofl: but maybe next time waite till there in bed b4 having a take away

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Um… He needs to sit in some water and CALM HIS ASS DOWN! men will NEVER understand being pregnant or those types of cravings… They are vastly different from regular food cravings. And his kids WERE FED WELL! there have been times my husband and I have made food for our kids and then ordered out for ourselves because we were both wanting something that was too expensive to order for the entire family. He’s insane. He completely overreacted.

I understand the struggle, haha. If I don’t make enough dinner, I wait till my girls go to bed and then I order take away :joy: that way I can hide the evidence. But I hate eating take away in front of my girls if I don’t buy them any, I feel that’s wrong.


I don’t see an issue. They ate. The kids probably didn’t even think about it until their father said something.