No you’re not wrong. They were fed a good dinner. I’ve done that in front of my own kids. kids probably didn’t even care honestly until their dad started complaining.
I Get Paid 0ver $ 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 12550 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.
Nah not in the wrong. I’ve done it if they want a bite then I’ll let them but if they’ve been fed and I’m sure a healthier dinner than mine then so be it. Everyones gotta calm down and get of their high horses. If she hadn’t said " bonus " would everyone still have the same reaction
You cooked a meal, their need was met, you failed to make enough and decided to eat something else. You did nothing wrong logistically.
Now, if you had other kids of your own and they also are the takeout instead of the made meal, then yeah, that’s wrong. But that doesn’t sound the case here.
Thats why you eat in the car and get rid of the evidence
Kids don’t understand the rest of what’s going on…
They see a special meal and know they weren’t invited.
It may have been more prudent to eat something from your own kitchen, or at least not eaten it in front of them.
Sometimes you have to look at it from the child’s point of view and not your adult practicality.
Another idea would be to have dad pick up some ice cream for their treat…
She made them chicken shrimp alferdo then ordered herself takeout. Its not like she made them a cuccumber sandwhich and ordere herself a full 5 star meal. My daughter had pizza last night and my fiance didnt want pizza he had ate some twice during the week so he ordered himself some takeout we all ate and survived
I Get Paid 0ver $ 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 12966 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.
If you make dinner and it isnt enough, rather add on slide salad or bread etc so everyone has a bit of everything. Then get your take out as a late snack in bed
Big rule if you don’t have enough for everyone don’t eat food in front of anyone,lady you know those children love take out,rude make it up to them,what if someone did that to baby your carrying,dud
So you fed them then treated yourself to takeaway why is this an issue? Your husband.should stay in his lane if he aint cooking for his own kids.
Wrong? Nah.
Rude? Maybe.
Why do so many lack basic communication skills?
Your husband is an asshole… you did nothing wrong
All the kids ate the same thing.
YOU are pregnant, you deserve to indulge in those cravings. You did nothing wrong. Everyone is on their high horse right now because of that video going around.
Is this a new thing now calling a kid a bonus kid, so wrong in every level.
I have four kids. They eat damn good. . They didn’t earn my money. They get what they need and then some. I’ll eat it right in front of Jesus and them kids.
You did nothing wrong you made sure they had a good meal. If he’s so concerned let him bring takeout for them
I could see where he’s upset but it’s not like you made them a quick grilled cheese you also made sure they had a great meal. Don’t think about it to much.
I thought bonus kids were your kids’ friends that just always seem to be at your house. Since when did it become a term for step children?
Are we really getting mad over this? The kids were fed period. This was not about the kids watching her eat take out. This is about her not ordering any for the dad and hes using his kids as an excuse to make her feel bad.
Nope. Plus if.the food had shrimp. I’m not in your state or with your Dr. But when I was pregnant I couldn’t eat shrimp, fish. Anything with mercury in it.
Half the time if our kids eat and we don’t have enough for us we wait until they are asleep and get something for us if we have the money. If we don’t then I’ll make 2 different things and let them pick between the 2. When I was pregnant I usually got what I wanted regardless if it was enough for everyone. The kids always eat first then let mom get what she wants. It’s not a big deal…
You did nothing wrong, they had a good meal. I could see his point if you made them a grilled cheese or a bowl of cereal or ramen but you didn’t. So it should be a big deal.
I do that all the time
Nope you are NOT wrong and bonus kids or not I do it all the time with my real are a grown women
Look, I get it. I’ve ate take-out while my kids were given something I made at home BUT I did not eat in front of them. While it is important for kids to understand that they can’t have everything in situations like this though you are displaying very rude behavior and teaching them the same.
Looking at the situation as whole, that is honestly where my issue is coming in. Not that you had take-out but that you ate it in front of the kids.
It would be like someone giving you a home cooked piece of (insert something that is good but not mouth-watering amazing) but them eating a (Insert something you find yummy and special and delicious) in front of you.
You would likely consider it rude and it would probably hurt your feelings as well.
You may consider chicken and shrimp Alfredo to be fancy and amazing but that doesn’t mean that children are going to hold that same view of it (Trust me. They don’t) especially when compared to take out.
Not at all I’d do that to my own kid😂
Y’all are so wild and judgemental in this group
Some men just like to make us feel l”less than”!
I could see why he got mad… would u want someone else to eat out but not ur kids ?
Nah sounds like you fed them well. Treat yourself
I have eaten takeout while my kids eat something I cooked. I usually sneak and eat it so they don’t get jealous.
I do not think you did anything wrong. You made them a delicious meal before you ordered a take out that you were craving. You just wanted something different from what they were eating.
You’re literally pregnant
If you wanna eat a damn lobster while those kids eat nuggets and fries so be it!
You’re only pregnant for less than a year. It’s not like you do this on a constant basis or when you aren’t pregnant
I would never do that. We’re moms. If we make dinner and there’s not enough for us - I would’ve eaten a sandwich or something I could’ve thrown together easily for myself. I wouldn’t have ordered take-out and eaten it in front of children - pregnant or not. Worst case scenario, order it and eat it after they’ve gone to their rooms for the night. That’s no different than someone showing up at your house with their kids bringing them McDonald’s to eat for lunch while your kids had to eat a sandwich. No way.
Parent perks … you’re not wrong
I just want to know has he apologized yet?
I don’t think it is necessary wrong but definitely not something I would do. Especially if you ordered something they love. I would have at least ordered them a nice treat. But eating out may not be a big deal for you guys. We don’t eat out often so my kids definitely see it as a treat. But other homes are different and home cooked meals are special.
Ummm my own mother did this. It was awful. She got to eat all the good food while we wasn’t allowed. I have 3 kids and I’ve have never done this while they was awake. Yes have I ordered a pizza or something after they went to bed. Yes but not right in front of them.
Girl no you can’t do wrong while prego! I would’ve slept just fine🤣
Yes you could have waited
I’m curious how the kids felt about it. Do they enjoy the meal you made or did they complain? Do they like and ask for what you ordered, you said no and then ate in front of them? These questions make a difference on whether or not you’re in the wrong.
What’s the issue ? Did they eat ? Were they still hungry after eating the grilled chicken n shrimp Alfredo? I mean it’s not like they had sandwiches n she smashed some lobster … I personally only have 1 kid to worry about so if we order out he’s eating what we eat . I still don’t see the issue bc all kids were fed .
Not wrong. I’ve done it before with my kids.
Ah no…not wrong at all. The kids ate…you even went to the trouble of cooking…it’s not like they had spaghetti o’s or cereal…
Youre wrong. Should have cooked enough for everyone or ordered enough for everyone.
Not wrong.
The kids are fed, they’re fine.
Now I’ve snuck around the kids to eat take out and not have to share. I’ll admit it! My kids are always fed and as long as they ate and had food I would say no. I’ve done this before and feel no shame. I’ve done nothing but sacrifice for 12 years and I deserve something!
No you are not wrong you made a home-cooked meal for the kiddos that’s very sweet
You should have got them some you are wrong with that
If I was your husband I would have been mad
I cook for my kids all the time and then order me something else. As long as the kids are fed that’s what matters. We are adults for a reason. We get to choose what we want to eat when we want it. Definitely not wrong.
Not wrong, honestly sounds like a petty argument on his side
You meant no harm, but you might want to avoid that in case feelings get hurt? You’re doing great though.
The kids got a home cooked dinner not greasy unhealthy food tell him to be quite
Girl… we do this all the time. Don’t feel bad!
Was your husband upset that his kids ate the entire meal without thinking if their pregnant step mom would like to eat some? That’s ridiculous! The Alfredo was a better meal than your take out. Tell him to get over it!!!
People get PRESSED over this! I’m always situational with this one!! I don’t normally order out and not get anything for my kids but I have. In fact MOST of the time it’s me getting them take away with any extra money we have and then we adults eat at home. But there are times when I think that it’s okay. My children get special dinners made for them and they get taken out to eat for special dinners. Parents deserve to have some of that special stuff too. Believe this or not you do not have to try and make everything fair or even. Shoot girl you are pregnant! How many of yall got extra special treatment during your pregnancy? My hubby consistently brought me taco bell and him and the kids didn’t get it while pregnant. Just like my kids eat out with friends and family. My hubby will eat out at work. Should we all be mad and jealous over that? No, absolutely not. Stop teaching your children that everything has to be even and that’s not fair. When covid happen we had a few date nights in our bedroom where we ordered take away and stayed in our room watching movies. The kids had pizza or free night (their personal favorite) just like they would if we had actually left the house. The difference with my children and hubby is they don’t pitch a fit and whine because they know they aren’t being left out its just a special treat for mom or dad. And if you parent like I do EVERYTHING in your life is usually a special treat for the kids. You always come last. It’s okay to treat yourself. My only thing is I wouldn’t have sat there in front of them eating take away lol. I probably would have waited until they had cleaned up their supper mess and eaten it by myself.
I think it’s wrong. I would be very upset if I came home and saw my husband eating take out in front of the kids without sharing or offering them takeout. Take out is a treat, and you can’t get it to eat in front of others without offering them any or sharing. If you do, you get it later when they’re in bed or when you can eat in private.
Not wrong at all you made sure the kids were fed.
Honestly confused if some of the comments are sarcastic. Because otherwise - NOPE. Especially when preggers. You fed the kids. You wanted something unavailable and if none of the kids had an issue what’s the deal? As a mom this happens to me a lot; I’ll cook for my 3 and then want something unhealthy or that I can’t make.
nope. because you fed them, they probably loved their little grilled cheese lol
I do this with my daughter because she pretty much decides what she wants to eat and half of it is something i don’t want or am not craving. so i just make sure she’s fed and then i eat whatever the hell i want to eat (i give her some if she wants some).
Im so lol at all you woke momma’s, she made those kids a home cooked meal, …n there wasn’t enough for her , wasn’t like she she didn’t cook for them an so what she ordered out for herself, shes pregnant an had a craving, sounds to me the kids had the better meal, an hubby should just shut up, he prolly got some of that take out meal, cause remeber there wasn’t enough chicken an shrimp alfredo.
She’s pregnant and the only reason why she got take out is because her cravings were probably so bad she was nauseous. It’s not like she didn’t make the kids dinner! Yall are so dramatic and quick to judge.
You cooked and cleaned, minimum, for them. A good meal, too. Hell yah momma, eat whatever your heart desires. I’d be happier they got a home cooked meal vs take out. You’re also pregnant with what I’m guessing is his newest child, and he needs to remember what you want to eat may just be a little different rn. My husband caters to every damn food item I want right now if I’m having a specific craving for dinner as long as I’m eating well and baby is healthy. His arguememt really seems petty, I honestly do not under why its a big deal
I make my kids dinner and order food for myself all the time. They’re kids. The meal you made them sounds delicious. To top it off, you’re pregnant! Order whatever the frick you want when you want!!!
if you shared it with them its ok
How about we normalize that kids eat what’s put in front of them and parents can eat what they want. This is how we end up with entitled children.
You are a grown ass adult. I would love some person to come home and tell me something like this. It’s toxic as fuck. There is no reason for him to treat you that way.
Shit someone better call CPS on me then because I do this shit about once a week. Me and my husband will do this together. We will feed the kids and then mom and dad have to go to the store. So we go eat. My kids are older, so they already know!! Sometimes parents need a treat too!!!
Not at all wrong! After all, nothing wrong with treating yourself. Also, if the kids didn’t complain and the husband did, then he’s just mad he didn’t get any, too.
Nope my kids get to watch me all the time because they like to not eat their dinner when I order takeout so I said I’m not wasting my money anymore… and your preggogo eat whatever!!
For all of y’all saying you should’ve done better by the children… first off, it’s you’re mother in laws child that’s the issue. You’re there cooking for his kids when he’s not and he’s gonna walk in and on what you did to care for them in his absence Sounds like he’s the ingrate and teaching his children to follow suit.
did you ask them if they wanted take out if not then it is a double standard
If I make food their is more then enough for the whole family I personally think if you order out everyone in the house gets take out like this morning my girl gave the kids breakfast but when i woke up I want mcds so we ordered and also got the kids breakfast too if one gets whole house gets its only fair
Tell your husband to get a grip. You feed the kids so no harm to them and you are pregnant the one time we can eat wat we want
Eat away and tell him to grow up
Your pregnant tell him to f off. I understand if you did that all the time and you weren’t pregnant but you are and the kids are fed. Maybe it’s time to explain to him and the kids what pregnancy cravings are.
Heck no! Me and my husband get take out for ourselves once a month and the kids eat at home. Come on now
I think you’re a grown ass woman and pregnant to boot, and you can do whatever your heart desires at this point lol the kids were fed what’s the big deal?
It’s not like you were feeding them cereal while you ate shrimp. Grilled chicken & shrimp alfredo for them was great. Tell husband to take a chill pill!
Yes… how rude that’s all I have to say
No issue with this.
I make my kids food and order for myself whenever.
Youre also pregnant with cravings lol
Kids were fed. And fed well might i add.
I wouldnt give one child without the other…but kids dont automatically get something just cuz an adult has it lol
Thats ridiculous.
Husband is way outta line here.
The woman is pregnant with your child and youre goin off cuz the kids didn’t get what the adult wanted?
His kids will end up entitled af smh
Not wrong at all.
You took more care to make sure they had a warm, home cooked meal than you did for yourself. He needs to step off or pick them up something to eat next time so they can have take out too
Bull shit I order me an my partner take out while the kids get home made food sometimes as they waste an half the time don’t like the food we order they wud prefer stuff from home they can choose anyway
Pregnancy cravings are a magical thing that need to be satiated for the well being of the family. Once she indicated her take-out was the result of a craving, all further arguments are invalid.
Yes ? I would never kids love take out too
I think it’s all a crock. Anyone with a brain in their head wouldn’t ask for help or clarification on social media. Your life must be pretty damn dull or you made this crap up. Who knows and who cares?
Bro I do this with my own kids
If my kids, my biological kids, have eaten and I haven’t I have zero qualms about ordering myself something. This whole, they have this so I have to have this too, mentality annoys me. As long as they are fed they are fine they don’t have to get something everytime someone else does. There are times my kids get take out when I’ve already eaten, so I don’t. This is ridiculous argument.
Im just gonna put this out there… with my 16 yr old, I had to have mustard on EVERYTHING…
I ate mint chocolate chip ice cream, soaked, swimming, and blended with mustard…
With my almost 14 yr old… red meat everything, couldn’t hold anything other than red meat down… was awful…
With my 8 yr old, I ate only eggrolls… not even good egg rolls, because I’m allergic to onions… I couldn’t even hold down fluids without popping egg rolls in the blender with my juice, water, or milk… mixing well, THEN drinking…
I’d NEVER expect my kids to eat ANYTHING I eat while pregnant, lol…
Add to that, I always made sure my kiddos were fed first… after that, I ate what I ate…
Same concept…
Then tack on the fact you fed them first and you’re a grown up… as a grown up you can eat whatever you want (so long as it won’t kill you and within reason)… perks of being the parent… it would be different if you made bonus kiddos a meal, then ordered out for not only yourself but your own kids, or other kids… that would be cruel…
No I eat take out in front of my kid all the time.
I think you need to eat what the rest of the family eats. My baby is 27 and in the 40 years I’ve been a mother that isn’t something I would ever do. That would be like giving your biological child McDonalds and the others having to eat home cooked in front of each other. If you want a treat go out without the kids. Don’t eat in front of others who can’t have any. That’s just rude.
If it wasn’t a craving it would have been bad. If that was me though, I would have given then the option of take out too or the Alfredo.
No. You didn’t do anything wrong. The kids were fed. I don’t care if it was pregnancy related or not. As adults we sometimes have that right to have something for ourselves they we don’t have to share with the kids. It’s a hard lesson in life they need to learn anyways. You don’t always get what others have. Self care is an absolute must, even more so while ur pregnant. End of story.
That’s a weird thing to get mad over.
Normally I would said ya but being pregnant no and they got a good meal… chalk it up to pregnancy cravings
Your are in the wrong
I don’t like my kids having shitty take out food, so half the time I end up making them something thats healthier. I see that as a positive?
Lol they are children they were fed you are pregnant and hungry doesn’t matter if they are yours by blood or not that’s normal not to mention you made them a good dinner.
Unnecessary facial hair does not belong on a woman. Get rid of it!
I’d never have eat take out in front of kids without asking if they wanted anything. Now once those kids are in bed it’s a different story! Sorry but I do think it’s wrong to do it infront of them
No. You’re a damn adult. Your husband should grow up