Was I wrong for not giving my baby formula to a friend?

That’s not a friend. I hope you never speak to her again


Oh heck no… she’s wrong on so many levels. That is not a friend

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No your not I. The wrong
There’s a few thjnfs here.
She could of approached the suitstion differently when you explained this was what you had left and couldn’t find she should of left it there

When you did buckle and asked to money she should of paid

Howe ever if you ask me she wanted to turn up to her other friends and look like a hero for magically finding this formula if you ask me

I’d always help another child out if I can. But never at a detriment to my own child.

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A friend just doesn’t go threw your stuff she should have more respect for your house she wouldn’t be my friend at all you are not selfish your baby comes first

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No you’re not wrong!

Not wrong even a little and she wouldn’t be my friend anymore :woman_shrugging:t4:


Wowww. That’s insane.


Man what… those last 3 cans will go fast , you absolutely are not being selfish. Always put you and yours first.

If my “friend” yelled at me in my house I’d tell her to get the fuck out and don’t come back

She must hate you. Seriously. Never heard of a friend that says, acts or does weird shit like that. The fact that it has you feeling guilty is also kind of strange. You. Need boundaries mama, don’t set the tone for ppl to be comfortable to get at you like that.

That’s a shitty friend aye. Get rid of that negativity. Your kids come first ! Might have been diff if it was her own baby. Don’t even feel bad at all.

Absolutely not . Your baby comes first and it was to give to a stranger . Than to have the nerve to want it for free…

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That is no friend to get rid of her out of your life

She’s not a friend mama!!! You’re not wrong


You were absolutely in the right and that person would never be in my home or have any contact from me whatsoever.


A friend? This person is not your friend.


I would selfishly have asked them to leave and not to come back. I hope you didn’t end up giving her anything and your son has plenty until you can manage to find more.


Hope u didn’t give it to her

Nope not wrong at all. You only have 3 cans left and haven’t been able to find the kind your son drinks. I would say your friend is being very selfish by trying to take food from your baby.

With friends like these, who needs enemies

Wow. Get real friends. Nobody is obligated to share anything. Everyone is responsible for their own child. Help comes from ones who want to help/can help. If I had a baby and have 5 whole cases, I’d keep it all. No way knowing when the shortage will stop. It’s every parents responsibility to provide for their own children.

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That’s not a friend and you’re not wrong.

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You couldn’t of gave like 2 cans of Formula?


Nope, after that first reaction of hers, she really isn’t a friend. Then you actually say yes and she has the guts to demand it free. Nope you arnt in anyway wrong. Carry on with yourself :slight_smile: leave that fake friend be. She showed her true colours

She has a problem, you don’t. You need your food. Do not feel bad.

Nope I wouldn’t have given her it period


I feel like maybe could’ve gave her 1 or at least some everyone is going threw it lol it better to share then not to

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Sorry but in these situations your child and family needs to come 1st. You are not selfish.


Sorry but she wasnt being a friend and she would never be allowed back in my house…besides you paid for those cans…if ur “friend” was that concerned why didnt she go and look for someone cans for her…and secondly…what’s she doing looking in ur pantry to begin with??? You did nothing wrong…

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Toxic friend needs to talk to someone about her personal issues.

You are not selfish! You went and got it for your baby her friend can do the same.

Your “friend” honestly overstepped and should have never asked. If she’s so worried maybe she should go look for them for you and her friend :fu:t3:

You did good mama! :heart:

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I would have told the “friend” to GTFO and never come back.


Not wrong, that’s not a friend, I’m all for helping others but my kids and family come first always. I plan to breastfeed and will donate if possible, but only if I have the extra. I have donated to 8 other babies in the past before this whole formula issue :woman_shrugging:

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Lol what. That person that Fcuk right off

You are most certainly not wrong !!! I was raised you take care of family first then if there is “overflow” that’s when you can help others. Asking for it for free was absolutely selfish…not much of a friend if you ask me.

She is not your friend. You’re not wrong at all. She is out of line.

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You are not wrong you offered to sell her one why should have to pay to feed her friends to feed her baby.

  1. She just wanted to be the hero to this other person. 2) She’s not a friend. Drop her abusive self.

Dude, she is not a friend. Kick her a$$ to the curb.

You only have 3 cans left… not like you’re hoarding it. And you offered to sell her one…tf is her problem. I would’ve been like wow! And never spoken to her again.

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She had no business going through your pantry


She ain’t your friend sis :no_good_woman:t3:


U tell her to fuck right off!

You were definitely in the right, just worry about your own child

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That is not a friend.


I would never speak to that “friend” again.


You are not wrong and please ditch this “friend”. She probable wanted to get the can so SHE could sell it


You need to take care of your child first. It’s not going to do him any good if you can’t feed him because you can’t find formula. Your friend was out of line

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OMG! You are kidding? You were right!!

You are not wrong . And that woman is not your friend .


I would of kicked her ass straight outta my home. How rude?!

Absolutely not wrong. The only obligation you have is to your son. You do not owe the friend formula, nor do you owe her an explanation. Keep up the good job, mama bear :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Your not responsible for someone else’s baby, period!!! I’d not call that person your friend either for the disrespect.

What a terrible woman.

She isn’t a friend let her go

I will choose my children before I choose anyone else or their children. Regardless of whether anyone else believes it fair or not.

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That’s out of line you are fine I don’t share my cans of formula either sorry my baby comes first


No, you’re in the right!

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Your “friend” was way out of line. I’d reconsider that friendship.
Maybe she should go on the hunt for some formula for her friends baby.
How does she look taking food from one baby for another? The shortage is effecting all the children. Not just that one persons child specifically.


Nope. 3 cans goes fast! That’s like 6-8 days for my baby!


Heck no don’t give that girl shit look at her attitude and it’s not even her Baby imagine if it was hers sounds like she would’ve just taken it no I say no

That entitled person cud NEVER be your friend ma’am. She not even begging for herself where you cud have offered some to feed her child. She begging for free milk to feed someone else and have the AUDACITY to shout about demand your child formula :joy:
Look eh, drop that "friend’ by the side of the road for the garbage truck to pick up


Lol firrst of all, no. You’re not wrong for having your needs met. Nobody should “expect” anything from anyone! That mom wiill make sure her baby eats, it aint even her baby, her opinions are invalid.

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3 cans and a starving baby? She should have paid yes. Are you in America? Shipments are on their way no?

You are absolutely NOT wrong!

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I don’t think you’re selfish. Put in the same position, I’m not taking food literally out my own children mouth to feed someone else. Not happening. Not today, not tomorrow, not EVER. This formula shortage is no joke right now. So I would have said no. Firmly and without hesitation. Not when I have no clue when I will be able to find more right now.


I’ll take “Things that didn’t happen for $500, Alex”…

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That is not your friend. You were 100% not wrong.


No look after your own you don’t have to feed the world

No lose that wanna be friend she not a friends you put your son 1st always that’s what mother do why doesn’t your friend drive around and try to find some see if she can or even get one free at that


She is not your friend. You are not wrong. Your baby comes FIRST. ALWAYS.


Lol…should have kicked her outta your house!


Your child is your priority. 3 cans isn’t much. If U had like 20+ then yeah could if spared one but na not when it’s down the last cans for your own baby. Your not being selfish at all


No way i think she has a hide. I mean wanting it for another friend just because you have 3 tins. I actually think she was rude to ask. Fair enough if it was a dire situation. But to just spot it in your pantry and ask. Nope

3 cans and a starving baby? She should have paid yes. Are you in America? Shipments are on their way no?

Absolutely not wrong. All the babies need help, but if she can’t even pay you for it, no. You had to pay for it. She is no better.

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Your not wrong, dont feel bad!

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Oh wow no your friend sounds like the bitch. Get rid of her

No, baby formula is too hard to come by. She needs to hunt elsewhere for her friend’s baby. You have your baby to worry about.

My baby is on pretty much all formula and I would be livid if someone demanded that I give one of my last cans to someone I don’t even know!? It goes so fast and is next to impossible to find. So what happens in a week when it’s YOUR baby that’s starving is she gonna go harass someone to give YOU a can? I doubt it.


Hell no

You gotta take care of your family first !


Tell her to piss off and buy her own :unamused::unamused: she had no intention of paying for it either

Absolutely not selfish your child is your priority not someone else’s child


Under the circumstances I would have done the same thing you have. Yes is sad for the other baby but you’re priority is you’re son not you’re friends other friends
baby! And how rude of her to speak to you that way an expect a can and for free! Thats not a true friend unfortunately, clearly her other friend has more value in her life than you do. I’d be saying bye Felicia :wave:

No. Your not wrong. 3 cans goes fast & $45 is a lot money.


Every parent has to go here, there and everywhere to find what they need for their baby, formula including. You’re NOT in the wrong. This so-called friend is toxic, drop her.


That’s not a good friend. She should have gone looking for it for her friend, not take yours and call names.

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She is not a real friend! She’s fake

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Alyssa Cassidy UNLEASH

She needs to get out and stay out. That’s not a friend.

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I would have tossed her out my front door by her hair. If it was for HER baby I would share but gtfoh with that friend of a friend bs


3 cans is nothing, you are not wrong at all. My daughter went through a can a week. Shes a bad friend for cussin at you and talking smack. I wouldnt talk to her anymore.

Your responsibility is your baby, that mom is responsible for that baby. Don’t feel bad!


Those three cans will be gone before you know it…you as a momma should take care of your baby first…its how nature does it it’s how humans do it…your friend should have understood…she must not have kids and if she does then shame on her…its ashamed that you need to scrounge for formula in the first place…GOD bless America…

Alyssa Cassidy UNLEASH

You need to better friends

So she shouldn’t have acted in the way she did but you could have at least gave her one can because what if that baby is out formula completely and she can’t find any and is desperate to feed her child its not like she asked you to give her every can you have im mean think about there’s plenty moms out there like you that are formula feeding their baby’s so its not just you that has to worry about their kid or kids being fed or not but of course there’s moms out that have an abundance supply of breastmilk that are willing to donate to families in need because of the shortage


A real friend wouldn’t have asked……


Doesnt sound like much of a friend. Cut her loose

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It’s not even for her kid is for another persons kid and don’t feel bad because this is exactly what the government wants they want to force you to choose between yourselves or others because there’s no right answer desperate people are easily controlled. It creates a divide exactly how you described

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Her friends baby? The friend should be out finding like the rest. No, you’re definitely not in the wrong.
I’d cut ties with this friend and move on from her.