Was I wrong for not giving my baby formula to a friend?

Woooooow. Your baby comes first. Always. Any mother (and decent human being) will understand that. As horrible as it sounds…. It’s every family for itself :pleading_face: there shouldn’t be a shortage of BABY formula, but because there is…… you do what you have to do to make sure your baby has what he or she needs! You weren’t wrong :kissing_heart: keep your head up mama!

No. On top of trying to guilt you out of the food YOUR BABY NEEDS, she wasn’t even going to pay for it? Formula is expensive. If you still had 11 cans I could see letting her buy one from you, but this woman has ALL the audacity to expect it for free when you’re running low.


A friend wouldn’t ask for one of your last three cans. And its not like it’s for her family its for someone you don’t know so its invalid. Of course if you give a can away they should pay for the can. You paid and so should they.


Wow. Talk about toxic

Hell no u ain’t wrong gotta worry about your son and what he gonna eat no other child is your responsibility

I should keep my formula and get a new friend


Not selfish🤷🏻‍♀️ with the shortage you gotta worry about your own formula fed baby before anyone else’s


Wow no true friend would do that


I could see giving her a can. You would be blessed

Hell no. And if shes your friend she wouldnt act like that. It wasnt HER baby. It was for a different friend of hers anyway.
Bioch bye!!!


Absolutely TOXIC. what in the world?! You’re not letting a baby starve you’re doing what you can for your child. I am so sorry mama.

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Absolutely not! You have to worry about your baby and your means of getting more.


Doesn’t sound like a friend to me…


Some friend. You have to take care of your kids first and foremost. Dont let anyone guilt trip you for anything when it comes to your own. Tell your hopefully ex friend to kiss it and kick rocks

That’s why you can’t help people I have done it my whole life people has walked all over me I’ve let people move in I have stole from me not paid me I’m done.

You were right not to give it away for FREE, formula is expensive! As a good mother always take care of your child first!

That friend must go!


No absolutely not! If it was for her baby it’d be one thing but her friends baby? Who’s to say her friend doesn’t have a few cans herself? Your baby comes first always!!!

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She can go to hell with that attitude

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You’re not wrong to keep the formula. If you were to give a can it’s only reasonable that you’d be paid the cost of it. You’re not wrong at all. I do advise setting boundaries and removing this “friend” from your life.


So she wants you to struggle to feed your son instead? Doesn’t sound like a friend to me


She was probably gonna sell it to the friend. Just sayin’


UMMMMMM NO. You Do for your baby first

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No you weren’t wrong; she was though!


Not wrong. We are currently looking for premie formula for a friend who has twins. Your “friend” was out of line

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When my baby’s were little I bought cans of cream and mixed water with it and that’s what they had put a little karo syrup in it and it’s just as good as formula

I think 6 months is old enough to be off Baby Formula !!!


$45 for one can? :flushed: that’s almost howmuch it is here for a case… craaazzzy… I wouldn’t have gave it out too if my baby needed it… but when we have enough we usually help babies in need… and no ur not selfish ur friend is :roll_eyes:

Don’t let that woman back in your house or life.

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Oh hell no!!! I would say first of all why are you searching my cabinets for? And secondly good bye, get out of my house!!! Maybe threw in a few curse words in there too!!! Wth!!! The nerve of some ppl

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It’s not like you had 20 cans! No, I don’t think you were in the wrong, especially when you’re down to three cans. They go fast, as you know.

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I think I’m mad that you’re even asking this question. You and your family comes first you and your kids come first. Your friend is selfish for even suggesting otherwise

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This is so sad to even be happening :pensive::broken_heart:

You’re family comes first You can’t let you’re baby starve either

I would not be shocked if she was going to sell it anyway. You are not wrong.

She isn’t your friend cause if she was she would understand how you could be without. If the person needed it so bad why not ask before she saw how much you had. If it was so much on her mind she would had asked before she saw she probably want yours to take advantage of someone else.

I don’t think you should have gave in at all. 3 cans is not a selfish stock pile

No man you’re not wrong you take care of your own child first

Think you need to cut ties with this friend. She’s definitely wrong. And out of line for talking to you the way she was.


You are definitely not wrong babies need formula until 12 mo of age, she definitely us not a true friend. People’s true colors come out in a time of need.

Your “friend” is not a friend


Sounds like you need a new friend. You can’t be good to people anymore because they’ll take advantage of you. I could see maybe you giving her one if you still had 11 cans but 3?? Hell nah. I have 10 month old twins and we are really struggling with the formula shortage right now. Any friend I have would not come in my house and ask for it, knowing how much I’ve been struggling to find it. You are not in the wrong mama. She should be ashamed of herself.

You aren’t wrong at all.

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Not your circus not your monkeys and I would drop that so called friend.

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No your not wrong .
If the lady was completely out I might have given enough for 2/3 bottles but that’s it .
She’s not a friend for talking to you like that in your own house drop her and don’t worry bout her .

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My son’s 2 and luckily his formulas only $17ish but if I was in the same situation I would’ve said no weather they paid for it or not.


You are not wrong.

Who goes into someones food pantry and DEMANDS you to give away your babies food?!

It’s not even her baby?! Wtf she’s so out of line for that. I bet she still would have asked even if it was your last can. Tell her to kick rocks and go find some elsewhere for her friend since she’s so invested

Absolutely not , i would rethink that friendship.

I just checked Google for Dr. Spock’s recipe for infant formula. Check with your doctor and see if this is ok for your baby.
2 12oz cans evaporated milk
32 Oz water
2Tbsp Karo Syrup
3ml Poly Vi Sol vitamins
The instructions say to consult with your doctor before giving this to your baby. But if some babies can take this, it could help a lot of families.


No you are not being selfish at all. She is being a terrible “friend”. I am sorry for the hurtful behavior she has shown you.

That’s no “friend”. You did nothing wrong.

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She sounds awful. 3 cans isn’t a stockpile and for her to think you would give it away for free is crazy.


You have done nothing wrong, in this situation. I’m totally on your side with this one. Especially, after you were willing to compromise by selling a can for face value and the other person shamed you for not being willing to give it away. :man_shrugging:t3:

I’d of told her no … maybe the friend can ask the pediatrician about an alternative if necessary

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It’s not even her baby?! Wtf she’s so out of line for that. I bet she still would have asked even if it was your last can. Tell her to kick rocks and go find some elsewhere for her friend since she’s so invested


You did right. Stand your ground

She is terrible for doing that to you! Maybe her friend should figure it out for her baby like YOU did! No way! I wouldn’t have her around you at all anymore! She is very toxic!


This is not a “friend” & no you’re not wrong.


Your “friend” is no friend at all. Get rid of her.


Yeah your a i**** babies are suffering and you want to be stingy. This world sucks. I would give it to a baby in need in a heartbeat but I’m nice like that unlike some people. I hope when you ce to being in need of something no one helps you


WOW, she is out of line. You are not selfish. Also, the way she was acting, she might have been seeing $$ signs and was going to sell it.


What an entitled brat she is.


Bro for her friend’s child’s child?
Gtfo :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Why is that thing even your friend :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


No. If you only had 3 cans she was selfish and disrespectful to expect you to.

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Some “friend”. That would’ve been the last time I spoke with her. 3 cans is not a surplus. That MIGHT last you a week or so? Nah forget that. It’s scary times but still.


3 cans is definitely not a stock pile 1 regular size can only gets you approximately 15 bottles!


Fuck no!! You are NOT wrong at all!! That’s horrible crap for her to say. Your baby comes first. PERIOD.

So you have to starve your baby for her friends baby? Why did she come over was there a purpose or did she come over to check if you have formula ? Weird reaction from a “friend”


You are not wrong. I can’t believe she did that, don’t need friends like that.

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Thats no friend at all girl! You are right for thinking of your child first. If you had the extra im sure you would have shared but forget her that was wrong of her to act like that


You’re not wrong. She doesn’t sound like a true friend to me. You got the formula to feed your baby who needs it. Thank goodness you have it! Don’t feel bad for feeding your baby your “friends” friends daughters baby isn’t your responsibility :heart:

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Nope your not wrong.


i think your friend is way out of line even asking for one of your last 3 cans of formula


YOUR child comes first and foremost before anyone else’s! You weren’t wrong.


This is not a friend. Protect your baby, it was 3 cans not 30.


I would not be friends with somebody that felt so entitled to your stuff to even say it should be free cause you “bitched” tf??? She’s the one who bitched at you not wanting to hand out your kids food for somebody that isn’t even close to you. It’s her friend not yours :joy: If she’s so concerned maybe she should be out looking for formula for her friends kid. Smh you are definitely not the one in the wrong here. Id start ignoring calls and not returning texts to her with her bold ass :relieved:

I hope you kicked her outta your house after that


She probably changed the friend she wanted it for.

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You should of told her not to let the front door hit her big lip on her way out lol. I’m on your side. Geeze some ppls adult kids.


She sounds like a bitch in opinion and not a friend at all

Not your responsibility to feed someone else’s baby especially right now when formula is hard to find! Why was she in your pantry? She would NO longer be a friend!

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Your friend obviously isn’t a friend


You’re not wrong. Your “friend” is weird af for trying to go shopping for other people’s kids in your kitchen. And then getting mad at you for saying no knowing that your kid is still on formula.


She’s NOT a friend!!


No…not out of line. Tell her her friend can go buy some goat milk or lactose free milk and mix in a little purified water and light karo syrup and it is better than formula. Give baby liquid vitamins if worried about iron intake. The shortage won’t last forever. Not much of a friend. Not even her kid. Outrageous.


Youre doing the right thing!! Family comes 1st!


Man…your friend is totally wrong here. First I highly doubt that this other baby is actually starving, and secondly-your responsibility is to your own baby. I’d have threw that heifer out of my house after I told her about herself. She’s got some nerve.


She is not a friend for sure .Get a new friend honey .Cause with friends like her you dont need enemies


Me either with a shitty attitude like that

No, your and your kid’s needs come first.


Worry about yours, she’s not a friend if she can’t understand that!!! You are not wrong! I’m a mama and if that was me I would have done the same thing!!!


If you couldn’t spare it, that’s not your fault. You need it for your baby. If she doesn’t understand that, that’s her problem :woman_shrugging:t5:


I don’t really think that person is your friend


She wouldn’t be my friend any longer. Especially expecting it for free. She has no right to call you selfish!!! We are all suffering from inflation. Don’t feel bad, your son also has to eat!


I’d never speak to her again. What a @$&! For even asking


Dang! My friend would never behave like that, for one they wouldn’t rummage through my cub boards purposefully looking at my child’s food supplies and then demanding I provide for someone else in such a way.
I can understand stress but her reaction was uncalled for and disrespectful.


You’re not wrong at all. She says it’s wrong to let another baby starve, what about when your baby runs out of formula faster bc you gave a can away? It’s ok for your baby to starve then? It’s sad for everyone and I think it’s making everyone crazy (rightly so it’s our kids)…but you’re not wrong at all

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You are not a bad woman. Everyone thinks that if you don’t share your selfish that’s not true there are certain things one needs to be responsible for and one of those things is providing for your child 3 cans would be gone in no time then what is your friend going to do go search for a new can for you I think not

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