Was I wrong to allow my daughter to shave her head?

It grows back but anyway you’re the bomb mom bc self expression is important!!!


When they raise their children, they can do as they please. Until then, they can kindly butt out of something so ridiculous and petty. If the child is happy, that is all that matters. It is just hair, it usually grows back.

As long as it makes her happy who cares what they think. It’s only hair and it will grow back. When my now 15 year old daughter was starting middle school, she begged and begged me to shave off the sides and back of her long thick hair but I kept saying no until she said how it would boost her confidence in herself and that’s when I did it for her and she loved it and wore that style all through middle school with no issues. She has since let her hair grow back but now and then will say next she wants to cut it all off… we will see, but if she wants to, she can.

Tell them to get a grip. Who cares if they are mad. It isn’t their hair.

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Your family has no say or opinion on what she wants to do with her hair. Let them know that.

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Screw your family. It’s just hair who cares as long as your daughter made that decision it’s her body and she has a say so what happens to it you did the right thing by letting her express herself. I would get crap from my family because my at the time 7 year old boy had long hair to the middle of his back and family would press the issues of cutting his hair constantly and I stuck up for him I told my family to stop harassing us about when I will cut his hair I said it’s his choice when he wants it cut and this summer we actually cut it like mine because thats how he wanted it

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My daughter and I shaved our heads. It was fun and guess what? The hair grew back! Shocking I know. Now she just has one side shaved. It’s her hair and she wanted it you did nothing wrong mama!

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It will grow back. Tell your family to take a pill.

They’ll get over it. I shaved mine one night at 2am… i was like 19 but it’s my hair and guess what, it grew back! Now 29 and my hair is the longest it’s probably ever been — I often talk about shaving it off again :upside_down_face:

It’s just hair…it will grow back for one…but I don’t see what the big deal is…if that’s how she wanted her hair…the rest if the family needs to get a grip…

It’s hair. If your child wanted it done then anyone who doesn’t like it’s can take a hike.

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If its not the hair on their head and she’s happy - then don’t stress it

Good freaking lord at the amount of people teaching their children that their decisions should be based on what OTHER people might think/will react :flushed::woozy_face: Y’all can try to spin it however u want with the whole “but what about bullies” BS if it makes ya feel better. Good job to this amazing mama for teaching her child that being her authentic self is 100% ok :black_heart::ok_hand::100:


Your kid. Your choice.
Ask them which bill they’re paying each month to purchase rights to having an opinion about your child. That generally shuts people right up


Nah hair grows back and she’s young

I wouldn’t allow it too young to decide on things like this

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My always said it hair it grows back. She is happy and honestly thats TRUELY what matters. Let them be mad not thier body or hair

My girls are 5 and 7 and they saw me shaving brothers hair and begged me to do the same to them. They were so happy and glowing after the hair came off.

Who cares what other people think! They’ll get over it. As long as your girl is happy that’s all that matters


It grows back. I’d she’s happy, that’s all that matters.

Not their hair not their problem

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It’s is your child. Her hair. Earplugs and live on

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it doesn’t matter what the “family opinion” is at all. she isnt hurting anyone …tell them to mind their business… or get a hobby


You did good! Her hair her choice :heart:


Who cares what they think? Your daughter is happy and it’s hair. The great thing about it is it will grow back if she wants to change the style. The horror of allowing a child to choose their own hair style


If she’s happy that’s all that matters.

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It’s her head! Plus it’s just hair . She can always grow it back

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Tell them to mind their own business

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It’s hair it will grow back

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Why does your families opinion matter!!?? If your daughter loves it & you as a parent are ok with it who cares what anyone else thinks or says

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It wasn’t a family decision :confused:

Hair grows back :tipping_hand_woman:t3: if this is something your daughter wanted then that’s her decision not anyone else’s but yours as a parent


Wow, they need to stay in their lane. If it was voluntary in her part and she is super happy that’s all that matters. If she decides she doesn’t like it after time then she has learned and it will grow back or maybe she’ll love keeping it that way. It’s her hair and no one else’s business!

LMFAOOOOO fuck them??? It’s her hair and YOUR child. Bro honestly why do y’all come and ask fb these things. Take a nice picture of your middle finger and text them all.

No h wernt wrong. Its unusual for girls to want to do that but if she wanted it and is happy with it dont worry about others…

My daughter saw me buzzing my head when we got up the next morning she had done hers. She was 6 at the time.


No it’s not their body they should mind their business

It is her hair! It will/can grow back! It’s the easiest way to start letting them express themselves! :green_heart::green_heart: don’t worry about others opinions… tell them it’s not their hair… they don’t have to rock a bald head every day! Let her be her!


It’s just hair, and it is her head! She should be able to express herself. Tell 'em to stick it in their juice boxes and suck it. Unless she becomes uncomfortable with it, let your daughter choose… she’s the one that wears it. If she doesn’t like it anymore, get her a wig and/or some prenatal vitamins to help her hair grow quicker :heart:

Tell them it’s not their hair so it’s not their business


Your choice n your daughters choice don’t let no one shame you!

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I let my kid like what she likes. unless it’s inappropriate or bad hygiene. I let her do her own thing. my family says crazy stuff I just tell them they don’t understand. I make sure its age appropriate and safe and that’s all that matters. She likes a lot of like “scary stuff” (she calls it) or like e girl looking things. But As long as its age appropriate I say shes good.

Who cares about what your family thinks … she’s your daughter

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Let them be mad. You’re allowing your child to be exactly who she wants to be and that is BEAUTIFUL!

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It’s her hair. One of the few things she can have control over. They don’t have to like it but they need to respect her decisions because if they express their dislike, she may not do something she wants in the future out of fear of rejection or disapproval.

remind them that you’re family does not control her.

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You let your kid express herself and be who she is. Be proud of yourself! It’s just hair and you proved to her that she can be who she is and you’ll still accept her.

Pick your battles, mama! Hair will grow in.


It’s hair! As long as she is happy and comfortable let go of what others think

Hell to the naw, you are not in the wrong in letting your daught be herself.
At 33 I had a journey, to shaving my head. I started with an under shave, to one side shaved, then doing both sides. Then one week I contemplated on just doing, then I did. I love it, no negative remarks from anyone.

She’s your daughter and they have no right to tell you what to do or any of their business!


Tell your family her happiness is more important then their approval :tipping_hand_woman:t2: tell them to keep comments to themselves as long as she is happy that’s all you should care about


If y’all are happy then no one else’s opinion matters :smiling_face:


It’s her head if she’s happy with it then idk why they would be mad.


It’s hair
It will grow back

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You do you and your child. However at 9, their wants and needs are not always rational and that is a big something she is going to have to live with until her hair grows back. She is not really old enough to understand those consequences. If she is doing it for attention, you need to concentrate on that. That is a huge concern. Personally, I would have NEVER allowed that and I can see the concern of your family. I was a mean mom. I did not allow my daughter to dye her hair until she was of age to do it on her own.

Hair is just hair. Nothing you do to it is ever permanent so I’ve always allowed my kids to express themselves with their hair in every and anyway they wanted.


I don’t think there is any thing wrong with it. Hair grows back. :heartbeat:

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Your child’s safety and happiness is all that matters and if they can’t look at her and just be happy seeing a happy child that’s weird . Hair does not mean anything . It does not make a person .


Let them be mad. That’s their problem.
You did great by Letting your daughter express herself. As long as she loves it, that is what matters.

They do not get a say in her happiness!

It’s just hair ! It grows back! You did right by letting her…

Her body, her choice. She deserves to express herself and be her own self. Screw what they think.

Hair will grow back. Shes 9 shes just starting to find her own identity you are not wrong in letting her be herself at all! The fact family thinks they have the right to be acting that way to you or your child over her choices with her own body is just baffling.
My family got super angry when my 10 yr old shaved the side of her head telling her she looks like a boy and people will make fun of her. She looks more feminine and she has yet to be bullied shes been told by many it looks awesome!
Its sad when grown adults cant support a childs choice and have to throw their own views or opinions in the mix.
Good job mama doing what your daughter wanted.

Her head… your daughter!:woman_shrugging:t3:

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No not at all. My daughter has shaved her head several times. I dont care what family thinks and neither does she. She loves it and that’s what matters.

Well, you’re kind of caught between letting your daughter express herself and others’ opinions. Personally, I wouldn’t have allowed it because it takes awhile for the hair to grow back and there’s no telling when she’s going to get bullied for not having hair and be sorry she did it. I would have allowed a very short hairstyle and told her to be happy with that. I think I would have asked, too, why she wanted to shave her head. Did she meet a child who was going through chemo and had no hair… and wanted to be supportive? I would have addressed that with admiration for her compassion, but told her other sufferers may resent her for appearing to have a condition she did not have. That might have solved the dilemma.

In my personal opinion, I LOVE how you lay your daughter choose how to express herself! If your family tried to say anything tell them to fuck off,! I think you did the right thing, so long as your daughter is happy with it, nothing else matters

When I was 9 two friends of mine shaved their head! It’s just hair and will grow back. At the end of the day your the parent and your family has had their time as the rule makers and now your the one in charge of how you live your life. If YOU are okay with YOUR daughter having her head shaved then, Rock it momma! You make them rules!

I wouldn’t have allowed it if it was my child but who cares what others in the family think.

It’s so weird to me when people get so worked up over hair! It will grow back if she wants it to!

Oh whatever. Tell them they can worry about it when it’s the hair on top of their head.

It’s just hair I shave almost all mine off during the summer. I also had freedom as a child and it was very therapeutic

That’s your daughter

Your daughter your choice

That’s awesome dont let them bother you. As long as she’s happy that’s all that matters

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Nah! Self expression is a bonus in my opinion as a child.
She loves it that’s what counts.
Families opinion doesn’t matter as long as their not saying rude things to the child about their shaved head. I think it’s great U allow your child the freedom of self expression.
That’s wonderful.

Who cares of they’re mad…tell 'em to go jump off a pier

Its your child, none of their buisness. They need some boundaries.

You did the right thing. I say choose your battles wisely. This is also an innocent lesson in consequences to actions for your girl.

It’s her choice…you did the right thing…let them be mad…theyll get over it…

Tell them it’s my child

Proud :clap: of you momma for letting her express herself :clap:… there will ALWAYS be someone who doesn’t agree with what you do :100:


Not their child, their opinion means nothing.

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Just hair, it’ll grow back. My daughter was 5/6 when she asked for the side of her head shaved. She asked for a straight month, so we did it. She loved it, that’s all that matters.


This decision was hers to make along with your guidance as her mother. The rest of the family can have their opinions but they should keep them to themselves because they literally have no absolutely no reason to believe they have a say in how you raise your daughter. They also have no right to be mad at you. You are the mother, period. WTH do they care?

Kudos to you for letting your daughter be herself in her raw entirety.

Tell your family it’s not only your daughter but her hair and what she chose. Hair grows back it’s not like it’s permanent.

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I myself and my son have dreads and some people in my family try to act like it was wrong or straight up say it’s abuse (because his hair is “unkept”) I always tell them to be glad it isn’t their hair and to worry about their own hair.

My son asked for years and for a long time I told him no because people are mean about people having dreads thinking they’re not washed and stuff…which isn’t true but people act like people with dreads are dirty for whatever reason

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The ONLY way I could see this as being an issue is if a big formal family photo was already planned. Otherwise, only those financially contributing to the upbringing of your child get a vote on what she does with her own hair (or lack thereof).

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My daughter has been shaving her head for almost 2 years now. She loves it. Why is it any different then her having long hair? Kids need to be allowed to be themselves. If they can never show who they are, what will they really learn about life? Tell her she’s beautiful and use it as a teaching moment. She will love you in the end


Did she shave another person’s hair off? If not then it’s nobody else’s business what she does to HER hair.


Sounds like none of their business lol


Sounds like your family needs to learn how to pick their battles.


Not their child. They don’t choose how you parent only you do. If you’re ok with it that’s all that matters


Her head / her hair.
Kids/ people go through phases…any photos taken will show her at this point in time.


It’s your daughter and if you are letting her be herself. You are an excellent mom! Ignore your family, your daughters happiness comes first.


Too bad for them, that’s your child. And if she loves it and it makes her happy, do it to it!. More power to her!. Good on you mama!. :+1:t3::grin:


Nope… her hair her choice


Nope it’s what she wanted too many snowflakes around these days

We let my daughter cut all her hair off this summer. Went to school the first day without seeing/speaking to her best friend all summer…she had done the same. It’s HER body and SHE ALONE gets to decide what to do with it. Your family needs to back off. They do not OWN her. She is free to do as she pleases. Tell your family that you do not appreciate the mean comments and that they will not disrespect her or come between her and her self-confidence. And for the record, my daughter has kept tabs on people in our family who had something to say about her hair. Your daughter will remember who shamed her and who stood by her. Stand your ground. You’re doing amazing. <3


It’s called bodily autonomy. Good going Momma!! Thanks for respecting your child’s body as their own. Hopefully the rest of the family will catch up to the evolution soon.