If he only gets his son on Saturday wouldn’t that mean you have Sunday together? Or maybe give your ex husband an extra weekend with his 3 kids so you can have a break?
You got what you deserve. You are DEF in the wrong
Yeah I would’ve packed up too. His kids should be important to him and you are irritated with that. I’m sorry. But he has every right to be upset that you asked him NOT to see his son. Needing time together is one thing but the way you asked would’ve put me on edge too.
Seriously? Kids come 1st. Never ask him when to have his child it’s his child n u taking care of him hello your in a relationsbip with him if u don’t wanna take care of other kids find someone without kids
You are going to have a baby in a few months. The son wont be getting as much attention when the baby is born. Im glad the dad stood up for his relationship with his son. I Think once in a while having a day off is no big deal but making it routine weekly is not fair to the child and your boyfriend. Side note: doesn’t seem like you look at his son as part of “your family” and that should be a huge concern for you.
I hate to add more fuel to the fire but you said you were just asking for one day off when in fact you said every other weekend that you dont have your kids…leaving him to see his child 2 times a month? Ya I’m sorry but thats not cool.
Once we have multiple children we gotta get CREATIVE with our time. There’s not a time I don’t imagine kids around especially have toddlers. Hang in there.
Your boyfriend was in the right hunny, he gets to see his son once a week and you every day I understand the " day alone" but do not ever ask a man who wants his child in his life to drop his kids on his only day a week with them also if that baby wants to live with y’all I be finding us a bigger place so we all can live together
And nope she just asked for one day which I don’t think is unreasonable in the least
I mean obviously it doesnt matter what any of us think bc he was offended by the question. Your real issue is that instead of just simply say no and explaining how he feels, he just packs up and leaves you while you’re pregnant. It’s not an outrageous question. Your tired and pregnant and obviously putting forth an effort if what you’re saying is true. But if he just left (and if there wasn’t a huge argument about this from you when he said no) you should def worry a bit about his role in the pregnancy.
You weren’t wrong if you were asking for one Saturday. Why does the dad have his son on a day he works anyway? Is he the father of your current pregnancy and if he is how is he going to deal with choosing which child he’s going to care for.
Can you imagine from the kids point of view??! My dad said I can’t see him this week because he needs a day to himself.
How fucking sad.
Blended families are hard. The child obviously likes you and your kids if he wants to live there. I totally get wanting a day as well. Men are totally just sticks in the mud sometimes when it comes to reasoning😂 at this point you are carrying his child and that should mean something
Yes, you’re in the wrong dear.
If he isn’t taking care of his kid when he’s at your home anyways I don’t see the issue but maybe you dodged a bullet, also stop reproducing .
I think you deserve a break! Don’t let these women tell you it’s not okay to want a break!!! I think he’s being a bit dramatic because you need time to relax to with pregnancy and having your own babies. I think it’s very immature to pack up and leave that’s not how adulting works. He need to communicate with you especially since y’all are having a baby together. Maybe ask him to give you a break once in a while that it’s hard on you. If he doesn’t understand that then he probably needs to go then. Extra idea let the kid live with y’all during week and every other weekend like your kids he can go to his moms…
If you want him to treat your kids kindly and except them then you need to do the same. You need to treat his child like you want him to treat yours. Now I get you wanted a weekend to yourself but you could have done it a different way as to not make him feel like his child is a problem. You could have asked to a mini vacation before the baby just the 2 of you. Just put yourself in his place and ask yourself how would you feel if it was the other way around
Is it wrong to want a weekend to yourself with your boyfriend, no. Is it wrong to try to exclude his child on the already small visitation schedule he has his child, absolutely. Let’s say that your step son does come and live with you, which one of your kids will you send off to live with their dad since 5 kids is too much? as hurtful as that sounds, that is how it feels to your boyfriend. Your boyfriend already has to basically raise your already 3 kids. You have your kids all the time and see them leaving as a much needed break. The fact that your boyfriend packed up his things and left leads me to believe it was not a simple suggestion of yours to spend alone time. You picked a great father and I commend him for sticking up for his son. I’m sure you are a nice person, especially if your step son suggested to come live with you guys, that shows he feels comfortable With you. You need to rethink the your whole blended family dynamic or you’ll continue to run into problems and your boyfriend might leave altogether.
Parenting is not a part time job. Imagine if all those kids were both of yours together and there wasn’t a choice in having them just not come over one day. Ridiculous & on Father’s Day weekend of all time to pull that crap?! I’m proud of his for standing up! The world needs more dads like that
You knew what you were getting into when you started dating him, you knew how little time he had with his son, so to ask him to sacrifice that time for more time with you, then yes… this was a bad move on your part.
He sees his kid one day a week. You could find a babysitter for yours the other 6 days you have them.
Good for him. Shitty of u 2 ask him not to get his son
You knew what you were getting into. Poor kiddo. I gotta be on dad’s side.
Could of went about it another way. Like someone else said. Just talked to him about a weekend get away with just the 2 of you. Im guessing thats what you really meant.
My husband also has one day off during the week and every Sunday. He gets his kids every other weekend and the one day he has off during the week. When we started dating, I would be with his kids on Saturday’s on his weekend while he worked. We got married and expanded our family we had (2) kids together. I would have never asked him not to see his kids. The kids are more important. He’s lucky to have gotten the time has has with them just like the you boyfriend is luck to have his kid on Saturday’s. A lot of men get cheated on being about to spend time with their kids when parents separate. I’m glad he stuck up for himself and his kid. The kid is priority and you should see that since you are a mother of so many kids. You may not have a lot of time when the baby comes, but you either make time or stop having kids if you cannot take care of them of have the space for your growing family.
Selfish much? Stop having kids if you dont want them around.
I really dont think putting this woman down was the way to go. Giving her other ideas on how she can mend this would be better. Such harsh people on here.
You’re not being selfish at all.
It wouldn’t even be selfish if you can have him get his son on the weekends that your children are home. You need a break sometimes, especially since you’re about to have a baby soon.
It’s father’s day. He deserves to be with his son.
Ooh I’d have flipped my shit! Kids always come first and you can always make room, ive 6 kids weve lived in three bedroom homes now have four , two kids have moved out. Very unfair of you, blended families or large families are hectic and chaotic but its not forever kids grow up so quickly those weekends stop one day and while you enkoy the quiet you miss the chaos. Tommorrow is never promised.
Youre the kind of girl that scares me when i find out my baby daddy is dating again. Disgusting
I see both sides. But I definitely understand you needing a break. Especially if yours aren’t their, and his dad wasn’t going to be there. You deserve to kick your feet up. And if neither of his parents can understand that, that’s selfish on their part.
You do deserve a break. But, if that’s the only time he gets to see his kid, then you shouldn’t have asked him not to get him.
This is why step moms get a bad rep. I am so happy to see a father stand up for his child over his girlfriend. You wouldn’t like it if he didn’t want your kids around.
7 months pregnant and wanting a break is not wrong like u said you take care of his son when he’s over you go above n beyond. But your getting to the point in pregnancy you need some rest. You need to think of that baby growing inside you aswell
Bravo to your boyfriend for choosing his child over you. When you have children you give up your free days
Good for him!He’s thinking like a parent!!
Yep when you have kids you don’t have a life until they are 18.
He only sees his son on weekends and one day In the week? Why not spend time with him and have your children’s father keep them a little longer while your bf son isn’t there ? You want alone time away from kids but about to have another one ? I’m
With dad on this one !
If he cared for his son by doing the cooking, cleaning, and care for him would you have asked him to skip this weekend? If his accountability is the issue, I’d discuss that with him. Perhaps you could do something outside your house to get a break and they can have father/son bonding time?
What a selfish bitch, you could have picked any other day than the day he has his kid. Glad he left you, you don’t deserve a man like that.
Fuck that you are allowed one day. If he cant see that then he is the selfish one. Especially if you watch his child for him. You are right. YOU are pregnant and deserve a day off with him just yall two. Just one day? Come on now. If he can’t do that your boyfriend sucks for not understanding your needs. This is my opinion.
Is the baby that you are carrying not his? I only ask because I’m hoping he would stick around to discuss this more and work through it if your going to be the mother to his child as well.
Kids should be #1 priority period I stand with him it was wrong of you to ask him to give his one day up with his son when you see him everyday it would kill me to only have one day a week with my child and not see them everyday
Mm I don’t agree, do date night on a Friday every 2 or 3 weeks if you want time alone or a babysitter for all the kids but on a day you both agree. I know what you’re asking for… but the way you worded it came out wrong… if I get what your asking. So yes asking that of him would piss off any parent.
Hes not wrong. Its absolutely not fair of you to ask him not to get his kid on his time. But as a compromise, why don’t you see if he can shift his weekends with his son. That way you both have the same visitation schedule and the same kid free weekends.
Discuss have all kids together , or swap your kids time so you do get a weekend
Gonna sound like an asshole but stop having kids. If this new baby isn’t his then definitely stop having kids. He is right and wrong. Children come first. However if that is his unborn child you are carrying then you are more than just a girlfriend you are the mother of his child. You might wanna sit back and think about why he’s acting like you are an insignificant g.f. Especially if homeboy is leaving you with his kid to go off and do what exactly? Possibly another chick Regardless…stop having kids.
He needs to run, FAR away from you! The man gets one day a week with his son. Let him have it. Find a babysitter in the week to watch your children while you do a date night. But never ask a person to change their parental visitations to suit you or yours. You’re definitely in the wrong. Mommies need breaks, but that’s what we signed up for. Also, his child wants to live with y’all, but you have no room for anymore kids? Yet you have one on the way?! Ummm no. That’s not how it works hunny. You’re children aren’t any more important than his. I’d suggest start taking his feelings more into consideration.
You don’t have room for his child but got pregnant? Naw you just don’t like his child. Good thing he left you
Where to start… I have 5 kids. In a 3 bedroom house!!! I would love a day to myself. When you become a parent its not really about you anymore. Maybe you couldve approached it differently. But if he only has his kid 1 day a week… and you want that day… shame for asking… find time elsewhere… like during the week when you have yours. Ask their dad to keep them longer or get a babysitter. You take a man on and he has kids you take his on. You dont like it don’t date a man with kids. And the same goes vice versa.you wouldnt date a man that would do that would you? He takes your kids on. And trust me you can find room if you look right.
Why don’t y’all just get the rotation where y’all both have the kids on same weekend. But yes , that was wrong and selfish in my opinion. I would have reacted the same way he did.
Kids are the package deal, his kid is apart of him just as yours are. I would be just as furious if I were in his shoes honestly.
You are wrong for doing that. You should be thankful you have a man who values his children.
Yes you are wrong!! He doesn’t see his son that often
she even had to ask this.
No hes a bit childish you need some rest time for you he could mind them if he likes having them
I’m not sure if you’re saying you wanted a weekend off or every weekend off. If it’s one, yeah I’m sure you can figure something out, a lot of split parents can negotiate a day or 2.
If it’s every weekend your are way out of line and only thinking of yourself. He moved in so did his kid. That means you help care for the boy and its not “babysitting” either. You are the 3rd parent and need to get used to that. Shoot, going from 3 kids to 1 would feel like a vacation
If you really need that time, you need to give up a day with your own kids. You don’t need them 5 days a wk and he gets one day and you ask him to sacrifice. You don’t need a whole day to be together, i mean you are pregnant. Ask him to see about switching to Sundays if you can’t care for the boy this late in pregnancy. Don’t ask him to do something without you giving something too
Yes you need time and mental health together but you need to watch your wording. I’d like to know what happens though. Got me curious!
I think it was wrong of you to ask him to not take his son. Especially if he only has him one day a week, there is zero reason he should not take him and it would absolutely feel to that child that he chose you over him. Good for him for being so adamant on taking him like he should, although he could have handled it better. If you are to be a couple, you should treat his kids like your own. Also if you feel like its some kind of burden to take care of his child for him maybe you should not be with someone who has kids from another relationship
Appreciate the fact that he wants to spend time with his son!!
I’m stuck on “this weekend”
It’s Father’s Day weekend… seriously??
Aside from that.
You’re all sorts of wrong… idk if it’s your wording or what…
But maybe you shouldn’t be dating a father if your overwhelmed with kids other than your own.
Yeah you are super wrong! Kids are priority. He should be able to spend as much time with his kid as he wants.
I think he over reacted by packing up and leaving. All he had to say was yes, I do mind. I want my son here on sunday. No need for such dramatics
Yes, you are wrong. Imagine your ex saying he didn’t want your kids because his new girlfriend wanted to relax that weekend. And it’s his son he wants to see him and be with him during his scheduled time.
I’d be enjoying the weekend even more with him gone.
That’s a REAL man a GOOD man!!! And as for you , how would you feel if he told you to not see your kids the one day a week you get to see them?? Tuhhh:roll_eyes: as I would usually say, you’re trippin.
I’m on your man’s side you will have 4 kids and 5 including his kid if your having a kid with him that makes his kid your kid too you are a blended family maybe rearrange so you can have them all gone at the same time so that you can have a day
So his son comes on Saturday while he’s working and you end up having to look after him while being pregnant and already working full time? I don’t think that’s fair.
But it’s also not fair for him not to see his son. Why can’t he change the day to Sunday, so he’s actually there to take care of him?!
Wow are you serious? How would you feel if your ex husbands new girlfriend was telling him to do this with your kids? Wouldn’t like it I’m sure
You’re supppppeeerrr wrong.
Wow…you are awful. I hope he ran and never looks back. That poor kid.
Yes you’re in the wrong completely, he is a dad first and you knew that when you got together parents who stay together don’t get days off together it’s part of being a parent
You were 100% wrong!! I feel sorry for your kids!!
Wow. What are you gonna do when the baby comes? That’s amazing of him to leave you. You need to get your priorities straight and quit having kids. Being a parent isn’t something you can just do when you want ugh
Aww now you can have all the alone time you want. There is nothing wrong with asking him a favor. I do understand, you guys need a time alone. He was looking for a way out to see his baby mama😊. Take that time alone for yourself and treat yourself with something special before you have your baby
U pretty much asked him to chose between u and his kid… I praise that man for leaving a lot of men woulda just kicked there kid to the curb and did u really say u dont have room for 5 kids in the house!!! So get a bigger house then or make enough room how dare u expect him to live with ur kids but not his own your very wrong
wait a minute you guys she just said SHE cares for his kid if he really cared he would be a father & be doing what fathers SHOULD do. she’s pregnant & having to watch her 3 kids already plus his kid ? & y’all are mad at her bc she wants to synchronize a weekend where it’s just them two ? i don’t think she’s ENTIRELY wrong i think she just wants some time to be kid free before she has a newborn attached to her boob 24/7 geez guys
just one weekend ? she didn’t do what ugly bitter nasty baby daddy girlfriends do calm down y’all
I get that your pregnant, have kids of your own, work full time etc…etc… But guess what his child is just as important if not more so since he doesn’t see him as much as im sure he would like. When you blend a family ALL of your partners children become your children. You should have considered that before you got involved with a man with a child. And to top it off you want this coming weekend which is fathers day??? I would have done the same because my kids come before anyone. Parenting is not only when its convenient. You want alone time talk to YOUR kids father to take them during the week and you both take days off. You don’t make him sacrifice his time with his son. Even if he works and you stay home taking care of of his boy which you should consider your own when you decided to make a life with his father. You owe him a huge apology in my opinion. Its not about you anymore…its about what’s best for all the kids and your family. I seriously question a persons character when they dare to ask such a thing. You may be exhausted but that little boy needs his dad to show he cares enough not to sacrifice visitation to please a woman. Not to mention how the child would feel if they ever found out. Think about it. After you rest since now you have the time.
Well I see where both of you are coming from. I dont think he should have to give up time with his kid but being 7 months pregnant and working full time and caring for your own and his kid, you need a break and thats okay. But I would definitely talk to him and try to arrange some alone adult time for just the two of you but doesn’t cut into his time with his son. I mean he does only see his son on the weekends. That would mean going two weeks without seeing his kid and if hes anything like I am, I would say hell no too.
Maybe request a few days off work/use some vacation days or whatever you do at your job and then get a babysitter or send your kids to grandma’s or something and you two go to a hotel and relax or stay home and enjoy each other’s company. Thats not asking too much and I don’t care what any of these people say. YOU ARE NOT WRONG FOR NEEDING A BREAK. EVERYVODY NEEDS A BREAK. Just maybe next time dont ask him to give up any of his time with his kid. But you deserve a break mama.
Sorry but your in the wrong he should be able to have his kid doesn’t matter that’s his child and you both moved in together meaning you are mixing your children in a family unit. Your dating another parent with kids you can NOT tell them to not have their kids.
Don’t date another parent if your not ready for their family to be in the mix cause that becomes your family.
Not at all! Your 7 months pg working and taking care of your kids and his kid on your days off… um no you deserve a day! He can get him on his day off and take care of him! He needs to grow up it’s called compromise
I don’t think you were in the wrong. Everyone needs a break once in a while. Time alone is very important. He was in the wrong or at least he could of handled it better. Don’t listen to any of these bitter ass women.
You shouldn’t see any difference in his kid or your kids.
I read a lot of comments, but not all. But, kinda curious why he doesn’t change what day he takes his child when he works Saturdays and that’s the day he has his son… if he’s working Saturday, then he’s not spending time with the child and that’s not fair. Personally if I was her boyfriend, I’d change my day with my child to one of the days I had off since only getting him once a week.
I see both sides. But if you wanted to be alone together you can just do that Sunday. He only has his son on Saturdays and you and him both have Sundays off work. Ta da. Problem solved. Never ask someone to put you before their child because it will always end badly for you.
I woulda left if someone I was with asked me that too. Good on him for not taking shit like that🤷🏽♀️
She hardly wrong if she just wants a day to herself with her partner there nothink wrong in her wanting some peace and Time to relax considering she has kids herself and 7 months pregnant
Wow it amazes me how judgemental and negative women are to other women. You deserve time off and you can demand some alone time with your partner. It’s healthy for any relationship. It was very immature of your boyfriend to just leave. If he was not happy he could have communicated that with you. It looks like he was just looking for an excuse to leave.
Yes you did tell him to choose duh if he only gets him on the weekends then yes u are selfish to ask him to not take his kid smh run dude
You are wrong but U expect him to live with yo kids and what if he is also not happy about it …would U accepting if he said let the father take them full time so U guys can be alone togeda …so he did the right thing …U must consider the fact that he also wants time with his kids as of you …I feel like U a detecting him cas he lives in yo house …then move out and get a house where all kids stay there
There are a Lot of people on here crying kids are a priority and they are but you know what else is a priority self care and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to spend time with your man kid free for one day…wonder how all yall relationships are doing with out some personal time…never mind them nothing wrong with what you asked while i do understand where your coming from he was probably mad because he harldy sees him as it is and when you asked it probably felt like you where saying f him. In the moment talk to him and just explain where you are at hope he understands…you can’t take care of your kids if your not carimg for yourself and if that means alone time for one day so be it never mind the karens
I understand how hard life is with kid’s & a step that you only see very little time. Why didn’t you just ask your ex to switch weekends or get a sitter during the week? Maybe had him talk to his ex about him getting the boy on his day off during the week in trade for his Sunday?
Hopefully you two can work this out especially if the baby your carrying is his.
Unfortunately that’s the only day he gets with his son who he doesn’t get to see everyday. I wish my baby daddy would put his gf in place too. I get it ur pregnant and tired but that’s also ur kid too.
You were out of line asking him NOT to take his son on the one day a week he gets to see him. How selfish can you be?? You should of thought twice before dating a man with a child.
You were most definitely wrong for asking that. He sees his son ONCE a week and you’re asking him to give that day up to have time with you. I understand date night is important because it is but asking him to give up his ONLY day with his son is selfish. Why can’t you hire a sitter or have your ex husband take your 3 for a night during the week after you get off or take them for a little while on Sundays so y’all can have some time together. Coming from a female who is dying to have alone time with her boyfriend but we both have kids and my man only sees his kids EVERY SUMMER because they live in Texas. I’d NEVER ask him to not have his children one night so we can be together. Schedule that around the kids. And also coming from a female who is taking in 2 non biological kids, you knew he had a son going into the relationship and if you didn’t want to take responsibility for him then you shouldn’t have gotten in the relationship. SELFISH! I’m 26 years old and my boyfriends kids are teenagers and one has autism, I LOVE those kids as if they were my own. I don’t overstep boundaries but I take care of those girls like I do my 6 year old. If he has to work and I’m off and they want to spend the day with me, come on. We getting lunch, entertainment and maybe ice cream! Sounds like it’s all about you and yours and not enough about him and his. SHOULD BE EQUAL!
He could’ve changed the day he get his kid to another day for just that week and took a break on the day his girlfriend got a break. He should be able to give time to his kid AND girlfriend who he has a baby with.
Omg really he can’t do one weekend that is a bit rude and you are both having a baby he is very inconsiderate and yes you are entitled to a weekend by yourselves. And some people need to read what you actually said when he is not there you are taking care of his son.
Not bashing but kinda asking why you decided to have another child if having that many children was overwhelming. It’s going to be extremely hard with another baby but I wouldn’t ask him not to get his son that day. Life is too short and the kids will only be little for so long . Eventually the kids become adults and move and you will have a lifetime to have alone time with your bf
Don’t be with a man that has kids if you can’t handle the fact that he is an active father to his kids outside of your kids. Holy crop this is awful to make a man pick as if it’s an option. His child with another woman is NOT AN OPTION but YOU ARE so better decide real quick which you’d rather - be with a man that has children with other women and support him in being an active father or find a man that doesn’t have kids.