Wrong sorry. & FYI if your gonna date someone that has kids then your gonna have to technically help take over some responsibilities and work as a team with ALL the children’s sake when it comes to looking after them if you plan on making this a future long term relationship.
So he has his son on Saturdays and he works on Saturdays? So that means you have his son until he gets off work? I think I got the days right. If that’s the case then I absolutely see nothing wrong with skipping a weekend day if you are the one caring for the child all day. To me it sounds like he needs his son on Sundays and not Saturdays since he works.
Kudos too him for standing up for his son, you are either 100% in or not at all.
If don’t like the kid,can’t be dating the dad. Did you even ask the kid why he wants to live with y’all? What if he is being abused or something? Do you even care? You sound like jealous of the kid,in which case the relationship doesn’t need to go any farther if can’t treat the kid like one of your own.
Wow I’m so glad he left. Good for him choosing to be with his son rather than a selfish girlfriend. What do you expect to happen when you have the baby? Why are you bringing more kids into the world when you need weekends off? If you are going to be with someone with kids you need to accept their kids. I feel sorry for that child you just completely disregard.
You weren’t wrong every parents need time alone together you didnt tell him you didnt want him to never get his kid just the one day
Go find a man that has no children. Also if you don’t have room for all those kids…why get pregnant?
He deserves better
Sounds like he is a real man for telling you that his girlfriend doesn’t come first. If he is off on Sunday’s, you clearly are too, because of your normal weekends off, why can’t y’all have time then? When your kids go to their father? OR why can’t YOUR kids go to their father more, so you can have you’re alone time??? exactly, that’s invalid because you clearly wouldn’t agree if your kids only go to their father every other weekend now… such a shame some women are so selfish!
Hes in the right here.
First off… If he only gets his son one day a week and he gets Sunday’s and another day during the week off, why would he take his kid on a Saturday when he’s working instead of a Sunday when he’s off?
Second of all; you’re a parent. He’s a parent. Alone time is a freaking luxury. If you want alone time, get a babysitter for YOUR kids or have your ex watch them on a day he doesn’t have his kid and go spend time together. If you’re not willing to compromise time with your kids why should he compromise time with his? It’s selfish of you to have asked him to do that.
I get needing breaks but if that is literally the only time he sees him than I can understand why he left
The way you said it seems wrong maybe you should of asked different, maybe said we need an all day date night with out any kids which day works for us both. N not enough room for 5 kids well let’s hope u don’t get pregnant again because then what r u going to do with the 5th kid!
Doesnt have room for 5 kids… but is pregnant… like are you and idiot or something?
Yes that was wrong of you
You can’t handle 5 kids but you’re pregnant? After the second one you should be used to it. Yes it was wrong!
If he lacks up and leaves that easily be is not committed to you and is looking for a babysitter not a lover.
Fucking wrong you are, wtf…your a mom this is your life now children and the minute you shacked up with another man his baby becomes your baby…all I got to say is wtf
If you guys live together and your children’s father picks them up on the weekend or every other weekend, then that means hes with you and your children more than his own child, so yeah it’s a bit wrong for you to ask that his one child does not come over the ONE day a week.
Sorry but you are in the wrong here.
Yeah, you were way wrong! How dare you! But I guarantee if it was the reverse and her ex’s woman did that she would come untucking corked… your a loser got song him to do that
You are absolutely wrong!!! I’d have left too!
If he can’t have is son any other time then yes you are wrong plan and simple. Maybe you guys can work to an every other weekend situation like you have with your x but that is between him and his x
He should have left. Good for him. No room in his life for women like you.
Now thats a real father right there.
1st off, yes you were wrong. That’s his son, from the way I read that he only sees and gets to spend time with 1 day a week. 4 days a month. I can see why he walked. If a guy would have said that to me I would have walked to. Kids come 1st. Also put yourself in his shoes, this is father’s day weekend. If he’d asked on Mother’s day weekend what would you have said.?
I commented above^ but you said you don’t have room for 5 kids but you knew he had a kid before you got pregnant so you should have known you would have to make room or not have another kid
He gets one true day with his child, you ask him to not spend time with his child. Umm I’m sorry but you should consider yourself damn lucky to have a man who wants to see his child, not all men are like that. If the roles were reversed how would you feel? You wouldn’t like it at all and don’t say you would because if my SO asked me to do that I would be like nope, not happening.
Wow! You have some nerve. You are a couple. It sounds like you are going to be “that” stepmom. You knew about him and you aren’t including him in your family. I hope my little doesn’t have a stepmom like you. Utterly selfish.
Your completely wrong
Wow you guys are so judgmental she wants just one day without kids before they baby… ONE. She didnt ask for it to be forever. But maybe you should ask to switch the day instead of cancelling it all together.
Why are you having more children? Seriously home girl. Kids first!
WTAF? You totally did ask him to choose time between you and his son and you will/should never come before his child. That was selfish of you to even ask him to do that. I’m glad he left. You say you don’t have room for 5 kids…and clearly don’t have the desire to be a mom to 5. What’s your end game here? Most people are in a relationship to move forward and eventually marry. Did you think his son would magically disappear and you wouldn’t have to be step mom? If you’re serious about this guy, embrace his son, period. And don’t ever ask him to choose between you and his son again.
Yes its wrong! What kind of person would even ask that?! You should be ashamed
Yep you were definitely wrong! And basically you did want him to pick YOU before his son! I’m glad he left and made things clear. More men need to be like him
If it’s just once in a blue moon, there is nothing wrong with that. If you expected it like all the time yeah. Don’t let anyone here make you feel bad. This is not the sort of thing a real man walks out on a relationship for. That’s what a boy does. Y’all need to sit down and have a grown conversation and if he packs up and leaves every time you try to talk to him like a normal person, then I hate to say it but it’s good you found out now. Some people can’t handle relationships. They can’t handle working through differences. You need to just LET him go and stay gone. Find someone who’s a better fit for you, and don’t let ANYONE make you feel bad for wanting one break. Everyone has imperfections, and the ones who are quick to point out yours are the ones that don’t know how to feel better about themselves in light of their own struggles. There’s not one perfect woman in here. Not them. Not me. Not you. We should be supporting each other. Encouraging each other. Building each other up.
“We rise not by stepping on the faults of our sisters but by lifting them up and when we do, we can step up the stairs of gratitude they leave behind for us and stand by their side.”
-Nicole Aurora Escalante
If you’re living together & serious then his child should b like your child. It’s ok to take a sat for special occasions but not every sat. Maybe you could change so they’re 'll all there on the same weekend then off the next
Yes. It is wrong. When you choose to have five kids in a blended family, this is exactly what happens. You’re in, all the way in, every day, or you’re out.
Why even bother asking? You never ask someone to give up time with their kid smh
Have someone watch your kids during the week?
Or maybe you can ask your ex to take your kids a day early whenever it’s his weekend so you can have a date night on Friday?
If he just left bc of that he’s overreacting or you are not telling everything, yes we all need time alone without the kids its healthy its good for everyone in the family, but if you cant afford a sitter and with 5 kids and 1 on the way ??? And if that one day is the only one he can get to see his child you being selfish . having kids is huge committment ,sacrifice, they take most of our time you should know that already, I dont blem him for standing up for his son , and if you dont have a room forr all those kids why did you got pregnant? I come from a large family and its not my business to decide what someone chooses to have so many kids i don’t understand why its culture , money, religion, lack of birth controll, personal unfulfillment, a way of control the other parent, child labor, some people are just being selfish and irresponsible .
Man I can’t even here i have five kids single mom of all of them sure some days I wish I had a break but if I was in a relationship and they had a child with someone else uh no go ahead and bring your child no questions ask your child would be like my kids be treated like my kids be loved like my kids I would love to find someone who has kids just like I do be in a relationship with and know what’s it’s like to have kids having to ask to not have your kid and then you’re having another one on TOP of what you already have? Asking him to not have his child the one day he gets him is selfish and rude my two youngest boys don’t even have a dad in their lives and I’ve been doing it all by myself yes I get stressed out yes I would love a break but I wouldn’t trade it for the world obviously god meant for me to be a mom or I wouldn’t have had so many
In this case. YOU are most definitely WRONG.
You shoulda just asked him to swap to Sundays. I don’t think you’re wrong at all for wanting a day alone.
You are in the wrong. You don’t get a break from being a parent.
And you said you let him stay an extra day to play with your kids… they are about to share a sibling!! Doesnt your bf help take care of all of your kids during the week? So to help care for his 1 day a week shouldnt be difficult. I get we all need a break but the 1 day he has his kid?
His child comes before you.
He goes all week without his kid. You have your kids all week. You want a break and he wants to see his kids. Someone is being selfish, hint it’s not him. Sorry but you should have thought about that before having another kid.
When entering a relationship with kids to be honest there’s no alone time. How can you ask him not to have his child the few days that he has with him I think as a mother you should have known better
Bravo Dad!!! Don’t see that much.
Good for him! You should always be secondary to his son unless you two are marries. Then, the son belongs to the both of you.
If his son is in your life, you have 5 kids.
Considering you’re having a child with him you should be grateful he wants to be in his kids life.
Finally a dad that chose his kid !!
Simple answer…Yes. he gets to see him 1 measily day a week, that is barely anything for a parent…you can’t expect him to want to give that time up. Imagine only seeing your children 1 day a week…would you want to give that day up?
Yikes you’re mad wrong. You take him and get a sitter. Thats how custody works. You don’t get to pick and choose when you want to be a mom.
You’re wrong. However, why does he take his son on Saturday if he works? He should be taking him Sunday’s when he is off. Isn’t the whole point to spend time with him?
Also, maybe he can change it to every other weekend so the kids call all be together?
If he only sees his son one day a week and you ask him to not see his son on that one day, then yes you are asking him to choose you over his son. He made a big man move and I applaud him.
If he only gets to see his own child one day a week yes you were wrong. So fucking wrong. As a mother you shouldve seen that. He cares for his son as much as you care for yours put yourself in his shoes.
Step parents step up to the plate. Hes not here just to see his dad hes there to see his family. And as a step mum that’s you. Or does your partner not be a step dad to your children? As for not having the room. Not much difference between 4 and 5 kids. I’m the eldest of 6 so yeah I do know. What is alone time when you have kids? Alone time is when you get a sitter.
You are VERY wrong!!!
Good for him!! If you aren’t ready to take another child in “your family” DON’T date someone with kids!!
Look at it this way how would yoi feel if A) he asked you to send your kids to thwir dads one day during week? (his day off say!) Or B) if ur ex said he couldnt take your kids one weekend?!? Its a hard one really cause its nice to get a break but as my ma always said you decided to have the kids (enter a relationship with someone with a kid he always take on a sat!) So your responsibility i never took a break from my kids and i wouldnt change it now my youngest is 18 bit my partner has a 12 and 11 yr old and ya know wat id never ever ask him to not have his kids i love them like their my own and love having them! Btw my kids dad didnt bother with them either so its so nice to meet a man and fall in love with someone who adores his kids and takes them whenever they want!! Ypu shouldve thought about all this before you entered a serious relationship move in with and have another baby with this man! On other hand he shouldnt have walked out he shouldve sat and talked about it! Relationships are all about compromise!! X
He deserves better than you. I applaud him
Wow… what if he had that child more… seriously good for the dad for knowing what’s right.
If you don’t have space for five kids, then you shouldn’t be with someone who has a kid while having another on the way!
I don’t think it’s wrong if you asked for maybe one weekend without him there for you guys to spend one alone since your kids won’t be there either but to say every weekend yes I’d say that’s wrong not going to bash you cause I understand especially being pregnant and working etc for you to ask every weekend him not come he is part of your family just as much as your kids are same way your boyfriend doesn’t have a choice or mind that your kids are living there you need to accept your step son as well. But asking for one weekend alone while your kids are gone I don’t think that’s wrong to ask for every couple needs that some time together Good luck
The lady just wants one freakin day alone with her guy before they have a newborn. Something similar to a “date night”. How is that so horrible? She asked for one Saturday, one special occasion. Not every damn Saturday. Either no one is reading this question correctly, or these people are just ridiculous.
You are old enough to know how to get pregnant and if you don’t have space for 5 kids then why the hell are you having another kid?
U sound like a bitch, glad he left your ass
Yes. It’s too much to ask. I understand you need a break but that baby needs his Dad. That baby was there before you. I’m sorry but kids come first even if they’re not yours.
You could ask for a date and get a babysitter but he’s a good dad. You know he’ll never pick a girl over your child if you ever split up.
I would never ask my husband to choose between him and you . Good for him knowing that his kids come frist . You don’t get to choose when you want to be a parent.
Why not just relax in your bedroom all day and let him run after his kid for the day? Ya know… have a comfy day, don’t get out of your pj’s, watch Netflix and eat snacks away from everyone.
First, you were making him pick. Picture if you only seen your kids one day a week and he asked that, secondly- you’re with someone that has a child but made the comment about not having room for him. Well you shouldn’t be with dad if you don’t have room for him or shouldn’t of gotten pregnant. That little is just as much family as yours are. Sorry but I would of packed my shit and left too.
Good for him. You of
People should know KIDS COME FIRST. Get your head out of your butt.
You were 100% wrong.
I’m with everyone else… he doesn’t have the luxury of having his son every day. He only gets certain visits. I wouldn’t give them up for anyone either. At least you know he’ll be a good dad to your soon to be child.
I wouldn’t want to be with someone who would be willing not to see his son because it wasnt convenient for me. When you choose to become a parent there are very few days off. When you choose to have a very blended family there are defin no days off. Apologize and blame it on your hormones and move on.
There are no days off as a parent, step parent, etc. You love all kids equally. It’s just part of the deal
Wrong chick!!! If you can’t accept his son he needs to drop you sorry not sorry
Awful woman. I hope he stays away from you
U should have a u day and never ask a father to not have his kids… u don’t have room for one more child but ur having a child haha give ur head a shake… you do u just don’t want his kid there face it or u would have never asked him… get a baby sitter when ur kids come back and have alone time… work around ur lives not his kid who is goin back and forth for short periods
I don’t think you 100 percent wrong but not 100 percent right 3 kids and a newborn date night is about to be nonexist , is there grand parents or trusted friend that can come over and watch for a few hrs … I will say he shouldn’t be getting his son Saturday nights when he gets off or Sunday he should not be getting him Saturday and then you’ll taken care of him all day . Especially with your kids gone . But when you get with someone who have kids , they become your kids . Good luck
MOMS DESERVE BREAKS. She’s not saying she wants to ship him off to fucking boarding school. She loves him as her own obviously otherwise she wouldn’t feed or hang out I’m with him period. Y’all are the reason women suffer from insanity from not having a break. She asked for one fucking day to have adult time with her hubby and there’s nothing fucking wrong with that
Good for him.
Kids should always come over a relationship.
I could see how if he is hasty he could take it the wrong way but I guess it depends on how you word it and explain that you just want a day with him alone for quality time. MAybe he doesn’t see the added work it puts on you. I don’t know how you worded it when you mentioned it to him but maybe clairify that your not asking him to never see his son but just would like one day to relax and enjoy adult company
Yeah…you should probably apologize.
Yes, you were wrong. Why would you ever think it was okay to ask him to spend less time with his kid when he already has limited time?
You also asked him to to take his son on the weekends a few days before father’s day weekend? That’s really shitty
Wow… good for your boyfriend for not picking his girlfriend over his son, quality time that the little boy surely will benefit from.
Wrong for asking him to not have his child big NO NO! Not wrong you want alone time with him. That’s what you need to explain where it can work for both of you.
Good for your boyfriend lol you were 100% in the wrong.
I agree with him. Imagine HE asked you not to take your kids? That’s just ridiculous.
My only thoughts right now is this Sunday is Father’s Day”edit - Father’s Day weekend” this isn’t the time to be a selfish fool since this is HIS day. Yes, you were completely out of line. After baby #2 date nights and alone time is a rare luxury to find. We all need a break sometimes, but this is parenthood. The kids always come first.
Good luck.
Good for him putting his flesh before a woman. Maybe you should ask him for a day other than when he has his son. Good man in my opinion.
A day off for just the two of you sounds like what you really need right now. Having a relationship means taking quality time for the both of you. Sounds like you were the one taking care of his kid anyway. Now he can take care of his kid…bet he will want a day off too. Good luck
I mean i don’t see whats wrong with having a day for yins but u have to treat his kid the same as you treat yours…
Sounds like a wonderful dad to me. You should apologize
If you can’t handle him having his child every weekend etc and need a break then maybe you should not be in a relationship with him. Good for the dad for sticking up for his child and leaving
I can understand where your coming from but don’t forget you have your and they live with you but your man only sees his son on saturdays it’s not fair can you imagin what he will feel like. I know you didn’t mean to be mean bit a child will never understand that you need a break because we as parents have responsibiliity for both our bio children And step children.