Was I wrong to ask my boyfriend not to take his son this weekend?

I don’t think you a are wrong. I was pretty much in the same boat. Never had any just us time. Asking for one day, just the two of you is not unreasonable . Easy to criticize when you haven’t been there. Sorry he over reacted.


I feel like its his kid if he can only see him certain days you shouldn’t make him choose but at the same time one time shouldnt be a big deal my bigger issue is the way he handled it what kind of relationship can you have if you cannot talk things out like adults and come to some sort of agreement or compromise? Its also concerning that you are pregnant with his kid and he so easily just up and leaves over a little disagreement… I think you both need to act like adults sit down and listen to eachother and come to an agreement…


Read with understanding people. She’s not asking him to never get his son again. She’s asking for a break for a day after all she’s taking care of him when he’s there. She works 40 hours too. She’s pregnant if you ask me he’s not concerned or considered of her feelings. Come on a lot of ya’ll sound crazy like she doesn’t deserve a break. You were not wrong at all. Enjoy your break. Please don’t stress yourself you’re pregnant.


It takes a very responsible man to pick his child over his girlfrnd or new wife. God bless him for the genuine love towards his child. Sorry the child comes first over any relationship.


I think some of you are reacting harshly this lady was just simply asking a question it wasn’t like she asked him to abandon his child she asked for one weekend before the baby was born to have some relaxation and together time and I am hear to tell you there isn’t one single problem with that .


You essentially did ask him to choose. How would you feel if you didn’t get to see your kids but a few days a week and he asked you to skip seeing them? Good for him to choose his kid. Be blessed that he will be the father of your baby because he will be present.


My kids were grown and out of the house when I met my boyfriend. His daughter was 8. At first it was mentally tasking for me to be with a young kid again, but she loved spending time with me. 8 years later I love her as one of my own. My boyfriend doesn’t have a license and we live 2 hours from her.
I drive out and pick her up and bring her home. I also have dinner with her and her mom when I bring her home.
Family is family and comes first


I don’t think you’re wrong. My daughters father gets her on the weekends. He had other kids and when he doesn’t have them sometimes he’ll ask me to keep our daughter so that he can have a kid free weekend with him and his girlfriend. And I dont mind at all. I don’t expect him to not want kid free weekends. We are all human and adults. He works hard and he deserves aline time and date nights with his girl friend.


LOL what kind of “good” father only sees his kid once a week and has his girlfriend watch him the whole time. You guys have a really fucked up perception of what a good dad is :joy: Sounds to me dad wanted a night off himself and left. He’ll be back :joy:


I understand what you meant, but it came off wrong. He saw it as you telling him not to have his kid on one of the limited days he has him. You mean it as a break. Y’all need to sit down and explain what you mean and apologize. His reaction was little over the top (judging by what you said was said, but depending on the actual conversation, maybe not). But you need to give him time to cool off, call him and ask him to come back, sit down and explain the situation


So glad to see a post where a parent is actually being a damn parent. Way to go to this dad. Kids come first period. You find a date night some day that doesn’t separate a father and son.


I understand the idea of needing a break but maybe you could of talked him and said you would love a day with just the two of you and schedule something once in awhile. He probably took it that you dont want to spend time with his son and that hurt his feelings.


Let me get this straight he gets his son on Saturdays and he works on Saturday so his gf is taking care of his son while he works. How does that make him an awesome dad. An awesome dad would take his son on one of his days off. He needs to get his son on either Sunday or whatever day off he has during the week. I would say he is the selfish one not wanting to spend much time with his kid is what it sounds like to me. If he packed up and left I would say bye bye you are already a single mom by the way it sounds.


All she is asking for is a date night and to spend some time together. Ya know, like when people hire babysitters so they can go out to eat and have a few drinks. Maybe it just came across as harsh. I understand where you are coming from. Maybe you could have suggested a date night during the week and had grandma or someone come over and watch your kids so you can have some time together and he doesn’t lose time with his son. Or you both use a PDO day and do it during the daytime. It’s hard when two people come together and set schedules are made. I don’t think you meant to be rude. And I am happy that he does want to be with his son. But, he shouldn’t have left. He should have stayed and both of you discuss everything. I can’t stand it when someone walks out on me. It’s childish. Hope you get it all worked out soon! :heart:


I don’t see anything wrong with this sorry .
So she didn’t tell him pick me over him …
She wanted a day to herself.
My step daughter use to change plans with her dad .
We’ve had to switch weekends a few times …
And our plans .
She didn’t say for ever it’s A Day .


I would’ve left your ass too. How dare you? That’s his child.


I don’t think 90% of you ladies read her correctly. She’s required to take care of HIS son and he’s mad that she won’t do it ALL the time and threw a fit. He sounds like a narcissist to me. She’s not required to care for his son no matter if he gets only one day or not. He’s not taking care of his son on that day, she is.


Yep. You were wrong. If you asked to skip a weekend day every so often… it would be one thing. But you’re asking him to give his weekends up completely for you.
You say you don’t have room for 5 kids… you mean you don’t have room for HIS child. That’s shitty.
You moved him in… so you take and and ANY children he has. They are a packaged deal.
Now, if he has him every Saturday…but is working every Saturday… maybe ask him to change his day to Sundays.

Just because you’re not a parent on the weekend, doesn’t mean that he isn’t.


So this guy works on the one day a week he has his child? Something wrong with that. Time to switch days either with work or visits.


Yes, you’re wrong. Maybe you guys should stop having kids if you’re wanting alone time. You’re wanting him to only spend time with his child when you’re spending time with yours. You’re a selfish person. I feel sorry for your children.


I totally understand what you want, and I am sure if you guys talked it out he would realize that you just need a break, and some alone time. I for one do NOT think him packing up and leaving was the right thing. I am glad he loves his kids, but you are also carrying his kid, correct? Sometimes what we want comes out in unintended ways and adults learn to talk that through and compromise. I hope you guys get something worked out. It sounds like you are very attentive to all the kids around your house, and by the time we ask for a break we are beyond the brink.


Why does he have his son on a day he works?? He should see about having his son Sunday’s instead


Yes you were wrong. If you want a date night, then you sit down and arrange but never in a way that asks someone not to spend time with their child. You have your kids full time so you do not know the heartache a loving father experiences when only seeing a child a few days a month. If you are going to be long term then you have to accept the long term fact of the kids. My Master’s son comes every weekend, my two girls go their dad’s every other weekend. We both work full time, so I know exactly what your situation is. No, we don’t get much time without at least one child around, our dungeon remains locked and unused, my sexiest night clothes are not worn or are covered with a robe. This is life. We squeeze time in when we can and we devote ourselves to all the non-sexual expressions of love that we can. Sometimes it is hard. But we make it work. If you “don’t have room” for five kids, then you need to rethink your commitment. I would never in a million years even consider not having room for my Master’s son and He would never ask me to give up time with my girls. Yeshua Avraham


Girl you’re completely in the wrong . I waited until my kids were grown and gone before I began a serious relationship . What gets me is you are adding ANOTHER child to the mix when it seems like you can’t handle what you have ? He has every right to choose a child over a grown woman . Good for him


How about you ask the father of your children to take the kids for an extra couple of nights. A night that your boyfriend doesn’t have his son. Sacrifice your time with your children if you feel you need alone time. Your kids shouldn’t come before his.


You’re not in the wrong. If it was possible to have his son stay at the mom’s then I don’t see a problem with that. Y’all deserve a kid free day. It’s just one damn day people. Wait I just re read it… He only gets him 1 day a week?? Definitely not… It will be 2 more weeks till he gets him… Maybe see if the mom will let you guys have him his day off during the week? Compromises every where


I would have walked out as well.


When we had our daughter. My husband and I made an agreement. 1x every 3 to 4 months. His son stays home. My son goes with his dad. And my MIL watched our daughter so we can have a date night. She is not asking him to get rid of the child for good. Sometimes you need that day to just rejuvenate. A bubble bath, movie night with no interruptions, catch up on sleep, a little intimacy (sex is different) . You need that little bit of time to keep your mental health. The husband is overreacting.


Wow. The entitlement! So your 3 children live with you…his 1 wants to live with you…his father and soon to be baby sibling but he can’t :thinking: And now you’re also asking him not to see his son the one day he can​:thinking: Oh baby…of he comes back you better work on that entitlement problem you have…otherwise this blended family isn’t gonna work. You’re gonna make his son feel less than…and that’s FUCKED up.


How would YOU feel if he asked you to stop having your kids around? I’d hope you’d choose your own kids over him too. Blended families are beautiful, but you’re not doing your part. Stop making it a chore to be a stepmother. That’s a role you knowingly walked into.


Instead of everyone barking out negative responses what if we provided solid advice with meaningful explanations. Regardless of right or wrong at this point the damage has been done!! Let’s see if we can help her resolve the issue because no matter how wrong you think she is…these 2 people are having a child together!! Instead of encouraging another broken home why don’t we all be kind and caring and respectful because NONE of us are perfect! We have all made our share of mistakes…maybe this young mom can learn from them!! So share your thoughtful advice in a loving way and stop putting her down!! Just sayin


What if he asked that your kids be there less? Since they only leave you every other weekend. If you don’t have room for all the kids, don’t date and procreate with someone who has kids. Don’t ask him to give up his LITTLE time with his son. Don’t have a man move in with you if you aren’t ready to have his kid there as much as he can get him. His kid is only there on Saturdays but your kids live there. Your kids prevent you from having alone time, not his. This is parenthood, deal with it or find a man who doesn’t have a priority beyond his girlfriend.


First off I don’t think she asked him not to take his son. I think she was asking if he could take him on the weekday he was off for one time only. I also think yes he should always put his son first. I think her better option was to opt for spending Sunday with her boyfriend and maybe having her children stay at their dad’s longer.


I came into my relationship with a 7 month old son. My now husband would have never asked me to exclude my son. I wouldn’t have stayed with him if he did. Sorry girl, but if he accepts your kids you need to accept his. There are no days off as a parent/step parent.
To answer your question you are absolutely wrong for putting him in that position.


Yes you were wrong! Lol if anyone I don’t care who it is asked me to skip my day with my child (I assume he doesn’t see him daily) I would kick them to the curb! I get being pregnant and wanting to relax at home and get caught up on chores. But maybe next time ask your husband to take his kiddo on a play date or something so you can have a couple hours alone.


You shouldn’t have to make him pick and choose! That’s so wrong! He only gets his son on the weekends and that is HIS time. If you cannot handle having 5 children in the household, maybe you shouldn’t be with him. I would’ve left too if I was him. This post makes me heart hurt for the poor kid…


Although i understand what your getting at here, i most certainly understand his frustrstion. I get what your saying i do, but maybe have said it in a different way to him. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to spend some kid free time alone with him before baby comes. Just got to ask for it in a different way.


You are 100% wrong. You knew he had a kid. You clearly don’t accept his child as your own. Good for him. I would have left you too.


I think that every couple needs time alone together, so rather than ask him to not get his child, ask him if you could get a babysitter for a few hours to have time for the two of you.

I also believe that you should stop being used as a babysitter for his child and give yourself some much needed time to just relax. It’s his responsibility, not yours. So if his ex won’t change days, then he needs to work it out with his job.


My bf only takes his son every sunday because of work and everything which works good for him. Then I have my kids 24/7. I wouldnt ask him to give up his one day that week with his son. If I wanted time alone with him I’d get a sitter for my kids on a day that he doesnt have his son. I would just feel super guilty if I asked this of my bf.


Even the way this post was written, “his son” “his this” “his that” I feel sorry for your boyfriend and his son… you’re meant to be a family. I think you’d be better off if you just started treating him like FAMILY. You want a date night or a day to yourselves, get a baby sitter and go out for the day, or drop the kids at a grandparents or something. You sort it out and make it work as a family. You can’t ask a father, who’s actually doing right by his son, to sacrifice time, just for your own convenience. Gosh, this poor child, actually wanting to live with you is a gift, and you wouldn’t even want the whole family to be together because it might be too much? And the irony of being pregnant with another… gosh. You knew he had a child before getting serious… I’m sorry but I don’t think I’ve ever read such selfishness…


It sounds like you were simply asking him to switch visitation days right? Like get him during the week? I get it. My husband and I worked it out where right before baby got here…we let our ex’s have more time on the weekends to spend time together. It was a mutual agreement tho… And both of us worked it out without losing much time with the kids…who WANTED to stay longer or go.


Kids do come first but she stated she takes over which means she Cares for his son while I’m guessing he doesn’t… So No hun if you take full responsibility of His child while he puts his feet up you are not in the wrong.

I find some of the comments wrong though

You shouldn’t be having another baby is a heartbreaking comment to make. As mothers we should not put down another in anyway when we know how hard it is being one.


I don’t think you are wrong at all for asking him not to take his son for one weekend to spend time with him. Maybe he can take him an extra day during the week to make up for the missed weekend. I get it! Some times a mother needs a break and wants to spend a weekend with her boyfriend alone! If you boyfriend wants to get mad at you then fine bye! There is nothing wrong with you wanting to spend one weekend alone with him!


What kind of woman makes a man choose between her and his kid??? I would have up and left just like he did. Kudos to the dad for standing up to you.


Asking for one day/weekend without any of each other’s kids there is not too much to ask. Maybe asking him to not take his son anymore until after the baby comes is a little too much. Plus when the baby comes, that’s when you’ll need the extra kid free days.


Not to get into a discussion of who is right or who is wrong, I’m just curious about something. If Saturday is a day he works and is also the day he has his child, where would the child go or who would care for his child on Saturday while he is working if there was no girlfriend?


“I don’t have space for another child” yet… you’re pregnant. You are so wrong it’s sad. I feel bad for your boyfriend and his son. You want time alone with him??? You’re an adult and he’s a child. He needs his father more than you do. Smh.


Idk i dont see anything wrong in asking…from what i understand; u are pregnant, HE doesn’t even watch him while he’s there, ur catering to the kid and it’s YOUR home. :person_shrugging:t2: nothing wrong with being kidless for a day. Im sorry ur pregnant.


Whoa ok so I see everyone’s opinion he looks like he’s trying to be a good dad but is he really if he’s making the 7 month pregnant gf take care of his child these days not doing it himself? I don’t think it’s wrong to want a day off.


I’m not commenting on the situation as a whole because I think there’s two sides to it all… but everyone is saying ‘go dad’ but no one has mentioned how actually he picks the kid up, then goes to work leaving the girl with the kid…and seems like shes doing all the actual caring for the child… so not go dad… maybe she wouldn’t ask for a fricking break if he cared for his kid when they were visiting


So many of y’all judged without fully reading… he gets one week day and Saturdays! She wanted a single weekend break before THEIR baby arrives, he picked one child over the other because he, Like most of you, MISUNDERSTOOD


Wow…you should be ashamed of yourself…you have no right having kids let alone another one if your going to just dismiss your partner’s kids. I understand wanting some alone time but plan it…get a sitter for the kids something. So what if you end up watching his kids…you agreed to them being in your life when you began a relationship with him!!!


You knew he had a child before you got pregnant or moved in. I understand it’s tough with a new baby coming, but you should be glad he wants to see his son the ONLY day he gets him. You asked… yes it was wrong of you.


Okay now I wasn’t going to come out because I can see both sides of the situation.

But here’s the thing she NEVER SAID his other child was not important . What she did say is his kid spends more time with her then with him. Yes, the man has to work but still he is not seeing her point. Maybe during the Summer months they could take the child on his day off during the week and during holidays or other times he comes on the weekend.

If you read what I read she has let the child stay over because obviously all the kids play well together.

Her asking the way she did may have sounded selfish but she also wanted time for them to work on their relationship. If you don’t take time not only for ones self but time to spend with your partner then how do you expect to have a lasting relationship?

I hope they say down and talked it out. This has to be upsetting for all the kids involved.


Why can’t you pick a day for the two of you to spend time together on any of the other 6 days his son isn’t there? For instance his day off, on Sunday while your other kids are with their father for his weekend?


I think if you’re pregnant and not feeling like having the kids around then he shouldn’t be mad. Pregnancy is very hard and he should respect that! It’s not like you asked him to stop bringing him over permanently. I don’t see it as a choose me or your son. I’m not sure why he would be upset and leave instead of maybe talking to you about it, maybe even having him in the morning for a few hours then spending the rest with only you just this once?


It’s fathers day this weekend so that is really unfair for you to even ask that :hushed:


I would like to add, it’s not wrong to need or want alone/date time but it is going to have to be planned with the kids needs first.


Oh my goodness. If he wants to see his son then it’s his responsibility to mind him. Why is he taking the child when he’s at work. The lady is well within her rights to ask for some time. How irresponsible to pack up and leave his unborn child like that. Clearly there needs more boundaries and communication before you walk out.


If you didn’t want children around you 24/7 maybe you should have chosen someone with no kids and you should not have so many kids :person_shrugging: maybe if you actually asked him if it was possible to change the schedule around so you two can have alone time it wouldn’t have come off as you making ultimatum of you vs his son. You’re in the wrong end of story.


You are absolutely wrong how dare you ask him to change his routine to fit yours. You have kids you have no alone time. Plus you have 1 on the way :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:. Kids come first regardless of the other persons needs. Kids are a package deal


No you weren’t wrong and asking him to skip one weekend with his son. And it doesn’t sound like you were in no way asking him to choose you over his son. I would maybe sit down and try and explain, which I’m sure you already tried to, exactly what it is you were saying. I totally get the point that you were trying to get that in a couple of weeks you’re not going to have not only no alone time with you and him but you’re not going to have any alone time for yourself. And I personally don’t think asking for one weekend where there’s no kids at all is asking too much. Maybe he was just in a bad mood that day when you approached him with this question.


Perspective from the other side…once my x husband had kids with his new wife he stopped seeing my son. He essentially chose his new wife over my son and now that my son is 12 and understands this choice it’s absolutely crushed him. Dad has absolutely made the right choice - my son will never recover from this or if he does it will be because of serious counselling. It has crushed him and he doesn’t understand how a father could do this to a son. It’s been so hard to see the hurt that this has caused an innocent child. Bringing children into this is terrible .


Dear Poster, yes you were dead wrong for telling that man not to get his child that day. I’m so glad he had enough sense to leave you. He puts up with you and your kids all week long but the one day he’s supposed to have some time with his son you tell him not to do so. We need more men like him. At least you know that the baby your carrying will always choose his child before the girlfriend!


:eyes: oh man… You are getting scalded for needing a break and a breather. Yikessss… I think this may have been blown out of proportion a bit. Yes you deserve a break and no you should not ever complain to him about having to cook or entertain his child that you was aware of before you got pregnant by him. You Im sure have to cook for your kids. What’s one more? Ps. Hope you get a break soon.


Okay well …my opinion. If you can make the space for all your 3 kids plus the baby coming, why can’t you make space for his son also? That’s really sad and messed up on your part. If you guys don’t have enough space, then move somewhere bigger.


That’s the sacrifice you make when yall both have kids with other parents and are having on of your own. Time together should be considered when you have the kids. You never make a man choose you over his kids. I have 3 kids and my boyfriend has one and now we are having one in Dec. You won’t ever get alone time when your a mother be glad he is a good father to his son and not a dead beat like some parents can be.


As a Mother with a blended family there is nothing wrong with asking for Quality/Bonding time between you and your mate, definitely when co-parenting schedules may conflict. I’m sure you would do it for him! It seems like he was looking for a reason to leave!


Jesus the people on this thread are rough! It’s just one day. Plenty of parents take the kids to grand moms etc to get a break or some time alone with their husbands. It’s a little different since he does only see his son one day a week but maybe he could have just switched for Sunday.


She asked for one day with her man and not anything more than one. Moms need a break too. It’s her day off she should be able to enjoy her days off. It sounds like she is going above and beyond for his child. She pregnant and would like one day with her man. ONE day!! He could make it up and see his son the day he has off during the week.


You are all bashing this woman she didnt tell him to choose between her or his son she asked for 1 day and it sounds like he is at work while she takes care of his son so to ask for 1 day isn’t bad and for him to leave sounds like maybe he’s thinking twice about the new baby and the relationship sorry ur going through this but I would have asked for a date in the future


I think he is acting very immature god help you when you have his child to deal with as well … you are pregnant and tired and need a day to yourself your needs are important he can take his son out for the day … clearly he didn’t want to spend the day with you childish and petty attitude… good luck :two_hearts::rainbow::two_hearts:


You were not wrong to ask for a day off. In my opinion he was wrong to pack up and leave. So when the baby arrives will you be a single mom? Nothing wrong with that, I’m just thinking did he think it through before leaving you? Is he irrational all the time? Maybe you need to think things through and decide if you’re going to live sometimes with him and sometimes not, when he gets mad and leaves?


You are NOT wrong!!! There is NO woman alive that wants to babysit someone’s else’s children while your children are with their father. Not only that but he gets the child and leaves him with you. It will be different if he stayed and watched him but he expects you to. You are exhausted because you are housing an entire human being!!! If your own kids are away, he could have taken the child to visit another relative and not just abandon you. Don’t ever feel bad for needing a break. I am going to pray that all of this works out for you.


We are you just asking him to switch weekend? My kid’s dad has has with someone else and I have two kids of someone else throwing up switching up weekend so that way he would have a weekend with no kids and I would have a weekend with no kids when my oldest give his dad actually chose to take his kids. So if you’re actually just asking him to change his parenting schedule I don’t see any problem with that as long as he has getting his kids still every other weekend.


I’m a single mom and I honestly agree with her. It was one day for them to spend together. It wasn’t like she asked for him not to see his son anymore. It was just one day. My kids have different dads and I have my kids one weekend and then the next they go to their dads so I have time alone. It’s not bad to want alone time too since she will be having a newborn soon. If she is watching his son on Saturday then what is the point in having his son over there? I mean sure morning and night If he spends the night at all. But I would rather have him on a day I don’t work.


Girl. How would you feel. You love the man. You take on his baggage. I get where you are coming from. But yes. You were wrong. Not wanting him to live there? So you just want the man and your guys kids. I dont understand what the problem is.


Unpopular opinion here, but is it wrong to need a break from momming? No. It is not wrong.

Was it wrong to ask him to be the one to give up his valuable and limited time spent with his child? Yes. Yes it was.

Is there a compromise to be found in this situation? Yes. But y’all need to communicate clearer about needs and feelings before that compromise can be found. Because if y’all can’t communicate about those things now, it’s gonna be worse when the baby is here.


Oh heaven forbid an adult wants a special evening without kids with their spouse lmao :woman_facepalming:t2: put down the pitch forks. No one remembers being pregnant? Maybe shes feeling a bit overwhelmed. Bunch of Karen’s up in here


Her original post said weekends. Plural. That is all his days with his son. If she only meant one day she shouldn’t have used the plural. And if she wants an evening out get a babysitter. Or get a babysitter one evening when she has her children. But don’t ask a responsible dad to give up his one day with his child that’s not fair


Good job him!! And shame on you… you did make him pick between his child and you… if you want that much time give up one of your weekends with ur kids … or even better pay a babysitter like the rest of us parents have to do


Sorry mama, sounds like he has some other things he needs to say. There is nothing wrong with you asking for alone time. Every parent needs time to be a human. Also it is not wrong for you needed a break from your kids together as a couple.


If he gets his son so infrequently then the day that you choose to relax together should be a day when his son is not scheduled to be there. A better idea would be to get a babysitter for your children instead.


I don’t think you are wrong. Perhaps he can approach his ex about swapping weekends so you have your kids at the same time. This will ensure you have time together.


You all are being to hard on her. I commend the dad to choose his son. But I don’t condemn her for asking! Sometimes I need a break from my own kids! And I would die for them! Sometimes a mom just needs a break! I would ask him if maybe he can work it out with his ex to have his son a different day that week. Or maybe if you guys can each request a day from work to spend it together alone. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Yes his Son comes first, but there’s nothing wrong with you asking him for a weekend with no children. My Ex and I both had children from past relationships, we loved all of them and they knew that. We would talk about weekends with no children and we both agreed… Its called down time…He’ll never understand unless there are women in his life that he loves and respects and they can speak to him from their hearts… Every couple especially when there are children, every man and woman deserves alone time… That will never change… Been there done that… Good Luck, :cupid:


Maybe you could have worded it differently. Like ‘hey babe do you think we could have a date night soon, just us before the baby arrives. I know you only see your son on weekends so we could do a breakfast date before you pick him up or a movie night together once he’s asleep’. That way he knows exactly what you mean and isnt upset.


Oh for god sake she asked for advise… clearly this is someone who is stressed tired and wants to know where she went wrong and do better to just gets slammed by all the perfect parents…
did she say she doesnt want his kid around? No!! What i took from reading this is an exhausted hard ass working mumma that just wanted some time with her man without having to run around after kids… have none of the other mothers here ever experienced this?? I have! Kids are the most amazing exhausting thing ive experienced… Your all full of crap… i bet each one of the judgmental mums here have used babysitters in one form or another grow up and STOP tearing down other woman!!
Over nasty humans :woman_facepalming:


Don’t you have 3 kids already to his 1? Does he ask you to give your time with them up to be with him? Just sayin…


Everybody needs a date night people. That’s all she is asking for!!!


To put it nicely, yes. You were wrong. He is a total package. Him and his son. He shouldn’t have to pick his child or you. And if you really valued your boyfriend you would make space and add another bed in one of the bedrooms in your house. Will you photoshop this kid out of the family photos too?


Do you realize some people have their kids 24/7/365. To treat his son any different then your own kids is also not cool. He has 1 kid he sees 1 day a week and he’s too much to handle that 1 day?!?!?! :flushed:


i don’t blame you at all. You need a break. Plus it sounds like you’re doing all the work. He can take his kid and get a hotel room for the day. I have 4 kids and my husband would get me a hotel room every once in a while so I could have a break.


Wow! So screw her mental health. She is 7 months pregnant with what I will assume is his kid. Asking for 1 day is not the end of the world.


I can understand the need for a break and time alone with your significant other but I cant understand asking my boyfriend not to have his son the one day a week he has him. You also pointed out the son asked to live there and you dont have room for him. Thats really quite sad. I think your boyfriend made the right decision with this one.


Bad situation feel for you. Damn if you do damn if you don’t. Spending time with your so called boyfriend before the baby is born is a blessing. If he doesn’t realize that maybe you have the wrong forever partner :sleepy:


I cant believe these reactions.
Honey there is nothing wrong with having some alone time before new baby gets here. Its not a choice between you and his son. Its a night off from ALL the kids.


Not wrong! If he takes his son on Saturdays he should also be spending time with his son that you want a weekend with your significant other I’m sure any other arrangement could be made during the week. From my understanding you said this weekend. Meaning one weekend you can have to yourself is more than well deserved coming from a similar relationship I can def relate I don’t have a problem taking my bfs daughters for an overnight but when every weekend it turns into a babysitting gig while he goes out not happening. If he doesn’t understand that then there’s a bigger issue. Have your weekend!


Sweetheart I cannot believe these people trying to act like parenting and being pregnant isn’t exhausting. Un f in believable!! U have every right to feel exhausted and contrary to some of these people I’ve heard numerous times that couples need alone time. I’m sure u didn’t mean no u can’t see your kid. U just meant u wanted alone time and a break. Jesus christ people so much for support!!