Was I wrong to ask my boyfriend not to take his son this weekend?

I will say this first, I agree with what he did. He’s a dad and he should never give up his time with his son for his girlfriend, sorry not sorry.
On the other hand, I understand what and why you asked, but you probably came about it wrong. Instead of asking him to not get his son, plan ahead. Ask if he can get him on Sunday instead or ask him to take his son to the movies so you can have some alone time or since he has a day off during the week, (and I’m going to assume your kids go to daycare or something while you’re at work) take the same day off as him and spend the day together.
There are a million other ways you could have asked that, and I’m sure with you being pregnant you were more hormonal than you realize.


If you need a break and your kids are not there on Saturday, and he’s not home on a Saturday use that as your break day. He should get his son on Sundays and spend the whole day with him as well as his other day off. If his son is in school, he could volunteer with his class and eat lunch with him.


well I don’t see this guy as mister wonderful. I know we are only getting one side but… to walk out … to leave… NOT COOL. and I was in a relationship where I GOT TO TAKE CARE OF HIS KID so he would go to the bar after a hard day… LOL .not saying this guy does that but I do know how it feels to take care of someone’s kid and even when they are there YOU do all the work. She’s pregnant, she needs a break and she wants time with him before This baby arrives. NO Honey you are not bad, you are not wrong. and if this guy likes to run when stuff doesn’t go his way…LET HIM GO. He’s not mature enough to handle all that you got going on.


I feel where you’re coming from…maybe if it was worded differently? Like say “let’s have one weekend just us” idk. But I can understand him getting mad I don’t blame him.
Also you don’t have room for one extra child which just happens to be not your own child…but if you were to be pregnant with twins I’m sure you’d make it work. But I guess it ppl are different when it’s not their own kids they won’t make sacrifices.


Yes, you were wrong. He sees his kid once a week. You knew that going in to the relationship. Put up or shut up. Never ask him to give up time with his kid again, or leave the relationship and never date anyone with kids again.


I have two kids from a previous relationship and one on the way by my boyfriend. He has 3 kids from a previous marriage and we have it set up that he gets his kids when it is my weekend w/ my kids. He understands that we need US time. It’s important for any relationship… Sometimes he’ll take his kids and go to the park or swimming w/ just them and sometimes my kids go stay w/ their aunt or grandma on my weekends if they want. It all works out and is far from easy.


Here’s how I see it. Would you be willing to give your kids up on your weekend with them?? If the answer is no, then you should understand why he doesn’t want to.

However, I do think you should put your foot down and make him step up, stay home, and care for his son when he’s there.


Any man is gold if he chooses his child over a woman! Girl set those pregnancy hormones aside and check yourself. You have 3 kids and one on the way your alone time with a man is nonexistent. You are definitely in the wrong on this one. See if you can have another date night, especially if he doesn’t get to see his son much.


You were wrong! He is there all week with your children and has a day to be dad to his. They both deserve that day. If you want a day alone plan it to both of your benefit.


Why don’t you give up your weekend with your kids and him skip his weekend with his when it isn’t FATHER’S DAY WEEKEND.

My husband try to dedicate ONE night a month to just being with each other. We also set aside 10-15 minutes each day to focus on each other. I have asked him to not get his son and I have sent my kids to grandparents too. Our marriage is first always.

But we still spend time with our kids.

I don’t understand how you’re not able to make this work except for on Father’s Day…


Okay maybe instead of asking him not to have his son over u should’ve refrased it by saying “Baby I would like to plan a date night with just me and you next weekend. Do you think you can change the date u pick up (his son’s name) so we can have some alone time before the baby comes. And the the next week we can have a nice family outing.”


My bf has a child… I have a child… my life changed drastically when I started being a step mom, i had kids round the clock, when i didnt have mine, I had his and half the time he was working, sometimes that caused resentment. But i had to change MY attitude, I had to change how I viewed it all. Yes it’s hard raising someone elses little. Yes, it’s hard co-parenting, it takes a toll on you. But you CANNOT ask someone to not have their child on the one day they see them. Get a babysitter for a night, get a babysitter for your kids one night. How would you feel if he said “hey, dont take your kids this week” :woman_shrugging:


I understand what your saying/needing but I do not think that solution was the answer. Try to both take a day off during the week… or finding a sitter for just a few hours. Good Luck!


If he has Sundays off, then Sunday should be his day with his child, not Saturday. That way, since your kids go to their dads every other weekend. That would give you two every other Saturday to spend alone together with him still getting time with his son. I think there’s nothing wrong with you wanting a day to yourself now and again or couples time, especially since you are pregnant and working full time. Thefact that he just up and packed his things and left instead of sitting down and having a mature conversation where you both come to some sort of compromise, speaks volumes. If he is that quick to leave his pregnant wife who is going thru a lot, hormones, emotions, and all, that could be telling of future actions of how he will respond to disagreements. However, since I was not there idk how you came across either. Sometimes its not what u say but how u say it. Good luck


Kids always come first, He dont get to see his son often and you expect him to just be like “Yeah he can wait!” , its actually selfish. His son could be looking forward to it and be all excited… imagine his heartbreak to hear his daddy rather not see him but spend time with his gf instead… You can’t look at it one sided you gotta look at it from all sides. I would never expect a good parent to put their child to the side just for me. You got all day with him every day… his son only has ta day or two a week… or every other week depending on how his visits r set.


No, you are not wrong to ask for a day. However, you and your boyfriend are a package deal. That works both ways. You have to consider there may be times when all the kids will be together at some point even if his son, which will also be your son, lives with you all as a family. If that is not the goal, why play house. Also, that could have been a conversation, packing up and leaving is not a good look. Communicate about all things esp. if you plan to be married.


I’m glad he left! You took your boyfriend and his son on. Kids aren’t options. You don’t just “opt” out.


Ummm - am I reading this wrong? Is the person asking the question saying that her boyfriend has a day off during the week AND Sundays off, while she has Saturday and Sunday off? Therefore, if her boyfriend is getting his son on Saturday - doesn’t that mean HE is at work and SHE is off - to stay with his son, while the boyfriend is at work? And since she does not have her children every other weekend, but she has his son every Saturday, by herself - does that make sense? It sounds like she is saying she would like him to have his son the one day during the week when HE (her boyfriend) is off, and SHE is working. Then If her kids are with her ex every other weekend she, and her boyfriend could spend 2 Sundays PER MONTH together - without kids, until this baby comes. Why is that so bad?


:eyes: is this real life? I’m sorry but yes, you’re wrong. So wrong… you get the luxury of living with your children and he only sees his 4 times a month? How would you like it if you only got to see your kids once a week? Or if one of your parents only saw you once a month and their self appointed new spouse tried to take one of those days away from you?


I understand where you are coming from. Maybe you should have worded it differently to him. If I’m understanding correctly Sunday is both your day off why couldnt you do something that day. Also I believe when you are with a single parent you pick up the slack but it the parent is home they should be doing things for/with the kid. Not just let u do everything.


The question should have been “can you see if you can switch your schedule so our kids are home the same weekends” I know a couple who did that. They each have 2 kids from previous relationships and just had a set of twins. Makes things easier


Mums never get a day off … but need self care. Communicate your needs and work a solution together… he also needs the precious time with his son but needs to help you more

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How would you feel if you were in his shoes? Wanting time alone is one thing. Wanting him not to be a dedicated father to suit your needs is another. Not OK! Good for him!


No thats not wrong and sounds like he doesn’t listen very well. To leave during pregnancy is very hurtful for me anyway


I would have just picked a day for my children to stay with a sitter and not ask him to give up the only time he gets with his baby. That is very little time with a child so what little he gets he needs to show all the love and support he can.


His reaction is a little bit of overkill. It makes me think that maybe he was looking for a way out. That the stress of caring for soon to be 5 kids is starting to sink in and he was looking for a way to walk out but still save face. Now he can tell people that you were making him “choose” between you and him. You are the villain now instead of him. No, you were not wrong to want one day off. Every parent needs time off or they become exhausted and resentful.


You don’t have room.for his son to live there but you have the room to bring a new baby…Heck Yes he should of left… It’s the life you chose when he moved in… He’s a package deal…


You dont have room for 5 kids? Then maybe he should find a diffrent girlfriend who accepts his kid like her own and doesn’t talk about him like hes a chore. I applaud him for putting his son first. Thats exactly what a good father does.

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Why dont yall work out a schedule where yall both have your other children on same days and dont have them when its spouses weekend? For example every weekend your ex has your kids his ex has his and then when u have your kids he has his that way yall can still have alone time it’s hard having multiple children with different parents I understand why your upset and I understand why he is yall just need to talk about everything and work through it in a calm way good luck!

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You mean Fathers Day weekend? I can understand needing a break. But Father’s Day weekend is not the wisest to suggest that, I feel. That’s my opinion and not judging.


Sounds to me like only your kids count how selfish! Never interfere between parent and child!!!


He’s a package deal honey. I’m sure you knew he had other priorities. As far as time alone and less work. Whats one more. Welcome to motherhood.
I raised 5 daughters and any other child that had nobody that cared. Yes it can be stressful. Just stay calm keep your head up and enjoy. They grow up way to fast. Enjoy the blessings God has called you to love and raise. :heart::heart:

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So you have room for your kids…but not his?


Unfortunately you’ll have to make plans only when you don’t have the kids. If you all had them together, they’d all be there everyday so you have to look at it that way. I don’t necessarily agree with him packing up and leaving though. Seems a little irrational unless he feels you’ll be nagging him.

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First off. You knew he had a kid when y’all met! Second, he is a dad first before a boyfriend! Third, you were very in the wrong to ask him not to get HIS KID!


While I get your point, in wanting a kid free weekend and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. BUT you went about it the wrong way. This should be a planned out thing, something you planned out a few weeks in advance. Also, don’t just ask him not to get his kid. Sit down and talk to him and express your desire to have a weekend with the two of you. Don’t make it about not getting his kid, or your kids. Make it about wanting just time between you and him before the new baby comes…
You might have to work out a compromise with him, over his son. Maybe have his son over during the week, or a whole weekend.
Also, if his kid wants to come live with you all, you need to consider letting the kid live with you…
Reverse the situation for a minute. How would you feel, if your boyfriend said your kid couldn’t live with you all because there isn’t room, because he has a bunch of kids?


Wrong. Wrong wrong. he made the right choice over you. Grow up and deal with it like a parent should. You’re lucky if he comes back.


I understand where your coming from when you say you don’t get any time alone, but I think the way you went about it was kinda wrong. I have three step daughters and Its extremely rare to get any alone time. Because of his work schedule I have them more than he does when it’s his time with them. Which I don’t mind at all. I knew what I was getting into when we got together. When we want alone time we just find a babysitter for a few hours. Grandparents are a blessing. I get your pregnant and that’s stressful in itself. You should have a new conversation and let him know you didn’t mean it the way it came out. He sounds like a great guy and I’m sure he’s willing to hear you out and work things out. Try designating one Saturday night a month where u go out together on a date. There’s nothing wrong with getting a baby sitter for a few hours.

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Would you be okay with your ex’s gf asking him not to pick up your kids so he could spend time with her instead? This is EXACTLY what you’re asking of your boyfriend.


Maybe you guys could compromise and have his son every other weekend, rather than just on Saturdays, then you guys could have that other weekend. I don’t think everyone needs to be so rude telling her she’s not ready to have another kid… parents need to have a little alone time sometimes. You didn’t ask him to choose you over his son. I don’t know how you worded your feelings, but however they were worded, he should not have just packed up and left like that, he could have tried and talked about it, seems he maybe should grow up a little bit.

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I see your point and I dont think asking for a break or date night makes you less of the girlfriend or mother but just communicate. Children/babies are a lot of work as well as relationships. I cant believe he just up and left.


I’m not here to shame you by any means but I’m this instance you were wrong time is very precious and we are not promised tomorrow the fact that he wants to spend time with his child is beautiful and even though as moms we get tired and sometimes just want a break we need to cherish the time we have and if you really love him that includes his child I come from a divorced family and split time with my parents and every time I got to see my dad was awesome like I said no shame just trying to put out the bigger picture

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You are definitely in the wrong, you knew what you were getting into when you first started to date. You could spend time with his child during the day and after he’s asleep you spend time with each other! as any good parent would feel you never choose anyone over your children…never!!!

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I don’t look at it as he had to choose. She was asking for special, quiet couple’s time. I feel like he blew up over someone that just wanted to spend some time without kids before the baby comes. Quit being so judgmental people!!

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A date night is important for every couple. Once a week you both should have a set date/time. This will allow communication and growth. I do believe that asking your boyfriend not to take his own child for the weekend is a convo that should of been amongst you both and not posted
On social media because it’s such a personal matter. It’s a wonderful thing to have a father stepping up and being a man. He is a good man for being a part of his son’s life. He will need a good supportive woman to stay by his side and embrace being a 24/7 parent. Once you have a child you have to be selfless. Your partner is your team. You have to work together as a family.

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Every mom needs a break once in a while. You did not ask him to choose between the two. I don’t see the issue.
Maybe he should look at it from your shoes, being pregnant is hard, let alone with 5 other children to take care of as well and then a job on top takes even more out of you. I totally understand needing a day to relax. Hope everything works out for you and that you guys can work through this. Good luck

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I feel you. Its just a day. Plus your pregnant. You must take good care of the kid considering the fact he wants to live there. I dont think wanting a break is a big deal. But maybe you need to explain it to your man a lil different. Or have him take the kids and give you a break


I don’t think you were wrong for asking. However; I think you should have phrased it differently. He only has his son on Saturdays while he’s working so, he’s not really spending much time with his son anyway. Instead of asking him to not get his son on a specific weekend, I would have asked if it would have been possible for him to get his son on Sunday, (when he’s off and can spend more time with him) because, you’d like sometime to yourself before the baby comes and you’d like to have some alone time with him before the kids are back. Again, I do t think you were wrong for wanting the time or asking him, I just think the wording was wrong.


Iam so glad he stood up for his son, it should not be his kids, your kids… You should all be as one and make that little boy feel that!.. And if that’s the only time they get each week then u bet Your life that boy absolutely looks forward to seeing his dad… And if there are problems at the lads muns home then from my child hood own experience he would really, really rely on that day with his dad to get out of his current home and it’s a big thing for a kid to ask to live with the other parent… Bless him… Ur partner obviously accepts ur children so i think really u need to be doing the same and make them feel it❤️


That was wrong on about 8 levels. He gets his son only on Saturdays? He might have to work but he’s providing for both of you and the new life you’re about to bring in this world. At least he’s there when he gets home. A child needs both parents. I think he’s stand up for choosing his son and I don’t think your selfishness will hold him very long.

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Ouch. Planning in advance a date day once vs asking someone to not allow their child over is very different. Especially if the kid has asked to live there. I get you’re pregnant and want a break but…the way you went about communicating it was very hurtful.

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I was in a relationship I had 3 children, he had two. It’s not easy. In fact it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. We NEVER took time away from any of the kids, we just worked out things to where we could have at least 1 date night a month.

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You did make him choose.
Even if you didn’t put it in so many words.
The crucial point is where you made it seem optional for his son to be there. He is not an option. That is his father’s home, and thus his home, even if it’s not his primary place of residence and you are treating him like he’s a guest that you can cancel plans with. You chose a partner that has a child and as the second parent in that household you are a care provider and you’re obligated to take care of him as a parent, in his father’s absence, if that role bothers you, you should not date men with children going forward, because you’ve lost this one kitten.
The one bright spot here is that you picked an excellent father for your soon to arrive child.


His kid can’t move in because you don’t have room yet you let yourself get pregnant 7 months ago??
My heart breaks for that poor boy.
On that note…why can’t dad get him on his day off instead of when he’s at work?
Does he watch your kids on his weekday off?

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I’m sorry I grew up in a household where I know I wasn’t wanted by my stepdad. So he isn’t allowed to see his son or the son see his dad cause you need a break? We all need a break, but you see yours all week? And he sees his son every Saturday, and you asked to not have him come over? What are you going to do when you have all five? This frustrates me, maybe you shouldn’t of gotten pregnant? But I’m sure you have room for the newborn right? Do you know what it feels like to be a child that doesn’t feel loved? You should love him as your own, but I think you know your answer and he should pick his kid. Sounds like you need to do a little reevaluating and try to be more accepting!

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2 kids 5 kids or 10 they are all your kids they should all feel the same unconditional love no matter what any time any day of the week his day is saturday it cannot be compromised that is what a blended family is you all make sacrifice as we all do even with our own kids they did not ask to be here they come first :heart:

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U absolutely had no right to ask him to not see his kids for any reason. Especially since thing are going to get harder with a new baby and if you dont have the room for his child maybe you should not have not gotten pregnant with another. When u date or marry someone with kids u automatically accept their children full time as well.

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Well than find a way to take a break from your kids which you seem to have the majority of the time. I’m sure you’re fine with him helping you raise your big pack of kids but not see his own child 4 times a month? He should stay packed and keep it moving if that’s how you really feel. Hope you find someone to help you raise all 4. :+1:t2:

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I do understand your struggle. Maybe he’s willing to do one kidless weekend a month? That would be good for the both of you. No kidless time is overwhelming girl, I agree! I know it can be hard to get more kids once you finally have a kid-free weekend, but that’s his child -they are a package deal. Seems like you need to have a talk with your SO about stepping up and taking care if his son when he comes over. (cleaning, helping cook, etc.) Plus I’m sure his sons mother would sometimes like a weekend with her own son to do something…? But if you have room for 4, you certainly have room for 5.


Spare me this guy is a great Dad walking out on his unborn child. Could of handled this so differently especially knowing he has another on the way too. I think someone else had the right idea when she mentioned he probably is just bouncing back and forth btwn Moms. We are missing the 3rd side to this story :rofl:

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You were in the wrong. You should have said honey let’s plan so some alone time before the baby comes. You shouldn’t have said can your son not come this weekend. I see where you are coming from but put yourself in his shoes. You asked him to choose! He chose the son! That’s a great dad!

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You are in the wrong!! I totally get needing a break but that is his child that you are telling him not to see!!


I’m actually disturbed and disappointed with this request. How would you feel if he asked you not to be with your kids so you can be with him? Imagine how the kid was going to feel when dad didnt pick him up, HEARTBROKEN! the fact that you say you dont have room for 5 kids is insulting in itself. Idc if i have to sleep in the living room, ALL my babies come 1st. If you need a break then tie your tubes. Girl, you aren’t ready. Good job, bf, how responsible of you.

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Welcome to parenting. Most of us don’t get kid free weekends. Grow up. Also kudos to the man for choosing his son first.


I’m reading these comments and WOW​:eyes::eyes::astonished: if these are mother’s on here bashing her u should be ashamed of urselves first off she clearly stated she dnt have her kids and asked if he couldn’t get his cuz clearly she needed a break besides that she’s 7months pregnant n working and tends to her kids n his any other time 1 day of a break to relax n spend some qt before the other child comes a real MOTHER would understand where she was coming from smh these ppl on here just want attention go kill urselves that man clearly just needed an excuse to leave n when u asked him that he used that to make u feel like u did something wrong well hunny u ain’t wrong not at all that just give u some free time to get urself together n prepared for that New baby that’s coming


Why don’t u ask if his son can come the whole weekend that you have your kids, so every other weekend is free for u to do whatever. I think if he has his son only on a Saturday then he should be at home spending time with him. I do understand especially if your kids are not there. He should take responsibility of his son and do stuff with him, not just leave him to be babysat that isn’t the point of visitation, It’s to spend time with his dad!! He should get his priorities right, if he has to work then
Have his son Sunday.

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Dearly moms: I disagree! She wasn’t rejecting his son, or asking him to “forget” his son. . She was asking for a night as a couple. Married couples have “date nights” without kids too. Sometimes once a week. Maybe it was how she asked??

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Yep super wrong…you knew what you were getting into and than getting pregnant…my husband and I have been together for 32 years and raised 3 children…we never got a break and never needed on…you shouldn’t need a break from your children ever…if you do better do a better job of raising them…just wow.

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You are so in the wrong. When you date someone with a child, you’re supposed to love and care for the child as they were your own as well. When you’re a parent you don’t get days free from kids. If it’s the only time he gets with his son then let him have it. As a parent who went thru a custody battle and couldn’t see two of my kids for 5 months while going thru it, it breaks your heart not being able to be with them everyday. You owe him an apology and you need to work on if you really want to be with him because that means being apart of his son’s life too :confused:

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I only read a few comments, but…she’s not asking him to never get his son, she’s asking him for a one time change of plans, so…she can get a break while her kids are away too.


You are fine. Kids are a lot of work. Switch weekends so you have all kids then the next off. The other parents get a break, so should you. There is no picking and choosing going on. You will be a better parent when you are able to have breaks.


When you get in a relationship with someone, their kids should become yours. Asking him to give up his ONE day week that he sees his kid? That’s ridiculous.


I can understand where you were coming from. You just wanted a break before the baby comes. If it had been me I would have asked him if he could take a day off work to spend with the child so the two of you could spend time together for one weekend before the baby. Had you approached it that way I don’t think he would have been offended. This way he still would have spent the time with the child and satisfied your request. It could have been a win win situation.

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I guess it would’ve been better to point out that you’re exhausted and need a break so could he please do all the work this weekend. Men rarely recognize how much work women shoulder on their behalf. Some men do, but not most. Also men have a hard time understanding how exhausting it is to be pregnant and birth. And don’t forget how his son will feel to be told not to come, that’s another important aspect. Or how will the other mom react and will it cause him trouble? There can be a huge ripple effect from what you asked. So try to be mindful of that as well

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Yeeeaaahhh, he seems like an involved dad. It sounds like he would spend more time with his child if that was possible. It wasn’t wrong of you to ask. Because you need to voice your concerns and stress. But for him to just take off. That also sounds like there was an ultimatum. He doesn’t have his son all week. Just on Saturdays. Now you’re asking if he can only get his kid every other saturday? That is pretty hard.

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It’s Father’s day weekend not a good time to ask, every father should spend Father’s day with their dad. You could always see if one of your ex’s could switch weekends so you have all the kids the same weekend.

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idk. my husband has never told me not to have my kids on my days. (me and my boys’ dad shares joint custody) … even if im working all weekend and i have them, he watches them while i do. its part of taking on the baggage that comes with your partner. i get wanting to have alone time, especially 7 months pregnant still working 40 hrs. you want a day to sit back and relax. but it sounds like you get that on your sundays without your kids. saturdays he has his son.


First off, they are no longer his kids and your kids, they are both of your kids. If you single out a certain child or ask him to, you’re putting him in a very uncomfortable spot. I’m speaking from experience. My husband and I both had children from previous relationships before we got together, but once we were committed to each other and living together, those children became ours. We are currently expecting our last together, and I do understand getting time together, but unfortunately sometimes it’s just not possible. My suggestion is instead of asking him not to get his child on the only allowed day that week, maybe talk to him about getting a sitter for a few hours so you two can go out. Think of how you would feel if the roles were reversed and he was asking you to not get your kids on their only allowed day. You have to consider all feelings when in a committed relationship. Good luck.


I mean in my opinion it sounds very selfish he only gets his son one day a week. Why can’t you take a day off during the week and find a sitter? Or find a sitter on Sunday? I don’t think i would ever ask my partner to not see their kid.


Yikes. I understand needing time, but perhaps having another kid was not a good idea. I dont blame him for leaving. From what i read you did ask him to chose, what if he had said that to you, would you do it.? When one dates or is involved with a man that has a family already, one must be prepared to be part of that or dont even start getting involved. If i was him id have packed my stuff too, along with reevaluating that relationship. Best of luck to you.

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I don’t see any problem wanting some alone time with your man. Maybe you could get a babysitter and go out. I don’t think he should have stormed out. That’s very childish and lack of respect for you. It was a question period. Something obviously you need to talk about. I doubt you were asking him who he “choices” you were asking for some time together. I see no problem with that AT ALL. I think people’s comments were quite harsh. Hope you can work though this.


You can’t ask him not to take his son every weekend. Maybe to omit one weekend so y’all can do something. But i can say i totally understand his reaction because of the situation was flipped how would u react to someone asking u that. I say play a weekend where he doesn’t have his son.


Seriously, you had the audacity to suggest a Father take his ONE day away yo be with you? Selfish much?


Why does he have his son on Saturday when his day off is on Sunday? Its seem from what I read that she is doing more of the work when his son visiting? Its seem the way she asked came out wrong . Its better to plan ahead for quality time together.

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You’re wrong. He has one son and one day to spend time with him. By your post it’s clear you don’t see nor accept his son as your own as you should. You talking about cleaning after him or taking care of him doesn’t help your case. Being a MOM is that. You at least get a break every other weekend from your own kids. Moms don’t get days off.

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Did you k ow he had children when you first started dating? I’m assuming you did. So you also choose to be in their lives as well. Did you ask for just one day for him not to get his child? Could it have been possible to see if you could get him one day though the week once in a while? Your making him feel like you dont want his child around. Like he’s a burden. There are much better ways of handling this situation.

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Ya know what good for you. I understand the stress that alot of kids can put on a person. Especially when it is just the one person shouldering all of the responsibility and being pregnant adds to it. Couples are supposed to try to make time for each other. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was a completely normal request. God bless you sweety.


I would be livid if someone told me to not get my kid. Especially if this child has asked to live with y’all. When you got in this relationship you knew he had a child. And when you date someone that has children if they are a good parent they will always choose those children over you.

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So when the baby comes and your never alone then what?? Get your priorities straight since you obviously have an issue with his kid whether u realize it or not. Bet he didn’t ask your other kids to leave?? You have no space for 5 kids yet when u got with him u guys had 4 so why have a new baby :smirk:. Smart man to leave since he can already see what type of parent you are towards his child. See that child u don’t want around is your child’s sibling but I know u don’t have enough “alone time” or space for his kid.


I can understand how be must feel. You get to see your kids any time. He only gets him on his weekend’s. I do understand you need a break too. So he should understand also. Communicate!


No absolutely not. Everyone couple needs a date night. I don’t care who it is and how much you love your children, every parent needs a break. How many in here gets babysitters from time to time? How many have date nights with their men? I know I did!!


I mean me personally my kids come before anyone & everything . & especially if I was in his shoes & wasn’t able to see my son every day … no way Jose are you asking me to cancel . Honestly that would be the end of the relationship for me especially because you don’t have room for my kid then you don’t have room for me

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I would’ve left you too. You chose to have children and sometimes we don’t get breaks at all. And you should never expect anyone to choose you or anyone else over their child. I understand we all need breaks from being a mom, but you knew he had a kid. It comes with the territory, it’s what you signed up for. Lots of moms don’t get breaks, ever. I have two young ones too, I know how it is. But I applaud him.

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No one should ever ask anyone to not get their kids… maybe you could have suggested he switch days but he only gets one day so you definitely are wrong to assume that would be ok. I’m glad he loves his son that much. What an awesome dad. He needs his son like you need a break. You wanted a break now ya got one. Good Daddy ! Love it !!

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I can be sympathetic about you wanting some alone time with your man. I can understand needing a break sometimes from working full time and being a full time parent. But what’s missing is the fact that you can’t always have a break just because you want to. You have to find a babysitter on those days y’all have off together or improvise. I’ve taken days off from work so that I can have a day date with my spouse. You have to make your family work. By adding that extra comment at the end saying you don’t have room for 5 kids, you’re setting a tone for y’all future together. The goal is to be one big, happy family right? If you don’t have room and you aren’t interested in making room, then maybe you should rethink the relationship. I’m trying to say this as nicely as possible but stepkids become real kids at some point. I don’t know the whole story but based on this paragraph here you need to think about what your future looks likes with this man.

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Coming from a similar ordeal for say. My wife and I got together 18 years ago she had 3 kids and I got custody of my 3 kids and it happened to be we had our kids on opposite weekend so when her ex had her kids I had mine and vise versa not saying he or you are right or wrong but my wife was a saint cause I was working 5 am to 5pm 6 days a week then and she was a full time student in college so she had my kids alot more then I did and after she graduated college she took a job working nights and I was still working 5 to 5 so for the first 4 years we were together we did this so we didnt have to pay child support it was real tough on the both of us bud now 18 years later all kids are grown up and out I guess what I’m saying is it takes a certain kind of people to make it work wish you luck in the end all the bad times are worth it good luck


I think what would have been a better approach with the same spirit behind it would have been to ask if his son could stay longer the following time and not this one weekend so the two of you could have a moment before baby and all kids being back. It may have been in your wording because it sounds like you care for his child but just needed a moment of adult only time. Be different if you had your kids all the time. To your man it likely felt like you were asking him to choose. Instead of asking for a pre baby weekend.

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You are definitely wrong. That is his child. You should love that child as your own. How would you feel? If you want a night out then get a sitter when you have your kids there. If he doesn’t see his child that much and you are telling him to not get his child for a night out alone that is not right…you are definitely at fault.

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No room for “his kid” to live with you but room to add a baby :thinking::thinking: Pretty sure he made the right decision.


You have to remember that is their only time with each other, he should be made to fit in like all the other kids. (Mommy duties are beyond stressful). We only have “18 years” and that flies by so fast.

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