You have 3 he has 1 and you are having 1 together. When you choose to become parents you give up your time to raise them. They never asked to be brought into the world you chose that. Think yourself very lucky to be able to have them as there are women out there that can’t !!! Good on him for choosing his son
My husband and I have children from ours and past relationships! Never in my life could I imagine asking my husband to choose me over his son! His son is my son! I would have gone about it differently or plan a day around the One day he has! Things can be worked out! But the way you stated it does make it sound like he had to make a choice in that! If my husband asked me how you asked him, I would have assumed the same and packed my things and left! Regardless if your pregnant or not! Children come first or else you wouldn’t be creating another one!
Apologize for trying to make him choose between you and his son…tell him you just wanted some alone time together and maybe you guys could plan a day together to do just that…but remember kids always come first even if your married😉
Absolutely you were wrong. I applaud him for leaving. I wouldn’t ask my husband not to take my bonus babies on his weekend. He already has limited time with them, and I’m not selfish enough to ask him to sacrifice that. I get being tired. But damn! If you don’t see his baby as yours, why should he see yours as his? And if y’all dont, why in the world be in a relationship?! Y’all are supposed to be a team in everything. Everything. Including parenting! I feel like he may have dodged a bullet there. And if his son loves your place so much, you should be flattered! I hope you can change your heart for the next relationship, if this one doesn’t work out.
My fiance has 5 kids and I have one. We have none together. He doesnt have a set schedule to get his kids but we used to get his 5 year old daughter every other week. He would even be gone for a few days of that time but I still went and picked her up while he was gone and we would call him every night so she could talk to him. Daddys time is bonus moms time as well and if you dont consider yourself a mother to that child, do that child a favor and leave his life. He doesnt need someone who doesnt add to his life but instead tries to take from it.
He made the right choice by choosing his son. Sorry girlfriend
Damn. I wish my dad would have done that for me. He chose my step mom over me, and even though they later got divorced, we still had a hard time recovering. You knew he had kids when you got with him. Plus, its Father’s day!! The child DESERVES to see his Dad on Father’s day!! How would you feel if he asked you not to see your kids on Mother’s Day?? In future weekends, why dont you see if you can sync the schedule with your kids? You should also make a conscious effort NOT to use the new baby to manipulate him. I can see that happening. I encourage you to get some counseling and look for healthy boundaries. You should have to constantly watch his child on days he should be visiting and bonding with his Dad. Good luck sweetie.
Hell nawl you ain’t in the wrong…you need a break. It’s 3 other kids too and you pregnant, and do all the work. I don’t understand how people saying you in the wrong cause you need a break
Asking for one day I don’t think is too much… But I wouldn’t ask him to do it all the time.
Shame on you and to boot you’re about to have a 4th child but no room for the innocent little boy who asked to stay? The little boy who calls your boyfriend, “ Daddy”, the child who depends on him, needs him and loves him with all his heart. You knew when you met him, bedded down with him that he had a son. If you can’t love him as you love your own you have major issues.
I’m so glad this man packed up.
He was right to say he isn’t going to pick you over his kid. Would you pick yours over him? I would have done the same thing. You are already denying him a chance to live there and now you dont want him to come over for one day, the only day of the week dad gets to see him?
You are very wrong!
And I don’t blame him for leaving, you’ve proven that his son isn’t important nor is his relationship with his son.
That was not fair to ask him. And you were VERY WRONG And saying “his son”… If you two are in it for the long haul and going to be a family… it’s no longer “his son” needs to “our son” same with your children as well. And a weekend with no kids… Well then that needs to be planned in advanced not a fly by seat of your pants just because you don’t feel like dealing with “his son” … I’m gonna stop because im getting madder as I type!
I wasn’t sure if you were asking for him to sacrifice one weekend with his son or all. If just one, I don’t think you were in the wrong. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to spend alone time with your partner. All of these people who are saying he was right in “choosing his son over you,” I think are mistaken. It’s our natural instinct to put our kids first all of the time but in a marriage ( I know he’s just a boyfriend but you’re having a child together) it’s really not wise. The children can still feel loved and secure while seeing that their parents’ relationship comes first. God, spouse, kids. Remember, those kids are going to leave you someday. The idea is for your partner to be forever. That needs to be nurtured. Also, having a break from kids helps you to be a better mom. You’ll have more energy and less resentment. , I can’t understand how all of these people are saying he’s so great for putting his son first but ignoring the fact that you’re pregnant. What about that child? If he leaves you, is he putting that child first? Finally, a man should not, simply pack up and leave because he’s asked a question he doesn’t like. It’s called a discussion. Communication. It’s concerning that he’s so quick to run away.
Instead of asking him not to take his son, take yourself out to do things you’d like to do by yourself. Mani/pedi, flea-marketing, a movie, or close yourself in your bedroom alone. If he truly wants that time with his son, he will take care of him and you can have some relaxation time. On the other hand, why not ask your ex to keep your kids a day or so more around his only other day off? Communication!
Honestly, yes I believe you were wrong. It does sound like you wanted him to choose between you. Instead I’d have asked him to plan a weekend with you that you two can spend together before the baby comes. By asking him to not take his other child it sounds like you’re making him choose.
All she asked for was one day. She didn’t ask him to give his child up. If it was me he moved out over that he wouldn’t be moving back in. I don’t think either one of you need anymore children.
You don’t have room for five kids ?! And your pregnant? Hell yes your wrong. Your kids are there all the time and his one wants to come on weekend. I don’t blame him for leaving. You will loose if you make him choose
I’m sorry (but not really sorry) yes, you were completely in the wrong. If you want a break then tell him you are taking the day to yourself so he needs to care for his son, but never ask a father to ditch his child for you. He gets him for one day a week and you want him to give that up because you’re tired? I’m sorry, no.
Good on you your not his nanny , I’m all for sharing the kids and treating them the same but sometimes you need a break x
I think it’s pretty fucked up you’d say anything at all. Kudos to him for choosing his son first.
I had a boyfriend once who had 2 boys, I have one. I never got a day off. But, who cares? Yeah I took care of his kids on my “weekends off” when he had to work. It meant more to me for him to see his children when he got off work than anything else.
Saying you don’t have a place for his child, makes you seem selfish and like your kids should get priority over his one. That’s not even close to okay. I would’ve left, too.
If you want a day together, alone, find a damn babysitter.
And if that’s the ONLY day he can see his son, are you asking him just to not see him? It’s just. Not okay. He accepted you with 3 kids that weren’t his. You can’t accept his one?
I get needing the break and the alone time. But even the way you worded it in the message, just seems like you’re making his kid a burden. You should love that child as an extension of your boyfriend.
Most people don’t get “breaks” when they have kids. Couples usually have their kids 24/7. Some single parents have their kids 24/7. You sign up for that when you’re a parent. You signed up for it when you ask him to move in with you knowing when his scheduled weekends were. I understand maybe asking for a one weekend off for a little break but it states weekends… As in plural.
My fiancé and I do the same. He gets his daughter every other weekend and NOT once have I asked him to do such a thing. You clearly don’t care for his son as you portrait. I’m glad he picked his child. You don’t do that. If you want alone time with your boyfriend, find someone to watch the kids for a few hours, it’s not rocket science. Step or bio, that child is yours as much as his if you really want a life with him.
Yes. Your wrong. You never ask a parent to not be with a child. He is a dad first, a husband/boyfriend second. Good for him for leaving. He chose his son over you… if you want time together then pick a different today. Have a date night where someone can watch your kids and get away from them. He only has him 4 days a month. It is unfair of you to ask him to not have his son. How would you feel if you only got 4 days with your kids? He might be angry, hurt and upset and betrayed that you would ask. Has he ever asked you?
Why would you want to date a man that would choose a woman over his child.? You are wrong to ask him to do so.
You are completely in the wrong. When you’re in a relationship with someone with kids they are part of the package. Kids are innocent in the adult messes. There is always room for another child in a loving home but there isn’t always room for certain adults… He made the right choice.
Love the child like you would your own or leave the dad…if that is how you love your own…well then there is a bigger issue here. You don’t get to pick and choose when to be a parent…pregnant, exhausted, losing your mind or not.
And couples who have children together and live together get NO days off unless they get a babysitter. When you have a child you shouldn’t depend on your ex or anyone else to take care of the child you chose to have. The more kids you have, the harder it is to get a “day off” so choose wisely
U all have kids. Ur parents. You dont get a day with no kids if ur parenting right. Ur either working or taking care of kids. Co-parenting parenting plan, blended family…full time, weekends only…it dont matter. He takes his time with his kid seriously and he just let u know it.
When you have kids you don’t get time off. That’s life. I think it’s pretty messed up you asked him to not take his son when he is supposed to have him. I am divorced with a kid with my first husband. If my now husband did that while we were dating I would probably have left as well.
Wow, I’m appalled that you would ask a father to give up time with his child so that you can have his time instead. You’re too selfish to be a mother right now. Grow up and accept the fact that once you have children, your alone time is over girlfriend.
It’s absolutely wrong. Children come first, always! He doesn’t see his son everyday and for you to ask him not to take him on the one day he has, was very selfish. I applaud him for putting his son first.
I feel it was very wrong of you to ask him to not have his son come over. They’re a package deal and no adult decision is that poor child’s fault. I understand you’re tired, but that child didn’t ask for you to be pregnant and he was there before the pregnancy and will be there after. He should be just as important as all of the other kids, including living with you if he wants to and his parents agree. Maybe dad can try talking to the mother to see if you could have him the same weekend you have your kids so they can all be with you together and you get a break the opposite weekends? Dad made the right choice here, I’m sorry.
If you all read the right way he gets a day off during the week and he HAS TO WORK SATURDAY, SHE WATCHES HIM, SO WHY CANT HE TAKE HIM ON HIS DAY OFF???
I agree… the kids come first. I understand completely where you are coming from. Maybe sitting down with him and discussing on working out a schedule or something so all the kids can be together and such… if that actually happen between all parties. But if he doesn’t see his kid often, then asking him to not get him wasn’t there way to go. Sorry.
With 5 kids, they are priority. Maybe get a sitter and have a date night every few weeks.
I don’t think we have the full story here at all. I feel like if this was a one off where she said she needed a mental health break with him and explained it in that way, that an adult conversation would have followed. What she says was his reaction seems to say there is a lot more to this story about how she asked. Or maybe her attitude towards his child in general isn’t the best, most loving. But if it was a one off and she was open with how she was emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted and asked for a day off and that was his response, I have more questions. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with moms and dads saying “hey, I’m about to hit a wall and I need a break”. Nothing. No one can burn the candle at both ends forever. Again, I think there is more to this story before any of us can really say what we would or wouldn’t do.
Yes you’re wrong. You take on him, you take on his kids as your own. If he wants to live there and both his parents want it, you should be willing to make room. There are always ways if you’re willing. I think its selfish of you. He sees his child one time a week. You’re asking him to miss that. Maybe tell him you’re tired and not feeling well and would like help if his son comes that you are too pregnant to do it and need a break this weekend. Doesn’t mean he can’t see his son…
It’s not wrong to need some alone time. Especially when you’re in your third trimester. However, maybe your approach was off. Maybe explain again that you need a self-care day since your kids are going to be at their dad’s. Even if you had ALL of the kids full time, you’re entitled to a break every once in awhile. So, maybe ask him if he could had a Dad/Son day so you could catch up on some rest? Another thought…his reaction was super-irrational. For him to pack up & leave because you’re exhausted is so childish. I’m not sure what your beliefs are, but I’m a Christian & biblically, you DO come before the children BECAUSE it is healthy for the kids to see that Mom & Dad are a the leadership team of the family. So there’s that thought, too. You might not be married, but if you’re good enough to mother his children, you deserve a tad more respect. You need to take care of yourself right now, but do also remember that you did sign up for this blended family. You both just need to take a little time to figure out how all of the pieces fit together. But he’s going to have to be able to act like a grown-up too. Hang in there Mama!
You don’t have space for 5 kids? I bet if they were all yours you wouldn’t complain at all! I take my hats off in front of this guy!!! What an AMAZING DAD!!! He puts up with your kids every single day lady! And he sees his son on Saturdays only! Jesus Christ, you sounded very very selfish! I’m sorry but that is the best line ever a real man could ever say “I’m not picking my girlfriend over my kid” …
You’ve heard your wrong enough - time to apologize and own your mistake. Kids don’t ask to be born. If you didn’t want to prioritize your kids, you shouldn’t have had any. I understand you need a break. If you want truth, you had enough kids already and certainly didn’t need to get pregnant again. Please have your tubes tied or have him get snipped. You seem unable to handle what you have already. Kindly ask him to pitch in more with the kids, especially his own. I’m praying for you. Hope it all works out.
Yeah… Um… you were wrong. Sorry if no one agrees with me but that’s his kid. And his kid gets to see him one day? And you think it’s more important that YOU get ONE day with him… but to hell with the kid? Yeah. That’s selfish. Sorry. And as for not having any days… that’s called parenthood. I don’t have any days alone without my kids. Like WTF…
I understand wanting some time off, but you are wrong for asking your boyfriend to choose time with you over the limited time he has with his child. How would you feel if you split up and he chose his next girlfriend over your child together?!?!
Maybe a better option would be to see if you can coordinate the days you have your kids with the days he has his, but if that isn’t an option, then you have to decide if the relationship is worth sacrificing your free time. Because the kids always come first.
You could have told him what you want a little nicer. If you told him like you started with us, I can understand that he feels you just don’t want his son. But when you put it where you just wanted a day alone with him before the baby. That I’m sure he would understand. Try talking to him and remember his feels. Good luck.
You can’t ask someone to do that when it’s their one day with their kid. They fought for that day and they aren’t going to give that up. That kid is already missing seeing daddy but to miss the one day he gets to see him? Messed up. I would have left too
You were wrong wrong wrong. Im sorry but parenting is a 24/7, 365 day a year job. We don’t get days off. You’re honestly lucky you even get breaks. There are moms in here who are widdowed, divorced, abandoned and everything in between who don’t get breaks! If you want a break, don’t have kiddos. Sorry not sorry
How about one of the days you have your kids and he doesnt have his, you find a sitter for the night. Why does it have to affect the little time he has with his child? I mean I get it. There are many different factors in this equation. I think it was just gone about the wrong way if your intentions are truly just a night off with some adult time.
Absolutely. You never get in between a parent and their child. Why don’t you stop taking your kids for the weekends since you’re the one tired of being a parent?
I don’t blame him for leaving, you had no right to ask him not to take his child. If you wanted time for just the two of you, get a babysitter fora couple hours. When you have a relationship with a dad/mom you end up having a relationship with the child/children as well. Before I married my husband he worked 8-14 hours a day 12 days straight, his only days off were the weekends we had his daughter and I watched her 1 of his 2 days off because he was so exhausted. I couldn’t imagine asking him to pass on time with his daughter or him asking me not to have my son, just so we could spend time together. You have some growing up to do…
What an awesome Dad !! Thats great he did that our children come first always !Way to go Dad !! U got to remember the child is his first priority !!
He gets his son ONE day…ONE day out of the entire week. That means he sees his son 4 times a month and not even for a full day because he’s at work. You want alone time, a break? Why don’t you ask your baby daddy to keep YOUR kids an extra day and spend Sunday alone with your now spouse?
Were you wrong to ask him that? Not at all. It was just a question. Instead of just up and leaving, you two should have had a discussion about it. Maybe switching the day he came or something to that extent. You didn’t ask him to choose. You asked for one night alone. It’s not a lot to ask. And it was JUST a question.
I’m sorry, but his child comes first. I would’ve done the same thing he did if someone made me choose. I understand you want some time alone, but don’t ever make some have to choose between you and their child. It’s very selfish.
Wrong on so many levels. And I’m not even going into explanation of why as all these ladies above have stated the same reasons. Shame on you. I sincerely hope you realize how much of an ass you have made yourself look on social media. Good for him for choosing his child.
Never ask a father to give up his only day with his son. Instead ask him to take a day off of work. You should not be having more kids if you cannot ensure his child is also included.
You were wrong and quite selfish to ask your boyfriend not to take his son on the weekend. He’s obviously an awesome dad who puts his kids above all else. Well done to him
Maybe instead of him not getting his son, you could take a day and treat yourself to a massage, etc. He could spend some one on one time with his Son while you have your day.
I can see why you would ask this, you just wanted some alone time with your significant other, and to be kid free. All parent love their kids but sometimes some adult time is nice, especially for a mixed family about to bring another baby into the mix. Maybe next time instead of asking him to give up the only day he sees his son (which only one day a week is kind of weird) ask him if he can shift the day that he has him to Monday. Or maybe if the next weekend he can stay Saturday and Sunday. That way you are compromising. People on this thread act like they don’t ever need some adult time from their kids.
Instead of asking him to not see his son you need to explain how wore out you are getting in this part of your pregnancy and that you need his help to figure that out. Let him be a part of the solution.
Yes. You are in a relationship with someone who has a child and it seems like that child loves your life and household. Why would you deny that child of that?
Lady… sit down. You need a break? Take a damn staycation during the week. I have a question… now that he’s gone from your house… can you send me them digits. That man sounds amazing.
I would never ask my boyfriend not to get his children (or vice versa). That’s life sister! Work, kids, being pregnant, being tired, being stressed… that was selfish AF! And when you date someone who has children ya don’t have to like the but ya have to love them as your own! Which means CARING for them like your own.
He’s a package deal with his son just like I would hope you’re a package deal with your kids. It’s nice that since y’all both have ex’s you get to send the kids off now and then but you’re parents. You want “time off” arrange for a sitter. I’d pack and leave too if my fiance asked me to skip a day with my kids.
You indirectly asked him to choose you even for just one day … that’s selfish. Kids ALWAYS come first. There is no “time alone” or too tired when kids are in the equation. Pregnant or not.
If you needed a day for relaxation I understand completely. When I was pregnant we had my stepsom over he was a handful and me trying to keep up especially when my husband was not there it was awful. Took a while to get into a flow of things. Dont blame you for wanting one day but maybe you should ask for a day off at work
Wow. Talk about being selfish. So it’s ok for your kids to stay with you but you don’t have room for his son. Why did you date him in first place if you can’t care for his son. I like this guy. He put his son first. You want him to live your kids but you can’t love his son. You complain about cooking for a child? Really? Seriously? Don’t you cook for your children? If I was this guy I would run cause you might harm his son.
Look if you did it all the time I would get it but once? Goodgrief. If you’re the one doing all the work for the kid that days you have a right. I wouldn’t let him back. He can have 2 ex’s with kids and care for them himself on his day.
He sounds like an amazing father. His son is his number 1 priority as he should be. His son needs every single bit of time he can get with his father before the new baby comes. It’s hard for a child going back and fourth to see a new sibling come into the picture. His son needs a little extra love right now. Maybe you should take a day off during the week when he is off or have him meet you for a lunch date. Work out ways to be together that aren’t hurtful to his child!
Nope. Its hard enough working and taking care of your kids all the time. Being pregnant on top of that. I applaud you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for one day, especially if your the one taking care of his kid. If it’s real you guys have a life time. Even adults not only need time but deserve time. Yes kids should come first, however, the best thing my grandpa taught me and I constantly remind myself of is, if you can’t take care of yourself in every aspect how do you expect to take care of someone else.
He had Two days off…she had weekends off I think you ALL are missing the point. She asked that he see him during his other day off so they could have one day (a day she’s also giving up) for just the two of them. First y’all need to learn to READ and second NO she’s not in the wrong to be willing to compromise when he obviously is not.
Wow he’s a very good father and you put him in a horrible position. Glad he chose his son
Yes you were wrong if it comes to his kid the kids win. Same for yours when the new baby gets here at least if yall break up you know he will still want to be in babys life. Essentially when you get with someone if they have kids those kids become your kids. How would you feel if you only had your kid 1 day a week and he asked you not to get the kids for that 1 day? That’s a real man to choose his kid.
It sounds like your kids are there more. Maybe instead of asking him to sacrifice a day with his kid, you could find someone to take yours on a Sunday so you could have the day without kids. It’s absolutely important to have time without the kids here and there, but if he sees his kid only 4 days out of the month compared to your 26… it’s kinda insensitive to ask him to be the one to sacrifice. And also, the other mom may need that time just as much as you do. But yeah… asking this the week of father’s day probably did you no favors
I know how overwhelming it must have been to be pregnant and tired and caring for a child that is not yours… But he is your boyfriend and that’s his son… You just gotta reach out to him asap and tell hin what you really meant!
Or if you can’t do this let him walk away!
Your kids will always come first and his will always come first!
You were wrong for asking. In fact this whole post is wrong. All i heard was my kids his kid and I’m pregnant. When you blend a family they are our kids period. And if i was dating someone with kids and i had kids i would make room if they asked to live there. You’re making room for this new baby…he was there first. Him and his son are a pkg deal. If you didn’t want the pkg shoulda left him alone in the first place.
Sounds like you have your hands full. Unfortunately we don’t get to pick and choose when its convenient to have our kids. I am a single mom with no help from the dads. Can’t count how many relationships were ended because I chose my kids first. You do deserve a break but he only sees his kid once a week. Maybe you both could in sick to spend time together when the other parent has your guys kids. Just a suggestion
Yes it is wrong. You choose to be with a man with children, with that comes that baggage. It’s not about you. I think your boyfriends actions are speak volumes about his character! His kids are lucky to call him Dad!
I don’t think you’re being selfish for asking for one weekend. My fiancé and I both have children from previous relationships and we all work together so if we want a weekend thats typically ours and we have a company party or something else. We just schedule with each other in advance. Him and I also scheduled a baby moon with our last and no ones feelings where hurt because we talked it out ahead. As far as not letting or wanting him to live with you that IS selfish, thats his child my fiance and I have 8 kids between us in a four bedroom home its called bunkbeds. Shoot we even turned our second dining room into a room. We don’t care though as long as all the kids are happy. Good luck!
I think the fact that you can say you have to cook and clean and take care of him like it’s a bad thing makes me feel like you could care less for the kid… you need to suck it up if you are going to be with him and if you have an issue with his kid you need not to be with him and what if he treated your kids the same way! No you were def wrong
The children need to come first . If you want time with him without kids , find a sitter for your kids when he doesn’t have his . He doesn’t have his son every day , don’t ask him to sacrifice time with his child .
That’s a good man and a good dad! & yes you were majorly wrong. How would you feel if he would’ve asked you to stop getting your kids?!? If you’d be okay with that you don’t deserve them or him.
That is selfish of you to ask him not to get his child the ONE day a week he does get to see him. What are you going to do when you have a child together?? Who you going to try to pawn the new baby on so you can have time alone??
I’m sorry you are wrong. You shouldn’t have gotten pregnant if you can’t handle what you are already dealing with. I praise him for walking out and packing his bags. Children always come first.
I don’t think you were wrong for asking for one day especially vat 7 months AND if quality time is your love language. Try to help him understand you just miss him and want him to yourself for a day. Remind him that you love his son and care for him whenever you come but you just want a break with your man for a change
Yes you are definitely wrong. That is his child. If you have a problem feeling like he isnt helping when his son is there then yall should sit down and talk about that. Hiw would you feel if your ex’s wife/girlfriend asked for your kids to not come see their dad?
Yes you were wrong he doesn’t have his kid full time nor does he get the benefit of being a full time parent to his kid you said Saturday so you want him to give up 2 of his 4 days a month… hes a dad first end of story
It would be devastating for a child to think that his father did not want him to come over for the only day a week he gets to come over. If you don’t want his child around why are you having another child or do you only love your children? He is right to choose his child.
If he’s at work he doesn’t have him anyway. She’s late term pregnant. Give her a day geez. She didn’t say permanently
I’m not going to go off and say you’re wrong or that cause obviously you’re tired and need a break mama. Maybe next time see if you can just go over to a friend’s house or a family member and spend the day there and sleep there to get some rest. Best of luck!
You were wrong asking. Good for him for choosing his child over alone time with you. Sounds like he sees his son one day a week. You see yours all the time minus every other weekend. Find another day or time for alone time. Sounds to me like you are being a bit selfish and immature.
I understand your exhaustion and need for some couple time. However it’s his child and he needs to be with his child. You would never want him to have to choose between your baby and another ! Hang in there. Also if he’s going to pack and leave every time you disagree you might want to think twice
If it was the other way around and you were in his situation of only seeing your kid 1-2 times a week I’m sure you would pick your kids over him too, he was completely right to choose his child over you, you were in the wrong for even asking him to not see his child, no one should ever have to choose between their partner and a child at any stage
You are wrong in this case.
Kids especially in blended families come first. It’s hard enough as it is going back in forth for a child. If you weren’t able to accommodate him at any given time then maybe pregnancy wasn’t a good option till you were able to accommodate all children. My husband and I have 6 boys all together and no matter where we are or live we’ve always stuck together and made it work. Asking for alone time is one thing but kind of implying he don’t move in is not good.
My father left his 2nd wife for giving my dad that ultimatum.
Its his kid he doesn’t get much time at all w him AND this coming weekend is FATHERS DAY! And wow just WOW! And yes you asked him to pick you over his son even just for one weekend yes you did! Once you have kids you should NEVER expect alone time again until they are grown!
How would you feel if your kids dad said he couldn’t have them over a weekend because he wanted alone time with his gf ??
So many people on these sites smash deadbeat dads .
Yet this guy is putting his son first and still can’t win
I would never i have 4 daughters myself and my boyfriend son come a week on a week off if we want to go out we get a baby sitter … he was right to choose his child … u could even go have dinner or something w ur girlfriends to get ur space …
If you’re in a relationship with someone with kids, you also get into a relationship with their kids. I’m happy he left.
Um wow how dare you ask a dad to pick you over their child. You may want peace im sure he does also but he gets his kid certain days so why don’t you send your kids to their dads early so you can have that peace on his day off during the week…not so great when your asked that is it.
He came with the child. You risk causing trouble between the 2 of you but also the feeling of rejection by his child. Look at it from his child point of view your kids are with his/her dad all the time and now you want to take even one day away. Where does it stop would you want him to ask you not have your children when you are supposed to? The child will grow up too resent you if you aren’t careful. Things in a child’s eye is not the same logic as an adult and I don’t know what the mom may say when the child is home and then you have another pail of worms.
Wow…really?? I would never ask my husband to choose his kid over me…just so u can spend time with him all to yourself…this is very upsetting, you chose to date someone with a child…