Was I wrong to ask my boyfriend not to take his son this weekend?

My boyfriend only has his daughter Saturday’s and I wouldn’t even think to ask for him to not get her

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Just think if the situation was the other way around an he asked you to not get your kids so y’all could have alone time?? I totally understand the want for alone time every now an then… But regardless a parent always should put their child first… I’m a mother of 3 an my fiance is also… (I have 2 which are 7 an 8, he has one that is 21 an 13, then we have our 3 year old) if he ever advised me not to get my kids he would be out the door immediately as if I asked him to not get his… Always kids come first, before any partner… I agree 100% with this father!!!

Very wrong. Your kids love with you and it’s your fault you have so many. His child doesn’t live with him and he only gets to see him 2 days out of the week? Have some compassion for him if you truly care.

Yes you were wrong. At most you could of had a conversation with him about wanting to spend alone time together before the baby comes and go from there. Asking him to not get his kid the 1 day a week he does get him, is unacceptable.

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Yes you were wrong. While I understand, as a parent- we don’t get breaks.

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I never understood why girls ask such stupid questions…you know it’s wrong no parent would ask another to not get the kids… he only gets his kid every other weekend…as if that’s that not hard enough…find a baby sister and take a dinner date but dont ask what you wouldn’t want asked of you…

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maybe if she asked him to take the day off to be with the son so she could relax a little bit (7 months pregnant is rough)things would’ve been different.

I totally get what you were going for. There have been plenty of times I’ve had my girls stay with my parents because I need a moment. It may have gone over better if you asked if he could trade days with his sons mom so they could have some alone time.

I understand a day without any kids. Like a baby moon before the baby gets here. But you said to stop taking his son on the weekends which is when I assume he gets to see him. That’s his only time with his son!

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He doesn’t have his son all the time so you are asking him to choose by not letting him come sometimes. Its not fair to him at all and you should be the one apologize. Also what’s one more kid? You are pregnant so you have room to add y’all’s kid together but not his with someone else? I’m really not trying to be rude but sounds like you have an issue with his son period.

Why cant he change his day for sunday when he is off?seems if he knows he works on Saturdays commen sense says ask to change your day to sundays with him how hard is that?and to walk out on you at 7 months pregnent with his other child does seem very immature and tells me he is not this wonderful dad as everyone else says! He seems very selfish and totally immature! And if he changed his visitation to sunday he could spend more quality time with his son insted of bits and pieces!!!

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A good parent will always pick his or her kids first.
I do see what your saying and if he isn’t actually spending time with him one would think he would want to have him on his day.
Your pregnant and I assume with his kid; so welcome to step mommy life babe. You’ll watch him as if he was your own and moms and dads don’t get a break! That’s our jobs! I think it was kind of selfish to ask. Your tired I get that but nap when he gets home?

Good for him … Kids come first !! When you get in a relationship with someone with a child from a previous relationship you should be ready and willing to help and take care of said child . I would never tell my husband not to get his daughter .

Wow this breaks my heart. He was 100% right for leaving. As a step mom and a mom I couldn’t imagine having someone like you near my children. Want time alone get a sitter, don’t ask the man you are with to just not have his child around. Way to go dad :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Just wondering where the new child will go if you need alone time in the future, there’s no ex to take him/her. Alone time as a parent is non-existing. If you were to have all the kids babysat overnight (including yours) then that’s different, asking to not take a child on his visitation day is so wrong. No matter who cares for them. You want a day off, take a day off when he’s not there or expected.

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Should be happy he wants to be with his kids. Sounds like a good dad!

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This weekend is Father’s Day…none the less! That’s the only time he has with his son, wether you’re cooking and cleaning up after him, (P.S. that’s what a MOM does) that’s his quality time with his son! I would have packed my bags and left too had I been asked some b.s. like that! You’re parents…you don’t get breaks! You want a date night, find a sitter!

My husband had 2 children when we met. I had to make the choice to play second fiddle to them when we had them or else stay away from him. We went on to have a daughter together. There were some months we had his kids 3 out 4 weeks in a month. His children always took priority over my alone time with him

You were absolutely wrong. No if’s, and’s or but’s about it. I completely understand why he is so upset. You basically asked him to bail on and disappoint his child for your own selfish needs. You guys LIVE TOGETHER. His son gets him ONCE A WEEK. How you could even think of asking that of him is mind blowing.

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I don’t think you’re wrong for asking for some alone time for a while. It’s not like you asked him to never spend time with his son again. You have a lot on your plate especially with a new baby on the way. You deserve your rest.

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Live and learn ! He choose his son , sorry but you had to know that could happen . You knew he had a son before you . You can be replaced , his own cannot !

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Yea…but she has to take care of him. I wonder if she’s pregnant with the boyfriend’s kid. If you really just want time with him without kids, then yea you’re wrong. If it’s because he’s gone and you take care of him, I understand.

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He should’ve stayed and talked it out with you. Seeing as you are pregnant with his child also. Seems like you need to have him be present when his child is there for the most part to help care for his child so you aren’t the one only taking care of the child. And I dont see why you can’t come to a compromise as to figure out time together AND his child still come. When the new baby comes you guys won’t be able to send it somewhere to have time alone so you probably should figure out a better plan. And if you have room for 4…you have room for 5…if you really love him then you should love his child and be a fair mother across the board.

Let him go. He doesn’t need a girlfriend he needs a nanny. The nerve! It’s your house not his. You are not asking him to choose between you and his son, and it is not selfishness to ask for just a day to spend quality time together. He’s a good Dad that is granted but he also has to be a considerate and supportive partner. It’s not about his son, it’s about you, your situation and your future life with him. But with that attitude i doubt it will work out between the two of you. He should’ve consider your difficult situation, working and pregnant.

Ok while I do understand you needing a break I think you went about it 100% wrong. You need to sit down, discuss when would be a good day for ALL parties involved and go from there. Springing the hey don’t get your kid this Saturday kinda is a shitty move and I applaud him for putting you in your place because shoes on other foot you prob wouldn’t be happy either.

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You’re definitely wrong in asking him to do this! Finally, a man who gets it right! I could only wish to be so lucky. I have 5 children (2 in which have moved out) and wish their dad was like your boyfriend. I understand you would like time alone together, but it seems as though he doesn’t see his son enough as it is. My fiancé has 3 daughters from a previous marriage and I would never ask him to pick me over them. Here’s an idea: sit down and plan a weekend to get away… just the two of you. Have him talk to the mother of his child and make her aware. I completely understand wanting alone time, you just have to do it the right way.

When I met my husband, he had 3 children. I didn’t have any kids. We have 2 together now. There has never been a time that I e said to him “can we not have your children” that’s really wrong! You come with children and he comes with a son! Not to mention that YOUR kids are with you majority of the time!
Saturday’s are dedicated for him and his son! If it’s too much for you, suggest they go and do “boy stuff” together!

Yes I’m sorry but in my opinion that was a mistake. I would’ve asked him to take the Saturday off to spend with his son. Maybe take the day to yourself since it sounds like you may need the time to just relax. Also I would hire a babysitter for your kids and have a date night another night.

If that is the only day he has his son, then I can see why he would be upset. If you feel like you end up taking care of his son on those days more than your boyfriend, then the next time the child is over, you take some time to yourself and force him to watch his child.

Now that right there is a good man! He made the right decision. Your child first. Girl bye, & dont spite that man over the child you’re carrying now. Let him be a good father & get him the days he wants.

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It wasnt ok to ask him to give up his time with the kid. You could just have easily told him that youre exhausted and wouldn’t be able to do the care taking.he was going to have to make sure his sons needs were met. But to ask him not to take that time isn’t fair

So you’re pregnant with his child but he moved out because you asked him for a kid free weekend together? Sounds really volatile. I’m sure he misunderstood your request to be a demand or permanent thing. I can see how that conversation could go sideways. I’d be more worried about him moving out with your child on the way. I hope yall can find middle ground. With school out cant some of the days be rearranged a bit? Couldn’t he try to have his son over on his weekday off so the two of you can do something.
Good luck with the baby

Part of being a parent means very little or no alone time. He shouldn’t have to skip seeing his child just to have a whole day with you, you have all night with him every night and very little time with his son. Its ok to need a break but you could have went away for a weekend or something instead of asking him to not have visitation with his son.

He’s an awesome father!!! You’re very selfish. Best thing he did was leave and end the relationship now

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:stop_sign::stop_sign::stop_sign: He gets ONE day with his son and you can’t expect him to give that up to spend time with you. Think of how the child feels… he lives in another home while his father lives with a woman and HER kids and dad is having another baby who he will LIVE with while the son who already asked to live with you was denied that. He needs that whopping ONE day. You should ask your children’s father to keep yours and his children one day during the week or whenever and have a movie night or dinner. Why can’t you make the adjustment and have the children who you have 5 days a week spend an extra day and night with their father rather than ask a man and child who get one day a week to spend with each other to give that up? And I’m pretty sure those chores you mentioned you already have to do for your children 5 days a week and you complain to do those same things the one day the boy is there? I get needing a break, I get having a baby on the way will take up all of your time for many months to come. I get wanting to nourish your relationship with your SO. Children are exhausting! But you can’t possibly think that asking him to give up his only day with his son was fair or a good idea that wouldn’t end badly with hurt feelings. You are blending a family so please, so better.

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I’m the wrong woman to ask, I’d rip any man apart who chose a girlfriend over his child. Try changing the day.

I get one day a week with my granddaughter and it’s not enough. Not at all

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You are definitely wrong, and honestly should be ashamed of yourself. He didnt get to decide his parenting schedule. Also , yes you may be pregnant but that is what comes along with having kids. No time, instead of being selfish you should see if you can get a sitter for a weekday. What do you think is going to happen when you add one more to the group?!? Smh!

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It’s hard being a blended family so make time for each other when you can. Children need to fit into this blended family too no matter who has what and when! Sounds like y’all had plenty of time together for a baby coming along or maybe y’all didn’t think how these things would fit into the children’s lives before plunging in head first!?!? Children don’t ask to be born and then become a play toy to be tossed around like rag dolls so stop being selfish & self-centered. Go have a ME day at the spa!

If he wants his son on his days, then he needs to step up so you can have a break.


I don’t agree with this. My husband has 2 full time jobs, before the coronavirus I worked. We have 3 sons and 2 step daughters. We’ve been on maybe 5 dates in the past 7 years (since the twins were born). Kids come first regardless. You don’t think I’d love to have alone time; ABSOFUCKINGLUTLEY I would. But you can’t rearrange a schedule because you want time.
And you seemed to be bothered about taking care of his child.

Maybe a once a month date night? Every weekend sounds a bit much for two people with so many children. I know it is difficult and I hope I was not too hard on you. We all do our best and life is filled with obstacles. Sorry he left…:pensive:

What is with all these women taking care of other men’s children? What did these men do before they met them?


Soooo, your kids are there 5 days a week minimum, and his is only there one? But, you felt he should give up that one day so that you could have a break instead of you giving up one of the 5 days you get with your kid? Find a way to take your break another day and not ask him to give up his only contact with his son for the entire week.

Asking him to sacrifice one day on a weekend for your relationship is not a big ask.


Yeah I mean it’s his kid…He shouldn’t put all the responsibility on you when his child is over either. If you want alone time then ask you ex to keep your kids and have a day to yourself or take a day off work.


He probably could’ve had a conversation with you over just walking out. A couple talks when things don’t sit well, they don’t just walk out. I’ve seen some great ideas of getting a sitter and such. I’m sure internally you’re overwhelmed and hormonal as well. We’ve all been there. I do think you should apologize. Explain the place where you are coming from. Maybe you can have a mom day and then get a sitter at night. I pray you can get find a way to work through it together.

Some women should think before they get in a relationship with a man that has kids.The child was there before you so you have to deal with it and now ur bringing another one into the world.You have to deal with 5 children.

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Understandable what you’re saying, but in his defense, when you decide to blend a family, it’s all or nothing. Has he ever asked you not to get your kids? I don’t know the his situation, but his son is very important to him and those Saturdays are his time whether you end up watching him or not. I know, that even though my ex and I aren’t together anymore, I have to admit, I couldn’t have had kids with a better person. He has ALWAYS put our kids first. You should talk to him, after he calms down of course. Hope things turn out ok between you two.

I personally felt like you do not enjoy taking care his child, you said “I do not have room for 5kids”, the household is filled with 3of your kids whom I assume your boyfriend also helps to care for, but it becomes an issue when he brings his outside child to the home. You are the kind of stepmother I fear for with my child, acting like only your kids are of priority.

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Ummm you’re having a baby with him and you don’t have room for his son who’s already here? Something’s wrong with that picture…YOU!

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I feel for you. It must be exhausting being pregnant and working full time. In my opinion, no it wasn’t wrong because these are your own thoughts and feelings and simply speaking, yes it was selfish. Selfish to me is not a negative thing. But as you soon found out with his reaction, it seemed negative.

I would’ve started the conversation like this. “Honey, I feel exhausted from working all week, and I would love to spend a full weekend alone with you.” You can rephrase it however you like.

His reaction was a bit childish to me from the way I read it. Idk if this is how he usually reacts but it’s a bit concerning.

Anywho, if caring for his son is becoming overwhelming for you, it’s good to have this conversation early because, it seems to me that he needs to be the primary caretaker of his child on his days off: Sunday and that weekday you mentioned.

Good luck!

You probably didn’t explain yourself well. There has to be a balance between time with spouses and our children.

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Yes you were wrong being that it will be fathers day weekend! Also he deals with your kids everyday and for you to complain for him being with his kiddo on the weekends is kinda selfish.

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Nothing is wrong with needing a day or 9 to spend together to strengthen your relationship. I try to take a vacation alone with my bf/fiancé of 8 years at least once a year. They kids go to grandparents. I have his 2 daughters one is 16 the other is 19 and my two kids 10 and 15 all under my roof. A break to reconnect without the kids is necessary. When we do family vacations it’s usually camping :joy::rofl: but James n I go to the beach! :desert_island:

Yeah dude that is super unreasonable. He had every right to be upset with you. The fact that your pregnant have several children and don’t want to care for your bf child as well is very selfish. Like y’all are a family and you can’t just ask him to choose you over his son. My advice is leave him and take care of your own kids because it’s not fair to him or his son. This is the trashiest thing I ever read honestly.

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No hun you were not wrong for asking for any alone time… My boyfriend has THE SAME arrangement with his ex (they have 3 kids together) but I on the other hand, have my oldest 98% of the time cuz her dad rarely sees her much less takes her overnight. Me and my boyfriend have a 2 yr old together and girl I remember my pregnant days. He was not shy about asking his baby mama if they could switch weekends, or if we could even skip a weekend and take them the next two cuz I was finally able to get my daughter to go sleep at a friend’s or one of my sister’s houses for the weekend and we were FINALLY kid free and had some us time… He didnt get mad or upset. He understood where I was coming from beings I WAS taking care of his and mine kids while being big and pregnant and how exhausting all of that was on my body… You’re not wrong for asking for a break

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My opinion, yes u were wrong. You did ask him to choose when you asked him not to take him. You’re a parent you don’t get to pick the days you don’t want to be a parent. Sounds like there’s a lot of kids involved you should be used to it. Good luck

I understand the feeling so it sounds like you guys need to adjust a visitation schedule so both of his biological parents are aware beforehand. If you have his son when he is at work, he needs to switch it have him days he is off and can care for him. Going by the tone and timing of your request, it sounds like something that should have been discussed before having another child.

If he only sees his son on the weekends then you have to deal with it you got with him knowing he had a kid right you should never tell a man that actually wants to get his kid not to

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Seems like somebody did not see the whole picture. I see no good outcome unless you start making better choices in life, to late now.

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First of all none of us know the situation fully so stop being so damn judgmental. Everyone acting all high and mighty like they don’t need a break every now and then! If she has to watch the kid while he works why is it wrong for her to ask for a break?!? She’s pregnant for goodness sake do the other moms on here forget how exhausting it is?!?

Maybe it was how you asked. Your not wrong for asking just depends on how u asked. If it’s this weekend I would say your very much in wrong with it being Father’s Day weekend. You mentioned how you take care of him on the weekends but that’s something that didn’t need to be mentioned unless ur having an issues with that, dating him u knew he had a son and when he gets him. If u can’t handle him having his son on the weekends all the time and feel u need space then sorry u don’t need to date someone who has kids.

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Wow! Yes you are in the wrong!! Are you really asking us?
**You do Not get to ask your partner to choose you over any child.
His reaction of packing and leaving should of told you that.

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You complaining having to take of his Kid when he isnt around sounds like you dont like the Kid. And yes you asking him not to take his son is wrong, you get to see him daily and he gets to see his son once a week. You sound like you will be a big problem if u end up marrying each other lol

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I completely understand and relate to your frustrations. Blended families are extremely difficult to balance. That said, if he has a day off during the week, then during summers, he could easily switch his day with his son to that week day. However, during school, that’s not really possible.

My husband has 3 other daughters, all teenagers, who don’t like us together and make things difficult for us. Their mother likes to talk to them about her ill-feelings toward “their dad and his wife.” My husband also works 12-14 hour days and I was the one getting stuck hosting his entire visit. I hated it. So, regardless of what most of these moms or others are saying, we’re entitled to vent without judgery. I feel you, momma. You didn’t ask for much. Women who take in fathers with other families to take care of often take in men who work a lot more than average providing for two households and it can really be tough on the second marriage. We only want some QUALITY TIME with our husbands, but what little time we DO get…is rarely given to us. Being able to move around a single visit every now and then shouldn’t be too difficult. I feel like he overreacted too fast without communicating about how it could work. :woman_shrugging:

When you started dating him did you know he had a kid?? You took on that role, I think it’s shitty to ask someone to not take their own child and not see them because YOU are tired, have to many things to do, busy or whatever. I would have left too. Kids come first !

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I understand the impulse to want some alone time with your boyfriend, especially before the baby comes, but as a mother of 3 already you should wholeheartedly understand that your children will always come before your S.O. Honestly, I would think less of him if he hadn’t chosen his son in that situation. I’ve been a single mom since my youngest was almost 5 (he’s 18 now). I’ve also been in a relationship with a single dad of 2 for 10 years, so I get your frustration, but the kids have to take priority always. If you have trouble accepting that in your relationship, then you need to be in one with someone who doesn’t already have kids who will be ok with putting what you want first.

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Most parents don’t get breaks from their kids and since he barely has his as you stated i feel like it was an unfair thing of you to ask. Maybe had you explained you needed a break or something, he could take his son out for a bit and do something just with him. As for his kid asking to live there, it means he obviously loves his daddy and of course you as well if he’s asking. They don’t stay kids forever.

It’s really hard. I’m a step mum to a boy who my husband had before we were together. There are times when that gets hard and I know I just don’t want to deal with everything that entails. In saying that, these children don’t get a choice when we bring them in to the world and we need to be the bigger people who step up and stand up for there needs. I think his dad is right to have him Saturdays, especially if that’s the only day it seems appropriate to have him.

He is right . 100% . he has a commitment to his child first. If he was married to you than it would be a little different but child should never be made to feel unwanted. And when he is having visit with o e you are pregnant with be thankful . he is a good father

Sounds like it’s the perfect situation to me. You would have your kids plus his son every other sat. Then just his son every other. His son prob needs some daddy time too before the new baby comes. I have 4 and my husband has 3. We have 7 kiddos every other weekend. It’s wonderful! You have give up your alone time and make time for it other ways when you have children. Especially in a blended family.

There are no words…keep it up and you will never have see him or his son again. So glad there are men out there with their priorities straight.

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I think he overreacted by packing up and leaving. Your relationship lacked communication. Compromise is the name of the game…there’s options, get a sitter, send the kids, all of them, to a grandparents house for a day. Be mindful that when you love someone, you love their family also. Hopefully you get a do-over and communicate better. Blended families are no different than if all the kids involved are both of yours together. Good luck.

1st I completely understand alone time. Let me say that.
When you enter a blended family its just that. To say you don’t have room for his son makes me sad inside. Yet you have 4 and your pregnant, IF you don’t have room for his son, WHY get pregnant? His son should be JUST as welcome as yours. How would you feel if your children’s father said, og well im not getting our kids so I can soend the ONLY DAY I have w my kids, cause I wanna spend it w my girlfriend. Or if your children’s dads girlfriend said she just didnt have room for your kids. You may need to really see the other side. This post, I understand venting, but its just PLAIN MEAN.

He sounds like a good father to me! I applaud him for not giving up his ONLY day with his son!

I would say you are in the wrong and good for him for packing up. If someone asked me not to have my kids they would be the ones I wouldn’t be seeing. You can find alone time other ways. Being a parent is tiring. You knew the situation you walked into.

He is a good Dad. Kids first . Yes you need date time but not on his night with his son .

I honestly think you should pick a different day than his day with his son to have a lone time. His son needs all the time he can get with his dad and with his siblings. He will also have to share what little time he gets with his dad with a new baby soon too. I think that’s a hard place to put him in. In my opinion if your going to have a blended family it has to be less his kids/ your kids and more our kids for it to work well.

So very, very wrong.
You want some time away from the kids? Pick a night, any night, hire a babysitter, and go out. Not all day, personally, I love a good lunch date.
You don’t ask to change a kid’s schedule to see his parent so you don’t have to take care of him.

He just needs to switch his weekend, so that your kids and his son are on the same schedule. I totally understand needing a break. You get a break from your kids, but still caring for his. Y’all need to have a conversation.

Wait Father’s day is this weekend. Of all weekends let him have his son. That’s what father’s day is all about.

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Unsolicited Advice: why don’t you try and have the kids on the same visitation schedule. Then you have all the kids together and then have a day together (except the baby). It is kinda cruddy you ask him to sacrifice days with his kid.

A break is understandable but you should have known what to expect I mean you have kids of your own. Sounds like maybe you should’ve thought things out a little more before engaging in a relationship with someone who has a kid.
Try putting yourself in his shoes…he did the right thing. Maybe you guys can hash things out but keep in mind excluding his kid isn’t going to work. At least you know he won’t chose another female over the child you’re having together. :woman_shrugging:t4:

He did the right thing, you’re selfish for even asking him that. My kids will always come first over anybody! I know how it feels to have my parents pick their partner’s over me and my brother because they didn’t like us and we were in the way

Actually you kinda did all him to pick you over HIS SON!! You knew he had a kid when you got together, you knew his arrangement with his kid. It’s not your boyfriend’s fault that you have your kids more than he has his kid! What would happen if he got full custody of his son, or something happened to his BM so she couldn’t keep him? You going to complain that you have his kid at your house all the time? That’s part of being with someone with kids! Yes you’re pregnant, yes you got other kids, but that doesn’t give you the right to say, “hey can you NOT take your kid so I can have a break” That’s shitty of you!! When I got with my husband, I had 3 kids and now we have one on the way, but I have full custody of mine and no one takes my kids for the weekend EVER. Yeah a break and alone time with my husband would be great but when you have kids they come first ALWAYS! I applaud your bf for telling you no!!! Looks like you might be sharing custody of this one too :woman_shrugging:

I’m only sad because you’re talking about him like he’s a burden. :disappointed: I understand kids are a lot of work but I wish I could spend every second with my kids. Also, you should probably ask your boyfriend to look into a schedule change if he works on the only day he gets to see his son. In my personal opinion, you were wrong.

Well… This upcoming weekend is father’s day so… Maybe a different weekend? Maybe why he got upset? I understand needing alone time but maybe figure out a time when you both don’t have children

Sounds pretty wrong of you to me… just saying. I have 2 kids, oldest one is 7, and I’ve had them every day since they were born. If you’re a parent you’re a parent. It doesn’t change because you want time alone before the baby comes. :roll_eyes:

I NEVER comment on this stuff but this post is so sad. Did you know his work schedule, that he had a son, and the size of your house when you put yourself in a position to get pregnant? If you aren’t willing to provide that child with the same love and care you give your own children maybe you should stay single??

I don’t blame him. If I was in that situation, I would be packing my things up and leaving the relationship. My kids come first, before any man. Also if you can’t treat his kid like your own you have no business being in a relationship with someone who has children from previous relationships.

Yes. You’re wrong. You don’t get to pick and choose when you’re a parent and it’s incredibly wrong to ask him to do that


It’s one weekend.its not a horrible thing to ask. He could’ve asked ahead to switch one day before the baby comes Be strong and stay true to yourself throughout his tantrums.

I’m sorry but you are very clearly in the wrong. You shouldn’t ever ask your partner to make a choice between you and his child. He sounds like a wonderful father.

Uncool. When you got into a relationship with a man who has another child you’re supposed to be nurturing and accepting of this child who is probably going through a rough time without seeing his father everyday. That’s selfish af.

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I would never a ask my husband to not get his daughter when we were first together. Or ever. She should’ve and was always first to him. Then it became to us both. Even after we had kids together. We fought for custody of her and won full custody. I would have never come between him and her. We had her all the time. I’m sorry. I have to side with your boyfriend on this one.

That is wrong of you to ask that at all!!! That is HIS SON!!! I wouldve packed up and left you too because my kids come first. Obviously he is an awesome dad and puts his kids first!

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You’re wrong he gets one day off during the week when you have your kids and he probably takes care of them too you knew going into it that your families were going to have to come together sacrifice is what happens when you have children those days of it just being you two unfortunately are going to be few because you both have kids I feel like you should have asked if you two could’ve got a sitter for 1 night out would have been better because I don’t know yours or his situation but some baby mommas hold him not picking up his kid one day against them

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He only has his son on Saturdays and you asked him to give up his ONE day with his child. What if he asked you to make your husband take your kids full time? Honestly girl I think you are wrong here. I think it’s awesome he chose his son over a woman. I would choose my kids over a man even my husband who I’ve been married to for over 20 years.

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I would’ve walked too! I understand being tired and needing a break, but having kids is a choice we all make. You don’t get to pick and choose when you want to take care of them. The time you get to spend with your kids is very special, especially when you’re sharing custody. If you need a break and some alone time, plan something and get a sitter for the day/night. Talk it out and explain that you’re tired, feeling overwhelmed and wanting some alone time. I’m sure he would’ve understood a little better had the communication been there…

He did exactly what a good daddy would do.
Imagine it was your child and the gf didnt want your kids there even if just one time… I believe as a mom that would really make me upset…
Pick a day alone where his child isn’t there. Take a day off work. You can make up lost money not lost time with yours or his children.