Was I wrong to ask my boyfriend not to take his son this weekend?

Omg people, it’s not like she said, hey never get your son again! She asked for one day damn. It wouldn’t make him a bad father if he said ok. We all are human! Yes I have kids, yes I love them more then life. But sometimes I need a break. But they are obviously safe when they are away. They are either with my mom, my bds mom or my sister or a family member. If she would have said I dont want ur son here anymore or something on that matter, yes he would have every right to be mad. But since she cares for the son when the dad gone, she has every right to feel like she wants a break. An it’s not bad she wanted some alone time with her man. If he felt any type of way about that, he should have said down an them both explained their side so they could had an understanding. Lord some of yall acting like she said if u get your son, we are done bye. Never said that!

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I’m trying really hard not to be judgemental here but to be honest I’m failing… first of all once you have a child it is no longer about you. Secondly, if you choose to be with someone who has a child you better be okay with being in second place 99% of the time. I applaud him for putting his child first. You need to reevaluate your priorities and maybe grow up some.

Its Fathers Day weekend so yes you were wrong to ask him not to on this weekend, HIS weekend.

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That is an amazing father hands down! No one should ever come before your children and its obvious he loves his kid. I would have left too

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The choice you made when you became a mom , another choice to date a man with other children… why don’t you switch your weekend with your kids? You should always make room for his kid! How do you think he feels that you don’t have room for him to live there but yet you’re gonna have another baby… put that kid 1st, or yes your man should stay gone

Yes, you were wrong. Think about it. You have your kids all week and he only has 1 day. To you it’s nothing, to him it’s everything. He has very limited time with his son. You can be with him on a Sunday, why his only Saturday with son?

I’m sorry but if he is getting his son for you to take care of while he works and isn’t spending any time with him then I would have told him he needs to switch the day to his day off so he could take care of him. I have step kids and my husband does a lot with his kids and I’m not saying I don’t help take care of them and love them myself but I gave up on us having one on one time a long time ago that’s just not how it works with kids.

When I was in a relationship my ex had two before me, I had one, and when ended up having 2 together. Yes it was difficult with 5 kids but I would never ask him to miss the little time he got with his other 2. I considered them my own and wish we had them 24/7. Dont get me wrong I needed the break too and we would get a sitter and go out for dates! We made room for all 5 no matter where we were at and also made time for each other. They won’t be little forever so you gotta cherish every second you get with your kids especially if you aren’t fortunate enough to seem them everyday due to separation

Kids and alone time…:rofl::rofl::rofl: yea they dont go together…regardless of the circumstances…think…if you all had all those kids together…without them being with the other parent scenario…you have no alone time…and single parents where the other has zero visitation…nope no alone time…kinda what you sign up for when you have children :person_shrugging:t3: in the last year…i have been out 4 times…for girl friends birthdays…and took alot for me to work up to asking my mother to watch my kids (she watches them while I work)

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You say you don’t have space for five children, then you should’ve thought about that before getting knocked up. If you can’t figure out a way to make room in your home for your bf’s son, then you should seriously re evaluate your feelings about this man and the relationship you have with him.

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There is bigger issues going on that really need to be considered. There are 4 prior kids in this relationship. Each child should have a space in that home needless to how often they are there. And now having another baby, could you imagine how that little boy feels? And rather than telling him not to take his child on a day that he gets them is really rude especially when that boy barely gets to see his father. Maybe sitting down and having a conversation on maybe changing his day to Sunday’s when he is off so the two can spend some time together would have been more appropriate. Him storming off does not help the situation at all and he needs to communicate like an adult.

Wow i wish my sons dad cared as much about his kid and this man… you should have never asked that… remember he lives wlth you…he gets his son 2 days a week…
When i started dating my son came before anyone including my own needs!

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If someone asked me to not get my child I would leave too in all honesty. Even if I had to work any little time with your children Is a big deal, so Yeah I’d have to say you’re in the wrong on this one I mean no disrespect but it does come off as though you didn’t take how the dad feels into consideration and are more focused on you and your wants

What if your ex husband had a new girlfriend that he got pregnant and she requested the same thing??? How pissed would you be that their father chose not to see them bc of her?? On another note, go stay at a hotel on the weekends when he has his son until you give birth. That way you get your break and he gets to spend time with his son doing all the things he should be doing. My ex husband never took our kids until he met his current wife & I know she does the majority of caring for them on his visits. If you feel overwhelmed because you’re the one doing all of the caretaking when he visits then that’s a different issue. Instead of telling him not to have his son over you should’ve told him that he needs to do the work to take care of his son so that way you can relax the last month and a half of your pregnancy.

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Yea. You are in the wrong. You are asking him to choose you or his kid. Totally and completely wrong of you to do that. I’m glad he got up and packed his stuff and left. He sounds like a great dad.

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I honestly don’t think you did anything wrong because it’s not like you told him you can’t see him at all…I had a similar situation my husband has his daughter and I had mine and we were pregnant with our son. Our weekends weren’t at the same time so I suggested that he switch weekends to where his weekends matched my weekends!! It wasn’t that big of a too do!!

I’m guessing it might be because he sees him once a week (which pretty much sucks) but at the end of the day you knew he had a child you know that’s a package deal!!

But yet every one situation is different!!!

Yes kids should always come first! Been there with own child my husband only wanted to take r son when his girlfriend’s kids are home! I said no way you wanted to leave now you take r son when you said you wanted them so ! Sorry kids come first

So let me get this straight U have 3 kids n they live with U??? N ur boyfriend is around them everyday N he only gets his son on Saturday…n U need alone time, something is wrong with this picture… gd for him!!!

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Sorry, but you were wrong. You should have talked to him about how you were feeling WITHOUT asking him to not take his son on his scheduled days. You did essentially ask him to choose between you and his child, and it wasn’t fair to him. He had every right to be upset with you. You have no right to dictate when he sees his kid. Best of luck with visitations with the baby you two are expecting.

I can understand wanting a Saturday together every once in a while. But it’s not fair to ask him to give up every other Saturday with his son. That time together is very important.

Hope u will consider doing something so to not have anymore kids! Sounds like u have had enough! Birth control should be # 1! Now u have another one to care for alone!
Maybe u can work it out!

It is absolutely not your place to tell him to not get his son. Think about if it were your child and another woman told him not to see your son? The one day he has with his son in a week and you want to take that away from him and his son? You obviously do not consider the childs feelings or your bfs either because you would understand that his time with his son is important. If you can’t handle it and accept his son as well you need to move on.

Lord I don’t see anything wrong at all for wanting one day kid free to spend some alone time together it’s one day she didn’t ask him to stay away from his kid forever it’s one day smh yes every mother on this planet deserves to have alone time every now and then

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I get what she is wanting, get a sitter for him for a few hours so you can have a date night!! Everyone deserves a break once in a while. Plus he should be the one taking care of his son the most…

But also— I think he took the message too harshly.
But also the fan is around her kids all the damn time — so she’s obviously tired AF and is expecting. So I can get having one day to relax— but I feel the boyfriend is being a bit dramatic. It was an honest question— can she have a day off. And I’m pretty damn sure someone who has 4 kids and expecting deserves some me-time.
I think the boyfriend over reacted- and I think the mom needs to wait for him to calm down. Once they both simmered down they can approach the situation.

Great father i would of left to. He lives with you helps raise your children he works only sees his child once a week. Yes you was wrong. You act like this child is a chore to you. Great job dad !!!

I totally understand how you feel. You also deserve time for each other. Kids will grow up and leave the nest. You were not asking him to never have his child you asked for one weekend. Sending hugs and prayers. Every woman here should stop bringing you down especially if they have been pregnant before. Omg, show so compassion for this woman.

Does he ask for your children to go with their father more often when he has off and wants time with you? If he did that how would you feel about sending your kids away from the man that’s supposed to love you and your children? Date night can be the day during the week he is off or Sundays as you said he is off, why the day he is suppose to get his son?

Talk about very little support. A woman can accept another man’s children easily and that man can accept her children. And either one of them can ask for a break from the kids. They’re is absolutely nothing wrong with it. And don’t let anyone tell you other wise. My bf and I have done it a time or two, just so we can work things out and come back together as a whole.

His kid can come but he is taking care of him! If he works, he should rearrange his schedule so he doesn’t and care for his own kids. Don’t expect her to do it. That’s how my boyfriend and I are. I care for mine and he cares for his. Do I help, yes but not doing everything!

No ma’am. You came to the wrong place to be validated. There is a way to approach that, without asking him not to allow his child over. He moved in with you, and has YOUR kids full time and only has part time with his. Plus he is having one with you. That is a whole lot of baggage for him to take on. But he did. I get wanting alone time, but that is something you should have weighed before getting pregnant again, and knowing there were 4 kids already in the mix. Also, if you loved him as much as you say making room for the other child, would be something you did. Regardless of room.

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It’s not wrong for you to need a break but maybe be more open to how that happens. Tell him you need some alone time and suggest he takes his son out for the day or to his family for the day. If that’s not possible maybe you could go to a friends place for a laid back catch up. As for the day together maybe just settle for a lunch together perhaps his family could spend some time with his son? I don’t get any alone time with my hubby our last date night was Oct 2018. Part and parcel of having a large family with small children.

I think it is a bit unfair to ask him if that I mean it’s his son and at the end of the day he’ll choose his son over anyone the same way I assume you would. Wanting alone time is normal but the way you want alone time with him I’m sure is the same way he wants time with his son who isn’t completely in his custody.

As a mom with a kid from an exmarriage that I take on weekends/holidays/ summers/ etc. & 3 kids with my fiance…He’s wrong for the fact that he didn’t even have a conversation with you. COMMUNICATION. If my fiance asked me not to take my kid, we’d be having a conversation. I understand needing a break but that’s why people talk about things, not fly off the handle. & It’s within your right to ask for a break, just maybe not on father’s day weekend though. People also need to keep in mind your pregnant, with crazy moody thoughts, & working. People act like they dk what it’s like to be pregnant, I once cried because a store was outta fried chicken. Empathy is not hard to have. Js.

What you did was very wrong in many ways. Kids should always come first. If you don’t have enough room for his son how are you putting another baby in your house? His child should be no different then yours.

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he’s child should be treated like one of your own. would you not have your kids for a weekend to relax??
mother’s don’t have that luxury, he is a package deal, and he stood up for his son. great job Dad

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We only have one daughter and I get super defensive and weird when her dad suggests we have his parents watch her for a night so we can have a solo romantic night away. I understand what’s he’s asking for and he loves our daughter too. He’s not saying he doesn’t want her around, he just wants a moment for us. I however always want to be near her. I hate the thought of sleeping away from her so much I keep putting off a sleep study my dr wants me to do.

You both could have probably started/reacted to the conversation differently. Maybe you could have led with “What do you think about having a weekend for just us?” ( if you didn’t already start the convo like that). Leaves it open to just start the conversation to see how he felt about it. Maybe instead of packing a bag and storming out he should have just told you simply, no I don’t want to do that because I want to see my son as much as I can.

When I was extremely pregnant with my youngest son, my ex OFFERED to take our girls one weekend a month to give me a chance to rest. This continued the first 3 months after my son was born. There will never be anything wrong with asking for personal time. Even better when your “ex” is willing to help as well.
It seems both of you could use the one on one time taking into consideration the outcome of this situation. Choosing to pack up your stuff and leave seems like a choice made out of frustration.

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I don’t think you are wrong, you need a break. Half of these comments from women are judging you for needing a break. That’s why women suffer in silence. You may have come off wrong, but you are not wrong for asking. If he so quick up and left, than maybe that should show you how “great of a father” he isn’t after all.

If you get into a relationship with a person who has a child you treat that child as your own. You cant pick and choose when either your in it 100 or not at all. Yall chose to have another kid. This ain’t your first rodeo you knew what you were getting into you cannot exclude his child because of it.

Yikes. I’ve never read anything more selfish. Having kids in general takes away your opportunity for “a break” but it doesn’t sound like you have an issue with your own? Maybe try loving his son like he’s your son or he’s better off leaving you🤷🏼‍♀️


You pretty much did ask him to choose. I’m glad he chose his kid cuz it shows he’s a good dad! I don’t think your ready for step kids IMO.

I’m so sorry that all these people on here have attacked you like this. Yes, kids are important and kudos to him for being a dad. I dont know all the specifics but I’m glad you have opened up the door to a bigger conversation. Your relationship together is just as important as the kids. When these kids are raised and have their own lives, you to need to still like each other because that is what you have…eachother. I have a similar situation and we only get every other Saturday free from kids and that is after I find a sitter for my son. I had to out my foot down and tell my boy friend that this is our time together. I pray that you guys work they this and he can understand your needs a bit more and you can come up with a solution that works for everyone.

I’m a mom of two special needs kids and their father has minimal involvement. Their step dad does the dad thing. He is also in the military and we are talking about having one of our own while simultaneously trying to figure out if a baby thats now 10 years old is his and to do the right thing by her. I would never in a million years ask him to choose kids over me nor would he ask that of me. If we need time to just be us, he takes leave from work and we hire a babysitter for a couple hours. Be glad he loves his child so much that he prioritizes his kid. Thats extremely pathetic to tell him not to.


The reality is when you plan your life with someone who has kids, kids around 24/7 is the new normal. I understand where you’re coming from. The best advice I can give you is to arrange both of your schedules in such a way that you both have all the kids on a weekend, next one no kids, etc. I wish you well and hope things work out for you.

Absolutely not okay. When you get together with someone with kids you sign up to be a parent to that kid to. My ex doesn’t take our daughter because of his wife and her parents and it’s pathetic. She wants nothing to do with her biological father because my fiancé has raised her since she was a couple months old.

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This is insane… Did you guys not read the part where SHE HAD HIS KID AND HE IS AT WORK!!! He isn’t spending any time with him. So him moving out is going to give him no time with his child until he gets another girlfriend to take care of him until he gets off of work. She wasn’t asking him to give up on his child. She asked for 1 day. Instead of working out a compromise to schedule some relationship time. He packs his things and leaves his pregnant girlfriend. WTF is that!?!

I think if you were to ask in advance and plan a day together that would be one thing, but it’s not fair for you to ask him to give up his one day with his child. You said you don’t have room for 5 kids… dating someone with kids puts you in a position to where you need to treat all the kids involved equally and you can’t exclude his kids because they’re not biologically yours… I don’t know the whole story, but I think you should talk with your boyfriend about what you want in the relationship and if you can take on another child

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When you pretty much had a kid with a man that already had kids you took on the responsibility of being a mom since he knew about that beforehand you can’t complain that the other child needs the Same Love is your children… now both of your families together

He’s right Momma. When you decide to have kids the “alone time” is over. Period. I have 4 children from 6 to 28 I can count on 1 hand how many times I spent the night without all of them.

I applaud him for standing up for his child.
I understand the writer’s thoughts on raising children are different, as she has weekends free, from time to time. A child would typically be with their parents 24-7. That’s what parenting is.
My husband and I have one child together. (One child period) And I can count on my fingers how many weekends (in 13 years) we have been without our son.
All these babies are growing up in two households got people thinking parenting is not a full-time job. It is. It is even more than that, it’s 24-7.

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This is a really complicated story. I think you need to talk to him about making arrangements to spend time together as opposed to you just telling him not to take his son on the weekends. He on the the other hand sounds like he’s jumping the gun by assuming you want him to choose between you and his son. You both have a lot of stuff and stress going on. It’s going to take a lot of work and compromising to make this relationship work. You will need alone time with him as well in order to get to know more about each other and about yourselves. I pray you make the right decision and I pray you invite God into your lives.

Children before partners always, rather than say I want a day off from having your child over, say I’m happy for your child to be here but I’ll be putting my feet up and relaxing as it’s my weekend off, you care for all your child’s needs do I can get some rest. You can always spent time together in an evening when all kids in bed, do a date night at home, cook, movie etc. Good luck

God the people on this page are so problematic. No, you are not wrong for asking, girl. If youre the one watching his child, why is he asking to have him on days he’s not even available? Second, you’re pregnant, you deserve a rest and he should want to give that to you. You have 3 other kids to care for! Also, all he had to do was say, yes, lets do that. I’ll ask my son’s mom if I can switch my day or alternate or come up with another solution. Seems to me you’re taking care of 5 children already, and one on the way. Who walks out like that? It’s called communicate.

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Yes you’re in the wrong. If my significant other ever requested I not take my children (thank god he never would) I would leave too! Especially if i got as little time together with him as your boyfriend gets. Honestly,shame on you for even considering and asking. When you get with someone who has children you’re also taking that child on! If you’re not prepared to, then you should have never gotten into a relationship with someone with a child.

to you its nothing, to his child who sees him 4 days a month its an amazing thing , exciting time. when children get a chance to stay with family/a sitter they tend to get excited for this child that is what its like seeing his father. it is ALOT different of a situation than sending your child away for one night because he is only with his dad for the 1 night. dont cause problems for yourself if you love him you need to fully accept his kid. get a sitter during the week or take the day of work to spend time together do not make him choose between time with his kid. when you do not see your children all the time you simply cannot throw away the time you do have.

Yes you we’re wrong , doesn’t matter if you don’t have days together without kids … kids aren’t at fault for being born … a person that chooses a partner over their kids shouldn’t be a parent at all… so good for him for choosing his son that he doesn’t see everyday over his partner… when you have kids you give up your freedom point blank…

Sorry, but you chose to become a parent. And there’s no guarantees that any parent will have a ‘kid free night’.
And yes- Very wrong to have asked your boyfriend to not have his kid come over.
When you asked him that- essentially you asked him to choose. And that is how his son would/will take it, if he finds out.
Kudos to the dad for choosing his child!!

Maybe not say anything to him at all. Instead let them have a day together while you get rest or time to yourself… you made that way too complicated than it should have been

I get it, it’s hard having kids and enjoying some alone time with ur significant other, but that’s not the way to go about it. You can’t ask him to skip time with his son to spend it with you. I would suggest asking him to take a personal/sick day off from work and you do as well. Take the day off together while the kids are at school or figure out a baby sitter for your kids during the week so you can spend some time together. Make him see that you’re making the effort too. I’m not saying asking for some alone time is wrong, just don’t make him chose because I would too chose my kids.

You have no right to ask him not to take his child. How would you feel if your ex husband did that to you? And if you can’t fit 5 kids now then why are you having another child? Pretty sure you have room for the one you’re pregnant with so you can make room for HIS child

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Awesome dad and you had a great man. Get in his shoes if it was your weekend to see your kids, wouldn’t you want to spend time with them? You went into a relationship each having kids. So I think you are being selfish that you have your kids but when he has his you don’t want. Then here you go having another child. So one question, so there is room for the new baby that’s not here yet but for his son there isn’t, not fair. You are just thinking of you. Try to find another man like the one you lost. Seems to be a great dad.

Just thinking out loud… maybe she just had a bad day. She’s pregnant, has her kids, his is coming, she knows he’s going to work and she just needed some me time. It may have come out wrong. Yes her wording sounds wrong, but he should think, he only has his child on Saturday, maybe try to be off when he’s there. Idk, sounds like he’s with her cuz he needs a babysitter

Well he left so regardless of what we think he is hurt, and now reconciliation needs to happen if you want to amend the relationship. I suggest maybe trying to get together a gift of some sort from the future new baby, his son, and if you consider him to be apart of your children’s lives them too. Next time see about a babysitter when his son is not over. Maybe try writing your frustrations out in a journal or a letter. Writing down asking him to have his son on his day off might help him see your frustrations. Realize that your timing with father’s day weekend probably hurt him too

Hes a awesome dad for choosing his son like that. I do see your point though, but you went about It In the wrong way. You should have suggested planning a day or 2 alone before baby comes. Not out of the blue tell him you don’t want 'his" son over that day. I think you need to apologize to eachother and communicate better

I get where your coming from, need breaks sometimes but asking him to not see his son on the only day he gets him was not ok!! He sounds like an amazing dad, what you may need to do is ask for more help with all the kids then you won’t be so worn out!!!

I don’t know your life so I’m not judging you but were you asking him for just the one day or every week? Because I can understand wanting one day once in a while but you have to put yourself in his place, how would you feel if he didn’t want your children around. I hope it works out for you both.

If Saturday is the one day that he can see his son then how can you ask him not to see his son on the weekend? And it sounds like his son really looks forward to those visits :disappointed:
When you date someone who has children… you are picking their children as much as you are picking them.
Is there anyway you could get him every other weekend (all weekend) when your kids are home too? And then your boyfriend could also start seeing him during the week on his day off?

It’s his SON!!! Good for him. You sound awful selfish. Working cleaning taking care of children is just a short time in your life and well worth it. More men should follow his example!!!

Split families are hard! Sounds like you need your space for your mental health- take it! At the end of the day, it’s dad’s responsibility to take care of his son. You may have to give up that alone time on that day but don’t give up your sanity!

While I understand you need a break and totally appreciate that, your boyfriend’s circumstance is way different and has limited time with his son. He values the time he has with his son. So maybe instead set up a time for a 1 or 2 day vacation during the week or on a weekend he isn’t suppose to have his son.

I understand where you’re coming from, or at least I’m being as empathetic as I can be to your situation, but how you’ve described what you’re going through sounds a bit selfish. If he only has his child on Saturday’s and you have your kids all week except every other weekend, then you need to compromise. Maybe both of you can decide on a day where you can both request days off from your job, or choose a Sunday (on the weekend your ex has a Sunday with the kids) and manage. But idk your entire situation and how your relationships are like with your ex and your boyfriend’s ex. If they are solid, then maybe they wouldn’t mind watching the kids an extra day or two so you guys can have a mini-vacation.
Just remember the kids come first, always.

Y’all are so quick to judge. I think you are misunderstanding her words. She was asking him if he could take his son on one of his days off and not Saturday’s. However I think she came across wrong… you should choose your words wisely and respect his decision.

How can you be wrong if you speak your own feelings .
Maybe it would have been better to ask for a break for yourself. Ask him to help you and take all the kids for a day off fun. Treat your self to rest or pampering .

My ex did this with his new girlfriend because she wanted a weekend alone (her kids were gone every other weekend) i let him have the boys any extra time he asked for and every weekend. After he went down to every other weekend… The time just eventually stopped all together. He hasn’t picked his kids over his relationship since. It’s sad and even though i understand you being tired and wanting a break there were other ways to do that. And he also is right to be offended. But i hope you guys can learn from this and show him that you never meant it that way and work things out. Since you have one on the way together.

I think what you should have done is just taken that Sunday for yourself. You sound overwhelmed. If he cant see that your being buried by all the responsibilities and pregnant at the same time then shame on him. And for him to just pack up and leave is immature!!!

I applaud him for his decision. I wish my daughters father would be that way. I also get where the frustration comes in. Instead of telling him not to come at all, could there not be a babysitter for a few hours so you could have time together? I think it was phrased wrong for one. But also he gets one day a week. You shouldn’t ask for that entire time. You might not have intentionally asked to be put before his son, but you did end up asking that. His child needs to be as important as yours.

You need to stop seeing that kid as only his. Imagine if your 3 children’s father had called you and said “sorry my girlfriend doesn’t want us to have the kids this weekend so they’re staying home” you’d be absolutely livid. I know things are tough for you but give your head a wobble.
The only thing you need to tell your boyfriend is that he needs to help out more.

If I was you I’d be happy I have a man that would pick his son over a women im sorry if that sounds a little snotty but you don’t get many men that would pick there kid over the new gf so good on him hope he as a great fathers day he one million percent deservs it

I understand that you need a break, you have to understand that this is the family dynamic you chose so you can’t ask someone to give up the little time they have with child when they spend all week with yours…You could have just asked him to take his son out for a couple hours so you can rest and maybe that would have not made it seem like he had to choose

I think it was all in the asking…maybe tone. You should have just talked about time alone…if possible. Not give up time with his son. Same thing…but different approaches

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I don’t think people read it all the way through. She didnt have her kids and wanted to relax, kid free.

If she is the one caring for his son while he’s there, she is allowed to ask for a break.

It’s not like he never sees his son. From what she wrote, he stays extra days.

I completely understand your situation because I was in a similar one. You were right. It’s unfair that you work, your pregnant, have your kids and his child and you can’t get one day. He was too quick to leave off that. Most of the comments are commending him for picking his son over you but aren’t you pregnant with his second child and he walked out that quick. I wonder if he walked away from the first baby mama too? Everyone needs time for themselves and time for their relationship. He needs to make time just like you make time to do everything else.

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You knew what you were getting into when you got into a relationship with him. His child was not given a choice. It was in poor taste that you requested him to chose between you and his child. Many of us don’t get any breaks without kids because we have zero support from family. Also, one day you may not be in this relationship. When that day comes you would not want him to chose a woman over the baby your are carrying to “spend alone time”. You should always put your children first. I am not trying to mom shame but you may have some growing to do.

Yeah. You’re wrong. Especially being that this weekend is FATHERS DAY WEEKEND. Let that man spend HIS HOLIDAY with HIS SON!! I agreed to let my daughter stay with her father this weekend instead of coming home because of the holiday!! Idc if you’re pregnant and emotional. Sunday is about HIM, NOT you.

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Double standards. You are wrong, as wrong can be. Good way to cause resentment by this and ruin a relationship. It should be all, his child comes into the relationship 100 percent as your does.

My man and I were lucky when our sons weekends with the other parent synced up. I think you should try it if you can get them switched… But I wouldn’t deny him ever spending time with his kid.

You were wrong. And I’m surprised as a mom you would even make such a request. Most moms would be grateful for a man/coparent who wants to be involved. I can see asking him to take a day off during the week or getting a sitter to watch the kids one night, but you don’t ask him to no take his child that as it is he doesn’t get to see everyday they way most of us do.

How would you feel if he said their wasn’t room in the home for your kids only the o e that is going to be y’all’s together would you give up your time with your children for him no one should ask someone to give up their time with their child period. Sounds like he values what little time he has with his child. I would have done the same thing. If you truly love him you would make room for his child to live their to.

Way wrong. How could anyone think that is okay? Omg. Wow. Just wow. Good for him! Nice to actually see a single dad care about his kid more than his pick of the month. And no I don’t speak from experience on that, but I have seen friends go through it and it’s disgusting these fathers give up their kids or time with them because of the chick in their life at the moment

When you took him on you took his son on. If you don’t have enough room then don’t get a boyfriend with kids. What if he got sole custody of his child? Then what?


I would have packed up and left too. I wish I could agree with you, but there will never be a time in my life that I choose not to see my kids especially if I don’t have them full time

You were wrong. He only gets his child twice a week. Your kids are not more important than his. You are not more important than his child. If you cannot love his child, and cannot make room for them both in your home/family then you should not be with him. Period.

I get being tired. So maybe talk to him and ask what is he planning to do with his son. Remind him you are tired and need rest. But don’t make him choose and even though you didn’t mean that that’s what it became.

If he is important to you talk to him and communicate. Try to coordinate a weekend where there are no kids. But communicate with each other.

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You’re wrong as two left shoes and he should have left you.


If he packed his things and left, seems like the relationship is over, even though they’re about to have a kid together. I hope they reconcile for the new baby’s sake. If not, prepare to be a single mom of 4 kids. This seems like a big misunderstanding. I gather from the post that she asked if he can have his son every other weekend, like her ex husband, so that they can both be kid free every other weekend and spend time together. I don’t think has thinking about being in a relationship with OP long term, if he was willing to up and leave just like that without talking things through.

I’m not saying anyone is right or wrong… But, did anybody notice that he has his kid on Saturdays and that SHE is the one that is watching him because he works???

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Hell yeah you were wrong! Put the shoe on the other foot, what if he had asked you not to take your kids cuz he was sick of caring, cooking and cleaning!!! Shame on you!!! He’s a good man to put his son 1st because he was a father 1st before becoming your boyfriend!

Imagine only seeing your child one day a week and being put in a spot between your child and somebody else you love. That sounds pretty unfair.
It’s not unusual that you would want a day with him without kids though. Maybe you could both be “sick” on a regular work day and play hookie
It’s also unfair that you are taking care of the child while working full time in your third trimester. You have some wiggle room in discussing that

I agree with Tabitha. A package deal. What if he asked you to ditch your kids? He made the right choice. Be prepared to share custody for the new baby. Sounds like he’s a great daddy. You, as a mom… hmmmm

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