Was I wrong to ask my boyfriend not to take his son this weekend?

Maybe shouldn’t have got with someone who has a child already or maybe he shouldn’t have got with you for having kids already or maybe shouldn’t be having another child. I’ve got kids what’s a break once start having kids it’s your responsibility to look after them. Only break I get is work. Yes having kids is hard work but if he only gets to see his son at weekend why would he not have him. Do you not get a break together once kids are in bed have a cuddle on sofa watch a film. Maybe I’m doing this wrong then because apart from work I’m always with my kids.

Not enough information. Did you offer to give up a day with your kids? Can the day be switched so he can still see his son? Is that the only day he sees his son every week? I see both sides, but think you need to find a way to compromise where it works for all. When you got with him you essentially agreed to love and care for his son just like you would think he loves and cares for your kids.

I dont think you were wrong of asking. And quite honestly I think he over reacted by packing up and leaving all because you asked for 1 day. You never said every weekend. Its hard to be 7 months pregnant working and never have a break. He should realize that and understand.

Also can we stop the hate comments and give constructive criticism. Shes a overworked mom, who just needs a break


You are so wrong you knew he had a kid when you got with him and knowing that he’d choose his kid over a woman shows hes a great dad kids take work you should know that if you can’t handle his son and yours why are you adding another innocent child in to the mix plus you made it sound like taking care of kids is a chore its not its a responsibility you made them and you knew about his son before he moved in so grow up and raise them kids and quit complaining if i managed to fit 5 kids and 2 adults into a 2 bedroom house you can find a way to fit all those kids in yours and by the way we got a bigger house we now have 4 bedrooms and 6 kids

Some Children don’t have fathers!
Don’t ever take for granted a willing, loving father, who shows up, makes the effort, and is there for his child!

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Why doesn’t he have his child on his non working days? I understand wanting to be on the same kinda schedule. As a parent hearing you say you don’t have room for my child to live ther wouldn’t be an option for me.

You don’t have space for 5 kids but another one is on the way…Where will that one get space? That man only has 1 free day to spend with his son,where do you want his son to go and the man moved in your house.

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How about when your kids aren’t there and he is there with his son, you take a day to yourself instead? I mean, alone time after 4 kids is rough, let alone to add another to the mix. It’ll all work out.

No he shouldn’t have to choose one or the other but you also shouldn’t be the only one caring for all children at all times. If he cares about the days he gets his child so much then why does he miss some of them and have you care for the child ? There is wrong coming from both sides not just your side. I get being exhausted and wanting a kid free weekend for sure, I think every mom everywhere can understand that. Maybe instead of asking him to give up a day with his child you couldve stayed in bed and rested and left all responsibilities to him since your children were gone. I understand the reasoning to a point but the execution was where you went wrong.

No you were not wrong i also want a break from my own kids at times there is nothing wrong with that. If you don’t get quality time with your partner then your relationship will not survive, and if you don’t get quality time with yourself just to be alone and do whatever you want, to take a break from the busy worklife, mom life relationship life then you can even end up depressed and mentally not ok, so take that one day once in a while you deserve it and don’t let anyone make you feel guilty :sparkling_heart:

Much love from one mommy to another💖

Umm he is right because seem like you don’t want to take care of his kids when he gone to work… I think you should think before you even ask him because family is number one priority

If your kids dad gets them all weekend why don’t y’all have alone time Friday night??? Your boyfriend prob doesn’t get to pick and choose when he gets his kid cause of court order so he has 4 days a month to see his son where you have all week??? And he seems to not have a problem with yours so why take away from his limited time? Make do with what you have… Friday nights

That is his son which he is still responsible for so yes it’s wrong asking him to wave his weekend. That is his time with his child. You are a blended family and with 4 children and one on the way that’s just what comes with it- zero time for yourself. 4 times a month isn’t much time to be a father and your asking him to forfeit one of them. His time with his child is as important as yours with your children. Kids will get older eventually so be patient while they are still children.

Asking for one childless week end before you have a baby is not bad. It is a blessing that you have a man that is a good dad. You may have to find a compromise.

Sorry but kids come first end of story. His son should get the exact treatment as your kids do… I feel you were wrong. :cry:. I also wonder how you would feel if your kids father said he wasn’t taking them so that he could have alone time with his girlfriend… i bet not well! KIDS ALWSYS FIRST
I wish my son were this lucky.

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It sounds like she at least gets 2 days off per month to spend time with him with no kids so I’m not sure why she’s complaining. I am married to my kids father so I have my kids 24/7/365 and I would love to have 2 whole days off.

Yay for him. I understand that you wanted time alone with him, but he’ll between you both you have 5 kids! Face it your going to be luck to ever get to pee alone.

If you only got you kid one day a week would YOU choose alone time or your kid. Honey non divorced parents hardly EVER get time without some or all of their kids at home. You did ask him to choose. Plus he made to correct decision.

I’m sorry but you were wrong. You should apologize to him for asking him to chose between you and his son.
I would have no respect for a parent who chose a mate over their child. Good luck

Good for him he should stay gone he only has a few days a month with his child and you wanted him to give it up .

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So he sees his kid 1 day a week and you want him to stop that? You expect him to live with you and your kids and not see his own? That is terrible. And if you plan on being with someone with a child you should probably act like a stepmom instead of a jealous girlfriend. I have 4 kids and my husband works all the time, some days 16+ hours, I NEVER get alone time with my husband.

Your a mother. What mother gets alone time? Is that why your other kids are with their dad? Wow! Good for him His son Comes first. At least you picked a winner to have another baby with.

I’m sorry but I am proud of him because he picked his son, you knew he had a kid when y’all started that situation and if he lived with you guys full time you couldn’t be asking for him not to stay because you need a break. I think it’s crazy that you would ask him that, would you be hurt if he asked you that question. I think he made a great choice

And she only wanted a break before baby comes it’s not fair how everyone is on her about making them choose she didn’t say It’s me or your son she just wanted some alone time which is understandable before her newborn comes. Wow. Imagine that.

You should of ask him to switch the weekend with his son to the weekend your kids are home and not with their dad since you said they go every other weekend… this way the weekend your kids are gone you are alone , now he feels like you favor you kids relationship over his son and his relationship, this is expected with blended families, I would of left myself, however now this new baby will be in the same position as his son

Good for him. Kids come first. Find time for a vacation or a night alone but not on his day with his son. And if he wants his son to live there, you should figure that out too. Kids won’t be kids forever so this will pass. I would leave someone in a heartbeat if they ever put me in that position.

I think hes right. If anyone asked me not to take my kid i would do the same. Its a selfish decision. If he had custody the child would be there all of the time. You reject a kid when he accepts yours 5 days a week. Good for him.

Yes it was wrong. When you hooked up with him you knew he had a kid. Your kids could go to their dad’s house another day of the week so you guys can have a day. But why should he give up his kid on the weekends for you. His kid probably has school during the week. And essentially you are asking him to choose you over his son. I would have left also if I was asked the same question.

I think it would depend on how you asked and what exactly was asked…you want him to stop taking him all weekends? Or this weekend? It’s hard to tell based on what I read. Maybe discussing switching to a day he’s home (Sunday).
Being THAT pregnant is just a pain in the arse as is, so I get where you are coming from. He isn’t home; he’s at work. BUT, I get his point too; it’s his son.

Great father choosing his child first. If you are going to be together they are your kids.

I kinda get where she’s coming from. She wanted one Saturday, kid free before the baby comes. Working full time and being pregnant with children is hard. Swollen feet, tired, with a body that is no longer yours. Yes, kudos to the dad, but instead of packing and leaving (get it kids come first) maybe they could have worked out where they have a free Saturday or maybe he could have picked his son up after he got out of work so she had a day to rest. We weren’t there so…?

I wouldnt listen to these people I love all 5 of my kids but sometimes I just want some time with my husband too…theres nothing wrong with that especially being pregnant its exhausting

You’re wrong. Your feelings aren’t, but your actions were.
We all get overwhelmed and need a break sometimes, but you can’t drop your kids to do it. I have been a solo parents for nearly a decade now with no family to help either. I have my kids 24/7.
Do I needed breaks? Yes! Do I take breaks? Yes, when I could get paid childcare.
Joint custody is great cause you do occasionally get a break. Your boyfriends ex is due her. Just be thankful all the kids in your situation have 2 parents.
If you need a break - go take one …but if your boyfriend had the kid you’ll have to do it alone.

Yes. You were wrong. No explanation needed. Asking him to give up his day with his child is wrong. Period.

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Yes you were absolutely in the wrong. Good for him for standing up to you for it. I dont think he should have taken it to the extreme but I would never ask my other half if he got his daughter to not take her on his days.

Even if you need a break, make other arrangements other than telling him not take his son

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Dating is great, it is needed to sustain a relationship. You were not wrong for asking for one date day. That is good that he is sticking up for his child, however his reaction of moving out was a little much. Maybe there is more to the issue than you think. Maybe he is extremely stressed about adding another child into the number of children you guys have. It’s okay for you to need a break but it sounds like you to need to have a talk before the baby comes about accepting the children that are already there. You should love his child. He should love yours.

For fucks sake people. She wanted ONE day alone with her man! What’s wrong with that? We all can use a break from our kids. You’re all gonna sit there and preach and tell me you never have a date night with your husband? C’mon!!! She deserves a day off from all kids just like everyone else that has children! Poor woman.

A bit harsh Jessica but it seems to me he was looking for an excuse to leave if he got that upset and didn’t want to talk about it calmly. Be careful with him and I know you are having a baby with him but most of the time the relationship doesn’t get better from here unless you and him can set boundaries since you both have children from different marriages or other relationships. I have always felt children need both parents in their life to get the full balance of family or at least a stand in figure that spends time with them. Even if your relationship don’t work out with him make a promise to your children and to yourself to always stay calm and civil when your all together and not use harsh words or fight because it really messes with their emotional state of well being and will cause many other problems in other functional areas of their growth. I don’t feel you were wrong in asking for alone time as it helps you to focus on your mental health and his. His reaction should have been better when you asked him. I have a Bachelors Degree in Human Services and counseling was involved in many of our classes. It’s just getting down to what he isn’t saying verbally so you have to read the silent cues to bottom problem. Good luck!!

Kids come first he’s a packaged deal you don’t like it then find someone else and if his kid wants to live with his father you don’t get a say you knew the kid existed before you moved in with him

I don’t blame him. Don’t get into a relationship with someone who already has kids if you have an issue with them being in your life. Sorry but having kids in general is inconvenient, get use to it.

No. You had all the right to ask a good enough request. May be he will come to his sinces and see what he could have done differently, but he might just not see any other way. I hope you don’t wait too long to know. I wish you luck

If he is that quick to up and leave then wave goodbye and tell him to find a new maid and baby sitter


Good for him for actually choosing his child over a girlfriend. I would be livid if someone told me not to have my children on my weekend. Figure it out or you’ll end up single again. Nice to see a guy doing the right thing!

I think what a majority of people are missing is the fact when the son is with his dad she is the one taking care of him. She mentioned he has two days off and none of them being Saturday which probably means that she spends the day watching him. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for her to get a break every once in awhile. Motherhood is hard; pregnancy is hard; blending families is hard!

Not to be mean, because clearly the hate shade is out in full force… but it’s not fair to him to ask him to chose you over his child. I get were you are coming from. You are pregnant, tired, and worn down. But that is still his son, and he has every right to see him. I know you want some space and some time for you, especially because your pregnant. Instead, what if you book a hotel for the weekend solo?

You were not wrong but you’re way of asking could come off wrong. Instead of asking no to take his son you could have asked for a day date or date night instead. That way you are not making him feel like he has to choose

Yeah you are wrong! Don’t mess with a father and their child’s relationship! I would Never ask my husband to do that to my stepdaughter! That is just selfish! You can have time with him on the weekends he doesn’t have his son! WTF!? And tell him to help more when he is there. Pretty simple shit.

I understand. Same thing happened to me. I don’t think you’re wrong for wanting a break, BUT prob could have gone about it a different ways then just to say “don’t get your son this weekend”
Then there was prob some words said after that pissed him off more. Been there, done that. You have to understand that even if he wanted to not get his son for the weekend, he couldn’t concede to you because If he did, you might have thought it was okay in the future. He had to make a point. Don’t forget that he deals with your 3 kids all week. It ain’t easy sweetie.

I am thinking its the way you asked him. i to applaud him for wanting that time with his son, alot of times it all in the way you talk to the other person, and if you need alone time with him tell you how you feel and why you need that break and that time alone with him. He may not understand how your feeling.

You are very selfish! And sound jealous. He was a dad already when you met him and asking him to choose between you and his son is horrible!!! You are going to be a family. All of you. How would you feel if he told you not to take your kids anymore.

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He wasn’t wrong you were. I understand your pregnant but if your kids aren’t his and he is paying bills there then he is taking care of your kids too. If he isn’t paying bills he still has to deal with them and you. I would have chose my kid too. That was selfish of you to only think about your and your kids but expect him to put his child to the side for you. And no room for 5 kids? You don’t deserve him

If you want a break or a day without any kids, why not bring it up as a one time thing? “Hey babe, do you think we can switch days this week with your son so we can have a date on Saturday? And then we can pick him up two days during the week…” something that doesn’t sound so permanent. Your kids live with you full time, if you only saw them two days out of the week, and he asked you not to see them for one of those days because he wanted a kid free day, wouldnt you be upset? Maybe you shouldn’t have dated a guy who already had a kid if you weren’t planning on adding another kid to your family.

Yep you made a big mistake. Tell him sorry. In the future if you want a nice day or weekend plan that date three months or more in advance. Getting alone time without kids is hard, but one never cancels a date with a non custodial parent. You have a good man, placing child over you. Now go mend your fences and move forward

I understand you both might be so tired of everything but I thought you’re a bit unfair to him. :disappointed_relieved: All stories in a package, he accept you with 4 kids, so you need to be fair… talk with him nicely how to solve the problem and accept the situation.

Too many rude comments! It’s ok to need a day for a date you are doing great ignore all the people who never went on a date without kids

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You did nothing wrong. If he doesn’t come back then he was looking for a reason to leave. Which means you deserve better.


I would leave my husband, as well, if he asked me to not have my kids with me. I am pregnant, as well, and have hyperemisis so he has been doing almost everything because I am so sick. He loves those kids as his own, as should anyone who is with someone who has children or they’re OUT. I don’t blame him. Not going to sugarcoat it- that’s pretty shameful. If you’re overwhelmed, he needs to step it up or help with child care. But not having his son with him should never be an option. Kids needs their fathers. Are you sending your kids away? Prob not. Man, this post struck a nerve. I don’t know how someone could ask that of a parent. No no no no!


Great observation.i find u are trying to push the kid out the pic.most parents As u know visiitation is usually court ordered. Who are u to demand time with his kid to give u time with him.may i ask how old you are? I would resent my partner,whoasked me to forsake my time w/my child.you have his attention 90 percent of the times

Honestly, he shouldnt get mad. If y’all working all week and then got all the kids on the weekend and then youre pregnant…when do you two have time for each other?
Its compromise. Theres nothing wrong with having at least a day for yourselves…i send my kids once a month to their grandma for a weekend so hubby & i can have some time for ourselves and i can take care of things im not able to cause im always with my kids.
I dont think youre wrong for asking for a day…cause honestly i wouldve asked for a weekend

He’s a keeper of he chose his son!! It’s normal to want time alone with your partner but when his time is limited with his child I don’t believe canceling that is fair or right.

Yep you are most definitely in the wrong. Who actually WANTS a father to not want their child whenever he can get them. I wishhhh my kids dads would take them more and I would hope some girlfriend wouldn’t stop him from seeing them :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


You don’t get to pick what days you will be a parent. All of the children come first every day over you needs to be alone. If you need alone time in a weekly bases then you shouldn’t have had children at all. Parenting is a FULL time job.

I think most of these people are missing the fact, that he’s not spending time with his son, you are, that your really want 1 day for just you 2, which we can see your not going to get, when you have this baby, is he going to try to find someone else to do his part, let’s face it, that’s the way he done the first one. You

I’m sorry but you’re asking him to give up the few days he gets with him. That’s wrong. Fathers need their kids too.

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It is understandable that adults need alone time. HOWEVER, you discuss and plan it. If his son only comes one day a week, then plan it when he isn’t coming. Get a sitter or take YOUR kids to a relatives/friend’s house so you can have alone time. His son will only feel neglected.

You’re in the wrong and he is in the right you had no right to ask him to “take a day off” from his child… If someone asked me if I could have a day off of my kids I’d feel like they didn’t want my kids around and so I’d leave too… Sounds to me like you don’t want more kids and if that’s the case maybe you should get with people who have kids :person_shrugging:

Maybe instead of asking him not to have his son that weekend maybe ask if he could change it to a different day for just that week.

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You are very wrong. Who asks someone not to see their child? You shouldn’t be thinking “his kid, my kid” if you plan on starting a family. That poor little boy probably loved it there

Yes you’re wrong, seems kinda childish to me my opinion tho. You live with your children and does he, he has his child on a Saturday. Then you’re gonna put you have no space for 5 children, wow, you’re something else. I would’ve left also because he gives you time, y’all live together, y’all sleep on the same bed really what more time would you want. You also put how you have to watch him n cook n clean up after him, dont you already do that with your children. I’m pretty sure you dont mind that your husband pays bills n buys things for your children. Your husband knows that by being with you he also has to be there for your children too

Maybe next time approach it and advise he will need to find a babysitter for the day bc you simply need some mental health time. When I need a break, I pay for a babysitter so I can have the day off for myself. I do this about 2 times a years.

You are asking him to pick you over his son…you knew the boy existed before the move in I’m sure…why should the boy suffer because you don’t feel like it…your kids are there all week long…his is there for 2 maybe 3 days a week and I’m betting this kid looks forward to it all week…he won’t understand daddy and gf time…why don’t you ask your ex to switch days during the week so you can have your you time then??

I would not ask someone to give up that one day with their child…not when your kids are there all week…how would that make his child feel? However,when his son is there,he should be contributing to the cooking/cleaning etc etc because it is his child…you are partners

You never get a “break” being a parent.


Once you have children, “alone time” isn’t really a thing anymore. My husband and I get one date night a month if we’re lucky and the kids go to gmas. If you’re looking for a solid day alone once there are children involved you’re kind of dreaming…

He did the right thing by walking away, what if the shoe were on the other foot & they wanted you not your kids what would you do, walk away from your kids. Their is no one more important than a person’s kids. What you did was wrong in every.

If he only sees his son once a week then absolutely you’re in the wrong. My opinion is if you dont have room for all the kids dont be with someone who has kids. I had 2 and my hubs had 3 when we got together. Me or him either one would have walked over being asked this. Can you imagine how that child would feel being told his dad isn’t coming to get him to spend time with you. Thats how resentments towards step parents begin

I honestly think that he’s wrong because you’re the one taking care of his kid when he’s there, not him‼️ you’re probably feeling overwhelmed, and you’re about to give birth soon. I understand where you’re coming from that you wants a break for a day. I don’t blame you. He should be more understanding that you are probably anxious and need some time to relax a bit before giving birth. If you don’t have your own kids on the wknds, then why are you at fault for wanting a break from watching his kid? It’s not like he’s helping you according to how you put it,so I don’t think you’re wrong at all. And a lot of relationships fail because couples don’t get that alone time, or even try to. Every couple needs alone time even if it’s when the kids go to sleep, or whatever the case may be.

Definitely could have gone about it in a different way. If you truly wanted one day together, you could have talked to him about it. Sayinh anything like, hey I’d love to have one day that is just you and I. Could we figure out a day that we won’t have any kids so we can just have an us day?

I wonder how long it’s been since some of these women were pregnant… and if they have multiple children and blended families… cause i can speak from experience and say it’s really hard and sometimes draining. You’re not wrong for feeling like you need a day or a weekend. At 7 months pregnant you’re tired more than not, add work, add kids, add over dramatic bf… super draining. I have 2 and My ex boyfriend had 2 giving us 3 boys (4,5 and 6) and a preteen girl and I was pregnant… and he was extremely lazy. So when we had all the kids the house was crazy. From the noise to the mess to cooking and cleaning… it’s very exhausting and you need a break sometimes even when you’re not pregnant or hormonal and emotional. I cried over ice cream sometimes lol so you can imagine the emotions when feeling like you’re a single mom of 6 :roll_eyes:… wanting a break doesn’t mean you love them any less. Hopefully y’all work it out but if not you might have saved yourself some time. If it was that easy for him to leave without talking about it then how much does he really care. It doesn’t sound like you asked him to pick you over his kid… just asked for a couple days so for him to leave you while you’re pregnant just bc you asked for a break is shitty of him.

I can totally understand the want and need for a day together.
Your mental health is important.
If he got mad without communicating with you more, let him go.
You asked him, he said no.
You aren’t the babysitter. Nor are you married. His child is not your responsibility.
You said he moved in with you, so it appears that you’ll be fine without him.
I hope everything works out for you.
Does he help you with your kids?
All I know is if I’m kidless, I wanna be kidless totally on some days.

I don’t think you were wrong to ask, but I don’t think this was why he left, because he chose his son from a previous relationship over the child that is coming in two months.

Asking to switch up some days to allow some time for them isn’t extreme.

He was walking out on her request for one on one time, not her request to switch days.

I don’t think it’s wrong. Why can’t y’all get his child on a day that he is off. Seems unfair that his day off during the week is childless when your day off is spent caring for his child. I think y’all need to discuss a better schedule where y’all both can be happy.

You are wrong to ask this of him. It is very selfish to ask your boyfriend to not have his son considering he doesn’t have hin that often. Alone time is important but should not interfere with the limited time he has with his son.

She said the father had a day off during the week and Sunday off. She ask him not to take him
On the weekend meaning get him another day when all the kids are here so that when all the kids are gone she can catch a break !! My goodness why are ppl acting as if she said throw the whole child away . From what I gather she doesn’t have a problem with him coming over , just Change the day . And if he isn’t doing the work to keep the child , then he wouldn’t understand why a break is needed. My stepson lives with me , and what we do is try to keep visitation with the other parent on a similar schedule so that when they are home , they are all there and when it’s time to go they all go . It doesn’t always work but for the most part it gives you time to regroup

He only gets his kid ONE DAY a week and you’re asking him to reduce that?! Yea I don’t blame him for being pissed. Did you ever stop and think how he feels having YOUR kids living there full time while he only gets to see his once a week? Sometimes you don’t get alone time and that’s just the way it is with kids and a blended family. Get a sitter for a couple hours, or maybe give up some time with your kids if you want some alone time, but don’t ask him to give up the pitiful amount of time he has with his kid.

Sorry I usually take the woman’s side on issues, but this time I have to applaud this man. He does not get to see his son but one day a week and you want him to to give that up. I am not saying he should have packed up and left but he should have told you no and you should have understood. When you are a parent there are no days off.

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There are absolutely no breaks with kids. I found that even with sitters you are constantly thinking if everything is going smoothly with them and the sitter or you find yourself calling and checking in.

He gets his son 1 day a week, 4 DAYS A MONTH!! You want him to give up half those days. I would have left too. You as a mother should already consider his child yours and the fact you even thought you were allowed to ask that shows what kind of women you are. Your bitching about caring for his son…cooking and cleaning 1 DAY A WEEK?? Girl bye. Your man sounds like an amazing father and you should treat him and his son equally.

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Good for him. You shouldnt of asked him in the first place. His child will always come first. I don’t even understand why you would ask him that. You see your kids more than he does, ask your ed to take the kids when he doesnt have his. Itd be like him asking you not to have your kids, you would’ve flipped out.

I can see where your coming from and can tell you need some time. Asking him not to have him might of been the wrong way. I would call him and ask to just sit down and express to him that you love his son and that its not that you don’t want him there but if he could help a little more when he is the because you feel overwhelmed and need some help. Or give him some ideas to take the kids and do and give you some time to yourself. I don’t think your being selfish, I think you just asked the wrong way.

U are not wrong in any way at all. I feel u…and I would need that time to if I were 7 months pregnant 3 kids and plus his as well. U need a break and he should understand that. He was very Childesh to leave.

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I think you were wrong. He gets his son on Saturdays only from the sound of things. You said he has another day off during the week. If you want a day just you and him (which is also important and necessary) then you should take a day off work that he has off also. I’d leave if someone asked me to chose them over my kid too. Just my opinion.

RIDICULOUS!!! Your boyfriends son is also your child now. You don’t get to pick and choose when to spend time with your children. It doesn’t sound like you were prepared to have his son around at a moments notice…I respect him for leaving. You don’t think you would be offended if the roles were reversed? And if you don’t get offended then that’s the problem.

How sad that you stated the child wants to live with you, and here you are looking for ways to not see him :sleepy:. You knew he keeps this child on weekends. I think it’s just the 1st step in separating the child from his dad and eventually will be cut from his life. Let him go if you can’t love his son unconditionally, they both deserve better.

I understand what your saying and I understand his feelings too maybe you guys can get your kids and get a baby sitter to go out to dinner and a movie a date night. After he calms down try explaining to him about the fact you just wanted a day before the baby comes for both of you and then talk over how it can happen so your both happy

Well, y’all knew what u were getting into with all these kiddos. It’s reasonable to want adult time, but not if it means a kid gets tossed aside. Better communication and scheduling are in order!

And you make room. For another child. Because what if something were to happen to his mom. He would have to live with his dad which is with you. You cant have him accept your kids on your terms and not accept his on his terms

You were not wrong for asking for one day if you always have him as scheduled and you’re kids were gone as well you need time to rest your body especially carrying another child. I do not see where this was wrong at all.

I don’t think you were wrong at all. It is important to spend time together bc you know very well you won’t have much of that when the baby comes. Men don’t always understand everything that caring for children entails and that it can be mentally and physically exhausting.