Was I wrong to ask my boyfriend not to take his son this weekend?

U chose to be in a relationship with a man who had a child … So yes … That is his kid and his kid comes first what if he was a single full time dad would u stay ??

yes wrong its his child who u said he only has on a sat he has ur kids all week ur meant to be a family all kids included u cant exclude 1 seems like u favour ur own kids which is wrong he was right to walk

That is something to be proud of. Coming from a single mom that my children’s father did choose a woman over his kids. Trust me the breach of trust between the children and him has NEVER been the same.

He is right. You can’t just expect someone to not take their kid just because you want time. Your time together is when the kids go to bed. Your pretty much telling him to forget his kid because you want time together which isn’t right at all. I understand being pregnant and you just want your person but this is wrong. Maybe if you asked him for one single weekend but you’re asking him to not take his kid at all on weekends. Good for him for standing up for his kid :clap::clap:

It is so hard to blend families and fit it all into our schedules, all the while trying to find some alone time and one on one time. I see where you need some time with him and alone especially because you are expecting soon. Its a rough situation. I see where you are coming from and why you are longing for it but he cant choose and you wouldn’t want him to ask you to not have your kids there. I understand his frustration and feelings as well as yours. I hope you 2 can figure it and find some balance. Certainly don’t want to bring a new baby into negativity…good luck!

I’m sure the mother of this child works 40 hours per week too especially if she is a single mom. Yes if that’s his time with his son, he should be there but so should his dad! Otherwise dad needs to get him on his day off during the week. I feel like yes, you were in the wrong. Sorry

I feel you in needing a break from time to time, but if you can work things out, he’s a keeper. I know so many guys who don’t get to see their kids often enough.

I’m not sure if you asked for one weekend or all weekends because of the spelling errors… regardless, how selfish. Essentially you really did ask him to chose between you and his son. Also, you’re burdened by taking care of/entertaining his 1 child for 1 day of the week? Have you considered that he might not want to do the same for your THREE kids that you have every single day?? He works too you said, how would you feel if he told you he’d like a break and maybe your kids just stop living with you so he can relax more :roll_eyes:

Honestly - I have 5 kids. When my ex husband and I split we had 7 people in a 3bdrm house. Is it hard yes. Is it doable yes.

You never would ask a mother to chose between a man and her kids don’t expect a father to either

I get where you’re coming from, but like others said, maybe approached it wrong. I don’t understand why Saturday is “his” day when he works. Clearly it has become your day with him and not his, although I’m confused if you mean you guys have him all weekend or just on Saturdays. If it’s just Saturdays, I get it because your boyfriend isn’t watching him, you are, although the approach wasn’t great. If it’s all weekend, I don’t feel it’s right to take away the little bit of time he has with his son. Make it fun for you guys. Let your boyfriend know you love his child too. Since you guys have your kids most of the time, he’s most likely a huge part of their life. It’s got to be hard for him not to be in his child’s life like yours are. If it’s all weekend, maybe just ask if he can come Saturday nights and on Sunday. Think of other ways to spend alone time together. Maybe you could take off that one day a week he’s off some and ask their father to watch your kids that day. Maybe even ask your kids father to watch the kids for a few nights during a week so you can have some nights alone or even a mini vacation. It’s a very sensitive subject when it comes to kids, especially when someone doesn’t have them much. Show him you love his child and want him in your life too. Right now he probably doesn’t think you care if his child is in your life and you always want him to know that he does. I hope everything works out for you :heart:

Uhm this weekend is Father’s Day! Instead of asking him not to get him pay for him and his son to go do something together to get away from you!

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It’s wrong all together to ask him to not see his kid! But also you can’t ask him to do that especially on Father’s Day weekend

I’m pretty sure you should’ve done it in advance and make sure you have date nights even with a new baby you need a date night but spur of the moment the mom probably would’ve got mad at that guy but it was silly of him to say I’m not picking my girlfriend over to my son because you’re pregnant with his baby you guys might have some problems going on I’m sorry to hear this because you need him now more than ever and the kids need both of you

Nondivorced parents have their kids all of the time. Want a break? Ask grandparents or hire a baby sitter. Apparently you have no intention of marrying this man, otherwise you would have never even asked. Does he ask you to do this with your kids? Look in the mirror and ask yourself what your answer would be if he asked that of you. When my ex- husband and I were talking about divorce…he told me that it wouldn’t be bad, he would only have his kids every other weekend, he was free the rest of time. I asked myself right then and there… I married this man why?

He sounds like a catch! Any man who puts his kids first is worth keeping. Embrace his love of family.

I don’t blame him one but for leaving,.
You have your kids all week and he doesn’t ask you to send them away. Parenting is a full time job not a thing of convenience. He gets to be with his one child 2 days a week and you want to take half of that away from him. If I were his ex I would not want my child around you anymore due to your selfishness

My sons father picked his new wife over his son. Very poor choice and he hasn’t seen him since. What if your ex said he couldn’t take your kids because his girlfriend said no?? Yes he should be there when his son is there but you are having this child’s sibling. There will be no time it is what it is.

You take it all or not at all…if you chose to not have your kids visit for whatever reason that’s your choice but you cannot control the aspect of his child coming for his visit…wouldnt you want him to be that stand up dad with the child you are pregnant with…i mean sounds to me like it’s gonna be a co parent situation now…

There is always more to a story and I have a feeling that applies here. Feel like maybe he should arrange visitation when he has off work instead of expecting you to always jump in just bc it’s his day. I mean being you are making a family together you should want to spend time with his son but I get the struggle of being pregnant and tired and needing a break. I don’t feel asking him flat out to not take his son was the way to go. Can’t say it enough but communication is key. How you say things makes a huge impact on how a conversation or fight in this case goes. Wanting to have alone time is expected but when kids are involved everything has to be planned.

She asked him to switch his visitation to the same weekend she has her kids so they are all together, then the opposite weekend they would have time as a couple, she can rest while pregnant. Sounds like he doesn’t help much with cooking and cleaning managing the kids etc. While she’s working full time pregnant. Maybe its better he left, it will only be worse when the newborn comes. Then she’ll be up all night with baby, breastfeeding etc, then up all day caring for all the kids with little or no help. Resentment will build.

Yes you were wrong. If you plan to spend your life with him then his son becomes yours. It’s not right to ask him to not take his kid. His kid comes before you, I’m sorry. And if you can’t see that then you’re being selfish

Unfortunately your relationship came with another child, you didn’t walk in blind. You should never ask a parent to chose between their child and their relationship. Sorry but beyond tired or not, it was wrong.

I applaud him for standing up and saying the truth of what you were asking. If you care for him then you care for his child, a blended family is a just that… blended. If he had asked you not too see your children would you have been angry and upset?

You are in the wrong u don’t ask him to give up a chance to see his son and how dare you complain u don’t have the room for his son and btw if you want him in your life you have to want his son as well it’s a package deal

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The question should be asked why does he only get him one day a week. If I were a kid and going to visit my other parent I don’t know if I would want to be there by myself with no one to play with it.

Yeah you’re wrong on this one…as a mama who has recently blended a family ( and not the first) (my first husband had a son from his first marriage and we had 4 before he passed away a couple years ago) I’m telling you that when you ask a biological parent to pick you over their kids it’s never going to end well because they will always view it as you not liking their kids…I’ve been on both sides of that equation both as a step-parent and as the biological parent…don’t ever make them choose…I understand your feelings I do but just don’t…

Asking for ONE day, sure, but maybe make up for that day with the mom or ask the dad to take the child somewhere for the day. The dad should choose their child over you, 100% because he is the father and that child is forever.

So he has accepted your three children to live with but you can’t accept his one?! Something is very wrong with that and sorry but I agree with him. I would never choose another adult over my children and I would be pretty upset if anyone tried to put me in that position.

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Sorry but you shouldnt have asked him not to take his child who was there before you. Being a parent is full time. Plus you are pregnant again. If you wanted a day just the 2 of you then maybe getting pregnant again wasn’t a good choice. That child will be with you constantly. What will you do? Oh I know be a parent.

Since he only has such a limited amount of time with his son I think the better plan would be to see if you can get a sitter for your kids on a day during the week or have their dad take them one extra day so that you and your boyfriend can do something together on his day off during the week. You can call in sick that day.

And now you’re adding to the mix? A lil late to be thinking of “alone time” you lost that for the next ehhhh… 18ish years?!? He was right, you were wrong.

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When you decide to have kids you don’t get a day off. If you were still with your ex you would have your kids all the time. I understand needing a break get a sitter or a family member to watch them for a while so you can have a break but I don’t think it is fair to ask him to give up the only day he gets to see his son.

Honestly you should have asked him to take an extra day off of work maybe a Monday and asked the father of your kids to keep your kids an extra day. Why should he miss a day with his son if he only gets weekends? Yet you get to have your kids all week long. Also. You should take a vaca day. That way everyone sacrifices a little bit. But keep in mind, when you started dating someone with a child, that child is always first. You are now a blended family. And if you were to have another baby with him, you wouldnt have that option at all. 24/7 parents.

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Wait…so youre making room for this new baby youre pregnant with, but you can’t make room for his son?? You were definitely in the wrong.
You do not come before that child!!

I dont think u were wrong for asking him to get him a different day that week. Maybe he wanted an excuse to leave? Sounds like he didn’t want to talk it out or anything. Idk trust ur instincts. God bless :heart:

I’m sorry but I don’t think he was wrong to pick his kid over you. You didn’t ask for A Day…you asked him not to take him on the weekends which it sounds like it’s the only time he sees him. If you’re going to have a baby with this dude and start a life together, you should probably be looking at his son as one of your kids. Just my perspective. I don’t think he was wrong to leave.

I’m on the dads side here you have your kids almost daily he gets his one? You have room for all 4 of YOURS but not ONE of his? I’m seeing a lot of issues from my point of view :confused: Your complaining of cleaning cooking and caring for his one and he helps you raise yours daily!! Sounds selfish to me! You shouldn’t see his child as an outsider. Do you complain when caring for your own children? His should be just the same if your going to be together and be a family.

Why don’t you take 1 day off work ( same day of the week he has off) and spend that day together?
You knew he had a kid so why complain?

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I would never ask another parent to not get there child when its their time or even if it isnt ! I know where u are coming from i have been there but i would have talked to him about a time alone and not tell him u dont want his kid over for that time he prolly was offended i know i would be !

It’s great he takes his son BUT he should know to separate the 2. Sometimes couples need a date night. In saturday night a month wont kill anyone.

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I understand your frustration as I was in a similar situation once upon a time…
To ask him not to take his son the only day of the week he sees him is a lot to ask. Instead, if at all possible, carve out part of Saturday for just the two of you. Any family, friends on hand that wouldn’t mind watching one of your children for a few hours on Saturday or maybe one (24hr) Saturday a month?

Just think how the son would feel to be told he couldn’t come to visit his father. That starts the division between father and son, the feeling of rejection. How awful your boyfriend must have felt to think you don’t want to include his son into your family with your kids while dating him. He did the right thing by leaving. Weather you realize it or not you did ask him to choose between you or his son… shame on you, I hope you learned your lesson.

Maybe work something out with his sons mom so its a different day that you guys have his son? So you get that MUCH NEEDED alone time with you bf. All you judgy ass moms need to take a seat we all need to have time with our SO. It was probably addressed in the wrong way but it is not wrong of you to want time alone together.

It sounds like the two of you parent all your kids together and are having another child. You thought enough of this man to have a kid with him and have him move into your house so that means he must be a good guy. Well that should extend to his kid and now what’s yours is his and whats his is yours -right?

He 1 day be has him is probably hard as is … your with your husband all week while he is with your kids and not your son … imagine if roles were reversed and he said can u find a place for them to stay the week so we can have alone time…

But thats your kids main home … but too him where ever he goes his son is a package deal(but a visitor in your home) …

I have a stepson so we made sure to have his room or find a way to accommodate him in because when ur with someone that child should be treated like yours

Since his time with his child is so limited it seems to me that in order to get a day alone you should be rearranging things on your end, not taking away one of his precious few days with his kid. Get your ex to take your kids an extra day and take that day off from work. With a few weeks of advance notice you should be able to make that happen. It’s deeply unfair for you to seem so resentful of the small amount of time each week you are asked fo help with his son, especially when I imagine he is helping out with your kids while they are home full time. Blended family territory can be tricky but you can’t ever treat his kid like he’s less than your kids or like he’s the one who gets put aside for yours.

Everyone going against this woman, why is his child he should li d be home, he can also ask for every other Saturday off many ppl doit, I use to be the weekend mom until I woke up, put my foot down, we sat and came up with a plan, his kids love me and call me mom we are going 36 yr strong, but I stop being the weekend sitter a long time ago, if he couldn’t do that for you he will never see your side, she didnt ask him not to ever get the child again she ask for 1 weekend,

Everyone needs a break and every couple needs time out without children. You both need to be kind and understanding and do what works for BOTH of you. Organise 1 night a month for date night (babysitter)

And once a year a whole weekend away.

If you both love each other, you’ll work it out, blended families are difficult to juggle, and I think it’s awesome that his son loves being there, your boyfriend needs to contribute his fair share of household finances and duties.

Work together, discuss with ‘I feelings’ good luck.

I think you could have approached it differently. I understand where you are coming from, one day with just the two of you before another child joins the family is reasonable, but I think you went about it the wrong way. Asking him to help the two of you set up a day that you guys are alone is totally acceptable. Asking him before his kid comes is totally out of line. It make you look like you don’t want his kid in your family. Adding that you don’t have room is selfish. You are together, deal with it. Build some bunk beds, add a room divider, but NEVER say you don’t have room for the man you are having a baby with’s child.

Maybe work a schedule out when they’re all there and all gone one weekend. If that makes sense. That’s how my husband and I do it. I’m all for his kids being around but sometimes parents need a break. I get that. But if his child wanna stay then that’s something you either gotta deal with or stay apart. Not having room is a silly reason. If they’re all the same gender they can share rooms. That’s what we’ve had to do in times past.

You are so wrong!! And I hope he doesn’t come home!! What if your children’s father’s new girlfriend said the same?? Would you be okay with that? Probably not!! Please get your tubes tied. You are clearly more concerned about yourself then anyone else!!

Sorry but that is not how it works. You got with a man with kids, just like he got with you when you have kids. You have no right to ask him to not keep his kid on his days. Sorry but I agree that is selfish and a part of having kids. You dont her alone time. Smh I would have left too

Should have approached that differently. You should have mentioned how much he enjoys being with the other children and since he has a day during the week the kids could all be together and you can bond as a family before baby comes.

So he works in n Saturday’s so he’s not seeing or spending time with his child. It’s unfair to ask her to spend her sat off taking care of his child. Pick a day your there to be a father

Idk I would be upset if my ex told me he wasnt taking his kid becuz his girlfriend asked him not to. But on the other hand my ex is married and he has asked me on their anniversary or the weekend of their anniversary to let him have that weekend

Ok first of all she was asking for one day with him… HE IS AT WORK WHILE SHE HAS HIS KID NOT HIM. Read the article first before jumping down her throat! He needs to take him when HE is off not her. No she wasnt wrong for asking for a Saturday out with her bf. Its not like she asked him to do it foever…he overreacted. Yes kids come first however adult time is needed to stay sane…and i think he was looking for an excuse to leave and this was it because if he really loved her he wouldn’t have been so quick to move out…but thats my opinion and it doesnt mean a thing…

You should have explained to him that you need to spend more time together… even if it a few hours after the kid goes to sleep. But don’t ask him to give up spending time with the child, if time is something he hardly has.

God, people are so salty, I get what you were trying to do and your bf is playing games. I’d keep him out, you don’t need the stress

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He is a good man for choosing his son over you! You seem to not want to be one happy family and obviously you knew the situation when you got pregnant.

Needing a break or wanting time with your partner doesn’t make you a bad parent. And being around 24/7 doesn’t make you a good one, either. It’s about figuring out the needs of Everyone involved and finding healthy ways to meet them.

Him getting instantly mad and packed his things and left is a RED FLAG to me. You should be able to talk and NOT be afraid to express yourself. He should be more understanding. Sounds like you messed up his unknown plans for his weekend.

I’m a blended family and I feel what you asked was very hurtful and wrong. Don’t get me wrong being pregnant and having other kids is a job but you will need to get use to having all the kids together. If you need a brake get a sitter for ALL the kids. It seems like your pushing his don out because YOU want a brake. Also of your having issues so much you really need to have a sit down and talk with your boyfriend ONLY. Once you can get on the same page it will be easier to see the other side. I actually had this happen but opposite situcation. It has caused such a gap and I am the one hurting the most. We are healing because I just flat out told everyone that I am a package you date me you date my children and you marry me you get me AND my child.

Wow y’all are awful! First there is nothing wrong in asking for a break! You are taking care of his kid on his day while he works. Mind you are also pregnant with HIS kid and he just walked out on you because you asked for a freaking break! Shame on every one of you for condemning her! She is tired and doing the best she can. Dad should switch his day to Sunday or his day off so he can take care of his own child. As a bio mom and a step mom I know how hard it can be! If he is willing to walk out on you that easy you really need to re-evaluate your relationship.

I think you had every right to ask. No different than having a babysitter watch kids so you can have a night alone together.

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While I would agree that his child comes first, however, it’s not selfish to ask for 1 day. You weren’t asking for him to change his entire schedule. Just one day. I don’t see that as unreasonable. And before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, my boyfriend and I each come with our own pair of kids. We make time for each other by getting a sitter (my kids don’t see their dad) and switching weekends with the mom (side note all kids live with us…so there’s kids here 98% of the time). Never once has my boyfriend accused me of not wanting to take care of his kids. And here we are 7 years later.

So I can empathize with her just wanting a little alone time with her boyfriend. Nothing wrong with that.

And gals, when the kids move out it’s just you and your man left. So you better put that relationship first otherwise when your kids move out, there may not be much of a relationship left :woman_shrugging:t3:

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If he gets his kid on Saturdays that’s fine. But from what I’m reading, she takes care of him. I’m sorry but the BF could get his son all he wants but when my kids are gone, I’m entitled to a break so if he can’t take care of him then he shouldn’t pick him up or make other arrangements. I’m seven months pregnant as well and I work a full time job so I definitely understand where she’s coming from…

Okay I’m sorry but anyone defending this woman at all has clearly lost there ever lovin mind because I’m sorry I don’t give two sh**s if your pregnant and whining you don’t get enough time together your both parents grow up it’s called parenthood and second of all it’s all on you sweetheart you that he walked out you had the audacity to ask him to switch weekends of all weekends on Father’s Day weekend coming up I mean seriously

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Way to go dad. He gets his children very limited time and he should always get that.

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I dont think a day or two is too much to ask. Some of you act like you havent spent a day away from your kids since they were born. Some self righteous moms out here. But if the kid wants to move in make room. That was a cold move to say no. You should love his kid if you love him. Or be done.

You gave up that right for alone time when you decided to be a mother he can have way more alone days than you but yet he’s with your children that came off as selfish… it’s his son and that’s the only time they get what if on a Monday he has a day off and asked you to not have your kids it’s offensive

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Not wrong if your legit caring for him but if thats the only time he gets to see his son once a week I would get mad too if you asked me. Although he should be there caring for him and interacting with him. If that’s not the case then explain that to him.

It comes down to how you approached it… you are wrong for telling him not to have his son… but the proper way to address it is “babe I’m super pregnant and I just want to ask you if we can have a weekend alone before the new baby comes”

Honestly, sounds like your trying to plan a weekend getaway and being sneaky about it. You should have planned this with all parents involved with month notice. This is being considerate. There are some questions you just don’t ask if you want your relationship to last, and this is one of them. Period! No exceptions! Ever!
Time by yourself… You have 4 kids! Wake up!

Needing a break once in a while is ok, needing alone time sometimes is ok but to ask him to not take his son on the weekends at all is just selfish. If he only gets his son on Saturdays and your asking him to give up his only day with his kid? If you don’t have space for his son why did you let him move in when you would have known his situation with his child before he moved in.

I understand you, you’re exhausted and just want to have a weekend to spend with your bf but you have to understand that children are always going to come first. He barely sees his kid and you kinda put him in the spot were he had to choose. I don’t think anyone would like to be told that; he’s not single anymore and he came with a kid so it’s only logical he wants his son rather than have him away to spend time with you. I mean there’s no other day or way to have a day to yourselves?

Kids come first, simple as that… you can’t just pick and choose when you’ll have him just because you’re tired or need a break! It’s not how parenting works… you want alone time with your partner then make time but not at the expense of looseing a weekend with a child…

Well if you knew he had a son and what his work schedule was before he moved in then yes that was out of line. When your involved with someone with kids your involved with those kids too.

Yes, you’re wrong. It’s clear his kid is 2nd place. Wether you meant it that way or not, that’s clear. If my husband ever asked me to send my daughter with her dad for the day, I’d leave too (and she lives with us). It’s not like you said “let’s get a sitter and spend the day together” … you told him to not get his kid. Do you think his kid looks forward to his ONE day with his dad? Of course! Your kids live with you full time… make them go to their dads if you want a day together!!!

Also- you sound ridiculous saying you take care of his kid. You are a mom, you’re a bonus mom, you take of kids. Period.

I’m sad for his son. If we all (strangers) can see the obvious bias you have, you bet your ass he can too. Kids see and pick up on EVERYTHING.

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Nothing wrong with this at all. It makes sense, align kid schedule to a Sunday when your tribe is back so that you have one day a weekend together, kids get to blend, family time and you get a few moments alone too. He doesn’t spend that much time with him on a Saturday? Or alternate days?

You literally did ask him to pick you over his kid. You knew exactly what you were getting into when you started dating. You where wrong to ask him not to get his son for the weekend. You could take the son home a little earlier on Sunday and spend some alone time.

Not gonna lie the alone together before the baby comes is overrated. I mean you have kids already, what’s the difference? I’m a working mom and my husband works long hours. When I was pregnant with my youngest it was the most stressful time I’d ever felt during my pregnancies… simply because I was alone with my oldest and unable to do a lot of fun stuff with him. If we had spent “alone time.” It would’ve just had us playing catch-up with work or leaving our oldest with someone when his stage of being the only child was coming to an end. Rather than sending kids away should try planning more time together, as it seems your boyfriend works quite a bit. Money gets tighter with each kiddo you have. I would be focusing on what I could do at home when kids are in bed or how to incorporate the kids to have more bonding time before that new baby gets there. Because all the kids, yours and his will start feeling neglect of mom and dad dont have that much time for “me.” I’m not shaming anyone, just saying dont fill your mind with wistful thoughts of having intimate moments alone by having a feeling of need to go out of your way to do it. It just creates strains on all parts of your family and relationship. You have to think of what’s in everyone’s shoes and what weights down their shoulders.

I agree what a great dad maybe you should have just went about it adifferent way if you needed a break you it could have been the way you came at him

If you wanted a weekend without kids you plan it, you talk about it in advance. You do not just tell him don’t get him. I have a bf with kids as well as I have my own. We plan ahead for weekends alone or days. I have never once said don’t go get her. You can’t spring this on him, its rude and insulting to him. Especially if he lives full time with your kids. Wanting a break or a weekend kid less isn’t wrong, its how you went about it.

While I understand needing a break look at it from this perspective… how would you feel if he basically said he didn’t want your kids around during the only time when he can have him… you didn’t say “hey, I’m stressing do you think maybe coming up we could take a break and skip ONE weekend?” You basically said I’m tired of taking care of your kid… that’s hurtful to him… he loves his kid just as much as you love yours… I’m with him 100% kudos to him for putting his responsibility as a dad up front… not enough parents do that these days

If you’re getting married you have to commit to the whole package. You don’t get to choose when you’re a parent and when you decide you don’t want to be. He shouldn’t have to even consider not having his child. I have mine every chance I get. 3 with a previous relationship 1 with my fiance and we have another on the way as well. It’s hard when you want a break and cannot get one. Maybe compromise and take a few hours to nuture yourself

Good for your boyfriend he looked out for his son. I’m sorry but being married with two young kids myself I only get a few hours of alone time with my husband every weekend. It comes with the territory.

Let your ex keep your kids extra days if you need a break. You can give up your time with your kids instead of asking him not to see his

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I understand wanting time together without kids but asking him to use the day he gets with his son isn’t right… I don’t understand why you couldn’t plan a night kid free on a Sunday when he’s off and doesn’t have his son?

Im confusef. Its summer time could he not get hos that and soend time just the two? I understand with you being 7 months and your kids gone. Im i glad he stood for his son. But its not like she said never

She is 7 months pregnant she already has a house full of kids she works full time hell she might just be tired I don’t see how maybe switching days would hurt anything she said his little boy stays extra nights so what’s the big deal

You went about this the wrong way! If you feel like there is a scheduling issue, you should have discussed the whole situation with him. By saying, don’t take your son this Saturday, you were wrong. If his ex is open to it, you should discuss taking his son on Sundays. Then, you could still go on a date every other week on Saturday night when your kids are gone. Then, he gets the full day with his son on Sundays when he isn’t working. The other option is to ask if his son can come over every other weekend, when your kids are there, for 2 days. Good luck!:four_leaf_clover: I hope you can talk & work this out. Hopefully, his ex will be flexible with the parenting agreement.

Where he only gets him one day a week I can’t say I don’t blame him. Maybe waiting to ask that another time before hand so he could make other arrangements. Being a blended family is hard and there are so many trials and errors.

It’s okay to have a day to focus on y’all but not every week, he’s one hell of a man to choose his son over you. I can understand one Saturday every few months but not every single one. My bf and I get once a year and before our 7 month daughter it was once every 3 months, we will slowly get back into the 3 month now that she’s older. Kids are apart of life, either accept it or don’t. I understand you need together time too, but unfortunately that’s after kids are in bed 99 percent of the time.

Once the 1st child comes breaks are a couple while their at the grandparent’s or play date. Cherish every second you have while your kids are growing. Soon they won’t have time for you. That’s if your lucky enough not to lose them to soon.

I think what you really wanted to ask is for him to pick up the slack this one weekend so you can recuperate your strength. Being pregnant is hard, specially if you are not only taking care of your kids but his and I am sure you are taking care of him. Honestly I’m understand his position as well. My question to you is, how will you choose to be with someone unwilling to help you?

I think it was ok to ask,if done in a way that wasn’t hurtful,but I can understand how the dad felt too

Imagine what his son would of thought if he had agreed to your wishes. Abandonment I bet he looks forward for The weekend to spend time with you guys. He would have been sad

Hes a good dad for choosing his kid over his girlfriend. Thats how it should be.

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I would’ve left too! If I only got my child one day a week, I’m gonna take it. You both have Sundays off for “alone time”… kids come first

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You might as well have asked him to choose. I applaud him for choosing his son. You basically made him feel like his son isn’t welcome in your house, I would’ve left too