Was I wrong to ask my boyfriend not to take his son this weekend?

I’m sorry but yes. You were wrong to ask that. If you’re going to be with someone you are with their children too. You say you care for his son, cook for him, watch him and clean like you’re expecting a job well done.

Why on earth would someone pat you on the back for doing what you’re supposed to do. When you decided to be with this man you took on the responsibility of being a good step mom to his son. Simply put.

Honestly, y’all need to plan a date night! Not just come at him and say ‘hey, I don’t think you should get your son’ so we can go out.

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This makes me so sad, there’s room for YOUR kids. 4 of them. But his ONE is TOO MUCH.

You clearly don’t love his son. Whether you like it or not that child is the brother of your soon to be born baby.

You’re gonna cause serious psychological damage to that little boy by being his stepmother. I pray your bf leaves you now before you cause anymore damage to that little boy.

The way you speak about him and the situation is crystal clear how you truly feel.

So sad.

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Sorry but you’re wrong. If he only gets him on the weekends for 1 day. I’m sorry but the son could think with the new baby coming he isnt important. Take a day off work during the week. Be glad he wants to spend time with him.

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I don’t think you are wrong at all. She never said anything bad about her man or that he wasn’t a great father. What she said is that she needed a break!!! her kids are gone for the wknd but then she basically has his son every weekend so she gets no time to herself.
Some of you are so quick to jump and selectively read what you want. But you don’t take the time to understand.

Actually you did ask him to pick by asking him to not take him on his weekend, that was wrong that would be like him asking to have you ex take sole custody because sometimes he needs some him time. If you need a break go do something by yourself for the day.

I think it’s selfish. You are acting like it’s a chore. I don’t get a day with no kids. I work 40 plus hours a week. My husband works too. It’s life. If you are with someone with kids they are your kids too. What are you going to do with baby when he/she is born? Send baby off too?

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I think it’s awesome he chose daddy son time!

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I get it girl. I think that is reasonable I’d you’re just saying for one weekend or day or whatever. I just had my 5th this morning and 2 of 5 are bonus. It’s needed sometimes and especially before you don’t get anytime. Maybe you could have asked to get a sitter or family/friend to watch him for a couple hours. Keep your head up.

Good riddance to the boyfriend! communication is the key. He could have stayed and discuss a scheduled with you, since you are carrying HIS child as well. There is no sin in needing a break. Communication. I wasn’t part of the conversation but it sounds like he is still a bit immature.

I mean from what i read it sounds like you spend the day with him not dad so in that instance i see where you are coming from. Being pregnant isnt easy and you deserve some alone time. Sounds like you and him need to have a conversation. Runing away doesnt solve anything

Why wouldn’t you take a day off he has during the week and spend together? I’m assuming since you both work full time the kids are at school/ day care/ camp during the day? But he did the right thing. Where you gone send the new baby when you get tired? :woman_facepalming:t5:

When people decide to bring a life into this world the kids come first and they need their dads. It’s your choice to be with a man that has a child.

Never make a parent choose their child or you. Yes it was wrong and selfish. His son is lucky to have a dad in his life.

Yes you were wrong. He gets his son so little of a time. I’m sure if you asked your kids Dad if he could take them over night on his off weekend he might say yes so you and your current man can spend one night alone. But you kinda did ask him to choose you over his son even though it wasn’t I’ll intended. It’s clear you got a good man with how he reacted to your request and his child. He’s a good Dad!

Yes. Very wrong - that’s his son - you see your kids how often and he gets one day a week??? That’s crazy. Bravo to your boyfriend and shame on you!

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Actually Dear Mom that’s what you did…I applaud the dad good for you…Not nearly enough fads in their children life…

Yes you were 100% wrong. I am glad he left. That’s a great dad right there!!! He only has his sons on weekends but you don’t want him to come on weekends?! Wow

Yup, you’re in the wrong. He gets his kid one day a week, he shouldn’t have to give up that one day with his kid to make you happy. Give up time with yours if you need a break.

And how can you not make room for another child if you already have 3? Are you finding room for the one you’re carrying? This doesn’t seem right to me at all. I’m really questioning how you have treated this child for the last several months

I have never asked my husband to not take his kids. I actually ask him to see if we can get them. I understand wanting some time alone with him but you and he need to figure that out while keeping his scheduled visits with his son. I have 3 kids of my own that I raised alone for 6yrs. My ex straight up abandoned them. You should have counted yourself lucky when you saw how wonderful he was with your kids and his and never asked that. What if he asked if your kids could live somewhere else? How would you have reacted? As of now you might be a single mom again. And as far as “not having room” for him… If the guy comes back… Make room

You both are wrong. Yes you are wrong for saying that to him. And he’s in the wrong if he’s not actually spending time with his son when his son is at your house.

Also, your bf either needs to change his work schedule or his visitation schedule because it sounds like he’s actually only able to see him for hours a month instead of several days.

What if you were still married to your ex-husband and didn’t give him your kids during the weekends? Would you pawn them off to someone to have a day"? You don’t get to pick and choose when you take care of your kids. Your boyfriend is right in putting his child before you.

Yes you were wrong considering that is the only time he can see his son , it would be different if you guys had your kids full time and you guys got a babysitter for one night to have a date night ,

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It sounds like he talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. If his son is so important to him, why are you the one caring for him? Does he actually spend the time with him or is it just for show? It’s not wrong to want time together. I would simply have requested he see him another day. On a side note, why does he only see his kid one day a week? He gets 52 days a year while she gets over 300?

You should get a hotel room. Be alone and rest. He needs time to bond with his kid, just as your kids need time with their dad.

Beating this women up is the way to go??? Wow this world had become very judgmental cold and mean!!! She was asking for advise not to be beat up!!! I think some of you may have missed the part where she said he only gets his son on Saturdays and he works on Saturday’s, my question is how does he spend time with his son on Saturday if he is working??? Now being in agreement with some of you, my husband has 3 girls and I have twin girls and a boy I moved in with him and he lived in a 3 bedroom double wide. We turned our dining room into another bedroom, we found ways to make it work because we wanted it to work!! Trust me I needed a break sometimes too but the day I got pregnant my life was done till they became old enough to go on their own :woman_shrugging:t3: that’s just how I am doesn’t mean you have to be that way!!!

This is proof that sometimes women are the problem and it’s not men trying to be deadbeats. Shame on you for ever putting yourself before the time spent with a child. Even your own. And bringing life into this world is a blessing. How are you missing these things?!? Please take a moment and do some SERIOUS self evaluating because you are missing the whole entire point of life :pray:

I think handling the situations was wrong on both parts. I feel it’s a convo you should bring up and talk about. Not the days leading up to it. Make a plan. He is right for choosing his child over you. It’s his one day to see them. You get Friday and Sunday, if your visiting weekends are normal, to spend with him. But I feel he also shouldn’t have reacted that way. But that’s only based on what you have told us. Emotions fly especially when expecting maybe more was said than we are lead to believe. But y’all both need to have a sit down and have a conversation and explain your side and he explain his.

Really asking that on father’s day weekend . I get needing a break but don’t take his ONE DAY AWAY… why not tell YOUR CHILDREN to not come one day so u both get to see them … I think it’s very selfish of you to ask him especially on when it’s fathera day weekend… And if u can’t make room for his child it sounds like u aren’t even trying how would u have room for a new baby. It sounds like your trying to pull dad away … Should be grateful he’s a great father and their for his and your children. Bless him

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As a mother to 4 children, my soon to be ex husband gets our kids every other weekend. I would only hope he would choose our children over his gf

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I can see you being the evil stepmom who mistreats the step child. Im glad he picked his kid over you.

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You are most definitely wrong and also this sunday is father’s day most fathers wanna spend it with their kids. I give this dad massive props and respect

She put the period in the wrong place, I think she tried to say “I asked my bf to not take his son the weekends I don’t have my kids.” She’s trying to coordinate the kids all being there at the same time, and still carve out some time for the two of them as a couple, which they won’t have AT ALL once the baby comes. I think he misunderstood and overreacted. I honestly don’t thing she was trying to tell him to not spend time with hos son, but to coordinate it better so the kids can play together and the parents can still bond as a couple.

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Kindly, it sounds like you guys have communication issues. You should be able to talk about these things without him storming out. Jmo. I’m sorry you are going thru this. I wish you all the best.

I would have asked if maybe he could have switched to the other day he has off. That would have been a better compromise. He only gets his son one day. Asking him to give up that day is asking a lot. I understand you needing a break especially since he seems to put a lot on you and you are getting to that stage where I am sure you are exhausted but he only has so much time with his son. You guys needed to communicate better. You have a baby together coming soon. You have to work this all out.

When u got with him u signed up for this. Its yalls responsibility to hire a babysitter if you are going to have a day alone. I’m assuming your kids leave Friday nights and comes back at 6pm sunday night. If he gets his son Saturday night what’s wrong with with the friday night yall are alone regardless if he has to work the next day. You were wrong for asking him not to take his son. That would be like if ur ex had custody of ur kids and u only got them on the wknd or 1 day on the wknd and him asking u to not get them. You wouldn’t like that now would u. You need to put yourself in his shoes. Should he have left, probably not. He should have told u no that’s just not gonna happen and yall could have made arrangements for quality time. Sounds like yall need better communication.

I’m shocked and pleased to hear he scoffed at you and said that choosing his kid over you saying no… one day a week isn’t much at all as a parent so… he shouldn’t forgo that time like hardly ever! I understand you want time too but one day a week is sad and not enough. I’d understand if you said, I’m going to be relaxing this weekend or going here and there so you can spend time with him alone. Take the burden off of yourself! But to tell him not to get his son… I’d never do that!

My first thought was that you should never ask a man to not get his child. That child matters. However, after reading that he only picks up his son for YOU to watch him, it sounds like dude is just taking advantage. I still wouldn’t ask him not to get his kid…but I would let him know that I’d be taking off the weekend. It’s not fair for him to pick up his child and leave all responsibility on you.

If you came into the relationship knowing he has children then you accepted that fact. It is very wrong of you to ask him. What if he was to ask you not to have your kids.

1 Sat a month alone is not too much to ask if he can see the child during the week that week. Yes i agree children come first but you should have a healthy relationship to show the children what they should accept in a relationship. Couples who spend no alone time end up drifting apart. There should be a balance. I would suggest talking with him in a calm manner. Ensure he knows that you are not saying he shouldn’t see his child just that you want a balanced relationship that works for everybody. Open communication is necessary.

I don’t know that I would’ve asked for him to give up the day or days with his son but maybe have him see if he could switch his Saturday for his day off through the week if that’s an option. I get where you’re coming from but asking him not to take his son at all might not have been a good move on your part.

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Asking him not to get his kid on every weekend that you don’t have your kids is wrong. I can see you asking every once in awhile to have adult time. Y’all should talk through it and work it out. Maybe his child’s mother can switch days with him, etc?

I would have packed my things too if my significant other asked me not to get my child when I only get 1 day each week with them. Way to go Dad!

I think you should plan to have his son every other weekend when you have your children as well. Your all going to be a blended family now. That’s how my husband and I do it with our children.

I never would have asked him not to spend time with his kid. That’s insane and i’m sure you wouldn’t have liked it, if it were the other way around.

I don’t agree with even expecting this from him. He was there before you decided to date him. And even before you got pregnant with this baby. Sorry I work 60 plus hours a week. And I relish each minute with the children If the real problem is him becoming your problem when he is there take it up with your boyfriend. Do not withhold a son from time with his father because you can not share.

Yes you were wrong in asking him to give up the ONLY day he sees his son. You guys only get to see him 4 times a month, he only gets 4 days a month with his father! Clearly you don’t see his son as a part of the family as a whole otherwise you would have never asked him that. His son and him are a package deal just like you and your kids are. As a mom I totally get wanting and needing a break, I understand the need for alone time with your partner, and I understand pregnancy is hard but the way you went about this is completely wrong. You may not have said the words for him to pick you over his kid but it’s so obviously there. I would have pack up and left too. I hope you can talk this out and fix it but yea you’re in the wrong

I think that was very wrong. He’s not your son to ask his Dad to not spend his time with him. I would choose my son too. you want your free time I get that but you can’t sacrifice someone else’s time with their own child. I would be hurt too.

I love how what im getting from the VAST majority of these replies are: “you don’t matter as a person, no one cares about you or your mental health, even though you’re doing EVERYTHING 24/7 and even have HIS kid on HIS Saturday it is just so WRONG for you to want a day off” :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: wtf kinda people dont fully make sense of the situation and nonchalantly tell other people they’re a crappy individual.

If you love someone you don’t ask them to choose you a second, a minute an hour or a day over their child. You take them in as your own.

I have 4 kids from previous my husband has 3 kids previous we have his 14yo son for the summer. We are due in novemeber. I work 6 days a week. He works 5 sometimes 6 but he puts in 14hr days. His son wants to live with us . I could never imagine asking my man to not take his kids. Seems selfish to me. We dont get alone time ever! Only time is bed time and that doesnt count as he rolls over and passes out since he gets up at 2am for work.

So it’s okay if your kids live there but his one can’t? He can’t even come for one day a week either? I’m with your boyfriend here.

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I wish my kids father was as great as this :pensive: unfortunately, the girlfriends always come first. That kid is so blessed

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This man is very immature and foolish for walking out on his pregnant girlfriend over a situation that could have been handled differently… His son’s mom must have some compelling power over him still and didnt want to upset her. There must be some other reason why he just packed up and leave. Now who’s gonna watch his son on a Saturday when he’s at work since he left her home… smh…

Whose the father of the child you’re carrying? If it’s your boyfriend then he’s already chosen. He sounds a little childish that he packed and moved out if you just asked for a day. With school out now, and you said he gets a day off during the week, he should be able to spend time with him on that day.

You should take a day off work not tell him not to have his kid or that it’s too much. That’s awful


Well this depends… are you only asking for one day? For not to take him at all?

First off I have 3 kids my oldest daughter has Cerebral Palsy, I also have a 4yr old and 3yr old, I understand your need for a break, but no you have no right to ask him to not take his son. That is cruel, would you give up time with your kids if it was only one day a week you got to see them?

Secondly if your not ready for more kids you should not be pregnant.

Third if there are kids from previous relationships and you want to be whole and happy then don’t make excuses like there isn’t enough room, there are ways to solve this, here’s an idea move to a bigger place that can accommodate the growing family.

If this isn’t something you’re willing to do then just walk away and leave this man and his top priority his child to get on with their lives.

Sorry girl you can’t have your cake and eat it too. It’s time to really think about what is important and what you’re really looking for.

Your kids are there all week .& he only sees his son 1 day a week. I understand where he is coming from. He is a dad first. At least you know he will be a good dad to the nee baby.

I agree with him and its a good sign that he doesnt want to choose you over his son…

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Nope, shouldn’t have even asked girl. That’s his only kid right now. He only gets him one day a week. You have to accept that. Your parent… which means if you want to be with him you have to accept everything that comes with him. Your adding another child into this family. You’ve got to just make it work and be grateful for the time you get with him whether it’s when the kids are in bed etc. Me and my husband have had one date in the last 6 years. It was for one hour. That’s it. Our time now is after kids are in bed. Yeah we would like a day to ourselves but that’s not possible, so we just deal with it because we choose to bring them here. You chose him which means you chose his kid that came with him.

If you didn’t have room for 5 you shouldn’t have made the 5th one. He was here first. That’s messed up.


He did the right thing. Why would you be with someone who has a child if you want your needs to come before the child? Lady you are selfish and should be ashamed of yourself.

Yes you were wrong kids always come first his son is just as important as your kids to say you dont have room is bs you knew he had a kid you can not expect him to give up his time with his child

He has him on saturdays, so do something on a sunday! You were definitely wrong for trying to take away his one day a week. Does he ask you to send your kids away when he needs a break?!?

When one or both of you have kids. It becomes family time including dates. You are in the wrong. Someone said that to me no matter how old my kids are under 18. I’d leave and not come back. My kids come before my bf. On every situation. If you can’t handle a blended family then you need to stay single or just not have kids. You are most wrong on this level.

you are not being fair! you get to spend 5days a week with you kids; he only get to spend time with his kid during the weekend and you took that away from him. so he will really get angry with you

I don’t think you’re gonna find a ton of support with this question. You did ask him to choose you or the kid. Maybe it wasn’t that black and white, but I would have walked out the same way he did. Though maybe not your intention, that was incredible selfish.

I agree with him u knew he had a kid I admire him for thinking of his kid first and you know he will feel the same about your baby

If you didn’t want to let his child have the same privilege as yours then you shouldn’t have chose him as a mate… package deal.
If you have kids on certain days then you should try and have his child on those same days so its equal. You saying that you want him and not his son makes him feel like you dont care…
I understand needing time together but you need to figure that out fairly!

If you were the WIFE, and you asked for ONE day, being pregnant is the game changer and eliminates everyone’s opinion. Period! Fight me!

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Kids come first always! So yes you where wrong. And if he wants to live with his dad, you make it work. I lived in a 3 bedroom house 7 kids, 2 parents and we survived. Honestly it sounds like you are in fact asking him to pick you over his child.

Why doesn’t he get his son on Saturday evening after work and then keep him all day on Sunday? Only because it seems like it’s the only time he would have to spend with his dad.

It was wrong of you to ask him not to get him at all. That’s not fair to him or his son.

Perhaps he didn’t understand one day over every weekend but that’s the kind of dad you want your kid to have, one that chooses his child is a good man

He’s 100% right. His son will come before you always and he should.
I’m a single mom of 3 kids… if any man told me to not take my kids that day or said it’s me or them… well bye then. Bc my kids come first!
Yeah and honestly you sound bitter. You’re about to have a 4th kid and want to say you wouldn’t take his son in if he wanted to live there? That’s supposed to be your kid now too, just saying.

Find time and get a babysitter on a day that he doesn’t have his son.

You kinda did ask him to pick you over his son. I applaud him for leaving. If you love someone with kids remember the kids are included in the package. Next time think about hiring a babysitter for a couple hours. People with kids that date people with kids need to realize kids come first

How would you feel if he asked you to not TAKE your kids one day or one weeks??? …
Shame on YOU for asking your boyfriend to choose you over his son…he’s a good man for putting his child first especially since he only has certain days with him… smh…

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You’re not wrong and all
These women are being bitchy… and you didn’t ask him to choose you over his son you asked for a day off… damn all of you should get off your high horses! … some people will get what you’re asking some just have blinders on … asking for a day isn’t asking him to ditch his kid… seriously wtf is wrong with all you negative people…

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I completely understand especially with you being pregnant and if he couldn’t understand that then you will have issues it’s not like you didn’t want his child around you just needed just a little break soon you will have all the kids and no time for yourself ever again

My sons from a previous marriage live with me and my husband (their step dad)so I have them every day except for
2 days every other weekend( thank goodness!) but if it were the other way and my current husband EVER suggested I not see my child the one day I could he would NO LONGER be my husband. I don’t care if you’re pregnant with quadruplets working 60 hours a week that is BEYOND selfish.

You are wrong for asking him to miss out on time with his son. It seems like you have no idea how it feels to have such restricted time with your children. What a selfish thing to do.

I would have never choose a man over my son. Yes you absolutely made him feel like he had to choose and good for him for choosing his son. Children come first and always should. What if that were reversed how would you feel if he ask you that same question.
Sorry but you were wrong very wrong.
You need to right this before you can’t.

Um definitely dead wrong… parents don’t get vacation. So now you got what you asked for. Alone time. Just not how you wanted. I would have packed my stuff and left to honestly :woman_shrugging:t3: the audacity. Where are you going to send the new baby when you need a day when both parents live in the same house? :roll_eyes:

I understand u guys need time together… but I have to say i think u are wrong . U should love that child like your own… just like u expect the same with ur kids . Ur home is now his home . Him wanting to live there says something. He enjoys ur company and probably the kids too . U don’t know what he goes through at home with his mom . Its one day right ?

I agree with the boyfriend. Kids come first. Once you have them getting time to yourself goes on the back burner. :woman_shrugging:

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Honestly, I’d be mad too. That was crossing the line. When children are involved, yours or not, it’s not about you. It never will be again.

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Sorry to say… but you are dead wrong on this and good for him for doing whats right for his kid. The world needs more dads like that. We all want a break but thats asking him to go long periods of time without seeing his child and you have yours the majority of the time — he doesn’t get much time with his child…its refreshing that he values it. If you can’t love his kid like your own or respect his need to be in this kids life more, then you are the issue, not him. we all need a break sometimes but that is definitely not the solution

I completely understand where you are coming from. Sometimes you just need alone time with your “spouse” nothing against the kids but you need time together to build your relationship. We recently got my husbands daughter full time and it is a struggle especially this summer. The last 5 summers my daughter has been gone with her grandparents and we have had all summer to ourselves. I wish the circumstances were different to which we got his daughter but it is what it is. We do date night once a month she stays at a friends (she is 14) and when we go to bed the kids are instructed to not bother us unless it is an emergency. Apologize for the way it came across and tell him you are really craving the alone time for just the 2 of you and plan a date night. Good luck sweetie.

I would never ask my bf to not take his kids. I’m sorry but you are being so selfish and he did right by leaving. My boyfriend and I have 5 kids between and we have agreed on a date night once a month with no kids just so we can reconnect and be with eachother. Sometimes it happens most the time it doesn’t. But we never ever have asked one another to not have our children. They are only young for such a short time. Sorry but you were way out of line.

He gets his son not very often. You cannot ask him not to bring his son. That’s just wrong of you. You want time alone without your children he wants all the time he can with his. You are wrong he was 100% right.

You don’t get a day off when you have kids. So you are 100% wrong for even thinking this. If you don’t want to deal with so many kids then you should have chosen a different life path.

Why are you separating his kids from yours?? There all both of you all’s children .there is no yours and his . his son is your son if you love that man and really mean it. You were wrong and you did put him a position to have to choose between his family with you and his son . you’re being selfish .you owe your man an apology .period.

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When you get into a relationship with someone that has kids, you need to understand that there is nothing that will e v e r make you more important than the kids.

Good for him by saying he picks his son. We are a blended family as well. If we can get a free weekend with no kids, we took it! My ex never had anything to do with his 2 sons so we had my kids all the time. My kids actually started going to my husbands ex house because of the instant bond. I get what you’re saying but the situation is this, you both had previous kids before getting together so you both have to agree on things or it won’t last. We have been together 15 years now so if we can do it, so can you.

Now this is my opinion…you were wrong to ask him to do that knowing that he only gets his son on saturdays.

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You’re in the wrong. He gets his kid one day and you want him to give that up to spend the time with you. He’s a good dad for his response…you’re being selfish.


That’s a terrible thing to ask of him. He’s a good man to choose his child over you. Believe me I understand wanting time without kids, we have a blended family of eight. But you need to plan dates and arrange a sitter not tell him not to take his child.

I get needing a break but that was wrong, especially since he gets such limited time with his son you should not try to take any of that time away. If you need a break and want some couple time do it on a different day. Get a sitter or something

Good gosh people all she asked was n to have him on a weekend day so they could have time together! He has a day off during the week so why can’t he get him that day and they can spend the day together will she works! it’s his kid and his responsibility not hers! Y’all acting like she didn’t want him there! She needs a day for down time! You try to work and deal with 5 kids!

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