Was I wrong to ask my boyfriend not to take his son this weekend?

You are better off .He seems like a piece of work .Omg why get pregnant again !After 5 plus his and now a baby that is 7 kids .That can be overwhelming .God luck and bless all your kids.

You’re wrong.

Yo kids are his kids and his kids are your kids. Take off during the week when the kids at school and hang with him. Please!

I would have walked out the door if a man asked me not to get my kid so I applaud him. You asked sorry if you don’t like the answer

Ask that the Ex Wife.
Enjoy the Children for the weekend.
Or …The Ex Husband.
Maybe the Children could also get a break.
And Bond.??? There’s still a new baby coming…she’s 7months Pregnant.:baby_symbol:

I would never ask for a parent to choose to not see there child. I understand your tired and want a kid free day try finding a sitter for your kids and gojng on a date or a hotel for the night. I would leave to if my bf asked me to not pick up my child on my day.
If you didn’t want to have a bonus child you shouldn’t have started a family with someone who has children.

You have some serious thinking to do! Be thankful it was " your house" and not his, you’d be on the street.

Just my opinion. I’m sorry but yes, you were very wrong. Sounds like he doesn’t have a lot of time to spend with his son. Seems you do have every night with him and your kids so to ask him not to take his kid on the one day a week he gets him, in my opinion was very selfish. Think about how that child must feel knowing his your children already get more from his dad than he does and now you want to take thar one day away.
I am a step mom, you chose a man with a child… you chose a package that is not to be separated.
How would you feel if rolls were reversed?
I get that being pregnant and having children while working all week is exhausting, we have 6 together and it’s hard to find alone time but you make it work and you do not ask him to choose between the two of you because honestly that kind of is what you did. Good luck with your family I hope things smooth out for you all.

I would suggest a compromise rather than asking the other half to choose. This hits home with my daughter. If compromise can’t be reached, then you would have no reason to feel at fault.

You are selfish! You get your kids all week and every other weekend and he gets his one day a week and you want a break from him? Then he wants to move in but you cant handle an extra kid? Why because hes not yours? You are beyond selfish and dont deserve that man or either of his kids!

Good for him. I’m sorry but if he only sees his son one day a week that is very selfish of you to ask him not to take him. That is his son. You got together with him knowing he had a son that he saw on weekends.

Kids come first. Don’t be selfish you know what you signed up for. My hubby knows my son his step son is and always will be my priority. And he treats him that way as well.

I think time with your kids is precious, especially if it’s not often he sees his son.

I’m glad my husband of 20 years never asked this. He had no kids and became full time daddy of 4 under the age of 5. I would have packed his stuff and told him bye. Sounds like your kids live with you and your boyfriend and has his son, what 2 days.

Wow just wow lady. It’s ok for him to take on your 3 almost full time but you can’t return the love for 1 day… your better off alone

Not that this is new to you but welcome to parenting. You did make him choose even if you didn’t outright say that. You asked him to not se his kid the one day a week he has him. You hire a baby sitter on a different night to have a date night. He should not have to give up the one day he sees his kids for that.

Ask yourself this, if he said to you, can you pack your kids up a bit and take them to their dads cause I’m a bit tired of having them here all the time.

what would you say I know what I’d say if my boyfriend asked me to do that. Your in the wrong x

Yea that’s rude. His son is just as important as your kids. That would be a major deal breaker for me. He has a right to be very upset. That is his son!

He been wanting to leave you have gave him a reason to leave.
One weekend to spend time alone just you and him is not a bad thing. He full of s***

You were wrong. He has to always choose his son over anything. If you’re gonna be with a man that has a child you must understand that his son has to come first just as your kids must come before anything as well.

You guys were not ready to move into together if you didn’t have the space for all the children. I would have walked out too.

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It might go differently if you ask for a date night, girl! ( date night doesn’t have to go out to eat, just sitting down watching a movie together)

My bf gets his 2 boys every other weekend. I have 3 kids, 2 of which i split with my ex and one that considers my bf her dad. Now that there’s no school my older 2 go with their dad one full week and me the other week. I planned it out that the weekend he gets his boys it’s the same weekend i have my older two. That way they all see each other and the other weekend that we don’t have the 4 kids just my youngest we can just chill and go out. We live with my mom so she stays with mom which she has no problem with. Why not do that. But i get her, he should have the kid more days not just once a week. That way they can get a break. But him and i deiced not to have our own to just be wit ourselves

Until men can truly live a woman’s life, they will never understand the need for a couples day.

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You’re not wrong in wanting alone time. But maybe you could have asked for it in a different way? His reaction to just get up & leave wasn’t right either.

You were not wrong to a want a day off with him, in planning for the day, he could choose his other day off to be with his son, and a bonus day with all the kids.

He’s right, You’re wrong. Simple as that. Imagine the tables were turned, you’d likely be pissed. You sound like you need to grow up a bit.

I can understand needing a break from the kids your around all of the time, but asking him to not get his kid the one day he gets him. That’s selfish. He gets his kid 4 days a month. That’s awful. I get that your tired and exhausted but you had so many kids and you got with someone who has kids. This is the life you signed up for.

I would have gotten a sitter for a date night instead of asking him not to get his son.

He only sees his son one day a week? If that’s the case then yes it is wrong to ask. Coming from a parent that watched the ex choose girlfriends after girlfriends over his own children I don’t understand how anyone could ask that of a parent. You knew what you were getting into when you started dating this man.

I think you’re being extremely selfish for even asking especially since you have kids of your own!

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Maybe HE should request more time with HIS kid!! He moved in with her… So they either work together or they aren’t a family… He should.have the whole.day off with HIS.kid!

It sounds like she didn’t want him to take his son on the “weekends” which is what she said. As in all the weekends, or most of the weekends. By the sounds of it tho, that’s his only day with his son, or one of the few days with his son. So to ask him to not see his son that day, is pretty fucked up to ask. :woman_shrugging:t2:

you have the luxury or having your kids all week and every other weekend…I’d understand if you said “can we have this weekend alone?” But it sounds like you want most weekends without kids, so while you didn’t say “pick me over your child” that’s exactly what you’re asking him to do. Glad he chose his kids over a woman.

This is my question. Why couldn’t she ask her ex to keep the kids a day longer so that they can have a day together. Or take a day off during the week.

Yes u were dead wrong thats a thin line and i totally understand how u feel and how he feels so maybe a compromise woukd of been better like put them down early or pay a babysitter so u can have a date night but if he only gets one day a week with his child that day is off limits no matter what… You shoukd be proud u have a man that cares about his kids and just talk it out and see what will work for all of you …

YOU ask him to pick U over his son after he puts up with yours all the time that’s not even close to being a good girl friend what was u thinking guess you wasn’t he is a good man u got all the kids get their daddy to keep his children wanting to spend some along time soulds like u got it

Dam ppl she ain’t asking him to give his kid up every weekend or sumthin she just wants one day to relax with him and her and no kids. That doesn’t make her a horrible person. Hopefully they can work something out.

It’s not crazy that you want alone time for your relationship… don’t let these people bully you. It’s not crazy and it’s not selfish.
You try to come up with a compromise- maybe have him ask the baby mama if y’all can have him a Saturday AND Sunday the next weekend or make up for the Saturday somehow… stepparenting is so tough, but you’ll be better at it if you feel a better foundation in your relationship to begin with.

Understandable you need a break, but not at the expense of one of the children. Pick a day off in the week arrange childcare for your kids and take a days A/L.
He did the right thing in walking away.

Sorry, as parents we should always choose our kids. Your preggo…so maybe you need time Alone to pamper yourself and then feel relaxed to handle your blended family.

If you really want the alone time plan ahead for a special day for the 2 of you. Kudos to the dad for putting his child first.

This is a hard one to take in and beimg fathers day weekend, it makes it a bit worse. I understand why he packed up his stuff and left… I get it, you want some time together, just pick a different night. He only gets 4 days a month and on some months 5 days. I would always choose my kids over anyone else and I hope you see that too.

What I’ll like to know, if she feels that way . Why bring another life in . Should had thought about that . Cause you must had already felt that way .I see alot of stories like this on this page . Keep getting pregnant. Yup let’s bring another life cause either mommy couldn’t do proper birth control or trying to blend a family to bond be happy with the kids you got .I’m also the oldest of 12 in big family the kids cant get the proper attention each one needs . Older kids end of up raising the little ones . Cause parents are exhausted with thechoises and messes they make .Smh .

This is also Father’s Day weekend. You could’ve asked him if he could take the child to a family’s house to visit or take him to the park so you could rest.

Also he’s with your kids all week. Dealing with them, listening to them, talking to them, cleaning up after them, and whatever else. You can’t handle one of his. It’s a shame.

He is way too easy to leave, get used to it if you stay with him. He is looking for an excuse to really leave.

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He only gets limited time with his son when you have your kids all the time and you’re asking him to give up a day? You DO realize once baby comes they’ll be 24/7 right??? That’s the responsibility of children…

She never said she didn’t accept his kid. She’s saying that she has his kid every Saturday… he doesn’t… she is pregnant… big pregnant… she chases after kids all week. While in her third trimester which is the most trying time during a pregnancy. She wanted ONE day that they could spend together just ONE. She never said that his kid could NEVER come back

What if you have another child by him ? Then would you have room for 5 kids ? He’s willing to put his child before anyone and that’s what a real man does. You need to start treating that baby like he’s one of yours if you plan on keeping your man.

Omg I cannot believe you asked him that. I have 2 kids from a previous marriage and if my husband now or bf then asked me that… I’d leave them . He doesn’t even seem like he sees him a ton so that was incredibly selfish!! I’m literally in shock someone would ask a parent to do this

She could of very well did her own thing without him, I’m glad he packed up and left you wondering why…

I’m so happy that he chose to see his son , the one day he actually gets to spend time with him. No one should go before their own kid! :woman_shrugging:t2: sorry not sorry

Sorry, that’s wrong
You don’t have room for his son, but decided to have more? That’s kids going to grow up to resent you. As little as you see him, his son sees him even less. A real mom would step up make room and figure it out for him to live with you…If it were the other way around, you’d be mad too.

How do you have room for a new baby but not him. He moved in with your 3 kids and you can’t welcome his child one day every other weekend. That’s very selfish.

Oh dear Yes unfortunately you’re wrong You knew what you signed up for and asking him to choose and yes that is what you did isn’t cool. maybe you should have looked into both of you being able to take a day off together or something instead of asking him to blow off his son.

Well if that’s the only day he CAN have him you SHOULD NOT make him give it up HOWEVER Why does he only get him 1 day a week that sound like he dont wanna be bothered with more than one day. I mean tons of Americans have daily jobs and still make time for there children even if primary care is at one or the others house. Now if his kid only comes 1 day a week why are you doing everything for him ? his father should be there of he only gets him for one day.


You can’t just take days off from parenting. How would you feel if he told you to send your kids away on days that they should be with you? If you’re serious about this man then you better get serious about his kid too.

I completely understand that feeling of just wanting some one on one time with your significant other. I dream of it often. We have 9 kids between the 2 of us so it’s nearly impossible. But we were both package deals when we signed up for this. My 2 youngest live with us full time (their bio-dad is not in the picture) and we get his 3 girls every other weekend. Unless he’s on the road. But even then, something’s I’ll go meet their mom and bring them home with just me and my 2 for the weekend. It’s gives me time with just them to bond and I know it fills their Daddy’s heart to know that he found someone to love his children like their own. I know because it fills mine that he comes home to me and my 2 youngest every night and has never said a word about it, except how much he loves us.

Sounds like you have made him feel he has to choose. His kid might be already feeling uncomfortable about the baby. Kids come first! Always!

Honestly if hes working that day, then hes not the one taking care of his kid. She is.
He needs a better job schedule and you guys need to make this where he gets his son for a full weekend on the same weekend your children are home.

Now as to his son wanting to live with his father, you are wrong in so many ways for saying you don’t have room for another kid.
His kid has just as much right to live with him if that is what they both want as your kids do living with you. So if thats where they want to go with that then you need to make room.
Lady I have 5 children. And just took in my sister in law and her two kids. But its what you do. You make room for family and that is your boyfriends child. His family. And you are the mother figure there, future step mom, whatever. You need to make his child a priority. Its not that kidd fault you already had 3 children or that you got pregnant again.
Grow up. Learn to care for that kid like you should or stop complaining to people on the internet about your domestic issues.

This season of your life is about kids if you have kids in the picture. I understand being tired and pregnant but that is part of it. Kids need to be the priority. Far to many parents are selfish with their time and it reflects with kids :cry:

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Are you kidding me. You poor thing. Good for him. He doesn’t get his kid as much as you have yours and your asking him to not see his. WOW

Maybe it’s how you approached it? A couple does need time together but he doesn’t see his child all week. So maybe you should have approached it differently and just asked for you and he to have a weekend getaway before the baby comes.

Yes…it’s already a packaged deal! You can plan for time alone. Or put kids down to bed early ,and spent some quality time with each other. What counts is that there is love and kids with be older and doing things on sooner than you know. I was a single parent of 4, 1 disabled, and I didn’t go out away from kids until my youngest was 10 yrs old. My boyfriend was there for me and kids. It’s hard but doable…

When you meet someone with a child that is a package deal. how would like if he told you not to bring ur kids over cause he needs a break. You are with him so that means you also take care of his child.

For me, you was in the wrong. I get wanting a day with him with no kids, but why can’t you do that on a day his son isn’t there. He gets his son one day out of a week! Come on now! If his son wanted to live with you all I don’t see why he can’t! You are with a man that has a kid that isn’t ur blood child, you knew about his son before getting with him, you are supposed to love him like ur own. I’m sure he loves urs like his own. Would he ever ask you the same if u only got ur kids once a week? Probably not

Stop getting pregnant if you want alone time, you gave up alone time when you had kid # 1…


All kids are equally important. Your kids are not more important.
He needs every second with his son. His son needs him!
Faced with the same choice, I would have left, too.
No one comes before time with my child.
If you do not see this, perhaps you should grant full custody of the other kids to your ex. Then give the newborn to his father.
Both seem to be actual parents.
You will have plenty of free time once your youngest child is over 18.
Children do not ask to be born.
If you become part of a blended family, all kids are equal.
You would obviously be happier without the burden of a child.

I am a single parent of 4 kids…i get 0 days off.i get it u want alone time but maybe try a diffrent day

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I mean if he’s not actually patenting the child, I don’t think your wrong. It’s supposed to be time with dad :woman_shrugging:

Would you be mad if he asked you to do with it with your kids and when you live together it’s not your kids vs his kids their our kids … I get wanting alone time that’s why you find a sitter you don’t give up days with your kid

My dad divorced a woman because she tried to make his choose between the two of us. So pick your battles :woman_shrugging:

I’d leave you too. Yes, you’re wrong to ask him to not see his son. ITS HIS KID.
You want time with no kids, then go get a freaking hotel room alone while his kid is there.

You should have a day together at least once a month. Kids do come first…but he should also understand that he has another baby on the way. It’s not all about his one son. He needs to understand that and not take hissy fits and move out… Not fair at all.

I dont know everything that happened but he should’ve tried to see it from you point of view and at least hear you out instead of leaving so fast but im glad he’s all for his kid though

If the only time he gets him is on the weekends then you’re literally asking him to not see his son and see you instead. You didn’t say one weekend a month or one weekend to reconnect- you said to not take him in the weekends. I’d have left you too.

His son should be seen as your son as well. You should care for him as your own child. You clearly dont. Way to go dad abd shame on you.

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I’m sorry all these people posting u were wrong. U never asked him to choose u over his child nor did u say u dont want his child around or that u favor ur kids over his. I understand what u asked and y. Sometimes we just need a break especially being 7 months pregnant. U just wanted ONE day to spend with ur man without any children that does not make u a bad person as these people r making u out to be. Yes his child should come 1st but unless there’s more to the story we dont know about asking for a kid free day is not much to ask.

Y’all sound stupid so she isn’t allowed quality time with her man without the kids !? Granted she could have just said can we find a sitter for him and do something instead of not getting him at all but still he is wrong for just leaving.

This cannot be a serious question! You are 100% wrong! If he is only able to have his son on Saturdays I hat 4 times a month and you want it to go down to 2 times a month you are a very sad person! If anything you should be encouraging him to try and see his son more! I honestly cannot tell if this is a serious question or your just bored and want to read comments to a Ridiculous question!

How dare you ask him to not see his son. I’d have been angry too. You knew he had a child when you got this deeply involved with him just as he knew you had children too. Parents don’t get days off. My advice, suck it up buttercup, because it’s not going to get any easier now that you’re about to bring yet another child into the world. I realize my response is harsh, but they’re children. They didn’t ask to be brought into your or his mess. Put the kids first, period.

Yes, you were wrong to ask that. If you choose to have a relationship with a man that has kids, it’s a package deal! I’ve been a mom for 26 years and I can’t imagine someone asking me not to have my kids! Shame on you, it comes off as very selfish

I saw you care for his son while he’s there. His dad should be doing the caring for him as well.

He did the right thing never ask some one to choose their kid over you if your with the man and you know he has kids then you know what you signed up for again good for him and you should be ashamed of yourself

Yep. You were wrong and he did the right thing! I have 5 kids. I get how exhausting even 2 or 3 kids can be, especially while pregnant. (My youngest 2 are 18 months and 6 months) but his child is his child and he already gets a limited amount of time anyway. If someone ever asked me not to spend a small amount of time I got with my child, I would end things too…Also, since you mentioned it, if his child ever needed to live with you, as his partner and someone who is supposed to now be a parental type figure, you make room. – if you arent ready to openly accept and deal with his child as you would your own, then this may not be the relationship for you.

Everyone needs a break and people shouldn’t be so judgemental for god sake what is wrong with people

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Parents in intact families don’t get a break. Why would he or you? Plus this weekend is Father’s Day. I wouls seriously be upset too.

How would you feel if he ask you to do that with your children! He sees his child 1 stinking day a week!!! I think you’re very selfish!

Honestly you do not sound so nice saying his son cant live with you guys bc you already have 3 kids it sounds selfish, when you got with him you knew he had a son you sound like a crybaby I myself have 3 daughters and my man has a son and I dont care what days he takes him I’ll feed him and clean up after him like he was my own son pregnant or not suck it up you wanted to get with this man so deal with it, you honestly cant ask a man not to see his son on his only day he could see him

How about you lose a day with your kids instead


Wait it’s Father’s Day weekend. Seriously? I wish my kids dad put them first. Your dang lucky you have a man who does.

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I agree with him. I actually respect him because your children should come first. He is a good man!!

Well she already said it she has three children with ex and her guy now has one and I’m sure they didn’t have time before on spending time as well she is now pregnant and she wants him not to see his child the only day he has and she can spend all the time with her three kids I’m sorry but you already had to many children but you can’t be selfish when it comes to his child I’m sure his not like that with yours you knew having another child will get you with no time to spend time with your boyfriend . So now you have to try and make time for him and his child and your children and the best way to do it is to spend time with all of you together that can make your kids his child and you and your boyfriend.

It’s hard for me to say, because I have a feeling there’s more to this story. I will say, from your wording it does sound like you wanted him to give up his weekends and to say that his son could not live there because there wasn’t space, doesn’t look good. Again, I don’t know how the conversation went but I can see how he took it. Maybe plan a baby moon ahead of time and give him notice.

I say you live together. Figure out a day after work to spend time together. That’s his only time he sees his son. He’s not willing to give that up. I don’t blame him. That’s his kid and he wants to see him!

Take a break dont run around for the child put your feet up and relax but you cant exclude him from his family house even for one day the will always remember

Sorry, but I agree with her. You asked him to not get him ONE day to cultivate your relationship. You didn’t ask him to never see him again, you asked for a day. I see no issue

Who would take care of his son on Saturdays if you weren’t around? Like, obviously, his son should come first, but that custody agreement seems off. Shouldn’t he get the kid on Sundays since that’s his day off? Not Saturday when he’s working?

YOU are WRONG. Good for your boyfriend for getting mad & leaving. He sounds like a good dad & stepdad. You sound like a horrible stepmother.

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Would you choose not to have your child so you can spend time alone if it were reversed?

I understand wanting time alone but when you have kids… you have to get creative. And when you are with someone else - you MUST treat thier kids as you would treat your own.

I would really sit back and reflect on this. You absolutely can and need to do better.

I understand you want your time together but you will just have to find a different way. Package deal as others have said.

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Go Dad. It many would of made that choice It’s nice to have alone time but kids come first. Your alone time was when you made them.