Never, unless nightmare or storm.
My son is 6 and I sleep with him most nights. And to be honest, he’s not going to want to forever. Snuggle in. They grow too quickly x
If you don’t have a big bed for her, get one. Let her pick out what she wants on it as far as sheets and a blanket. Be happy and positive at bedtime, maybe read a story, then say goodnight and leave. Maybe a cute little night light too. Also some children’s Melatonin could help.
I understand! My daughter is 8 and often tries to get in our bed and sleep, my husband is like nope take ur ass back to ur room
Mine is 8… she still isn’t ready to stop.
I never did that. Ever.
poor girl asked for suggestions and everyone on here is just bashing her way
I’ll offer some advice. My son was 3 before he started sleeping in his own bed. I just had to keep taking him back and tucking him in. Eventually I got him a tv and a DVD player and by the time the movie finished he was out and was sleeping and stayed sleeping all night. He’s currently 7 and still sleeps in his own room. That’s what helped me.
But for future reference if you decide on more kids, me personally, I always waited until my child could roll and hold their own bottle before I moved them to their own bed. I’m on baby #4 with this method and it works for us. No cry it out, nothing. Most mine did was babble for hours at a time lol but eventually that faded out too. 7,3,2,1 all sleep on their own.
Good luck
Neither of my children ever co-slept with us.
Hell no. I wouldn’t want my 5 year old in bed with me.
My son would come into our bed every so often. I never made a big deal out of it and eventually it stopped.
The real question is,do you want your daughter out of your bed? Because if it’s just because he doesn’t like it that’s not a good kids all slept with me and are just fine.If I had a boyfriend that told me he didn’t want them to I’d tell him where to go! Of course that’s why I’m single
Doctors recommend I co-sleep with my son because he had health problems that I had to keep an eye on. So my son slept with me from a few months old till 4yrs old, when we moved into a new house with my boyfriend. It ended up being harder on me than him. I missed him Lol. I got him his own bed with a new bed set and he ended up being excited about it once I talked it over with him. He’s been in his own bed in his own room since. Just talk it over and make it fun for her.
my eldest son had a similar issue he was a bit younger but basically we got him a big kid bed lullabies on a loop night light read him a bedtime story, consistent routine . Just be really consistent if they cry and whine put them in their own bed and remind them they are a big kid. It’s a few days of bedlam but pays off. Also everyone telling her she shouldn’t have started yes, thanks captain obvious but that doesn’t help her now. My advice is be firm and consistent, kids have those crocodile tears
Mine don’t and won’t sleep in bed with us. It’s a bad habit to get into.
Ive had all five of mine co sleep and used to have them sleep on a single bed beside mine until about 4 or 5 when they were ready to be big kids although my fifth is 20 months and just starting in single bed beside mine now
Don’t start unless its for comfort from storms or nightmares
Relationship killer. Time for kids and time for yr man are both important
My kids always slept in their own beds. Maybe tuck her in but let her sleep on her own, whether you have a boyfriend or not…
Never did with any of mine. Had 3
Why is everyone saying birth? Or early on. Clearly this person has already been doing it for some time now so none of those comments are helpful at all.
I never started to begin with… if any one of my 4 kids …had woke up I took them to the couch … tended to their needs and back to their own bed they went …
I am appalled at the hate in these comments. Seriously this lady asked for advice not a bunch of crabby ass know it alls.
My youngest with DS sleeps with us. It is a hard habit to break and honestly, he is my last kid. It doesn’t bother me much but isn’t the best thing for him. I plan to work on it once school is out. Just love your baby and scroll past some of these jerks.
Should never have started…
Kids get scared sleeping alone because they are scared of the dark what i did with my son is at age 2 i started sleep training him. I made his room his sanctuary I would never send him too time out in his room. Also I made his room in too a cool hangout for him at night I bought a night light off amazon with laminate that reflected against the wall so he’d see galaxies and stars on his walls he loved bed time.unfortunately that night light burned out and stopped working so I bought a night light shapped like a white teddy bear off of target. If my son wakes up at night and tries too get in to bed with me I just redirect him to his room.
My daughter wanted to sleep with me all the time for a while. What I did is I turned it into a reward. If she was good for a week, I let her sleep with me for 1 night. Then progressed to every 2 weeks. After a while, she stopped asking for it. Then I eventually told her she is too big now, cuz I couldn’t do it anymore. Lol
Lay with her in her own bed until she falls asleep.
1st baby, made big mistake by letting him fall asleep with me as dad worked nights. He was 6 before we could get him to sleep in his own bed. Baby #2 slept in a cradle in our room the first 2 weeks, then into her room she went. She was a lot more independent and kept her room neat. And also seemed a lot happier baby.
Get a blow up mattress and have have her camp next to your bed on the floor!!
Hope that helps… Hopefully she will want her own bed soon!!
Get her a night light let her pick out her bed spread etc kinda try to make it a happy thing for her. My son is 13 and if he could still sleep with me he would n still does whenever he gets a chance just try and be consistent
My child never slept with me he had his own bed from the start and thats were he slept…
My almost 4 year old still sleeps with us…I have zero idea how to break her of it
Mines almost 8 i still cant get her to sleep in her own bed.
If someone knows the secret please share it
They do it till they do it he can go sleep on the couch tf:joy:
My son is 12 and still sleeps with me…who cares… there will be a day when he no longer has a care in the world for me so enjoy the cuddles…i went through cancer so we have a special bond… do what is right for you… no bone else’s opinion matters
When they decided on their own to sleep in their own room is when I stopped. My babies are only little for so long I’ll keep them close as long as they leg me. Usually by age 5 mine have went to their own rooms but sometimes they come back from time to time
My 5 year old sleeps with me and my 18 month old a lot of the time. Your daughter will only be little for so long. Soak up the moments. My husband either sleeps on the couch or my son’s room. He’s not angry about it. He is understanding.
I just barely stopped co sleeping with my daughter and she’s 7. It’s super hard the first week but just reassure her its okay.
Kids older than 3 should not be sleeping in bed with you still
Both mine did and loves every second
Co sleeping?.. Lol nah… You learning to be an independent adult.
My daughter stop sleeping with me a couple nights a week at the age of 11.
I get falling asleep watching a movie or reading but then just move them to their bed after they’ve dozed off. Then they don’t have the energy to fight you
Ours was 5. I put her to bed in her own bed. She would come out id just put her back in her bed. Over and over sometimes 10 times in a night never said anything just put her there tucked her in and shut the door.
I had 4 children in 5 years and did not go sleep…I wasn’t going to risk their lives for my own comfort
I co slept with all three of my kids. My middle one was on and off until 6. It took me to be pretty firm where I’d put her to bed in her bed and she’d crawl in with me later and Id get up almost immediately and put her back. After while she got used to it but it was a few months of back and fourth before she stopped altogether. I could not imagine never co sleeping with any of my kid’s. It was a bonding thing and comfort for them. If I can’t comfort the whenever they need me how can I call myself a mom?
I NEVER co slept unless my daughter was sharing a bed with me when she was older a few times but my babies have always slept in bassinet or crib Then graduated to toddler bed and big kid bed.
Mine is 8. When he was 5 I started laying with him in his bed. Slept with him for a few weeks then started telling him I would leave the room when he fell asleep & he was fine with that. Even at the age of 8 sometimes he asks if I can lay with him until he falls asleep. It’s a comfort thing for them. You are their person. In a few years they won’t want you near them so enjoy it while you can lol
Go put her in bed read read a book and put her in bed. But honestly my step daughter I would put her in bed and she would still come climb in sometimes. I never go mad at her. She never came in out of being bratty she just couldn’t sleep some nights. And we would put her back in her bed. And my parents bed always felt better because well it was bigger and fluffier. Lol
Just make sure to always put them back. It has them wake up in their bed so they get used to it alone but don’t feel alone. If that makes sense.
Jamie Lee maybe you can suggest a few tips🥰
For all the women saying get rid of the man because the child should be sleeping in her own bed. There is nothing wrong with not wanting a 5 year old squirming child in bed with you an your partner every night. Not saying never let your kids sleep in your bed but he probably doesn’t get a good night’s sleep either. Child should be in her own bed.
Tell him to get lost your child will only be there a little while.You will blink and they will be gone,enjoy them while you can.
My oldest had some medical issues so he couldn’t cosleep, but my second and third slept with me until they were about 2. For us, it was natural for them to sleep in their own beds once they were completely finished nursing. They often would sleep in each other’s beds or once in a while come sleep with me probably up until 5.
My daughter is 5 and usually sleeps in her bed but will occasionally crawl into mine and my son is almost 3 still sleeps with me. And since my kids come before any man, if a guy has a problem with my parenting he’s more than welcome to find the door and not come back
If he has a problem with it then that’s his problem. Not yours. Building a bond with your daughter is important. He’s basically telling you to choose him over your daughter. Choose your daughter
Kristy Grant what ages?
I have 3 kids and I always me and my husband take turns to sleep with them in our bed or theirs
I love my kids with all my heart and they will always come first
Time to lay down the law. Ur the boss n u explain it’s time for her to sleep in her own bed. Put her in bed n u read a book n then go. If she comes out just put her back eventually she will get it but don’t argue if she throws a tantrum just ignore n guide her back to bed
They are only small for awhile let them sleep with you, it doesn’t hurt anything…one day they will be grown and gone and you will wish they were still little wanting to cuddle with you…
Mine never slept w me
Why should your BF care? Please tell me you are not letting your BF spend the night and allowing your daughter to sleep in the same bed. Choose your daughter over this man. Set good examples for your daughter. She is little only once and you will never get these moments.
My first was 3.5 and had most to do with anxiety. I started by reading books & songs etc to her in her bed, then I’d lie with her til she fell asleep for day sleeps, then when that became easy & quicker I started on the nights. I just lay with her til she fell asleep then eventually started getting out when she was dozey, assuring her she could call for me anytime. Fast forward a few weeks and she was laying in bed nodding off to sleep herself, with security that I’d be there if she needed it or needed me during the night. This was a year ago and she doesn’t even make a sound and hasn’t for months!
My son is almost 7 and still sleeps in our bed. The day I brought him home from the hospital I had him in his room. He was a terrible sleeper but I refused to let him in my bed and didn’t want to develop that habit. One day when he was around 21 months he was sick. My husband invited him in our bed for the “night”. The 5 year night. He’s terrified of his room and will not sleep in there. I’ve offered trading his room with his younger brothers. He will scream bloody murder if he’s in his room at night. But also, our house may be haunted so I dunno.
I lay with my 7 year old in her bed till she falls asleep. It only takes like 2 minutes and shes out. Its a comfort thing for them. We fall asleep better next to our spouses (I do atleast) why not offer that comfort to your child. When she was 4 she used to climb into our bed in the night. We would take her back to her bed and start over. It took like a month but she stopped getting out of bed.
My son was 5 when I moved in with my bf oh man did he ever cry & scream & freak right 9out was about a week of that & putting him back in bed & just 1 night he gave me a kiss & went to bed on own no fight
Mine never sleeped with me.i chose to reach them to sleep in they’re own bed.they did just fine with it.
Never started. Went in cot in own room from day dot
It’s not really good for the child when they are dependent on you and they cant fall asleep on their own creates a problem with self esteem
Get her a really cool bed that she loves, make it exciting, yes, routines are good. If that doesn’t keep her in bed and she gets out of bed, just keep putting her back and stand outside the door. She will eventually tire herself out and fall asleep. All will be well and happy. She needs this. Good luck momma:heart:
There nothing wrong with your baby grl wanting to sleep with you…tf. She should come before your bf
Mine was 4 but I made it a huge deal about her moving into her “big girl” bed…she picked out new sheets and a comforter…we made the transition fun.
I never did the co sleep now rhe little shits wait until I’m asleep and come in my bed.
Kick the boyfriend to the curb, then there’s plenty of space left for you and your daughter
My son’s are 8 and 3 and they still sleep with me on occasion
I did it for a few months while nursing but that was it. Maybe 6 months with daughter and 4 months with son. I like my space LOL. You do what works for you
Birth… my kids didn’t sleep with me
My son is ten and still sleeps with me and my husband!
My son still sleeps in my bed hes just about 7
I coslept with all 3 of my children. 2 boys until the were about 8-10 and my daughter till 6. My one rule was they could sleep with me unless the had to. Meaning if I needed a night alone for any reason I could tell them to sleep in their bed and they did it without crying.
I let my daughter help decorate her new “big girl” room. She helped pick out a bedspread, it was pink and purple with dog and cat pictures on it lol, and we got purple curtains, and a new stuff animal. She was so excited to sleep in her bed and I’d read a few books to her before tucking her in. I would bring her to the library every weekend to pick out new books for the week to make bedtime more fun. She loved it and did really good.
Never they went in cribs and bassinets when we came home
We did a bed time fairy for my daughter. Every time she slept in her own bed she found a little something under her pillow. Didn’t have to be big. If she slept the whole week in her bed she got a big surprise.
Five and they still sleep with me sometime
My children never slept with me. I refused to begin something that in the end would be hard for my child to want to stop doing. Besides, I like my space and my sleep. Don’t want to be worried all night long that either my kid is falling off the bed, getting out of bed, under me etc. No thanks.
Following… As I lay my 17 month old in my bed
I slept with my daughter for 3yrs. We got her big girl bed (she picked everything out), we decorated her room together and I just kept asking her let’s go in your bed. Something clicked about 3mths into it and now she’s on her own. Occasionally she’ll end up in mine, but they are getting less and less.
I agree with the boyfriend. Adults need personal time for the relationship and children need to build self confidence and independence. There has to be boundaries. They should be sleeping in their own beds from the beginning. It develops better sleeping habits right from the start.
Mine used to go to sleep in his own room but at about 2am he would get in with me. He was 7 when I made him stop. He had started staying overnight at his Grandmas and he didn’t get in with her. So if he could do it there he could do it at home.
I kid got not I had the same problem with my youngest girl. I tried a nanny 911 approach and it worked. Only took one night and she was good. She is 21 now lol
I had my kids on a routine they never slept with us. They got fed, a bath and then bed with a story if they were older then a toddler. Or they went to bed and fell asleep on their own. But a bath usually knocked them out. If they were on a bottle and could hold one I put them to bed with it till a year old or they were ready to throw it away. Sometimes sooner then a year. They feel asleep after drinking it.
My daughters were 10 and 11 when they stop sleeping in my bed with me. I never had a crib or bassinet for them. I stop letting my son sleep in my bed at age 5. I got him a car bed. My husband had his own room. Oh well.
My daughter was 5 before she slept in her own bed. She had a bunk bed with my step daughter. That’s what helped me… my son on the other hand. I didnt Co sleep with him.
Give her a night light if she’s afraid to sleep alone
Find a new boyfriend…
6 but then I would have to sit in his room and wait till he fell asleep and after about 2 weeks I could just put him to bed read him a story and leave but it took transitioning it wasn’t just one day he decided to be a big boy he talked about it since he was 4 that he was going to sleep in his bed witch he has had since he was born he always had his own bed he just choose mine.
Never had my kids sleep in bed with me. Safe sleep is one of my main priorities as there aren’t any safe ways to sleep with babies/toddlers despite all the woo nonsense safe sleep 7. At 5, your child is old enough to understand that this is their bed and this is their bedroom.
Maybe do a room make over with the child and get them excited for their new sleep space.
Well let’s see, I have three daughters, they normally slept in their own beds, however, would argue over who got to sleep with me on the weekends, they were 14 and 16 years old the last time, lolol. And guess what they are normal 31, 27 and 25 year olds with families of their own now. So who care what anyone else says! And guess what My 10 year old grandmother sleeps with me on the weekends. I’m going bet, she will be just fine.
They should start in their own but after they fall sleep try putting then in their bed.
My son literally slept in our bed until he was 6 then we had his bed in our room for a bit then slowly started putting him in his own room. Now he’s almost 8 and has no issues in his own room. Start slow then maybe have your child pick out stuff for their own room to make it fun and just slowly ease into. Every person is different and parent’s different. Yes it’s hard to have them in bed with you but sometimes if that’s how they feel safe then you do what you feel is best for you! It will work out!
Okay yall she’s litteraly asking advice to change it not to be told why it’s bad or that you never let it happen ( guarantee you did a could times) yall need to learn when your imput ot helpful/needed you’re the reason they posted anonymously
Shit they were grown! Dad worked away and it was great. We still snuggle sometime and we are old. Hahaha