I think you need to get rid of the boyfriend
My ex was the opposite he was the one that wanted to sleep with them I ended up on the couch!! When I was in a new relationship of course I couldnt and wouldnt have them in bed anymore and it was horrible getting my daughter use to sleeping alone she had night terrors it was hard but we got through it now she only like to sleep in her room… The soon the better mamas good luck
Okay. So one, y’all need to stop bashing. There is ZERO wrong with co sleeping. Mothers have always done it. No biggie.
Two. I actually had this question myself and asked a couple friends of mine, one a foster mom, one a child therapist, and one a social worker, about the best way to transition my baby without traumatizing or damaging his trust in me. All had the same advice. Do it in steps. By the baby a bed they like, get some really cool sheets and blankets that they love. Start with putting the bed, or just the mattress, in ur room next to ur bed. That way you are still next to her but she gets used to sleeping in her own bed. Also, make it fun. As she gets comfy, move the bed from next to ur bed to a foot away, then at the door, then in the hall, ect. Till finally BAM! You’re in the bedroom. Stay on a consistent routine and as she progresses give plenty of praise and affirmation. Let her know how proud you are and how big of an accomplishment it is. I’m currently doing it with my 4 year old. Isn’t always easy, but it does work and it works well without hurting you, the child, or the relationship. I hope this helps
1st of all ur child is before your bf sorry I said what I said
My 4.5 yr old has his twin size race car bed up against my bed and I wouldn’t have it any other way
My oldest daughter who just turned 4 still sleeps with me . After she falls asleep I lay her in her bed
Well first of all I can’t say I didn’t make a big deal about it but, if he cannot understand u are trying to get her to go to sleep in her own bed but, u fall asleep with her then he does not appreciate what u are trying to do for “ his request “ tell him u are tired also and maybe help around the house more and u won’t be ( if he doesn’t help now) how about telling him u go in and try too and see what happens then and say well since it’s a team thing we take turns too
Maybe you need to get rid of him.
Five and since we stay two of us , she sleeps with me
My daughter is 5 and still sleeps w me but it’s just me and her and has been pretty much all of her life…and neither of us have a desire to change it. It’s comforting for both of us.
My son was 5, almost 6 when he slept in his own room. My daughter was 4, almost 5 when she slept in her own room.
Sounds like your boyfriend just wants to get laid.
Tricks & Tips to get your bed back.
1st: Note to Mama- She will be okay sleeping in her own room. <3
2nd: Get a bed for her in your room to start. (a week) Start a routine.
Example: 7PM bath, 7:30PM Lotion & Get ready for bed, 8PM Story time, 8:30PM Sleep
3rd: Move the bed further from your bed every night for the next week.
4th: Hang some nice plug-in globe lights in her room, and move her bed in. Sleep with her in bed the first night.
5th: Stay up all night sitting outside her room the second night (or close by to hear for her.)
6th: Sleep in your bed, She sleeps in her room. When she comes out, teach her calming exercises, help her back to bed.
7th: Forgive occasional sleepovers. <3
My son was 1. I usually lay with my son in his bed til he falls asleep sometimes he doesn’t need me but when he asks me to lay down with him I do he is 4 now
Kids come first over a partner. Kick him out
My boy was a little over 4. When I got in a relationship he would co sleep with both of us. We slowly transitioned him into a toddler bed next to our bed with expectations he would still crawl into bed with us. Now he sleeps in his bed all the time and we’re slowly starting the transition to having him sleep outside our room. (Even if it’s just in the living room.)
My son is 4 and I’m still doing it too. I got him a new bed with his choice of bedroom (motor bikes) and now I’m sleeping in his bed but starting this week will be letting him fall asleep in his bed with me after explaining I’ll be right across the hall with both our doors open if he wakes up scared too come crawl in bed with me. He’s my first and I will enjoy every second of his cuddles.
My sister did a lot of research on this years ago. Five of them slept in same bed until they wanted to stop. All three girls are now in their late teens to early twenties and completely healthy and well adjusted.
Stop now it’s a bad habit and hard to break.
I’m not surprised he doesn’t like you doing it
My nine year old STILL sleeps with me sometimes. She has horrible anxiety. We try hard to get her to sleep in her bed, but some nights, it’s a no win. So, her Daddy will switch spots. He sleeps in her bed, and she snuggles up next to Momma. Everyone gets rest that way… sometimes her Daddy will sleep in the floor next to her bed holding her hand if need be. As long as we all sleep, it’s all good. She will eventually grow out of it…
I say are children are only young once and enjoy it, my daughter is 8 I still cuddle her at night
My grandbaby is 5 and sleeps wit me entill she wants to sleep in her own bed
I have the same issue, she is 5
And im torn by it because they’re kids once and we parents forver
I enjoy cuddling with her, til she reaches the age of " stop mom" like my 12 yr old.
I don’t think my kids really every sleepers with me but they have always slept in the same room with me just in their own little beds, this one is going to be a hard one to brake them of
My son is 6. We have “sleep overs” every couple of weeks and this seems to work to get him to sleep in his bed 98% of the time. Snacks and a movie on those nights. I was 12 when I finally started sleeping in my own bed. My parents divorced when I was quite young and I had slept with my ma ever since.
Ever slept* got to love it when my phone changes my words after I hit send
All of mine slept with me. They were years apart so it really wasn’t an issue. They usually stopped around 3, my daughter stopped a bit earlier because for some reason she liked to sleep on the couch. There’s really no easy way to transition. You just have to stay putting then in their own bed. Lay with them until they’re asleep then go to your room
Get her a pet to sleep with
My 2 older girls slept in my bed til they were 5 … my 4 y/o will climb in our bed randomly but it’s not often.
13 Do what works for you !!!
The day they came home from the hospital.
Taking notes for my self I have a three year old and it’s me not him I want him in bed with me just because om paranoid and I am currently single but I need to start this now or it will become a problem later
My daughter still use to sleep with me occasionally when she was 12 until I had another bub now he sleeps with me lol
It’s not a “bad habit”. It’s biologically NORMAL to want that closeness. 5 is still young. They still seek comfort, safety, and affection. Adults don’t like to be by themselves either and crave these things, so why wouldn’t a child??
I’d consider it for my husband as we worked together as a team to transition them to their own bed but for just a boyfriend I’d tell him to kick rocks
Okay so it’s definitely hard to break. My daughter started getting into bed with me maybe around 10 mo- a year old … it would only be around 4-6 am because then she’d sleep longer. Then she started climbing in herself around that time. Then it was 3 am and before.
Basically now she’s 5 and I’m so used to her climbing in that I don’t even notice sometimes, and my fiancé is very familiar with the couch we’ve decided that soon we’re just going to get a bigger bed. But we’re trying to break it. Right now staying in bed all night is added to her chore chart where she receives rewards for reaching a goal. She has a nightlight and music playing to relax.
Honestly part of me doesn’t mind because one day it won’t happen. One night it’ll be the last night she snuggles close to me and I know I’ll miss it.
I don’t know, to me just enjoy it. I understand the frustration sometimes, it can especially be hard to be together as a couple when little bodies are in the bed.
I don’t know how long it’ll last. Good luck!
My kids slept in their own beds at a young age but I laid in their beds with them until they fell asleep then left. They only came to my bed during thunderstorms
Start with a toddler bed at the end of your bed
Oh babygirl. Same issue here but my son is 9. We learned to sleep separate a few months ago and its still hard for him at times. He ask me to lay down with him and he starts with beautiful memories. Its always been me and my kids. Hell before he was in the picture I would wake up to my 9 year old my 13 year old and my 16 year old in my bed. Its always been us 4. You are her comfort. Do it slowly. Put an alarm on your phone so you can we up after she falls asleep. This isn’t overnight thing. He shouldn’t be upset. Its all a learning process. You got this mama
Uhm maybe don’t put your bf over your kid? What’s she gonna think when you only kick her out because of your bf
Son 9 still sleeps with me (doesn’t have his own room yet). Daughter 14 sneaks in if there’s room sometimes not always. I slept with my mum when my dad was away (4 out of 12 day shifts) until I was…easily 17
I laid with my son when he was 2 in his bed until he would fall asleep he still sometimes climbs in my bed in the middle of the night. I let him stay in my bed as long as it’s not too early.
Try to see about putting her in her bed with a night light or some kind of routine light then try to sit next the bed until she goes to sleep but sometime its not always a bad thing to sleep with you sometimes I have a 8 year old and he comes up in the bed sometimes if he gets scared usually when it is raining really bad
Mines 7 and still sleeping in my bed it used to bother me but now When she’s not in my room I have a hard time falling asleep. We watch cartoons and then she usually dozes off I used to put her in her own bed but she would get up in the middle of the night and get in my bed
Mine are 8 and 9 and still like to sleep with me sometimes. It took about 7 years to get them in their own beds. Its helpful to find out what your kiddo likes most like…cuddling or warmth or sound…you can find ways to remedy the need. My son was a cuddler so he has lots of heavy blankets and large stuffies. My daughter needed sound so she listens to music in bed. Night lights…whatever might help.PAY PAY NO MIND to the people on here saying its awful that she still does. Do what feels right for you and child.
1st 2 kids. 7 weeks. 3rd, on and off around 3. She just kept moving so much and kicking us in the back so we told her she couldn’t keep sleeping with us because she was getting too big.
First of all, don’t move her because of your boyfriend, move her because she’s becoming a big girl and big girls get their own bed. Life is tough and she’ll need to stand on her own someday, not depend on someone beside them. Just because she doesn’t sleep with you doesn’t mean that you don’t love her or be there for her. You could also drape some curtains around the bed for a princess bed. That might help too. I kind of have a feeling that this may be harder for you than her. Lol
do not let it happen in the first place
Try staying in her room with her til she falls asleep to get her used to being in her own bed? Even if you do fall asleep your boyfriend will still be able to sleep in y’all’s bed without your daughter being in it. He might just feel uncomfortable with a child in the bed. I truly understand that children are the top priority, but out of respect for your spouse I also agree that a compromise is healthy. They should feel comfortable in your home if you want them to be a part of your family.
My oldest stopped at 3 because she wanted her own space. My middle will be 5 in July and showing no sign of sleepinf on her own and I have my infant daughter in bed with me too.
I sleep with both my girls…They’re 4 and 8 and I have a hard time sleeping without them. They’re dad is in prison cuz I can sure pick em smh so I’m all they got. I hope your situation works…in my opinion kick him out and let her stay!
Start on a friday when you dont have to work and she doesnt have school put her in her own bed and tell her goodnight if she comes in take her back to her bed and tell her to stay in her bed and that you love her. do this and she should be in her own bed within the week… DO NOT GIVE IN
The day I cam home from the hospital.
Make their room more fun. My son has a cool lava lamp he has like 3 stuffed animals he sleeps with. A fort in his room he sometimes sleeps in. If she wants to fall asleep with you, go lay in her bed with her and then leave and show how proud you are that she slept in her own room like a big girl
Maybe just do whatever makes you and your child happy
I would start with allowing her to fall asleep in your bed then moving her to her own room so she can get used to waking up in her room then put her straight in her bed, read her a story and stay with her untill she’s asleep cuddling her or however you would normally sleep with her then once she’s used to that slowly move further away ( if you are normally cuddling up close keep your arm on her back or arm then Change it to just your hand with less weight on her then just being close with out touching then moving your whole body) I would then start saying things like I need to go to the toilet, I’ll be right back (get a drink, blow my nose ext) so she gets used to you leaving the room but make sure you go back so she know that you WILL come back after that I’d start making each trip out of the room longer but still returning then even longer, maybe doing a couple of trips out of the room
It will take some time but she will get used to it! I have 4 kids and I had trouble allowing my kids to be in their own room, I would be so worried that something would happen to them that I just couldn’t do it but as soon as I got over that fear it was so good to have our room to ourselves!
You got this mumma
Neither of my kids ever slept in my bed. That’s my personal private area for my husband and I.
All i can say is they are only little once. I let my girl sleep in my bed till she was ready to sleep on her own which was when she was about 6. I still laid down with her and did a bedtime story still she fell asleep then I’d leave the room. My boy is 2 and hates being in bed with me he will be awake all night if he slept with me. What id wish for to be able to have snuggles with him during the night.
I never allowed my children to sleep in my bed
Never did this. Not even one night.
Let him get her to sleep.
My daughters 8 and we finally stopped once we moved into a place that both kids could have their own rooms. I let her sleep with me 1 week at new place then was like nope your bed. N only once she’s been in bed with me since and its been nearly 2 months
What’s his problem! Why force her to sleep in her own bed to make him happy.
Children should always come first.
He always slept on his own. Except a couple of times if he had a bad dream or could not sleep as a toddler
The little one went in his own bed pretty early… the middle one i can put him in his own bed but when I wake up he’s still gonna be in mine … he’s 6 … the oldest was 7
My children have never co slept with me…they have their own bed & I have mine…they have a routine…bed at 8pm unless they are ill they don’t keep getting up out of bed etc…I completely understand why the boyfriend is getting mad…unless the 5yr old is ill…she should stay in her own bed!!
Probably not appropriate for your daughter to sleep in a bed w your boyfriend. It’s uncomfortable for him, I bet.
Keep a routine and be consistent. Explain to her that shes a big girl and has a big girl bed of her own. Make it special and follow through, meaning if she gets into your bed in the night get up and put her back. It wont take long if your consistent for her to stay in her own bed. Get her a special night light if she is worried about being by herself.
She’s just not ready to be without her mama and that’s ok!! My son was easy but my daughter was about 6 she’s 10 now and sometimes she will ask me to sleep with her for a night and I’ll always be her comfort zone!! Like I tell my husband she’s only small once and one day she’s not even gunna want me in her room so I’m soaking it all in while I can!!! Kids ways come first
My children slept in their Moses basket in my room for the first 6 weeks then moved into their own room! They have never slept in my bed
Shouldn’t be in the bed with your boyfriend assuming that he is not her dad by wording.if she is sleeping in your bed he shouldn’t be end of
Ya’ll are harsh! It’s NOT a bad habit…just because u chose to not co-sleep doesn’t mean others shouldn’t. It’s a personal preference and it’s not anyone’s job to judge other moms. Holy hell. There is nothing wrong with co-sleeping! I did it with all 4 of mine and transitioned them all to their own rooms and beds before they were 3-4 years old and they all turned out just fine.
She asked for advice on how to transition not if u thought it was ok that she did it in the first place. No wonder she posted anonymously .
I agree with some of the other moms on here tho…make it exciting for her to get a new “big girl” bed and just go slow. Maybe start taking her in there after she falls asleep at first until she wakes up and doesn’t freak out and cry…then start hanging out in her room til she falls asleep…sooner or later u will be able to just tuck her in, read her a story and kiss her goodnight…and not too long after that, she will be too big and too cool for you so just enjoy every moment while u can. And tell your boyfriend to be patient, they are only little once. Good luck mama
One more thing tho, I can understand him not wanting her to be in bed with you guys, but the “getting mad” about u falling asleep with her feels like a red flag…your children should definitely come first and it doesn’t sound like he wants u to put her first. Sounds kinda selfish but that’s just based off your post, I could be very wrong.
Mine will be 4 in Oct and no rush to stop.
Our one start sleeping alone once we made her room ready for her she was around 3 year old. In the beginning she called at night few times for me but after she been sleeping all night and enjoying her room. This could help or if you don’t have extra room then little corner with her bed and few toys in it and canopy around bed will help. 5 years it’s long time for you and your bf not enjoy time alone. That’s where the issue is I believe. Hope this will help hun xx
Mine slept in their own bed from birth
I was single mom both kids slept with me till they were almost 12.
Slept in her own room since day 1
I became a mom very young and I had a nurse tell me that she had a friend who had co-slept with her baby after he was born and she rolled over on top of him and killed him…so at the age of 17 I learned I will never sleep with my kids in my bed…10 years later… They still have their own beds… and have never slept with me ever… That story scarred me for life.
Co sleeping? I never did. These kids co-sleep in my bed.
I wish I hadn’t “pushed” my daughters to sleep in there own beds. I miss and cherish the nights they slept with me. Now they’re 19 & 15.
I really does fly by.
You do what YOU feel is best for you & your kids. Sadly some partners/husbands can go, but your children are forever
We got a bigger bed to give his side mattress up🤷♀️
He’ll decide if he’s ready. If. If is good🤙
We transitioned our son to a big bed just before his 2nd birthday. He still ends up in my bed some nights.
My kids never slept with me
Gianna Mancini hmmm lol
When they comment “ I never did” ok perfect! Just go about your life like as if your life is all peaches & cream & Fck right off! The question was AT WHAT AGE DID YOU STOP CO SLEEPING?! If you never did then CLEARLY the question does not apply to you & you hold no ground here!
go live your perfect BullSH!t life!
My chikd was never into co sleeping
She’s your baby. It’s up to you when you want her in her own bed! I agree that her room should be somewhere she feels special! I have 2 girls and one loved Disney’s princesses and the other Winnie the pooh. Maybe a blanket or pillow with her favorite characters would help her feel more comfortable. But I would say they slept in their own room together by the time my youngest daughter was 2. They are @ 10 months apart
Get her a twin sized bed. Start sleeping with her until shes used to her own bed … Then make a reward chart for a successful week.
I had to go through this with my first born. If she sneaks in at night, lay a pillow and blanket on the floor and tell her theres just not enough room on the bed any more and shes too big but if she wants to sleep near you she has to have a slumber party on the floor. It isnt ideal for either one of you, but itll keep her from the comfort that shes looking for.
Good luck. Its rough. But i always also told my husband … There will come a day when he will miss having our extra guest in our bed. Some days he does. But its also your personal time with your hubs as well that you have to consider. .
I’m not understanding the comments here. He’s a grown man and if he’s not comfortable or get upset because her daughter is in the bed is not a bad thing, especially if he’s not her dad. I applaud the boyfriend for speaking up, her child is a girl. Mom, you have to see it from both sides (your daughter and your boyfriend) and make necessary adjustments if he’s going to be spending the night. Some of these comments make me feel like yall weird asf
Have a mother daughter talk with her…Ask her would she like a bed just for her…Tell her she can help you to pick it out…Let her help in making the bed to get a feel of it…When it is 30 minutes before bedtime go cuddle up with your daughter and read her a bedtime story…P.S. don’t fall asleep your bf is in the other bedroom waiting on some nuckie and playtime…
I can’t keep my son out my bed. He is 9 now. I ask him why cant he go in his own room with his queen size bed and he says, he just want to be near me. How can i argue with that? I know he will probably move soon on his own. He is getting into that independent stage. My fiance works out of town so he is not here like that but when he is, he will just move my baby to his bed once he is asleep.
My son was 4, almost 5. I happened to be moving so I got him a new bedroom set and told him it was time for him to sleep in his big boy room. Worked like a charm.
My 9 year old still crawls into our bed if she wakes up in the middle of the night.
Consistency. Start with naps in her own bed. Personally I would be mad if my boyfriend let our 5 year old still sleep with us too, so just hear him out and start slow. It’ll take time since it’s been so long.
hes just a boyfriend?
your daughter matters more. you’re her mother, you get to decide.
My oldest was 3yr old when he wanted to sleep in his own bed. My 5yr old is sleeping next to me now lol. I will continue to lay with her until she falls asleep in her own bed and if i fall asleep too, that’s ok. My partner is an adult and will be just fine sleeping alone.
My son slept with me or near me until he was 18 months old after that it was as simple as sticking to the routine and being consistent
On certain days my 11 year old still crawls in bed with me. It’s not every night but still. I wouldn’t push my kid out for any man.
Ive never let my kids sleep with me. They have always started off in a bassinet and then moved to a crib in their.own room but never in.bed with me. Why risk my kids life?
Well my 12 yr old still falls asleep in my bed. However my 17 yr old stopped completely at 11 and my 15yr stopped at 12 . So🤷♀️
My kids never did sleep with me and they’re 45 and 50 now so I don’t know who they sleep with and I sleep alone. You’re the Mom it’s up to you to decide. All I know is that they grow up way too fast so enjoy it while you can. If a boyfriend doesn’t like it he can sleep on the floor.