What age did you stop co sleeping?

Get a different boyfriend…!!! A child should be able to sleep by their mommy whenever they want… No matter what age … we are the givers of life…we need to stop raising brutes and start teaching love and exceptance


Say goodbye to boyfriend child comes first


When my youngest hit about 5, we started a lucky dip, each night that she slept in her own bed she would get one of the lucky dip presents. Literally only brought small things that were $2-$3. We wrapped them up with gift paper. Worked really well, she’s 6 now and sleeps in her own bed without the presents now. She also has her monkey which she sleeps with every night and a night light. No judgement, they grow up so quick. Good luck!

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When she started kindergarten

The only time I ever co-slept with either of my kids was after the age of 1… My son stopped sleeping in my bed when he was 8 and my daughter used to come crawl into my bed all the time til my boyfriend before my husband.

He got angry about her doing this (she was 2)…

I told him to get the F out right now, no man tells me what to do with my children he did not make. What she was doing wasn’t hurting anyone. Once he left she hasn’t co-slept with me…

As babies I never ever co-slept with my kids because I was always afraid to from all the stories you hear about waking up to a dead child…

You want your kid around someone that gets mad that your kid is around?


Get her a bed an put it right beside yours on your side of the bed,she will eventually stay in her bed all night

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I would get a diff bf lol but to answer qs my almost 9 year old son still sneaks in and when my 2 older girls (17, and 12) are sick they come in too lol

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I do think there is a limit. I only let them sleep with me until they were about a year and a half. Once they can sleep in a toddler bed by themselves.


Mine never did. Bad habit to start because it’s so hard to break and even harder on the kids.


I’m in a coparent situation and have no problem with it. He misses his momma! At 10
Years old. Bring it!!


Before kindergarten. I’ve seen other children latch on real long until they were 11. It did cause problems for the parents relationship. It really is up to you as a mom. I chose to get a toddler bed around 3 & by 4 they were okay.

12, and I so miss her now x


You are the only one that truly knows your children. It’s up to you to decide when your child stops sleeping with you! My daughter is 14 if she gets scared or doesn’t feel safe and need to sleep with to feel safe, that is exactly what’s going to happen and I don’t give one rats behind what anyone thinks or says! I’m her mother and she will always be able to feel she has a safe place to go!

2-3 and made her learn to sleep in her bed. She occasionally climbs in by me.

Dude probably wants booty and cuddles and kids are cock blocks.


Yeah once you start it’s really hard to get the kids to get use to sleeping alone, your daughter is too old to be co sleeping I’d suggest you start teaching her to sleep alone as soon as possible. My life was a bit difficult back in the days so I had to keep my son in the same room till he was 4 but he had his own bed though

My daughter would crawl into bed with me til she was about 5 as well. Usually after I fell asleep and she would wake up during the night.
Honestly it’s not that big of a deal when you think about it…our kids stay little for a short time and they have to deal with a world that isn’t always kind…let them be children while they can and feel loved in whatever way they need it.
And honestly- that man may get up and leave tomorrow! You’ll always be a mom tho.

The only time I’d co sleep is when they were sick or in the early weekend mornings. Other then that my children slept in the own bed. My bed was mine and their dads… all 5 Children slept in their own beds since they were brought home.

I think it depends on you. I am currently co-sleeping with my toddler and honestly, she is my comfort pill at night too. But some mothers doesn’t want that for different reasons which are totally ok coz it is a heartbreaking process to stop. In the end,it will go down with what you want, your already routine with your kid or to give way to your bf’s needs. Tho in my case, I know I would be beside her as long as we are comfortable that way. I also have an 11 year old boy now and we stopped co-sleeping when he was around 6, and now he refuses to not sleep on his own bed. So I guess, this is me saying, I can only take advantage of the cuddles this long so why not. But that’s only me

My sons almost 5 and he still sleeps with me.
He has his own room and bed he just chooses to sleep with me. He always has, it’s a comfort thing.
My advice is don’t ask a fb group, or your bfs opinion… your kid your choice :woman_shrugging:t2:


I took my daughter shopping and let her pick out her own comforter and some new wall decor… it really did help.

Skylar Never slept in a crib, only mommy and daddy’s bed.


Mine did when I had my second child. Her dad started carrying her to her bed when she feel asleep in mine. So that was about 5 years. My youngest still sleeps w me and she is 5. Even when she falls asleep in her own bed she wakes up and comes to mine.

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My kids never slept with me so I could avoid never being able to sleep like an adult

I think mine was in kindergarten or first grade. Talk to bf… child comes first. They are only little for so long. Enjoy that!!


My daughter started sleeping by herself when she was 4 years old. I decorate her room the way she wanted. She doesn’t want us to call her baby because she said she’s big girl already so we use that we told her she’s already big so she need to learn to sleep by herself. it’s natural that they scared and crying, don’t let her watch scary videos or scared her about monster and ghost.

My youngest is 11 and my bed is his bed, sometimes my 15 year old will climb in with me as well if he needs extra comfort with his anxiety.

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My advice… Ditch the dude :woman_shrugging: kids snuggle better anyways :joy:

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My son is 10 and still sleeps off and on with me!

My 6 year old has the occasional sleep in our bed still some nights I find it hard to sleep some nights when she’s not in bed with me my 4 year old and 1 year old have always slept in there own bed learnt from the first not to do that again :joy: good luck

It’s something that you want not what other people want if you want her to sleep in your bed then you have her sleep in your bed, I am currently pregnant with my first kid, i personally won’t let my baby co-sleep with me and my boyfriend because of death reasons. He will only sleep by me in his swing. The only way I will let my kids sleep with me if it’s just me and him in the bed

Never. Besides when he was a baby and it was for a little while or when he was a child and I said he could, he had his own bed and sleeping space. We are close and life is fine… he’s 29 now.


My oldest was about 11 when we stopped

Right before Kindergarten, we painted her room and got her a new bed to make it exciting. I still lay down with her in her bed until she falls asleep though. Probably will do that until she won’t let me anymore (they aren’t little for very long😉) She just turned 8.


Mine was 6 or seven but I have a 14 year old that at times still comes and sleeps with me. Your there safe zone.

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Umm the question should be where to get a new boyfriend. :unamused::unamused:

Mine is 10, and I let him sleep with me when dad is away at work for 3 weeks. Judge me if u want but he has no issues going to his bed when dad is home!!


We initially put a small bed in our room right next to our bed, then slowly moved it away to transition our daughter to being on her own.

She ha sleep apnea so she needed other people close by to regulate her breathing until she got older.


My kids have never ever slept with me. They have a bed for a reason. They also never had a dummie

Ours did not sleep with us. If they were scared or sick I went to them.


I put all my kids to sleep in their own beds,A month after they were born

Well, my daughter was 8…only left my bed because her brother was born. He was 10 almost 11. He still gets in bed with me sometimes. I painted his room, let him pick out a bed and bedroom sets. What got him out, he wanted to watch what he wanted on tv and I wouldn’t change the channel…worked! He went to his room to watch his show before lights out. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Who’s been around longer? Him or your daughter? I’d give her a couple of more years. Kid have fears and insecurities too an d they just want your comforting presence.


My kids never slept with me, maybe once in a while when they got scared, but once they fell asleep I would just put them back in their beds. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, but it is a very hard habit to break, as I’ve known many mom’s to have problems with this situation. Good luck hun!

Honestly, believe that it’s up to you to make that choice. Either you want them sleeping next to you until they’re able to sleep in their own bed or get them in their own bed now…

As a mother myself I sleep with my babies. I do not care how long they want to either. I’m their safe zone, and they count on me to be there as a mother should be. That’s my opinion anyways.

First mistake was not making them independent young. Ya you can let them sleep with you sometimes . But if there there all the time . It’s tough to change A normal habit


That boyfriend can easily be replaced but your daughter’s mental health cannot. Him making a huge issue over it should let you know he isn’t the one for you or your baby. Only put her into her own bed if YOU feel right and comfortable with it, not because some dude tells you to.


My nephew sleeps between my brother and his wife, since he was a baby. He’s 5 now.
My twins sleep in my room, in their own cribs. When one has a sleepless night I have him lay with me until he falls asleep. I would take a few years before I let this “boyfriend” sleep over. This man needs to understand that you have a daughter. She comes first and if he can’t understand that than it’s best you let him go now, before it becomes an issue. No mother should have to chose between her baby and some guy.

I would be worried for my daughter to be in her own bed with the boyfriend there. It’s a known fact that the “boyfriend” could do something to her.
I could be just paranoid and thinking of the safety of your kid but it does happen.

My husband is a firefighter. That means he’s away for 24 hours any other day. I don’t like to sleep alone then. So when he’s not home, I sleep with my daughter is bed, she’s 4. When he is home, she sleeps on a mattress on the floor…that is something she does herself. Cus after around 1 am, she wakes up and comes with her mattress🤣. Now we just leave the mattress in our room🤷🏽‍♀️

Mine never coslept… probably good too bc at 7 kid kicks and moves all over in her sleep. Lol

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Honestly … you need to transition her to her own bed and own room, the sooner the better … she needs to learn to soothe herself also …if you want a healthy relationship with your boyfriend and healthy relationships have alone time in bed together to cuddle and have a healthy sex life and intimacy. So 5 is definitely old enough, and everyone saying boyfriend can go… but reality is he isn’t be unreasonable for wanting intimacy and to sleep with his partner alone at night tht is part of a healthy adult relationship and the daughter is old enough and able to understand she has a big girl bed and she’s a big girl, it’s beneficial to the child as well, children need to learn independence and learn to self soothe and cope with change. These are all very important and extremely beneficial learning stages in a child’s life. So definitely healthy for her to be transitioned into her big girl bed. And plus mommy needs time alone and to herself also. We are parents to raise and teach our child and to teach them to be independent and strong not dependent and coddled. You and your daughter can do this and it’s healthy and normal. We don’t want them to grow as time flies but it’s life and we can only do our best but remember to let them grow …:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Mine come in for a morning cuddle or after a bad dream, or when they’re sick. It’s security. Make a fun room, tuck her in every night, she’ll switch to sleeping alone if she knows there is an option for morning cuddle.

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Listen to the song “Let them be little” then make your decision. I have a 7 bedroom house and my 3 younger ones still sleep in my room. Ages 7, 10, and 12. The 7 year old still sleeps in my bed the other 2 make a bed on my floor ( even though they have their own rooms with TV X Box and LED lights. They feel safe in my room as I am their protector. Treasure those moments they want to be with you because before you know it they will be a teenager that doesn’t ( need you) anymore until they get to be about 20. I have 6 kids 3 older and the 3 younger. Believe me enjoy the moments while you can.

I never let mines co sleep for this reason. I knew it would be a hard habit to break


Never co-slept. 3 girls all had own cribs then beds. My partner was not about to share a bed with a child, nor was I.

Never, I always felt as a baby it was unsafe. They slept beside me in a bassinet. Then moved to a crib, then bed in their own room.


Both of mine were 12


At least before they are in school. Kids are ruthless towards codependent children of that age.

Never lol. Kids come first no matter what. If he can’t deal with it… next!


bless divinity and bless god. i must be dreaming as i never thoughts my husband would be back to me after all this time. I am so much shock and just can’t believe my eyes. thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. Dr anetor because if not for Dr anetor, love spell i would have committed suicide if my husband didn’t come back to me!!! (dranetorlovespells@gmail)com If you need any help contact him on Whatsapp:+2349150336195 in getting your ex back or lover back. Redirecting... i GOT JOY BACK. I’m so excited, It only took a 15 hours for him to come home.

Mine is 6, still sleeps with me. He has his own room and spends all day there. I even manage to get him to fall asleep in his room but he always wakes up during the night and comes to my room

Big mistake should of never started I never let my daughter sleep with me and she grew up a very independent young lady

Is that a question? I will never live with a man who will make that an issue. My child is my top priority, if a man will not understand that then he can find someone else. I co-sleep with my 4 year old and she is not needy or a brat. She is in kindergarten at day time and she wants cuddle at night. I will never trade my child with a man🙄

Tell him to suck it lol who gives a crap what he thinks, if it works for you and your daughter than so be it. My 5 yr old daughter also loves sleeping with me in my bed, it probably makes her feel safe and I’m more comfortable her sleeping right where I am too anyways :blush:

You’re not supposed to, ever, because of risks.
That being said, i coslept with my youngest when we first brought her home, mostly because me and her daddy would bond with her at night and fall asleep, and I was breastfeeding so it was easy to fall asleep like that. We had a huge bed and were both very conscious of her, like neither of us slept very deeply if she was with us like some part of our brains stayed awake for her sake. We got her into her own bed before 3 months though. She doesn’t like to sleep alone in a room but she sleeps in her own bed in her brother’s room.
On the one hand bonding is so important. But on the other hand, kids have to learn to sleep alone. I don’t think your bf is out of line at all, tbh

My kids never have! Unless they were extremely sick!

Sounds like youre partner has more of an issue. My son was almost 12 when he completely stopped. She will do it in her own time

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My kids are 30 & 25 & when they come home they end up right on my bed & all I can do is enjoy the moment cuz one day its gona all end! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think this is nobody’s choice but yours and your daughter’s. I’m a single mom of a 13 year old but he slept in bed with us until about 5 then his dad and I split. So we had to share a room and he had night terrors. Every man who heard about this gave me the worst time. I didn’t let it change me. Always knew he would do it on his own and go sleep in his own room. He was 11 when that happened. People are so judgmental. It’s your child it’s your choice and no one should ever talk to another parent about how to raise their kids.


I found gradually was best start with an hour at a time never moaning when my child woke up and came in my bed it does work that way

My son slept with me from like 4yrs old til 6. Then my daughter slept with.me from like 3 till about 6. My youngest always slept in her own bed until about 2 years ago when her step father died. She is 9 now. I will continue to let her sleep with me for however long she wants or needs. Everyone is different. You have to do what you feel is best for you and your child.

Why is he not in his own place sleeping in his own bed then???


Sounds like BF is the problem

We stopped at 3. We tried stopping at 2 but I finally put my foot down last year. She finally slept through the night without us moving around and snoring lol. She is 4.5 now and we totally nap together on weekends. I still miss her lol.

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I never co slept. I love my alone time/ time with my spouse at night. It’s the only time you get to be someone other than mom or an employee.


My son was 3 when I stopped. He is 6 now. I still let him sleep with me sometimes and my mom let’s him sleep with her.


4/6 months tops :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::laughing: my last baby was 4 ms old when I put him in his own bed and that is when we both finally started sleeping through the night, we were waking each other up all night.

Never co slept. I think I would go crazy without that little time alone in my own space lol


My daughter is 6 and is off and on in the bed still. Its at her pace.


My daughter is 4 an she still does tell your bf to get over it. she’s your kid an if she wants to sleep with you why not? :woman_shrugging:t4:


Since birth
Five year old should have her own bed.


My daughter is 8 and she sleeps with me from time to time. She has her own rooms but she sleeps by herself 80% of the time. I’m 27 and my mom still lets me sleep in bed with her when I need the comfort mind you I had severe anxiety and depression due to a DV relationship.


About a year. Still did naps together till 14 months

Since Day One. I don’t believe in Co-Sleeping at all. :unamused::unamused:


So I made this mistake. She was 4 and trying to sleep laying across my head…I got a twin size bed put it beside my bed. I had her get in her bed and would lay close to her on my bed. Then I would just hold her hand while she fell asleep. Once she was sleeping in her bed in my room and going to sleep by herself, I gave it about 2 weeks. During that 2 weeks I talked up what a big girl she is . Then moved her bed into her big girl room. Let her pick sheets and blankets. Then I never let her sleep in our bed at night again. If she came to me scared or not feeling well I would take her back to her room and stay till she fell asleep. Sometimes if she was sick I would sleep with her. Good luck


My youngest is almost 4 and sleeps with me, because if she doesn’t, she’s either up destroying the house or having nightmares. Do what makes you and your child comfortable.


It’s your choice and when she doesn’t want to sleep with you anymore that’s her choice and she won’t


Never co slept my older kids come in if they cant sleep or are scared and every now and then I have slumber parties bc they wanna get their momma snuggles they are 4 and 6. My 1 year old won’t sleep with me :joy:

Redecorate her room! Make it fun! Have lots of night lights so she doesn’t get scared. Help her fall asleep for a while in her room. Read books etc. even a tv. My son is five and still comes in my room sometime every single night. I make him a cot on the floor. He is allowed to come in and go back to sleep but not allowed to wake us up. Unless it’s important obviously. This helped a lot when the baby was born. Good luck!

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They’re not gonna need you once they’ve grown up. Keep them close hug them tight now till they still want your warmth and cudddles, won’t last for too long and then you’ll miss it.


Just keep in mind they are only little once ! It goes by so fast ! And you will never have this time again ! My kids are all grown and I would give about anything to have back some time when they were little! :weary::weary::weary::weary:


My children slept with me until they wanted to sleep in their own beds. My 9 & 7 yos still come to my bed occasionally. I wouldn’t have it different. I’m their safety & comfort.


At 3 we stopped… Put her in her own room and bed with no problems
(5 years old every now and then, we’ll have a special night and she can come have a “sleep over”)

The only advice I can give you is do whatever your comfortable with. You only get one chance to raise your children.
It’s important she has her own bed and her own space, But it’s also important for her to feel comfortable and at ease and you too Mama!

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My youngest daughter stopped sleeping with me when she was 12. But my man works out of town so when he was away she was in my bed lol my oldest was about 10. I think when they were 6-8 I tried sleeping bags on my floor and they spent some time sleeping together. But I have zero regrets about how long the slept with me.


All 3 of my kids slept in my bed with me (I was a single mother) till they were 4,6,and 8

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I’m a mom of 8 and coslept with ALL of them. Currently got my 6 month old in bed with me. They all stopped when they were ready too. Between the ages of 5-3 years old.
I personally sleep much better with them (breastfeeding) we both get to sleep through the night.
Just do what’s right for the both of you.
One day your gonna miss this.


My 4 year old just recently started sleeping in a bed by himself. There’s nights where he wants cuddles before bed and usually falls asleep during that time. I have 2 big dogs that sleep on his bed with him which was the only way to get him to sleep by himself. It’s been almost 2 weeks now and he sleeps through the night in his own bed. But if she sleeps through the night I’d get her a twin bed so you can cuddle with her as she falls asleep. She’ll eventually be able to fall asleep by herself. And just keep praising her. Good luck!

Since day one.
Can you blame him? He’s a grown man who can’t get any time with you bc a full child is in HIS bed. Yes, it’s his bed too. Your room should be a place he can go to a wind down, not have to move 2 ppl to get in bed & rest.
We made our room No Entry without permission so we could take phone calls or read. Just like our kids rooms are for them to retreat & get a break. I’m not surprised he’s upset. He has no space that’s for him.
Setup her room. Take her to pick out her sheets and all & really build it up. Get her a stuffed animal that she can hold. A nightlight & her own night time book. Start talking to her about growing up and being a big girl in her own space. You have to be consistent & put her back when she gets up. Sadly, it nay be harder bc she’s 5 but she will get there.


Naps together were something I don’t mind with my 5 year old but he’s always slept in his own bed. Bassinet beside me, crib beside me, then at a year and a half he was moved into his own room and always slept there. I would put him back to bed kf he woke with cuddles. We always had a bedtime routine we stuck to from the start.

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