My daughter has her own bed and room she finally can sleep by her self without me laying next to here. she is 8 and occasionally at midnight she comes in our bedroom.
Get a new bf problem solved
Never start it, Especially with a man in your bed!
My first child stopped sleeping with me when she started sleeping through the night, she was about 2 1/2. My second child never slept in the bed with me.
When my daughter went to school at 5 I made her start sleeping in her own bed.
I at first regretted allowing it but I now see the moments that will once be gone. If my boys want to jump in bed with me at 13 then my bed is always available. Cherish it
After 1ish . Then I’d let it slide some, and officially right before 3. It’s just not comfy he’d like sleep on my face
When my baby was officially back on day/night schedule. Now she’s 7 months old and has no issue with crib, ever since liiike I believe 1 or 2 months?
Its his problem, dont let it become yours! Kids know and sence things before adults
My three year old is in my bed ahh
My almost 6 year old and 4 year old still sleep in bed with my husband and I. Don’t let him force you make her sleep in her own bed unless it’s what you want too. And if it is, start with letting her fall asleep in your bed then move her to her own bed. After a week or two of that. Put her in her bed to fall asleep and stay in the room with her until she does. Eventually you will be able to just have her sleep in her own room without your help. But it’s a slow process, don’t rush it.
My son was in my bed until he was 5. He’s been through a lot. There’s still nights he ask to sleep on my bedroom floor when he’s had a rough day. Kids see momma as thier safe place. Enjoy it while it last before they are to cool for momma.
Haha make him sleep on the couch . He could be temporary. Ur babies won’t sleep with u forever
Just get her room ready. Have her pick out bedding and things she likes for her room. At first if she needs u lay with her on her bed and leave when she’s sleeping. Eventually she’ll fall asleep on her own. She’ll end up loving her room and her space.
My daughter is 4 and many people are against cosleeping. I mean heck even some days I am and want her to just sleep in her own bed for the night. But then I get to thinking how one day she won’t want to cuddle with me in my own bed to watch a movie, or let me brush her hair for her, or any of the small things I enjoy helping her with and that’s when I realize I need to cherish these small moments I have with my baby girl because one day she’ll be grown up before I know it and won’t want to cuddle in bed with mommy anymore.
I had me my husband and 5 kids in my bed they left when they wanted to
My daughter has been in her room since about a month old, but she occasionally sleeps with me when she’s having a rough night. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it and they won’t want to sleep with mommy for forever. Enjoy it while it lasts
I never co-slept. I’ve seen way too many people accidentally smother their babies doing that.
My almost 3 year old sleeps with me. I’m divorced so it’s nice having the company but sometimes I wish I could get her in her own bed lol she has her own bedroom…it’s now a glorified play room with a bed. The cat sleeps in it.
Remember that even adults want someone with them at night.
Get a new bf your daughter comes first.
My 5 kids at some point or another wound up in bed with me…They out grow it. The best conversations were the ones at night… Hang in to those memories
My daughter was 5 or 6 before she went to her own room and bed, my son has severe anxiety so his bed is still in my room and he’s 7. He has his own bed in my room
Get a new man. Guys come and go, but that little girl is yours forever. And soon enough she’ll be grown up and not want to sleep with you. This is precious time you can’t get back.
Transitioned my son at 2 in his own bed. However, we put his bed in our room so he’s still beside us but we all get a good night’s rest. Will eventually move him to his own bed
My older 2 kids always had their own beds…and slept in them most nights but when my husband passed away (they were 8 & 2 1/2), they both started sleeping with me every night. Oldest was with me until she was 12 (by her choice), youngest until he was about 9(mostly by his choice but still crawled in with me from time to time).
That was when I met my current bf…and we got pregnant not long after. Our youngest turned 9 at the end of December and we are just starting again on getting a bedtime routine where she stays in her own bed all night…but I don’t stop her if she comes in with us. They are only little for a short time and I appreciate that they feel safe with me. Before long I won’t have any of my own littles to snuggle every day…so I’m getting in as much time as I can with them now.
1-2 years at most. Gives them their own bed and space to learn to be independent.
Your child will only want to sleep with you for so long. Enjoy it. My son sleeps in his own bed but anytime he wants to sleep with me I’m all for it. Idc what my BF thinks.
I stopped co-sleeping when she was 1. Yet on the other hand she has decided off and on for the last three years that she’s not don’t yet.
My baby girl is five and still sleeps with me and my husband ( who is a truck driver and not home every night) and she can sleep with us/me until she wants to sleep in her own. She’s my cuddler!
I’m a single mom and my son is about to be 7 and still sleeps with Me. He has is own room and bed and hangs out in there but at bed time he comes upstairs to my room. He has slept with me since day one. On and off in his own room. But mainly with me. I was recently told I was disgusting for this. But I could care less. My son loves to snuggle and be around his mom and one day he will out grow it. And be to cool for me. So I’m soaking it up while it last. I say do what makes you happy! It’s your child.
They’re supposed to stop? Lol Only kind of kidding. I’m sorry it’s causing issues with your boyfriend, but if you and she are both fine with how things have been, it sounds like he’s the problem.
My two kids switch out spots in my bed. They fight over who gets what night…when I allow it
My daughter was the same way. Didn’t get out of our bed until age 5. What worked for me was letting her pick out a bed she liked,pick out bedding she liked, and pick out a nightlight she liked with new pillow and stuffed animal. She ended up with a Minnie Mouse bed, moon light,Minnie mouse bedding and pillow,and lion stuffed animal and slept in her room with new bed and stuff first night we got it. It was shaky the first week…she kept coming into our room asking to sleep with us still,but we told her no and held our ground. Had an agreement. She gets all that stuff,then she has to sleep in her bed from now on. After a week…she stopped asking to sleep with us.
My baby is 7, he starts in his own bed then waltzes on into mine every night. I’m 8.5months pregnant and I’ve told him he’ll have to stay in his own bed once sissy comes, his reply is “no she can stay in the bassinet”
My daughter is 4 and just now got her own bed. She still falls asleep with me. Your bf can go.
Get u a new bf! Ur daughter should be put first
- Only cuz school started.
Had a sleepover with my 15 year old last night
I have two kids my first I slept with him until he was about 8 years old even though he had his own bed but I would worry a lot cuz he sleepwalk and with my daughter she’s almost 3 and I still sleep with her
I’m a single mom and my daughter is 15 and she likes sleeping with me ever once in a while …
Soak it up as long as possible! She will be grown like my 3 boys before you know it! I wish mine were still little and liked to snuggle!! Don’t let a man push your kid to the side because it makes him mad.
My baby is 3yr co sleeps with my hubby and I. We upgraded to a king and he has is own pillow and blanket and we all have room. He is also a big 3yr…40 pounds and almost 4ft tall.
At birth. We never did it. Too much of a SIDS risk. I also believe that children need to learn from the start to sleep in their own beds.
Tell your boy friend get over it .
My youngest son is 4 and still co sleeps…my older boys also co slept until about 1st grade I’m fixing to have a baby in june and I will co sleep her as well. We never get the time back!
I was I think 10 when I stopped sleeping in bed with my mom
My kids are 9 and 10 and just got out of my bed a few months ago, only reason is because I downsized lol
My 5 children never slept with me that was my husband and my room and bed
Put that child in their bed and stick to it
I still co sleep with my 5 and 3 yr old
Maybe you could try falling asleep with her in her bed. Then you could go to your own bed
About three weeks old lol
Tell him that spot is for her or your husband and see what he says
I can completely see were he is coming from its hard to sleep with a kid in the bed especially a 5 year old anyway I’d start with a bed of their own in your room then moving the bed to their own room after a while. It is working for my 2 year old so far anyway. Good luck I know its hard to make that adjustment at any age
My daughter is 7 and still sleeps in the bed with me amd her daddy. Currently 35 weeks pregnant and plan to put baby boy in his crib but well see what happens. My 7 yr old will sleep by herself if made to but prefers to snuggle.
I mean I’m 34 and I still co sleep with my momma especially when I’m pregnant… id sneak out and night and get home after she make me salmon croquettes and rice.
My 13 year old still falls asleep in our bed.
My girls are 4 and 3 and have slept with me pretty much since they were born and it was an easy transition in the own beds in there own rooms ! They got to pick out a piece of candy In the morning or a treat of some sort if they slept in there beds and they did !
My baby is 10 and still occasionally sleeps with me.
My 12 and 2 year old girls still sleep with me
The internet will have many great ideas- my advice us when you try something try multiple things until you figure what works for your family.
At 5 that is a bit old, but oh my do i get it momma. I miss cuddles
my daughter is 7 and still sleeps by me
My son was 3 and my little girl who is 2 is currently in a side car crib. She has her own space I have mine but if she needs me I’m right there. I find this transition is easier for them. I did the same for my son. Then by 3 if she is ready she will go into her own bed alone.
We still co-sleep at 3 years old but once he’s out, I roll away so me and the husband can enjoy our evening together.
Three kids. Never co slept. I refuse. Unless they are sick
The day they were born
they stop when they r ready i loved it but i was a single mum
My children never co slept with us.
Just after her 5th birthday, partner just wasn’t happy with it anymore
My son slept with me until he was 12.
My kids were only allowed to co-sleep if it was nightmare or thunderstorm related. They need to learn independence and you and your bf need time alone too.
Co-sleeping for too long is a good way to create co-dependence
My son is almost 2 and usually sleeps in his own bed but I’ll admit I do love when he does come in our bed. We co-slept from I’d say 13 months-18 or 19 month’s consecutively but my husband was working late nights so I’d go to bed alone. I always put him to sleep in his own bed first and then would bring him in with me when I went to bed lol. Now my hubby works early mornings instead and my boy is in a single bed… so I snuggle him while he falls asleep and then leave. In the morning, he comes to look for me and crawls in bed with me still for about 30 mins before we get up too lol. I personally love it and have zero regrets. I hope he wants to snuggle for a while still. He will sleep on his own perfectly fine still too- even when he sleeps over at his grandparents in his own room alone there.
We just started putting our boys in their rooms, we play their SpongeBob movie for them and they fall asleep. They have been sleeping in their rooms for about 2 weeks now. My babies are almost 2 and almost 4 years old.
Trick watching movie few minutes in there bed till fall asleep
Or bed on floor if they need
Only co slept if they were scared or sick. So not often. They went to their own rooms at 6 months
Mine is 7 and 1 and they still sleep in the bed with me. Which I’m single but still. I love it that they do. One day they will no longer want to. I’m gonna cherish every moment of it
My oldest was 8 and my youngest is 6 and still sleeps with me
My oldest who is now 13 started sleeping in her own room since she was 5 but every so often she comes in my room an sleeps with me for like 2 weeks an then goes back to her now my little one who is 5 started sharing a room with the big when she was 3 an she always come in my room 2 maybe 3 time a week
I never let my kids sleep with me… I watched my older sister do it before I even had kids and it was a nightmare for her…
Then he can get out and find a new bed! Your babies come first!
My 8 year old still sleeps with me and my oldest did until she was 12 so you let that baby sleep with you as long as she wants too … it’s not about your boyfriend… He can get over it or get lost.
He can get over it. It takes time and patience to get consistent with sleep in own bed and if Bf isn’t going to help then he can just deal with it.
Your child sleeps with you because they need your comfort… are you going to tell them they are too old to need you just to make your boyfriend happy?..
I told my daughter if she wanted to go to kindergarten “school” she had to start sleeping in her own room. Got her a star projector for her ceiling and it was a easy switch for her.
My 5 year old still sleeps with me a lot of the time and I have no issue with it🤷🏻♀️ he will sleep in his bed just fine but most nights he asks if he can sleep with me and I say yes. They’re only little once, one day it’ll be hard to get him to even cuddle with me so I soak it up.
Move her over after she is asleep. Or have her lay with you to watch a movie before bed time that way at bed time she can more to hers that’s a good time to switch her.
He needs to go. My daughter slept with me until she was ready.
My babies slept in their own room
That’s sad. He shouldn’t be making that call to move her from your bed. My kids do sleep in their beds in their own rooms but if they fall asleep with me on my bed or on the couch, my boyfriend doesn’t say a damn thing. He knows better.
Enjoy every minute of co sleeping. My kids are teenagers and still want ro sleep with me. Kind of a crowded in a twin bed with myself, kid, dog and 2 cats but we manage.
Is your boyfriend your daughters father? If not she should probably sleep in her own bed, or he should.
Choose who you want to sleep with and who needs you more beside them.
My youngest is 4 and sleeps in my bed with me. When his dad comes home from work, he drags him out of the bed and puts him in his own bed. But, the 4 yr old’s bed is in my room due to lack of space in the house
Y’all get on my nerves. IF YOUR KIDS DIDNT CO SLEEP. SHUT THE HELL UP. seriously. The whole point of the post is for this mom to get some advice about how to end co sleeping. Not a time for you Karens to “i did it better than you so i dont have that problem” her to death.
It takes about a week or two but get a routine started. Same time every night so they expect it coming. Try to be firm that they need to sleep in their bed. Once you start giving in the whole process starts over again. Let them know you’re always there so they don’t feel forgotten over night. Good luck
My kids slept with me for years. We would move them after they fell asleep many times. Too bad for the boyfriend honestly. I’d pick them over him.
All kids still sleep in same bed with me and their dad.
Probably, just a start a routine before bedtime and talk to her about sleeping in her own bedroom cos she’s a big girl now but mommy will be in the next room if anything comes up (:
I kicked my boys out of my bed when they turned 8yrs. Every now and again we have “sleepovers”. Where they bring in their mattress and sleep on the floor.