My oldest daughter was 3, but my oldest son is 5 and still co sleeps. My other daughter is two and sleeps in her bed. I’m currently co sleeping with a 10 month old. I’d say it really depends on the child. My 5 year old son, probably would have been kicked out of our bed already and I’m still trying but he was born with medical problems, so we’ve been a little more lenient with him.
This post makes me feel better. My daughter is 5 and we co sleep because of lack of space where we live. I finally bought our own place and I am fixing everything that needs fixed in order for us to move in and she will finally have her own room. I’m super nervous for the process of having her sleep in her own room now. I think I’m going to miss it more than she is.
I stopped before a year because it’s harder after that. Either put them to sleep and move them or deal with the drama of them falling asleep alone.
Once I had the big kid beds and had a room for the oldest I would lay in bed with her in her own bed until she fell asleep and then move to my bed and just repeated it with the next two children and it’s worked out well so far
Never co slept but now I can’t get my 4yo twins out of my bed. They’ve been sleeping with me for about 6 months…
My kids never slept with me.
I stopped at 8 months, she’s 2 now and still sleeps in her own room, we give her all the cuddles and let her lay in bed with us before bedtime but then take her to her room after awhile of snuggle / play time on our bed.
My daughter co slept till she was about 4 almost 5. I would move her after she fell asleep but it never lasted long lol my son slept with us till he was about a year and half. Then we transitioned to his own big boy bed and he’s slept through the night sense then I can understand why your boyfriend would be upset. It took away one on one time with my SO and I didn’t realize it until my son slept in his own bed. But just to add my son room shares with us. We tried to put his bed in his room and he wouldn’t slept through the night. He doesn’t like being alone and some how he could just tell and would wake up all through the night once I went to my room. I slept on his floor a lot trying to get him used to his room but we decided he just wasn’t ready for his own room yet.
My kids are 7 and 8
My kids ALWAYS start out in their own beds. Buy when I wake up their in mine.
Mine never slept with me. Had them in their crib.
I stopped at 18 months. Baby still sleeps in my room but on the opposite side in her toddler bed.
8 1/2 months we stopped co sleeping
My old st when she started school (I took the change worse than her) my 6yo crawls in bed sometimes and I pretend I don’t know. The toddlers until they were almost 6mos exclusively then off and on up to 1 and I was due to deliver. The new boy the first 2 months or so the girl every now and then she’s a good sleeper
My opinion…they grow up so fast. I enjoy the snuggles and so do my kids. I’ve studies so much about physical touch…snuggles, hugs, holding hands. It helps them learn empathy, sympathy, tenderness etc. Enjoy them being little.
Put her in her own room let her help in making it her own space x
I get it…she’s too old.
Lmao some of you women are you’re advice stinks leave you’re boyfriend cos he complains about the 5 year old sleeping in the bed crackers I co slept with my girl until she was 3 majority of the time if wait until she was knocked out and move her out of bed but then she decided she wanted to sleep in her own bed
Mines 7. Hes still with us. I have a harder time with it than my partner as I have trouble sleeping but we still enjoy having him by us. Sometimes we stay with him in his bed untill he falls asleep or put him in his bed later but more often than not hes with us and were all more at ease being together I’d say.
Omg same here w the bf- my child is 2. So I gave in n brought my rocker recliner into his room n when he falls asleep in my arms, I put him into bed… he wakes up some but I just go in n do it all again. It’s getting better… good luck mama!
N to the moms who say “mine always slept in their own room” -THIS ISN’T HELPFUL! smh where’s the support?
I loved cosleeping n regret nothing! To each their own show love not criticize ladies!!!
My kids are now grown ups and nobody wants to sleep with me anymore. All 3 were different ages . Daughter around 6, and sons about 4 or 5. Dont rush it. I would give anything to go back to those days again. Most wonderful memories
My sons 4 and usually sleeps in my bed he has his own bed and room but I really dont mind theres gonna be a day when he outgrows it and I’ll probs miss him being so clingy lol
My daughter is 11 and she still sleeps with me
My sons only just asking for me to not sleep with him at 9!
My daughter is 5 she still falls asleep in my bed but then gets put in to her own bed once she is asleep, its took the best part of 6 months to get her to sleep in there all night but the patience pays off
Our 3 yr old still sleeps with us. However r other son who’s now 6 started staying outta r bed by age 4.5/5 … snack bath teeth and in bed by 730. If they get up u just say it’s bed time and help them back into their bed. If they get up again u say nothing but kiss or hug and put them back to bed. Eventually they’ll get it and it’ll get easier. (Supernanny trick) lol worked good for us… still working on our 3 yr old.
Martyn Stretch Haynes
They are only this young once!
my daughter is 5 and I always lay with her untill she falls asleep. Some nights she sleeps through, others she wakes and crawls in with us! And there are still nights that she wants to fall asleep in our bed and stay with us. these are usually when she’s had a big day or maybe its a day that’s been tougher for her at school and she wants her night to end with us.
Some nights its frustrating and others I love and am grateful for our bond.
On the frustrating nights I remind myself that one day she won’t wanna sleep with us and ill miss that beautiful little face that looks so peaceful next to me.
I know there are days where I just wanna be snuggled and held, children would certainly have these too! Just like I don’t really love sleeping on my own. I like my partner next to me, so I feel like I can understand why my daughter would want someone to lay with her aswell.
But this is just my opinion, and there and certainly many different ones out there. So just do whatever feels right with you! Xxxx
If your bf doesn’t like that…get rid of him. She’s your baby, and will only be 5 for a short time. Lay down with her until she fall asleep!!
“And he gets mad” Thats the problem, not your child sleeping in her moms bed.
3 weeks old and it has been heaven ever since. I’m selfish I like to have my time to unwind.
I have a four year old and she does this. But I let her pick out a new bed and new bedding and and I let her pick a theme for her room and it worked for about 2 weeks. I even let her fall alseep in my bed then take her to hers but she come back to my bed in the middle of the night. So I just let her decide if she wants to stay in my bed hers and I’m fine with either. One day she will be older and she wont need me like this and I’ll miss it. So your not alone and tell dad/bf he will be okay. They are only little once. Best of luck to ya!
She’s way too old, bedroom is our no kid space it’s the only place we can unwind and chill out.
Ask yourself if YOU have an issue with it. Or if it’s your boyfriend.
Should never have been in your bed in the first place. I can see why your boyfriend would be annoyed. He is bound to feel uncomfortable sharing a bed with you and your daughter. Looks like you have some tough choices to make
Under two years old shouldn’t be in bed with you period for safety reasons.
My youngest has always slept with someone so sleeping alone is hard for him, as it is for a lot of people, adults included. If she feels safer that way let her do it as long as she wants. She’ll be a teen too cool to hang with mom before you know it, and you’ll wish to have these days back.
I never co slept best decision
Mine slept in the bed with me till about 6. She had her own bed at 4 but didn’t like sleeping alone. So i had to let her fall asleep in my bed then place her in her own. Then she started to fall asleep in her own. It took a while but she’s finally been sleeping on her own for about a year and a half now.
My daughter/neice is 10 an My husband works midnights she sleeps with me every night weekends she sleeps with her sister she wakes up
through out the night with bad dreams an she has separation anxiety My sister/her mom lost her when she was born our mom had her till she was almost 2 then past so I think she’s so attached to me because of that but we’re in the process of doing her room an getting her involved an help pick stuff out so she’s comfortable sleeping on her own soon working progress
My kids never came in the bed with me a cuddle in to get them to sleep and straight in their own beds or you end up with a five year old still in your bed
They are only little people for so long… Embrace it … It goes too fast … This too shall pass and then you will miss it. Don’t let him rush it to be over bc he doesn’t understand.
When he puts a ring on it and makes you his wife then you can take his opinion under advisement, until then your baby comes first !
Mine slept in their crib… transitioned to a toddler bed… rarely slept in my bed
Biologically Normal Infant & Toddler Sleep
I’ve always slept in bed with my daughter as a new mom. We are biologically programmed to sleep with our children. But there are rules called the safe sleep seven to determine if it is the right choice for you. I’ve never rolled over on my daughter and every time I wake up we are in the same position. But I do have her bed next to us so if I need a break she goes to her own bed. Honestly feel like every mother should make the best decision for them because everyone’s situation is different. But don’t feel shamed for co-sleeping just because moms who have never co-slept tell you it’s dangerous.
Ummmm it’s your child and he can get over it!! Does he want a relationship with you or not ??
I haven’t saw one post in days about nails this been advice column one on one smh
Everyone saying dump him has real live issues. So y’all want your kids in bed with strange men or…?
I personally wouldn’t have my child in bed with anybody other than their parents. I never co-sleep at night because I’m too scared I’ll suffocate my child if he’s teething then we nap together during the day without bedding. You could try putting a bed for them right beside your bed and slowly moving it further away until they learn to fall asleep on their own. We’re putting my 6 month old in his own room after trialling us sleeping in the spare room. It’s a bit harder to get him to sleep but he sleeps a lot longer. It was really hard listening to the crying for the first couple of days. If he cries for more than 10 minutes then he’s up playing for 10 minutes then we put him back down again. Between playing and crying they eventually wear themselves out. Just make sure you start your bed time routine nice and early
because it’s absolute hell the first couple of days
Mine never co-slept. He was in his room the day he came home. My hubby would bring him to me before work to nurse since i had been up all night with feedings, but otherwise, he slept fine in his crib. I didnt want to start that and not be able to stop.
My son is almost 7 and still come to us at night but he gets in at dad’s side…
It’s really important developmentally at her age to learn to be comfortable and confident in her own space. She needs to learn that she is secure in her own bed and also safe at night on her own. It’s probably going to be rough getting her into her own bed. Lots of encouragement, get her a new stuffed animal to sleep with in her bed, and be strong. (Watch some Supernanny episodes for a technique). Side note, I get your boyfriend’s hesitancy. There are awful accusations that can be made these days about sleeping with a young girl who is not your biological child. Ask him to help you with this process. Who knows, there could be some fun rewards once you have the bed to yourselves .
Around 2.5-3. She’s old enough you can just tell her she is a big girl now… it is time for her to sleep in her own bed.
You need a new boyfriend.
Wow. With some of these responses I can see why the broken home epidemic is the way it is. I’m actually more shocked that there is still a few that are trying to give advice and not just “be done with him”.
Your definitely not in a relationship if the first thing that comes to mind when adversity comes up is to do away with your other. I get the feeling from what was said is it’s an every night thing. That not good weather this man is the father or not. If he’s not than WTH are you doing having him in bed with your child in the first place?! Either way sounds like the child is running the show and that will not end well.
Our son never slept with us.
I never did. I had 4 children in 5 years (very lucky as I have PCOS) so I needed my rest. Unless they were ill
My son is ten and he still sleeps with us. He has his own room but he hates sleeping by himself. My boyfriend is OK with that. We know that with time he’ll be on his own.
My daughters only recently stopped sneaking in she’s almost 11
You make her sleep in her own bed. You are the parent right? Be a parent! You’ll lose your bf you’re so concerned about!!!
My children never slept with me. I started them off in their own beds as soon as they came home from the hospital. I’m the oldest of ten.
My kids never slept with me unless they were having high fevers from sickness.
I’ve never let my child sleep with me at all. Since day one. I didn’t want my child to have that dependency.
Get a new boyfriend
Around 14, but I wish she still did every now and then. She’s 21 now.
have to have that conversation with her…she’s a big girl…if she’s scared…you deal…
Age makes a difference…
The guy putting pressure and stepping inbetween the two…
THAT would be MY biggest concern… guys will always come and go…the messaging and damage to our littles DON’T…
Choose wisely beautiful!!
My LG 8 and I’ve tried so many times to get her in her own bed, she tells me that she loves snuggling with me and that melts my heat
Mine does the same he’s 4 almost 5 so I go with him in his bed til he falls asleep then I go to mine
I never co slept I’d get my youngest off to sleep in my bed and move her but made a rod for my own back as she’s 5 now and still won’t go to sleep if I’m not sitting with her
Still trying to ban them
If he gets mad over your child ? Then he isn’t the right person to be around a child.
If he’s in your home? He needs to leave.
As for the child and you falling asleep together? Thats your choice, You routine.
Kids first.
My boys always slept in their own beds she’s too old especially w a man around how could he feel comfortable w a child in the bed… time to learn especially if you want a man around and it don’t mean you choosing a man it means its time to be a big girl and maybe have special girl time so she don’t feel pushed away
All these comments telling her to get rid of her BOYFRIEND, well seems the BOYFRIEND has more common sense, THAT BOYFRIEND’S DONT BELONG IN THE BED WITH HER DAUGHTER!
I never started it from day 1 mine slept in their own bed
My daughter and both my sons were around 1 year old when we stopped co-sleeping. I started with a toddler bed in our room and eventually moved them out to their own rooms.
I never co-slept with my kids.
I Never co slept for this reason. My kids have always been in their own bed. Parents beds are for just parents. I cant imagine having my kids sleep in the same bed that I share intimate moments with my so.
I did it till he was about 5 then we went and got big boys bed room stuff, he’s been in his room ever since. Same with my other two.
My daughter just turned two and she had a sleep over at her aunt’s house where she slept in her own bed. When she came home I got her bed set up. She is totally excited but wants me to nurse her to sleep like I do in my bed. Doesnt work too well. I give her the option to choose where she sleeps and so far has chosen to sleep with us. It doesn’t help that she has a fever so I’m taking it easy. She did sleep in it for about two hours one night so far. The sleep over was just this last weekend. Make getting a bed as exciting for them as getting a car is for a teenager is my suggestion. Make it a right of passage and they will feel better about it. Like gaining something cool and not loosing the comforts of mommy.
Choose ur daughter if ur daughter was sleeping with you wen u met then don’t rearrange cause he acting like a child kids over boyfriend anyday that’s ur daughter and yours bonding time
Consistently? 14mo and 16mo, but our 5 year old (the one who stopped at 14mo) will come sleep with us occasionally if she has a bad dream. It’s okay to make efforts to end cosleeping, but ultimately, that’s your child’s safe place. I can understand wanting the bed back to yourselves, but boyfriend needs to understand the child side of it too. Getting mad at you over it isn’t healthy. Also, you do need to understand his side as well, are yall getting enough intimate/alone time? Is 5 year old a crazy sleeper and he is tired of being kicked or waking with feet in the face?(lol) There is honeslty a lot that can be going on with this, not to mention if he isn’t the dad, depending on how long yall have been dating, maybe he isnt comfortable with it? Or, maybe he just thinks you’re “babying” the 5y old, (impossible, BTW.) … Communicate, and find a happy medium for everyone.
and again - Getting mad at you for it ISNT HEALTHY.
Get a new boyfriend lol especially if that’s not her father and he had an issue with her sleeping with you. She’s 5🤷🏻♀️
Ur boyfriend needs to stay out of it. That is ur realtionship with ur child. And u do what works best for I. I got my son to sleep on his own by laying in bed with him till he falls asleep and sneaking out after. If he gets up in the middle of the night. Go lay down with her till she falls asleep again. It’s a process but it works
Me and my fiancé have this issue to I have 3 boys was a single mom they all coslept and they still come sleep with me. Once they are asleep he moves them. We have tried having them sleep in their own room but that doesn’t always work. So he just moves them to their bed.
We stopped co sleeping when when we came out of me. I kept his bassinet at my bedside for the first 6 weeks, but after that we moved him to his room and he has stayed there ever since
The trick is to do it when they are under 1, my daughter only took 2 sleepless nights and now it’s fab, although I miss sleeping with her, it’s for the best x
I had this problem many years ago. My girlfriend had a daughter who was 3 and she always slept in moms bed even though she had her own beautiful bed. And when I came along she resented me sleeping there and felt like I was kicking her out. We consulted a child psychologist and this was the solution.
We sat her down and let her know she was loved, but she’s a big girl and needs to sleep in her own bed. BUT, if she’s lonely or scared, she could sleep on the floor next to our bed and there was a rope she could hold onto that her mom held the other end so they would be connected.
On the 2nd night, at midnight. She got up off the floor, marched into her own room, got in her own bed, and we never had that issue again.
Try it.
If i was him ,i would not like it much either, she needs to sleep in her own bed at five years old .Getting into bed with you sometimes is fine. I wonder why you would rather sleep with your daughter than your bloke anyway, something wrong there, Or is she being possessive ? None of the scenarios seem healthy to me.
Mine started at almost 4 yrs old and still sleeps in bed with me, he’s currently 6.5 yrs. I’ve done research and talked to his pediatrician, he’ll stop when he’s ready. He was terrified to sleep in his own room after I had moved even after all the things I did to help. Such as a camera, night light, sound machine, monster spray, staying in until he was asleep, etc. It wasn’t worth him and I getting no sleep and yelling at each other late at night. As for your bf, maybe he needs to sit down and read some research about why kids co sleep and some kid development books to understand better. Maybe he won’t get as upset about it. Maybe you could try varying your routine so you aren’t falling asleep with her but she still knows she safe in your bed and that you always come to bed later.
My sister never did stop. Once a month she and her hubby would rent a motel room…
I never started it. They slept in our room for about 5 months in their own beds. Then across the hall to their own rooms. If they were sick or needed me I slept on a day bed in THEIR ROOMS. Worked out great.
I never coslept with my first son but I plan on doing so with my second
I don’t know why your bf is making a huge issue out of it but unless he is her father it’s not really his choice what you do with your daughter
This is why I stay single. My kids come first period. Sleeping with you makes her feel safe and she will sleep in her own bed when she’s ready. I have a 25 & 26 year old that slept with me until they were 8 or 9 off and on. They are perfectly well adjusted adults now. I also have a 5 & 6 year old. The 6 year old has been sleeping in his bed for a while now but the 5 year old still wants mommy at night so he’s still in my bed. Co-sleeping is not bad. Choosing a man over your kid is.
Your child sleeps? Lol
There is absolutely nothing wrong with her sleeping with you still. You are her safe place. My daughter still sleeps with me and she’s 5 as well. It all flies by so fast she’ll be wanting her own space soon. If it’s a big issue for your bf maybe he’s not the right fit for y’all. Kids come before men.
I had gotten a toddler bed to use in my room. Some time later bought her a new bed for her room. Use whatever may make her feel comfortable in her own room such as a nightlight. For mine, it was a tv being left on but bc she would watch it for hours I would put something on that was boring or just not too interesting.
My son was 11 when he finally went in his own room he was scared n diddnt like been on his own I tried for years to get him in his own bed n he would I just waited till he was ready and he asked me to decorate his room since then he’s been in his own room hes now 12 he still sleeps with his light on n door open so I would wait till she is ready
Mine stopped at 3 ,but when me and his mom split up he started sleeping with me until he was 8. Some people critiqued it. He seems well adjusted now at 22. Sometimes kids need that comfort. Or closeness.
My 10 year old son comes in sleeps with us when he has a bad dream
Sounds like the bf needs to back way off! Dont let him pressure you or your little girl into anything. This is either going to teach her to stand her ground and do what she is comfortable with, or it will teach her to put her needs aside for the pressure of a man.