What age did you stop letting your child dress up when going out in public?

What! Ignore those looks. As long as she is not wearing anything inappropriate let her dress up. It is how children express themselves.

Let her be little. One day she’ll stop and it will be a sad day because it means she’s getting older. Let her have fun and be herself!

Stop when she’s ready…kids grow so fast let them enjoy their childhood

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My daughters 7 and still occasionally like to dress up and did all the time at that age. It’s creative and why would anyone give a kid dirty looks?? My kids often went out as Superman and Wonder Woman. Meant I was well protected :joy:

Never discourage your child’s ability to outwardly express themselves just bc some ppl can’t get over themselves.


Let the haters hate. Theres time to grow up later.

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My sons 7, and as only just stopped wearing costumes because they don’t fit anymore he’s really tall for his age, he loved playing dress up, used to go to his brothers footy matches in costumes all the time

Ignore the dirty looks. Just smile and move along. Those people need to learn how to enjoy life.

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Screw them. You do you mom. And if your child wants to play dress up let her play. They just jealous.

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Screw the dirty looks!! I’d give them a dirty look right back! I love seeing kids being kids.

I learned to ignore my daughter has ADHD we get dirty looks all the time. she’s seven I still let her dressed up if she’s not throwing a fit not misbehaving whatever like pick your battles.

Screw the looks its a child living their best life… I dont get why anyone would be mad or think their looks or opinions matter🙄 let her be her momma, dont let this mess of a world we live in kill her spirit so early! F those people.

Rock those cheetah whiskers baby!
I’m 28 and still wear my Halloween costume all day. I wear tiaras and stuff on my birthday. You’re never too old for a little dress up fun

Ignore the looks, don’t steal her shine. Let her be little as long as she wants to, you only have these years for now.

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Let that imagination flow momma. Hell if you really want to go all out wear some whiskers too.

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So what if others don’t like it. As long as she is showing lots of skin, thinking sexual predators, then let her frigging be a kid

Don’t take your daughters happiness away because someone gave you a dirty look.

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You let that baby dress up as long as she wants. Who cares what others say or think. Problem with people today is they think they have an opinion about everyone else’s kids.

Tall as a 5 year old well my girl is 5 and she goes out dressed up. We went for a long walk couple weeks ago and she went out as Elsa everyone called her a princess :princess: :blush: tomorrow she is a mermaid :mermaid: :laughing::heartpulse:

She’s only little once, let her dress up took she starts school. Keep her imagination growing

My oldest is almost 9 and sometimes still does this! I think is great, let them be who/ what they want.

Let her keep dressing up if she enjoys it! She will soon grow out of it by herself! You don’t need to pressure her to stop using her imagination if anything it’ll do her good to be herself and I bet you love seeing her smile aswell, ignore the judgemental people your the only person on this earth that knows your child 100% x

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sorry I’m going to be hated but dressing up at home is one thing letting a child believe the world is a fairy tail letting them go out at any age dressed up doesn’t happen here either

My son would go out randomly as a
Iron Man, a ninja, pirate, military (and sometimes a little bit of everything) until he was about 5ish And then he toned it down on his own a bit. Even now though he has days where he is dressed in clothing and wears a pirate hat. Just cause. And he is 8. Let them be little. Who cares about the others.

I say let her do her thing, It shows she is a individual & that is a good thing :slight_smile:

She’s still so little. I’d let her be a kid. I love dressing my little one up.

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Never stop your kids from expressing themselves. Who cares what others think :blush:

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Lol my son is 7 and the other day he wanted to wear his Jack skellington suit and I was stoked!! I love when my kids dress up, he loves to wear his woody costume when he gets a chance to. I’ve also bought a ton of Disney dresses for my 4 and 1yr old to wear and they love it and I never discourage them from wanting to wear them in public! They re only kids for such a short time and encouraging them to be themselves and wear what they love while using their imagination… is one of the best thibgs a parent can do for a child! I’m sad to hear people gave ur child or you dirty looks, I’ve only ever noticed the people complimenting or smiling at my kids… but it’s probably cause I usually don’t pay attention to people… don’t like adults, majority are assholes lol

Never! Let her dress up as long as she wants to. Dont kill that spark <3


She’s 3 let her be 3


They already grow up too fast in this shitty world, let them be young and imaginative while you can.

Nope you’re fine! My almost three year old loves wearing her dress up outfits out and so does my almost 7 year old. It makes them feel pretty! She is still at the age where she is into all that. Nothing wrong with it momma


Encourage it
Dont make her come down to Society’s level
Let her be her self if people dont like it well they can have there own kids fit in
I’d let her be her self dont matter what others think so what if she may seem weird but the right people will be by her side


Dont make it seem shame full to be your self just because people are going to judge and look

I will never let them stop dressing up, if they want to wear it than let their creative mind flow!

There’s something wrong with them- not her! Let her be little


Girrrrrrl. I’m 28 and I’ll still go out dressed up as a princess or mermaid if I want to! Don’t let what ANYONE else thinks bring you down!


Let your kid be a kid

She’s 3! You’re her protector, tell them to fk off :woman_shrugging:t2: That’s YOUR child. Not theirs or ours.

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I let my 7 yr old wear her kitty ears everywhere. She loves them
She doesn’t act like a cat but she loves being able to do little things that make hee feel special. I’m not going to take that away from her. I wanted to play dress up everyday when I was little.

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I honestly can’t fathom how some of these comments are saying to not let kids live a fairy tale outside of home? Like the kid is literally 3.5! At freaking 10 I was swimming in the pool pretending I was a full on mermaid. Let the kid have her imagination and have fun! You should be happy your daughter is happy and not care what other ppl think or say or how they look at you. Who knows where her imagination will take her.


My son is 4 and LOVES to wear costumes!!! Matter of fact I bought all superhero costumes and blow up panda costume after Halloween last year for Santa to leave as presents!

For as long as they want to. They eventually outgrow it. 3.5 is still young. Why not? They are not hurting anybody. I see nothing wrong with it, the world is bad enough might as well make the best of it.

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I’m sorry, but if my daughter is 10 and wants to dress up and go out, I’ll dress up with her and we’re gonna have a blast. I really don’t care about dirty looks.


Girl, dont listen to people like Judith Scraggs Smith. Pretty sure she’s one that would glare you down with disgust if she saw your 3 YR OLD outside dressed up. No, life is not a fairy tale and as long as you allow her to mature within due time, let her dress up. You’re doing a WONDERFUL job allowing her to express herself!! You never know, she can become a designer, an artist, or even a social worker for kids in the future. Because she wants to be expressive does not mean it will stunt her growth whatsoever. It will ignite and fuel it!!! My daughter is 6 and the only thing I keep at home is makeup aside from a lip balm. Anyone gives you a dirty look, give them a tissue, they have too much smugness and jealousy stuck in their eyes.

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The worst mistake I made as a parent was listen to all the nosy, know it all, judgmental assholes that seem to freaking swarm for some reason when you have a kid. They will drive you insane with the contradictions. If someone has an opinion thats fine but the second they start making it known they are absolutely an asshole. Trust your own intuition and do what feels right when it happens.

do not crush her sense of adventure and wonder why should she stop let her be her… my granddaughter who is in her mid twenties often dresses up with her 8 yr old enjoy her creativity and adventure


I didnt realize there was an age

Leave her enjoy dressing up .just becsause shes a bit taller shes still only 3 yrs in her mind … Not 5 yrs

Let that child play and dream. She will be an out of the box thinker instead of a sheep. When going to a special place such as school or church dress accordingly. But everyday life at 3 have fun

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My eldest will be 7 next month, she could also pass for 2years older. She had a whole wardrobe of princess dresses at 3/4 and wore them out at every opportunity. She still has a few now, she chooses her own outfits and I can’t remember the last time she wore dress up clothes out, she is an extremely responsible and mature little lady who has been allowed to explore her own identity and make her own decisions. Your daughter will grow out of it and you’ll probably be sadder for it, you allowing her an imaginative childhood will not hamper her maturing, I feel if anything it enhances the process :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::rainbow::princess:


Ummm what ever age she wants to stop!!! I mean yall telling her to help her child mature but I’m pretty sure painting lbs of makeup on your face and wearing dresses and shit is the same thing! Stfu shes a freaking child let her be a child as long as possible bc this world is a cruel place bc we are forcing children to give up the light inside of them to be “mature” who says you cant dress like a tiger and be mature at the same damn time!! Pleas dont put your daughter fire out!!

As long as they want to! Anyone that thinks that a child needs to “grow up” needs to piss off and mind their own business!! I took my 6 year old out on a scooter ride dressed in his Incredibles fancy dress not so long ago and he loved it and so did I


Who cares what anyone thinks!!! Let your kiddo be happy they are only little once!

She’s only young once too many kids grow up too fast these days let her do what makes her happy :two_hearts::two_hearts: xx


You’re a good mom, screw what anyone thinks. If it makes your baby happy then nothing else matters, in my opinion


YOLO! Let your kid have her fun while she still can :heart:

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Fuck what others think. Dress up isn’t going to kill you or kid. Stop worrying about what other ppl think.

She is 3.5. Let her be a child and don’t worry about what other people think.


My kids love to play dress up and they go like that everywhere… And guess what I’m a teacher and I get students coming in full costume to school very often… It’s very common at that age up to 6 or even 7.
Why would you not allow a kid to act like a kid? Let her be innocent for as long as possible why the rush to grow up?


Stop only when she’s ready to stop!!! My girls have grown up so fast, I wish the dress up times lasted longer!


I love seeing kids dress up whenever ! My granddaughter wore a unicorn costume older than 5 .

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Let her dress up and think its awsome she is only young once and you are giving her wonderful memories she can look back on when she’s older


At 10,9,8,7 and 1, I still continue to let my children dress in any outfit they choose. However, their faces must be clean, and hair must be brushed.


Never make your kid quit dressing up. The world sucks and people are concerned with what another persons kid is wearing? As long as the kid is clean and happy and fed leave them the duck alone.


This is how my daughter (4) wanted to go to dinner. Damn right i let her. She only gets to be little once. She can be grown up later. Lol

If it makes them happy do it! Its not hurting anyone if your child looks like a tiger!! Your doing great mama!!!


Don’t base what makes your child happy on others. Let her be herself!


She is only a baby still. Let her have her childhood & be young & free as long as you can

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She’s a kid, don’t let people steal her joy or her childhood! So many people let others opinions/“looks” take away so much. Don’t. Let her experience being a kid and thinking like a kid and enjoying being a kid! Too many grow up at 4 and are wearing makeup and short shorts and belly shirts. Let. Them. Be. Little. :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:

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They already grow up too fast, don’t stop her, let her live her young playful days as long as possible. Take in every moment Mama! They slip away before you know it.

Let her be a kid. Life will happen sooner than you want it to. If she wants to be a cat let her. My nephew was a swan, a bald eagle… my son was bob the builder.

F all those people. let that girl dress up.


If its not hurting anyone . And you and your daughter are happy . then keep doing it. People giving mean looks need to mind their business

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Shes still little…let her dream. Screw everybody else!!

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Let her be a kid while she is

Im kind of torn l want the kids to have imagination… My issues were no sweat pants as l had boys…

I let them choose, does it really matter?

Never allow anyone to dictate your or your kid’s life. As long as your child is happy, who cares?!

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My son is six and he still wears costumes out if he wants to God in this sick miserable world let them stay kids


My daughter is 10 and still likes to dress like a cat. I just tell her “you do you boo” (notice my profile pic, she is obsessed with cats haha)

My daughter wears her wigs everywhere and dresses in whatever she wants :rofl::rofl::rofl: she will be 6 in March…I think it’s great to let your childs personality shine…plus gets them used to not caring what people think​:100:


She’s 3.5 let her be

My kid could be 16 and if they wanna dress up to go out who cares?? Literally what/who is hurting for them to express themselves and be happy?

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I let my daughter dress up and she is also 3.5 years old. She wears full costumes out sometimes I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.

Let her dress up whenever she wants to.

Let her do it as long as she wants. Who cares what others think! I’m an adult, & will dress up if I want to even lol.

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No… do not stop encouraging her creativity and imagination
Not to be rude but F what other people think. It will make her a better more creative, confident person.

They only ever did it when we were home

I’m not a parent and it doesn’t bother me when kids are in costume. Who knows why people react like that. Enjoy life. If the child is happy and healthy that’s all that counts. Just a thought, maybe they are jealous they can’t just dress up

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I think my son was in first grade the last time he wanted to wear a Halloween costume out in the fall. They are only little once and it’s so cute.

My son is 6 and occasioned the supermarket run as batman

You’re child is only 3.5 why do you care what anyone else thinks of her? She’s a kid let her be a child. You can’t please everyone but you can let your child be happy.

Let her be her. She knows who she is.

My daughter is going to be 5 in a week (but everyone always thinks she’s older cuz she’s pretty tall for her age) and I let her dress up to go out whenever she wants. Excuse my language but I don’t give a shit what others think lol and so does my daughter. I mean we rarely do get dirty looks, we usually get smiles instead but if we did, my daughter probably wouldn’t even realize. Some people are boring, oh well.

This is in my hometown and its bringing happiness to alot of people. Let your kids use there imagination and let them be kids. There will always be a karen out there :roll_eyes:


no forget other people! I bet she was an adorable little cheetah ! encourage that uniqueness mama :sparkling_heart:

Dress up is one thing… Face painting is another lol

My boys dressed up. For a longtim, it’s fun.

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Screw what people think. Dont let the opinions of others dictate your childs happiness. Let her be a kid.