What age do girls hit puberty?

I was 9 daughter was 7. She had 1 month before her 8th birthday and she stated her period.

I noticed my 7 year old has armpit hair under one arm!

My bff got hers at 8. Completely normal to start at different ages. Dont treat her weird and stop trying to get a doctor to figure out whats wrong with her because nothing is…you’re going to freak her out just talk to her about it


I started at 9ish but didn’t have a period until 13, soemtimes it takes longer to transition

I was 11 when I got my first period.

I started my period At 8. Really just kind of meant bigger boobs faster. That in dealing with the blood of the younger age. Other than that nothing really too different. Fertile Etc

My daughter was N early blpomer…bloomer…
Perfectly normal

Having public hair doesn’t always equal puberty. Some kids are just hairier than others.

I started my period at 11 or 12. Id have freaked out if I started any earlier haha.

This isn’t necessarily bad. Some girls start puberty at 7 or 8.
I started puberty about 9 but started by period at 11.

My started her period at 10 years old and she will be 13 this year.

My daughter just turned 8. She’s been developing body hair and BO over the last year. It’s normal for alot of little girls

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My daughter started developing around 7 and a few months before her 9th birthday she had her first period. No biggie she has no health issues from it.

I had a cousin that hit puberty at 5. Poor girl had never had the talk of the birds and the bees and thought he was dying. And another that didn’t hit puberty until 19. I hit puberty at 11, my sisters were 11,12 and 13. 7 is a little early, but they say that the hormones in food is causing girls to start earlier and later than normal, and in the old days they say that didn’t hit puberty until they were older. I wish I could tell you what to expect but I can’t.

My daughter started her period at 10…

My daughter is 10 and already getting breasts. Her best friend just turned 10 and has had her period for 5 or 6 months. Kids go through this at different times. Personally I think she is a little too young.

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Not usually 7 years old. Usually later, in the tween range. Hair starts coming in depending on genetics. Whenever it happened to you or your mom, is a good time range to keep in mind for your daughter. Everyone is different, though, and it’s all depending upon your family history. Sometimes at 11 or 12 spotting happens, then a few years later they start menstruating regularly. Sweating and body odor usually starts before that, 8-11 years old. My daughter is 11 and has to use deodorant, training bra for her newly forming boobs, and has excess hair starting to grow under her arms. It is true, too, some kids are just hairy little buggers.

I had pubic hair starting at that age and my daughter did too. I didn’t start my period till 13 and she started hers at 11.

Can be as early as 9 can start showing signs at age 7 but typically at 11 12

Seems to be earlier as the younger generations grow, my daughter is 10 she has had her period for 2 years now and she has quite large boobs for her age, she is embarrassed by them as most of her friends don’t wear bras just yet.

I was fully developed and period at 10.

I believe medically speaking they say 9 ish

My daughter is 10, will be 11 in July and started her period last Nov. She started getting public hair around 8. Started shaving her legs at 9.

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I was 7ish when I started getting hair and I was 9 when I started cramping monthly but didn’t start my period until I was almost 12. Everyone is different and body weight plays a role in that as well. My little sister didn’t start until 16

I was 9 when i got my period for the first time, both my sisters were in their early teens before they got theirs. I don’t remember when hair started to grow places :joy:

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At 7 my daughter had hair, 9 her period and a full chest. She just hit 12 and is perfectly healthy but VERY developed. She’s already in a triple D. We went to her doctor for a few tests but everything Is normal and healthy for her.

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I started at 10 period and all

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This is most likely a medical condition… This is why the doctor is referring you to an endocrinologist. It’s called “Precocious Puberty”. Some girls are able to pro-create at such an early age as medical history has shown. Not suggesting they should, just talking about historically there are records of girls giving birth before age 10. Crazy.

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I’ve heard of 5 year olds starting puberty. A young lady said her 5 year old started her period in this Women group I’m in on here.

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I was 9 when I started my period, my mom was 8 and my daughter was 10. My daughter has had to shave her armpits for at least a year too.

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At 7 I had enough body hair I had to start shaving because 3 in arm pit and leg hair in a cheer leading uniform gets you made fun of….
I also had a full bush on my privates

I started my period on my 12th birthday

That sounds normal in my experience with my girls

During my schooling years… its a normal for us to have first period 13-14 yo. My girl start at 11yo and i think that is too early as she is still have child mind wanting to play toys and slides at playground…

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At the end of her 6’s I noticed her breasts were getting bigger, so I bought her a training bra. Then month by month hair kept coming, her armpits are full. She will be 8 in May and just last week she came to me and told me she has hair on her vagaygay. She wanted me to see so I could tell her she was all good, and yup she’s full down there. :woman_facepalming:

I started showing signs at 7, had “swollen nipples/breast” by 9 I had my period. I believe I started growing pubic hair around 8.

I started my period at 9 so yeh.

My daughter was 7 when I noticed pubic hair and the very early start to breasts.
Her first appointment with the Endo involved lots of questions and then blood work to check hormones and such.

The doctor said she was just in the early stages of puberty and she just follows with her every so many months to keep an eye on her. No need to medicate or anything like that then.

She actually just had her second follow up today and her doctor said the changes she had(they’re the same as last time, nothing new) are common around the age of 8.

However, the doctor also said that if any major changes happen such as discharge or her period she needs to be seen sooner than her follow up to do more testing.

I got my period the month before I turned 9

My daughter started growing pubic hair at 7.

One of my daughters had armpit hair at 7. Our pediatrician said that it’s not abnormal for kids of Mediterranean descent (we are part Italian) to get pubic hair early and most of the time it’s not even related to puberty. She didn’t end up getting her period until she was 12.

She might have what they call precocious puberty oh, my daughter had it and she was developing and getting hair at 5. We had to put the schools on Alert in case my five-year-old started her… We I had just thought that she was developing early until she broke her leg and they’re like she’s too young this shouldn’t have happened and they started running tests on her. That’s when we found out I’m praying that she is just an early starter. Usually precocious puberty leads to PCOS.

Some girls start around age 8 to 12. My daughter stated getting hair at age 7 as well, random cramping at 9, and officially started at 11

I was 10 years old with hairs an period.
I noticed my son has started at 9yo and he’s now 10 with even more.

I started when I was 9

It’s the hormones in the food. Organic, non GMO fruits and veggies and pasture raised meats/eggs/dairy is what we all really need to get back to.


Selena Vega please keep an eye :eye: out for Sophia

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My daughter had hair at 8 I think its pretty normal mom

My son is going through the same thing. They also did an mri on his brain bc that can be a sign of a tumor maybe you should ask your doctor about one also!

My little girls 9 and started growing pupic hair and breasts at 7 x

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My granddaughter was 9. She was still a little girl to me

I started to develop breasts when i was 8 and had my period at 10. Same for my oldest and my mom.

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I was almost 15 years old and went through menopause was age 44

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I was 8 when I got mine…:woman_shrugging: had breasts and everything

She’s definitely not too young. This is completely normal. Was her Doctor concerned about this to the point he’s going to get tests run on her? That’s very strange :thinking: Just have a read online about puberty for girls and it will tell you all you need to know. It may ease your concern if you learn more about it


I started my period at 10.

Personally I developed early hair and breast tissue literally wearing training bras at 8 and shaving my legs and under arms at 9 but did not start my circle until I was almost 13. My daughter just turned 9 three weeks ago and she has had arm pit hair for a year and she started developing pubic hair last year. Before Christmas I bought her her first training bras because yes she is starting to develop. Knowing how I developed prepared me for what to expect from my daughter. Be open with ur daughter let her know what is happening and why but also let her know her body is nothing to be ashamed of

I was 10 when I started my period. My sister and one cousin were 13 when they started theirs. Another cousin was only 7. Puberty starts when the body thinks it is ready to. Not when we want it to unfortunately.

You have Italian blood…

I had my period at 9

Common age now is around 9

My daughter was 10. Her doctor said he’s seen it as young as 7.

I started to develop breasts age 8 & started my period at 10.
My eldest started her period at 10, my 2nd eldest daughter is 7 & developing breasts.
Sending you lots of good vibes. Try not to worry until they say there is concern.

Depends on the child, there is no set age. I didn’t hit puberty until 14, our girls were 11 and 12

My daughter started getting pubic hair at 11, she’s now 12 and started her period in December, and this month just started getting armpit hair

My daughter was 7 when her doctor told us she prepubescent. She’s now 10 and a half and is very developed and has hair everywhere but no period yet. Others her age in her class have all started tho

My daughter will be 7 next week. She has THE hairiest legs and BO. I talked to her doctor and he said he’s not concern unless she gets pubic hair or underarm. I still think something is off.

Both of my daughter started there menstrual cycle at 8.

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My daughter started at 12. She started developing actual breasts and pubic hair prob around 10. Started wearing a training bra around 9.

It was 2 weeks after my 7th birthday that I got my period regularly, 6 months after that hair, then boobs, my daughter is 11 and still hasn’t had a period but has other signs of puberty

I had a full on bush by 7 and hair that also coated my armpits. Period came at 9. Same for my mom.

Wow poor thing… poor mom… just see what the endocrinologist says but dont panic… things have changed a lot. I was 16

With all the hormones in foods these days that’s not surprising… puberty is hitting earlier and earlier


I had hair and was already full blown having my monthly by 9 my daughter just turned 6 and is already developing boobs and show all the early signs of starting her Dr’s say about 7ish they think she’ll be on it

I was about 7 when I started to get hair and I was 9 when I started my period.

Thats when i got mine and started my period at 9

I was 7 years old with hair and started period at 8 yrs old in school. I bled all over place. It was embarrassing.


Girls can hit puberty at any age
My grand daughter is almost 11 and has started having iregular periods

I was 9 when I had my 1st period

My youngest got her first period at 8


If you’re getting referred to an endocrinologist, it’s possible that could have something to do with it. Thyroid issues can cause hair growth lol

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My daughter started at 8

Kids seem to be maturing at younger ages…it can happen

My daughter was in this very state and started her cycle at 8 yrs old. No significant medical abnormalities as of today and she’s 22. We were told it’s the antibiotics and hormones in the meat and milks she was consuming. Although we opted to use dairy free milk it still occurred! So hopefully your girl is just fine and will be a happy health girl joining puberty at her bodies desired time!
Happy parenting


I started my period at 9 years old. My sister that was 15 didn’t have her period yet.

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I started getting everything at age 7 including my periods I am now 21

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Both my grls started getting hair around 7 or 8 but it wasn’t a lot just some patches it didn’t evn out until close to 10 and thy both started at 11

My daughter started getting pubic hair when she was 8. I was told by her dr (she sees a specialist) that that was normal, and once she grew armpit hair, expect her period to start about 1-2 years after that. She grew pit hair at 10 and got her first period at 12. First days of period are kinda rough (cramping, lower back pain, normal girl stuff) and fire the first 1-3 days her flow is moderate, but usually by the 4th day it slows down. She doesn’t usually get mood swings, but she does cry WAY more easily than she normally does

That’s a very difficult question. Some say it runs in the family & some say it’s due to a new understanding of a health.
I was 15 when I got my first period, my daughter was 10 when she first got hers

Your daughter may just have a chemical imbalance, but seeing en
endocrinologist should give you some answers.

My daughter started developing at 7. Got her period at 9.


A study had shown that girls who start their periods at 11 or before are very likely to go into menopause by 40. There must we a way to prevent the early onslaught of hormones. !

Probably because of all the crap they put in our food…growth hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, etc.


My daughter is in 6th grade and turns 12 in June. She started developing around 7/8 , got her cycle in the beginning of 4th grade (9 yrs old) and now towers over me at 5’9.
It seems as if girls are developing quicker. Many of her friends already have there monthly cycle.


It could be precocious puberty. I hate to make you keep biting fingernails, but there’s more than one possible answer (evidence all the comments) and outcomes always vary.

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Sometimes development can go against all the text books. I had read them all preparing for my eldest daughter to start. She was almost 12, very tiny both in height and weight, and had no other signs such as developing breasts. The text books said that the start of menstruation was the last step in a series of changes so I relaxed thinking she had a fair way to go yet. Cue to a week before her 12th birthday when she came and confessed that she thought her periods had started. I could not believe it had happened without all the other signs but it had! Meanwhile a friend of hers, who was 18 months older and very tall, solid and well developed for her age did not get hers until a couple of months after my petite daughter, when she was almost 14!

I started in 6th grade. I was/am more chunky/average. But got leg hair and armpit hair in 5th grade. My sister started in 9th grade. She was/is very slender/fit. We are almost exactly 3 years apart and we started the same week.

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I was 13 and my daughter started at 9. I was worried so I took her to the doctor and they said it’s normal

I started my period at 9,
And had hairy legs and everything when I was 8.

What a confusing time in life :sweat_smile:

She is not way too young for this. Girls get their period at 8 years old all the time. Sit down, have a talk with her, and make her feel comfortable with the changes that are about to happen.


I started my period at 9 my twin sister started hers a year later I started developing pubic hair at 7

I don’t know when my sister did but when we were 8 we started shaving our legs bc my twins hair is much darker than mine and she was getting bullied for it but mine was as thick, just blonde