What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

I wouldn’t use nair but maybe the shave powder from Walmart (it’s like $4) you add water to it and leave it on for 10 min then wipe away

Both my nieces started sound age 12.

I’ve read through a few comments so far and no one has mentioned why “you shouldn’t or can’t”…only judging you…I’d love to say I’m in shock :roll_eyes: - I would maybe wait for her to mention it to you and then ask her if she’s sure and then go for it! The only thing I’ve seen online is to make sure they’re old enough to handle a razor…as long as you help her she should be fine. Good luck momma :heartpulse:

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I started shaving at 6. My mother was against it so I had to teach myself which made me upset with my mother that she refused to take my feelings in consideration. I would show my girls how I shave my legs. I bought them an electronic razor to use when my oldest was 7. Later I braved them practicing on me with a blade razor. They were thankful for it and appreciated that I took the time to educate them so early in self care. If she’s conscience about it, take the time with her.


Not until at least age 10… and native Americans don’t have a lot of hair fyi…

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I remember shaving probably around the time I started my menstrual cycle, so 11.

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Well, I was 7. My legs were VERY hairy with DARK hair. Really the only reason I started at that age, was to be in my Sister’s Wedding and wear a nice dress. LOL!

I was 10. I had thick black hairs and i asked my mom. My best friend showed me how.

I think…I would wait. Idk where you’re located, but here the weather is changing and getting cooler. Soon they’ll all be wearing pants.
I’d get a book or something that explains the body differences and how they should be celebrated. If she’s being made fun of, could you go to the teacher and ask if they ever address these things as a class? (Body differences). Come next spring/summer if it were to happen again, I’d readdress the shaving. If it’s something she feels strongly about and understands, I’d let her try it. Safely and with your guidance of course. Good luck! People can be truly awful. :heart:

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I think it’s your kid. Do what you feel is best for your child.


When she gets her period!! Please do NOT put nair on a little kids it will give them a sever chemical burn I so am not kidding!!!

As soon as she is conscious about it

My daughter is 7 and I shaved her legs for her. I’d rather do it and show her how to do it than her try herself and hurt herself. At the end of the day, your child your choice momma

My daughter is 9 and has the same problem. She wants to shave bc other kids make fun of her for it.

If it was affecting my daughters confidence I would shave her legs or use those sand paper hair removal pads, I wouldn’t use nair, too many chemicals.

I started shaving my legs around 7 or 8. The girls in school were already, and I was super uncomfortable with my hair. My mom bought me a fancy razor and showed me how to use it. :blush:

Personally if it was me and my daughter felt uncomfortable I’d respect what she wanted to do with her body. You can buy all sorts these days to help with hair growth so have a look around on the market and don’t do anything cheap and easy as it will cause long term damage.
Maybe explain to her too why we have body hair and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. :heart:

I think six is a bit young, because nair is rough on the skin And could give chemical burn. My girl started shaving at 8 and 9.
I always reminded them that hair was natural and even now at 12 and 13 if you don’t want to shave you don’t have to ,it’s all personal choice.

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I wasn’t shaving till middle school maybe? Personally, don’t use nair, get a safety razer and have them do it by hand.

I think 5th grade is when I started myself because my mom wouldn’t let me. Don’t use nair because it’ll burn and leave a rash. Use one of these doesn’t have to be the exact same one but it needs to have a soap bar attached for her skin.

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I started both my girls out with electric razors. Safer for them to use until they got the hang of it. Less worry from me about them cutting themselves.

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Once you start shaving it grows thicker and faster , 6 is way to young


My 7 year old shaves her legs with a women’s electric razor once every couple weeks. I wouldn’t use Nair or anything like that though.

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I believe I started around 8-9. I was in 4th-5th grade When I wanted to quit wearing shorts because of my hair on my legs. But I personally wouldn’t use nair. I had a severe allergic reaction the first time I used it. And can’t now, I’d just get a razor and sit down and show her how to use it. Maybe get her a little basket with all the stuff she will need. Make it fun for her. I’d also wait a few more years personally. But you do what you feel is best for her!

If I had waited until my first cycle to shave I would have been waiting until I was 16! I started shaving ( without my parents knowledge) when I was 8. My leg hair was very long and kids liked to make fun of me for it. Your kid, your choice. My mom wouldn’t even talk about it with me so I did it myself, without her help. Would have been alot easier if she had just helped me

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I started at 12…my daughter is 11 and haven’t ever mentioned it. She will let me know when she is ready

I told my daughter whenever she was ready to start shaving she could just let me know and I’ll help her. I don’t feel like there’s an age anymore where they should have to wait to start taking care of themselves.
We’re in a different era and there’s no rules anymore :wink:

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I would not use Nair. Very harsh. But a women’s electric razor would likely work at that age. I feel there’s not a specific age for most things, it depends on the child. If the hair is bothersome to the child, then do what helps her to feel confident.

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Definitely talk to her about hair being natural, everyone has it just everyone is different, self love and that some kids are just mean and trying not letting other ppl get to her…
With thay being said i feel like it whenever you arr ready for her to and/or if the bullying about it takes a toll on her… I would start with a womens electric razor so no worries about cuts!


If she feels self conscious about it, do it. So many things are gonna make her feel that way in school & in life, you can fix this one right away so I’d do it.


What ever you decide, don’t use Nair, try waxing by professionals or laser. Waxing last a month, laser is permanent. Chemicals are to harsh.

Whenever she notices it and wants it gone. There is zero reason to wait if it bothers her.


Why are people angry reacting to this? She’s asking a Question? But anyway do what you think is best for your child shouldn’t matter what anyone else’s opinion is.


When it really comes down to it it’s up to you get her mom.

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I was 9-10 when my mom started shaving my legs because of being bullied at school!

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I think my girls were around 10. If they are self conscious or being teased I would allow it, but not Nair. It literally burns the hair off and with her young age that’s pretty harsh on her skin, try shaving with either conventional or electric razor.

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I was abt 12/13… I remember being so self conscious and hating myself for being different (I too have thick dark hair) and every girl in school had light little blonde hairs…

But when I was a child I was constantly tore down. My weight, my color, my hair… There were always negative things being thrown up to me about me…

Change the way she views herself! Let her know that ppl and society are superficial then go on to explain the beauty she holds. Show her pictures of women in europe who don’t shave. Tell her about her history, encourage her! Build her up!


Get her an electric razor. To young for blade

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The day before 7th grade because that’s when you start changing in the locker room for gym :smiling_face:

I’d say around 3rd 4th grade that’s when kids really start getting mean and nic picking at each other

7 isn’t too young at all. I’d simply base it off how she feels. If she wants to start Starr. Somple as that. As long as it’s not hurting her then it’s better than being bullied. But of course always I still she shouldn’t let others force her into something she isn’t comfortable doing g and to be happy with who she is… Kids can be a**holes


I shaved my legs when I wanted to cry over the hair, and didn’t confide in anyone because past experience made me feel worse in situations like that.
Support your child, explain why we are hairy creatures, and explain that as long as we are “grooming” ourselves for OURSELVES and not to fit into society, we can style and groom ourselves how we see fit. Shaved or not, trimmed or not, shaved arm pits and hairy non shaved legs? All of it is okay, whatever we like for our bodies is okay. Also tell them that when it grows back it gets darker and thicker and this may feel like an annoying and large amount of hair now, we only get more as we get older. Lol


Italian and middle eastern heritage = very dark hair. 6th grade after being teased by boys. Literally hate that btw. Wish I hadn’t caved and owned it.


I think 6 is a little young to start hair removal. Maybe around 9 or 10 that way she is mature enough to shave or use the hair remover herself :blush:

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All the anger and hostility is weird you all are really weird moms
anyway my daughter is olive and has dark hair and when it became a issue for her
when she became self conscious
I allowed her to do whatever she wanted it’s her body again yall are different


I feel that if she’s self conscious about it, then research a method that works for her. Personally, I haven’t shaved my legs in months and still wear shorts. Lol It all depends on what makes her comfortable.

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I have three girls as well and I let them when they turned 11 because that’s when they started being embarrassed by the hair on their legs.

I wasn’t allowed to shave until I was 13 because my parents said before then it wasn’t something anyone should be concerning themselves with. I’m 21 now and regret ever starting shaving, so I’m going on a year of not putting myself through that :joy: if she wants that hair gone and you’re ok with it, I don’t see a reason there should be a minimum age (though I agree with my parents that no one should really concern themselves with the leg hair of a child) but the other side of that is shaving’s a hassle and absolutely not worth it imo

Just make sure you do it before she does. My mom made me wait and I got made fun of so bad I remember shaving my legs AND ARMS in 2nd grade :roll_eyes::woozy_face: it’s better for you to help her now than her do it herself later…


Yea watch out. I was called disturbed for asking this question. The people on here can be mean as hell.

Shes 13 and has no desire to do it yet. I didn’t want to force her so I’m waiting until she’s ready/comes to me do it. She said she just doesn’t care about it. I would think you could just wait for them. I was a tomboy and never shaved until some bitch in gym class said something. When the time is right you will know. Don’t listen to any of the negative farm witches on here. This is a place to ask mom questions, no shame each other. Good luck

I was 16 when I started. My oldest is 10 and hairy like Chewbacca and I asked her if it bothers her but she says no . The moment she’s ready we’ll remove .

I think it should be based off the child because if it’s thick dark and bothering her would be the time to start every girl hair growth is different since I have red hair the hair ony legs never really got dark until I was 16 so I didn’t really have a need

I have 3 girls, my two oldest started at 9. They are going through puberty and started getting a lot of under arm hair. So when they asked if they could shave I said yes :woman_shrugging:t3:

My daughter is 8 now, her leg hairs started getting really long last summer and kids were making fun of her, when she wants her legs shaved she knows to ask me and i shave them for her. To me it’s just leg hair, i don’t want my daughter being made fun of throughout school. My mom refused to let me shave because “it grows back thicker” :unamused: and boy did i end up with some cuts and burns trying to shave on my own

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My baby was 12. She was hairy hairy. I let her wax her eyebrows starting the 5th grade bc it was horrid lol. But I let her do up to her knees that following summer (she is a year older than her peers). And then, I let her move up the keg and we hit those armpits too bc she had her before her older bros :woman_facepalming:t2: It really depends on the child at the end of the day and what they need. Each are different.

My 8 year old was very self conscious about her very hairy legs I got her a small electric women’s razor she loved it for about a month then decided it was too much work she’s almost 11 now and hasn’t expressed interest in it since but she also doesn’t wear shorts ever I told her last night whenever she’s ready again to let me know

When we’re young… society pressures us.
As we get older, we really care a lot less about what society believes.

You gotta find the right balance between being a mom who wants what’s best for her little ones and needs to be involved in decisions and needs to allow freedoms.

My daughter is 11… she recently asked me if she could shave her legs. I asked her why she wanted to. She told me that her friends at school do it. I asked her if she was ready and she asked me, “do you think I should?” And I explained to her that it’s a hassle for me to shave my own legs. I have so many other chores to do, places to be and shaving my legs naturally ends up last on my list of concerns. Also, I do not pay attention to what others are doing around me unless it directly affects me. So, I shave my legs for the beach so I can maintain a somewhat decent tan and even then, I don’t particularly WANT to shave my legs.
She then said, “Okay, I want to wait if that’s okay.” And I told her it is 100% her choice. It shouldn’t be up to society or me.

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6 is too young in my opinion but if it makes her feel better then try it? Personally I would try to teach her to love it bc it’s a part of who she is :heart: good luck mama, either way, what ever is right for you and you family is the right decision

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My mom made me wait forever and I would wear pants in PE to not get made fun of or be so self conscious… but being a cosmetologist Nair or a chemical hair remover I do feel that 6 is young the chemicals are just to strong and her body is still changing I’d look for a more natural route if you want to start her I wouldn’t want her to get a chemical burn and her skin may be to sensitive to wax or anything like that… but momma don’t make her wait till she’s in high school (if yo I decided to do a chin all or wax or anything like that do a small test section to make sure she can handle it)

If your child is self conscious, do it. Kids can be cruel.

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Man y’all stop being mean. If her child is self conscious about her hair on her legs let her shave it Off


I didn’t start shaving until I was in high school because mine was blonde, but once I graduated I kind of stopped shaving my legs and armpits because it was just too much work with a little baby, and I never picked it back up so my daughter sees me with long leg hair and long armpit hair and knows that it’s normal for that to grow there, so I think I would wait until she was in middle school or high school, just let her decide but when she’s old enough to understand if she really wants to and why. I had a friend whose mom let her start shaving in sixth grade and she always came in with bandages all over her legs because she would nic her self all the time.

Use your own judgement, what’s best for you family is between you and your family, everyone has different beliefs and values. You won’t get the right answer for this on a public Facebook post.

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Both of the daughters started shaving at 9, that’s when there hair was pretty noticeable and they noticed as well.

Ask the anger :rofl::rofl: my 10 year old doesn’t shave but you can’t see her hair my 7 year old is crazy insecure about her leg hair so I shave her legs for her. There’s no reason at all for her to continue to be insecure when it can easily be removed

My daughter is 10 and in 5th grade. She has not started having yet. She does have very light hair that you can barely see, so I haven’t been in a hurry, but I believe 6 is too young!

I think you decide what’s best. I already said when my kid is 14 I’m gonna get her laser hair removal :woman_shrugging:t4:

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I wouldn’t force my child to suffer over something that can be easily fixed.


I started around 11/12 years old as mine was dark and thick as well. Before that it never bothered me. Once it started bothering me, my mom showed me what to do and how and I took it from there.

So I think this is a by basis question. From perspective 6 is young, and many kids aren’t mature at that age. Shaving is a chore, and will need to be kept up for her whole life. I think it’s important to remind her how perfectly made she is/perfect she is. And remind her of her beauty and how hair is natural. And some women do not mind hair as they get older. But if it is a bigger issue and becoming an issue mentally for her, and you and dad are on board then why not let her try. I’d be honest about upkeep. And let her know you support get decision to or not too.

My daughter started shaving at 9. She had very dark hair and was self conscious about it, she started asking me to shave at 8!

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How about a “trimmer” maybe thatll make her feel a little better

I wouldn’t use Nair, it burned my skin as an adult. Only you truly know the situation and can make this decision. I would recommend a safe electric razor that won’t cut her. I wouldn’t use a razor.

If it’s preventing her from feeling confident with herself, I would shave her legs for her. Maybe the knee and below. There’s no reason to make her suffer with something that doesn’t hurt to fix.

I’d avoid Nair and the other chemical depilatories.

Offer her a choice of shaving methods….an electric shaver or razor.


It’s your child, do what you want with your child.


Don’t let her feel insecure I remember that feeling I used to get called a monkey at school until my mama let me shave. I don’t see anything wrong with it

I begged my mom when I was 7 to shave and she finally did it for me lol

I was 7… my girls have been all different ages. I think if it’s bugging her then teach her to shave. Nair burns me so we don’t use it

I definitely wouldn’t do nair. Maybe and electric trimmer or something of the sorr

Please be careful if you use Nair! I got chemical burns when I used it last! If you do decide she’s ready to try shaving I would recommend an electric razor to start out with

I did when my girls Asked.

Yeah, wait til she is 13, her skin is too sensitive to shave or to use the Nair. I doubt she is the one being self conscious unless you said something about it. My daughter turned 11 and has hairy legs. I don’t say shit. I shave my legs once a month because why do I need to shave daily or weekly?

I staged my daughters arms few weeks ago in the summer she was 11 and a half her legs are very dark but waiting till she goes to high school next year 12 cause once you start it’s a nightmare leave it as long as you can xxx not worth shaving every 2 days for them! Xxx plus in winter nobody sees legs ect

Whenever she chooses. But Nair is not a good choice. Might be too harsh. Maybe an electric razor?


When they feel uncomfortable about something you help them fix it the best you can . Ie shaving.

Definitely too young at 6

Nothing to do with age. All to do with hair growth


Well, I shaved without telling my mom but I had two older sisters who taught me before I ever asked my mom. I was probably around 8 or so. I never cared about the hair on my legs tho and only wanted to do it bc my older sisters and her friends were shaving lol

A 6 year old though really, id wait until shes 10 or so she is 6 years old she doesnt even know the definition of self conscious id wait until shes at least 8 or 10 to even consider anythiing.

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Nair can cause chemical burns… I started shaving at 9

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I would wait for the simple reason of her body and skin is still fresh and new. The chemical would not be good for her skin. But natural hair removers are an option if she really feels this way. Try sugaring!

When they are ready… I hear moms say… ill wait 1 more year to let her shave… WTH is 1 more year gonna do for a thing u do for most of your life or all lol

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Wax removal is the best.

Six years old, seriously??

You are not about to sit here and let a bunch of strangers tell you that 6 is too young or old enough. It’s whatever you believe is best for your kids , my daughter is six and she has NEVER mentioned anything about her hairy legs but best believe when she does I’m gonna make sure she feels clean and comfortable with herself even if that means me helping her get rid of it .


Never. Teach her to love her hair.

I think 9 or 10 is a reasonable age. Most women I’ve talked to started around 9-11. 6 to me is definitely too young though


I think 6 is way too young to do hair removal on child. However, she is YOUR daughter and your daughter only. If your daughter has expressed concerns and is becoming self conscious, the decision is entirely yours and your husband’s. The beauty of having children is that we can make the decisions we feel are best for our kids, and it’s no one else’s concern. As long as your children are happy and healthy, nothing else really matters.


My 6 year old is begging me but she is just too young to worry about that in my opinion