What age is okay to start hair removal for a girl?

When they ask
I haven’t pushed it on my child. Not everyone wants to, so my girls only have when they asked for it
We uses hair removal cream then the ones with soap on it pretty much called wilkinson sword intuition, get a few different ones too…reduces risk of cuts a hell of alot with this one and leaves skin better too xx

Wtf. She’s 5 and you’re asking about shaving?! I was 12 and wish I never even started shaving.


My daughter is 9 and has started shaving her legs. It had become an issue to the point she wouldn’t wear shorts or skirts so now she is super confident and we have no issues. I wouldn’t start at 6 though, that’s a little too young.

Nair smells and burns, don’t use that

There is no right age to begin a lifelong battle.From my own experience,my mom wouldn’t let me shave my legs until I was about 13.This was unexceptable.Girls always wore dresses then with panty hose.Every where I went the kids poked fun of my hairy legs.Has stayed with me all my life.Dont let it get to that point.Self confidence is everything.I couldn’t use hair removal products bc they caused dermatitis.

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No. Not 6. Teach her to be comfortable w herself not more self conscience. Jeez. Plus shaving is expensive why do that to her startibg her so early in life? Disgusting

I started around 11 or 12.
My dark haired, pretty granddaughter was teased & bullied in elementary school when the kids called her a monkey because of the hair on her arms.
She remembers it into adulthood.

It is a personal decision everyone hits puberty at a different age I started to hit puberty around eight however I wasn’t allowed to shave my legs until I moved out I’m not saying that that’s the Way to go I’m just saying that there’s a lot more that goes to it like for example she might shave her legs this time but will she have the energy to keep up shaving them? Also think about razor bumps

12…puberty is usually when those things really start to be a bit deal. She notices now because of her heritage and what society pushes as beauty on TV. She needs encouragment as a young girl that her beauty type is still beauty!


Umm she’s just a baby !! Why not teach her to appreciate her body and love herself for who she is .


So there’s a lot of hate here but I want to first thank you for taking how your daughter feels into account. You’re a good parent. I would first sit down and talk about her heritage and how beautiful she is and that people come in all colors with hair and can be amazing. She might just need a little boost in reminding her about how beautiful she is just as she is.

If she continues to bring it up, then an electric shaver would be a good choice. She might not like how it looks or feels when it grows back and forget about it. Or maybe it’ll help her self confidence and as a parent, you want your child to feel confident in themselves. It’s just leg hair. It’ll grow back. It’s not that big of a deal.

But firstly, please try to encourage her natural beauty as is.


No, usually around 12 or 13

My mama bleached mine for me until I was 13! Indian and Italian here, so I also have the thick coarse black hairs.

6??? Who makes a 6 year old self conscious about hair???
Appropriate age would be puberty age. 10 or 11 seems to be average now for that.


My daughter was 10. You are mom and you will know when the time is right. If she is old enough to have an opinion about it or feel uncomfortable with it then I would say that it’s time. It is not worth waiting and having her be insecure about it or get bullied. It will also not tramatize her to remove it early on if you use painless methods. My daughter, now 18, removes her 2 brothers unibrows and has since they were 1 years old. They are 15 and 10 now and she still does it for them and all 3 are JUST FINE!
Trust your instincts

Omg…stop this nonsense. Don’t ever use Nair.

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I was in 7th grade and quickly found out it was not as much fun as I thought it would be! I can’t imagine starting that chore at just 6…but to this day you can’t see the hair on my arms and legs as it is very blonde. No one wants to stand out for a reason to be teased or bullied, so you have an option to make a decision to change it. Just make sure it’s what you really want to do and stick to it!:muscle:t3:

I think some people are being to harsh. Rather than being so defensive. Just give the advice the lady is asking. At least she’s asked for advice before doing it right? Some people are just to judgemental now a days. If your little girl is feeling self conscious teach her that hair isn’t a bad thing and it’s more conman now a days in this generation than it ever was. I hope your wee girly finds her confidence in the way her body is :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I started shaving when I was nine because I was unlike the other girls and started puberty at 9 puberty is a good time but I also understand being self conscious I myself am Native American and Hispanic and trust me starting me early shaving sucked I felt un normal. But in the long run it did help with my self esteem and I enjoyed the feeling of bare legs. I think if you feel it’s time to start talking to her about shaving then it’s your choice at the end of the day because it’s your little girl

Maybe show her that it’s okay to be have hair and to not shave yours all the time may make her see that it’s normal and not to be self conscious. Good luck :crossed_fingers:t2:

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I started at 12 and did it behind my mothers back and just started using her razor. Have a talk with her so she doesn’t feel she would have to do the same. :wink:

Nair will give her chemical burns

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I would do it as soon as she is bothered by it. Why make her self conscious about herself. I know she is young. I wouldn’t hand her a razor and walk out of the bathroom and say go to it. But I would shave her legs for her. Maybe get her a electric razor. So she doesn’t cut herself. If her legs are really hairy I would hate if kids would make fun of her over it. Kids can be so mean. Why wait until a certain age.


I was 13 yrs old. Had the hair before then but my mom made me wait. Start to early hair comes back faster and thicker. Do not use Nair on her, her skin is to sensitive to that stuff. Razor or shaver best bet when starting to shave.

My grandson grew up with thick long leg hair any man would not want. He embraced it & was good with it being him. If it would have been a granddaughter voicing neg feeling. I would have no problem helping her to remove it. Good for you & her dad listening to her feelings. We are not all the same. Do what you feel is right for her.

I would say 11 when they start high school. That’s when mine all started but they only did legs when they were bare legged in a dress skirt or shorts really. Arm pits I think more as hygiene reasons really.

Everyone one is different little girls grows up very fast anymore.You are her mother if it bothers her that much you do what you think is best for her.Mothers usually has the insight to do what is best and good for the child.I had 3 daughters everyone was differentWe as parents have to weigh what we think is best for the child and talk to the child to see why she is asking for what ever is bothering her


I agree with Amy. But you do what you feel best ever child is different and you know your daughter best.

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6 is NOT the age. Are you kidding me???


6 seems so so young :flushed: but if she is self conscious about it why make her feel worse when something can be done about it. I personally would try and speak to her and maybe explain why etc, but in their eyes most of us women remove hair so they don’t get usd to the natural look so why would they want to be any different :woman_shrugging:
So sad to think at such a young age she noticed this and makes her self conscious. I wouldn’t recommend the creams they csn be very harsh, my niece uses an electric razor maybe that maybe better x

Your child , your choice . No one else here deals with having too constantly hear your daughter talk about herself in a non pleasant manner not feel how you have too feel once telling her no or you’ll think about or what a little longer etc … what I do know is , is once it is shaved you have too continuously do it because it comes back thicker and darker


My oldest was 11 but fair haired, my middle at 6 started questioning hair as I remove my body hair she is more curious and aware. Maybe offer wax, I done a 2p size patch on my girls and they didnt question it again :rofl: every child is different and you know your daughter, so you know what to do and what will make her happy :blush: waxing reduces hair regrowth so its wax or nothing in my home. Good luck x

Being the age she is Nair may be too harsh for her skin and will cause chemical burns. I would recommend if you wish to help her start hair removal at this age (my personal opinion is a little young but I don’t see any difference age makes honestly) an electric razor maybe?

I was 12 and I sliced a nice chunk out of my leg still have the scar at 55 if she’s not bothered by it leave her alone if it’s your problem well then that’s on you and I’m Mexican too very hairy at that age

Was 13 myself before I started shaving, I believe my daughter was 11 when she started. It seems that 6 sounds young, but if it’s something that is bothering her I would definitely be coming up with a plan.

Letting her decide for herself will give her a sense of control over her body which is a really important thing especially for young girls


6 is young and never Nair a child skin omg. If you’ve that big of a problem set down and shave them or teach her to. However I think mom’s the one who has a issue with hairy legs. Let her be a kid

We started shaving my daughter’s armpit hair at 9 (when it was enough to be noticeable). She’s 10 now and we will shave her legs next summer. (She’s blonde). If she had a unibrow, I would do it immediately. If it’s leg and arm hair I would say when they go from looking like children to young adults (8ish+). Prickly legs are hard to adjust to and nair can leave chemical burns. I think I’d wait on a 6 year old.

Don’t wait til she’s older she’ll get bullied for it. shave her legs this week

I waited for puberty. Just my choice.

If the child herself is self conscious I say do it then! But jot Nair on the little. Maybe try something less abrasive.

6 is too young for Nair or shaving. Js

My daughter is 7. I’m trying to reprogram her into thinking that leg hair isn’t connected to beauty or self worth. If anything she’ll know that having lots of leg hair doesn’t matter to me.

I’m sorry but I have to chime in on this one. So we also have to think we are looking at a different generation here. There are many younger girl that are beginning to menstrate at the age of 7 and it is happening every day. I am Native American and so is my daughter. Yes she began shaving at a young age but we discussed it in great detail and being a nurse, I was not hesitant about discussing anything with my children. Even showed my son how to use condoms at the age of 10. They make an electric razor that works really well. It’s rechargeable and big enough to handle in her hand and less likely to cause cuts. Mom listen to your daughter and discuss it as a family and you will make the right choice for her and you.

A freind of mine was dubbed the world’s ugliest bridesmaid. Her hair was dark and her eyebrows were a mono. It hurt her terribly and still affects her 26 years later. Her mom took her in and had her brow and legs waxed as a treat to see if she liked it and felt better having hairless limbs and shaped brows.
She has never looked back and her skin is unaffected by the treatment starting at a very young age

Ask what makes her think its a negative thing? She’s probably not old enough to use a razor and chemicals can cause a nasty reaction. Maybe this is a self acceptance exercise.

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I never knew a kid to even think of their leg hair unless an adult said something to her. Six is too young to start an adult procedure like shaving.

I remember being 7 and REALLY wanting to shave. My mom taught me and I diced my legs up for a whole year before I stopped cutting myself regularly. I am happy she taught me, but if my daughter asked at 6 I would get her an electric razor. They make a women’s electric foil razor that doesn’t cut the skin but removes the hair outside of the shower safely. Since it is outside of the shower/bath it would be easy to sit and teach and use together. No chemicals, no pain, and minimal safety issues.

I believe 6 is a bit young. But that’s my opinion. My daughter is 10. This past year she starting getting armpit hair and I bought her a trimmer to use. Maybe start with one of those too help time it down. But definitely try to find out why she so self conscious. Be honest with her. I’m 31 and rarely shave my legs anymore. At some point she’s most likely not going to care anymore.

Hey love! So sorry to hear this, it can be really hard on the parent and the child. I personally am a qualified beauty therapist and I would agree to see how she feels about it herself and I would recommend reminding her that there is nothing wrong with body hair it is completely normal and wouldn’t want her to get the wrong idea from removal! If she really does want it removed at all I would suggest shaving it for her at such a young age , I would not recommend anything such as hair removal creams or waxing as these won’t actually do much for her result wise as she is still yet to go through puberty and is really uncomfortable for kids :slightly_smiling_face: I hope this helps in some sort of way thinking of you both :two_hearts:

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Honestly you’re the parent. If she’s already feeling self conscious then help her out. Some kids are dicks and like to be bullies…


Once my daughter hit her young lady moment then I let her shave… unlucky for me my daughter started at 10 years old so she started shaving and I do the same with my young daughter

I think the lady who invented nair did so becuase her daughter at a very young age was very distressed about how dark the hair on her arms and legs was.

Honestly if her hair is dark and she’s embarrassed or uncomfortable because of it would absolutely do it. Use nair or something similar and explain that it’s only to be done when you’re with and helping her.

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She’s six. All she needs to know is all bodies are different, all bodies are beautiful but when she’s older she can choose to shave or remove hair if she prefers. Let her be little.


My daughter started when she was 6 because she was a dancer and it made her feel better. She’s 21 now and doesn’t shave at all

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6 is way to young. I’m guessing you are still making her breakfast and doing her laundry. I didn’t allow mine to shave until the were mature enough to handle it. When they could handle basic things such as laundry, keeping room clean on their own, not having to be told to shower in general. Making their own breakfast etc. Teach her to love herself and not care what others think. Don’t make her grow up to fast.


Instead of nair, try teaching her to love her body and her body hair. I want self conscious of my body hair when i was young because my grandmother taught me that it was another thing that made me different and beautiful. It wasnt until I was older and wasnt able to visit much because of distance that i started to let what other people say about me really get to me badly because my parents reinforced what they were saying, i was about 14 but had had body hair since i was 9. I would sit her down and talk to her about it and why she shouldnt be embarrassed or ashamed but give her the option.


My mom made me wait til Spring of 6th grade…after my first cycle.


Way too young. She’s not even old enough to do it own her own which is part of your answer. Junior high, not first grade.


Tf. That’s a baby still. Wait til she’s at least in middle school. Hair is natural


I’m sure she wouldn’t have even thought about the hair if she never overhead an adult close to her talking about it.


Although I think it’s too young, I remember a girl in my class being poked fun of at a young age and she was super self conscious. You’re the mom. You do what you think is best for your child


My mom started helping me shave my legs when I was 8 I had very long dark thick leg hair as well and I got picked on it for it horribly. Kids were mean back when I was in school and I’m 40 years old kids can be even worse now and if she’s self-conscious about it at 6:00 that means that somebody’s already brought it to her intention and made fun of her and made her feel a certain type of way about it. I say if she’s already questioning it and it’s giving her feelings of embarrassment just do it if it makes her feel better about herself.


I mean, we preach “our body, our choice”, so why not atleast ~listen~ to our children, re direct, and if it gets brought up again then maybe consider?

I know 6 is young, but insecurity holds us back from so much.


Nair is so harsh and on a 6 year olds sensitive skin it could very well burn or rash. I think 10 is absolutely the youngest. Sad that at 6 she can’t just be a kid. I started shaving at 11 when I started menstruating.

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Earlier you start the more fragile irritated her skin will be wen shes older and actually has a reason to remove the hair…my mom is a hair dresser and let all 3 of us girls start waxing/shaving too young, and now we all have horribly sensitive skin

I started when I was about 8 but I had lighter hair my cousin much like yours started at 6 it doesn’t really matter how old she is as different girl develop at a different rate but she must understand that if she starts is something she has to continue for a very long time. It’s fun when ur young until U gotta do it 2 times a week​:sweat_smile: just have a discussion with her and after all ur the momma and mommas always know best!:heart:

I was made fun of when I was younger and my mom made me wait. I hated it. I have a 6 year old daughter myself and I am very big on her body, her choice because I do not think it’s ever too young to start teaching them that. I wouldn’t give her a razor and say “have at it.” I would definitely talk to her more about it and come up with a solution that works for both of you.

My native American hubby is hairless. Its so strange

If she is embarrassed then help her do it. I would just make sure to keep the Nair where she doesn’t know where it is and let her know that she is not to do because it can be dangerous.


I guess I’ll be the odd ball out! You are the momma and if your baby is uncomfortable, you do what you feel is right to help her be comfortable.

Yeah, I get it, you can talk to her all you want and preach body positivity, but these kids in school are so mean now days, even at that age. So, teaching her body positivity may not make things better the least bit.


I started shaving my legs when I was around 10 or 11 then again I had fine hair on my legs so it wasn’t noticeable and also I had a huge rash I got when I was 6 and it didn’t go away till I was about 11 so I always wore pants to school kids are mean.
Personally I think 6 is young but you are her mom so do what you feel comfortable with.

I might have to start helping my 7 year old. She has been teased a couple of times by different boys. Its sad that girls have to deal with this so young.


My daughter is 7 and is very and I mean very insecure about her hair on her legs so you do what’s best momma! I remember a girl I went to school with getting bullied for that and it was awful! I myself have not started but that’s something that will prob be done sooner than later. remember you know whats best :two_hearts:

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I was in 6th grade when I considered shaving.

I definitely wouldn’t use nair. I’m sure there’s got to be a natural or chemical free hair remover. For myself, I started after my first menstrual around 12, but I wish I had waited bc it grew back thicker & faster. I remember my sister introducing me to shaving & I thought I was to young lol. Whatever your choice, have a good conversation with her about body hair, self love, etc.

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They sell a pretty gentle electric razor at Walmart for around $10. It doesn’t get super close to the skin but may help her feel better without damaging the sensitive skin on her legs. If she’s insecure now about it, I would help her in this way without introducing traditional razors or harsh chemicals. You could try and push her back until spring since winter is coming and she will likely wear pants soon, depending on where you live


My 2nd daughter (5th child) just turned 6. She’s latina, if she asked I wouldn’t but that’s just me. Still a baby imo

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Your the mom and it is your choice to decide what may be best for your girl. Not everyone else in here

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Nair can burn her skin. Shave it.

Nair has never worked bc it literally ate my skin and I continue to have sensitive skin as an adult. I would try something else if she’s that self conscious about it.

I’d wait until she was 13. Nair is harsh. Also teach her that her self worth isn’t in her appearance. You can shave her legs but what happens when she’s teased about something she can’t change?


I wouldn’t use nair at all on her. I used it when I was young and it gave me burns all over my legs after only 5 minutes!!! It was excruciating!! Get her a super gentle razor and do it for her to show her how and go from there! Good luck momma!

No way would I do shave or use Nair on a 6 year old child. I mean they grow up fast enough Anyway.


My daughter is 12, and I’ve bought her that shick intuition razor with the cream bar or whatever around the razor. She’s only asked me once to show her but she hasn’t used it since.

I shaved. I was like 11-12 I think. But some kids have to shave younger some kids do infact have more body hair and have to care for it.

Ugh so frustrating to be teased about a natural thing that human bodies do. Yes, most bodies grow some hair, male or female.


I used an electric razor as a preteen.

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My daughter is in 5th grade/10 and doesn’t shave yet, but she has very light/fine hair on her legs thats hardly visible. I remember I started around 11 or 12 ish and mine was the same. If she asks me if she can, or expressed concern about the hair, I’d probably let her. At 6 she definitely wouldn’t have needed to, but if she did and the hair was bothering her badly, I don’t see how it would hurt. I wouldn’t give her a razor, but do it yourself, or find an organic/safe hair removal cream to use, or an electric razor. You do what you’re comfortable with, your child’s comfortable with, and whatever is going to make them feel more confident (within reason, of course) as long as its safe and healthy for them. Shaving legs is harmless. My 6 yo is half Israeli, so it is possible she will need to at an earlier age, and if she does, and is self conscious about it, I’ll likely let her.

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I would find out why the hair bothers her, like is it because other kids say things or is it because it’s really thick and is uncomfortable and sweaty? Being hairy traps sweat ugh I hated the feeling of sweat suck on my legs under my uniform. Then I would do whatever made HER feel best. There is no age limit on my child’s happiness if something as simple as nair could fix it. I would do it.

Dont worry what others think, you do what is best for your child. There is nothing wrong or bad about her wanting smooth legs. I started shaving when I was 12.

Nair burns I still have scars from when I used it. But waxing a it from a spa isn’t as bad

I was in 4th grade. So 9. My older sister and her friend taught me. I have had my eyes brows waxed around that same time as they were very thick and becoming one.

If your going to do it please don’t use Nair. She’s young and Nair is extremely harsh on the skin. There is a bottle at Walmart called veets hair removal. Same concept as Nair just rubs the hair off but is for sensitive skin. I personally wouldn’t let my 6 year old but she is yours if u feel you want and need to then do so

For gods sake your child is six! Worry about teaching them to bath properly! Teach them hair is natural and will grow! The only reason that child would be self conscious is because the parents made her so.


I got my 9 year old a electric shaver about a year ago, something she can’t get hurt or cut herself with. She was VERY self conscious about her hair legs, I didn’t encourage her to shave but I wanted her to have that choice. She’s used it a handful of times. My mom also made me wait till middle school and I was also so embarrassed. I agree with the others tho about the nair, that is very harsh.

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When she gets her period or maybe 11/12.

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The flawless hair removal tool

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I already want to say yes, but have people picked on her for it? That that would be a for sure for sure right now yes.